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Aug 30th, 2012
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  1. 03:28 <+kyren> I'm here
  2. 03:28 <+kyren> but working
  3. 03:40 < Seiga> yeh ever have one of those days
  4. 03:40 < Seiga> where you really don't wanna go to careers advice and just wanna stay home and rub cats on your face
  5. 03:41 <+kyren> my cats rub themselves on my face without any action from me
  6. 03:42 < Whiteluigi> I have no cat and neither can I have one.
  7. 03:42 <+bartwe> i guess i can stream if you guys are bored
  8. 03:43 < Whiteluigi> Streams don't work at my workplace and I don't know why as they worked before.
  9. 03:44 < Whiteluigi> But when I have nothing to do while at work, I get to learn a bit of C++.
  10. 03:51 <+kyren> don't do it Whiteluigi
  11. 03:51 <+kyren> learn you a haskell
  12. 03:51 <+kyren> learn scheme
  13. 03:52 <+kyren> learn python, ruby, go
  14. 03:52 < sb10> kyren: why?
  15. 03:52 <+kyren> to preserve your mind
  16. 03:52 <+kyren> and sanity
  17. 03:52 < sb10> Aha-ha.. :)
  18. 03:53 <+bartwe> i keep telling people to learn c#, java, scheme, C, python. everything but c++ :)
  19. 03:53 < sb10> yet they keep coming.. :)
  20. 03:54 <+kyren> WTB another systems programming language
  21. 03:54 < Seiga> I don't actually have a cat
  22. 03:54 <+kyren> next game, D
  23. 03:54 <+kyren> or scheme
  24. 03:54 <+bartwe> scheme
  25. 03:54 <+bartwe> no perf at all
  26. 03:55 <+kyren> hahaha
  27. 03:55 <+kyren> scheme with c++ bindings
  28. 03:55 <+kyren> or something
  29. 03:55 <+kyren> I want perf :<
  30. 03:55 <+bartwe> i need a way to kick some changes between machines without making a new branch ....
  31. 03:55 <+kyren> yeah I want that too
  32. 03:55 <+kyren> I think you can just commit and then pull from a different repository
  33. 03:55 < Whiteluigi> I am slowly learning Java by modding Minecraft.
  34. 03:55 <+kyren> where the other repository is your other machine
  35. 03:55 <+kyren> that's awful Whiteluigi I'm so sorry
  36. 03:56 < Whiteluigi> I had to start somewhere.
  37. 03:56 < Seiga> programmer talk oh no
  38. 03:56 < Seiga> where the artists at
  39. 03:56 < Whiteluigi> Lol.
  40. 03:56 <+kyren> micecraft is fine, it's just, who the hell calls "decompiling and patching .class files" modding
  41. 03:56 <+kyren> "decompiling and patching *obfuscated* .class files"
  42. 03:56 <+bartwe> ok
  43. 03:56 <+bartwe> valgrind tiems
  44. 03:56 < Whiteluigi> I've never heard of Micecraft.
  45. 03:57 < sb10> Whiteluigi: start with a book "Pragmatic Programmer. From Journeyman to Master."
  46. 03:57 <+kyren> Minecraft
  47. 03:57 < Whiteluigi> Hehe.
  48. 03:57 < Whiteluigi> Is the book in PDF format?
  49. 03:57 <+kyren> I have the most interesting typos
  50. 03:57 < Whiteluigi> Or is it a physical book.
  51. 03:58 < sb10> Whiteluigi: I think you can get pdf
  52. 03:58 < Whiteluigi> That makes things easier.
  53. 03:58 < sb10> I have one, at least.
  54. 03:59 * Whiteluigi sends the title of the book to his home desktop through query.
  55. 03:59 < sb10> Probably I should upload it back to internet, so some others man can read it.
  56. 04:01 < sb10> this one:
  57. 04:06 < C-C-C-C-Crash> Yo.
  58. 04:07 < Whiteluigi> It's funny that people say that I can learn all programming languages but C++.
  59. 04:07 < C-C-C-C-Crash> C++, isn't that supposed to be the hardest?
  60. 04:07 < Whiteluigi> Really? I didn't knew.
  61. 04:08 < Whiteluigi> I started slowly learning C++ because a friend of mine started to learn C++ and that we would make a test game in C++ together.
  62. 04:09 < Whiteluigi> Should I tell him that we should use Java instead?
  63. 04:10 < sb10> Whiteluigi: nope. C++ is fine actually, yet it's extremely frustrating to work with.
  64. 04:10 < Whiteluigi> O.o
  65. 04:12 < Whiteluigi> To be honest, I miss the part where methods starts with public, private or protected which one have to do in Java.
  66. 04:15 < sb10> Any language is fine actually. It's not hard to learn new language of a same paradigm.
  67. 04:18 < Whiteluigi> Languages that I have been into: Visual Basic, Java, JavaScript (tried to make an IRC Bot) and C++.
  68. 04:20 < Whiteluigi> I think I also tried to make an IRC Bot on C#, but it failed more than my JS attempt.
  69. 04:20 < Whiteluigi> I didn't try the IRC Bot on any official IRC Servers just as you know.
  70. 04:23 < sb10> You certainly should keep trying that's the way to learn :)
  71. 04:23 < Whiteluigi> Learn through failing.
  72. 04:24 <+kyren> yeah, once you learn enough languages it stops being a thing
  73. 04:24 <+kyren> I mean, it's still neat
  74. 04:24 <+kyren> they all have good stuff going for them
  75. 04:24 <+kyren> any language that is popular is popular for some reason
  76. 04:24 < Whiteluigi> I also don't do copy/paste as I won't learn anything by doing copy/paste.
  77. 04:25 <+kyren> and C++ is fine, extremely useful, it's just the most complex language..
  78. 04:25 <+kyren> I think that's the end of that sentence
  79. 04:25 <+kyren> it's the most complex programming language
  80. 04:26 <+kyren> other than ones written on purpose to be complex I guess
  81. 04:26 <+kyren> it's not a good start
  82. 04:26 < sb10> Yep. Failing is bad, you should pick task that is "completable" for you, and then increase difficulty. Constantly failing leads to despair.
  83. 04:26 < Gameinsky> I have a friend who programs that finds C++ absolutely awful
  84. 04:26 <+kyren> don't get too hung up on which languages are better / worse, it usually doesn't even work like that
  85. 04:26 <+kyren> usually
  86. 04:27 <+kyren> but it's a good idea to pick one that's easy to start with I guess
  87. 04:27 <+kyren> we're just trying to keep you from getting bogged down in stuff you shouldn't care about
  88. 04:27 <+kyren> and on to actually finishing things and having fun
  89. 04:27 < Whiteluigi> I don't think about which language is better, I choose the language that could be interesting to try out.
  90. 04:29 < Whiteluigi> I also sometimes look up tutorials.
  91. 04:30 <+kyren> have you tried
  92. 04:30 <+kyren> er, whoops
  93. 04:30 <+kyren>
  94. 04:30 < Benguin> 'lo Devvie
  95. 04:30 < Whiteluigi> I believe I don't have.
  96. 04:31 <+kyren> that one's pretty good
  97. 04:31 <+kyren> easy to follow
  98. 04:31 <+kyren> lots of room for experimentation, gentile
  99. 04:31 <+kyren> and you can do so so so much with just what they teach you
  100. 04:31 <+kyren> it's not too interactive, though
  101. 04:31 <+kyren> like, there aren't assignments
  102. 04:31 < Whiteluigi> Sounds very interesting.
  103. 04:32 <+kyren> my wife is learning programming right now, that's why I know of it
  104. 04:32 <+kyren> I have her going through The Elements of Computing Systems also, which is a bit advanced but it's crazy how good she is at it
  105. 04:32 < DevilBro> hey
  106. 04:33 < Whiteluigi> One get good at something if one are dedicated to do it.
  107. 04:34 <+kyren> if mspa doesn't update soon I'm going to have a breakdown
  108. 04:34 < Whiteluigi> O.o
  109. 04:35 * psychotwo wakes
  110. 04:35 * DevilBro stabs Benguin
  111. 04:36 * Benguin starts crying and yelling something incomprehensible about bacon
  112. 04:36 < Seiga> mspa has exceeded the extra week
  113. 04:36 < Seiga> oh no
  114. 04:36 < Benguin> !!!!
  115. 04:36 < Whiteluigi> Why are there so much stabbing in this chat?
  116. 04:37 < sb10> Finally! A C++ bug is down!
  117. 04:37 * DevilBro stabs Whiteluigi
  118. 04:37 < DevilBro> no clue
  119. 04:37 < sb10> sizeof(strbuf) then strbuf is a pointer! Duh!
  120. 04:38 * Whiteluigi starts bleeding.
  121. 04:38 < Whiteluigi> This is just brilliant.
  122. 04:38 <+kyren> yeah, strbuf something[10];
  123. 04:38 <@Tiyuri> huhlig-work
  124. 04:38 <@Tiyuri> huhlig-home
  125. 04:38 <@Tiyuri> are you around?
  126. 04:38 <+kyren> er, derp
  127. 04:38 <+kyren> char strbuf[10];
  128. 04:39 < Smaxx_> bad sb10 :P
  129. 04:39 <+kyren> sizeof(strbuf) != strbuf((char*)strbuf)
  130. 04:39 < sb10> kyren: exactly
  131. 04:39 < sb10> lost 4 hours on that one!
  132. 04:39 < Smaxx_> had to hunt down an annoying bug yesterday - something i didn't expec to cause issues in that constellation (not my code):
  133. 04:39 < Smaxx_> printf("%d %",...)
  134. 04:39 * Whiteluigi bandages himself to stop bloodloss.
  135. 04:40 <+kyren> oh god
  136. 04:40 <+kyren> sizeof((char*)strbuf)
  137. 04:40 <+kyren> I CAN'T TYPE
  138. 04:40 < Smaxx_> well
  139. 04:40 < Whiteluigi> How does type?
  140. 04:40 <+kyren> still, you knew what I meant
  142. 04:41 < Smaxx_> just use the array as a function call as well :P
  143. 04:41 < Smaxx_> you could still pretend it's a union with an overloaded function pointer
  144. 04:41 <+kyren> I'm not fully awake yet
  145. 04:41 < sb10> My only excuse, I haven't program in C for 7 years I think.
  146. 04:42 < Whiteluigi> Maybe start writing code at a slower pace?
  147. 04:42 <+kyren> my excuse is that I have a bad brain
  148. 04:42 < Slayer9825> So
  149. 04:42 < Slayer9825> Any suggestions for first programming language?
  150. 04:42 < sb10> this things, the look terrible
  151. 04:42 < sb10> if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == MsiGetFeatureState(hInstall, featName, &installed, &action) )
  152. 04:42 < sb10> the ERROR_SUCCESS define name is all about Windows BTW :))
  153. 04:42 <+kyren> it's broken, and I should be allowed to draw social security from it
  154. 04:42 < Whiteluigi> Bad brain? I got bad memory.
  155. 04:42 <+kyren> wuh
  156. 04:42 <+kyren> ERROR_SUCCESS
  157. 04:43 < Slayer9825> Im interested in making useful programs for myself and others
  158. 04:43 < Slayer9825> Any suggestions?
  159. 04:43 <+kyren> python
  160. 04:43 < Slayer9825> you sure?
  161. 04:43 <+kyren> yes?
  162. 04:43 <+kyren> javascript
  163. 04:43 < Seiga> what if all of a sudden kyren wasn't sure any more
  164. 04:43 < sb10> kyren: defined in WinError.h !
  165. 04:43 < Slayer9825> javascript?
  166. 04:43 < Slayer9825> Know a bit
  167. 04:43 < Slayer9825> I do
  168. 04:43 < Seiga> and had a big crisis about whether or not python was the correct choice
  169. 04:43 <+kyren> javascript is surprisingly useful nowadays
  170. 04:43 <+kyren> or not surprisingly
  171. 04:43 < Slayer9825> I know html css and partly javascript
  172. 04:43 <+kyren> don't have a crisis
  173. 04:43 <+kyren> jsut learn a language
  174. 04:44 < Slayer9825> But how?
  175. 04:44 < Slayer9825> I can get it
  176. 04:44 < Slayer9825> Javascript is website wise
  177. 04:44 < Slayer9825> How do you make a program out of JS ?
  178. 04:44 <+kyren> javascript and javascript like languages are used all over the place now
  179. 04:44 < Slayer9825> Can you please give examples?
  180. 04:44 <+kyren> like unity
  181. 04:45 <+kyren> UnityScript is javascript
  182. 04:45 < Slayer9825> I mean, for a offline executeable program?
  183. 04:45 <+kyren> I believe that's what it produces? I dunno I'm not a unity expert
  184. 04:45 < Whiteluigi> Aptana Studio can be used for programming JavaScript.
  185. 04:45 < Slayer9825> i want it as a .exe extension
  186. 04:46 <+kyren> that doesn't matter
  187. 04:46 <+kyren> dont' worry about htat
  188. 04:46 < Slayer9825> what do i do then?
  189. 04:46 < Whiteluigi> I don't think JS can be in EXE format, I could be wrong though.
  190. 04:46 <+kyren> try python or unity + javascript
  191. 04:46 <+kyren> I'm sure you can package a unity game as an exe somehow
  192. 04:46 < Slayer9825> Hmm
  193. 04:46 <+kyren> just worry about writing code first
  194. 04:46 < Slayer9825> But isnt unity a game maker?
  195. 04:46 < C-C-C-C-Crash> Hey guys, Bartwe is streaming.
  196. 04:46 <+kyren> I mean yeah, is that bad?
  197. 04:47 <+kyren> I don't know what you want to do
  198. 04:47 <+kyren> pick something you'd like to do, then pick your environment based on that
  199. 04:47 < Slayer9825> Well, i only wanted to make like a program
  200. 04:47 <+kyren> and make it something small
  201. 04:47 < Slayer9825> Something simple to start with
  202. 04:47 <+kyren> then you can't go wrong with python
  203. 04:47 < Slayer9825> Nothing like a game... yet
  204. 04:47 < Slayer9825> The thing is
  205. 04:47 < Slayer9825> I need a good answer for this one
  206. 04:47 < Slayer9825> "What is truly a game?"
  207. 04:48 < Slayer9825> When i know that i can make it
  208. 04:48 < Whiteluigi> Is that even possible to answer?
  209. 04:48 < Slayer9825> Im not sure
  210. 04:48 <+kyren> just go dl the python interpreter, follow some python tutorials
  211. 04:48 <+kyren> until your eyes bulge out of their sockets
  212. 04:48 < Slayer9825> I would start of saying its something entertaining
  213. 04:48 < Slayer9825> Hmmm
  214. 04:48 < Slayer9825> Sounds awesome !
  215. 04:48 <+kyren> it ain't that complex :D
  216. 04:48 <+kyren> I mean it is
  217. 04:48 <+kyren> but starting is not
  218. 04:49 < Slayer9825> So python then, but compiling?
  219. 04:49 <+kyren> you just run them
  220. 04:49 <+kyren> they're script-like
  221. 04:49 < Slayer9825> Sounds decent
  222. 04:49 <+kyren> python tutorials should explain it
  223. 04:49 < Whiteluigi> So Python can be run like Bat?
  224. 04:49 < Slayer9825> Seems so
  225. 04:49 <+kyren> ..kind of?
  226. 04:49 < sb10> Whiteluigi: not exactly..
  227. 04:49 < Slayer9825> So, stil
  228. 04:49 < Slayer9825> kyren?
  229. 04:49 <+kyren> they're interpreted, but
  230. 04:50 <+kyren> it doesn't matter whether they're interpreted or compiled to .exe or whatever
  231. 04:50 < Slayer9825> Do you know the answer for "What is truly a gane? "
  232. 04:50 <+kyren> no
  233. 04:50 <+kyren> it depends on your definition of game
  234. 04:50 <+kyren> which is the question itself
  235. 04:50 <+kyren> it's not a very useful question
  236. 04:50 < Slayer9825> Yes
  237. 04:50 < C-C-C-C-Crash> You could just say "42" and pretend to be witty.
  238. 04:50 < Slayer9825> Entertaining
  239. 04:50 < Slayer9825> A goal
  240. 04:50 < Slayer9825> And a story
  241. 04:50 < Slayer9825> Or sometimes no story
  242. 04:51 <+kyren> or sometimes not entertaining, or sometimes no goal
  243. 04:51 <+kyren> it doesn't matter :D
  244. 04:51 < Slayer9825> But in that way
  245. 04:51 < Slayer9825> I could even make a game in Jquery
  246. 04:51 <+kyren> I'm going to go back to work now :D
  247. 04:51 < Seiga> I use cave story as a zero point to look at and say this, this is a game
  248. 04:51 < Slayer9825> Which is Javascript, a javascript library
  249. 04:51 < Slayer9825> Good luck
  250. 04:51 < matheus23> oh god... I'm too late
  251. 04:51 <+kyren> too late for what?
  252. 04:51 < Darkwater> Questions woo!
  253. 04:51 < Ype> hi all
  254. 04:52 <+kyren> why are you guys all pouring in here
  255. 04:52 <+kyren> did tiy do something
  256. 04:52 < DrPiD> :D
  257. 04:52 < Darkwater> Guess who tweeted something
  258. 04:52 <+kyren> fuuuuuu
  259. 04:52 < Seiga> kyren: Tiy linked it on the twitter
  260. 04:52 < GoaLitiuM> tiy's tweet
  261. 04:52 <+kyren> oh god dammit
  262. 04:52 < vigrid> kyren: that
  263. 04:52 < Seiga> said you were answering questions
  264. 04:52 < Darkwater> Hah
  265. 04:52 < Seiga> I'm guessing that wasn't the plan after all?
  266. 04:52 < DrPiD> so, Q&A with kyren time..
  267. 04:52 <+bartwe> haha
  268. 04:52 * DrPiD gets comfy
  269. 04:52 < Gyro_> You should probably hide now
  270. 04:52 < Whiteluigi> Poor Kyren.
  271. 04:52 < frozenfire218> run away! :D
  272. 04:52 < Seiga> hey bartwe is that hamsteak coming from your stream
  273. 04:53 <+bartwe> Seiga: hamsteak........
  274. 04:53 < Aralicia> lets help kyren a bit : bartwe is streaming right now =)
  275. 04:53 < Seiga> homestuck sorry I thought that was obvious
  276. 04:53 < ekuurh> hi there
  277. 04:53 <+kyren> okay I guess I'm answering questions then :/
  278. 04:54 < Darkwater> So kyren, will there we a mechanics system like wires in Terraria?
  279. 04:54 < Darkwater> If yes, how advanced?
  280. 04:54 < Gyro_> Oh golly, poor kyren
  281. 04:54 < Ivan_> Hai
  282. 04:54 < ekuurh> will you please explain the wrapping stuff? :)
  283. 04:54 < Midgard> What's up?
  284. 04:54 <+kyren> yes, more advanced, not *exactly* like terraria
  285. 04:54 < sb10> Darkwater: that's not a programmer question! :)
  286. 04:54 <+kyren> less block based
  287. 04:54 <+kyren> think more LBP
  288. 04:54 < Whiteluigi> Oh dear Elrin, so many people.
