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Anope /nick log

a guest
Dec 15th, 2020
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  1. [Dec 15 22:58:01.951059 2020] Debug: Received: :001HCLR99 NICK TGH2 1608073081
  2. [Dec 15 22:58:01.951132 2020] USERS: Rixxan!Rixxan@[SNIPPED] (Rixxan) changed nick to TGH2
  3. [Dec 15 22:58:01.952753 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 3 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_NickAlias` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073032) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  4. [Dec 15 22:58:01.953224 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_NickCore` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073032) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  5. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959112 2020] Debug: HasExt for nonexistent type UNCONFIRMED on 0x55a46a10d728
  6. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959624 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_BotInfo` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073032) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  7. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959656 2020] Debug: Sent: :00BAAAAAF SVS2MODE 001HCLR99 +d Rixxan
  8. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959676 2020] Debug: HasExt for nonexistent type UNCONFIRMED on 0x55a46a10d728
  9. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959700 2020] USERS: TGH2!Rixxan@[SNIPPED] TGH2!Rixxan@[SNIPPED] automatically identified for group Rixxan
  10. [Dec 15 22:58:01.959922 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Fetching columns for anope_db_NickAlias
  11. [Dec 15 22:58:01.960916 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #0 for anope_db_NickAlias: id
  12. [Dec 15 22:58:01.960941 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #1 for anope_db_NickAlias: timestamp
  13. [Dec 15 22:58:01.960956 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #2 for anope_db_NickAlias: NS_NO_EXPIRE
  14. [Dec 15 22:58:01.960971 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #3 for anope_db_NickAlias: last_quit
  15. [Dec 15 22:58:01.960985 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #4 for anope_db_NickAlias: last_realhost
  16. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961000 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #5 for anope_db_NickAlias: last_realname
  17. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961014 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #6 for anope_db_NickAlias: last_seen
  18. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961029 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #7 for anope_db_NickAlias: last_usermask
  19. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961043 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #8 for anope_db_NickAlias: nc
  20. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961057 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #9 for anope_db_NickAlias: nick
  21. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961072 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #10 for anope_db_NickAlias: time_registered
  22. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961086 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #11 for anope_db_NickAlias: vhost_creator
  23. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961100 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #12 for anope_db_NickAlias: vhost_host
  24. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961114 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #13 for anope_db_NickAlias: vhost_ident
  25. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961128 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #14 for anope_db_NickAlias: vhost_time
  26. [Dec 15 22:58:01.961142 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #15 for anope_db_NickAlias: del_flag
  27. [Dec 15 22:58:01.962525 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for INSERT INTO `anope_db_NickAlias` (`id`,`NS_NO_EXPIRE`,`del_flag`,`last_quit`,`last_realhost`,`last_realname`,`last_seen`,`last_usermask`,`nc`,`nick`,`time_registered`,`vhost_creator`,`vhost_host`,`vhost_ident`,`vhost_time`) VALUES (1,'1',NULL,'Quit: I\'m outta here!','Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','1608073081','Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','Rixxan','1601077480','[SNIPPED]','[SNIPPED]',NULL,'19') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `NS_NO_EXPIRE`=VALUES(`NS_NO_EXPIRE`),`del_flag`=VALUES(`del_flag`),`last_quit`=VALUES(`last_quit`),`last_realhost`=VALUES(`last_realhost`),`last_realname`=VALUES(`last_realname`),`last_seen`=VALUES(`last_seen`),`last_usermask`=VALUES(`last_usermask`),`nc`=VALUES(`nc`),`nick`=VALUES(`nick`),`time_registered`=VALUES(`time_registered`),`vhost_creator`=VALUES(`vhost_creator`),`vhost_host`=VALUES(`vhost_host`),`vhost_ident`=VALUES(`vhost_ident`),`vhost_time`=VALUES(`vhost_time`)
