
CUiE Ch.8: The Little Knight and a Taboo Word

Jan 10th, 2013
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  1. >You slept that night.
  2. >The first truly restful sleep you can ever recall having.
  3. >And you dreamed...
  4. >Of what?
  5. >Of peaceful days and tranquil nights, of Scootaloo in full regalia with you at her side, of happiness without end.
  6. >And then you awake quietly, the first few rays of soft sunlight filtering in to your room.
  7. >A mirthless chuckle echoes from your helmet.
  8. >Dreams and nothing more.
  9. >You swung your still armored legs over the bed.
  10. >Fluttershy still didn't understand why you never took the armor off.
  11. >You still didn't understand how you could sleep without a battle ax or other sharp instrument in her home.
  12. >The relationship between the two of you was a strange one.
  13. >But that wasn't important right now. Judging from the way the sun was hanging in the sky it was still quite early in the day.
  14. >And if you thought right...
  15. >A light rapping came from you window.
  16. >Sure enough.
  17. >Little Scootaloo pushed open the window and poked her head inside.
  18. >You had thought she would take more time in making such a heavy decision but she made it clear she wanted to become your squire.
  19. >With such determination you didn't rebuke her into taking more time.
  20. >And after you agreed you had told her to come to Fluttershy's that next morning, bright and early.
  21. >And here she was, a tad tired looking but overall excited and eager.
  23. "Good morning, Anon!"
  24. >She greeted you with a chipper voice.
  25. >You cleared your throat and turned to face her, the faceplate of your helm still down.
  26. "Oh! Right."
  27. >She bows, with her eyes closed, as best she can in the window.
  28. "Good morning, Sir Anonymous. How are you this morning?"
  29. >You nod lightly.
  30. "I am fine, Squire."
  31. >Proper etiquette was the first of her lessons.
  32. >She cracks open one of her eyes and grins.
  33. "Like that, right?"
  34. >You laugh softly.
  35. "Yes. Like that. Very good. Did you do as I instructed before you came here?"
  36. >She responds with a giddy head shake.
  37. "Yes sir, Sir Anonymous! I made sure to eat a big breakfast and stretch a lot!"
  38. >You give her a wordless nod and get up from your bed.
  39. "Meet me at the hill. I will be with you shortly."
  40. "Yes sir!"
  41. >Scootaloo bowed and scampered off while you left the room to get a light meal in the kitchen.
  42. >After a simple helping of milk and bread, with a few fresh fruits to go with it, you stepped out of Fluttershy's cottage and into the warm sunlight.
  43. >You breathed deep and tasted the mild air spilling into your helmet.
  44. >Today was going to be a, hopefully, uneventful day.
  45. >You didn't need to be fighting dragons and manticores every other day.
  46. >Your chest was still sore.
  48. >You head towards the hill to meet with Scootaloo to begin her lessons when you glance off to your left.
  49. >The...remains of the dragon were still there, partially buried after the efforts of Fluttershy and her animals.
  50. >She was...understanding of your need to slay the beast but she had refrained from speaking to you for the remainder of that night.
  51. >You hoped her mood would improve with time.
  52. >Fluttershy was...a friend. As strange as that word was to you, at least when it came to a talking equine, it was becoming truer by the day. And her giving you the silent treatment was uncomfortable.
  53. >But you couldn't be worried about her right now. You needed to focus on this training session.
  54. >Though how much could you actually teach a child-pony with no thumbs...?
  55. >Only one way to find out.
  56. >Returning your attention to this task, you look towards the hill not far in front of you.
  57. >Scootaloo is there as you had asked.
  58. >She's seated on her haunches and seemed to be staring into the middle distance.
  59. "Squire, are you well?"
  60. >You call out and the tiny pegasus visibly stiffens in surprise.
  61. "S-Sir Anonymous! You scared me."
  62. >She quickly exhales a breath to calm herself and turns around to face you.
  63. "So are we gonna start now, Sir?"
  64. "Aye, that we are."
  65. >Scootaloo grinned and sprang to her feet.
  66. >Uh, hooves, rather.
  67. >This WAS going to be a challenge.
  69. >Hours upon hours pass.
  70. >Scootaloo is a quick learner, which surprised you more than it should have.
  71. >This filly has proven she has determination in spades, after all.
  72. > The pegasus wipes the sweat from her forehead.
  73. "Man, this is harder then I thought it would be, Sir."
