

Jun 20th, 2017
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  3. < AXIS - BASIC INFO >
  5. —full name: shin jiu (신지우)
  6. —nickname(s):
  7. ◦ yooyoo — a cute nickname taken from her name)
  8. ◦ jiji — yet another cute nickname
  9. ◦ queen of jeju — a joke made by the other members because she is very proud of her jeju roots
  11. —dob (date of birth): january 1, 1996
  12. —age: 21
  14. —nationality: korean
  15. —ethnicity: korean
  17. —faceclaim: dawon of wjsn
  18. —backup faceclaim: zuny of ladies code
  20. < MARS - MORE DETAIL >
  22. —slot: the stone-faced leader
  23. —backup slot: —
  25. —personality description:
  26. ◦ jiu is awkward, to put it simply. while she may have a pretty face that would often lead people to think she is flowing with bubbly energy, she is the exact opposite. she's very introverted and doesn't really stick out in a crowd, and often times has trouble speaking up for herself and others. social interaction is definitely one of her weak points, for when she tries to talk she either ends up stuttering or going "i'm gay" when people ask her how she is (she wanted to respond with great and okay, and well– that happened). she doesn't really understand other people's emotions very well, and if someone is crying her idea of comforting is giving them a stiff pat and saying "there there." off stage she is a pretty big klutz, often stepping on strangers toes, or accidentally bumping into someone. she always somehow manages to find herself in a horrible situation, whether it be her own fault or one of the band mates' fault, causing her to have to fix the situation due to her position as leader (which doesn't always turn out well, once vanilla hit an old lady bc she thought it was chai and jiu tried to apologize for vanilla, but only got cursed out by the old lady and told to go "learn to speak properly, you heathen." let's just say vanilla laughed and called jiu a heathen for a month straight).
  27. ◦ jiu is also pretty dense. while she is incredibly book smart, a lot of things tend to fly over her head, especially when they are directed at her. she tends to act like an old lady a lot, not one to understand the latest trends and slang (no joke she spent five hours trying to find out what a dab was. vanilla bullied her for that). due to her being a complete blonde half of the time, she makes for an easy target, becoming the center of the group's teasing.
  28. ◦ despite being the world's biggest introvert that doesn't like confrontation, if the right person comes along and pisses her off (dom) she can become very bitter and has a quick tongue, something that surprises the other members. this, however, doesn't mean she still doesn't get flustered when dealing with someone who pissed her off, especially if it's someone who is naturally quick-witted. it backed into a figurative (or literal) corner by said type of person, she will become very flustered, turning back to her usual, awkward self.
  29. ◦ despite not really understanding people's feelings, being a horrible talker, and the least graceful person in the universe both physically and verbally, she still tries her very best to be a good leader for the group. she puts them before herself and will try to take punishment if it means the rest get a lighter sentence. her flawless aegyo onstage reigns high above her forced aegyo off-stage, for she tries to be cute to fit into the group's concept, but only causes the rest of the group to receive a cringe attack. she's tries to fix her weaknesses as a leader constantly, being one who is always up for self-reflection. she puts all of herself into performing and trying to be the best leader, doing so because she can't really put herself into understanding the other members' emotions, or even her own for that matter. and even though it seems that her entire being isn't enough to perfectly lead the group, she is thankful for the help of chai who always allows her to have a level head and not freak out every time she is supposed to speak for the group.
  32. —birthplace: jeju, south korea
  33. —hometown: jeju, south korea
  35. —background:
  36. ◦ she grew up with her father not being around often, him constantly away for work. that doesn't mean that he was a bad father, in fact he was a great one. jiu's love for her father runs deep, and despite him being away often she managed to create a deep bond with him. this bond caused her to pick up many traits from him, them mostly being his awkward and cringy, try hard personality.
  37. ◦ jiu fell in love with music because of her brother. he learned how to play the guitar at a young age and she would always sit and listen to him. at 7 years old, he taught her how to play the instrument. her love for the guitar was instant, and she would lug her brother's huge guitar everywhere, leading her to fall over because it was so big sometimes. as she grew she still continued to love music. her brother would often take her to the closest plaza, where a young man would often sit and sing. joy & her brother jiho would spend hours sitting there, listening to the young boy play his instrument. she was always jealous of the guy, seeing how passionate he was about playing, and wanted to be that passionate one day. as she grew into a young lady, her love for music continued to stay. she had no vocal training, and yet she had one of the most beautiful voices her family had ever heard. she was naturally gifted. her father encouraged her love for music while her mother despised it, claiming that she needed to focus on school because it would ensure her a proper job, not her old guitar and her voice.
  38. ◦ when she told her dad she wanted to pursue a singing career, he encouraged it, telling her to go for her dreams. her mother didn't want her to though, but jiu already having a rocky relationship with her disapproving mother went against her word, and with her brother & father's help she flew to seoul to audition at a company. thankfully her dad had a small apartment there for work, so she was able to stay with him for the time being. the first company rejected her, but jiu was determined. she wanted to show her mom that she could achieve her dream and be financially stable, so she went to korea's got talent where she was scouted for plan a. she immediately signed, and soon debuted.
