
luci theme

Aug 18th, 2015
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  95. <!---- this is theme 41 by Hollywhood
  96. please don't remove the credit
  97. thank you
  98. --->
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  928. <div id="ireverent"><center><ed>BARRACKS.</ed><br><p>
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  955. <div id="updatestitle"> ❀. ❜<br>┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈</div>
  957. <div style="padding-top:10px;border:4px double #545454; width:225px; background-color:#f3f2f5; box-shadow:-1px 1px 3px 0px #6e6e6e; opacity:.8; border-radius:4px;">
  958. <p>
  959. independent <b>princess lucina</b> of fire emblem : awakening.<br>engaged to <b><a href="">inigo.</a></b><br>written by <b><a title="uses she/her." href="">trisha.</a></b><br>established april 2015.<br><script language="JavaScript">
  960. var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');
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  962. document.write('<script src="' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>');
  963. </script> ; <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
  964. <br><a title="INIGO." href=""><img src=""></a><br>activity will be slow until my icons are recovered because over 360 edited icons and 50 unedited icons were lost due to a broken flash drive.<br><a href="">detailed semi-hiatus post.</a><br>
  965. </div>
  966. </div></div>
  968. <div id="RULES" class="popup_block"><center><div style="background-color:{color:pop up title bg}; width:410px;padding:10px;text-align:center; text-style:normal;border:4px double #c4c4c4;border-radius:0px; color:{color:text};opacity:.7; letter-spacing:1px;font-size:14px;font-family:'ronda';margin-left:10px; overflow-x:scroll;scroll:left;overflow-x:hidden;height:290px"><p><strong>CHARACTER INFORMATION.</strong></p>
  969. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">This blog is for Lucina of the Fire Emblem : Awakening game. It&rsquo;s mostly set post&mdash;story, and I&nbsp;<strong>HAVE</strong> finished the entirety of all chapters and the children paralogues save for one, and the Future Past chapters. I can roleplay any of those verses need it be, but I&rsquo;m cool with plotting any other verses in general as well!</p>
  970. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>I will not follow other Lucina&rsquo;s unless we are close friends, have <em>genuine</em> interest in interacting with you as a person / writer, or at least&nbsp;know each other well enough not to be nervous.</strong> This is far from personal, it&rsquo;s just that I am nervous enough about portrayal as it is, &amp;&amp;. seeing duplicates can drive me up the wall with anxiety. I most likely will block or at least blacklist you if you are a duplicate, but, again I apologize.</p>
  971. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I do take a lot of inspiration from support conversations and the like, but the majority of this blog is based on personal headcanon.</p>
  972. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">This blog is singleship with <em>this <a href="" target="_blank">Inigo</a></em>&nbsp;&amp;&amp;. is canon to&nbsp;<strong><a href="" target="_blank">fellbloodtactician</a>&nbsp;</strong>&amp;&amp;.&nbsp;<strong><a href="" target="_blank">ofexaltedblood</a>.</strong> I&rsquo;m still willing to interact with other Robin&rsquo;s (regardless of gender) and Chrom&rsquo;s, though Lucina will only identify the above two as her parents, and as for other Fire Emblem : Awakening characters&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">this</a>&nbsp;</em>is a page of every one that I am canons with.<br /></span></p>
  973. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Don&rsquo;t tell me how to play my character&nbsp;; I&rsquo;m perfectly cool with anyone telling me areas of improvement, but for goodness&rsquo; sake, do not just leave a message in my inbox just saying &ldquo;ur character sux&rdquo; without any explanation for it.</span></p>
  974. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">BASIC RULES.</span></strong></p>
  975. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I won&rsquo;t follow everyone back ;&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I&rsquo;ll take a look at your blog before following or not, and while I&rsquo;m cool with your character not having an about, if you don&rsquo;t have rules, there&rsquo;s a low chance of me following you.</span></p>
  976. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">That said, I will only accept asks from mutuals in any situation. Enough said. No magic anons. I&rsquo;m lazy as heck, so it&rsquo;s hard for me to keep up, plus I don&rsquo;t see too much point to them.</p>