  74. "Aye. Training is a tiring and difficult process for a beginner. However, you are doing exceedingly well. Take a small rest, if you must."
  75. >Scootaloo gives a shake of her head, her fuchsia mane whipping back and forth.
  76. "No, I'm ok. I want to keep going."
  77. "...Very well. We'll move on to proper footwork then."
  78. >Scootaloo nods and the lessons resume.
  79. >You're quiet for a time as is Scootaloo.
  80. >It's not an uncomfortable silence but you get the feeling your squire has something to say, but is hesitant to do so.
  81. "Something on your mind, squire?"
  82. >You decide to break the slight tension for her.
  83. >Scootaloo audibly eeep's and bashfully kicks at the ground.
  84. "We-Well, I was kinda wondering... If, maybe you'd..."
  85. >She mumbled something you didn't quite catch.
  86. "Come now, speak up, girl. No need to be shy around me."
  87. >Your squire gulps nervously.
  88. "Well, could you tell me about, you know, yourself? I mean, you did say I reminded you of you... I'd like to know more, Sir."
  89. >She was curious about your past was she.
  90. >You keep the sigh building in your gut to yourself.
  91. >The past was the past and to dredge it up was pointless.
  92. >But those eyes Scootaloo was giving you...
  93. >Difficult to resist.
  94. >You roll your eyes.
  95. "...Very well. If you are truly interested I...suppose I could tell you."
  96. >The filly beams at you and trots over taking a seat in front of you.
  97. >You join her on the grass and get comfortable.
  98. >You clear your throat and--
  99. "Oh! Uh, sir? Could you...take off your helmet? Please? It's just...sometimes it's hard to hear you clearly and I don't wanna miss a word of this!"
  101. >Remove...your helm?
  102. "Squire, I don't..."
  103. >Those big, purple eyes...
  104. "Very well."
  105. >You unclasp the bindings securing the helm to the rest of the suit and pull it free from your head.
  106. >Scootaloo gasps as she sees your face.
  107. >A normal response.
  108. >After were missing an eye, the jagged scar running from the top of your forehead all the way down to your chin.
  109. >Though 'missing' might not be the right word. It was still in its socket, but it was damaged beyond repair.
  110. >Now it was just white and blank.
  111. "Sir Anonymous... I-I didn't..."
  112. "Know? Of course not. How could you? But please, squire, it is fine. I feel no...shame from this scar. It is simply...a reminder. Now, let me begin this tale. It begins in my homeland; the land of Astora..."
  114. >The story is much, much longer than you expected it to be.
  115. >Too long.
  116. >Scootaloo was...
  117. >Well, the look on her face was one of sadness and sympathy.
  118. >You...appreciated the fact that she cared.
  119. "Wow... I mean, you went through so much, Sir. I don't know how you could stand up against all that. Like when you lost your eye to...him. He was... It's just so sad. And how died."
  120. >Telling her the truth about you being Undead was perhaps the hardest thing to explain.
  121. >But she seemed to grasp the concept.
  122. "Sir, I'm...sorry I made you--"
  123. >You raise a hand and stop her from continuing.
  124. "Please squire. You did not force me. Perhaps it -is- better you know of my history."
  125. >Scootaloo nods softly, but still looks quite forlorn.
  126. "Scootaloo, please, do not dwell to deeply on my past. Think of it in this manner: had I not gone through all those hardship I never would have met you."
  127. "Well... I guess that's true."
  128. >You tussle the pegasus' mane lightly.
  129. >She giggles and nuzzles against your hand.
  130. >To see her frown and be so distraught was...unacceptable.
  131. >You always wanted to have her smiling that bright smile.
  132. "Now. Enough talk of the past, let us focus on the present. Let us resume your training."
  133. >You say enthusiastically as you rise to your feet, helmet tucked under arm.
  134. "Right! Yes, Sir!"
  135. >Scootlaoo gets to her hooves herself and--
  136. >grrrrrrughhhh
  137. >Was that?
  138. >The little filly blushes deeply and sheepishly looks towards to ground.
  139. "Ha ha. If you were hungry squire you should have spoken up."
  140. "I-I'm just a little hungry is all..."
  141. "Then we shall postpone training until our bellies are full. Does that sound acceptable?"
  142. "Yep!"
  143. >You and your smiling squire walked to Fluttershy's to procure some potations.
  145. >It was a simple but enjoyable lunch in Fluttershy's kitchen.
