
The FATED #florajojo 4/30/2017

Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Last time, as the fight between Pirrue and Gambino (Todo?) was beginning to wrap up, the fight with the Duran twins raged on! As the Might-Be-Giant belonging to Dum Duran stands up, rearing back to attack Alias, new vines suddenly spring from the buds on it, as well as the broken vines from the twins' car!
  4. DetectiveCaillou|GM: VS MBG (& Duran Dum): [Seeded][!]
  5. DetectiveCaillou|GM:
  6. DetectiveCaillou|GM: VS They Might Be Giants: [Disliked]
  7. DetectiveCaillou|GM:
  8. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now it's Jack's turn, then the twins, and then finally the players get to do something! XP)
  9. Alias: (Jack may be able to set Alias up for ULTIMATE DAMAGE)
  10. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Free actions are still okay, though. XD)
  11. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh, wait, Jack already went:)
  12. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Dee, then Dum.)
  13. Alias: (Did Jack go already?)
  14. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Dee: "Agh, we need to stop screwing around! Take this!"
  15. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (He [Disliked] the other giant as you wrapped him up.)
  16. Alias: (Oh, so two disliked giants)
  17. Alias: (Also, I am Alias)
  18. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Right, right. Your new avatars are throwing me off.)
  19. Tinncev: (And I'm Tinncev)
  20. Tinncev: (Floraverse has a new Discord chat)
  21. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The giant that stood over the car initially runs around and leaps into the air for a body slam against Alias!
  22. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5-1
  23. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5-1 for 7 [4df = [+][+][+][ ]]
  24. Alias: (This is worrying)
  25. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Hint; you do *not* want to get hit by *this* WC. XD)
  26. Alias: _Angry Young Man moves to intercept the giant trying to body slam Alias, trying to block him forcefully._
  27. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Is that giving up the created advantage?)
  28. Alias: (Can he hold on to the car?)
  29. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And defend at the same time? Kinda tricky.)
  30. Alias: (Well. Shit. Alias is likely to be shafted hard unless he gets a ++++ AND spends Tinncev's thing)
  31. Alias: (I sadly see no other option, and I feel like the Dice Gods will do their best to get Alias one-shot)
  32. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll, then. A ++++ is still wonderful.)
  33. Alias: _Alias sees this attack coming, and tries to the best of his abilities to evade this attack, the odds are against his favour, however, not being as quick as his stand or as strong._
  34. Alias: !Roll 4df+2
  35. DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+2 for -1 [4df = [-][ ][-][-]]
  36. Alias: (Like I said)
  37. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Reroll?)
  38. Alias: (Sure, but I can only get Tinncev's thing to help me, right?)
  39. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Maybe not? (Tinncev's thing is against the other giant.) I mean, if you can classify something in the environment to your benefit as an aspect, then go ahead and spend FATE.)
  40. Alias: (Whelp. Alias just got one-shot)
  41. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Not taking that (6) Major Consequence?)
  42. Alias: (How much is his WC?)
  43. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (3.)
  44. Pirrue: (well, considering a Severe consequence hangs around for a *while*)
  45. Pirrue: (it depends on how badly you want to win this fight XD)
  46. Pirrue: (but then)
  47. Pirrue: (we did establish you can power your way through consequences, as per shonen idiom)
  48. Alias: (Then... 7+1...+3...)
  49. Alias: ( that's 11 stress)
  50. Alias: (Right?)
  51. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... Well then.)
  52. Alias: (Alias *literally* can't absorb this damage)
  53. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Man, things going unexpectedly never feels good, even apparently when it's in *my* favor. XP)
  54. Pirrue: (well, it's not in your favor XD)
  55. Pirrue: (the plan is to give the players a good fight, but ultimately for them to win)
  56. Pirrue: (if you're crushing the players and they're not *supposed* to be crushed, well. ^_^; )
  57. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Anyways.)
  58. DetectiveCaillou|GM: SLAM! Alias is pinned to the ground! Neither he nor the giant can do anything at this point, and Angry Young Man is still busy holding up the car!
  59. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (That's me cutting a lot of slack by taking Dee's Stand out of the fight and letting you keep the advantage against Dum.)
  60. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Speaking of Dum. (Sorry, lots of distractions.)
  61. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Dum Duran attempts to make his way out of the car while his Stand is pinned down, swearing all the way.
  62. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (He needs a 2 to succeed, but Alias's advantage is working against him.)
  63. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  64. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [-][-][+][+]]
  65. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (That's a 3, but it could be a 1 with that invoke.)
  66. Alias: (Is this for <@!Tinncev> ?)
  67. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (No, you. Angry Young Man was holding up the car.)
  68. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (That's part of my 'slack', remember?)
  69. Alias: (Well, okay, then use the invoke)
  70. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright.)
