
[Prose, For Comic] Slow Sleeper (F/F Oral, Full Tour)

Mar 2nd, 2015
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  1. Inspiration from:
  3. On a low hanging cloud rests the residence of a mare with a mane as colorful as her reputation. As a valued element of Equestria, she has adventured far and wide with her friends to cure the ails of the world. Little has stopped her progress in becoming the best flier in all the lands, until recently.
  5. A brief accident with an Insomni-lilac has left her unable to sleep for days on end. Visits to the hospital have proved fruitless and her friends had little to offer in terms of help, until now. Gliding towards the floating abode is a dear friend of the blue pegasus. The soft, sleek purple body lands gracefully onto the clouds, the nimbus cushioning each step she takes towards the tall doors.
  7. Before knocking on the door, the alicorn takes a moment to tap on her horn, sparking with life. Her expression goes from curiosity to confidence as a gentle glow envelops her slim torso, fit for a princess. With a smile, she knocks firmly on the door before her.
  9. “Rainbow Dash? It's me, Twilight. Can I come in?”
  11. She presses her ear to the door, listening for signs of sound. Besides the howl of the wind behind her, she was met with silence. Twilight knocks more forcefully, accompanied by raising her voice.
  13. “Dash? You ther-”
  15. A crash and scuffling of hooves thunder from within the home as the erratic steps tumble closer to Twilight. The alicorn steps back a bit as the door swings in, revealing a very fatigued pegasus. Rainbow's eyes were bloodshot, resting on the dark, tired bags of her eyelids. Her legs wavered as she stood shakily on her hind legs, a front hoof leaning on the door knob for support. Her other free hoof shields her eyes from the noon sun, unwanted by the drowsy pony. Twilight clears her throat as she addresses her afflicted friend.
  17. “Hey Rainbow... mind if I come in?”
  19. Dash's face visibly contorts thoughtfully, processing her friend's words before giving a raspy response.
  21. “Uh, yeah, sure... come in...”
  23. Swaying out of the way, Dash stumbles to the side as the princess leaps after the pony, seeing the blue blur crash onto the floor, eyes still wide awake. Twilight offers a hoof to Dash, who laid splayed on the ground of her home, unable to get up by herself. The blue pony extends a weak hoof, to which Twilight pulls on to get her on her hooves, the athletic body easy to pull up. Giving Rainbow a side for her to lean on, Twilight motions towards Dash's bedroom as they inch towards it.
  25. “Come on Dash, I figured out a cure for you, let's get you comfortable.”
  27. With a weak smile and an eager glint in her eye, Dash hobbles towards her room, Twilight keeping up with her increased pace. Quickly slipping beneath the sheets of her bed, Dash wearily opens her forelegs in anticipation.
  29. “Alright doc, give it to me!”
  31. Twilight gives a hushed titter as she levitates the covers away from the pegasus' reach, Dash raising an eyebrow to her friend's move.
  33. “Huh?”
  35. “Oh Rainbow, it's not some medicine or anything, its a treatment!”
  37. The flier lets loose an impatient groan as Twilight circles around her, horn glowing with magic.
  39. “You see, I read a bit about those flowers you touched, and the cure involves being inside a magical creature. So I'll just shrink you down and-”
  41. Rainbow immediately recoils at the alicorn's words, falling off the side of her bed as Twilight watches her stumble towards the door.
  43. “Wait Dash, I can help you!”
  45. “No way am I going anywhe-”
  47. The sleepy pony swung her head into the door frame in a sloppy attempt to escape, her body completely lax as she grumbles in pain. Taking the opportunity, Twilight aims her spell at the disoriented pony.
  49. “This is for your own good, Dash!”
  51. A brilliant raspberry ray shoots from her glowing horn, into the prone pony. The pegasus' body vibrates with energy, as she slowly shrinks down to the size of a large apple. Seeing Dash still recovering from her accident, Twilight skips over to her friend, her mouth open, ready to receive the worn blue body.
  53. Approaching the limp body, the mare smacks her lips, measuring the saliva in her mouth. Feeling an adequate amount, she lowers her head, taking Rainbow's hind legs in her teeth as she slowly sucks on the body. The blue coat, covered in nervous sweat and bodily oil slips across Twilight's tongue, prompting an eager slurp from the pony as Dash's hind legs dangled over the entrance to the esophagus. The sudden jolt of movement brought the tiny pony back to her senses, only to feel her body fit snugly inside the mouth of her friend.
  55. “T-Twilight?!”
  57. Her friend's well-being and flavor of her body kept her concentrated on the task at hand, swallowing down more of her friend until only Dash's head poked out between the tight grip of Twlight's lips.
  59. “Oh, this sucks...”
  61. Drawing the last bits of Dash's head into the warmth of her maw, she closes her teeth gently around her friend's head, taking care to not cut off any bits of her vivid mane. Despite the muffled protests within, Twilight takes a deep breath through her nostrils as she gulps heavily at the squirming body. Vague bulges play at the entrance of her throat as she swallows down more saliva to help ease her friend downwards.
  63. Despite the natural oils that covered the shrunken pony's body, Twilight struggled to keep the feeble struggles at bay, fully concentrated on keeping her friend down. She gags a couple of times, feeling the exhausted body slowly inch up her esophagus, but the princess gulps down twice as hard to keep Dash down.
