
Traditionsteady Taco Intro

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. [20:16] <DM-sumo> The cloaked figure looks up from his living map with the sounds of a deep chuckling coming from within his hooded robes "My, My, it seems they do move rather quickly these women now day" A pale hand reaches forward and snaps his fingers.In an instant there is a searing flash and a Silver and Golden Book appears.
  2. [20:17] <DM-sumo> With a wave of his hand the books opens up to a page similar to one seen before, but this has its words written in gold. "Hmmm how fitting....golden letters for his golden ideals." With another snap of his fingers the book is gone and he looks down at his living map again and moves his finger from one town to another "You have traveled far young one and experienced much, but now is the time test your faith"
  3. [20:18] <DM-sumo> He presses his finger down yet again on the living map surprising close to where he had placed it before.
  4. [20:19] <DM-sumo> And reality warps and twists until only darkness remains.
  5. [20:19] <DM-sumo> With a sudden pop reality returns to normal.
  6. [20:21] <DM-sumo> You are nearly there, of the world some call it.
  7. [20:22] * Johan readjusts his backpack that was on top of his greatsword on his back, he looks at the city that's coming in closer. "Someone here must know..." he murmurs to himself and keeps walking.
  8. [20:24] <DM-sumo> You can see the southern gates from here and you know this was a journey well made as just traveling here you have helped so many. Everything from helping out travelers from beasts to turning a old bandit into a honorable sheriff. But now you are here.
  9. [20:25] <DM-sumo> The gates are now in front of you and the city awaits.
  10. [20:25] <DM-sumo> What will you do now young traveler?
  11. [20:26] * Johan breaks into a jug as he he goes to the southern gates and looks for the gatekeepers. "Hello? I'm here to enter your city....anyone?"
  12. [20:28] <DM-sumo> A portly man peaks his head out of a nearby guard shack "Oy, the gates open for you to just that," He scratches his head "Unless you have some official business of somfin"
  13. [20:29] * Johan shakes his head and gives the portly man a bow. "Sorry sir, the only business I have is from the Order of the Sun. You wouldn't happen to know where I can get some information do you?"
  14. [20:32] <DM-sumo> The man scratches his head and makes a face that lets you know he is using every ounce of thinking power he has "Well if me memory is correct you'll find if at the far end of this here corner of the city. Close to the middle it is"
  15. [20:32] <DM-sumo> Security is.....lax for the entrance to the common section of the city to say the least.
  16. [20:34] <Johan> "Close to the middle...thank you so much!" He says with a bright smile and bows again. He then looks around to see if anyone looked like they needed help entering the city, and once he doesn't, he enters Thiles.
  17. [20:34] <Johan> ((er IF he doesn't rather)
  18. [20:35] <DM-sumo> Everyone seem to have no trouble entering the city, though that may be due to the guards being what some might call "lazy"
  19. [20:38] <DM-sumo> You enter the cities Common district which seems to be rather lively. While most of the building are some sort of housing you do see a shop here and there. Mostly just general stores, middle of the road taverns and what you think might be a brothel down the street.
  20. [20:38] <DM-sumo> Though, you have no idea why people would want to go to brothels.
  21. [20:40] * Johan seems to blush as he sees what he thought might be a brothel and hurries past it, muttering something in his breath as he does so. He shakes his head, and tries to find the place the guard told him, near the middle of the city.
  22. [20:43] <DM-sumo> The start of the journey is easy enough as it looks to be a straight line to the middle, but you relies that the road splits off in different directions. What do you do? Go left? Go right? Also Spot check.
  23. [20:44] <Johan> roll 1d20+2
  24. [20:44] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  25. [20:46] <DM-sumo> While the main road splits left and right you notice there is a alleyway that leads straight to what you think is another road and with any luck might help you get to your destination faster.
  26. [20:47] * Johan looks at either side then ponders a bit ias he looks at the alleyway and simply nods. Heading straight to it.
  27. [20:52] <DM-sumo> The other side which you can see clearly leads to a road is blocks by a small band of men talking in hushed voices. One of them notices you approaching and the talking stops with them slowly reaching for their weapons.
  28. [20:54] <DM-sumo> Wat do? *the DM strokes his white cat*
  29. [20:55] <Johan> DUN DUN DUN
  30. [20:56] <Imouto> Mister Bigglesworth!
  31. [20:56] * Imouto pets the kitty.
  32. [20:56] * Johan approaches the band of men directly, looking at them. "Excuse me gentlemen? What are you doing?"