  289. 04:54 < Midgard> :/
  290. 04:54 < Darkwater> sb10: Mechanics have to be programmed
  291. 04:54 < Darkwater> kyren: Yay
  292. 04:54 < frozenfire218> ooh i like lbp
  293. 04:54 < Guest13853>
  294. 04:54 < Midgard> You are developing Starbound with the same engine that Terraria used?
  295. 04:54 <+kyren> the world wrapping system is very very simple when you play
  296. 04:54 <+kyren> and ungodly complicated to program
  297. 04:54 < DevilBro>
  298. 04:55 < DevilBro> loool
  299. 04:55 <+kyren> no not in the slightest, it shares nothing with terraria at all other than being the same genre
  300. 04:55 < Xhanat> Hi kyren :)
  301. 04:55 < Midgard> You are developing Starbound with the same engine that Terraria used?
  302. 04:55 < frozenfire218> btw what language is starbound written in?
  303. 04:55 < frozenfire218> no
  304. 04:55 < C-C-C-C-Crash> LIQUID TONNES OF PEOPL!
  305. 04:55 < Slayer9825> TeRRARIA FTW
  306. 04:55 < frozenfire218> different
  307. 04:55 < Darkwater> Weren't you also gonna release the engine after Starbound's release?
  308. 04:55 < Slayer9825> !!!!!!!!!!!!
  309. 04:55 < Seiga> Tiyuri: You need to be more responsible with your tweeting. Why back in my day.
  310. 04:55 < ekuurh> :)
  311. 04:55 < Apple_Master> Terraria was in XNA, Starbound is in C++
  312. 04:55 * Whiteluigi hides under an upside down bathtub.
  313. 04:55 < Apple_Master> There, answered a question for you.
  314. 04:55 < frozenfire218> ok thanks :D
  315. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Holy fuuuuuu
  316. 04:56 <+kyren> you guys can just anser for me haha
  317. 04:56 < Slayer9825> C++
  318. 04:56 < Aralicia> Kyren > Does that bother you to be compared so much with Terraria ?
  319. 04:56 < meow_> post every damn second
  320. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Its basically
  321. 04:56 <+kyren> if it were up to me I would love to release the engine after release, but it's not up to me
  322. 04:56 < ekuurh> how will the terraforming system work?
  323. 04:56 < Slayer9825> A Major buttfuck
  324. 04:56 <+kyren> not really, it's the same genre, and the genre is not very big
  325. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Kyren?
  326. 04:56 < Darkwater> ekuurh: Huge ufo to destroy mountains
  327. 04:56 < Ype> tiy is trolling us.
  328. 04:56 < vigrid> kyren: why C++ this time, not .NET?
  329. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Do you know when the game would have an estimated release?
  330. 04:56 <+kyren> no he's trolling ME
  331. 04:56 <+kyren> end of the year, ish
  332. 04:56 < Darkwater> vigrid: I think because C++ is much faster than XNA
  333. 04:56 < Skippy_> think it's because C++ has the performance needed
  334. 04:56 < frozenfire218> lol telling people it's questinoe time :P
  335. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Hmmm
  336. 04:56 <+kyren> "when it's done and we hope it's done at the end of the year"
  337. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Sounds great
  338. 04:56 < vigrid> Darkwater: not a question for you
  339. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I really wish i had access to a beta
  340. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I would even pre-order
  341. 04:57 < Mianso> Does that matter slayer?
  342. 04:57 < Skippy_> you should learn to have patience ;)
  343. 04:57 <+kyren> we don't feel comfortable accepting money without giving people something
  344. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I really want to see the game
  345. 04:57 < Darkwater> kyren: Give them a cookie
  346. 04:57 <+kyren> so I don't think pre-order would happen
  347. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I understand
  348. 04:57 < ekuurh> kyren, do you ever join any game-coding contests like ludum dare?
  349. 04:57 < Mianso> Because you're awsome,kyren
  350. 04:57 < Slayer9825> a pre-order
  351. 04:57 < Slayer9825> And a beta
  352. 04:57 < Guest13446> Is the water physic the same as in terraria?
  353. 04:57 < Slayer9825> Would be a great combination
  354. 04:57 <+kyren> we did icfp a while back
  355. 04:58 < Seiga> The water physics have a demo video, Guest13446
  356. 04:58 < Xhanat> You know what would be awesome? the possibility yo upload a sprite with the character face
  357. 04:58 <+kyren> and placed.. not that great due to last minute bug
  358. 04:58 <+kyren> no the water physics are nothing at all like terraria
  359. 04:58 <+kyren> not that much is
  360. 04:58 < sb10> Guest13446: nope, you can see from a demo video
  361. 04:58 < Slayer9825> But, from peoples point of view, it seems terraria inspired
  362. 04:58 <+kyren> other than the fact that they're 2d block based genre
  363. 04:58 < ekuurh> the water physics are AWESOME
  364. 04:58 < Slayer9825> I can understand that
  365. 04:58 < Seiga> Terraria water physics demo, not final version I believe
  366. 04:58 <+kyren> it's fine, it's the same genre of game
  367. 04:58 < Skippy_> Slayer: would you rather potentially ruin your first experiences of starbound with game breaking bugs, or wait for a stable release and enjoy it to the fullest?
  368. 04:58 < DevilBro>
  369. 04:58 < Seiga> terraria?
  370. 04:58 <+kyren> the genre has lots of room
  371. 04:58 < Seiga> starbound*
  372. 04:58 < DevilBro> i want this :D
  373. 04:58 < Seiga> I AM VERY SORRY
  374. 04:58 < vigrid> kyren: what were the specific reasons for switching to C++ from XNA, performance? wider platform support?
  375. 04:58 < ekuurh> does the pressure condensed water apply on the wall have any effect on the wall?
  376. 04:58 <+kyren> not even game breaking bugs, it's not *finished* yet
  377. 04:59 < sb10> vigrid: all of these
  378. 04:59 <+kyren> we didn't switch from xna, we didn't start in xna
  379. 04:59 < vigrid> sb10: are you kyren? ;)
  380. 04:59 < Skippy_> Kyren: i don't mean this week, or even month. I mean whenever a beta would be feasible
  381. 04:59 <+kyren> he's right though
  382. 04:59 <+kyren> sb10 can answer for me
  383. 04:59 < sb10> vigrid: nope, but I can answer that :)
  384. 04:59 <+kyren> his answers are right
  385. 04:59 < Darkwater> vigrid: Other people can also answer some questions
  386. 04:59 < Wangotango> what's the hardest thing to code been so far?
  387. 04:59 < ekuurh> will there be an exp system?
  388. 04:59 < Apple_Master> All of it.
  389. 04:59 < Apple_Master> No
  390. 04:59 < vigrid> well, I can answer this myself, too, but I'm interested in reading what Kyren has to say
  391. 04:59 <@Tiyuri> the wereturtles
  392. 04:59 < Darkwater> Most programmers know the difference between C#/XNA and C++
  393. 05:00 <@Tiyuri> those were hard to program
  394. 05:00 < Aralicia[afk]> ekuurh > No
  395. 05:00 < ekuurh> tiy!
  396. 05:00 < vigrid> that's kind of the point of doing this, right?
  397. 05:00 < ryuu> Hello. Do you especially choose to not use .net to have the opportunity to port the game to other platforms ?
  398. 05:00 < Aralicia[afk]> ekuurh > xp has been indicated has not beeing in the game.
  399. 05:00 <+kyren> you can port the game to lots of platforms even on .net
  400. 05:00 <+kyren> when we started it was just me
  401. 05:00 < ekuurh> so how will the progress in the game work?
  402. 05:00 < meow_> wereturtles :<
  403. 05:00 < ekuurh> how will you progress?
  404. 05:00 < vigrid> kyren: the monogame port of terraria wasn't very stable I heard?
  405. 05:00 <+kyren> and I had a large set of working code in C++, and even though it's far from perfect it's sort of common in the video game industry so I chose that
  406. 05:01 < Wangotango> any idea when a combat demo video may be released?
  407. 05:01 < vigrid> at least initially. it's not a smooth ride to switch from xna to monogame
  408. 05:01 <@Tiyuri> just to clarify, kyren has no connection to terraria
  409. 05:01 < sb10> vigrid: good point, I will not answer your questions then :)
  410. 05:01 <+kyren> I have no connection to terraria yes thank you :D
  411. 05:01 < Darkwater> kyren: How long do you think it will take to get bored in Starbound's world?
  412. 05:01 <+kyren> other than being a fan
  413. 05:01 < vigrid> good to know, thanks Tiyuri
  414. 05:01 < ekuurh> lol dark
  415. 05:01 < ekuurh> nice question :)
  416. 05:01 <+kyren> I dunno hopefully a long time
  417. 05:01 < ekuurh> they can't reallllyl answer that, depends on you
  418. 05:01 < ekuurh> really*
  419. 05:01 <+kyren> there are multiple worlds though
  420. 05:02 < Skippy_> How do animations work with the random creatures?
  421. 05:02 <+kyren> they have common sets of animation
  422. 05:02 < abcmonk> what are the main 'goals' of starbound and how does the overall mechanics differ to say games like terraria?
  423. 05:02 < mgbt> beep
  424. 05:02 < Skippy_> ok
  425. 05:02 < Slayer9825> I hope i enjoy the game at release
  426. 05:02 <+kyren> some creatures might have animations that others don't
  427. 05:02 < Slayer9825> And really
  428. 05:02 < Skippy_> cool
  429. 05:02 < mgbt> hi everyone
  430. 05:02 <+kyren> but they're all in a larger set of supported animations
  431. 05:02 < Slayer9825> I just need this clear
  432. 05:02 < Skippy_> ok
  433. 05:02 < Skippy_> thanks
  434. 05:02 < Wangotango> what's the building like? is it just gathering resources then a blueprint and a building popping out of nowhere or is it block by block building like terraria?
  435. 05:02 <+kyren> I hope you do to Slayer9825
  436. 05:02 < Slayer9825> Are this team and the terraria team not alike at all?
  437. 05:02 < wec> WHERE IS TIY!?!?!!
  438. 05:02 <+kyren> they both have tiy in them
  439. 05:02 < mgbt> in twitter
  440. 05:02 < Apple_Master> The only guy in common is Tiy.
  441. 05:02 < Slayer9825> Hmmm
  442. 05:02 < Slayer9825> Role?
  443. 05:02 < mgbt> -_-
  444. 05:03 < wec> AEWFASFaw
  445. 05:03 < Slayer9825> Because really, the fame of Starbound has much to do with Terraria
  446. 05:03 < vigrid> kyren: how large is the codebase for Starbound currently? LOC?
  447. 05:03 < Slayer9825> To be honest
  448. 05:03 < Mianso> Wex that's a wery well though phrase
  449. 05:03 < AndyDX> How are you? :D
  450. 05:03 < Mianso> *wec
  451. 05:03 < ekuurh> oh god, tiy&kyren&bart&fetall&leglris are all in the same chat room. isn't it supposed to explode?
  452. 05:03 <+kyren> 49k non-whitespace LOC
  453. 05:03 <+kyren> ish
  454. 05:03 < ekuurh> fetal* legris*
  455. 05:03 <+kyren> and growing rapidly
  456. 05:03 <@Tiyuri> I can't stop coughing, it's annoying
  457. 05:04 < sb10> kyren: wow that's a 3k+ from last stream time..
  458. 05:04 < psychotwo> Tiyuri, ouch D:
  459. 05:04 < hazzary453> are you saying all the devs are here???
  460. 05:04 < abcmonk> what are the main 'goals' of starbound and how does the overall mechanics differ to say games like terraria?
  461. 05:04 < Mianso> Try to hold breath
  462. 05:04 < AndyDX> Hi Tiy
  463. 05:04 < Seiga> HAY GUYS be back later. gonna go try and sort out my future career.
  464. 05:04 < Wangotango> is it just weapons and monsters and such which are randomly (or is that procedurally?) generated, or is armour done so too?
  465. 05:04 < ekuurh> will there be an option of coding addons to starbound?
  466. 05:04 < sb10> Seiga: :)
  467. 05:04 <@Tiyuri> The main goal, if I had to pick one. Is to provide that buzz of finding new content almost indefinitely
  468. 05:04 < vigrid> kyren: thanks, 49k is not a lot, so it must be well structured. speaking of which - what libraries do you use?
  469. 05:04 <+kyren> there will be a modding api at some point
  470. 05:04 < Skippy_> not at release?
  471. 05:04 < hazzary453> i want this game so bad!
  472. 05:05 <+kyren> there might even be a cool like.. out of process API
  473. 05:05 <+kyren> over a socket
  474. 05:05 < WoflSkin2K> when comes the game?
  475. 05:05 < hazzary453> i love your work guys!!!!!
  476. 05:05 < ekuurh> awesome
  477. 05:05 <@Tiyuri> Thanks hazzary453
  478. 05:05 <+kyren> the modding api will come probably soon after release
  479. 05:05 < Skippy_> ok
  480. 05:05 < Ype> around december.
  481. 05:05 < AndyDX> Yeah the game is awesome!!
  482. 05:05 <+kyren> and it will grow a lot
  483. 05:05 <@Tiyuri> vigrid, kyren wouldnt tell you, but her code is incredibly well structured
  484. 05:05 <+bartwe> things are happening in that area, but no promises
  485. 05:05 < Ype> that said the coder of starbound
  486. 05:05 <+kyren> expect it to go through several stages
  487. 05:05 < AndyDX> I cant wait to play it
  488. 05:05 < WoflSkin2K> thx Ype
  489. 05:05 < hazzary453> yay i spoke to the famous tiy!!!!
  490. 05:05 < AndyDX> lol
  491. 05:05 < Aralicia> kyren > isn't it 5am where you live ? Aren't you a bit sleepy ?
  492. 05:06 <+bartwe> yeah kyrens code it the best
  493. 05:06 < sb10> Tiyuri: so there will be not some kind ultimate bad guy to kill? just bosses?
  494. 05:06 < ekuurh> tiy, someone left a "3.141" in the code instead of "constants::pi". blasphemy!
  495. 05:06 < ekuurh> find the witch
  496. 05:06 < Skippy_> programmers tend to stay up late for.. reasons :p
  497. 05:06 < Mianso> LoLwhat
  498. 05:06 <+kyren> it is 5am here
  499. 05:06 < Skippy_> atleast i do ;D
  500. 05:06 < ekuurh> was the witch founld?
  501. 05:06 <@Tiyuri> sb10 secrets ;)
  502. 05:06 <+kyren> I'm not sleepy because I woke up at 1am
  503. 05:06 < Wangotango> how many updates are to be expected after release? or will you just keep going for as long as possible?
  504. 05:06 <+kyren> I keep being on GMT
  505. 05:06 <@Tiyuri> Wangotango
  506. 05:06 < vigrid> I have a question to the team. IIRC, Terraria is finished - are you planning on releasing the source code for it at some point, like id Software does with their games? That would be sweet
  507. 05:06 < sb10> Tiyuri: I take that as "yes, there will be" :)
  508. 05:06 < WoflSkin2K> cost?
  509. 05:06 < hazzary453> will the crafting be simmiler to terraria?
  510. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> The core team will update the game for as long as they can, when they finally move onto a new project I am going to put a team together to continue updating the game
  511. 05:07 < AndyDX> Will there be a building system
  512. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> also, during the period in which the main dev team is updating, I want the secondary update team to be producing small updates each friday
  513. 05:07 < ekuurh> will there be community activites (pvp and stuff)?
  514. 05:07 * psychotwo implodes
  515. 05:07 < Wangotango> will the team consist of members already making the game, or will you recruit new members?
  516. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> a bit of both
  517. 05:07 * ekuurh explodes internally
  518. 05:07 < Zantron> I'm sure this was the first thing asked: Release date?
  519. 05:07 * psychotwo becomes a cube.
  520. 05:07 < plaYer2k> There is no release date known yet. Its an indie game and thus its done when its done. Estimated release is however "End of the Year".
  521. 05:08 < bob___> How long will the game actually be updated for?
  522. 05:08 <@Tiyuri> I'll make sure there is always *A* team, of talented people, updating the game
  523. 05:08 <+kyren> SB is a different game than terraria, from a different company, they share no code or resources, they're just in the same genre, because there's a lot of room for the genre to grow and we think that there's a lot of interesting stuff left to do
  524. 05:08 < WoflSkin2K> hy zombey
  525. 05:08 < ekuurh> wait, no one answered, will there be pvp or events and stuff?
  526. 05:08 < wec> HOW MUCH WILL THIS GAME COST
  527. 05:08 < Benguin> ?_?
  528. 05:08 < rejser> wec: FIFTYTWELVE
  529. 05:08 < plaYer2k>
  530. 05:08 < vigrid> Tiyiri: [repeating question] IIRC, Terraria is finished - are you planning on releasing the source code for it at some point, like id Software does with their games? That would be sweet
  531. 05:08 < bob___> Wed: Look at the about page ffs
  532. 05:08 < plaYer2k> that tells alotabout pvp andco
  533. 05:08 < fivethousandpeop> Sorry if this has already been asked, but are we any closer to getting a release date?
  534. 05:08 < Onza40> Hi guys, just wanted to say I loved Terraria, it is probably my favourite LAN game of all time, will SB support LAN in the same way? (ie local worlds and players which can be taken into LAN)
  535. 05:08 <+kyren> we don't own the source code to terraria
  536. 05:08 <@Tiyuri> vigrid, that's entirely up to Redigit, it's his source code
  537. 05:08 < hazzary453> are you still thinking of giving beta to those who pre-order?
  538. 05:08 <+kyren> it's up to redigit
  539. 05:09 < Wangotango> what genre would you say starbound is closest to? or is it so many genres your head might explode trying to think of what one it covers the most
  540. 05:09 < Mianso> Hey tiy about the races.Can avians wear other races gear?
  541. 05:09 < vigrid> Tiyuri: pass him info I'd hump his leg for it :)
  542. 05:09 < AndyDX> When the game is going to be realesed?
  543. 05:09 <@Tiyuri> Mianso, yes
  544. 05:09 < Yveul> Quite sensitive question - how old are you, and for how long are you into coding ?
  545. 05:09 <+kyren> 30, forever
  546. 05:09 < Mianso> So i can play as apex and war avian armor?
  547. 05:09 <+kyren> I'm oooold
  548. 05:09 < Sharks12> will we see Nyan cats? :P
  549. 05:09 < Mianso> *wear
  550. 05:09 < wec> 30?
  551. 05:09 < vigrid> 30? old. 0x20 is old.
  552. 05:09 <+kyren> we're keeping the references to a minimum
  553. 05:09 < Gyro_> din dins for me, I shall return!
  554. 05:09 < Yanthir> Hwo are you doing all of ya? :)
  555. 05:09 < AndyDX> Yeah you are like Santa
  556. 05:10 < AndyDX> :D
  557. 05:10 < Aralicia> I think I'll leave... I've seen the same question 3 times in 2 minutes. bye bye !
  558. 05:10 < fivethousandpeop> When approximately will it be released?
