
Fluffy Big Daddy

Jun 6th, 2012
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  1. >in your twenties
  2. >cant land a job
  3. >money is getting tight
  4. >finally get a job part time at a fluffy adoption center
  5. >better than nothing
  6. >you personally don’t care for the things but you don’t hate them
  7. >you just go through the motions: feeding, cleaning, showing them to customers, repeating
  8. >the shelters getting crowded
  9. >boss offers a 5% increase in pay if an employee adopts a fluffy every 3 months, store will provide food for first month
  10. >need all the money you can get so you adopt a pink fluffy earth mare
  11. >no car only a bike and backpack so the shop keeper gives you a bike basket to put the cage in
  12. >the ride home the fluffy babbles on about “new daddy, pway, hungies need nummies” and all other sorts of shit
  13. >maybe you should just toss her in a ditch, but you’re too beta
  14. >plus the payment bonus requires the shop keep to see it once every month to ensure its happy
  16. >”daddy, fwuffy need nummies!” the fluffy cry finally snaps you out of your daze
  17. >look down to see her pouting with her big blue eyes begging to you
  18. “all right here, have some candy”
  19. >you pull out a bag of candy you had in your pocket
  20. >mostly crushed but still
  21. >the fluffy sniffs the contents of the bag and nibbles on a piece of chocolate
  22. >she immediately begins to devour the bag full of food
  23. >the rest of the ride home is mostly quite except for the loud smacking noises
  24. >when you get back to your apartment you set the fuffy in her new home and place the litterbox and food and water bowls out as well as her bed
  25. >she trots around the two room apartment overjoyed with her new home
  26. >you get ready to turn in and head for you room
  27. >”daddy?”
  28. What?
  29. >”wat fwuffy name?”
  30. I don’t know, what is it?
  31. >”fwuffy no have name” she says sadly looking at the ground
  32. “well what would you like?”
  33. >”fwuffy like candy!”
  34. “alright your name is candy”
  35. >”yaaaaaaaaaay fwuffy name candy!” she exclaims bouncing around
  36. >this goes on for 2 hours before she passes out, you wonder what you got yourself into
  38. >the job being part time you’re at home a lot
  39. >Candy drives you up the walls but you need the dough
  40. >you play with her and keep her entertained but at the cost of your sanity
  41. >you take her to the park as often as possible so she can play with other fluffies not just you
  42. >it keeps her out of your hair and gives you a chance to read the job listings
  43. >as you peruse the paper you look up to check on your fluffy
  44. >you don’t see her
  45. >you scan the area again and still no fluffy
  46. >uh oh you think to yourself
  47. >you get up and search for her
  48. >high and low no Candy
  49. >you’re about to give up when you hear two soft voices under the children’s slide play set
  50. >you look inside and see Candy being mounted by a green unicorn
  51. >the thought of Candy plus X number of foals make you nearly piss yourself in fear
  52. >you quickly snatch the green unicorn by the scruff of his neck
  53. >”nuuuuuuuu no huwt mojito, wet mojito down!”
  54. “candy, come on we’re leaving”
  55. >”Candy in twouble?” she asks with a mildy scared look
  56. “come on”
  57. >you set Mojito down as he dashes off to probably tell his owner
  58. >candy slowly comes out looking fearful of punishment “Candy sowwy daddy, no mean to be bad fwuffy”
  59. “Candy, do you know what you were doing?”
  60. >”candy give speciaw huggies” she says
  61. “Candy, you can’t do that or you’ll get us both in trouble”
  62. >”candy onwy do it for shiny toy”
  63. “a toy?”
  64. >candy reaches back and pulls out a quarter
  65. “You did that for a quarter?”
  66. >”what quatew?” she asks
  67. “nevermind, what if you got pregnant? I can barely feed you let alone babies”
  68. >”babies?” candy’s eyes light up “whewe babbehs?” she asks looking around
  69. “there are no babies here, maybe I should get you spayed. But thatd cost a fortune”
  70. >”spay?” she asks “fwuffy hear dat befowe at cage home, wat spay?”
  71. >you think for a minute then pick up Candy and look at her belly
  72. >fluffys fluff regrows quickly but underneath the fluff if a scar spanning her lower stomach
  73. “so you are spayed, must do that to all the ferals”
  74. >”wha spay?” she repeats “whewe da babehs daddy?”
  75. “nothing, lets just go home”
  76. >you turn and see an orange Pegasus with something in its mouth
  77. >”movto say u spl hud for nw tys”
  78. “we cant understand you”
  79. >he spits out the obstruction
  80. >”Mojito say you give speciaw huggies for new toys, dis wha my mommy had in her toy bag”
  81. >you pick it up to see a slobbery five dollar bill
  82. >light bulb
  83. “ok candy now what do you do?”
  84. >”candy give speciaw huggies fo mommy and daddy papuh toys!” she gleefully replies “den Candy get candy!” she chirps as she does a quick skip
  85. “good good, now tell the other fluffys”
  86. >She scurries off to the playground
  87. >you watch her grabd the attention of the fluffies as the gather around to hear her
  88. >once she is done, fluffies dart off in all directions
  89. >as their parents talk they crawl into their owner’s purses and stealth fully slide wallets out
  90. >you watch them grabs mouthfuls of bills and rush back to Candy
  91. >best idea ever
  92. >they go into her sex chamber under the slide playset and come back out a minute or two later
  93. >after 45 minutes all fluffies have been taken care of
  94. >you walk over and see Candy licking her vag clean after the job is done
  95. >”hi daddy! Candy do good? Get candy now?”
  96. “one minute Candy”
  97. >you pick up the pile of bills and begin to count
  98. >1..3..6..26…34….44….holy shit a 50…..$112 dollars total
  99. >you just made more than 3 days at work in 45 minutes
  100. >”get candy now?” Candy asks impatiently
  101. “of course, great job Candy”
  102. >you give her a bag of gummy worms which she is delighted to see
  103. >you still can’t believe this worked
  104. >you have a new source of income
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