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Controller Key Codes

a guest
Jun 25th, 2020
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  1. Control name Xbox equivalent Control ID
  2. ControlFrontendDown Dpad Down 187
  3. ControlFrontendUp Dpad Up 188
  4. ControlFrontendLeft Dpad Left 189
  5. ControlFrontendRight Dpad Right 190
  6. ControlFrontendRdown ?????????? 191
  7. ControlFrontendRup ?????????? 192
  8. ControlFrontendRleft ?????????? 193
  9. ControlFrontendRright ?????????? 194
  10. ControlFrontendAxisX Left stick X 195
  11. ControlFrontendAxisY Left stick Y 196
  12. ControlFrontendRightAxisX Right stick X 197
  13. ControlFrontendRightAxisY Right stick Y 198
  14. ControlFrontendPause Start 199
  15. ControlFrontendAccept A 201
  16. ControlFrontendCancel B 202
  17. ControlFrontendX X 203
  18. ControlFrontendY Y 204
  19. ControlFrontendLb Left shoulder 205
  20. ControlFrontendRb Right shoulder 206
  21. ControlFrontendLt Left trigger 207
  22. ControlFrontendRt Right trigger 208
  23. ControlFrontendLs Left stick click 209
  24. ControlFrontendRs Right stick click 210
  25. ControlFrontendDelete ??????????? 214
  26. ControlFrontendSelect Back 217
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