  559. 05:10 < hazzary453> kyren, I still think mspa is strange
  560. 05:10 < oholiab> kyren: are there likely to be any in-game programmable computers? I really like the idea of being able to automate things :)
  561. 05:10 < wec> HOW MUCH IS THIS GAME 30$?!?!?!
  562. 05:10 < bob___> WEC Look at the bloody About page
  563. 05:10 <+kyren> hahaha right I'm 0x1e
  564. 05:10 < wec> OK
  565. 05:10 < Yanthir> 10$-15$, end of the year.
  566. 05:10 < wec> YAY
  567. 05:10 <+kyren> mspa is strange and wonderful and I will hear nothing bad about it
  568. 05:11 < Yanthir> Ask AFTER you read Tiy's AMA
  569. 05:11 < hazzary453> its not bad, just strange
  570. 05:11 < sb10> kyren: what is mspa?
  571. 05:11 < Apple_Master> Most of these questions could be answed if you people read the FAQ/various other things on the forums.
  572. 05:11 <+kyren> mspaintadventures
  573. 05:11 < hazzary453> ms paint adventures
  574. 05:11 < vigrid> kyren: have you livestreamed your coding or would you consider doing so?
  575. 05:11 < Darkwater> Blue made a list of known game information
  576. 05:11 <+kyren> I have, I did the other day
  577. 05:11 <+kyren> I will again
  578. 05:11 < boomshakalaka> how much larger do you expect the worlds to be compared to terraria since you are working with native code now?
  579. 05:11 < wec> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  580. 05:11 < Wangotango> i know that before terraria's release there was controversy on 4chan regarding how many threads were made on it on it's /v/ board, with claims that it was an attempt at viral marketing. how will you react if the same controversy rises with starbound?
  581. 05:11 <+kyren> probably when I'm doing something slightly more interesting
  582. 05:11 < Darkwater> Check that out, it's under General Discussion on the forums
  583. 05:11 < vigrid> kyren: ace. where can I see it?
  584. 05:11 < wec> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  585. 05:11 < hazzary453> I need starbound!!!
  586. 05:11 <@Tiyuri> Wangotango: we'll just do our thing
  587. 05:12 < Apple_Master> Wangotango; Surely that was ebcause of the leak and stuff.
  588. 05:12 <+kyren> it's not on now, but
  589. 05:12 < vigrid> kyren: thx, subscribed
  590. 05:12 < hazzary453> ui have to
  591. 05:12 < Yveul> I'm pretty curious about the old stuff you made earlier, do you have some examples ?
  592. 05:12 <@Tiyuri> not going to go spamming anyone
  593. 05:12 < Yanthir> watched ya last time you livestreamed
  594. 05:12 <+kyren> hahahaha, we don't spam people or do any viral marketing
  595. 05:12 < wec> make an evil boss called curious george
  596. 05:12 <+kyren> really
  597. 05:13 <+kyren> we're not that clever
  598. 05:13 < vigrid> viral marketing just does itself, eh?
  599. 05:13 < Wangotango> i wasn't claiming you do, hope you didn't take offence
  600. 05:13 <+kyren> I dunno?
  601. 05:13 <+kyren> I mean, we try not to be jerks :D
  602. 05:13 < hazzary453> i still like those 2 seconds of play bartwef showed us!!!
  603. 05:13 <@Tiyuri> I hope so
  604. 05:13 <@Tiyuri> I had to kill his hamster for that
  605. 05:13 < AndyDX> Will you need a good computer to handle the game?
  606. 05:13 < Yanthir> D:
  607. 05:13 < henks> 8(
  608. 05:13 < Mianso> haha
  609. 05:13 < henks> hamster-killer!
  610. 05:13 < Danny> What's the word my good people!?
  611. 05:13 < vigrid> kyren: what platforms are you planning to release for, initially?
  612. 05:13 <+kyren> hopefully no, you won't need a great computer
  613. 05:13 < Jink_> Maybe Alpha versin as in Endless Space?
  614. 05:14 < Wangotango> what shader model does starbound use?
  615. 05:14 < GIS> great to hear, kyren
  616. 05:14 <+kyren> we're trying for like.. sub 2.0ghz single core integrated video, but we might not get that low
  617. 05:14 < GIS> I was a bit worried
  618. 05:14 < GIS> hehehe.
  619. 05:14 < Toboe12PL> hello
  620. 05:14 < maffleet> hello peoples
  621. 05:14 <+kyren> it will DEFINITELY be no higher than a 2.0ghz dual core with modern intel or really old non-intel gpu
  622. 05:14 < wec> STARBOND FTW
  623. 05:14 < hazzary453> noooo, i would buy him a new Hamster, if i new where he lived!!!!, and if it wasn't a lie!!!!
  624. 05:14 < hazzary453> i agree
  625. 05:14 <+kyren> but we're not done makin it fast yet
  626. 05:14 < Yanthir> noooo, not the dual core
  627. 05:14 < Zantron> Can I be a monster in the game?
  628. 05:14 < bob___> So 2.0Ghz dual core with integrated graphics should be fine to play Starbound?
  629. 05:14 < Apple_Master> Welp, gonna need a new PC
  630. 05:15 < Yanthir> I don't own that much
  631. 05:15 <+bartwe> oh kyren, such ambitious perf goals
  632. 05:15 < Zantron> I know it's a big question but why not
  633. 05:15 <+kyren> yeah, we hope
  634. 05:15 <+kyren> I can hope
  635. 05:15 <+kyren> I mean, okay right now, it runs 60fps at 1920x1080 on like..
  636. 05:15 < hazzary453> how old is the hardware you run it on as my computer is a f&h rubish thingy
  637. 05:15 <+kyren> 2.4ghz dual core with an old discrete gpu
  638. 05:15 <+kyren> it's not gpu bound really
  639. 05:15 <+kyren> it's non-insane opengl driver bound
  640. 05:15 < GIS> *is happy because his computer is above the specs*
  641. 05:15 <+kyren> all perf complaints should be directed to bartwe
  642. 05:16 < Smaxx_> just keep in mind such things might change :P
  643. 05:16 < vigrid> kyren: what do you spend your cpu cycles on in the game mainly?
  644. 05:16 < Smaxx_> and you might be missing out on some effects
  645. 05:16 < Danny> May I ask a question? Will Apex have different building styles than humans? Similar to how Avians have different building styles?
  646. 05:16 <+kyren> well, after the lighting engine which uses like.. depending on the resolution, like 10-25%
  647. 05:16 <+kyren> of one core
  648. 05:16 < hazzary453> mine might be above the specs, im not sure
  649. 05:16 < Wangotango> where did the idea of starbound first come from?
  650. 05:16 <+kyren> mainly.. drawing tiles and waiting on opengl
  651. 05:16 < Smaxx_> vigrid: "if(player.shootsat == "kyren") player.kill();
  652. 05:16 < Smaxx_> that's running in an endless loop
  653. 05:16 < Smaxx_> :P
  654. 05:16 < Whiteluigi> Lol.
  655. 05:17 < hazzary453> this will be my perfect game, block sand box with a plot and story!!!!!
  656. 05:17 < Danny> May I ask a question? Will Apex have different building styles than humans? Similar to how Avians have different building styles?
  657. 05:17 <+kyren> yes they will
  658. 05:17 <+kyren> and do
  659. 05:17 < vigrid> kyren: great :) so there seems to be plenty of time to spend on AI and background sim like circuitry and user generated mechanisms
  660. 05:17 < wec> pl;,k,p[
  661. 05:17 < wec> k;
  662. 05:17 < hazzary453> so different races have different attributes, i heard there would be only atheistic
  663. 05:17 < wec> ;
  664. 05:17 < wec> l';
  665. 05:17 < Wangotango> will the other races be mostly animal based like they have been so far? or will there be weird, alien type races playable as well (is this nda?)
  666. 05:17 < Smaxx_> circuitry is pretty easy if done right ;)
  667. 05:18 < AndyDX> How many monsters there will be?
  668. 05:18 <+kyren> oh, platforms
  669. 05:18 < Vexatron2000> hi :D
  670. 05:18 < Guest21898> When the game will be released?
  671. 05:18 < hazzary453> will planets loop like you said?
  672. 05:18 <+kyren> vigrid: you asked about platforms
  673. 05:18 < bob___> How many lines of code are there in the random world generation?
  674. 05:18 <+kyren> all the platforms
  675. 05:18 < Danny> guys guys one at a time
  676. 05:18 < vigrid> Smaxx_: unless the world changes all the time I guess :)
  677. 05:18 <+kyren> libraries we use.. not many
  678. 05:18 < vigrid> kyren: great, I'm going to wait for Ouya version then ;)
  679. 05:18 <+kyren> all the pc platforms
  680. 05:18 < AndyDX> How many monsters there will be?
  681. 05:18 <+kyren> I could get it running under freebsd in a day
  682. 05:18 <+kyren> probably
  683. 05:19 <+kyren> libraries we use are like
  684. 05:19 < GIS> will there be planetoids and visitable space stations to variate from the planets?
  685. 05:19 < GoaLitiuM> MS-DOS?
  686. 05:19 < hazzary453> are monsters health shown in a bar above there head????
  687. 05:19 < vigrid> GLaDOS
  688. 05:19 < wec> yes
  689. 05:19 < GIS> xD
  690. 05:19 < wec> i saw it in big pic
  691. 05:19 < MsPtibiscuit> Error: Too many questions
  692. 05:19 < GIS> lol
  693. 05:19 < wec> in right side
  694. 05:19 < wec> on robot!!!!
  695. 05:19 < hazzary453> yeah me to
  696. 05:19 <+kyren> freetype, vorbisfile, libpng
  697. 05:19 < wec> look at it
  698. 05:19 <+kyren> couple of things like that
  699. 05:19 <+kyren> then SDL and opengl and that's it
  700. 05:19 < vigrid> kyren: so pretty basic stuff. it's all custom built then, not even libnoise? :)
  701. 05:19 <+kyren> we even use our own mixer because we have a tragic almost fatal case of NIH
  702. 05:20 <+kyren> which is both good and bad
  703. 05:20 < Wangotango> is there anybody contributing to the game outside of who is on the team page? will they be given credit in the game?
  704. 05:20 <+kyren> no, not even libnoise
  705. 05:20 < Zantron> How can I become a super cool alpha tester?
  706. 05:20 < hazzary453> will starbound be 100% awesome or 20000000+%awesome???
  707. 05:20 < sb10> kyren: less libraries, less worries. always like that.
  708. 05:20 < wec> yer i wanna be alpha tester too
  709. 05:20 < wec> how?
  710. 05:20 <+kyren> I mean.. perlin generators are not really that hard
  711. 05:20 < Smaxx_> probably by not nagging and waiting :)
  712. 05:20 < Benguin> kyren: could we get the game running on even lower specs, if we did things like disabling the fancy lighting (say if we had a really simple lighting system to fall back on?)
  713. 05:20 <+kyren> well, the lighting is not yet but will be out of thread
  714. 05:20 < hazzary453> (wec: yer i wanna be alpha tester too) don't we all
  715. 05:20 < plaYer2k> AndyDX, afait there are about 100,000+ monster combinations right now, or at least have been in the past and now are more? :> ... but that is according to the devs easy to push further through their "script-like" system to add new elements
  716. 05:21 < Zantron> That's not an answer smaxx =p
  717. 05:21 < wec> YEP
  718. 05:21 < drcra> Hey
  719. 05:21 < plaYer2k> afaik*
  720. 05:21 <+kyren> so hopefully it will be 60fps and then degrade to much less than 60fps updates while keeping the rendering at 60fps
  721. 05:21 < Smaxx_> shouldn't lighting be on the gpu only anyway?
  722. 05:21 < wec> afaik :D
  723. 05:21 < AndyDX> wow
  724. 05:21 < Wangotango> how smooth is the online? will lag spikes be common?
  725. 05:21 < vigrid> kyren: do you use any test automation or is everything manual?
  726. 05:21 < AndyDX> thats a large number
  727. 05:21 <+kyren> no we don't really have a lot of test automation, we have tests but it's not really proper test driven development
  728. 05:22 < Smaxx_> yigrid: last thing I've heard is Tiy ordering large quantities of steel cages and old computers
  729. 05:22 < hazzary453> YAY, finally I get to talk to devs and and have me questions answers, and i LOVE it!!!!!
  730. 05:22 < Yveul> Do you have some old stuff you created we could look into ? I'm pretty curious :p
  731. 05:22 <@Tiyuri> dont forget the orphans
  732. 05:22 < henks> Smaxx_: those were hamster cages
  733. 05:22 <+kyren> I kind of wish we had more tests, but I'm not sure test driven development really works all THAT great in an environment like this
  734. 05:22 < wec> ill there be a limited edition starbound pack or somthin
  735. 05:22 < vigrid> kyren: what do you think about test automation in game developmen in general? is it even remotely useful?
  736. 05:22 < AndyDX> Do you have to find weapons or craft them from differnt parts?
  737. 05:22 < hazzary453> orphans????
  738. 05:22 < plaYer2k> Wangotango i think some bigger stability tests will prove the network capabilities, but the water demo ran really fluently and they were based around the world there
  739. 05:22 < Smaxx_> kyren: it works in awesome ways if you've got definite inputs and outputs :)
  740. 05:22 <+kyren> it could be useful I think, but it's so hard to test in-game mechanics like that
  741. 05:22 < Smaxx_> i really love the new testing tools in visual studio 2012
  742. 05:23 <+kyren> I dunno, I might just not be smart enough to make it useful
  743. 05:23 < oholiab> kyren: so any chance of in-game computers? Been playing Minecraft with Computercraft and the embedded lua driven computers in that make automating and centrally controlling things by writing your own code hella fun
  744. 05:23 < Smaxx_> it really depends on what you want to test
  745. 05:23 < hazzary453> GO CHUCKLEFISH!!!!!!
  746. 05:23 <+kyren> man I want in-game computers
  747. 05:23 < plaYer2k> xD
  748. 05:23 < drcra> Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta!
  749. 05:23 < plaYer2k> then code them in! yay
  750. 05:23 <+kyren> if it were up to me I would waste a month making sure that the circuitry system could emulate a Z80
  751. 05:23 < Dolu> industrial craft is very cool to
  752. 05:23 < AndyDX> Do you have to find weapons or craft them from diferent parts?
  753. 05:23 <+kyren> and include a Z80 built-in chip
  754. 05:23 < GIS> Yo dawg, so I heard you like games so I put a game in your game so you can play a game while you play a game
  755. 05:24 <+kyren> but I haven't gotten to go crazy with that yet
  756. 05:24 < hazzary453> will there be wiring????
  757. 05:24 <+bartwe> oh yes
  758. 05:24 <+kyren> there will be wiring
  759. 05:24 <+bartwe> YES
  760. 05:24 <+bartwe> a Z80
  761. 05:24 < GIS> seeing all the technology...
  762. 05:24 <+bartwe> you are my favority genius programmer kyren
  763. 05:24 < bob___> What kind of things can you build with wireing?
  764. 05:24 < vigrid> kyren: thanks for answering my questions, great to see a dev who isn't a robot :)
  765. 05:24 < hazzary453> YAY!!!!!
  766. 05:24 <+kyren> you are MY favorite genius programmer bartwe
  767. 05:24 <+bartwe> awwww
  768. 05:24 <+bartwe> group hug
  769. 05:24 <+kyren> group hug
  770. 05:24 < vigrid^afk> group hug ;)
  771. 05:24 < MsPtibiscuit> What kind of music do you listen to while coding, guys ? :3
  772. 05:24 < Whiteluigi> So many questions *faints*.
  773. 05:24 < oholiab> kyren: haha, awesome :D Embedding lua is fairly simple from what I gather and if there's already wiring I guess it would just be making an API for the in-game computer to activate said wiring
  774. 05:24 < GIS> awkard.
  775. 05:25 < Zantron> >_>
  776. 05:25 < hazzary453> yeah i think kind devs like you are awsome!!!
  777. 05:25 < AndyDX> :|
  778. 05:25 <+kyren> oh good point
  779. 05:25 <+kyren> when we make a wiring api we definitely need mod hooks into it
  780. 05:25 < GIS> You will be able to visit more than planets in starbound, right?
  781. 05:25 <+kyren> er, we need to make a wiring api for mods
  782. 05:25 <+kyren> just pretend that sentence made sense
  783. 05:25 < Toiletpaper> afds
  784. 05:25 < Zantron> Giant sized Natalie Portman should be a destination
  785. 05:26 < hazzary453> how will we find we planets?
  786. 05:26 < GIS> lol
  787. 05:26 < sb10> kyren: will IDDQD and IDKFA work in Starbound? :)
  788. 05:26 < oholiab> kyren: that would be pretty awesome - I had an idea with computercraft because it has an HTTP API, so I was thinking of writing an in-game script to watch a sinatra app on my host PC so I can control all of the computer nodes centrally from a point-and-click interface
  789. 05:26 < lkijl> What is the game being programmed in?
  790. 05:26 < Toiletpaper> kyren: will there be like a genetic modifier similar to spore ?
  791. 05:26 < oholiab> that sort of stuff would be amazeballs
  792. 05:26 < Apple_Master> lkijl; C++
  793. 05:26 < plaYer2k> well adding some kind of "processing power" into the game sure is a "must" .... may it be a "simple" thing like basic wireing and logics ... OR even better, emulated processors <3<3<3
  794. 05:26 < Danny> Yeah, will we get a list of planets we've already visited or haven't visited alongside with our home planet?
  795. 05:26 <+kyren> I listen to random dubstep / chillstep music that omni hands me, and chiptunes, and the mspa albums over and over again for more times than is healthy
  796. 05:26 < Smaxx_> ohaliab: would probably be a can of worms security related
  797. 05:26 < plaYer2k> so you got a task after launch i would say ... add the processor emulator! xD
  798. 05:27 < Memeej> Will you guys make more games like this?
  799. 05:27 <+kyren> I hope so Memeej
  800. 05:27 < psychotwo|bsod> chiptunes *drool* them days
  801. 05:27 < Toiletpaper> genetic modifier?!?!
  802. 05:27 <+kyren> if this works out, it's not like we plan on stopping
  803. 05:27 < Yveul> What is actually randomly generated ?
  804. 05:27 < Wangotango> have kyren/bartwef/tiy ever heard of the protomen? i'd advise anybody to check them out
  805. 05:27 < lkijl> would people be able to give each other on-board computer viruses?
  806. 05:27 < oholiab> Smaxx_: not really, the only thing you can do is turn signals on or off, and if you're doing it on a public network it's you're own stupid fault
  807. 05:27 < Zantron> Some sort of MMO-like version of these games would be amazing
  808. 05:27 < Darkwater> ^
  809. 05:28 < Zantron> With TONS of planets like Eve-online, but everyone in one universe
  810. 05:28 < ryuu> Thank You guys !
  811. 05:28 < hazzary453> me brother is insulting and annoying me about this but who cares this is awesome!!!!
  812. 05:28 < plaYer2k> there are "near infinite" planets ... what you want more? xD
  813. 05:28 < Hallucinogenus> aloha guys
  814. 05:28 < sb10> starbound is not yet out, still we already want MOAR
  815. 05:28 < Toiletpaper> aww reeely want genetic modifier
  816. 05:28 < hazzary453> i want infinite planets
  817. 05:28 < bob___> How will destroying planets work?