  977. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">In regards to plotting: I am always open to mutuals asking to plot, as long as it&rsquo;s in reason. I have every right to choose whether or not I thread with you, regardless of plotting, and regarding crossover threads, while I am not too selective of following non-Fire Emblem RPers as long as you have good information on your character, I will be very selective with plotting with non-Fire Emblem RPers and never plot with self inserts, and like I said about M!As, end of story.</span></p>
  978. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Don't steal anything. It's common courtesy, and I&nbsp;<em>expect</em> such to be followed.</span></p>
  979. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">If you are a duplicate ( followed or not ),&nbsp;<em>please</em> for the love of Naga &amp;. Grima above, do not take&nbsp;<em>my</em> Lucina's relations and use it for</span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"> yours.</span></strong><span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"> Any relations that my character has with another is&nbsp;</span><em>solely</em><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">&nbsp;theirs, so please don't disrespect that.</span></span><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"></span></p>
  980. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I will not accept questions on HTML on anon.</span></strong></p>
  981. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I&rsquo;m really selective in terms of who I follow. Do not pester me at all if I do not follow you, and that said, if I don&rsquo;t follow you within two days, I&rsquo;m not following you.</p>
  982. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Considering the above facts, Robin / Female!My Unit is Lucina's&nbsp;<em>default</em> mother. I will not change such lest I interact with a&nbsp;<em>male Robin,</em> and even then I shall keep her mother vague unless the thread actively involves it. I do not know who her default mother will be in&nbsp;<em>that</em> scenario, either being Sumia or Sully.</p>
  983. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><em>I will rarely send in passwords / codes for rules.</em> I find it extremely uncomfortable for myself to do such for something like that, unless it's the occasion that I am&nbsp;<em>extremely</em> interested in interacting with you.</p>
  984. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>I will never send in passwords to you if I already have for another blog, on either sides.</strong></p>
  985. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Odd thing to place here, but as it says on the tin I go as&nbsp;<em>Sol,&nbsp;</em>or Soleil on here. Granted, this is an alias, yet only those who know me well are to be aware of my true name for safety&rsquo;s sake.</p>
  986. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>BLOGS I WILL NEVER/RARELY FOLLOW</strong></p>
  987. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">1. ) Duplicates.</p>
  988. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">2. ) Multi&mdash;muses. Dual&mdash;muses is a maybe.</p>
  989. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">3. ) NSFW blogs.</p>
  990. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">4. ) Personals.</p>
  991. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">5. ) A good majority of crack blogs.</p>
  992. <p><strong>ROLEPLAYING INFORMATION</strong></p>
  993. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I post way too many starter calls (which are for mutuals only) but, regardless if you like it or not, I still got a choice in whether I should make it or not.</p>
  994. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Please let me know if I&rsquo;ve forgotten a reply! I try to keep track of things, but I&rsquo;m very sorry if I don&rsquo;t see it! That noted, please don&rsquo;t pester me for it, but a reminder now and then is perfectly fine!</p>
  995. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><strong>I will only roleplay with mutuals.</strong></p>
  996. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Please be somewhat eligible in terms of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I understand if English isn&rsquo;t your first language, but at the very least please let me be able to read it. That is, unless it&rsquo;s crack.</p>
