
>> Lesta Nediam LNC2015-01-03 2140 +Adam Moyer

Jan 3rd, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-01-03 2140 +Adam Moyer
  4. __
  7. +Adam Moyer __ Good video - I don't get a lot of opportunity to watch your videos but when I do you always make cogent points. *The entire "flat Earth" topic can serve a number of roles.* The idea that the Earth is bigger than we are told is an appealing one but ultimately could be a misdirection since it can potentially be checked and verified/rejected. It is my understanding that the lie system we were all born into does not make false claims that can be checked and verified/rejected by any individual. And so IF we are told something about the Earth's alleged size and IF it is possible for us to actually check/verify it then it won't be lied about. The same applies to distances between locations etc.
  9. I say that because there is one thing I am not hearing from many (make that _anyone_) but it should be the most obvious thing to occur to both flat Earth folk as well as "normal people" *and that has to do with the amount of officially acknowledged land.*
  11. From an early age we are told that the Earth is mostly water - that 71% of the Earth's "surface" is water. _Well maybe that isn't accurate._ *What if it's closer to 70%?* *There could be a LOT of hidden land and 1% is just a starting point.*
  13. Having "hidden land" would *certainly explain* why *ALL* of the alleged images of "Earth from space" are *indistinguishable from CGI.*
  15. As I say, the flat Earth topic can serve many roles/agendas. It can help to further alienate "conspiracy theorists" from "normal people" (and eventually lead to a situation where "truth talk" is considered a form of "hate speech" and forbidden online). Amongst "normal people" it helps to bolster belief and trust in "NASA" (on that note: "NASA" have *never* provided us with "sufficient proof" of a permanent micro/zero gravity environment - _which is what the alleged "ISS" purports to be_ - by way of sustained duration genuine zero gravity that is free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans). The flat Earth topic can keep people misdirected and "fascinated" ("entranced"), invested in the wrong things and in pursuit of
  17. It is interesting that YouTube gives us detailed video statistics with regard to how much TIME an audience has watched a video (and how many minutes on average a person watches). It seems that YouTube is a solution to the problem of "continually filling in the spare time of a person despite changing fads and interests so as to shepherd them from ever stumbling onto the necessary ideas that would make self-evident the fact everyone is being farmed".
  19. Simply put, day-to-day people have "X amount of spare time" each day and over weeks, months and years there are fads and interests that come and go (that can vary between countries and languages). The platform that YouTube provides is a solution to staying ahead of this (by being the "environment" within which these fads/interests flare up and later dissipate).
  21. If that person is having their spare time focused on USELESS *dead-ends* then the lie system has nothing to worry about from that person. YouTube offers enough variation so a person remains forever focused on irrelevant things.
  23. It may have been determined that so long as enough of that person's spare time can be filled in each day *a person will never - _not even accidentally_ - stumble upon the right "conspiracy ideas" that cause him or her to become aware of the lie system etc.* And should a person stumble upon "conspiracy ideas" then they need to be taken on a journey that goes absolutely nowhere (the appearances of moving forward when in reality going backwards or remaining at a standstill). That is where the people you are talking about could fit in. *It sure would be nice to polygraph the people who ASSERT that the Earth IS/MUST be flat just to see if that really is the case for them.*
  25. There are certainly a lot of strange things. I have always thought magnets are bizarre - just how the f_kc can something float in the air! and so it should come as no surprise when I say that "gravity" is a thousand times more bizarre than magnets!
  27. I think that "ships over the horizon" *could* have an alternate explanation and not solely be explained as being hidden by the Earth's alleged "curvature". After all, if enough alleged "curvature" can hide a f_kcing boat from our view _with our naked eyes_ *then why the f_kc can't we **_ever_** see **_any_** of that curvature in any other way* (even _with_ the benefit of telescopes or anything else)?!
  29. Boats over the horizon *could* be a kind of *reliable optical illusion* whereby beyond a certain distance the water/atmosphere functions like a mirror and hides what's there - _but for the love of crikey do not quote me on that!_ - the only point I am making is that if it is "curvature" that is hiding the boat then it is most curious we cannot perceive that very same "curvature" *any other way* except by looking at f_kcing boat that is off in the distance!
  31. And then there is the fact we all *believe* that the Earth we are standing on is actually in motion as it allegedly "rotates" (on an "axis") each "day" and allegedly "orbits" the Sun as it does so and so on and so forth (and all the while the Sun is allegedly orbiting something else!). And despite all of these various kinds of necessarily movement *we feel absolutely none of it.* In fact - it's worse than that - not only don't we feel anything - there *IS NO MOVEMENT!* Because we can literally balance a pin on its head for an entire millennia without it *ever* falling over due to any of the Earth's alleged movement. *Yet apparently a "Foucault Pendulum" is constantly reacting to this "alleged movement" of the Earth!* Doesn't the poor f_kcing pin know it's in motion?! The ignorant and stupid (but carefully balanced) pin remains standing up and only falls over if there happens to be the tiniest and slightest of air disturbances.
  33. And we are given this belief about the Earth's movement by story tellers whom we trust would never lie to us as they farm us like cattle and crops. The instant we *believe* that the Earth really is moving *despite* it defying our senses we fracture our minds and create a category in our head for *"things that seem false but are accepted as true".* When that category is made any lie can get shoved in there because a lie can take two forms: 1) things that seem true and are accepted as true and 2) things that seem false but are accepted as true. << Both can be lies.
  35. I know I am wandering from where I began so I'll wrap this up.
  37. Despite these oddities I don't think we can discard the "ball Earth" because the "ball Earth" model gives us many reliable predictions about past, present and future "astronomical observations/events". Until there is a "flat Earth" model that yields equally reliable predictions it is folly to reject the ball Earth. (As I say, if the flat Earth model is correct then isn't it strange that it is a ball Earth model that can give us reliable predictions despite it being wrong [in this example] whereas the flat Earth model [which in this example would be correct] is useless at showing us where the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars will be at 7am in a decade's time.)
  39. And that brings me back to where I started. *It seems far more likely to me that there is hidden land.* *That there is hidden land would better explain the fact everything we are shown from "space" appears indistinguishable from CGI because if there is hidden land then that would necessarily be the case.*
  41. I think it is a sweet trap to have us waste endless amounts of time thinking that the reason we are shown only CGI is because, _"they are hiding a flat Earth"._ *I think the more likely explanation is because to show us what it really looks like would reveal any hidden land if it exists and would constitute "sufficient proof". And if we were to be shown sufficient proof with one claim or event then we can form an expectation of seeing it with other claims and events.*
  43. The way to farm people is through belief (belief control) and the way to influence people's beliefs is to have them accept events and claims on the appearances of proof rather than actual proof. Once a person believes something to be true they will then use their own natural intelligence to come up with "plausible explanations" to explain away any oddities/anomalies that should cause a person to doubt their belief (what I call "doubt suppression training"). And besides, perhaps the most effective way to convince anyone of anything is to have each person come up with the ideas for themselves (so it seems like it "came from within" and wasn't an external manipulation). All of this just further reinforces the beliefs that were founded on trust and proof's appearances.
  45. _Anyway, I got a bit carried away and that will do._
  47. I mostly just wanted to say good one!
  51. __________________________________________
  52. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  55. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  58. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  61. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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