
Jackson V AEG Update May 14th

May 21st, 2012
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  1. May 14th update
  3. Continued from
  6. - Mrs Jackson' also has been deposed for 3 days and her deposition is mentioned as "not finished".
  8. - Mrs Jackson's lawyers argue that AEG has until August 13 discovery cut off date to depose anyone and ongoing depositions do not warrant a delay in trial dates.
  10. - Opposition document includes mention of several depositions: Gongaware will be deposed by Katherine's lawyers next week (between May 21 -25). Katherine's lawyers also want to depose Dan Beckerman and Michael Roth from AEG. Deposition dates for Beckerman and Roth is still being discussed among the parties.
  12. - AEG has 4 depositions set up for this week (between may 14- 18) as well. Those are Jermaine Jackson, Dr. Arnold Klein, Debbie Rowe and Trent Jackson.
  14. - AEG lists Michael's medical records as a reason for delay as well. After the Murray case was over and the court allowed Michael's medical records, the documents show that Michael's medical records is mainly limited to last 3 years (starting from June 25, 2006) and Estate lawyers (Weitzman's office) is reviewing and redacting (irrelevant private information) medical documents before they send it out to the parties.
  16. - AEG also states that the motion for protective order (ability to mark documents as confidential) has caused delays. AEG also states that expert discovery has not started.
  18. Mrs Jackson's lawyers asks the court to deny AEG's request to delay the trial dates. They also states that even if court agrees to delay the trial dates, court should keep the date to file summary judgement the same.
  19. Mrs Jacksons lawyers cite California Code of Civil Procedure 36 (b), 36 (f) which states a party to a civil case who is under the age of 14 must be granted a trial date within 120 days unless the court finds the party does not have a substantial interest in the case as a whole. Katherine's lawyers state that as Blanket is 10 years old, he fits to this requirement.
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