  33. [21:01] <DM-sumo> The one who noticed you speaks up and from the looks on the other's faces he is no doubt the leader "You see we were just conducting a simple business deal." He approaches with a grin of his face "See we were talking about how to best serve our.... community and thought we might start taking up "donations" from the local people to help feed the less fortunate" He takes off his old beat up hat and pushes it toward you "Have you the h
  34. [21:02] <DM-sumo> Sense motive Check.
  35. [21:02] <DM-sumo> ~
  36. [21:02] <Johan> roll 1d20-4 DAMN YOU FLAW
  37. [21:02] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20-4 DAMN YOU FLAW --> [ 1d20=9 ]{5}
  38. [21:03] <DM-sumo> Roll 1d20+6
  39. [21:03] <!Dice-chan> DM-sumo rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
  40. [21:04] * Johan immidiately takes out his bag filled with coin and drops 10 gold coins into the man's hat. "Oh of course here. Why the weapons if I may ask good sir?"
  41. [21:07] <DM-sumo> He bows his head "You are quite generous indeed sir, and while we may be trying to do some good work there are those who would rather steal and be greedy sir. We just want to make sure the funds are...safely secure" He bows his head again and motions to the others to let the man through "Oh, may I ask your name good sir?"
  42. [21:08] <Johan> "Of course, my name is Johan Teruk. May I ask yours?"
  43. [21:11] <DM-sumo> "My name is Jack O'Donnell, but the boys just call me Jack." he looks you over for a moment "Ya lookin for somthin? Not many people would just take the alleyways."
  44. [21:13] * Johan nods to the man. "Yes, I was pointed by the nice man at the gate at a place where I may aquire some information. He said it'd be at the corner of this part of the city, near the middle."
  45. [21:18] <DM-sumo> "Oh well if you are headin that way just take the alleyways! Almost a straight shot there and you just need to take a left when you run out of cracks in the wall to go through" He walks back to his small group "Now a good day to you sir and try to keep an eye out for any unrepeatable people~"
  46. [21:21] * Johan bows to Jack and gives him a warm smile. "Will do, and good luck to you as well, Mister Jack, it's really good to see someone helping out others. May fortune smile upon you." And with that he gives another bow and keeps taking the alleyways, just like the man adviced him to.
  47. [21:24] <DM-sumo> While traveling the alleyways is very different that what you are use to the directions seem simple enough and you find yourself on the road again and remember that Jack had said to take a left. But the road also goes right as well.
  48. [21:25] <DM-sumo> Wat do? Also, Spot check~
  49. [21:28] <Johan> roll 1d20+2
  50. [21:28] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{19}
  51. [21:28] <Johan> (!)
  52. [21:32] <DM-sumo> You notice that you are being followed by what appears to be a man in his mid 30s and is carrying a cane.
  53. [21:33] <DM-sumo> He is approaching and will be within 10 feet of you soon.
  54. [21:33] * Johan stops and turns around to look at the man. "Excuse me sir, but it's not good to follow someone without their permission. Don't you think so?"
  55. [21:38] <DM-sumo> The man roars with laughter "Oh come now! I see someone interesting enter the city and how can I NOT follow them?" He lightly points his cane in your direction. "Not often you see people in full suits of armor walk into the Common district! Why, you have more armor than some of the guards around here." He pulls his cane back and implants it on the ground, setting his two pale hands on it.
  56. [21:40] <Johan> "Ah...well live by the armor, die by the armor is a teaching in my order Mister...?"
  57. [21:47] <DM-sumo> "Mister?" A confused look clouds his features "..OH you mean my name...well...You can me Mr. Cane if you like young one. Though it has been quite some time since I've had someone ask me my name" He starts walking past you and down the left part of the road, but stops and looks back "Coming?"
  58. [21:49] * Johan looks at the man then simply nods and follows him. "So just why were you following me Mister Cane? I'm sure you'd have more pressing matters than just following me around."
  59. [21:54] <DM-sumo> "Oh, I have more time than I know what to do with young man, and I was simply making sure that you reached you destination, but it seem like I didn't have to worry about that at all" He spins his cane around as they near a bend in the street.
  60. [21:58] * Johan gives the man a smile. "Yes, the people in this city are most kind to help a stranger in need. But how did you know where my destination was? I don't think I've seen you before...
  61. [21:58] <Johan> "
  62. [22:03] <DM-sumo> The man chuckles to himself "Yes, lots of kind people to be found here. Ah, but we approach your destination and if you are lucky we will meet again" He gives you wink as he walks ahead of you around the corner and by the time you try to catch up he is nowhere to be seen. But looking straight ahead you find your destination.
  63. [22:05] <DM-sumo> The rather large building is built seemingly into a high wall......though what a high wall is doing in the middle of the city you have no idea.
  64. [22:06] <DM-sumo> Two people who are similarly armored to you stand out front talking to eat other.
