
Gay Dating Scam 2: Avalos Patrick

Dec 11th, 2018
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  1. The second incident:
  2. It started on October 21, after the week of mid-terms, when I stayed logged into PlanetRomeo after midnight, but while I was sleeping. Although I had been talking to some other users before, their interactions tended to be in bursts After getting up in the daylight, I noticed that some more users contacted me first, unlike with the first incident where I contacted the person first. I replied to both, but only the user by the name of avalospartd responded back, which made me feel good. As usual, I did a little talk, but noticed that this was a new user created hours before. Shortly after, I gave him my email address so that we could talk outside of PlanetRomeo. Eerily, I have been invited to talk on Google Hangouts, like from the first incident. I hesitated, as I feared this talk would eventually fold like it, but I accepted the invitation anyways, not wanting to miss out on someone to talk with. You haven't heard from me about this earlier because the person told me to keep this talk a secret. Over the course of two weeks, I received this information from the person, who revealed himself to be Avalos Patrick and later on Jeffery Avalos Chris (just like from the previous incident, almost everything is supposed and could all be fake):
  4. * Unlike the first incident, I actually received images of the person throughout this time, and beyond. Since they depicted nearly the same person, that was one of the reasons I continued talking with this person early on. However, at least my sister thinks that many of them could've been pulled off from elsewhere and not really depict the person I talked to.
  5. * At the time he began talking with me, he said that he worked at Haier, as "a self personnel worker [doing] import[s] and export[s] of appliances." He also lived alone in his own apartment as a single, in Fresno, California, as opposed to the Columbus, Ohio, that originally appeared on the profile I saw of him.
  6. * He used to have a partner of his own, but that partner left him for not being rich enough. In addition, he has rarely, if not never, made any friends for his whole life, besides a single neighbor who I didn't receive contact with until last Wednesday.
  7. * He said on his profile that he was 37 years old, but revealed to me that he was 34 years old, saying that doesn't like other people knowing about his real age.
  8. * Because he found me cute and wanted to secure me before anyone else to me, he decided to rush and dedicate his efforts to visit me in person, by trying to relocate to Houston, although I almost never think of myself as cute-looking.
  9. * His family was once affluent, saying that "We always live at large We spend as we want We were free to do anything of our choice." Unfortunately, his stepmom, named Janelle Brookes, tried to take his family's property all for herself by making his now-deceased dad sign some fake documents, which eventually resulted in most of this family's property being seized by a court of appeals, including according to him, his ID card and bank accounts several months ago. This became the basis for his many excuses for why he begged me more desperately later on.
  10. * Like from the first incident, he has some inheritance money left from his dad that has to be claimed in court, which he originally said was going to happen on 11/12.
  11. * He uses a Bitcoin wallet for purchases, using the Xapo Bitcoin wallet and its apps. Somewhere, he knows a service that can convert the iTunes gift card codes to Bitcoin so that he can use them outside of services. Again, this legally isn't allowed, but I naively believed what he said about this. He resorted to this likely after losing access to his bank accounts.
  13. Only a single day after the initial talk, he asks me for a "favor", just like the last incident, justifying it by saying he needs it for his MacBook, but it didn't seem to make much sense to me. This first one was a digital gift card sent via for $75, but later on, he claimed to not receive it, and preferred that I get physical iTunes gift cards for their codes. My campus bookstore did stock them, but I could only get them in $15, $25, or $50 increments, so I ended up collecting an unusually large amount of them over the first week. His justifications for the gift cards were these chronologically (1 to 6 all take place from 10/21 to 10/26, while 7 and 8 spans 10/27 to 11/3):
  15. * Buy nice furniture for the apartment we would supposedly live in in Houston.
  16. * Buy a Nest thermostat, then a wedding ring if we met (both of these I thought weren't necessary, but I caved in for the former after he said about that he had a limited bidding time for it).
  17. * Pay for job transfer forms that would also include a flight to Houston.
  18. * Eat some good food, as he claims that he has been starving for the last few days (Monday through Thursday)
  19. * Housing package in an auction. If he didn't bid in time, he said that the above effort would be wasted.
