
Interrogation Audiograph

Feb 27th, 2015
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  1. 17:32:28 ** You have joined #dunwallcity *
  2. 18:02:26 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  3. 18:02:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( hi ))
  4. 18:02:37 <CarlKindle> ((yooo))
  5. 18:02:44 <CarlKindle> ((okie lets do this))
  6. 18:02:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *waiting in his officE*
  7. 18:03:04 <CarlKindle> *Carl: *knocks on the office door*
  8. 18:06:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Come in.
  9. 18:07:20 <CarlKindle> Carl: *pokes his head in* Hello S-Sir. *comes in all the way and shuts the door* Ezzel s-s-said you wanted to talk to me.
  10. 18:07:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I do.
  11. 18:07:49 <CarlKindle> Carl: *shuffles to the desk*
  12. 18:07:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *stands and walks to him, placing a hand on his shoulder* Carl I wanted to ask if you were alright.
  13. 18:08:41 <CarlKindle> Carl:...Not really.
  14. 18:09:22 <CarlKindle> Carl: This is n-not an okay s-s-situation.
  15. 18:09:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Sit.
  16. 18:09:58 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods taking a seat in front of Thibaut's desk*
  17. 18:11:26 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I understand that man... Ebenezer, he was giving you a chemical in your tea?
  18. 18:12:44 <CarlKindle> Carl: That's w-what I've been told
  19. 18:14:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: You must have felt vindicated.
  20. 18:15:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: I..don't really. I t-thought it was just tea...I felt..b-b-better after drinking it but n-never thought anything of it
  21. 18:16:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I mean killing him.
  22. 18:16:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: He violated your bodily autonomy and kept secrets of your past from you deliberately hidden. You must feel good he's gone.
  23. 18:17:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: ...I w-was thinking about Alleah...he m-m-must have been trying to get to h-her. She s-seems to be the only one I trust w-who hasn't lied or betrayed me yet
  24. 18:18:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Well I don't know if that's true, but I'd like to be one of those people you can trust.
  25. 18:19:09 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Nods* T-thank you.
  26. 18:20:44 <CarlKindle> Carl: I...s-suppose I am r-r-relived he's dead...but I do not l--like killing. Even when I've h--had to
  27. 18:26:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *goes solem* I understand.
  28. 18:26:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I do not like killing either. Ever.
  29. 18:27:46 <CarlKindle> Carl: It's not s-something anyone should...
  30. 18:29:07 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *rubs the bridge of his nose* I... this is difficult...
  31. 18:29:59 <CarlKindle> Carl:....I'm s--sorry.
  32. 18:31:38 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Don't be. *smiles* You did the right thing, Carl.
  33. 18:32:39 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I'm so proud of you.
  34. 18:33:13 <CarlKindle> Carl: *small smile* Thank you s-s-sir.
  35. 18:34:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I understand that you didn't grow up with a father...
  36. 18:35:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: He...tried to kill m-my mother and I
  37. 18:36:49 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: And then she killed him.
  38. 18:37:04 <CarlKindle> Carl: Yessir
  39. 18:37:14 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: ... *stands and walks around* Stand up.
  40. 18:38:31 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
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  42. 18:39:39 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Does so*
  43. 18:39:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *hugs him*
  44. 18:40:07 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( brb ))
  45. 18:40:25 <CarlKindle> Carl: *ridged for a moment before hugging back*
  46. 18:40:39 ** GhostlyInsomniac has left * connection closed
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  54. 19:48:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( so Thibaut hugged Carl i'm back :3 ))
  55. 19:48:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: *ridged for a moment before hugging back*
  56. 19:50:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I know that.. hugging is not a common practice, but I feel that that is unfortunate.
  57. 19:50:52 <CarlKindle> Carl:'s oo-okay.
  58. 19:52:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: I'm f-fine with hugging
  59. 19:53:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *lets him go* If you aren't you can tell me and I won't do it anymore.
  60. 19:53:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I want you to be comfortable.
  61. 19:54:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: No r--really I'm fine. *smiles* That you, Sir.
  62. 19:55:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *smiles* Are you okay, then?
  63. 19:55:51 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: With how this has transpired?
  64. 19:56:03 <CarlKindle> Carl: I think I w-will be.
  65. 20:00:19 <CarlKindle> *knock on the office door*
  66. 20:01:03 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Hm? Come in.
  67. 20:01:32 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *Somes inside* SIr...I'll be ready to being my interrogation when you are.
  68. 20:08:05 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *nods* Would you like me to be there?
  69. 20:08:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Or do you prefer to work in private?
  70. 20:08:29 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: It does not matter to me. It's up to you.
  71. 20:10:01 <InkDream46> {{ *pokes head in* }}
  72. 20:12:17 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: You have experience, Ezzel, as the Abbey's interrogator. I should like to see how you work.
  73. 20:13:19 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: If anything the interrogation will be a more of a formality. See if there is anything useful. Unless him pushed physical force shouldn't be necessary.
  74. 20:14:28 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I don't want Brother Istomin on more interrogations until I have a complete record of his mental state.
  75. 20:15:10 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I was not speaking of him.
  76. 20:18:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I know, but you should know, none the less.
  77. 20:18:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Let's get to it.
