

May 25th, 2019
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  1. Deadass added SpicyBigDaddy to the group.Today at 9:46 PM
  2. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:46 PM
  3. OHHH
  4. SHIT
  5. I fucked up
  6. @Deadass I just realised
  7. I re read it
  8. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:46 PM
  9. and???
  10. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:46 PM
  11. Hold on
  12. DeadassToday at 9:46 PM
  13. :pig:
  14. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:46 PM
  15. ok
  16. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:47 PM
  17. Yeah I fucked up I should learn to read
  18. Uh so basically
  19. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:48 PM
  20. so im innocent?
  21. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:48 PM
  22. Wait for it
  23. DeadassToday at 9:48 PM
  24. Yes u are
  25. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:48 PM
  26. ok
  27. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:49 PM
  28. Dead was helping us by giving fake coords but I didn’t realise he gave fake coords because I misread a letter and then I thought he was trying to leak us to a guy trying to get to us which I now realise is wrong too
  29. This is a very big bruh moment indeed
  30. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:49 PM
  31. bruh
  32. DeadassToday at 9:49 PM
  33. Yeah
  34. Smh
  35. I was stressing
  36. Af
  37. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:50 PM
  38. Same omg
  39. Holy fuck
  40. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:50 PM
  41. same
  42. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:50 PM
  43. Wait why were you stressing?
  44. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:50 PM
  45. im not anymore
  46. DeadassToday at 9:51 PM
  47. Tf:joy:
  48. It wasnt ur base
  49. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:51 PM
  50. ^
  51. DeadassToday at 9:51 PM
  52. Not ur team
  53. Nothing
  54. And u were stressing?
  55. :joy: :information_desk_person:
  56. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:51 PM
  57. :thonkconga: :thonkconga:
  58. DeadassToday at 9:51 PM
  59. Deathcurzo
  60. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:51 PM
  61. Yes
  62. Hi
  63. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:51 PM
  66. because of this
  67. DeadassToday at 9:52 PM
  68. Oh
  69. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:52 PM
  70. I was confused too
  71. DeadassToday at 9:52 PM
  72. Yeah why did u frame curzo
  73. Not cool man
  74. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:52 PM
  75. What
  76. DeadassToday at 9:52 PM
  77. Jk xD
  78. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:52 PM
  79. :thonkconga:
  80. I’m still confused here
  81. DeadassToday at 9:52 PM
  82. Look
  83. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:52 PM
  84. Also does raining come into this one way or another
  85. DeadassToday at 9:52 PM
  86. Raining
  87. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:53 PM
  88. Yes
  89. DeadassToday at 9:53 PM
  90. Is a friend
  91. Of spicy
  92. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:53 PM
  93. Oh
  94. DeadassToday at 9:53 PM
  95. Spicy sent it too raining
  96. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:53 PM
  97. Cos like I thought it was checkmate when I saw this
  99. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:53 PM
  100. didnt
  101. DeadassToday at 9:53 PM
  102. And raining was like bruh i was just trying too help
  103. And then i was like
  104. Curzoo im gonna killl uuuuu
  105. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:53 PM
  106. I was talking to raining too dw he said he wouldn’t
  107. Only after
  108. I figured out now
  109. That explains most of what just happened lol
  110. DeadassToday at 9:54 PM
  111. Looool
  112. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:54 PM
  113. so me and rain are innocent?
  114. DeadassToday at 9:54 PM
  115. And then this would be an ad
  116. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:54 PM
  117. Because I read a coordinate wrong
  118. Yes
  119. DeadassToday at 9:54 PM
  120. For glasses
  121. SpicyBigDaddyToday at 9:54 PM
  122. ok
  123. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:54 PM
  124. Basically
  125. This is all a specsavers advert
  126. DeadassToday at 9:54 PM
  127. Yeah :joy:
  128. Omg
  129. My heart died like
  130. Gurlll
  131. deathcurzo | ⓞⓝⓒⓔToday at 9:55 PM
  132. :weary:
  133. DeadassToday at 9:55 PM
  134. My heart beat was going faster then i make homework
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