  997. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">That said, I love crack roleplay. Having fun with your character is seriously encouraged, and I never unfollow for that sort of thing.</p>
  998. <p><strong>ANONS AND DRAMA</strong></p>
  999. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Anon hate will not be tolerated at all. It&rsquo;s gonna be deleted immediately.</p>
  1000. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Any anonymous messages &ldquo;warning&rdquo; me about other users aren&rsquo;t going to be taken into much consideration. If you got something to say to me about someone do it off anon.</p>
  1001. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">No drama, please. I get enough of it just watching the dashboard, so please don&rsquo;t involve me in it when I&rsquo;m not supposed to be, especially on anon.</p>
  1002. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">On that topic, note that I&nbsp;<strong>will never get involved in any sort of drama regardless of my relations to a good majority of people.</strong> I prefer and will stick to being neutral to the matter unless&nbsp;<strong>it directly involves me, is about me, or is about someone very close to me.</strong></p>
  1003. <p><strong>ASKS</strong></p>
  1004. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">Ask meme karma isn&rsquo;t necessary at all. I&rsquo;ll try my best myself to follow so in some circumstances, but for the most part, followers aren&rsquo;t required to do so.</span></p>
  1005. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">UNFOLLOWING</span></strong></p>
  1006. <p style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">I don&rsquo;t unfollow too often, to be honest? But, uh, here are some reasons why I might&nbsp;; half the time it&rsquo;s nothing personal, but one thing you don&rsquo;t have to worry about is OOC. I never unfollow for excessive OOC posts, aside from completely unrelated things, but anywho, here are the reasons:</span></p>
  1007. <ul style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">
  1008. <li>Not being mutuals with me for more than two weeks.</li>
  1009. <li>Drama.</li>
  1010. <li>LOADS OF SELF PITY. Don&rsquo;t get me wrong, I do see that some people aren&rsquo;t the most confident? but please, do not constantly be a self-matyr and pity yourself 24/7.</li>
  1011. <li>If you, or your posts irritate me&nbsp;; this could happen for loads of reasons. First, the above, and second, if?? I don&rsquo;t enjoy your character, or if you just post smut (I&rsquo;m cool if it&rsquo;s tagged, but if not, no) constantly.</li>
  1012. <li>STEALING.</li>
  1013. <li>Hate.</li>
  1014. <li>If you unfollow me first.</li>
  1015. </ul>
  1016. </div>
  1018. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  1020. <div id="ABOUT" class="popup_block"><center><div style="background-color:{color:pop up title bg}; width:410px;padding:10px;text-align:center; text-style:normal;border:4px double #c4c4c4;border-radius:0px; color:{color:text};opacity:.7; letter-spacing:1px;font-size:14px;font-family:'ronda';margin-left:10px; overflow-x:scroll;scroll:left;overflow-x:hidden;height:290px"><p>
  1022. <p><big><strong><a href="" target="_blank">WIKI PAGE.</a></strong></big></p>
  1023. <p><strong>WARNING!</strong> Thread carefully, as the biography contains mentions of&nbsp;<em><strong>family death, suicide, and murder.</strong></em><em><br /></em></p>
  1024. <p><img src="" />&nbsp;<img src="" />&nbsp;<img src="" /></p>
  1025. <p></p>
  1026. <p></p>
  1027. <p><big><strong>BASICS.</strong></big></p>
  1028. <p><strong>Name/Title :</strong>&nbsp;Princess Lucina of House Ylisse</p>
  1029. <p><strong>Nicknames / aliases :</strong> Luci/Lucy, Luce, &ldquo;Marth&rdquo;</p>
  1030. <p><strong>Date of Birth :&nbsp;</strong>April 20th</p>
  1031. <p><strong>Age :&nbsp;</strong>late teens to early twenties, depending on verse and time</p>
  1032. <p><strong>Species :</strong> Human</p>
  1033. <p><strong>Class :</strong> Great Lord&nbsp;</p>
  1034. <p><strong>7 Personalities :</strong> the&nbsp;<strong>QUEEN</strong></p>
  1035. <p><strong>MBTI :</strong> INFJ ; the&nbsp;<strong>ADVOCATE</strong></p>
  1036. <p><strong>Sexual &amp;&amp;. Romantic Orientation</strong> <strong>:</strong> Asexual demi-heteromantic ; she isn&rsquo;t too repulsed by the idea of sex directly, but is definitely one of the last people interested. As for romantic orientation, Lucina doesn&rsquo;t prioritize romantic relationships above all things, but does enjoy the idea &amp;&amp;. concept of it, though she can only imagine herself with people she cares deeply about but can&rsquo;t see the possibility of her being in that sort of relationship with women.</p>
