
Welcome to Gigantic, you suck.

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. --Stop jumping on 0 stamina when you're getting chased; just wait for a bit to come back and then proceed to run away or duck behind corners if you can.
  3. --Learn your hero before you play in SoloQ, go into practice or maybe 1-2 bot games so you can get a feel of the hero you want before you regret spending your Crowns on Griselma, Vadasi, Zandora, or Pakko. (Or maybe shell out 30$ if you like the game to get all heroes for life.)
  5. --Playing a melee hero, if you're chasing someone, you can Jump Attack them from behind to slow and cripple them (prevents jumping for a short time) and hopefully finish off that kill before other heroes arrive.
  7. --Learn a tank, probably The Margrave, a personal favorite.
  9. --Being F2P is pretty painful in this game, until they change how currency is earned, but then again a hero is essentially 5$ and the starter pack gives you access to 8 other heroes.
  11. --Don't summon on points you can't defend. No really, fucking don't. You'll end up giving the enemy free energy and further snowball them. If anything, just put an Obelisk on a neutral/enemy point to deny Power Orbs and to not feed monster energy.
  13. --Keep an eye on the minimap, don't be that shithead who's wandering about while your team is fighting a 4v5.
  15. --Your reticle will turn red when you're aiming at an invisible enemy like Tripp, Voden, Ramsay, or Imani. Keep that in mind when you're chasing a kill.
  17. --Bunnyhopping is gonna get you killed, stop panicking and wait for a pip of stamina to regen.
  19. --During a Rampage, look at the enemy guardian health bar, if a large pip is flashing, it will be a AUTOWOUND. When autowounds happen, you don't need to get all up close, let it happen and then reset with your team.
  21. --Try not to die during an autowound rampage, since a kill in that phase will give the enemy guardian shield and may prevent that autowound from happening.
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