
Feisty Muzzleloaders

Jul 5th, 2018
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  1. >After a long day at work you are driving to the farm you call home, as the roof of the main building appears behind the hill you hear a shot
  2. >"Those two are at it again" you curse as you speed up, you'll need to put a stop to this before they break something (again)
  3. >You park your car and walk towards the barn from which the sound seems to have orginated, you see a girl in Confederate uniform clutching a Richmond rifle ducking behind a pile of planks, shouting:
  4. >"Come out yah damn yankee bitch an' ah'll kill ya!" to which another girl with a Western Massachusetts accent replies:
  5. >"You wish you fuckin' rebel slut!"
  6. >"Stop it you two, what brought on this civil war re-enactment this time?" you ask as the Southern girl, Anna, is just finishing loading her rifle.
  7. >"Ah cain't stand that bitch any longer, always pickin' on me for no reason!" Anna says as the other girl, wearing a 1860s Union uniform, comes out holding a model 1861 Springfield.
  8. >"What do you mean "for no reason" you whore? You are always clinging to Anon & trying to sneak into his bed at night!" the Union girl, named Haru, yells at Anna.
  9. >"You're just pissed 'cause ah always beat ya to it" Anna replies as she tries to put a new percussion cap in without anyone seeing.
  10. >"Wait, what? That's what the ruckus you two cause almost every night is about?" you ask as you grab a hold of the Richmond and take it away from her.
  11. >"I-I have no idea what she's talking about, it's just not right for a rifle to be like that with her owner!" Haru says with panic in her voice.
  12. >"You two do realise there's plenty of room for all of us in my bed?" you say as Anna starts reaching for her bayonet.
  13. >Your words stop them in their tracks as they look at you with flustered faces. They look at each other and even though they don't say anything, it's clear they are discussing your proposal.
  15. >"...if Anon says it's OK, I guess I'll have to allow her to sleep with you, but only on the condition that I'm there as well to make sure she doesn't force herself on to you", Haru says with a cute tsundere face.
  16. >"Whut ya actually mean is ya actually want a threesome, don't ya?" Anna asks with a knowing expression. You expect Haru to go ballistic, but instead she just blushes.
  17. >"So, now that the Civil War is finally over, I've got some fresh meat, beer and bourbon in the truck, shall we have a barbecue?" you ask.
  18. >"Anon is a pervert", Haru says
  19. >"Ya'll both perverts" says Anna.
  20. >"Pervert, me? What makes you say that?" you ask.
  21. >"Ain't ya just tryin' to get us drunk?" Anna asks before adding:
  22. >"Not that ah mind..."
  23. >"Fine, we are all perverts, now let's go get the food and fire up the grill." you say and the girls agree.
  24. >This isn't the first time you have seen them drink, but you are still surprised by Anna's ability to take hard liquor, Haru on the other hand is a bit different story & it doesn't take long before she's drunk. Now it's Anna's turn to get angry at Haru for being too clingy as you cut Haru off from drinking any more.
  25. >"I'm so tired, don't you think it's time to go to bed Anon?" Haru asks.
  26. >"What are you talking about, it's still light out here" you say as you worry about what Anna will do if this keeps on going any longer.
  27. >"So we'll have plenty of time until morning!" she says while trying to un-button your shirt.
  28. >"Not fair ya li'l yankee skank, didn't we agree to share?" Anna is getting jealous.
  29. >"Then hurry up and join us!" Haru exclaims as she moves on to unfastening your belt & Anna joins her.
  30. >Not wanting to lose to these two, you wrap your arms around their waists and start carrying them towards the house as the two girls struggle, scream and laugh at the same time.
  31. >You were worried that this day would end with yet another uneasy truce, but in the end things turned out quite nicely for you.
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