  1037. <p><strong>Build / Appearance :</strong>&nbsp;Lucina is a rather tall young woman, standing at near 6&rsquo;, with a slim yet clearly toned body from combat and training. She isn&rsquo;t considered too curvy with her normal attire in battle due to her regular outfit being purposely arranged so that she appears masculine for the most part, but has a rather defined and slightly curvy figure in reality.</p>
  1038. <p><strong>Attire :</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">In battle / regular</a> &amp;&amp;. <a href="" target="_blank">dress</a> ; outside of battle, and rarely seen. &amp;&amp;. as &ldquo;<a href="" target="_blank">Marth</a>.&rdquo;</p>
  1039. <p><strong>Fighting style :</strong>&nbsp;her fighting style is mostly developed because of Chrom&rsquo;s training in early childhood, with a very fast yet damaging sort of style &mdash; evidently very quick and agile, but still able to land a hit. In most cases, while Lucina does fight alongside her comrades willingly and will support them when needed, it isn&rsquo;t rare that you can find her fighting on her lonesome but still holding her own.&nbsp;</p>
  1040. <p><strong>Weapons :</strong> always carries Parallel Flachion by her side as a memento of her deceased father, but due to her status and class as a Great Lord, is able to wield lances, but it&rsquo;s a rarity. Mostly uses the above weapon or rapiers.</p>
  1041. <p><big><strong>ABOUT.</strong></big></p>
  1042. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; A tale like hers could only be told as one of legend, with loads of tragedy and smiles to boot. Princess Lucina had been born to the Exalt Chrom two years after the Ylisse - Plegian war, with a mother and father of kind hearts and a happy future ahead.&nbsp;</p>
  1043. <p><strong>But, as fate would have it &mdash; that simply wasn&rsquo;t the case.</strong><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Later on, her father was to die at the hands of Grima &mdash; or should it be, his best friend. It was never meant to be that way, with them truly meaning no harm, but Robin was an odd case. Put under the control of someone that the princess would know later on, they had murdered him, and as for her mother, she would soon fall as well.&nbsp;<br /><br /></p>
  1044. <p><strong>Tragic, wasn&rsquo;t it?</strong></p>
  1045. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; And, the world would only continue to grow all the more worse, with Risen and the like plaguing the lands, it was a miracle that the human race continued to exist at all. It would soon come to be that Lucina, along with the other children of the Shepherds, would do the impossible ; they traveled back into the past thanks to Naga, and went to fix what should have been wronged.</p>
  1046. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Donning a mask and the name as &ldquo;Marth&rdquo; from the Hero&mdash;King himself, the princess had went, and honestly, couldn&rsquo;t have arrived at an weirder time. It was during a Risen attack, and greeted with the sight of her father and Aunt, she had helped to protect and fight, but only to disappear soon after.</p>
  1047. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;With this disguise, Lucina continued to travel the past, only to have it taken away during the attempted assassination of Emmeryn, the current Exalt ; of course, her true identity was still kept a secret for the meantime, but for now only her gender had been figured out. At first, the altering of the past had only delayed her aunt&rsquo;s death, only to have her <em><strong>&ldquo;die&rdquo;</strong></em> by forced suicide. Later on, it would be revealed that it had done only severe brain damage, and a rather nasty case of amnesia, but that little story is for later.</p>
  1048. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;It wasn&rsquo;t until a little later that the princess had revealed her true name and past to her father through the Brand of the Exalt, and joined the Shepherds ; soon, after many hardships and battles, the Fell Dragon had been defeated, and the world came to be at peace. What Lucina is up to nowadays is a mix, but one thing is for certain now :&nbsp;</p>
  1049. <p><strong>Her present self will surely be happy.</strong></p>
  1051. </div>
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  1059. <p><a href="" target="_blank">ABOUT</a>.</p>
  1060. <p><a href="" target="_blank">RULES</a>.</p>
  1061. <a href="#?w=460" rel="MAIN" class="poplight"/>ROSTER.</p>
  1062. <a href="#?w=460" rel="CANON" class="poplight"/>SUPPORT LOG</a>.</p>
