

Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. Hello, my name is Tyler and I'm an 18 year old male. I've got quite the plight that I'd like to address to you all. Ever since I was little I've been fascinated with technology, although due to ordinary childhood routines imposed from parents trying to limit technological use, I've never quite been able to extend past playing video games. When I was 13, I started learning to script(watered down watered down programming) using lua, on a childrens development platform called ROBLOX. I stayed with them until I was 17, until I finally started to push out to C++ and Java. And this is where my depression comes from. I've but little knowledge in technology, software or hardware, but as I grow to learn a little bit more of it I do know that it is my dream. I have the silly childhood aspirations of becoming an expert in cyber security, or white hat hacking. But I fear I started far too late. I hear tales of experts in their fields, the best at what they do. And they all seem to start with a childhood prodigy, leaving all in awe and being destined for something big. Not some inattentive fool who started when he was 17. I don't want to become exceptional for the sake of vanity. I could always care less what others believe of me. But I always have wanted to change the world. To put meaning into my life and help lives of others. And this cancerous thought that it's too late to do that just continues to eat at me. I'd love any help from you credible people. Thanks : )
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