
Alina's Journal - September 17 2018

Sep 18th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. September 18 2018 - Yeah, yeah. I know Dextibit. It's been a while. I've been hard at work with a bunch of different things and they've gotten me... pretty much nowhere. What are you gonna do, right? You know when you get so tired you just like... stop caring about stuff? That's how I feel right now. I like when that happens because it means that you can get to sleep really quickly... and I need that right now. I've got to say that my confidence in my skills as a trainer is in the valley stage at the moment. Can't say that this is a new feeling for me... I've been out of the loop for so long I'm surprised my pokémon even hold up in this environment half the time. Well, it's not like we've fought all that many people. Jade's beaten us into the ground more times than I can count, but that's not a huge surprise. She's got a lot of issues. Or I guess I should say, they have issues. I really hope that one day I'll be able to talk to the old Jade again, but I know that girl is just a shriveled up old husk inside that empty porcelain shell. It's not her fault. No kid really wants to be a freaky deaky three headed dragon with two other people stuffed in your head, but hey. Some parents have big dreams for their children. Speaking of which, I need to figure out a couple of thoughtful gifts to get for people in the next few days. But for now, I should really crawl into Sheldon's shell and get some shuteye. It's late and I haven't been getting any sleep because of all these weird dreams I've been having. I can't ever remember what they're about, all I know is that when I wake up my heart is racing and the back of my neck is coated with a layer of sweat. I want to remember them so that maybe I can use them as inspiration for horror stories. Halloween is coming up after all! Plenty of ghouls around to use as inspiration for my work...
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