  818. 05:28 < Ype> trow a nuke in it lol
  819. 05:28 < sdadasdas> kaboom?
  820. 05:28 < Rampage> kyren: how far through development are you at this point?
  821. 05:28 < Toiletpaper> like spore? tat kinda sucked
  822. 05:28 < Wangotango> (reposting) have kyren/bartwef/tiy ever heard of the protomen? i'd advise anybody to check them out
  823. 05:28 < hazzary453> i want infinite planets
  824. 05:28 < plaYer2k> just have a really powerful server set up and it might handle hundreds of players when the netcode is really that good
  825. 05:29 < Starbi> spore sucked only at the last stage :D
  826. 05:29 < Wuzhles> Spore sucked because it became kiddiefied
  827. 05:29 < hazzary453> visit ALL the planets!!!!!
  828. 05:29 < Wuzhles> Have you seen the "Beta footage"?
  829. 05:29 < Toiletpaper> yar...
  830. 05:29 < plaYer2k> hazzary453 there ARE near infinite ... you womt be able to explore them all anyway
  831. 05:29 <+kyren> I hope it won't be bandwidth limited
  832. 05:29 <+kyren> but it might be
  833. 05:29 < Hallucinogenus> jop, the last part of spore was boring as hell
  834. 05:29 <+kyren> block based games take up lots of bandwidth in worst cases
  835. 05:29 < hazzary453> sad face
  836. 05:29 < Wuzhles> It had like, blood and underwater stage at first
  837. 05:29 < hazzary453> how many is that 1000000
  838. 05:30 < Wuzhles> but EA wanted the family audience
  839. 05:30 < Memeej> Kyren, how in the hell did you code the randomization?
  840. 05:30 < Wuzhles> arrays?
  841. 05:30 <+bartwe> bartwe: we'll keep working on starbound after release for a good while, so it is likely some issues that exist at release will be fixed later
  842. 05:30 <+kyren> carefully
  843. 05:30 < plaYer2k> hazzary453, one million ... xD
  844. 05:30 < Wuzhles> How did you make the 24x24 pixel display?
  845. 05:30 <+bartwe> blockbased games can be cheap on the network
  846. 05:30 < Danny> If you guys were going to make another game after starbound (Which I'm assuming you are) what type would it be? Shooter? top down RPG?
  847. 05:30 < Wangotango> (reposting again) have kyren/bartwef/tiy ever heard of the protomen? i'd advise anybody to check them out
  848. 05:30 < vigrid> int random() { return 4; // determined by a dice throw }
  849. 05:31 < Memeej> 8-bit remake of Starbound :P
  850. 05:31 <+kyren> ^^^
  851. 05:31 < bob___> Which programming language did you learn first?
  852. 05:31 <+kyren> I don't even remembmer..
  853. 05:31 <+kyren> Ti calcluator basic I think
  854. 05:31 < bob___> How many do you know
  855. 05:31 < Memeej> Lol
  856. 05:31 < plaYer2k> xD
  857. 05:31 <+kyren> uh..
  858. 05:31 < iruyit> How does the mob generation work?
  859. 05:31 <+kyren> depends on how you count
  860. 05:31 <+bartwe> kyren knows them all
  861. 05:31 < Wangotango> kyren, have you worked on any games before starbound?
  862. 05:31 <+kyren> not any good professional games unfortunately
  863. 05:32 <+kyren> just my own crap
  864. 05:32 < Memeej> Define 'crap"
  865. 05:32 < henks> hamster simulator?
  866. 05:32 < Memeej> xD
  867. 05:32 < vigrid> kyren: I'm just looking at the livestream you recorded. vim... impressive minimalism - are there any C++ IDEs for Mac that you could recommend?
  868. 05:32 <+kyren> xcode?
  869. 05:32 < vigrid> recommend, not know ;)
  870. 05:32 <+kyren> I mean, you're not exactly spoiled for choice
  871. 05:32 < Starbi> Bartwe, have you got your hamster back? :D
  872. 05:32 <+kyren> I dunno I'm not an IDE person
  873. 05:32 <+bartwe> Starbi: the hamster was a lie
  874. 05:32 < vigrid> fair enough
  875. 05:32 < Hallucinogenus> crap =learning-process
  876. 05:32 < Starbi> T_T
  877. 05:33 <+kyren> I know, ranging from meh to really really well
  878. 05:33 <+kyren> C lua python javascript java C++ objective-c scheme perl shell uh..
  879. 05:33 <+kyren> thinking
  880. 05:33 <+kyren> ruby-ish
  881. 05:33 <+kyren> oh php a bit
  882. 05:33 <+kyren> um
  883. 05:33 < vigrid> self taught programmer I see
  884. 05:33 <+kyren> I'm missing some
  885. 05:33 < Memeej> C#?
  886. 05:34 < bob___> html?
  887. 05:34 < vigrid> basic ;)
  888. 05:34 < Wangotango> is there anybody contributing to the game outside of the those shown on the team page? will they get credit and mentions for their work inside of the game?
  889. 05:34 < Whiteluigi> So many programming languages.
  890. 05:34 < rarr4> errr guys
  891. 05:34 <+kyren> a tiny bit of C#
  892. 05:34 <+kyren> html if you count that
  893. 05:34 <+kyren> no, there's some I'm missing
  894. 05:34 < Memeej> hm
  895. 05:34 < rarr4> does anybody know a thing about the release date already?
  896. 05:34 <+kyren> fuu
  897. 05:34 <+kyren> uh
  898. 05:34 < Whiteluigi> Estimated release: End of the year.
  899. 05:34 < Memeej> xD
  900. 05:34 < bob___> Q4 2012
  901. 05:34 < plaYer2k> There is no release date known yet. Its an indie game and thus its done when its done. Estimated release is however "End of the Year".
  902. 05:34 < vigrid> rarr4: 31st November
  903. 05:34 < rarr4> aha
  904. 05:34 < plaYer2k> lol no vigrid
  905. 05:35 < plaYer2k> there is no exact release date known ...
  906. 05:35 < Whiteluigi> There exist no date, only estimated.
  907. 05:35 < rarr4> thats pretty late
  908. 05:35 <+kyren> some variants of basic
  909. 05:35 < plaYer2k> please dont drop false dates
  910. 05:35 < vigrid> plaYer2k: there is no 31st November, too ;)
  911. 05:35 < Memeej> Not really, since it's basically september now.
  912. 05:35 < plaYer2k> that too
  913. 05:35 < plaYer2k> but people believe those false dates :<
  914. 05:35 < rarr4> well, too bad
  915. 05:35 < Wangotango> (reposting) is there anybody contributing to the game outside of the those shown on the team page? will they get credit and mentions for their work inside of the game?
  916. 05:35 < Hallucinogenus> end of the year, bartwe need the money :P
  917. 05:35 <+kyren> I want to know haskell better
  918. 05:35 < rarr4> cya guys!
  919. 05:35 < Wuzhles> Did Hurricane Isaac ever hit Florida?
  920. 05:35 <+kyren> oh, crap coldfusion
  921. 05:35 <+kyren> that pos
  922. 05:36 < Horyzone> is there any chance of a beta soon and do you have some idea of how it will be ruled ? :)
  923. 05:36 <+kyren> I wish coldfusion and php were stricken from my head
  924. 05:36 < hazzary453> there are maggots on my kitchen floor!!!!
  925. 05:36 <+kyren> oh, man scala
  926. 05:36 < Memeej> How can you know so many coding languages ._.
  927. 05:36 <+bartwe> Scheme
  928. 05:36 <+kyren> a bit of D
  929. 05:36 <+bartwe> and C
  930. 05:36 <+kyren> I dunno some of them I don't know that well / have forgotten
  931. 05:36 <+bartwe> the grandparents
  932. 05:36 < plaYer2k> There is currently no information about either there will be a beta or not. It is however very likely that IF there will be a beta, it will be closed and only available for active and helpful members of the community.
  933. 05:36 < bob___> wow thats a lot you know
  934. 05:36 <+kyren> I knew perl crazy well but forgot most of it
  935. 05:36 < Wangotango> (reposting) is there anybody contributing to the game outside of the those shown on the team page? will they get credit and mentions for their work inside of the game?
  936. 05:37 < vigrid> if you know programming (in general) another programming language is just another simple thing to learn, given it shares a paradigm with what you're familiar with ;)
  937. 05:37 < Whiteluigi> plaYer really gets to use those commands of his.
  938. 05:37 <+kyren> I think everyone contributing is on the team page atm?
  939. 05:37 < hazzary453> is it rue tiys real name is Finn Bryce
  940. 05:37 < hazzary453> true
  941. 05:37 <+kyren> no it did not hit florida at all
  942. 05:37 <+kyren> Brice
  943. 05:37 < plaYer2k> hehe well WL those are all old and common questions ... sure xD
  944. 05:37 <+kyren> I believe
  945. 05:37 <+kyren> Isaac => florida was like
  946. 05:37 <+kyren> breezy, bit of rain
  947. 05:37 < bob___> Can you recommend any good books for learning C++ or C#?
  948. 05:37 < Rampage> kyren: what made you guys use wanderlust rebirth as a means of support instead of just opening up the game to pre orders?
  949. 05:38 <+kyren> we don't like to take money and give people nothing in return
  950. 05:38 < Rampage> fair enough thats as good a reason as any
  951. 05:38 < hazzary453> you wouldnt we would get starbound later
  952. 05:38 < Rampage> ^
  953. 05:38 < Dolu> energy system is incredible, In starbound, how work the energy bar ?
  954. 05:38 < Rampage> im sure tehre are ppl otu there willnig to pre order even for notihng for a few months
  955. 05:38 < Wicstar> Morning everyone
  956. 05:38 < Hallucinogenus> moin
  957. 05:39 < sb10> Wicstar: it's evening actually!
  958. 05:39 < hazzary453> like me rampage
  959. 05:39 < psychotwo> Afternoon everyone, almost
  960. 05:39 < psychotwo> heh
  961. 05:39 < Wicstar> I am just waking on the conversation but I have a whole bunch of people on my server ready to pre-order
  962. 05:39 < Wicstar> the game is so anticipated :)
  963. 05:39 < Rampage> of course that would open you up to the people that would get pissy about its release getting delayed etc
  964. 05:39 < psychotwo> (still morning here, 6:39am EDT)
  965. 05:39 < Wuzhles> Wait, isn't it really late where kyren is?
  966. 05:39 < hazzary453> no realy erly
  967. 05:39 <+kyren> it's really early
  968. 05:39 <+kyren> I woke up early
  969. 05:39 < Wuzhles> Oooh
  970. 05:40 <+kyren> I'm on GMT time atm I think
  971. 05:40 <+kyren> I stay in one spot, but my sleeping schedule is a *world traveler*
  972. 05:40 < plaYer2k> and you call it early @GMT (UTC) ? xD
  973. 05:40 < plaYer2k> thats 10:40
  974. 05:40 <+kyren> no, I'm in CDT
  975. 05:40 < sb10> It's 5 PM for me :)
  976. 05:40 <+kyren> my sleeping schedule is GMT
  977. 05:40 < hazzary453> cdt?
  978. 05:40 < psychotwo> Beh
  979. 05:40 < vigrid> thanks for answering the questions. good luck with the game. bye! :)
  980. 05:40 <+kyren> aww thank you vigrid
  981. 05:40 < psychotwo> kyren: 0540 :)
  982. 05:40 < plaYer2k> UTC-X ?
  983. 05:40 <+kyren> :)
  984. 05:41 < Wuzhles> Wait, so you sleep during days and code during nights?
  985. 05:41 <+kyren> UTC-6
  986. 05:41 <+kyren> I think?
  987. 05:41 < plaYer2k> ah okay thnx
  988. 05:41 < Whiteluigi> Oh dear, Kyren's sleep schedule matches Great Britain time.
  989. 05:41 < psychotwo> yeah
  990. 05:41 < hazzary453> I to wish you all the best
  991. 05:41 <+kyren> it's 5:41 am
  992. 05:41 < Wicstar> What language are you coding the game ?
  993. 05:41 < psychotwo> it's -6
  994. 05:41 < plaYer2k> so 4:40? :-D
  995. 05:41 < plaYer2k> ah
  996. 05:41 < plaYer2k> utc-5
  997. 05:41 < Memeej> Wicstar: c++
  998. 05:41 <+kyren> C++ :)
  999. 05:41 < Wicstar> Hehe thanks :)
  1000. 05:41 < psychotwo> aargh
  1001. 05:41 * psychotwo falls over
  1002. 05:41 < Horyzone> what are we able to know about the fighting system actualy or is a news about that comming soon ? (sorry for my awfull english, i'm the one that represent the starbound-fr community site ^^')
  1003. 05:41 < psychotwo> I am read as GMT -0500
  1004. 05:42 < psychotwo> 0642 here
  1005. 05:42 < hazzary453> your english isnt to bad
  1006. 05:42 < bob___> How complex will the wiring be in starbound, whats the most complex you have been able to build?
  1007. 05:42 <+kyren> I am the vampyren
  1008. 05:42 < Wangotango> will there be a combat demo video anytime soon?
  1009. 05:42 < Darkbuilderx> Eastern Standard Time psycho?
  1010. 05:42 < Wicstar> Yeah I am on the same schedule as you Psycho
  1011. 05:42 < Wuzhles> Are we seriously discussing time zones?
  1012. 05:42 <+kyren> I hope we put out a combat / gameplay video pretty soon actually
  1013. 05:42 <+kyren> I don't know when, though
  1014. 05:42 < Horyzone> ok thanks :)
  1015. 05:43 < Wicstar> I am pretty impress with the monsters generation ! Its pretty cool
  1016. 05:43 < Whiteluigi> Discuss all the timezones.
  1017. 05:43 < Vizendel> Christ this is fast paced.
  1018. 05:43 < Wicstar> impressed*
  1019. 05:43 < Wuzhles> What are you most proud/satsified with of your coding, kyren?
  1020. 05:43 < Whiteluigi> Vizendel? Terraria Online?
  1021. 05:43 < hazzary453> will the wiring be like terraria were the switch provides power or like real life were it lets it through?
  1022. 05:43 < Nigth> Hi
  1023. 05:43 < Vizendel> Yes.
  1024. 05:44 < Whiteluigi> I never thought I actually would see users from TO in here.
  1025. 05:44 <+kyren> kind of
  1026. 05:44 < Vizendel> Meh.
  1027. 05:44 <+kyren> it won't be terraria's wiring system
  1028. 05:44 < Wicstar> Was the idea for the monster randomness came from Borderland rifle randomness
  1029. 05:44 <+kyren> but it does provide power
  1030. 05:44 < Vizendel> I wish Terraria didn't die off so suddenly.
  1031. 05:44 <+bartwe> terrarias system was too simple
  1032. 05:44 < Vizendel> I wonder how my old clan is doing.
  1033. 05:44 < hazzary453> im hazzary453 in TO starbound forums and twitter
  1034. 05:44 <+bartwe> no crossing wires limits so much
  1035. 05:44 <+kyren> what bartwe said
  1036. 05:44 < GIS> that's great to hear.
  1037. 05:45 < Vizendel> I'm Vizendel everywhere, if it's from a Brony forum to a Gaming forum, it's likely me.
  1038. 05:45 < Whiteluigi> I use Whiteluigi as username all over the place.
  1039. 05:45 < hazzary453> awesome
  1040. 05:45 < Memeej> Same here with Memeej.
  1041. 05:45 < Vizendel> I remember you, White.
  1042. 05:45 < hazzary453> and with me
  1043. 05:45 < Vizendel> How have you been?
  1044. 05:45 < Rampage> kyren: were any other games used as inspiration for the design of starbound? it seems to take a few small elements from terraria as well
  1045. 05:45 < Whiteluigi> I've been good.
  1046. 05:45 < Wicstar> Same here Vizendel, my username was pretty much free everywhere
  1047. 05:46 < Whiteluigi> How are doing Vizendel?
  1048. 05:46 < Vizendel> I'm fine, thank you White.
  1049. 05:46 < Wangotango> what's the building system like in the game? is it block by block, or do you have to gather x amount of resources and a blueprint to make, say, a museum pop out of nowhere?
  1050. 05:46 < hazzary453> will the updates like terraria be free?
  1051. 05:46 < Vizendel> Hazzary, no developer will make you pay for updates.
  1052. 05:46 < hazzary453> yay!
  1053. 05:46 < Vizendel> If they do, they are likely to make many, many enemies.
  1054. 05:47 < Anon3324> kyren, will be the procudure generator work actually in game, or just to pre-generate mobs\planets\etc during development? If yes so - could we get mobs in our game, that won't be in another player game?
  1055. 05:47 < Wuzhles> It's just dumb, same goes for DLC
  1056. 05:47 < hazzary453> yay!
  1057. 05:47 <+kyren> I mean, it's the same genre of game as terraria, it's a 2-d block based game
  1058. 05:47 < Vizendel> Day One DLC I hate.
  1059. 05:47 < Vizendel> It's easier to put in the game.
  1060. 05:47 <+kyren> there's plenty of room in the genre :)
  1061. 05:47 < Vizendel> After that, sure. Go ahead.
  1062. 05:47 < Nazghul> block by block, cool :)
  1063. 05:47 < Wuzhles> Day 1 DLC means it's already on the disc, you just have to enable it.
  1064. 05:47 < Vizendel> Kyren.
  1065. 05:47 < Vizendel> It's significantly smoother.
  1066. 05:47 <+kyren> but building will be block by block mostly
  1067. 05:47 <+kyren> or 2x2 blocks
  1068. 05:48 < Wuzhles> ooooh, 2x2? Nice!
  1069. 05:48 < Vizendel> At least what I've seen.
  1070. 05:48 <+kyren> no, we won't have game one dlc oh god
  1071. 05:48 < Nazghul> and crafting will be similar like in terraria?
  1072. 05:48 < Vizendel> Kyren, yours is an Indie game, DLC doesn't really suit Indie.
  1073. 05:48 <+kyren> no, I think we've all decided that at the very minimum engine updates and things like that will be free forever
  1074. 05:48 < plaYer2k> Anon3324 it works ingame, most NPCs are not prebuild ... but some unique NPCs, bosses and such are
  1075. 05:48 < Vizendel> Just like you'd never, ever find DLC for Minecraft.
  1076. 05:48 < Wicstar> Kyren: Do you guys use an array to generate the land ? (C++) I want to 2d aventure game but I am wondering where to concentrate my effort for the map generation. I love the concept of randomness
  1077. 05:48 < hazzary453> will the things like the home world weather station be something you craft then place?
  1078. 05:49 <+kyren> if we did have dlc, which we don't have any plans for really for a very long time
  1079. 05:49 < Wuzhles> the whole DLC thing wasn't a suggestion, just me stating my opinion
  1080. 05:49 < GIS> dlc would be a bit stupid since everyone that can mod well can easily recreate the content... into some extend.
  1081. 05:49 < Rampage> kyren: will it be possible to secure a home planet from enemy players?