  146. >You did hope she wouldn't mind you rifling through her supplies and...odd ice-box contraption.
  147. "So, Scootaloo, I have told you of my past. Would you indulge me with your own tale?"
  148. >Scootaloo seems surprised by the request.
  149. "Uh... Well, I don't really have much to tell. I'm not nowhere near as old as you sir so I haven't done a lot."
  150. "Mmm. Tis true, I suppose. Perhaps I should simply ask questions, yes? So you do not have to scour your memories."
  151. "That sounds fine, sir."
  152. >But what to ask?
  153. >You didn't want to pry to deeply for fear of upsetting her but...
  154. >There were things you wanted to know.
  155. >Namely...
  156. "May I ask about your parents?"
  157. >Scootaloo is taken aback slightly by the request.
  158. >And again she looks dour.
  159. >And here you just said you hated seeing her like that.
  160. "Er... Never mind, I--"
  161. "No, it's ok, sir. You don't know so... My mommy and daddy, well, I don't know where my daddy is. And mommy Elysium.
  162. >Elysium? That sounds like...
  163. >Life was too hard on this child.
  164. "I am...sorry, Scootaloo."
  165. >That was all you could find yourself saying.
  166. >The filly shakes her head.
  167. "It's fine. I know mommy's in a better place. And...I never knew daddy so...I can't feel that bad about him. Besides I'm a big filly! I can handle stuff like this. No problem! And Miss Cheerlie takes real good care of me."
  168. >Such a brave front she put on.
  169. >Though you could tell, she wanted nothing more than to break down and cry.
  170. >A quick flashback goes through your mind.
  171. >It's you as a boy standing in front of a grave. Tears are streaming down your face, but you're doing your best to stem them. Teeth clenched and sniffling hard, your face is flushed red and hands are tightened into shaking fists.
  172. >The memory comes and goes as quickly as it arrived.
  174. >You gently shake yourself clear.
  175. >Don't...
  176. >You return your attention to Scootaloo.
  177. >The question of her parents was just one of two burning questions you had.
  178. >The second was the matter of her wings...
  179. >You had already come this far.
  180. "Another question, if I may."
  181. >Scootaloo looks at you and gives you the ok to continue.
  182. "Your you...not know how to fly?"
  183. >Her little wings flutter momentarily before folding back to her sides.
  184. "My wings...can't support my weight. I've been told I'd never be able to fly..."
  185. >Without realizing it you slam your fist down on the table.
  186. "Nonsense. Do not let anyone ever tell you that. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. If you wish to fly you simply must want it enough. With both heart and soul..."
  187. >Scootaloo is speechless after your sudden...outburst.
  188. >You look down and see your fist is trembling.
  189. >You take a deep breath and slowly release it.
  190. "My point is strive to achieve your dreams, no matter what others may tell you."
  191. "I...I understand, sir. I'll make extra-sure to ask Rainbow Dash for more training and pointers."
  192. >You quietly nod and return to eating.
  193. >Scootaloo does the same.
  194. >Internally you berate yourself.
  195. >You should have left well enough alone.
  196. >And now your squire was no doubt in a sour mood.
  197. >You need to fix that.
  198. >But how?
  199. >You couldn't teach her to fly.
  200. > Perhaps...
  201. >Yes, that could work if they are available.
  202. "Squire, would this world happen to have blacksmiths?"
  204. >The filly quickly gulps down the bit of hay in her mouth and thinks.
  205. "Uh... Yeah, there's blacksmiths. I mean, someone had to give those cool Royal Guard ponies their stuff. Why do you want to know, sir?"
  206. >You smile to yourself.
  207. >This would make for a fitting surprise.
  208. >But you don't tell right now, don't want to spoil it.
  209. "I...was simply wondering if there were any here with the skills to repair my arms and armor. That is all."
  210. >Scootaloo purses her lips and scrutinizes you.
  211. >Like she could tell you were hiding something.
  212. >But she soon goes back to being Scootaloo with a shrug and simple grunt.
  213. >You smile and think to make time to ask Fluttershy where you might find a suitable smith for your...idea.
  214. >Though now a new worry enters your mind.
  215. >How would you pay for it?
  216. >You doubted very much ponies used the souls of others as a means of currency.
  217. >And you had no physical tender but a few meager coins of copper, silver, and gold.
  218. >That would most likely not be enough, if they even did except...foreign money.
  219. >You...could perform odd jobs perhaps.
