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Jun 10th, 2018
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  1. # Spawner GUI categorie
  3. # If you want to change the "/spawners" commands aliases
  4. # 1) Open 'MySpawnerMenu.jar' file with 7zip or WinRar
  5. # 2) Open 'plugin.yml' in this file
  6. # 3) Change aliases section , example: (aliases: [yourcustomspawnerscommand, myspawners] )
  8. menu:
  9. # Menu Name
  10. nameFormat: "MySpawnerMenu &8(<numberOfSpawners>/<spawnersLimit>)"
  11. # Menu Lore / Description
  12. lores:
  13. type: "Type"
  14. owner: "Owner"
  15. id: "Id"
  16. pos: "Position"
  17. messages:
  18. non_placed: "Non placed"
  19. spawner_of: "Spawner of "
  21. # Global Options
  22. options:
  23. spawnersChunkLimit:
  24. enable: true
  25. limitPerChunk: 5
  26. # Spawners per group options
  27. spawnersLimitPerGroup:
  28. # by default spawners limit
  29. default: 36
  30. # op spawners limit
  31. op: 500
  32. # need '' permission
  33. vip: 120
  34. # need 'myspawnermenu.limit.mvp' permission
  35. mvp: 300
  36. # write all log in a file
  37. logFile:
  38. enable: true
  39. name: "logs.yml"
  41. # Players can place spawners on the obsidian or bedrock base
  42. setable_to_bedrock_and_obsidian: false
  44. pickaxe:
  45. # pickaxe item id (modded item allowed)
  46. itemId: 285
  47. name: "&a&lMySpawner &6Pickaxe !"
  48. lore_first_part: "&a"
  49. lore_second_part: " &ause(s) left !"
  50. storage:
  51. # Configuration Spawners storage
  52. configStorage:
  53. enable: true
  54. configName: spawners.yml
  55. # Mysql Spawners storage
  56. mysqlStorage:
  57. enable: false
  58. urlBase: "jdbc:mysql://"
  59. host: "localhost"
  60. database: "myspawnersmenu"
  61. # full perm user
  62. username: "root"
  63. password: ""
  64. helpCommands:
  65. default: "&e/spawners : Show spawners"
  66. add: "&e/spawners add [type] [player] : Add a spawner "
  67. remove: "&e/spawners remove [type] [player] : Remove a spawner"
  68. removeall: "&e/spawners removeall [player] : Remove all player spawners"
  69. send: "&e/spawners send [type] [player] : Send a spawner !"
  70. givepickaxe: "&e/spawners givepickaxe [player] [use] : Send a spawner pickaxe"
  71. messages:
  72. prefix: "&7[&9MySpawnerMenu&7] "
  73. # no permission message
  74. no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission !"
  75. # impossible actions
  76. no_break_possible: "&9This spawner does not belong to you"
  77. not_setable: "&cThis spawner can not be put on bedrock or obsidian."
  78. cant_place: "&cYou can't place this spawner in this area"
  79. # spawners actions
  80. spawner_gift_send: "&eYou have send a &6<type> &espawner to &6<reciever>"
  81. spawner_gift_recieve: "&eYou have recieve a &6<type> &espawner from &6<sender>"
  82. spawner_type_doesnt_exist: "&c<name> Spawner doesn't exist."
  83. spawner_pickaxe_recieve: "&eYou recieve a &aspawner pickaxe &e! &7(&e<use> use(s)&7)"
  84. # null spawners actions
  85. no_spawners: "&cYou don't have spawners."
  86. no_spawners_to_send: "&cYou don't have spawners to send"
  87. no_spawners_type_to_send: "&cNo <type> spawner to send"
  88. no_spawner_found: "&cNo <spawnerName> Spawner found from <playerName>."
  89. # final actions
  90. player_dont_have_spawner: "&cThis player do not have spawners"
  91. player_remove_spawner_complete: "&9Spawner remove from <playerName> spawners list."
  92. #actions
  93. add_spawner: "&9<playerName> &7 recieve a spawner of &9<spawnerName> !"
  94. pickup_spawner: "&9<playerName> &7 pickup a spawner of &9<spawnerName> !"
  95. removespawner: "&aSpawner remove from world and added to the /spawners."
  96. breakSpawner: "&9Spawner added to the /spawners"
  97. preplace: "&aThe next block that you type will turn into your spawner"
  98. place_announce: "&9Only on claims."
  99. # limit spawners message
  100. spawner_limit: "&cMaximum number of spawners reached &8<spawnersAmount>&7/&8<spawnersLimit> &cfor this player"
  101. # limit per chunk reached
  102. spawner_limit_reached: "&c&lMaximum number of spawners reached for chunk &7[&6<chunk>&7] "
  103. # limit chunk message
  104. limit_per_chunk: "&cSpawners in this chunk &e<spawnersAmount>&7/&e<spawnersLimit> &cfor chunk &7[&6<chunk>"
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