  65. Twilight pants, the shaped bulge still sitting in the dead middle of her throat. Her tongue hangs out, gasping for air as the struggle back up to her mouth was still alive. Knowing that Dash will do anything to have her way, the bookish pony steels her will as her muscular throat squeezes down hard on the wiggling form.
  67. Feeling Dash slowly slip down towards her stomach, Twilight raises her head high, tilting her nose up as the lumpy impressions on her throat become more distinct. The bumps slowly trail downwards, the alicorn's body finally taking full control of the consumption. With swallowing less of a chore, Twilight takes a hoof and feels the vague movements of Dash against the rhythmic contractions of her throat. Despite the dark chaos within her body, the feeble kicks and squirms at the base of her neck a curious pleasure to the princess. She gently presses her hoof to the movements, coaxing the body down while soaking in tiny shifts in her body.
  69. The tiny pony's struggles accelerate as Twilight feels the erratic bucking of her friend against the entrance of her stomach. The live mass twitched and turned as she slips into stomach's eager churn. The lumps disappeared one by one as Dash is deposited into the cramped digestive organ, the space just enough for the shrunken mare. The last struggles of the pegasus were drowned out by the grumble of Twilight's empty belly, as the wrinkled walls began to work away on the live pony. As her stomach secretes a slimy, magical cure, Twilight sighs a breath of relief.
  71. “Get some rest, Dash...”
  73. Patting her belly softly, she was surprised by the soft vibrations of her friend's snores. Twilight smiles to herself as she makes her way out of Rainbow's home, walking softly as not to wake her passenger. Closing the home's door behind her, she unfurls her wings as she hops off the cloud, gently gliding towards her wooden home. Touching down near her library, she makes a cursory check on her middle, her stomach still eagerly massaging the curative gel into the pegasus' body.
  75. “Hmm... I should double check that Panacea book, make sure I'm doing everything right.”
  77. Gingerly opening the door to her own home, she quietly makes her way up to her bedroom, the book in question laying on her bed, still open to the last chapter she read. Her eyes light up as she steps onto her bed, folding her legs in as she gently presses her belly into her sheets. Scanning her book, she mumbles to herself the words on the pages.
  79. “Fast for 24 hours before treatment... keep patient snug at all times... apply magic generously...”
  81. As she peruses cures for obscure diseases, she feels her belly bubble, accompanied by an odd shift in weight. Curious, she rolls on her back to see Dash's bulge barely visible on her coat once again, the bump barely under her stomach.
  83. Twilight still felt the soft snores from her friend, but the twitches and wiggles that the alicorn felt as the equine within slumbered gave her a pleasurable kick. The sensation of a live pony within the tight confines of her body piqued her interest, feeling her friend sluggishly make her way through Twilight's slimy passages. Enthralled by Dash's progress through her digestive system, she watches her body as she watches the lump disappear beneath her skin, only to appear on a different part of her middle, the sensations of a very active sleeper twist and turning away inside the skin-tight confines of her intestines. Twilight steadies her breathe as she feels her heart race, feeling every inch of her friend's journey through her fit body.
  85. Hours pass as Twilight guesses where Dash is along the digestive process from her location, whether its from seeing the lump reappear on her slim, alicorn frame, or feeling a jolt of activity from the pegasus. Eventually, Twilight felt the pony settle at the end of the journey, the familiar weight on her colon, marking the end of her enjoyment.
  87. Sighing sadly to herself, she spreads her hind legs, grunting as she feels Dash's head crown at her sphincter. Her wrinkled exit oozes the therapeutic gel from her body, her anus sputtering sloppy bits of clear slime onto her bedsheets. Rainbow slowly slides out of Twilight's puckered hole, gravity guiding her way down between the rounded cheeks of the librarian and onto the bed. Taking a moment to sigh in brief relief, Twilight shifts a bit on her bed, taking her still slumbering friend in her hooves.
  89. “Rainbow... you awake?”
  91. Shaking the pegasus proved fruitless as she continued to snore away in her grasp. Despite spending the day inside her body, Rainbow's odor was pleasant, and almost appetizing as her body's healing mucus dripped from the cyan pony. The alicorn's face goes from thoughtful concern to a mischievous grin, her horn glowing as her belly shimmers with a familiar spell from earlier.
  93. “Well... the book did say to treat until fully rested...”
  95. Quickly opening her salivating maw, she pops the greased pony in her mouth, intestinal lubrication running down her mouth as she hastily gulps down on the limp pony. The second time around was much smoother on the way down, the sleeping, slippery pegasus much easier to ingest than an awake one. Twilight's hooves feel Dash's way down as she places her fore hooves on her long neck, the sensation of the lumpy body against her taut, muscular throat as good as she remembered. As she feels the unconscious body empty into her belly once more, she looks over to her window, seeing the moon hanging in the night sky.
  97. “Seems like you'll be staying the night with me Rainbow, any objections?”
  99. Answered by the familiar soft snores, Twilight takes her dirtied sheets and changes them for a clean one, tossing the old ones to the side as she settles in for the night. Snuggling in close with a pillow against her soft body, she feels Dash's sleep kicking stronger than ever, the hours of sleep already recovering her strength. With a smile, Twilight keeps a hoof near her belly as she drifts off to sleep.
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