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Dec 30th, 2012
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  1. Alien - Thelma and Louise - Matchstick Men - Aliens - The Abyss - Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Titanic
  2. Avatar - Brazil - 12 Monkeys - The Fisher King - Spirited Away - Princess Mononoke - Howl's Moving Castle
  3. My Neighbour Totoro - Grave of the Fireflies - Kiki's Delivery Service - The Secret World of Arriety - The Fountain
  4. Requiem for a Dream - The Wrestler - Black Swan - The Godfather - The Godfather Part II - Full Metal Jacket
  5. Paths of Glory - The Shining - A Clockwork Orange - As Good as it Gets - Up in the Air - Wag the Dog
  6. Casino - The Departed - Gangs of New York - Raging Bull - Taxi Driver - The Aviator - Goodfellas - Boogie Nights
  7. There Will Be Blood - Magnolia - The Last of the Mohicans - Heat - Collateral - Fargo - No Country for Old Men
  8. O' Brother Where Art Thou - Blood Simple - Barton Fink - The Man Who Wasn't There - Jurassic Park
  9. Catch Me If You Can - Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  10. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Saving Private Ryan - Schindler's List - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  11. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Poltergeist - Minority Report - War of the Worlds - Pulp Fiction - Jackie Brown
  12. Inglourious Basterds - Reservoir Dogs - Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 - The Pianist - The Jerk - Little Miss Sunshine
  13. Juno - The Naked Gun - The 40 Year Old Virgin - Crazy Stupid Love - Half Nelson - Blue Valentine
  14. Lars and the Real Girl - Rocky - Network - Inception - The Prestige - Memento - Batman Begins
  15. The Dark Knight - Insomnia - Scent of a Woman - Donnie Brasco - The Shawshank Redemption
  16. The Machinist - The Warriors - Slumdog Millionaire - Sunshine - 28 Days Later - Trainspotting - 127 Hours
  17. Zodiac - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - The Social Network - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  18. Fight Club - Seven - 500 Days of Summer - Brick - The Lookout - The Dark Crystal - The Neverending Story
  19. LA Confidential - Cast Away - Apollo 13 - A Beautiful Mind - Parenthood - Cinderella Man
  20. The Truman Show - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - A Few Good Men - Rain Man - Risky Business
  21. Jerry Maguire - Born on the Fourth of July - This is Spinal Tap - Stand By Me - The Princess Bride - Misery
  22. Dazed and Confused - Let Me In - Sherlock Holmes - Wall E - Source Code - 50/50 - Coraline - The Fighter
  23. American Psycho - The Woodsmen - The Silence of the Lambs - Drive - Groundhog Day - The Kings Speech
  24. Chinatown - One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - About Schmidt - Terms of Endearment - I Love You, Man
  25. Knocked Up - Forgetting Sarah Marshall - There's Something About Mary - The Thing - Children of Men
  26. Good Will Hunting - The Remains of the Day - How To Train Your Dragon - Finding Nemo - Ratatouille
  27. The Talented Mr Ripley - A Fish Called Wanda - The Descendants - The Deer Hunter - Casino Royale
  28. In the Line of Fire - Unforgiven - Million Dollar Baby - Gran Torino - Mystic River - Letters from Iwo Jima
  29. Hot Shots - The Matrix - Pans Labyrinth - Three Kings - Adaptation - Being John Malkovich
  30. Amelie - Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2 - Army of Darkness - Drag Me to Hell - Coriolanus
  31. Dog Day Afternoon - In Bruges - Glengarry Glen Ross - Back to the Future Trilogy - Star Trek
  32. Fast Time at Ridgemont High - Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - Leaving Las Vegas - Halloween
  33. Good Night and Good Luck - American History X - Boys N the Hood - Ed Wood - The Nightmare Before Christmas
  34. Edward Scissorhands - A History of Violence - The Fly - Eastern Promises - Falling Down - True Romance
  35. Ocean's Eleven - Snatch - Shaun of the Dead - Hot Fuzz - Monsters Inc - The Fantastic Mr Fox
  36. The Royal Tenenbaums - Rushmore - Lost in Translation - Stripes - Groundhog Day - Broken Flowers
  37. The Count of Monte Cristo - Iron Man - Captain America - Thor - The Incredible Hulk - Scott Pilgrim Vs the World
  38. The Sixth Sense - Signs - Unbreakable - Die Hard - Sin City - Red - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  39. Monty Python's Life of Brian - Zombieland - The Watchmen - Tangled - National Lampoon's Animal House
  40. Seven Samurai - The Hidden Fortress - Woman in the Dunes - Metropolis - Citizen Kane - Double Indemnity
  41. 12 Angry Men - The Odd Couple - On the Waterfront - A Streetcar Named desire - Mr Smith Goes to Washington
  42. Rebel Without a Cause - Giant - Black Dynamite - Dead Alive - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - King Kong
  43. Lolita - Heavenly Creatures - Cronos - Hellboy - Awakenings - Witness - The Fugitive - Moon - Gone Baby Gone
  44. Inside Man - Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World - L.A. Story
  45. 310 to Yuma - American Splendor - Driving Miss Daisy - State of Grace - Patton - Repo Man - Hugo
  46. Midnight in Paris - Annie Hall - Cloverfield - The Host - Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China
  47. Finding Neverland - Dead Poets Society - Good Morning Vietnam - What's Eating Gilbert Grape - Apocalypse Now
  48. Additional Information for movies that go together from the list (in order: 1st - 2nd etc.) or have sequels that you can search out - not all sequels are listed, some are just the first two, you'll have to search out the others yourself:
  49. 28 Days Later - 28 Weeks Later
  50. Alien - Aliens
  51. Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2 - Army of Darkness
  52. Back to the Future Part I, II, and III
  53. Batman Begins - The Dark Knight
  54. Casino Royale - Quantum of Solace (Daniel Craig version of Bond)
  55. Die Hard - Die Hard 2 - Die Hard with a Vengeance - Live Free of Die Hard
  56. Escape from New York - Escape from LA
  57. Halloween
  58. Hellboy - Hellboy II: The Golden Army
  59. Hot Shots - Hot Shots: Part Deux
  60. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Raiders of the Lost Ark; Temple of Doom
  61. Jurassic Park - The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  62. Kill Bill Vol I - Kill Bill Vol II
  63. Letters from Iwo Jima - Flags of our Fathers (not sequels, but related)
  64. Ocean's Eleven - Oceans Twelve
  65. Poltergeist - Poltergeist II: The Other Side
  66. Rocky - Rocky II - Rocky III - Rocky IV
  67. Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  68. The Terminator - Terminator 2: Judgement Day
  69. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (sequels only available for the original foreign film, not U.S. version)
  70. The Godfather - The Godfather Part II
  71. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; Return of the King
  72. The Matrix - The Matrix Reloaded - The Matrix Revolutions
  73. The Naked Gun - The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear - The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
  74. The Thing - The Thing (2011, prequel)
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