  220. >Not the most glorious of propositions for a knight but you wanted to do this for Scootaloo very much, so you'd grin and bare it if it came to it.
  221. >Raising from the table you reaffix your helmet.
  222. "I believe it is time to return to your training. Provided you've had your fill?"
  223. >The filly devours the remaining bit of food on her plate and chugs the glass of juice to her side.
  224. >Then she lets loose with a raucous belch.
  225. >A quick blush covers her cheeks as she sheepishly covers her mouth.
  226. "E-Excuse me. Heh heh heh..."
  227. >You chuckle warmly and simply pat her on the head.
  228. >The two of you return to your spot on the hill and continue from where you left off.
  229. >The next step would be weapons training.
  231. >This was a slightly easier problem to solve; you had many a dagger and short-sword.
  232. >You simply need to find the right one to suit Scootaloo.
  233. >You pulled out the Bottomless Box and rummaged through it.
  234. >Anything bigger than the broken sword hilt would most likely throw off her natural agility and balance.
  235. >Hmm...
  236. >There had to be--
  237. >Ah.
  238. >Here we are.
  239. >You pull the Parrying Dagger from the box and examine it.
  240. >Yes, this would do.
  241. >Light, perfect for thrusting and slashing attacks, and once Scootaloo had properly learned to parry this would be come a fine weapon for her.
  242. "Here you are, squire."
  243. >You carefully hand her the dagger, which she takes in her mouth just as gently.
  244. >She forms a tight bite on the daggers grip.
  245. "Ick, kinda groady-tasting, sir."
  246. >Her voice was naturally muffled with the weapon in her mouth but you understood her well enough.
  247. >Though you didn't know what groady meant.
  248. >No matter, she would get used to the, uh, taste of the weapon.
  249. >It takes Scootaloo a bit of time to adjust to the dagger in her mouth but she get the basics down easy enough.
  250. >Soon enough she's following-up with more complicated maneuvers after simple slashing and thrusting.
  251. > She's taken to the dagger quite well.
  252. >That's reassuring but, you did honestly hope she would never have to use it.
  253. >At least not until she became a little older.
  254. >No child should ever have to be forced to fight.
  256. >Another hour or so pass in a comfortable quiet.
  257. >And you can tell Scootaloo is exhausted. A light sheen of sweat adorns her tiny body.
  258. "That is enough for today, squire."
  259. >Scootaloo looks surprised and mumbles something you can't quite make out.
  260. >She stabs the parrying dagger into the ground at her hooves.
  261. "Bu-But I can still keep going!"
  262. >She pants and her tongue lolls just slight out of her mouth.
  263. "Squire, you are about to collapse. You did remarkably well for your first day."
  264. "But that's just it! You'll be...gone in a few days.
  265. >That...was true.
  266. >Maybe.
  267. >There's truly no guarantee that was going to pass, it was simply the preferred outcome.
  268. >Or, it was...
  269. >No. You...still needed to get back to Lordran.
  270. >Needed but steadily not wanted as time passed.
  271. > This land had bewitched you.
  272. >And the few, scant inhabitants you had met only deepened it.
  273. > You...were beginning to not want to go home.
  274. >You were beginning to want to stay.
  275. >Such a selfish notion.
  276. >You couldn't stay in Equestria.
  277. >You were not of their world.
  278. >You simply didn't belong, no matter how much you had grown accustomed to it.
  279. >With a light sigh you push those thoughts away from your mind and re-focus on Scootaloo.
  280. " possibly true, squire. I may be returning home in a few days time, but nothing is set in stone. I may end up staying longer then anticipated should the meeting with your princess lead nowhere."
  281. >Scootaloo gives a little, hopeful smile.
  282. "So, do not think you need to rush training. We will have time."
  283. >She bows respectfully.
  284. "Does...that mean I should head home then?"
  285. "Yes. Take the remainder of the day to...frolic if you'd like."
  286. "Frolic? Tee hee, you take funny sometimes, sir."
  287. >With a giggle Scootaloo scampers off to do...whatever it is filly children do.
  289. >As for yourself you return to Fluttershy's cottage.
  290. >To have a moment of relaxation.
  291. >You take a seat on her couch, as it's the only piece of furniture that's large enough to support you.
  292. >You merely sit and rest.
  293. >The events of the day replaying through your head.
  294. >Though they are cut short when you hear the front door creaks open.
  295. >And in trots Fluttershy messy with dirt and grass stains.
