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a guest
Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. 1) run wamp server on
  2. 2) open port 80 in router firewall
  3. 3) access wamp web server from public ip 215.1561.1561.1561.1x
  4. 4) make index.php
  5. 5) inside index.php - include("header.php"); - inside header.php put <div class="header"></div>
  6. 6) inside index.php add style.css \ <style></style> and type: .header{width:100%; height:40px;background:blue;}
  7. 7) than inside index.php include body.php (index.php = short file that includes other files and connect to database\run php commands)
  8. 8) inside body its area for testing you can start here with PHP
  9. 9) run php command that loop a number + 1 and echo it as <h1> - $a = 0; while($a < 30){echo '<h1>' . $a . '</h1>';}
  10. 10) learn more php try more stuff - examples: $a="hello world"; - replace "hello" with "big" - simple google search: "php replace string"
  11. 12) google and try: "php get string between" - "php if string contains" - "php loops"
  12. 11) before javascript: google: "youtube php from start - begginers" watch
  13. 12) open: - username: root - password:
  14. 13) find a way to make new database
  15. 14) find a way to make a new table inside the database
  16. 15) in that table add 2 fields: "username,password" - both strings!
  17. 16) go to "11)" connect to that database
  18. 17) come to borgil for more (register\login\forms\go learn javascript)
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