  1082. 05:50 <+kyren> an array to generate the land?
  1083. 05:50 <+kyren> yeah, kind of
  1084. 05:50 <+kyren> it's multi-level array
  1085. 05:50 < hazzary453> i cant wait to nuke a planet!!!!!!
  1086. 05:50 <+kyren> so we can unload / load specific sectors
  1087. 05:50 < plaYer2k> GIS "everyone can code his own game aswell" so whydo you pay for games at all? :-P
  1088. 05:50 < Wicstar> Cool :) Thanks !
  1089. 05:50 < Toiletpaper> kyren will this game rely on hamachi
  1090. 05:50 <+kyren> because it's kind of hard to hold a 64k x 12k planet or something huge in memory at one time
  1091. 05:50 < GIS> just because you can, doesn't mean you want to.
  1092. 05:50 <+kyren> no not at all
  1093. 05:50 < hazzary453> yes!
  1094. 05:50 < Rampage> will it use steamworks?
  1095. 05:51 < Rampage> or its own networking?
  1096. 05:51 < GIS> but that's a bit of a stupid statement as you can make games, and pay for other games.
  1097. 05:51 < Wicstar> please do it so that the host can access his option haha not like TO
  1098. 05:51 < plaYer2k> same for modding all the stuff youself ... because you want quality and NOT to work for it, thats why some would pay for it
  1099. 05:51 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> steamworks please yes
  1100. 05:51 < Wicstar> I hated having to logout (and kill the server) just to change my sound settings
  1101. 05:51 < hazzary453> i would wait i lifetime for this game if i had to!
  1102. 05:51 <+kyren> it uses its own networking, but I think that integrating with steamworks is a good idea at some point, it'd be nice if you could click on a friend in steam and play with them
  1103. 05:51 < Horyzone> how the server system will work ? steam, private server or public server ?
  1104. 05:51 < Rampage> yes that would be great
  1105. 05:52 < GIS> but in this case, plaYer, people can mod to recreate the dlc, and give it to everyone.
  1106. 05:52 < Vizendel> Kyren, if you would be so kind as to bring this to whomever put in Director mode: "Vizendel sends you his thanks at the Director mode, it will aid him with roleplaying on Starbound."
  1107. 05:52 < hazzary453> this is so awesome!
  1108. 05:52 <+kyren> it will be based on private servers, but we want to do a lot of things that should make it easier than minecraft / terraria
  1109. 05:52 <+kyren> like
  1110. 05:52 < Horyzone> oups ^^'
  1111. 05:52 < hazzary453> thankyou!
  1112. 05:52 < Horyzone> ok thanks
  1113. 05:52 < oholiab> GIS: if it was that easy level designers wouldn't exist
  1114. 05:53 <+kyren> at the very least have some convenience thing, like have upnp automatic port mapping, or reverse client / server connections
  1115. 05:53 < GIS> I'm not saying it will be done in a day. People have time.
  1116. 05:53 <+kyren> and hopefully something better like udp hole punching
  1117. 05:53 < GIS> And i didn't say everything would be recreated.
  1118. 05:53 < Rampage> yes that would be good minecrafts server system is horrendous and lets face it terraria's wasnt exactly great either
  1119. 05:53 < SniperNLN> kyren, how much players will be the cap for multiplayer?
  1120. 05:53 < plaYer2k> btw how are the plans for unique identifications?
  1121. 05:53 < oholiab> GIS: why wait for an incomplete version when you can pay for the full thing now?
  1122. 05:53 < hazzary453> this will be great!
  1123. 05:54 < GIS> ..?
  1124. 05:54 < plaYer2k> which was the major drawback in terrarias online games ...
  1125. 05:54 <+kyren> I don't see a reason why you couldn't have at least 16 players on a server, it's mostly a question of bandwidth
  1126. 05:54 < The_Decryptor> I hope there’s NAT-PMP support along with uPnP :p
  1127. 05:54 < GIS> I have no idea what you mean, oholiab.
  1128. 05:54 <+kyren> yeah also nat-pmp
  1129. 05:54 < AppoX> wow everyone keeps asking kyren questions that were allready answered somewhere....
  1130. 05:54 <+kyren> just, auto port forwarding
  1131. 05:54 < hazzary453> is tiy still here?
  1132. 05:54 < The_Decryptor> Excellent
  1133. 05:54 < oholiab> GIS: never mind, not important :)
  1134. 05:54 < Vizendel> Mmh, I'm getting off, farewell you lot. If you need anything PM me on the forums. Vizendel.
  1135. 05:54 <+kyren> even that is like 2000% better than terraria / minecraft for non-technically-inclined users
  1136. 05:54 <+kyren> I watch people struggle with minecraft / terraria multiplayer all the time
  1137. 05:55 <+kyren> also, every game is a multiplayer game, so
  1138. 05:55 <+kyren> what I want is a "invite player to my game" feature, hopefully integrated with steam
  1139. 05:55 <+kyren> single player is local multiplayer
  1140. 05:55 < oholiab> kyren: that sounds awesome
  1141. 05:55 < Rampage> great
  1142. 05:55 <+kyren> it's been like that from the beginning
  1143. 05:55 < meow|TF2> auto port forwarding!
  1144. 05:55 < ThunderSmasher> How much bandwidth needed for 3 people in total?
  1145. 05:55 < meow|TF2> *throws money*
  1146. 05:55 < hazzary453> i spend like 80% of my free time on my laptop if i can!
  1147. 05:55 < plaYer2k> hm i ran a 20player terraria game without issues and lags ... so i hope there is no artificial limitation in starbound aswell :-D
  1148. 05:55 < AppoX> So you can't play offline without internet? :/
  1149. 05:55 <+kyren> depends a lot on what you're doing
  1150. 05:55 < oholiab> meow|TF2: I know right
  1151. 05:55 < plaYer2k> i just want to test a 50+ server then xD
  1152. 05:55 < Rampage> thats a great idea nothing i ahte more then a singlepalyer game that my friends cant join
  1153. 05:55 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Starbound is in alpha? prealpha?
  1154. 05:55 <+kyren> it can spike when doing crazy stuff
  1155. 05:56 <+kyren> I'd say alpha? I dunno it depends on how you define alpha
  1156. 05:56 <+kyren> it's so not feature complete, but really I mean
  1157. 05:56 < ThunderSmasher> like?
  1158. 05:56 < Darkwater> indev
  1159. 05:56 <+kyren> it won't be feature complete at release haha
  1160. 05:56 <+kyren> we're gonna add features for a long time
  1161. 05:56 <+kyren> so, I dunno the normal names hardly apply
  1162. 05:56 < loadme> alpha: map is being generated, you can move along freely and interact with some enviremnent things
  1163. 05:56 < Wangotango> how varied will the ai be?
  1164. 05:56 <+kyren> I mean, it'll be feature complete but then we'll add more features?
  1165. 05:56 < Horyzone> 16 players... "staria" is a server that already have a lot of members (like 21 or somethings...). With a powerfull server will we be able to all play together at the same time ?
  1166. 05:56 <+kyren> I dunno what to call it anymore
  1167. 05:57 < GIS> guess it's late alpha now
  1168. 05:57 < oholiab> kyren: call it pre-release ;)
  1169. 05:57 < The_Decryptor> Indefinite beta, just like Google does
  1170. 05:57 < Nazghul> kyren and when do you think the game will be released?
  1171. 05:57 <+kyren> oh god, it's so much farther than that
  1172. 05:57 < hazzary453> will you really be able to examine, EVERYTHING?
  1173. 05:57 <+kyren> but it's not ready
  1174. 05:57 < Liquidmetal> hello
  1175. 05:57 < Dassery> Delta?
  1176. 05:57 < plaYer2k> hy
  1177. 05:57 <+kyren> I mean, ideally I'd want like 32 players
  1178. 05:58 <+kyren> at a time
  1179. 05:58 <+kyren> if I don't improve the netcode one bit
  1180. 05:58 <+kyren> then..
  1181. 05:58 < Gyro_> Sounds kinda unplaceable as a 'stage'
  1182. 05:58 < Horyzone> perfect :D thanks ^^
  1183. 05:58 < Nigth> :o
  1184. 05:58 < ThunderSmasher> What crazy stuff can you do to spike a server badly?
  1185. 05:58 < LetalShade> :D
  1186. 05:58 < loadme> but will it make sense to have "only" 32 players if they cant even meet without sharing their locations?=
  1187. 05:58 < hazzary453> you devs are soo good to us
  1188. 05:58 < The_Decryptor> ThunderSmasher: Blowing up hundreds of blocks at a time
  1189. 05:58 <+kyren> and you had like.. a 4mbit connection
  1190. 05:58 <+kyren> weeell
  1191. 05:58 <+kyren> 5mbit
  1192. 05:58 < ThunderSmasher> Crazy.
  1193. 05:58 <+kyren> upload
  1194. 05:58 < plaYer2k> <- 80mbit for testing =D
  1195. 05:59 <+kyren> then you would be fine for 32 players?
  1196. 05:59 < Nigth> xD
  1197. 05:59 <+kyren> if you had an 80mbit connection then you could support, if I'm doing my math right, a lot
  1198. 05:59 < ThunderSmasher> I've got 100kb of upload, what can I handle?
  1199. 05:59 < ThunderSmasher> Nothing?
  1200. 05:59 < terrorcell> if there is going to be a beta, any estimation as to when it will be available?
  1201. 05:59 < AppoX> what kind of PC specs do you expect will be needed to host a server for let's say 5 people?
  1202. 05:59 <+kyren> a few friends, hopefully more if I further improve the netcode
  1203. 05:59 <+kyren> 4-5 people
  1204. 05:59 <+kyren> I dunno, I'm not done yet
  1205. 06:00 < ThunderSmasher> Man!
  1206. 06:00 <+kyren> I have not yet begun to compress
  1207. 06:00 < ThunderSmasher> 4-5 people for 100kb
  1208. 06:00 <+kyren> I'm sorry!
  1209. 06:00 < loadme> will there be a way to switch between servers? like you are hosting a 32slot server and share with your friendlist some coordinates, although they arent on your server
  1210. 06:00 <+kyren> or wait, 100kb
  1211. 06:00 <+kyren> not KB
  1212. 06:00 <+kyren> eeeh...
  1213. 06:00 <+kyren> 1-2
  1214. 06:00 <+kyren> don't kill me
  1215. 06:00 <@Tiyuri> I think he means kb/s
  1216. 06:00 <@Tiyuri> kyren
  1217. 06:00 <+kyren> yeah haha, whoops
  1218. 06:00 < Nigth> ^^
  1219. 06:00 <@Tiyuri> 100kb is really slow
  1220. 06:00 <@Tiyuri> haha
  1221. 06:00 < ThunderSmasher> kb as in KiloBytes
  1222. 06:00 < Liquidmetal> Hi all, will there be Kabushima? if you dont know what they are look them up on google images.
  1223. 06:00 < ThunderSmasher> I know.
  1224. 06:00 <+kyren> oh KB
  1225. 06:00 <+kyren> okay
  1226. 06:00 <+kyren> 100KB is better!
  1227. 06:00 <+kyren> then I stand by what I said
  1228. 06:00 < plaYer2k> even kb/s is kilibit and
  1229. 06:00 <@Tiyuri> I have 100KB upload
  1230. 06:00 <+kyren> 800kb/s
  1231. 06:00 < plaYer2k> kb != kB
  1232. 06:01 <@Tiyuri> and I've had 6-7 people on just fine
  1233. 06:01 < SniperNLN> kyren, so if its almost no limits, except bandwidth.. Can we expect may be even a huge amount of slots, if specific server is used, for example 100+ of players (of course with a compareable world)?
  1234. 06:01 < ThunderSmasher> Wow.
  1235. 06:01 < ThunderSmasher> That is some good multiplayer.
  1236. 06:01 <+kyren> it helps if they're not in the same world
  1237. 06:01 < Wurmy> Hello everyone.
  1238. 06:01 < hazzary453> im on bt infinity so i hope that will be ok speeds
  1239. 06:01 < The_Decryptor> What kinds of plans are there for mod support? Will we be able to do crazy things like we can in Minecraft or Gmod? (Where we can attach custom code to an object for certain events/situations)
  1240. 06:01 < ThunderSmasher> I couldn't support 2 people in Terraria with 100KB
  1241. 06:01 < Wangotango> what kind of vehicles are included so far?
  1242. 06:01 <+kyren> minecraft modding is not modding
  1243. 06:01 <+kyren> it's..
  1244. 06:01 <+kyren> tacitly approved binary hacking
  1245. 06:01 < TautwiZZ> hacking?
  1246. 06:01 < loadme> :D
  1247. 06:01 < Rampage> heh
  1248. 06:01 < Dassery> do you guys have fun while your coding?
  1249. 06:02 <+kyren> oh I hate coding
  1250. 06:02 < loadme> sure they have. look at the outcome
  1251. 06:02 <+kyren> :P
  1252. 06:02 <+kyren> no I code all the time
  1253. 06:02 < Horyzone> Following some trouble within the French community, a new site has been created apart from Can you please reference it on alongside :)
  1254. 06:02 <+kyren> for fun
  1255. 06:02 < LetalShade> yeah
  1256. 06:02 < Dassery> oh ok :P
  1257. 06:02 <+kyren> erry day
  1258. 06:02 < The_Decryptor> Yeah, I really wanted to use Gmod as my main example, since you can create entirely new entities and script them via Lua there :p
  1259. 06:02 <+kyren> errday
  1260. 06:02 < Rampage> hmmm really? i hate when i screw up coding but when i get shit working that i didnt think would its amazing
  1261. 06:02 < drewy> will we get a beta anytime this year? im so hyped for this game ;/
  1262. 06:02 < hazzary453> i liked minecraft i loved terraria words can't describe it for starbound
  1263. 06:02 < ThunderSmasher> When is the Combat video coming?
  1264. 06:02 < ThunderSmasher> Still polishing up?
  1265. 06:02 < plaYer2k> There is currently no information about either there will be a beta or not. It is however very likely that IF there will be a beta, it will be closed and only available for active and helpful members of the community.
  1266. 06:02 <+kyren> I want gmod's modding support really bad, but gmod is a very high standard
  1267. 06:03 < TautwiZZ> didn't they say they're releasing it later this year?
  1268. 06:03 < Vbitz> what will the modding look like from a programmers perspective?
  1269. 06:03 <+kyren> we haven't decided, but bartwe has a really really neat idea
  1270. 06:03 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> gmod's modding? good luck with that
  1271. 06:03 < hazzary453> starbound is high standard to me
  1272. 06:03 <+kyren> about modding being out of process
  1273. 06:03 < Vbitz> gmod has a solid SDK which most of it''s functions bind to
  1274. 06:03 <+kyren> over a local socket
  1275. 06:03 <+kyren> which he has warmed me up to in a big way
  1276. 06:03 < oholiab> kyren: that sounds really good
  1277. 06:03 < ThunderSmasher> Man, aiming for a GMOD?
  1278. 06:03 < JoshMad> Any word about the Avians being playable?
  1279. 06:03 <+kyren> avians are playable
  1280. 06:04 < JoshMad> Oh snap
  1281. 06:04 <+kyren> I thought that was a given
  1282. 06:04 <@Tiyuri> so are Apex
  1283. 06:04 <+kyren> all the races we've introduced are
  1284. 06:04 < Wicstar> Woohoo !
  1285. 06:04 < drewy> plaYer2k thanks <3
  1286. 06:04 < plaYer2k> sure
  1287. 06:04 < Vbitz> so you have a separate "application" that talks to the game to mod it
  1288. 06:04 < The_Decryptor> So I can play as a kitten in an exosuit?
  1289. 06:04 <+kyren> yup, I think it's a good idea
  1290. 06:04 < Rampage> how much support for modding will there be? jsut how much will eb moddable?
  1291. 06:04 <+kyren> and it keeps modding from crashing the main game
  1292. 06:04 < TautwiZZ> Can I play as a pidgeon too? So helpless...
  1293. 06:04 <+kyren> and
  1294. 06:04 < Gyro_> are there many more races to be introduced?
  1295. 06:04 < JoshMad> Oh snaaaaaaap
  1296. 06:04 < GIS> are all 6 races playable?
  1297. 06:04 <+kyren> it's just a good idea
  1298. 06:04 < loadme> could you already play /interact with all the features that you show on the screens? even if they are buggy? or are screens mostly staged for now?
  1299. 06:04 <+kyren> well documented, language agnostic
  1300. 06:04 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> theres gonna be more than 6 races, but only 6 of them will be playable, I think.
  1301. 06:05 < JoshMad> I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to decide what race to play as first
  1302. 06:05 < iMP_> Can we mod in new races?
  1303. 06:05 < Vbitz> ah, very clever, so what sort of API?
  1304. 06:05 < hazzary453> you have answerd all my questions!
  1305. 06:05 < GIS> my question's still being ignored, lol.
  1306. 06:05 <+kyren> well, the thing we have in mind atm
  1307. 06:05 < oholiab> kyren: that would be awesome, that means you can expand the modding API with your own interstitial APIs
  1308. 06:05 <+kyren> is
  1309. 06:05 < Liquidmetal> Will this be available to find in the game?
  1310. 06:05 < The_Decryptor> So you’d have an separate application that would manage the mod state and communicate to the main game server? cool.
  1311. 06:05 < Shawn> Is there there any difference in the races other than just graphical?
  1312. 06:05 < oholiab> so changing things in-game based on things like, on the internet and stuff
  1313. 06:05 <+kyren> there's definitely going to be an entity-centric portion of the api where there's like a..
  1314. 06:05 < plaYer2k> (@Tiy) No I don't want races to affect stats
  1315. 06:05 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I want to know that too, shawn
  1316. 06:05 <+kyren> there's going to be, for lack of a better word
  1317. 06:05 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> aw
  1318. 06:05 <+kyren> PluginEntity, or ModEntity
  1319. 06:05 < Horyzone> (repost) Following some trouble within the French community, a new site has been created apart from Can you please reference it on alongside
  1320. 06:06 < ThunderSmasher> +kyren, you must be tired typing
  1321. 06:06 <+kyren> base entity type
  1322. 06:06 <+kyren> I never get tired of typing
  1323. 06:06 <+kyren> if there's one thing I can do is talk until you can't stand it anymore
  1324. 06:06 <+kyren> anyway
  1325. 06:06 < Dassery> ^Pro coder
  1326. 06:06 < Gyro_> he types for a job!
  1327. 06:06 < Shawn> Is there there any difference in the races other than just graphical?
  1328. 06:06 < hazzary453> shes a coder she types for work
  1329. 06:06 < Gyro_> and for funsies
  1330. 06:06 < GIS> shawn, no...
  1331. 06:06 < Gyro_> She
  1332. 06:06 < TautwiZZ> Shawn, no
  1333. 06:06 < Gyro_> yes
  1334. 06:06 < GIS> jinxed.
  1335. 06:06 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> people get tired of typing? that's a new one
  1336. 06:06 < loadme> will they have a passive skill? maybe? so that apex can see +1 range at night, while others get 10% less fall damage?
