
FailSandwich's Poorly Written Lewd

Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. It was a beautiful day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On a day like this, the club was doing the usual: their ordinary activities inside.
  2. Honestly, it's kind of a shame. They should try going outside sometime, instead of staying holed up in the clubroom all day.
  3. Anyway, on to the story...
  5. "Hey, watch it, Sayori!"
  6. "Geez, Natsuki... what's wrong? What did I do?"
  7. "You knocked over my manga!"
  8. "Sorry, sorry..."
  9. "No! You pick them up! Now!"
  10. Sayori sighed. "Fine... but can you PLEASE stop being a dick now, Natsuki?"
  11. Natsuki looked shocked. "Y-you swore..."
  12. Sayori looked annoyed. "Well, I'm not a child, Natsuki!"
  13. Monika had been listening to the whole conversation. She couldn't resist butting in.
  14. "Well, it figures."
  15. "What figures, Monika?"
  16. "That Natsuki would be being a dick, since she has one."
  17. "W-wha... MONIKA!!! I'M NOT A BOY!!!"
  18. "Suuuuure you aren't... Trapsuki!"
  19. "DON'T CALL ME THAT! First of all, the term 'trap' is really offensive! Second of all, I'm a girl!"
  20. "Prove it. Ahaha!"
  21. "Okay."
  22. Natsuki grabbed Monika by the ponytail and started dragging her out the door.
  23. "O-owww! N-Natsuki! I-I wasn't being serious!"
  24. "Yeah, suuuure you weren't." Natsuki mocked.
  25. "I-It was a joke! Honest!"
  27. Soon, Monika and Natsuki had arrived in the empty English classroom.
  28. "Alright, Natsuki... what do you want to show me?"
  29. Natsuki started stripping off her clothes.
  30. "This."
  31. She rid herself of all her clothes and stood bare-ass naked in front of Monika.
  32. Monika nervously giggled. "Alright... I-I see that you're not a tr-I mean, transgender... let's go back to the clubroom now, okay?"
  33. Natsuki had a devious smile on her face. "No... we're not done yet."
  34. Monika looked scared. "W-what're you gonna do?"
  35. Natsuki sat in a chair in front of Monika. "You're gonna have to be a little more sure. Let's start by just touching it. You know what I mean, right, Monika?"
  36. Monika nervously laughed again. "Y-yeah... b-but this isn't a very good idea, Natsuki..."
  37. "Do it! Now!"
  38. "O-okay..."
  39. Monika nervously touched Natsuki's pussy. She rubbed at it, clearly to no effect. She didn't seem to be doing anything right. "U-umm... am I doing this right? I-I mean... I know how to do this to myself, but not to others..."
  40. Natsuki sighed in annoyance. "Lick it, then. Use your mouth. Really go at it. Satisfy me, and we'll go back to the clubroom."
  41. Monika seemed nervous. "O-okay..." She knelt down in front of Natsuki to begin.
  42. Natsuki grabbed Monika's hair and pulled Monika's head between her legs.
  43. Monika started licking Natsuki's pussy, gently at first, but gradually going a little deeper. Natsuki could feel her tongue moving around inside, just a little. She could feel her hot breath on her groin. It felt... surprisingly good, even if Monika was new to this.
  44. "Ahh... ahnn... M-Monika..."
  45. Monika went a little faster. "N-nyaah... ahh... nk-ku... haah..."
  46. "M-Monika... y-you're way better at this than I thought..."
  47. Monika kept going. Natsuki squeaked and moaned with pleasure. "A-ahh... n-nyahh... haa-ah..."
  48. "A-ahh... ah-aah-aaaAAAHH!"
  49. Natsuki panted heavily. "M-Monika... y-you're done now... you've got enough proof... l-let's go now, haha..."
  50. Monika stood up. "Actually, Natsuki, I rather enjoyed that. I wouldn't say no to another... session... at some point."
  51. They got dressed and headed back to the clubroom.
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