  78. 20:19:03 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: We have letters linking him to Ebenezer and with Carl's witness,we put him to the crime. If he's smart he'll try and bargain.
  79. 20:20:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *raises an eyebrow* We'll see just what he can offer us.
  80. 20:20:33 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *nods* He should be already waiting in my chair. Let's go.
  81. 20:21:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: What did you do with Grigori's... whatever it was he constructed, anyway? *walking with him*
  82. 20:22:48 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Storage until we decide what to do with it.
  83. 20:25:06 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *gestures to the balcony.* This will soon behind us.
  84. 20:28:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I hope.
  85. 20:31:05 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *Heads into the room where Doc, still looking like he'd been chewed up an spit up again by the Void itself sits. Legs still banadged up and hand patched up as best as it could be.*
  86. 20:31:24 <CarlKindle> *He watches as Ezzel enters the room, twitching*
  87. 20:31:31 <CarlKindle> Doc:...You the good cop then?
  88. 20:31:58 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Unfortunately. *Removes his mask and overcoat to make himself more comfortable*
  89. 20:33:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *leans against the wall and crosses his arms* He'll be kinder to you, but don't think that means much in here.
  90. 20:35:49 <CarlKindle> Doc: No it doesn't
  91. 20:36:45 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Now then...You've already admitted to at least one count of heresy. That alone would be enough to convict you.
  92. 20:36:51 <CarlKindle> Doc: But I'm still here?
  93. 20:37:16 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Yes...Tell me everything you know about Christoph Ebenezer.
  94. 20:39:28 <CarlKindle> Doc: *quiet for a moment* I heard a commotion last night...screaming....the alarm....
  95. 20:39:41 <CarlKindle> Doc:...Ah..I doubt he let you take him alive.
  96. 20:40:32 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: What do you know about him? I found from you to him on your person. How did you two know each other?
  97. 20:41:04 <CarlKindle> Doc: Letters?..I don't remember that? Would I have? *shakes his head* He wasn't as messy as I was...
  98. 20:43:11 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I can wait.
  99. 20:44:44 <CarlKindle> Doc:...I don't think you can. *adjust himself in his seat, pain clearly written across his face* He was like me..Me and Marx found him in the..the abbey,,,thought he would be useful....but no no too messy and we should have know...
  100. 20:44:49 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Messy?
  101. 20:45:22 <CarlKindle> Doc: The women...Of course you know, he knew the oracle was onto it but could do anything...too many people would miss her....
  102. 20:47:00 <InkDream46> {{ Vanessa wants the audiograph recordings of this afterwards. }}
  103. 20:47:20 <CarlKindle> ((yes i forgot to put that in an action but yes audio grpahs )
  104. 20:47:34 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Please go on.
  105. 20:48:56 <CarlKindle> Doc: Go on? Why? He's dead right? Does it matter? *leans in his chair* Do you want to give families closure? Most of the women he killed were tramps, street rats. If they had family they didn't care about them.
  106. 20:49:20 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: You seem to know a lot about the dead women, how many were there>
  107. 20:51:10 <CarlKindle> Doc: *snorts* Before or after we recruited him?....Anyways...too many to count..if I had to try and *flinches in his seat* ..d-do the math....maybe around a *flicnhes and coughs..* Hundred or so...That Is spaced over close to 80 years..he's been around for longer..
  108. 20:52:17 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...You're in pain?
  109. 20:52:26 <CarlKindle> Doc: Start asking better question...
  110. 20:53:40 <CarlKindle> ((shit need to take a quick shower))
  111. 21:05:32 <CarlKindle> ((back))
  112. 21:06:38 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *looks at Thibaut* *We may need the physician soon*
  113. 21:07:07 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: You approached Ebenezer, you and...Carl's father, why?
  114. 21:07:32 <CarlKindle> Doc: The abbey...we needed someone to keep an eye on l--learn if you were getting too close
  115. 21:10:34 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: It seems it didn't work.
  116. 21:10:48 <CarlKindle> Doc: *grins* It worked...for 200 years it worked...
  117. 21:11:17 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...Next question then. How did you achieve such a long life?
  118. 21:12:44 <CarlKindle> Doc: *opens his mouth to say some sort of witty come back and pauses...his shoulder lurch a few times and he begings to cough* Oh..p-poo- ACK-...poor question..
  119. 21:13:48 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Damn it...Someone call the physician!
  120. 21:14:09 <CarlKindle> Doc: *the coughing an convulsions become worse.*
  121. 21:14:32 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
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  123. 21:15:32 <CarlKindle> *As they do, Ezzel and another Overseer who was totally there the whole time, go to free him from the chair. Other Overseer has a sedative in hand just in case*
  124. 21:15:51 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: No no, we still need more from you!
  125. 21:16:33 <CarlKindle> Doc: *Grins**one more jolt of his body and he's still.*
  126. 21:18:04 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
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  128. 21:18:54 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *swears loudly pulling the man from the chair about to preform CPR but the other Overseer holds him back*
  129. 21:19:28 <CarlKindle> OVerseer: Sir...what if he was poisoned? We don't know what it could do to you.
  130. 21:19:41 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *growls and stands*
  131. 21:29:16 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: ...Clean this mess up...I need to write my report
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