  1337. 06:06 < Shawn> thx
  1338. 06:06 < Vbitz> ah, so the "client" will talk to the game over functions taken from a dll
  1339. 06:06 < meow_> chat is going crazy ;o
  1340. 06:06 < Gyro_> I always forget these things
  1341. 06:06 <+kyren> so, the mods will be able to spawn / despawn / control / do everything that all in-game entities can do via eh.. proxy entities
  1342. 06:07 <+kyren> and then there will be a higher level universe / world portion of the api
  1343. 06:07 < Vbitz> that would make porting to other languages really really easy
  1344. 06:07 < Stevil> Sorry I'm late, did we get any news on a release schedule?
  1345. 06:07 < The_Decryptor> So a mod could define a custom world?
  1346. 06:07 < Rampage> ahhh very well so its more then just a scrip system then?
  1347. 06:07 <+kyren> yeah, basically the same as any mod api, but with a nice socket api for it
  1348. 06:07 <+kyren> based on json
  1349. 06:07 < Vbitz> python, GO, .net would all be trivial
  1350. 06:07 < TautwiZZ> could we do something like type a [Q] before a question?
  1351. 06:07 < GIS> stevil, end year
  1352. 06:07 < Dassery> With our pet creatures can we paint and name them?
  1353. 06:07 < Stevil> Ta
  1354. 06:07 < TautwiZZ> like [Q] what are your plans with getting it on Steam
  1355. 06:07 < oholiab> kyren: git, json, vim... you use all the best stuff <3
  1356. 06:07 <+kyren> yeah, mods would be able to load specific worlds and do other universe controller level stuff
  1357. 06:07 < Wurmy> Paint is bad for animals.
  1358. 06:08 < hazzary453> by going to watch bartwe code
  1359. 06:08 < GIS> [Q] will there be more than planets to visits?
  1360. 06:08 < GIS> visit*
  1361. 06:08 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> what's more than planets?
  1362. 06:08 < JoshMad> [Q] So how does modding actually work for Starbound so far, in a shellnut? I'm kind of drowning in logs here.
  1363. 06:08 <+kyren> it's going to be on steam, HOPEFULLY on all 3 platforms but I don't know how that will work yet since linux steam is not released
  1364. 06:08 < Dassery> Itll be fur dye then :P
  1365. 06:08 < Vbitz> is there any case to consider proxying a mod though another server completly
  1366. 06:08 < Liquidmetal> Question: Will this be available to find in the game? Or perhaps even as a race?
  1367. 06:08 < TautwiZZ> ooh, that's a nice question
  1368. 06:08 < The_Decryptor> The modding situation sounds awesome
  1369. 06:08 < GIS> like, moons, planetoids, space stations stars (what)
  1370. 06:08 <+kyren> we don't have a modding api yet, it's still WIP
  1371. 06:08 <+kyren> bartwe has a lot of awesome ideas, though
  1372. 06:08 < Rampage> sorry if this has been asked already but do you guys have any idea what your going to charge at release yet?
  1373. 06:09 < JoshMad> I see. Well, at least it's actually in progress if at all.
  1374. 06:09 <+kyren> $10-$15
  1375. 06:09 < plaYer2k> Rampage, estimated price is around 10-15 usd
  1376. 06:09 < loadme> do change planets over time? like in terraria where everything could slowly get infected?
  1377. 06:09 <+kyren> cheap
  1378. 06:09 < TautwiZZ> [Q] How long and how much do you guys plan to support the game post-launch? With content updates, bug fixes and patches are an obvious yes (I hope)
  1379. 06:09 < Toiletpaper> yay a price TY
  1380. 06:09 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Moon? with so many awesome planets, why would you visit...moob?
  1381. 06:09 < Rampage> okay thanks
  1382. 06:09 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> moon*
  1383. 06:09 < Liquidmetal> Kamoshika are awesome
  1384. 06:09 < SniperNLN> Just want to say, that i'm really excited about in-game generation. I think it can give a lot of time for you to work on "handmade" content, while the game will be on her own "mind". Great idea. Thank you and good luck in the development. Can't wait for release. :)
  1385. 06:09 < Rampage> tahts about the right price for me haha was hoping for that sorta price
  1386. 06:09 < Vbitz> how and when will worlds be loaded?
  1387. 06:09 < ThunderSmasher> I can also talk until the other person best sick.
  1388. 06:09 < ThunderSmasher> gets*
  1389. 06:09 <+kyren> thank you guys for all the well wishes
  1390. 06:09 <+kyren> it means a lot
  1391. 06:10 < Toiletpaper> wishy wish wish
  1392. 06:10 < Toiletpaper> :P
  1393. 06:10 < Wurmy> Man.. I was going to go to sleep.
  1394. 06:10 < Rampage> well im done then, thanks for answering my questions, i wish you luck with starbound and hope it goes good for ya
  1395. 06:10 < TautwiZZ> [Q] You guys are based in Europe?
  1396. 06:10 < loadme> please stay focused guys. you have an extra ordinary project in your hands. wish you good luck and good progress.
  1397. 06:10 <+kyren> we're based everywhere haha
  1398. 06:10 <+kyren> thank you loadme :D
  1399. 06:10 < GIS> I'm just hoping starbound doesn't come right before exames like terraria did, parents wouldn't buy it for me up until the exams were done >_>
  1400. 06:10 < TautwiZZ> oh, so a multi-national team
  1401. 06:10 < Horyzone> Sorry to say it again but following some trouble within the French community, a new site has been created apart from It is possible to reference it on alongside please? :)
  1402. 06:10 < psychotwo> TautwiZZ, Not everyone is based in Europe... some in north america too
  1403. 06:11 < psychotwo> but yeah, international team
  1404. 06:11 <+kyren> jeez.. uh
  1405. 06:11 < Vbitz> your game is one of the only 2 releases I am actively looking forward to. What your doing is amazing
  1406. 06:11 < Wurmy> I dont think they need luck or well wishes. Game looks amazing. Couldnt hurt though right. Luck best of good wishes.
  1407. 06:11 <+kyren> 5 countries?
  1408. 06:11 <+kyren> thank you so much Vbitz
  1409. 06:11 < Dassery> Kyren, can we paint and name our tamed beasts
  1410. 06:11 <+kyren> oh we need luck :D
  1411. 06:11 < GIS> Vbitz, what's the other one? :O
  1412. 06:11 < Ype> im going to make a slender mod when starbound is live >:D
  1413. 06:11 < TautwiZZ> [Q] does the multi-nationality and different time-zones give you any trouble?
  1414. 06:11 <+kyren> a bit!
  1415. 06:11 <+kyren> sometimes
  1416. 06:12 < meow_> painting an animal ?
  1417. 06:12 < meow_> ;_;
  1418. 06:12 < Vbitz> GIS, planetary annihilation
  1419. 06:12 < Dassery> I want a pink headed poptop ;-;
  1420. 06:12 < Liquidmetal> I want Kamoshikas!!!!!
  1421. 06:12 < Wurmy> Organic paint, made from painted organs.
  1422. 06:12 <+kyren> I dunno you can definitely find them in different colors
  1423. 06:12 < Liquidmetal> please
  1424. 06:12 < Dassery> Yay!
  1425. 06:12 <+kyren> color shifting them sounds pretty cruel ;_;
  1426. 06:12 < meow_> indeed ;^;
  1427. 06:12 <+kyren> you'd probably just capture another one
  1428. 06:12 < sb10> kyren: as you probably know from streaming chat, in Russia game is also highly awaited.
  1429. 06:12 < GIS> I'd prefer it to not colour shift them
  1430. 06:12 < meow_> taming them is enough for me
  1431. 06:12 < meow_> its what makes them unique
  1432. 06:12 < GIS> then it feels more like you're looking for your perfect pet.
  1433. 06:13 < Liquidmetal> Will there be kamoshika animal body parts?
  1434. 06:13 <+kyren> ^^
  1435. 06:13 < sb10> All around the globe.
  1436. 06:13 < GIS> instead of just picking the first one and plastic chirurgy all over it.
  1437. 06:13 < Wurmy> I like the Idea of flying around the universe just to find a color of pet you want.
  1438. 06:13 < Liquidmetal> Haha i interrupted
  1439. 06:13 < forsaken1111> Wurmy: Also with the correct number of legs
  1440. 06:13 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I agree, wurmy.
  1441. 06:13 < Horyzone> Is there any chance that cats will be playable ? :3
  1442. 06:13 < Liquidmetal> ^^
  1443. 06:13 <+kyren> you're not the only one that wants cats to be playable
  1444. 06:13 < Wangotango> what's the "lore" tiy has planned going to cover?
  1445. 06:13 <+kyren> haha
  1446. 06:14 < Nigth> ^^
  1447. 06:14 <+kyren> my wife won't leave me alone about it
  1448. 06:14 < GIS> lawl.
  1449. 06:14 <+kyren> she keeps coming up with, you know theoretically
  1450. 06:14 < plaYer2k> i want stickman to be playable :<
  1451. 06:14 < SniperNLN> Oh, remember one thing that my friend and i was discussing recently. There are a lot of (from seen of course) really fluffy cute monsters.. But will be any bad-ass, brutal and scary ones?
  1452. 06:14 <+kyren> what she would name her cat
  1453. 06:14 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I want horse to be playable. without them playable, it's a deal breaker for me
  1454. 06:14 < The_Decryptor> Kitten in an exosuit = best race
  1455. 06:14 < psychotwo> nyah
  1456. 06:14 < Dassery> Can we like rename our pets?
  1457. 06:14 <+kyren> it is a good idea, I dunno pester tiy about it
  1458. 06:15 < JohnRia> What is the engine/API being used ?
  1459. 06:15 < plaYer2k> c++11
  1460. 06:15 < Wangotango> what vehicles should we expect? any airborne ones?
  1461. 06:15 <+kyren> kitten in an exosuit is a good race
  1462. 06:15 <+kyren> make a tabby in a big purple exosuit
  1463. 06:15 <+kyren> name: Lt. Colonel Batsyourface
  1464. 06:15 < sb10> JohnRia: it's custom engine using OpenGL.
  1465. 06:15 < Horyzone> cats are awesome :3
  1466. 06:15 < Wurmy> Do you listen to any neato music when you code?
  1467. 06:16 < Dassery> lol and the hair colour slider is the cats colour scheme
  1468. 06:16 <+kyren> Major General Mouser
  1469. 06:16 < Liquidmetal> I listen to djcutman while i do pixelart
  1470. 06:16 < Stevil> Where abouts are you based? Do you code remotely or do you have an office?
  1471. 06:16 < Liquidmetal> Or awesomecat
  1472. 06:16 <+kyren> everything is done over irc
  1473. 06:16 < Stevil> l33t ;)
  1474. 06:16 <+bartwe> and git and mumble and skype and a few other tools
  1475. 06:16 <+kyren> we exist in like 8 different timezones
  1476. 06:17 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> mumble ftw
  1477. 06:17 <+kyren> yeah okay and git and mumble and skype
  1478. 06:17 < Wangotango> 8 different dimensions too
  1479. 06:17 <+kyren> our "office" is irc
  1480. 06:17 < sb10> kyren: oh, that's heavy! (c) BTTF
  1481. 06:17 < Stevil> hehe
  1482. 06:17 < Vbitz> One thing I really loved that happened in terraria was finding just one mid level weapons as loot just starting out, going from just walking around killing stuff to amazing bad ass, I hope there are those moments in starbound
  1483. 06:17 < Stevil> desktop sharing?
  1484. 06:17 < Liquidmetal> We need hobbits in gigamechs
  1485. 06:17 < JohnRia> any reason for creating your own engine ? why not just use an open source or something like Unity ?
  1486. 06:17 < The_Decryptor> What kind of data is used for NPC generation? Is it just stuff like world seed, or is it (hopefully) more advanced stuff like how The Sims stores a list of traits and blends them together for offspring (poor mans genetics)
  1487. 06:17 < SniperNLN> kyren, what a pretty job you have, not like mine...
  1488. 06:17 < Wangotango> will there be any classical fantasy races in the game, such as dwarves?
  1489. 06:18 <+kyren> because there aren't a lot of good engines for doing crazy block based stuff in 2d
  1490. 06:18 < TautwiZZ> [Q] kyren, what was the thing you found most fun to work on?
  1491. 06:18 <+kyren> ooh, nice question
  1492. 06:18 < The_Decryptor> Being able to cross-breed species and having their “genetics” play a role in the result would be awesome
  1493. 06:18 <+kyren> I really liked lighting and physics and..
  1494. 06:18 <+kyren> rendering
  1495. 06:18 < ThunderSmasher> Kyren, what was the most complicated thing you have worked on on this game?
  1496. 06:18 < Wurmy> Aligator giraffe.
  1497. 06:18 <+kyren> ooh.. hmm
  1498. 06:18 < Liquidmetal> Mutant hobbits in space catapults
  1499. 06:18 <+kyren> networking was very complex, so is lighting
  1500. 06:19 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> there's gonna be physics in the game?
  1501. 06:19 < Cyral> I was making a game, Lighting and physics were the hardest lol
  1502. 06:19 < ThunderSmasher> Hm, I wouldn't be able to program THAT
  1503. 06:19 < ThunderSmasher> Of COURSE!
  1504. 06:19 <+kyren> even though the entirety of the meat of the lighting code is in a 400 line header and a 700 line cpp file
  1505. 06:19 <+kyren> it's some of the most mind-bending code in the game
  1506. 06:19 < ThunderSmasher> crazy.
  1507. 06:19 < ThunderSmasher> I'd like to read that.
  1508. 06:19 <+kyren> I mean, "physics"
  1509. 06:19 < Vbitz> The most complex code is never very long
  1510. 06:19 <+kyren> it's all "physics"
  1511. 06:20 < TautwiZZ> [Q] Are there any things you guys have not been allowed to say to the community?
  1512. 06:20 <+kyren> personally I don't think Physics works for platformers all that well unless they're, well, a Physics platformer
  1513. 06:20 < Liquidmetal> I AM AFK! :)
  1514. 06:20 <+kyren> uh hahaha
  1515. 06:20 < LetalShade> xD
  1516. 06:20 <+kyren> like tiy will kill my hamster if I do?
  1517. 06:20 < TautwiZZ> just yes or no will do :P
  1518. 06:20 <@Tiyuri> ±_±
  1519. 06:20 < Wangotango> will a structure completely collapse if two blocks holding it up are destroyed, or will it float, like in terraria?
  1520. 06:20 <+kyren> yeah of course
  1521. 06:20 <+kyren> I can't spill all the beans
  1522. 06:20 <+kyren> just most of them
  1523. 06:21 < SniperNLN> kyren, will be the bug of unlimited water source there? xDDD
  1524. 06:21 <+kyren> nah, they float.. part of me wants to change that
  1525. 06:21 < Wurmy> Force not any further, we dont want to be mourning the loss of Kyren's hamster.
  1526. 06:21 <+kyren> no water is absolutely finite
  1527. 06:21 <+kyren> it's actually destructible
  1528. 06:21 <+kyren> but not creatible
  1529. 06:21 <+kyren> creatable
  1530. 06:21 < Wangotango> are you hoping sb will have more realistic physics or would you rather let people be more creative?
  1531. 06:21 <+kyren> I don't actually own a hamster, he'd probably kill my cat
  1532. 06:21 < The_Decryptor> Is water going to be compressible? It’d be nice to have hydraulics.
  1533. 06:21 < meow_> nuuuuuu ;_;
  1534. 06:21 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> will there be more liquids?
  1535. 06:22 <+kyren> water is compressible
  1536. 06:22 < Horyzone> the monster :o
  1537. 06:22 < Liquidmetal> I'M NOT AFK ANYMORE! :)
  1538. 06:22 <+kyren> did you not see the water video?
  1539. 06:22 < Vbitz> people will always find a way, minecraft is testament to that
  1540. 06:22 <+kyren> it's hilariously unrealistically compressible
  1541. 06:22 < TautwiZZ> yeah, check out the water video
  1542. 06:22 < The_Decryptor> Yeah, that’s why I asked
  1543. 06:22 < SniperNLN> kyren, that's very good, i hate water bug in terraria, but using it all the time))
  1544. 06:22 < Wurmy> This isnt like.. he already killed your hamster is it.
  1545. 06:22 <+kyren> but that's the most fun
  1546. 06:22 < Wangotango> is there anything you don't like about the game so far that you'd like to change?
  1547. 06:22 < TautwiZZ> probably the floating blocks part :P
  1548. 06:22 <+kyren> oh yeah tons
  1549. 06:22 < The_Decryptor> The small square of water that flooded the entire room, that doesn’t play well with hydraulics :p
  1550. 06:22 < oholiab> kyren: You should totally make so that you can burn hydrogen in an oxygen atmosphere to make more water ;)
  1551. 06:23 <+kyren> bugs, stuff that should work better but doesn't, parts where it's just not done yet
  1552. 06:23 <+kyren> which is a lot
  1553. 06:23 < ThunderSmasher> Is the sort pixelly water fixed yet? Or still bothering about that until release?
  1554. 06:23 < Vbitz> will there be any oh crud I need to get as far from he as possible right now times
  1555. 06:23 < Wurmy> Water could be a little screwy in terraria. I byaccidently flooded one of my houses. Thought I made a fountain.
  1556. 06:23 < TautwiZZ> but you're not given enough time to do those things, right?
  1557. 06:23 <+kyren> it's just a small bug, no I haven't fixed it yet, there are tons of those
  1558. 06:23 <+kyren> you're seeing behind the curtain
  1559. 06:23 <+kyren> the "pixelly" water is really
  1560. 06:23 <+kyren> the way the lightmap looks before smoothing
  1561. 06:23 < ThunderSmasher> How much longer until the entire Combat System is polished and ready?
  1562. 06:23 < Dassery> What can we expect as far as melee weapons go?
  1563. 06:24 <+kyren> and then i'ts 2x2 blurred
  1564. 06:24 < TautwiZZ> soo... the water is a lie? ;_;
  1565. 06:24 < Walross> 'Ullo
  1566. 06:24 <+kyren> I hope very very soon
  1567. 06:24 <+kyren> on the combat system
  1568. 06:24 < Wangotango> when is the next wallpaper of the month out? there hasn't been one for a while now
  1569. 06:24 < sb10> kyren: how long are you programming games? I.e. was it from the start, or you worked on something else before?
  1570. 06:24 < Walross> So Kyren, any chance of a meat planet? Please?
  1571. 06:24 <+kyren> I'm working on non-stupid NPC ai as we speak, in fact
  1572. 06:24 <+kyren> a meat planet haha
  1573. 06:24 < Wurmy> You made it rain fish didnt you Kyren?
  1574. 06:24 < ThunderSmasher> Wangotango, did you see it yet on the forums?
  1575. 06:24 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> meat planet? what? Is that a fetish
  1576. 06:24 < Wangotango> no thunder
  1577. 06:24 < Wangotango> could you link me?
  1578. 06:25 < Walross> You know you want a delicious planet.
  1579. 06:25 < ThunderSmasher> Check the news and announcements
  1580. 06:25 < ThunderSmasher> ok
  1581. 06:25 <+kyren> you've been reading this
  1582. 06:25 < TautwiZZ> [Q] kyren, will there be unlockable character races, or will all be available from the start?