  71. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Urgh!" Dum Duran slams himself against the door, but between that, and the odd weakness he's feeling, he can't do it!
  72. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now he has to roll to keep that "strange weakness" from giving him stress (wink wink Tinncev).)
  73. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  74. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 2 [4df = [-][+][-][ ]]
  75. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ooh, a tie. <@!Tinncev>, spend the free invoke you have to get the 1 stress on him, or leave it for a boost?)
  76. Tinncev: (How many free invokes do I have?)
  77. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (One; the vines on his giant.)
  78. Tinncev: (Oh nah, I'll keep them, I'll leave it as a tie.)
  79. DetectiveCaillou|GM: VS Duran Dum: * Strange Weakness *
  80. DetectiveCaillou|GM:
  81. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev, your turn! Meanwhile...)
  82. Tinncev: "Oh come on!" Tinncev then quickly whips his vine at one of the duran twins!
  83. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (What, exactly, was the situation on <@!Pirrue>'s side again? I remember that mechanically, she just won, but what was the state of things at the time?)
  84. Tinncev: !roll 1d2 (1 = Dee, 2 = Dum)
  85. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 1d2 for 2 [1d2 = 2]; 1 for 1 [] = Dee,; 2 for 2 [] = Dum)
  86. Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (Quick Vine whip)
  87. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [ ][+][+][-]] (Quick Vine whip)
  88. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Um, instead of being random, might I make a strategic- never mind.)
  89. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Dum is in a different node, BTW; the car.)
  90. Tinncev: (oh)
  91. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, I'm making Dum make intentionally bad strategic decisions as further compensation, but while Dee on the other hand is without his Stand while it's keeping Alias pinned, he's not as stupid.)
  92. Pirrue: (I seriously can't recall)
  93. Tinncev: (Well I thought Dee was like in the same place.)
  94. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Dum is still in the car, Dee isn't.)
  95. Tinncev: (Well I guess I'm going after Dee)
  96. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So 3 vs my Forceful, then.)
  97. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  98. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][ ][ ]]
  99. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Is this an attack? Because each twin has a stunt that gives them 1 AC until they take damage, if you want to boost.)
  100. DetectiveCaillou|GM: <@!Pirrue>: "S-shit! Somebody stop he-!" Pirrue just got a lot closer while Gambino was busy panicking! (Got something to say? :3)
  101. Tinncev: (It was an attack, and uh..can I use a fatepoint to add +2 to my roll?)
  102. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Using a Stand Aspect, right? :3)
  103. Tinncev: (Yup yup!)
  104. Pirrue: "Don't worry, folks, it's *alllll* part of the show." She points at them and winks: *"Method acting!"*
  105. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Go ahead; you've got two extra for a reason. :3)
  106. Tinncev: (So that's a +5 now!)
  107. Pirrue: (also, fair warning, I will be AFK for the next 10-15)
  108. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay.)
  109. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: As Dee approaches Alias's pinned body, they exchange looks as Dee points a gun at his head. Before he could take a shot, however, his hand is cut open! The gun drops to the ground as he swears, clutching his (Bleeding Wrist)(!).
  110. DetectiveCaillou|GM: DEE DURAN: [1][2][3] - (X): [Bleeding Wrist][!] - (4): [...]
  111. Tinncev: "Sorry buddy, but that's my friend you just pointed your gun at."
  112. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Alias>: I ruled that you're still technically conscious.)
  113. Alias: (Oh)
  114. Alias: (Well, not that I can say much)
  115. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Yeah, and starting today, he's my friend too." Jack steps out from behind Tinncev, with Stand in tow. "And I really appreciate people pointing guns at my friends about as much as anybody. See my Stand? It's hella rad." Maroon 5 begins glowing blue. "It's been a while since it's given a really good beat down."
  116. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5
  117. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 5 [4df = [ ][+][-][ ]]
  118. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  119. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [+][-][-][+]]
  120. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Spent one of Jack's FATE Points for the double action.)
  121. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "NGH!" Three quick, successive punches to Dee's face! He'll be feeling that for a while! But he recovers quickly, and quick draws a pistol!
  122. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  123. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [-][-][+][+]]
  124. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  125. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [-][ ][ ][ ]]
  126. DetectiveCaillou|GM: BANG! But the bullet only grazed Jack's ear! Even still, he flinches from the pain!
  127. DetectiveCaillou|GM: JACK GREY: [X][2][3] - (2): [...] - (4): [...] - (6): [...]
  128. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Dum tries to ram his way out of the car again!
  129. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  130. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [ ][ ][+][-]]
  131. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias willing to spend a FATE, or let him finally get out?)
  132. Alias: (Yes)
  133. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "I-" Todo doesn't even have a response before his face is grabbed by Pirrue, and with a *RRRRIIIIIP!* the "face" comes off to reveal the true identity of Gambino, Todo! The [Mask of Gambino] clatters to the floor in front of a dumbfounded audience! Whatever the manager was saying to the police died in his mouth.