  1063. <a href="#?w=460" rel="VERSES" class="poplight"/>TIMELINES</a>.</p>
  1064. <a href="" target="_blank">SOURCES.</a>
  1066. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  1070. <div id="CANON" class="popup_block">
  1071. <center><div style="background-color:{color:pop up title bg}; width:410px;padding:10px;text-align:center; text-style:normal;border:4px double #c4c4c4;border-radius:0px; color:{color:text};opacity:.7; letter-spacing:1px;font-size:14px;font-family:'ronda';margin-left:10px; overflow-x:scroll;scroll:left;overflow-x:hidden;height:290px"></p>
  1072. <p><a href="" target="_blank">ROBIN</a>.</p>
  1073. <p>My mother, who was doomed to become Grima in my timeline. She&rsquo;s a woman of mystery to many, yet holds strong bonds with the Shepherds regardless. Is married to my father, Chrom, and future mother to myself and Morgan.</p>
  1074. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1075. <p><a href="" target="_blank">CHROM</a>.</p>
  1076. <p>My father, an Exalt that was killed by Grima&rsquo;s hand in my timeline. A man of strength and ( some ) charisma, he leads the Shepherds to victory alongside his tactician. Is married to the above, Robin, and future father to myself and Morgan.</p></i></div></center>
  1077. </div>
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  1081. <div id="MAIN" class="popup_block">
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  1084. <p><a href="" title="ROBIN." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="CHROM." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="MORGAN." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="INIGO." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="GAIUS." target="_blank"><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></span></a><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp;</span><a href="" title="LON'QU." target="_blank"><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></span></a>&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.4;"><a href="" title="LISSA." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;</span><a href="" title="LIBRA." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="VIRION." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="" title="HENRY." target="_blank" style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src="" /></a></p>
  1085. <blockquote>
  1086. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">these are all of my mains for fire emblem awakening characters&nbsp;<em><strong>!</strong></em> any questions or roleplays regarding them, or mentioning them will be considered canon for that specific muse, and vice versa for them as well&nbsp;<em><strong>!<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PIXEL SOURCE.</a></strong></em></span></p>
  1087. </blockquote>
  1088. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  1091. <div id="VERSES" class="popup_block">
  1092. <center><div style="background-color:{color:pop up title bg}; width:410px;padding:10px;text-align:center; text-style:normal;border:4px double #c4c4c4;border-radius:0px; color:{color:text};opacity:.7; letter-spacing:1px;font-size:14px;font-family:'ronda';margin-left:10px; overflow-x:scroll;scroll:left;overflow-x:hidden;height:290px"></i>
  1093. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1094. <p>T : OUR BONDS ARE STRONG.</p>
  1095. <blockquote>
  1096. <p>default verse. takes place during awakening post chapter 13.</p>
  1097. </blockquote>
  1098. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1099. <p></p>
  1100. <p>T : YOU MAY CALL ME MARTH.</p>
  1101. <blockquote>
  1102. <p>takes place during awakening post chapter 2 and before chapter 13.</p>
  1103. </blockquote>
  1104. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1105. <p>T : WE HAVE WON OUR FUTURE.</p>
  1106. <blockquote>
  1107. <p>post awakening verse.</p>
  1108. </blockquote>
  1109. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1110. <p>T : WHY BOTHER YOURSELF WITH A STRANGER&rsquo;S TROUBLES&nbsp;<em><strong>?</strong></em></p>
  1111. <blockquote>
  1112. <p>pre future past 3 verse.</p>
  1113. </blockquote>
  1114. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1115. <p></p>
  1117. <blockquote>
  1118. <p>post future past verse.</p>
  1119. </blockquote>
  1120. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1121. <p></p>
  1122. <p>T : LITTLE MOMENTS OF PEACE.</p>
  1123. <blockquote>
  1124. <p>modern verse.</p>
  1125. </blockquote>
  1126. <p><img src="" /></p>
  1127. <p></p>
  1129. <blockquote>
  1130. <p><a href="" target="_blank">au fates verse.</a></p>
  1131. </blockquote>
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