
New CommandLogSystem

Jan 4th, 2020
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  1. command /css [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: sk.admin
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is "on":
  5. if {css::*} do not contain player:
  6. send "%{design}%&ecssをONにしました。"
  7. add player to {css::*}
  8. else:
  9. send "%{design}%&c既にONです。"
  10. if arg-1 is "off":
  11. if {css::*} do not contain player:
  12. remove player from {css::*}
  13. send "%{design}%&ecssをOFFにしました。"
  14. else:
  15. send "%{design}%&c既にOFFです。"
  16. if arg-1 is "log":
  17. loop {log::*}:
  18. send "%loop-value%" to player
  19. if arg-1 is "resetlog":
  20. delete {log::*}
  21. send "%{design}%&eログを消しました。"
  22. if arg-1 is "design":
  23. if arg-2 is set:
  24. set {design} to coloured arg-2
  25. send "ロゴを%coloured arg-2%&fに設定しました。"
  26. else:
  27. send "&e文字を設定してください"
  28. if arg-1 is "help":
  29. send "&e-----------HELP-------------"
  30. send "&a/css on/off &fon/offを切り替え"
  31. send "&a/css log &fログを表示"
  32. send "&a/css resetlog &Fログを消去"
  33. send "&a/css design <ロゴ> &fロゴを設定します"
  34. send "&a/css ver &fアップデート内容を表示します。"
  35. send " &ever:3.3 "
  36. send "&e----------------------------"
  37. if arg-1 is "check":
  38. send "&a現在CssをONにしてるPlayer"
  39. send "&e%{css::*}%"
  40. if arg-1 is "ver":
  41. send "&aver3.3 の変更点"
  42. send "サーバーへの負担を軽減しました。"
  43. send "バグの修正"
  44. on command:
  45. if sender is player:
  46. add "&a&L>> &7%now% &e%player% &7/%full command%" to {log::*}
  47. set {command} to full command
  48. send "%{design}% &7%player% &7&l>>&7 /%{command}%" to {css::*}
  49. set {command} to ""
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