  296. >Her hooves...are tinted a light red as well.
  297. >Attending to the slain dragon, no doubt.
  298. "Oh... Hello, Anonymous."
  299. >Fluttershy is a soft-spoken as always. Perhaps more so in this moment.
  300. "Hello Fluttershy."
  301. >At least she's speaking to you now.
  302. "Are you...finished with the dragon?"
  303. >The meek pegasus lightly nods and walks past you and over to her stove. She grabs a pail from next to it, walks to her sink and begins filling it with water.
  304. >Grasping the handle in her mouth Fluttershy returns to the outside.
  305. >You choose not to follow after her, but from you spot on the couch you can hear her sniffling and huffing lightly.
  306. >Wishing the blood from her hooves must be experience.
  307. >You can't even recall the first time you had to wipe the blood from your sword.
  308. >You are grateful for the fact your faceplate is down.
  309. >You didn't want Fluttershy seeing the grimace on your face.
  310. >The front door creaks open again and with pail in mouth Fluttershy comes back in, her eyes are just slightly reddened and puffy.
  312. >You want to say something but nothing comes to mind.
  313. >And Fluttershy herself says nothing as she pass by again to return the pail.
  314. >Continuing the silence she quietly flies up to her room.
  315. "Anonymous... Could you...come up here please? I mean, if that's alright with you."
  316. >Inviting you into her bedroom?
  317. >That was...strange.
  318. >And wouldn't be proper to accept on your part.
  319. >However it sound like she wanted to talk privately and personally.
  320. >Polite manners would have to step-aside in this instance.
  321. >Rising from the couch you head up the nearby stairs to Fluttershy's bedroom.
  322. >You see she's seated at a vanity mirror, brushing her mane, as you crest the stairs.
  323. "You wish to speak to me, Lady Fluttershy?"
  324. >She stops brushing and turns to face you.
  325. "Yes... I...I'm sorry. About not talking to you. It's just...I'm not used to...death. At least not in such a violent way. But I understand you absolutely no choice but to...k-kill him. He would have done horrible things if you hadn't stopped him. Really you..."
  326. >Getting up from the mirror the pegasus trots up to you and rests a hoof against your leg.
  327. "You really are a hero, Anon."
  328. >You feel your chest tighten when you hear the word...
  329. >That word...
  330. "I hero."
  331. >The words barely escape the metal confines of your helmet.
  332. >But Fluttershy manages to hear them.
  333. "But...Anonymous you are! You beat that mean dragon! You're being a role-model to Scootaloo! You're a genuine knight! A hero!"
  334. >Your teeth clench, and you can hear your heart beat pounding in your ears.
  335. "I am no hero! Do not say that word to me!"
  336. >Your shouts echo through the small cottage.
  337. >Fluttershy's eyes widen in shock and she takes a step back.
  338. "Bu-But why? You are a hero. I'm sure Scootaloo sees you as one. do I. Why would you say you're not?"
  340. "Because...a true hero wouldn't have entertained the thoughts I have..."
  341. >Do you tell her this?
  342. >Will she understand?
  343. >Would you jeopardize this friendship?
  344. "I don't...what do you mean, Anon?"
  345. >Tell her...
  346. "Lady Fluttershy... I... I held the fate of my world in my very hands not to long ago."
  347. >She doesn't seem to grasp what you mean but remains quiet.
  348. "And in those final moments... I thought, for just an second, to let the world fall to the darkness. To just...not care anymore."
  349. "But...You didn't right? You didn't let your world down did you?"
  350. "I don't believe I did. Ultimately, I followed through with what I had come to believe in. With what I had been told I was meant to do."
  351. >A heavy sigh resounds from your helmet.
  352. "Then that proves it. You are a hero. In the end, you did the right thing. And that's what matters."
  353. "...I don't truly know if I believe that, Lady Fluttershy. I should not have even mused about the thought at all... The mere prospect of my people, my home, everything falling should have keep such thoughts away. But it did not. So, until, I can resolve these feelings about myself and my ability, please, refrain from calling me a...hero."
  354. >Quietly Fluttershy nodded and walked back towards you, again resting a hoof on you leg.
  355. "Alright, Anon. I'll respect your request but... for what it's worth I already think you care plenty about others. Scootaloo is proof enough of that."
  356. >With that the pegasus leaves you alone with your thoughts.
  357. >Thoughts of the day you might be able to call yourself worthy of the title of hero...
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