
TellMe 0.7.0 - Commands dump example

Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. +------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  2. | Class | Command | Aliases | Usage |
  3. +------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4. | fi.dy.masa.autoverse.commands.CommandLoadConfigs | autoverse-loadconfigs | | /autoverse-loadconfigs |
  5. | fi.dy.masa.justenoughdimensions.command.CommandJED | jed | | '/jed <debug | defaultgamemode | difficulty | dimbuilder | gamerule | list-loaded-dimensions | list-registered-dimensions | load-dimension | register | reload | setworldspawn | time | unload-empty-dimensions ['unload-chunks' to try to unload chunks] | unregister | unregister-remove | weather | worldborder> [dimension] ...' |
  6. | fi.dy.masa.justenoughdimensions.command.CommandTeleportJED | tpj | | '/tpj <to-entity>' OR '/tpj <entity> <to-entity>' OR '/tpj <dimensionId> [x y z] [yaw] [pitch]' OR '/tpj <entity> <dimensionId> [x y z] [yaw] [pitch]' |
  7. | fi.dy.masa.tellme.command.CommandTellme | tellme | | /tellme help |
  8. | net.minecraft.command.AdvancementCommand | advancement | | /advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> |
  9. | net.minecraft.command.CommandBlockData | blockdata | | /blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag> |
  10. | net.minecraft.command.CommandClearInventory | clear | | /clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag] |
  11. | net.minecraft.command.CommandClone | clone | | /clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] |
  12. | net.minecraft.command.CommandCompare | testforblocks | | /testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode] |
  13. | net.minecraft.command.CommandDebug | debug | | /debug <start|stop> |
  14. | net.minecraft.command.CommandDefaultGameMode | defaultgamemode | | /defaultgamemode <mode> |
  15. | net.minecraft.command.CommandDifficulty | difficulty | | /difficulty <new difficulty> |
  16. | net.minecraft.command.CommandEffect | effect | | /effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] OR /effect <player> clear |
  17. | net.minecraft.command.CommandEnchant | enchant | | /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level] |
  18. | net.minecraft.command.CommandEntityData | entitydata | | /entitydata <entity> <dataTag> |
  19. | net.minecraft.command.CommandExecuteAt | execute | | /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command> OR /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x> <y> <z> <block> <dataValue|-1|state|*> <command> |
  20. | net.minecraft.command.CommandFill | fill | | /fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> [dataValue|state] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] |
  21. | net.minecraft.command.CommandFunction | function | | /function <name> [if <selector>|unless <selector>] |
  22. | net.minecraft.command.CommandGameMode | gamemode | | /gamemode <mode> [player] |
  23. | net.minecraft.command.CommandGameRule | gamerule | | /gamerule <rule name> [value] |
  24. | net.minecraft.command.CommandGive | give | | /give <player> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag] |
  25. | net.minecraft.command.CommandHelp | help | ? | /help [page|command name] |
  26. | net.minecraft.command.CommandHelp | help | ? | /help [page|command name] |
  27. | net.minecraft.command.CommandKill | kill | | /kill [player|entity] |
  28. | net.minecraft.command.CommandLocate | locate | | /locate <feature> |
  29. | net.minecraft.command.CommandParticle | particle | | /particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [mode] [player] [params] |
  30. | net.minecraft.command.CommandPlaySound | playsound | | /playsound <sound> <source> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] |
  31. | net.minecraft.command.CommandReload | reload | | /reload |
  32. | net.minecraft.command.CommandReplaceItem | replaceitem | | /replaceitem <entity|block> ... |
  33. | net.minecraft.command.CommandSetSpawnpoint | spawnpoint | | /spawnpoint [player] [<x> <y> <z>] |
  34. | net.minecraft.command.CommandShowSeed | seed | | /seed |
  35. | net.minecraft.command.CommandSpreadPlayers | spreadplayers | | /spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams true|false> <player ...> |
  36. | net.minecraft.command.CommandStats | stats | | /stats <entity|block> ... |
  37. | net.minecraft.command.CommandStopSound | stopsound | | /stopsound <player> [source] [sound] |
  38. | net.minecraft.command.CommandTP | tp | | /tp [target player] <destination player> OR /tp [target player] <x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>] |
  39. | net.minecraft.command.CommandTime | time | | /time <set|add|query> <value> |
  40. | net.minecraft.command.CommandTitle | title | | /title <player> title|subtitle|actionbar|clear|reset|times ... |
  41. | net.minecraft.command.CommandToggleDownfall | toggledownfall | | /toggledownfall |
  42. | net.minecraft.command.CommandTrigger | trigger | | /trigger <objective> <add|set> <value> |
  43. | net.minecraft.command.CommandWeather | weather | | /weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration in seconds] |
  44. | net.minecraft.command.CommandWorldBorder | worldborder | | /worldborder <set|center|damage|warning|get|add> ... |
  45. | net.minecraft.command.CommandXP | xp | | /xp <amount> [player] OR /xp <amount>L [player] |
  46. | net.minecraft.command.RecipeCommand | recipe | | /recipe <give|take> [player] <name|*> |
  47. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandBroadcast | say | | /say <message ...> |
  48. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandEmote | me | | /me <action ...> |
  49. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandMessage | tell | msg, w | /tell <player> <private message ...> |
  50. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandMessage | tell | msg, w | /tell <player> <private message ...> |
  51. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandMessage | tell | msg, w | /tell <player> <private message ...> |
  52. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandMessageRaw | tellraw | | /tellraw <player> <raw json message> |
  53. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandPublishLocalServer | publish | | /publish |
  54. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandScoreboard | scoreboard | | /scoreboard <objectives|players|teams> ... |
  55. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandSetBlock | setblock | | /setblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|state] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] |
  56. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandSetDefaultSpawnpoint | setworldspawn | | /setworldspawn [<x> <y> <z>] |
  57. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandSummon | summon | | /summon <entityname> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] |
  58. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandTeleport | teleport | | /teleport <entity> <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>] |
  59. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandTestFor | testfor | | /testfor <player> [dataTag] |
  60. | net.minecraft.command.server.CommandTestForBlock | testforblock | | /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|-1|state|*] [dataTag] |
  61. | net.minecraftforge.server.command.ForgeCommand | forge | | Use /forge <subcommand> |
  62. +------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  63. | Class | Command | Aliases | Usage |
  64. +------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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