  134. DetectiveCaillou|GM: And meanwhile, Dum is still ineffectually throwing himself against the car door!
  135. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+4 (vs Miasma Seeds)
  136. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+4 for 5 [4df = [+][-][ ][+]] (vs Miasma Seeds)
  137. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Spending two invokes on Tinncev's part will ensure damage, but is it worth it?)
  138. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Todo, a Hanged Man wearing a rather ugly clover lamb's body begins stammering excuses before one hand of the newly re-formed Toys in the Attic closes tightly around his neck, scarf and all!
  139. Pirrue: (back)
  140. Pirrue: "All right, Gambino, or Todo, or whatever your name is," Pirrue says. "I know you had something to do with *this.*" She pulls her scarf down to reveal the damage. "You were Lord Strawberg, weren't you? The one who I've been talking to for the past two weeks, anyway. So, spill it! Who are you working for? *Who stole my Box?*"
  141. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>?)
  142. Tinncev: (I don't think so)
  143. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "... I... I can't tell you. All... All I can say is that I was hired to commission this piece, and that my life is forfeit if I spill anything beyond that!" A grinding shape begins to rise behind Pirrue, slowly, and by no means steadily. It seems that the time for words is over.
  144. Pirrue: "Gimme a name, bastard, or your life is forfeit *here and now!*"
  145. Pirrue: She's not sure if she can follow through on that threat, but the rage behind it is genuine.
  146. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "I dunno if you're serious! He's killed lots of girlies like you, but recently he's shown that he's not beyond killing other kinds of people if they piss him off, so no, no names! Although he did seem pissed after the night of the theft, like someone crashed his party... No, fuck! I already prolly said too much! Not that it matterrrrrs!" The hands of Celebrity Skin are rushing at Pirrue from behind now!
  147. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You prolly don't even need to face the Stand at this point; you have the user right where you want him. Either way, no roll; this battle is already won, mechanically.)
  148. Pirrue: Almost instinctively, Toys in the Attic rises behind Pirrue protectively, an enormous tree of sharp objects, right before Celebrity Skin makes contact.
  149. Pirrue: (because I am a big fan of making this thing charge headlong into my personal sentient set of caltrops XD)
  150. DetectiveCaillou|GM: And while Dum fails to exit the car again, his condition doesn't seem to worsen.
  151. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev!)
  152. Tinncev: (Hmmm?)
  153. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Your turn.)
  154. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: ... In that instant, Celebrity Skin impaled itself upon the tree of junk.
  155. Tinncev: _swipes at Dee with their thorny vine._
  156. Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (Quickly)
  157. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [+][ ][ ][-]] (Quickly)
  158. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "DIE, BI-AGLK!" Spurts of blood erupt from Todo's front, back... his eye socket, the back of his head...
  159. DetectiveCaillou|GM: His head rolls limply off of his borrowed body.
  160. Pirrue: (ha ha ha ha :3)
  161. Pirrue: _picks it up and shakes it. "You wanna go another round, bastard? Or are you gonna give me a *name?*"_
  162. DetectiveCaillou|GM: ... It's going cold.
  163. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The head, that is.
  164. Pirrue: "Oh. Oh shit. Oh jeez. Uh. Someone get this guy an ambulance."
  165. Pirrue: She drops Todo and *runs.*
  166. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (She didn't really get the whole "most Stands carry damage one-to-one with the user" thing until now, did she? XD)
  167. Pirrue: (She kinda had a *feeling* for it but didn't think it'd go quite so far with this guy XD)
  168. Alias: (I mean, people kinda kill people in real life in fights, even when they think the other person will survive the punches)
  169. Pirrue: There's a tiny part of her that's freaking out: "holy crap I just killed a guy." That part is immensely drowned out by "you just went toe-to-toe with a serial murderer and won," and even more immensely by "you *just fucked up your one lead, you total moron*."
  170. Pirrue: Maybe the guy had some clue on him? No, no way - she's not going back *now* to check out the corpse. Her best best...her best bet right now, she decides, is to get out of this theater and find Alias and Tinncev.
  171. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  172. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [+][-][ ][+]]
  173. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Boost with the consequence? Wait, that would just get a tie.)
  174. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev?)
  175. Alias: (I... Am going to crash...)
  176. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay, we can Finish the Fight tomorrow if you want.)
  177. Pirrue: (well, I'm good with Pirrue being done for the night, if there's nothing more for her)
  178. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah, you prolly don't have to show up tomorrow.)
  179. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So are we ending it here?)
  180. Pirrue: (<@!Alias> is going to sleep, and <@!Tinncev> is AFK, so)
  181. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Let us...)
  182. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !end
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