  1583. 06:25 <+kyren> I did make it rain fish
  1584. 06:25 <+kyren> they're particles, so I made it rain a graphic
  1585. 06:25 <+kyren> that I thought was the funniest
  1586. 06:25 <+kyren> because I'm like that
  1587. 06:25 <+kyren> it's like a gentile way to nudge the artists
  1588. 06:25 < TautwiZZ> and that's why you make the game so much better
  1589. 06:25 < The_First_Gamer> I am curious.
  1590. 06:26 < Wurmy> Haha.
  1591. 06:26 < matoua> will it be possible to move while attacking with a sword? thanks
  1592. 06:26 < Walross> Bloody iPad makes this hard T_T
  1593. 06:26 < Dassery> make it rain fire
  1594. 06:26 < ThunderSmasher> NVM, wango, it's my mistake!
  1595. 06:26 < The_First_Gamer> How will the sprites be stored?
  1596. 06:26 <+kyren> yeah ofc matoua
  1597. 06:26 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> will there be different kinds of weather? Besides rain
  1598. 06:26 < DrMcDave> make it rain dosh
  1599. 06:26 < Dassery> just like adele
  1600. 06:26 < DrMcDave> lods of emone
  1601. 06:26 <+kyren> yeah, rain snow ash
  1602. 06:26 < The_First_Gamer> Like viewable .png files, or will they be shoved in some special format?
  1603. 06:26 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> DOSH
  1604. 06:26 < Horyzone> and cat's are just soooo happy in a fish rain :3 so you are a good person ^^
  1605. 06:26 < ThunderSmasher> I actually just got it a couple days ago. I was going to post it yesterday, but then Tiy announced the Apex, and I didn't want to like, post a wallpaper so soon after he did that. I'll probably post tomorrow, and make it an August/September wallpaper.
  1606. 06:26 < ThunderSmasher> fetalstar Quote
  1607. 06:26 < The_Decryptor> On a fish planet, make it rain cats
  1608. 06:26 <+kyren> well, all the game assets will probably be shipped in our own weirdo btree db format
  1609. 06:26 <+kyren> but it's not going to be a secret
  1610. 06:27 < Walross> Also, will there be different kinds of slashes with a sword, such as stab, horizontal slash, and overhead? Or will it be terraria like spam one attack?
  1611. 06:27 < The_First_Gamer> Welp.
  1612. 06:27 <+kyren> day 1 I'll probably release tools to let you pack / unpack them
  1613. 06:27 <+kyren> we're not going to keep it all obfuscated or anything
  1614. 06:27 < The_First_Gamer> That would be greatly appreciated.
  1615. 06:27 < Wangotango> what're cave/cavern systems like in sb?
  1616. 06:27 < SniperNLN> kyren, speaking about combat, what it looks like mostly? "Swing your bloody hammer" or more comlicated, may be come combo and special moves?
  1617. 06:27 <+kyren> but it might not be like.. a folder
  1618. 06:27 < The_First_Gamer> Since that would open up the possibility for texture packs and the like.
  1619. 06:27 < sb10> kyren: this packing actually makes it load faster?
  1620. 06:27 <+kyren> I don't think so, it's mostly to manage patches
  1621. 06:27 < sb10> I mean, why not folder with pics?
  1622. 06:27 < Walross> Talking of bloody hammers, can we have a large bloodstained hammer please?
  1623. 06:27 < Benguin> Huh...
  1624. 06:28 < sb10> kyren: oh. got it.
  1625. 06:28 < Wurmy> But but.. you guys are going to have a crazy launch celebration arnt you? Day 1 might be a write off.
  1626. 06:28 < Suwako> On Imgur, saw a YuGiOh reference.
  1627. 06:28 <+kyren> I mean it could be a set of folders also
  1628. 06:28 < Benguin> I just went to the bathroom and for some reason I flushed BEFORE peeing...
  1629. 06:28 < Wangotango> what're cave/cavern systems like in sb?
  1630. 06:28 <+kyren> but it's so easy to sha1 sum a pak file
  1631. 06:28 < Benguin> Why did I do that..
  1632. 06:28 <+kyren> and.. I dunno I haven't decided yet
  1633. 06:28 < Wicstar> Alright guys, I have to go
  1634. 06:28 < ThunderSmasher> Any possibility for game to be released December 10th?
  1635. 06:28 <+kyren> if it's a pak file it will be made clear what the format is
  1636. 06:28 < Wicstar> Thanks Kyren for all your time
  1637. 06:28 < Benguin> I also turned on the taps 0.o
  1638. 06:28 < Wicstar> and answering all those questions
  1639. 06:29 < sb10> Will there be autopatching like in google chrome?
  1640. 06:29 <+kyren> well okay maybe not day *1*
  1641. 06:29 < Wicstar> Being close to your customers is huge :)
  1642. 06:29 <+kyren> I mean, steam patching at the very least
  1643. 06:29 < Wurmy> :P
  1644. 06:29 <+kyren> I want to be here, and answer questions
  1645. 06:29 <+kyren> I'm always here :)
  1646. 06:29 < ThunderSmasher> Any possibility for the game to be released December 10th?
  1647. 06:29 <+kyren> we're not aloof or anything haha
  1648. 06:29 < Wicstar> :D
  1649. 06:29 < ThunderSmasher> Would that be realistic? Or do you think you need a bit more time?
  1650. 06:29 < Benguin> you're a loofa! scrub my back >:D
  1651. 06:29 <+kyren> I'm not sure yet ThunderSmasher
  1652. 06:29 < Benguin> /random allnighter thoughts
  1653. 06:30 <+kyren> it depends on a lot of things
  1654. 06:30 < TautwiZZ> [Q] any big feature that the commnuity has influenced you to do?
  1655. 06:30 <+kyren> and were we decide "done enough for initial release" is
  1656. 06:30 < Wangotango> kyren, are you expecting to be swimming in bucketloads of money after starbound's release
  1657. 06:30 <+kyren> I think a couple of them, pets and vehicles at least
  1658. 06:30 < Wurmy> I didnt even know this chat existed untill like 10 minutes ago. Facepalm.
  1659. 06:30 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> that sentence was weird
  1660. 06:30 < Walross> Well, Kyren, will there be any kind of alchemy, technological brewing, or cooking in the game, that could be done with plants, and bits of animal?
  1661. 06:30 < ThunderSmasher> Just recruit 10 more people, you'll make it by Dec. 10
  1662. 06:30 <+kyren> I would be happy with swimming in a reasonable wage after release :D
  1663. 06:30 <+kyren> it doesn't have to be bucketloads of money
  1664. 06:30 <+bartwe> wow
  1665. 06:30 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> lol, thundersmasher.
  1666. 06:30 < sb10> ThunderSmasher: it doesn't work that way!
  1667. 06:30 <+bartwe> still answering questions
  1668. 06:30 < ThunderSmasher> Yes it does.
  1669. 06:30 < Wurmy> If you're going to have money fights I would suggest dimes. They hurt the least.
  1670. 06:30 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> no, it doesnt
  1671. 06:31 <+kyren> yeah it definitely does not work like that
  1672. 06:31 < Fuzbal> wow Tiy is a troll :D
  1673. 06:31 < sb10> ThunderSmasher: absolutely no.
  1674. 06:31 <+kyren> silver dollars
  1675. 06:31 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I don't think you know what a troll is, Fuzbal
  1676. 06:31 <+kyren> leave the largest bruises
  1677. 06:31 < Wurmy> Haha
  1678. 06:31 <+kyren> oh no he's a troll
  1679. 06:31 <+kyren> Fuzbal is correct
  1680. 06:31 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> hm
  1681. 06:31 < Dassery> Whens the next video gonna be up? and what it gonna be of?
  1682. 06:31 < SniperNLN> kyren, (repeat because of wall of text :) ) speaking about combat, what it looks like mostly? "Swing your bloody hammer" or more comlicated, may be come combo and special moves?
  1683. 06:31 < meow_>
  1684. 06:31 <+kyren> I mean, does this count as troll?
  1685. 06:32 < plaYer2k> at some degree every developer is a troll isnt he? xD
  1686. 06:32 <+kyren> I think it does?
  1687. 06:32 < xJudgement> counts as an ice troll
  1688. 06:32 < GIS> developers have sense of humour.
  1689. 06:32 < TautwiZZ> yeah, but internet trolls are the worst
  1690. 06:32 < xJudgement> ice trolls are perty bad
  1691. 06:32 < Fuzbal> Just like when you, Kyren made it rain fish :D
  1692. 06:32 < xJudgement> idk
  1693. 06:32 <+kyren> it will be slightly more complicated than that SniperNLN but tbh we're still working through it, atm it's rather simple and there are several ways we can go and we're experimenting, combat doesn't feel right yet
  1694. 06:32 < GOLDGOD> Tell me release mounth please!
  1695. 06:33 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Will there be giant humanoid enemies? Double the size of the player
  1696. 06:33 < xJudgement> whens the new wallpaper going up for this month, my desktops feeling stale
  1697. 06:33 < Wurmy> I like the sheild. Sheilds are neato.
  1698. 06:33 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> SHEILDS
  1699. 06:33 < Liquidmetal> Neato is Neato
  1700. 06:33 < terrorcell> developers are people too
  1701. 06:33 < Walross> Kyren darling, is there charge then fire weapons? Or shall they all be point-click-fire?
  1702. 06:33 < psychotwo> *shields
  1703. 06:33 <+kyren> I got called darling
  1704. 06:34 <+kyren> yeah, definitely charging weapons
  1705. 06:34 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Is that harassment?\
  1706. 06:34 <+kyren> no?
  1707. 06:34 < xJudgement> Not for 3 more lines
  1708. 06:34 < The_Decryptor> So I can indeed charge my laser?
  1709. 06:34 <+kyren> I don't mind
  1710. 06:34 < psychotwo> >_>
  1711. 06:34 < Asgard> Hello starbound chat
  1712. 06:34 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I know it isn't. But the reaction
  1713. 06:34 < Wurmy> What will you do once your laser has been charged?
  1714. 06:34 < Wurmy> Hello friend.
  1715. 06:34 < TautwiZZ> rape every enemy in sight
  1716. 06:34 < TautwiZZ> then collect loot
  1717. 06:34 < The_Decryptor> I think I would fire my laser
  1718. 06:34 < Walross> Also, I assume there will be launchers that lob projectiles, yes?
  1719. 06:35 < ThunderSmasher> Goodbye
  1720. 06:35 < Wurmy> Ah, this seems like a reasonable thing to do with a laser once it has been charged.
  1721. 06:35 < Fuzbal> I loved it when you made it rain fish :P
  1722. 06:35 < Liquidmetal> is tiy here
  1723. 06:35 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Remember that cut half life enemy that rapes you? I think it would be perfect for starbound
  1724. 06:35 < ThunderSmasher> Boys and Girls, Toys and Curls, Elephants and MTR's, GOODBYE!
  1725. 06:35 <+kyren> yeah ofc Walross
  1726. 06:35 <+kyren> you guys didn't see the water balloon gun
  1727. 06:35 < Wurmy> Bye bye.
  1728. 06:35 <+kyren> which is how we test water
  1729. 06:35 < Fuzbal> bye Wurmy
  1730. 06:36 < Wurmy> Oh, not me thought someone said goodbye.
  1731. 06:36 < xJudgement> So wallpapers for August?
  1732. 06:36 < Fuzbal> oh :D
  1733. 06:36 < DevonX> Hi
  1734. 06:36 < Liquidmetal> Is tiy a hipster IRL
  1735. 06:36 < Fuzbal> Hello
  1736. 06:36 < Wurmy> Hai.
  1737. 06:36 <+kyren> how long have I been answering questions?
  1738. 06:36 < The_Decryptor> Please leave the water balloon gun in the final game
  1739. 06:36 <+kyren> what time is it?
  1740. 06:36 <+kyren> oh yeah haha definitely
  1741. 06:36 < Fuzbal> tiy posted the tweet over an hour ago
  1742. 06:36 < DevonX> Is he still answering?
  1743. 06:36 <+kyren> high level item, though
  1744. 06:36 < lyraris> 2:36 gmt +2
  1745. 06:36 < xJudgement> Barely Devon
  1746. 06:36 <+kyren> he?
  1747. 06:36 < xJudgement> Depends on the person
  1748. 06:36 < Apple_Master> FOr at least 2 hours
  1749. 06:36 < The_Decryptor> Of course, like the bubble blaster in Just Cause 2
  1750. 06:37 < TautwiZZ> any useless items you wanna have in the game? Remeber the Angel State?
  1751. 06:37 < TautwiZZ> Statue*
  1752. 06:37 < zak4488> hey guys ^.-
  1753. 06:37 <+kyren> oh there are plenty of useless items
  1754. 06:37 < Wurmy> I know its late, as im drooling everywhere from slowed motorfunctions in my face.
  1755. 06:37 <+kyren> that are just there for fun
  1756. 06:37 < TautwiZZ> yay!
  1757. 06:37 < The_Decryptor> Excellent
  1758. 06:37 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I want a catgun that shoots cats
  1759. 06:37 < Walross> Also, machete-launching shotgun. I want the land to be covered in machetes.
  1760. 06:37 < zak4488> poo catz
  1761. 06:37 < Wurmy> I think any gun could shoot a cat.
  1762. 06:37 < Wurmy> Oh.. i see what you're saying.
  1763. 06:37 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> nobody cares for cats
  1764. 06:37 < Liquidmetal> WE NEED CATGUNS
  1765. 06:38 < Fuzbal> ...
  1766. 06:38 < DevonX> Sill there be still be mining as part in the game?
  1767. 06:38 < The_Decryptor> RPC, Rocket Propelled Cat
  1768. 06:38 < Walross> Waits second
  1769. 06:38 < Wurmy> Catlauncher 4000. Your face doesnt have a cat good sir. Take this!
  1770. 06:38 < BlackDragon> what sort of kool features are you working on now +kyren
  1771. 06:38 < Walross> VIRORB LAUNCHER!!
  1772. 06:38 < ryanmm> are we actually going to be able to build houses in the full game and go around creating stuff or is it only destroying me and my friend are kinda confused on why there are threads on the forums suggesting building
  1773. 06:38 < SniperNLN> kyren, oh, i see (combat system), just for a note, i'd think that two hand system is already a very good point. And "combo" moves (with some sort of button smashing :) ) gives some challenges and spectacles. You know how the game going into casual nowdays.. Complexity and difficult at some point are trown off for most of the games unfortunally
  1774. 06:38 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Will enemies explode when killed like in terraria?
  1775. 06:38 < Liquidmetal> Walross, that is awesome
  1776. 06:38 < lyraris> Is the rain gonna be gatherable via tanks or contaires made by specific blocks?
  1777. 06:39 <+kyren> they do right now, with like a million blood particles
  1778. 06:39 <+kyren> because somebody let me decide
  1779. 06:39 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> :DDDD
  1780. 06:39 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> that makes me happy
  1781. 06:39 < Liquidmetal> GoodBye!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  1782. 06:39 < Wurmy> Haha.
  1783. 06:39 < Wangotango> what vehicles can we expect in sb?
  1784. 06:39 <+kyren> I'm sure it'll be a bit more tasteful at some point
  1785. 06:39 < BloodyShade> kyren: you guys seem to be using alot of STL stuff, isn't that impacting the game speed, seeing most types are rather bloated?
  1786. 06:39 < Fuzbal> Oh well, You seem to have enough questions, +Kyren so I will leave now. bye everyone!
  1787. 06:39 < Wurmy> Bye bye.
  1788. 06:39 < alextie> hekllllllllloo
  1789. 06:39 < Invalidmicah> Sorry I have joined late and I'm sure this may have been asked but will it release this year?
  1790. 06:39 < TautwiZZ> [Q] kyren, Blueprints?
  1791. 06:39 < Wurmy> Heya.
  1792. 06:39 < ryanmm> kyren are we going to be able to build similar to terraria? or is it only destruction?
  1793. 06:40 < Walross> So, can we maybe please pretty please get a chainsaw halberd?
  1794. 06:40 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> chainsaw halberd? hell yeah I want that
  1795. 06:40 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> halberds in general, actually
  1796. 06:40 <+kyren> yeah, you'll be able to build ryanmm
  1797. 06:40 < DevonX> Lazer chainsaw :D
  1798. 06:40 < ryanmm> thank god =D
  1799. 06:40 < Spaaaace> ahh lazer chainsaws
  1800. 06:41 < Wurmy> Rocket launcher that shoots chainsaws.
  1801. 06:41 < alextie> heeellllllooooo???
  1802. 06:41 < Spaaaace> phantasy star online was a great game
  1803. 06:41 < Wurmy> Think that was a G4 skit.
  1804. 06:41 < Wangotango> kyren, is it possible we can have planet destroying weapons, just because why the hell not?
  1805. 06:41 < The_First_Gamer> I'm not entirely sure, but.
  1806. 06:41 < TautwiZZ> [Q] kyren, Blueprints to craft items?
  1807. 06:41 < The_First_Gamer> As to ask this.
  1808. 06:41 < Whiteluigi> Greetings Alextie.
  1809. 06:41 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> We're gonna be able to build block per block? Hell yeah
  1810. 06:41 < SniperNLN> Wurmy +++
  1811. 06:41 < alextie> what?
  1812. 06:41 <+kyren> yeah definitely blueprints, they'll probably just be on your character though
  1813. 06:41 <+kyren> like, you yourself just become knowledgable about how to make it
  1814. 06:41 < The_First_Gamer> Kyren, will the game be too power heavy (As in, needing high PC requirements to get a decent FPS)
  1815. 06:41 <+kyren> no The_First_Gamer
  1816. 06:41 < The_First_Gamer> Good.
  1817. 06:42 < Walross> Also, I know there is a glove thing that lets you hurl around terrain. Will there be a possible glove that can gravity everything to where you click? In order to pelt people around?
  1818. 06:42 < Wangotango> kyren, is it possible we can have planet destroying weapons, just because why the hell not?
  1819. 06:42 <+kyren> we're trying very hard to get it to run on everything this side of a roll of paper towels
  1820. 06:42 < alextie>
  1821. 06:42 < zak4488> how many planets are there now?
  1822. 06:42 < Walross> XD
  1823. 06:42 < alextie> sorry
  1824. 06:42 <+kyren> it runs on any non-foam computer atm
  1825. 06:42 < TautwiZZ> [Q] and how are they implemented, which items need blueprints to craft?
  1826. 06:42 < DevonX> What elements of will the game adopt from terraria?
  1827. 06:42 <+kyren> we're still working on it
  1828. 06:42 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Most of them lol
  1829. 06:42 < zak4488> kool
  1830. 06:42 < ryanmm> kyren is it going to be really sparkley like the terraria 1.1.1 update
  1831. 06:43 < The_First_Gamer> Holy.
  1832. 06:43 < Wurmy> Hmm my paper towel rolls is a few years old... and lack,ing paper towel.. i need to buy paper towel.
  1833. 06:43 < SniperNLN> kyren calculator will be fine?
