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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. The creature shown in this picture is a Narse, better known in mythology as a unicorn. It is a mix between the Narwhal, and a Przewalski's Horse. Narses reside in the tropical rainforests of Central Asia. Living in the forest floor level of the rainforest, Narses quickly adapted to have little sunlight. This is shown in the paleness of the horse, when on the forest floor, animals recieve only 2% of the sunlight they normally would outside of the rainforest. Unfortunately the forest floor contains very little animal life, allowing the Narse to maintain it's herbivore status. Commonly found by rivers, Narse's eat a variety of fungi and plants. The Narse utilizes a different teeth set, with primarily chewing teeth, allowing it to quickly go thorugh fungi and plants. Due to the fact Narse's have few predators, they are often found traveling alone, so as to gain more food for themselfves. Over time, the horse developed an ability to see in incredibly low light, as on the forest floor layer of the jungle, it is almost pitch dark. The Narseoften competes with the giant anteater for food. The Narse, as a result to scarcity of food, adapted it's mouth into a more cone shape, allowing it to eat ants much the same way ant eaters do. This competition devised a way for the Narse to use its inherent tusk, which in short bursts of speed ont he part of the narse, is used to gore giant ant eaters as they are eating it's prey. Many of the organisms the Narse resides with are insects, such as the scorpion. As a result of this, the Narse slowly developed hardened feet, as a result to the scorpions stinging of them.
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