  41. —languages spoken:
  42. ◦ korean — fluent
  43. ◦ thai — conversational, being taught by rina and chai
  45. —family members:
  46. ◦ moon jimin / mother / stay at home mom / 2
  47. ◦ shin youngbae / father / government worker / 56 / 5
  48. ◦ shin jihye / older sister / 28 / cosmetologist / 3
  49. ◦ shin jiho / older brother / 22 / translator / 5
  51. —habits:
  52. ◦ moving her leg when she has been still for too long
  53. ◦ chewing on her finger
  54. ◦ when anxious or nervous she will slide her sleeves over her arms and make sweater paws
  55. ◦ sleep talking
  57. —hobbies:
  58. ◦ playing guitar hero
  59. ◦ playing her old guitar
  60. ◦ reading — she loves reading a lot
  61. ◦ brushing her hair — she does that constantly in her free time
  63. —likes:
  64. ◦ the beach
  65. ◦ airplanes
  66. ◦ tanning
  67. ◦ topp dogg
  68. ◦ american music
  69. ◦ playing video games with her older brother
  70. ◦ cats, but sadly she is allergic
  71. ◦ spicy foods
  72. ◦ sea food
  73. ◦ her old guitar
  75. —dislikes:
  76. ◦ pickles
  77. ◦ snakes
  78. ◦ thunder storms
  79. ◦ being ridiculed
  80. ◦ cheaters
  81. ◦ boats — she likes the ocean, but she does not like being on a boat
  82. ◦ people in her personal space
  84. —talents/trivia:
  85. ◦ she can make a clover with her tongue
  86. ◦ she can play the guitar
  87. ◦ she is allergic to cats
  88. ◦ she is good at climbing trees
  89. ◦ she is very very proud of her jeju roots and let's everyone know
  90. ◦ she really really loves toppdogg with all her heart and jenissi is her bias
  91. ◦ she cried when jenissi left toppdogg
  92. ◦ she really wants to live in China or LA
  93. ◦ she hates apple juice, but not apples
  94. ◦ she is a buddhist
  95. ◦ she is kinda big on the whole zen thing, she has infusers in her room, those himalayan rock lamps, and often listens to relaxing music (she gets bullied for it)
  96. ◦ was a contestant on korea's got talent before signing with plan a entertainment
  97. ◦ she named her guitar steve
  98. ◦ she didn't have any dance experience before becoming a trainee, but she improved drastically, earning her a dance title after debut
  99. ◦ jiu is really serious about winning versus because she couldn't bear to see her mom's disappointed face. jiu really wants to show her mom that she can achieve her dream and live securely.
  103. —stage name: nova (노바)
  104. —stage persona:
  105. ◦ while her personality doesn't fit the group, she manages to become a different person on stage. she is full of smiles, sparkling eyes, cheesy winks (that make the other members cringe), and a bubbly aura that would make anyone who knows her look twice and wonder what she did with the real shin jiu
  107. —audition song and dance:
  108. ◦ sang "one" by shinee
  109. ◦ danced to "marble soda" by shawn wasabi
  111. —why did you choose the company you're at?
  112. ◦ she originally went out for starship, but was turned down because they claimed her vocals were lacking. so instead she went onto korea's got talent, where she was discovered by a representative of plan a. there she was asked to be a trainee at the company and ultimately agreed to do so, leaving korea's got talent and becoming a trainee under the same company that debut the successful apink.
  116. —idol relations/relatives: —
  118. —requested scenes:
  119. ◦ aegyo competition and the group is yelling at jiu to take this seriously even if she doesn't like aegyo and she goes very good
  120. ◦the girl groups go do some like girl thing like the mall or something
  121. ◦ the other members making fun of jiu because she find the twins of axis really attractive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  122. ◦ cooking challenge and jiu sucking even though she is supposed to be the "mom" of the group
  123. ◦ dom keeps harassing her and she wants to fucking beat him up but she gets super flustered because he is so handsome
  125. —song requests:
  126. ◦ happy by wjsn
  127. ◦ a-ing by omg
  128. ◦ shooting love by laboum
  129. ◦ hwi hwi by laboum
  130. ◦ oh no no by clc
  131. ◦ liar liar by omg
  133. —fanclub name:
  134. ◦ jewels
  135. —fanclub color:
  136. ◦ garnet red
  138. —why do you want to join?
  139. —why should I pick you?
  140. —note to the author: rip shin & hello nova. i added a few things to her likes, dislikes, trivia, etc. i also changed her stage name to nova and gave her a new faceclaim. i just really love dawon, but if you would rather have zuny then i'm okay too, i just like dawon bc she looks approachable and that's how i imagine jiu, one who seems approachable but is really the worst person to approach.
  142. —anything else? not that i can think of
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