  1834. 06:43 < BlackDragon> how large can the randomly generated dungeons get?
  1835. 06:43 < Wurmy> lacking*
  1836. 06:43 < Invalidmicah> I have a quad core paper towel roll
  1837. 06:43 < alextie> i think baby cat can't swin in starbound?
  1838. 06:43 < meow_> ;_;
  1839. 06:43 < Wangotango> will there be space-dinosaurs?
  1840. 06:44 < alextie> ahah !
  1841. 06:44 < Invalidmicah> Will there be space pickles?
  1842. 06:44 <+kyren> no it won't be nearly as sparkly particlely
  1843. 06:44 < TautwiZZ> [Q] are there any items that are so rare, players might need to trade inbetween each other, just to get?
  1844. 06:44 < tafdsga1> when can we possibly know about other races, and i thought i saw a robot race in the apex pic
  1845. 06:44 < alextie> space gum
  1846. 06:44 <+kyren> particleful
  1847. 06:44 < DevonX> Is adventuring going to be a big part of the game? And if is there rewards for tho who does?
  1848. 06:44 < Wurmy> Intergalactic mission to equip all baby cats with water wings and other personal flotation devices.
  1849. 06:44 < lyraris> Do you plan on releasing later updates for the game?
  1850. 06:44 <+kyren> yes very very very much so lyraris
  1851. 06:44 <+kyren> so many
  1852. 06:44 <+kyren> for a very long time
  1853. 06:44 < Walross> Yes.
  1854. 06:44 < ryanmm> kyren will there be weapons that produce light when swung or shot?
  1855. 06:44 < lyraris> Love you :)
  1856. 06:44 < Walross> Yesyesyes!
  1857. 06:45 <+kyren> the game when we release will not be the absolute final game
  1858. 06:45 <+kyren> continuous updates, all that
  1859. 06:45 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> There are gonna be bosses, right? Did you guys made one by now?
  1860. 06:45 * Walross huge Kyren
  1861. 06:45 < Invalidmicah> I started playing Terraria again yesterday because the wait on this is killing me!
  1862. 06:45 < CCCode> kyren what kind of buffs will armor give players?
  1863. 06:45 < Walross> *hugs dammit
  1864. 06:45 < meow_> dont huge kyren
  1865. 06:45 < meow_> D:
  1866. 06:45 <+kyren> all sorts of buffs
  1867. 06:45 < Cow_> moo
  1868. 06:45 < alextie> kyren can you play at the game on your pc now?
  1869. 06:45 < alextie> Kyren*
  1870. 06:45 <+kyren> I can?
  1871. 06:45 < Invalidmicah> Hw said it runs on everything this side of paper towels
  1872. 06:45 <+kyren> I mean of course I can?
  1873. 06:45 < tafdsga1> when can we know about other races
  1874. 06:45 < alextie> play starbound
  1875. 06:46 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Will enemies debuff you like in terraria? Slow, poison, lowering armor etc
  1876. 06:46 < TautwiZZ> [Q] how are you going to combat hacking, cheating in items? in Terraria, that was a big issue
  1877. 06:46 < tafdsga1> playable*
  1878. 06:46 < SniperNLN> kyren, and so how you will get your money for the updates? i know that you say it will be free, but also i knwo you all want to eat too. ^_^
  1879. 06:46 < lyraris> i loved the infinite water bug though
  1880. 06:46 < Wurmy> Umm in that Apex picture I noticed the paintings and what not on the walls. Will they be customizable or preset. They all looked pretty different.
  1881. 06:46 < ryanmm> kyren are you guys talking about a release date right now i know you guys hate this question but i have to be the party pooper to ask
  1882. 06:46 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I wouldn't mind paying for huge content updates, tbh
  1883. 06:46 <+kyren> we haven't decided yet SniperNLN
  1884. 06:46 < JoshMad> TautwiZZ: Not to mention it was Redigit's reason to pretty much say NOPE.AVI to Terraria modding API >_>
  1885. 06:46 <+kyren> we know that we will absolutely not not never ever ever have
  1886. 06:47 <+kyren> day 1 dlc
  1887. 06:47 <+kyren> or nickel and dime dlc
  1888. 06:47 <+kyren> because we all hate it
  1889. 06:47 <+kyren> and we're not evil
  1890. 06:47 < alextie> yahoo
  1891. 06:47 <+kyren> think like.. pay $5 and get 6 months of stuff or something
  1892. 06:47 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> like robot ent. made a fricking DLC 1 month after game got released? FAIJASFINNIPDGGD
  1893. 06:47 < Ganu> fuck yes
  1894. 06:47 <+kyren> something not evil
  1895. 06:47 < plaYer2k> then invent "the day before release DLC" xDDDD
  1896. 06:47 < TautwiZZ> [Q] Steam/In-game achievements?
  1897. 06:47 < Invalidmicah> Will this have more guns than Borderlands?
  1898. 06:47 <+kyren> we might not even have dlc or anything
  1899. 06:47 <+kyren> we just haven't thought about it
  1900. 06:47 < alextie> i don't like pay for time
  1901. 06:48 <+kyren> because we release a game, THEN think about dlc haha
  1902. 06:48 < Wurmy> I think Starbound is going to be the only thing to pull me away from Borderlands 2.
  1903. 06:48 < JoshMad> [Q] Is Terraria's infinite water bug going to be brought over to Starbound and reincarnated into some kind of official water generating machine? Or was that already confirmed in an update I missed out on?
  1904. 06:48 <+kyren> we just want you to buy the game and have fun and update and fix bugs and release new stuff for a while, then later on when we need to eat, THEN think about it
  1905. 06:48 < Walross> Also, Kyren darling, may we wear coconuts on our heads?
  1906. 06:48 < DevonX> Good to hear that you are not thinking like EA
  1907. 06:48 < Benguin[ZzZ]> G'night!
  1908. 06:48 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> DARLINGDARLINGDARLING
  1909. 06:48 < Walross> Night Ben
  1910. 06:49 < TautwiZZ> Repeated question: [Q] Steam/In-game Achievements?
  1911. 06:49 < Wurmy> EA's business model is rock solid. And rage inducing.
  1912. 06:49 < SniperNLN> kyren, really think hard about getting money, even if it as evil, as EA ^_^ You are doing very great job, and i really don'r want this project died, because of lack of money and\or motivation because of that
  1913. 06:49 < Invalidmicah> If they release Starbound around Borderlands 2 then I will need to replicate myself through osmosis to play both
  1914. 06:49 < lyraris> Will it be a Masterserver?Or only client-sided servers?
  1915. 06:49 < xJudgement> Nothing can be as evil as EA, they ruined BAttlefield.
  1916. 06:49 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I wont have a problem if they release the game when B2 gets released because I havent prepurchased
  1917. 06:49 < plaYer2k> Invalidmicah yes do this please and share videos on youtube
  1918. 06:49 < JoshMad> Oh yeah, another [Q]: What about player skins?
  1919. 06:50 < Wurmy> I like EA more than I like Activision now.
  1920. 06:50 < Wurmy> I dont like either very much however.
  1921. 06:50 < xJudgement> You didnt get premium then for Battlefield
  1922. 06:50 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> fuck EA
  1923. 06:50 < DevonX> Can you play as a avian? :3
  1924. 06:50 < xJudgement> Of course you can play as Avian o_O I would hope
  1925. 06:50 < plaYer2k> yes DevonX
  1926. 06:50 * plaYer2k stabs DevilBro
  1927. 06:50 < DevonX> Sweet
  1928. 06:50 < plaYer2k> dont you say you are there!! =>
  1929. 06:50 < Invalidmicah> I just might
  1930. 06:50 < alextie> bye i go play King arthure gold's !
  1931. 06:50 <+kyren> yeah ofc
  1932. 06:51 < zak4488> do you think if you can say what % the game is atm till complete...... just what you think
  1933. 06:51 <+kyren> all the races are playable
  1934. 06:51 < alextie> a good game
  1935. 06:51 <+kyren> 180%
  1936. 06:51 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> I highly doubt the game will be released this year, to be honest. But who knows...
  1937. 06:51 <+kyren> but the completion level is not out of 100
  1938. 06:51 < xJudgement> j180% of the races, whoa my
  1939. 06:51 < zak4488> sweet
  1940. 06:51 <+kyren> it's out of ???%
  1941. 06:51 < Wurmy> Before the end of the world?
  1942. 06:51 * DevilBro stabs plaYer2k
  1943. 06:51 < Walross> Urgh, I bumped a link again
  1944. 06:51 < zak4488> 100
  1945. 06:51 < DevonX> Will there be a wolf like race too? (would love that)
  1946. 06:51 < plaYer2k> =)
  1947. 06:51 < Invalidmicah> out of 600000%
  1948. 06:51 < xJudgement> Can we expect this game, this year
  1949. 06:51 < plaYer2k> maybe ...
  1950. 06:52 < xJudgement> Sick of playing Terraria
  1951. 06:52 < xJudgement> -_-
  1952. 06:52 < The_First_Gamer> Personally, I think the game will come out january of next year.
  1953. 06:52 < Walross> \msg Kyren sorry, can you repeat that last message? I didn't get to read it, on account of mistapping.
  1954. 06:52 < plaYer2k> the devs dont know it, they are working hard on getting it done ... just wait :-P
  1955. 06:52 < Wurmy> Im pretty sure thats what Tiy had said in that reddit Q&A he did.
  1956. 06:52 < rejser> xJudgement: you know, there are other games... :)
  1957. 06:52 < SniperNLN> kyren, any simulations about eating\sleeping\other_sims_stuff?
  1958. 06:52 < meow_> ????(????)
  1959. 06:52 < Wurmy> A release at the end of this eyar.
  1960. 06:52 < xJudgement> Terraria, Battlefield Rejser, thats all I want.
  1961. 06:52 < The_First_Gamer> I think the important thing is.
  1962. 06:52 < The_First_Gamer> Are the devs even eating/drinking/sleeping?
  1963. 06:52 <+kyren> I said something to the effect of yes we will have lots of silly items, if you want something super specific you'd probably have to bug an artist because if I drew it it would be *amazing*
  1964. 06:53 <+kyren> oh I drink
  1965. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean
  1966. 06:53 < Wurmy> Meow you arnt going to flip that table are you?
  1967. 06:53 <+kyren> I drink fluids
  1968. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean
  1969. 06:53 < xJudgement> Booze
  1970. 06:53 < The_First_Gamer> Don't drink and code at the same time.
  1971. 06:53 <+kyren> yeah
  1972. 06:53 < Invalidmicah> I went into the future, bought the game and brought it back so now I am playing it. Muwahahaha
  1973. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean no
  1974. 06:53 < The_First_Gamer> You'll spill it on your keyboard.
  1975. 06:53 < xJudgement> Totally yeah.
  1976. 06:53 < Walross> \msg Kyren, could you repeat that last message? I bumped much screen before I could read it
  1977. 06:53 < Whiteluigi> You drink food and eat fluids.
  1978. 06:53 < Walross> Goddamkit
  1979. 06:53 < meow_> nope I won't
  1980. 06:53 <+kyren> could you also grab the code from the future too?
  1981. 06:53 <+kyren> I'd be much abliged
  1982. 06:53 < xJudgement> Let me just bring the game back from the future
  1983. 06:54 <+kyren> Walross: I gave you the gist above :D
  1984. 06:54 < The_First_Gamer> EWWWW.
  1985. 06:54 < Invalidmicah> Sorry the killer TIY andorid almost got me. Too close
  1986. 06:54 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> is coding starbound your fulltime job?
  1987. 06:54 < xJudgement> Speaking of GTA4 on computer, now has a Back to the Future mod, where you can be marty, and drive the Delorian
  1988. 06:54 <+kyren> yes iasfinsdfnklsdfg
  1989. 06:54 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> cool
  1990. 06:54 <+kyren> also answering questions on irc
  1991. 06:54 <+kyren> that's my other fulltime job haha :D
  1992. 06:54 < zak4488> i love sdf32r423r23r43wr23 too ^.-
  1993. 06:54 < xJudgement> 12 hours a day?
  1994. 06:54 < DevonX> Mircrosoft joked about that they were wasted when they made windows ce me and nt
  1995. 06:54 <+kyren> yeah that's a good estimate
  1996. 06:54 < Wurmy> lol
  1997. 06:55 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> they were also wasted when they made win8
  1998. 06:55 <+kyren> irc username completion
  1999. 06:55 < xJudgement> So much time on IRC and coding, Id go buggy
  2000. 06:55 < SniperNLN> kyren, do you want to rid off from the first one? (job) )))
  2001. 06:55 <+kyren> is a lifesaver
  2002. 06:55 < BloodyShade> kyren: how do you handle events that need further input from the player, is the game paused until that input is provided or there isn't anything like that in starbound?
  2003. 06:55 < psychotwo> water, soda
  2004. 06:55 < xJudgement> Good question bloody
  2005. 06:55 < TautwiZZ> [Q] Kyren, Steam/In-Game achievements are a possibility?
  2006. 06:55 < The_First_Gamer> A pause button would be greatly appreciated for SB.
  2007. 06:56 <+kyren> I hope so TautwiZZ
  2008. 06:56 <+kyren> very much
  2009. 06:56 < The_First_Gamer> Since having to open the menu, leave the window, etc. Would be too much of a hassle.
  2010. 06:56 <+kyren> I'm almost certain yes, but we haven't started on it yet, because we haven't done anything steam api ish yet
  2011. 06:56 < DevonX> Will there be a wolf like race in the game too? ( would love that)
  2012. 06:56 < The_First_Gamer> What dissapoints me is that SB will not be an ARPG.
  2013. 06:56 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> What did you do before working on Starbound? Any other game?
  2014. 06:56 < The_First_Gamer> Which saddens me a bit, since I really wanted SB to be heavy on the RPG side.
  2015. 06:56 <+bartwe> I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen
  2016. 06:57 < Walross> These links are driving me crazy.
  2017. 06:57 <+kyren> well, right now in game inputs don't pause
  2018. 06:57 <+bartwe> Kyren has been answering questions for 3 hrs already
  2019. 06:57 <+kyren> er, events
  2020. 06:57 < xJudgement> kyren your being stolen!
  2021. 06:57 <+bartwe> and it is time for a break.
  2022. 06:57 <+kyren> yeah I am kinda tired haha
  2023. 06:57 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> BUT I WANT HER TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FOREVER
  2024. 06:57 <+kyren> I said I could answer questions forever, and I LIED
  2025. 06:57 < The_First_Gamer> There is always another day.
  2026. 06:57 <+kyren> full of lies
  2027. 06:57 < xJudgement> Have a good break Kyren, thanks for answering our questions
  2028. 06:57 < DevonX> Cya ^^
  2029. 06:57 < Whiteluigi> Kyren deserves a rest :)
  2030. 06:57 < Wurmy> Thanks Kyren. Love you guys.
  2031. 06:57 < The_First_Gamer> Time is the key, here.
  2032. 06:57 < Walross> Fruit helmets. This is all.
  2033. 06:57 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> my life is a lie
  2034. 06:57 <+kyren> thank you all!
  2035. 06:57 < The_First_Gamer> Rest well, my devs.
  2036. 06:57 < DRL> Cya
  2037. 06:57 <+kyren> bye!
  2038. 06:57 < zak4488> you can go too bed now bye bye =)
  2039. 06:57 < Walross> Fare thee well
  2040. 06:58 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> bb
  2041. 06:58 < Walross> *bows*
  2042. 06:58 < xJudgement> bartwe you finishing up question session
  2043. 06:58 < Wurmy> I am going to make with the sleep face. Night everyone.
  2044. 06:58 < The_Decryptor> Thanks for answering our questions
  2045. 06:58 <+bartwe> xJudgement: nope, but you are welcome to my twitch stream of boringness
  2046. 06:58 <+kyren> no problem, thank you guys for being so supportive
  2047. 06:58 <+kyren> oooh bartwe twitch stream
  2048. 06:58 <+kyren> watch it
  2049. 06:58 < SniperNLN> Thank for everybody for a good time. ^_^
  2050. 06:58 < xJudgement> x3 You make me laugh Bartwe, Im out, thanks again guys, Ill be buying the game first day
  2051. 06:59 < SniperNLN> And thanks again for devs for what they are doing. Best wishes!
  2052. 06:59 < xJudgement> Oh one last thing
  2053. 06:59 < xJudgement> You guys pwn the Battlefield devs, actual live chat my my.
  2054. 07:00 < xJudgement> All we get from them is a PDF file x3 later guys
  2055. 07:00 < Apple_Master> How can you compare DICE and Chucklefish?
  2056. 07:01 < psychotwo> oh crap
  2057. 07:01 < SniperNLN> DICE - what is that?
  2058. 07:01 < SniperNLN> xD
  2059. 07:01 < psychotwo> here they come in masses
  2060. 07:02 < nebnebbenm> hello all
  2061. 07:02 < psychotwo> and main man Tiy is back
  2062. 07:02 < nebnebbenm> Tiy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2063. 07:02 < psychotwo> oh fffffuuuuuuuu
  2064. 07:02 < The_First_Gamer> Tiy is not here.
  2065. 07:02 < The_First_Gamer> It is his ghost.
  2066. 07:02 < SniperNLN> Oh, btw, no new random monster of whenever?
  2067. 07:03 < Wangotango> rip tiy - he died doing what he loved; suffocating in the depths of space
  2068. 07:03 < Shion> Still answering those programming questions?
  2069. 07:03 < The_First_Gamer> It ended about 6 minutes ago.
  2070. 07:03 <@Tiy> I have rice crispies
  2071. 07:03 <@Tiy> mm
  2072. 07:03 < Shion> crap (
  2073. 07:03 < Seiga> return!
  2074. 07:03 < The_First_Gamer> If they were to keep answering questions.
  2075. 07:03 < Whiteluigi> The question session is over.
  2076. 07:04 < The_First_Gamer> Then they would never get any work done.
  2077. 07:04 < dust87> hi
  2078. 07:04 < meow_> yummeh
  2079. 07:04 < Seiga> small time, tiiiuuuyyiri
  2080. 07:04 < The_First_Gamer> Ewww, rice crispies tastes horrible.
  2081. 07:04 < zak4488> yumy
  2082. 07:04 < Seiga> I am back with a footlong sub
  2083. 07:04 < Wangotango> their work is answering questions
  2084. 07:04 < dust87> can i ask a question?
  2085. 07:04 < Wangotango> the real people making the game are ea
  2086. 07:04 <+kyren> sorry, I answered questions for like 3.5 hrs
  2087. 07:04 <+kyren> I'm so tired :<
  2088. 07:04 < ryanmm> sleepy time
  2089. 07:04 < psychotwo> go rest, kyren :)
  2090. 07:04 * The_First_Gamer Hands Kyren a blanket
  2091. 07:04 < Whiteluigi> Kyren has earned a well deserved rest.
  2092. 07:04 < The_First_Gamer> Sleeels.
  2093. 07:04 <+kyren> no, I actually woke up at 1am
  2094. 07:04 <+kyren> I'm not going to sleep
  2095. 07:04 <+kyren> I just have to go shower, and eat
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