  28. [Dec 15 22:58:01.963703 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for INSERT INTO `anope_db_NickAlias` (`id`,`NS_NO_EXPIRE`,`del_flag`,`last_quit`,`last_realhost`,`last_realname`,`last_seen`,`last_usermask`,`nc`,`nick`,`time_registered`,`vhost_creator`,`vhost_host`,`vhost_ident`,`vhost_time`) VALUES (1187,'1',NULL,NULL,'Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','1608073081','Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','TGH2','1607713510','[SNIPPED]','[SNIPPED]',NULL,'140629143658193') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `NS_NO_EXPIRE`=VALUES(`NS_NO_EXPIRE`),`del_flag`=VALUES(`del_flag`),`last_quit`=VALUES(`last_quit`),`last_realhost`=VALUES(`last_realhost`),`last_realname`=VALUES(`last_realname`),`last_seen`=VALUES(`last_seen`),`last_usermask`=VALUES(`last_usermask`),`nc`=VALUES(`nc`),`nick`=VALUES(`nick`),`time_registered`=VALUES(`time_registered`),`vhost_creator`=VALUES(`vhost_creator`),`vhost_host`=VALUES(`vhost_host`),`vhost_ident`=VALUES(`vhost_ident`),`vhost_time`=VALUES(`vhost_time`)
  29. [Dec 15 22:58:01.963750 2020] Debug: Sent: :00BAAAAAF SVS2MODE 001HCLR99 +r
  30. [Dec 15 22:58:29.702921 2020] Debug: Received: :001HCLR99 NICK TGH52 1608073109
  31. [Dec 15 22:58:29.703000 2020] USERS: TGH2!Rixxan@[SNIPPED] (Rixxan) changed nick to TGH52
  32. [Dec 15 22:58:29.703856 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 3 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_NickAlias` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073081) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  33. [Dec 15 22:58:29.704440 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_NickCore` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073081) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  34. [Dec 15 22:58:29.705842 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for UPDATE `anope_db_NickAlias` SET `timestamp` = FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073109) WHERE `id` = 301
  35. [Dec 15 22:58:29.707955 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for UPDATE `anope_db_NickAlias` SET `timestamp` = FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073109) WHERE `id` = 512
  36. [Dec 15 22:58:29.709078 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for UPDATE `anope_db_NickAlias` SET `timestamp` = FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073109) WHERE `id` = 1108
  37. [Dec 15 22:58:29.709838 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for SELECT * FROM `anope_db_BotInfo` WHERE (`timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1608073081) OR `timestamp` IS NULL)
  38. [Dec 15 22:58:29.709927 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Fetching columns for anope_db_SeenInfo
  39. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710672 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #0 for anope_db_SeenInfo: id
  40. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710698 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #1 for anope_db_SeenInfo: timestamp
  41. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710713 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #2 for anope_db_SeenInfo: channel
  42. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710728 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #3 for anope_db_SeenInfo: last
  43. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710743 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #4 for anope_db_SeenInfo: message
  44. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710757 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #5 for anope_db_SeenInfo: nick
  45. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710772 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #6 for anope_db_SeenInfo: nick2
  46. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710787 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #7 for anope_db_SeenInfo: type
  47. [Dec 15 22:58:29.710801 2020] Debug: m_mysql: Column #8 for anope_db_SeenInfo: vhost
  48. [Dec 15 22:58:29.711804 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for INSERT INTO `anope_db_SeenInfo` (`id`,`channel`,`last`,`message`,`nick`,`nick2`,`type`,`vhost`) VALUES (0,NULL,'1608073109',NULL,'TGH52','TGH2','2','Rixxan@[SNIPPED]') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `channel`=VALUES(`channel`),`last`=VALUES(`last`),`message`=VALUES(`message`),`nick`=VALUES(`nick`),`nick2`=VALUES(`nick2`),`type`=VALUES(`type`),`vhost`=VALUES(`vhost`)
  49. [Dec 15 22:58:29.713030 2020] Debug: SQL-live got 0 rows for INSERT INTO `anope_db_NickAlias` (`id`,`NS_NO_EXPIRE`,`del_flag`,`last_quit`,`last_realhost`,`last_realname`,`last_seen`,`last_usermask`,`nc`,`nick`,`time_registered`,`vhost_creator`,`vhost_host`,`vhost_ident`,`vhost_time`) VALUES (1187,'1',NULL,NULL,'Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','1608073109','Rixxan@[SNIPPED]','Rixxan','TGH2','1607713510','[SNIPPED]','[SNIPPED]',NULL,'140629143658193') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `NS_NO_EXPIRE`=VALUES(`NS_NO_EXPIRE`),`del_flag`=VALUES(`del_flag`),`last_quit`=VALUES(`last_quit`),`last_realhost`=VALUES(`last_realhost`),`last_realname`=VALUES(`last_realname`),`last_seen`=VALUES(`last_seen`),`last_usermask`=VALUES(`last_usermask`),`nc`=VALUES(`nc`),`nick`=VALUES(`nick`),`time_registered`=VALUES(`time_registered`),`vhost_creator`=VALUES(`vhost_creator`),`vhost_host`=VALUES(`vhost_host`),`vhost_ident`=VALUES(`vhost_ident`),`vhost_time`=VALUES(`vhost_time`)
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