  20. * After all that, the board of director for Haier "choose [him and a few other workers to travel to Chad in Africa] because [he is] the most efficient worker to go and distribute and market some goods". But I thought it would be in China at first, and when it became Chad instead, I thought, 'why this country?'.
  21. * Shortly after arriving in Chad on 10/27, he got bitten by a mosquito carrying p. ovale malaria. He needs over a thousand dollars to get a drug to cure this, as he would not be allowed to travel out of Chad if we wasn't cured, holding back all the co-workers that traveled as well.
  22. * Over the next five days, a smaller amount for being driven around to work, and for food.
  24. During 5 and 7, the person requested me to send money via Western Union, but this time, both attempts were blocked, and I also received an email saying that I may not be allowed to do anymore online wire transfers with them. When the latter wire transfer was refunded to me on 11/3, I was at home at the time and not on campus, so while only my grandma was home, I took the opportunity to cover this up as a walk to the local Kroger Marketplace store to buy more gift cards there. This did succeed, but the day before, I was already in trouble from my family after my mom found out the day before, so this made my family more unhappy, as this was a chance to recover some money that was now spent. My debit card was now taken away from me, and I got locked out of my now-closed checking account. Next after this:
  26. * After finishing with 7 above, he and the co-workers were finally able to leave Chad (my sister ridiculed that taking the drug would mean that the malaria is cured).
  27. * Hours later, a nasty surprise came. I thought he would land directly in Houston, but he was in Dallas instead, signing some documents. After finishing however, he asks me for more gift card money once again, claiming that his new company refuses to pay for his flight from Dallas to Houston. Because me and my family didn't have enough money to help at this point, I repeatedly said that I couldn't, but the person pushed back multiple times.
  28. * I suggested many things he could do on his own, but he rejected all of them:
  29. * Take a Greyhound bus - he has motion sickness, and the last time he took one, he ended up in a hospital, vomiting very badly before getting there. Therefore he doesn't want to risk getting sick or even dying from it, even though the latter rarely happens with motion sickness.
  30. * Take a payday loan - he has no ID and/or bank account to get one in the first place. He did try some services, but all denied him one.
  31. * Reschedule the court meeting to take place in Dallas - claims to not have the case ID, nor have phone service to call the nearest court.
  33. After 11/4, 2 has been dragged on for unnecessarily long time: at least two weeks passed, and he still is in Dallas, unable to do anything. My sister sometimes helped talk in place of me. He said that he was originally arranged by the new company to stay at a staff house for that time, but that time has now passed, and has since turned more desperate for me to send him more. Starting on 11/14, supposedly the neighbor began contacting me, checking in to see whether the person was okay or not. I echoed all my worries to him, but then he started saying lots of things in support of that person, unlike all the people I knew, who were against that person.
  34. Finally, last weekend, I tried two services to apply for a payday loan myself in hopes of saving myself from using my mom's money, but they denied me one, as I did not have any significant prior credit history built up. On 11/20, things turned for the worse: I stayed up all night arguing that it's wrong to access my mom's account for money (since 11/3, my sister sent $1000 for only my mom to use), but he pushed back so hard, and pressured me by saying that he would commit suicide or die soon due to starvation and no shelter. I caved in again, first with recovering access to my checking account, and then doing a transfer from my mom's account, in hopes of foolishly getting this done quickly and appeasing the person by giving what he wants. In the end, I spent $100 last dollars on another iTunes gift card sent via PayPal Digital Gifts, but I was forced to transfer most of the money back to my mom's account, and my account charged hours later. As a last resort, I thought about borrowing money from other people to help with this, but I canceled doing that due to the dynamic situation.
  35. Long story short, with my checking account now closed, I can no longer help the person with gift cards, but he is still sending me messages, so he's mostly become a time waster, with him never giving up on me helping him with more money, and I fear that the money requests will never end, even if I did satisfy each one. All that I can do now is not respond to anymore of his contact points. As of 12/8, I have received another message from this person, but have not responded, as I think I can make the person go away by not responding.
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