  65. [22:07] * Johan tilts his head on the side but simply shrugs. "Nice guy." He says to himself as he looks over at the building and look at is, scratching his head. He then sees the two people and walks up to them. "Excuse me, but I must ask, what is this place?"
  66. [22:13] <DM-sumo> One the men speak up "Why this a rallying point for those who walk in the glory of the sun young man." He appears to be in his late 50s, but seems to be in top physical condition 'Can't say I have seen you in the city before, have you come here on a pilgrimage perhaps? "
  67. [22:14] <DM-sumo> The other man just observes the conversation quietly "..."
  68. [22:14] <Johan> "Something like that, my name is Johan and I have been assigned the holy mission to hunt down a once sealed spirit. Have you heard about any strange occurances?"
  69. [22:19] <DM-sumo> "A once sealed spirit you say?" He strokes his clean shaven chin in thought "Can't say I have, but I'm sure Brother Martin would know of such of any incidents. I'm sure sister Lana here would be happy to introduce you." He motions to the other person standing next to him....
  70. [22:20] <DM-sumo> "Sister" Lana just nods and motions for you to follow her not saying a word "..."
  71. [22:21] <Johan> "Ah, thank you so much!" He says with a bow and then follows Sister Lana.
  72. [22:26] <DM-sumo> You are lead though the building and notice there are quite a few people occupying the building though about half of them you observe are young men and a few girls being trained and taught. Finally you make it to a room which Sister Lana walks into without knocking and you find yourself in study of sorts with rows of shelves filled with books and bundles of papers.
  73. [22:27] <DM-sumo> You Notice a desk......with a man snoring while laying his head down.
  74. [22:28] * Johan looks to Sister Lana and points to the sleeping man. " he going to be alright?"
  75. [22:29] <DM-sumo> Lady Lana tapes the mans shoulders and he wakes up with a start "AH WHAT?!? I DIDN"T STEAL THE APPLE I SWEAR....oh....I was just dreaming...ah" he finally notices both you and the sister and turns a deep red "Ah....I-Is there something I can help you with?"
  76. [22:37] <Johan> (Sorry about that)
  77. [22:37] <DM-sumo> (?)
  78. [22:38] <Johan> "Hell sir, I'm Johan, I've walked many miles to come to this place because I heard you might have information about a mission I was tasked with. One dealing with a once sealed soul that recentely got free. Do you perhaps know anything about any strange incidents as of late?"
  79. [22:38] <Johan> ((That it took me 7 minutes to respond)
  80. [22:39] <DM-sumo> (( 7 minutes? Seemed pretty fast to me. *DM turns into a turtle*))
  81. [22:41] <DM-sumo> "Ah, seal a soul you say?...hmmm one moment" He takes a pile of bundled papers off a shelf and starts looking through them.
  82. [22:44] <DM-sumo> "We have been getting...strange reports in the north, north-east if I recall" He takes out a piece of paper from the stack "Here we are, yes we are having something strange indeed going on"
  83. [22:45] <Johan> "What sort of reports exacly sir?"
  84. [22:48] <DM-sumo> "Oh some very odd things indeed, while we are use to strange things closer to our border with the fey we have been getting report of things happening elsewhere." he pats the sheet he is holding"Take this for example"
  85. [22:49] * Johan looks over at the sheet the man is holding.
  86. [22:50] <DM-sumo> "We have a report from just last week about how a old tomb seems to be full of activity! POOF. Out of nowhere the dead just walk out of there graves, but what is even weirder is that we have had no reports of cultist or rogue wizards in the area."
  87. [22:50] <DM-sumo> their graves*
  88. [22:51] <DM-sumo> "Though this incident only became known to us thanks to some information from a family that just moved their operation into town"
  89. [22:52] <Johan> "I see...may I ask where I can find this family?"
  90. [22:54] <DM-sumo> "Of course, here I'll draw you a map quick map of how to get there" He puts on a strange set of glasses, takes out some paper and a pen, and stats drawing you a map of how to get there "They seem like nice people I have to say, moved into the market district just this month"
  91. [22:55] <DM-sumo> He finishes up and gives the strangely professional map to Johan " I hope this helps you in your mission Brother Johan."
  92. [22:57] * Johan takes the map and give the man a deep bow. "Thank you so very much for your help. If there is anything I can do to help you or the people in this city, please, do alert me." He also bows the Lady Lana and walks out of the building, following the map.
  93. [22:58] <DM-sumo> (Shall we continue to the manor? or shall we stop here?)
  94. [22:59] <Johan> (Lets stop here for tonight, it's getting late)
  95. [23:00] <DM-sumo> (okay)
  96. [23:00] <DM-sumo> =End Scene=
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