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Pcsx2 error

a guest
Apr 2nd, 2020
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text 64.15 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1>------ Build started: Project: wxConfig28, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  2. 2>------ Build started: Project: libjpeg7, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  3. 3>------ Build started: Project: w32pthreads.v4, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  4. 4>------ Build started: Project: bzip2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  5. 1>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:27.
  6. 1>InitializeBuildStatus:
  7. 1> Creating "Release\wxConfig28.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  8. 1>CustomBuild:
  9. 1> Creating ..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd\wx\msw\rcdefs.h
  10. 1> genrcdefs.h
  11. 1> Creating ..\..\lib\vc_lib\msw\wx\setup.h
  12. 1> 1 file(s) copied.
  13. 1>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  14. 1> Deleting file "Release\wxConfig28.unsuccessfulbuild".
  15. 1> Touching "Release\wxConfig28.lastbuildstate".
  16. 1>
  17. 1>Build succeeded.
  18. 1>
  19. 1>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.70
  20. 5>------ Build started: Project: wxBase28, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  21. 5>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:31.
  22. 5>InitializeBuildStatus:
  23. 5> Touching "Win32\Release\wxBase28\wxBase28.unsuccessfulbuild".
  24. 2>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:34.
  25. 3>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:35.
  26. 5>ClCompile:
  27. 5> dummy.cpp
  28. 4>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:36.
  29. 2>InitializeBuildStatus:
  30. 2> Touching "Win32\Release\libjpeg7.unsuccessfulbuild".
  31. 4>InitializeBuildStatus:
  32. 4> Touching "Win32\Release\bzip2.unsuccessfulbuild".
  33. 3>InitializeBuildStatus:
  34. 3> Touching "Win32\Release\w32pthreads.v4\w32pthreads.v4.unsuccessfulbuild".
  35. 2>ClCompile:
  36. 2> jaricom.c
  37. 2> jcapimin.c
  38. 2> jcapistd.c
  39. 2> jcarith.c
  40. 2> jccoefct.c
  41. 2> jccolor.c
  42. 4>ClCompile:
  43. 4> blocksort.c
  44. 2> jcdctmgr.c
  45. 4> bzlib.c
  46. 2> jchuff.c
  47. 2> jcinit.c
  48. 2> jcmainct.c
  49. 2> jcmarker.c
  50. 2> jcmaster.c
  51. 2> jcomapi.c
  52. 2> jcparam.c
  53. 2> jcprepct.c
  54. 2> jcsample.c
  55. 2> jctrans.c
  56. 2> jdapimin.c
  57. 2> jdapistd.c
  58. 2> jdarith.c
  59. 2> Compiling...
  60. 2> jdatadst.c
  61. 2> jdatasrc.c
  62. 2> jdcoefct.c
  63. 2> jdcolor.c
  64. 3>ClCompile:
  65. 3> ptw32pch.c
  66. 2> jddctmgr.c
  67. 2> jdhuff.c
  68. 2> jdinput.c
  69. 2> jdmainct.c
  70. 2> jdmarker.c
  71. 4> compress.c
  72. 2> jdmaster.c
  73. 2> jdmerge.c
  74. 2> jdpostct.c
  75. 2> jdsample.c
  76. 2> jdtrans.c
  77. 2> jerror.c
  78. 2> jfdctflt.c
  79. 2> jfdctfst.c
  80. 4> crctable.c
  81. 2> jfdctint.c
  82. 2> jidctflt.c
  83. 2> jidctfst.c
  84. 3> cleanup.c
  85. 3> create.c
  86. 3> dll.c
  87. 3> errno.c
  88. 3> global.c
  89. 3> ptw32_cancel.c
  90. 2> Compiling...
  91. 2> jidctint.c
  92. 3> signal.c
  93. 3> w32_CancelableWait.c
  94. 3> pthread_barrier_destroy.c
  95. 3> pthread_barrier_init.c
  96. 3> pthread_barrier_wait.c
  97. 3> pthread_barrierattr_destroy.c
  98. 3> pthread_barrierattr_getpshared.c
  99. 3> pthread_barrierattr_init.c
  100. 2> jmemansi.c
  101. 3> pthread_barrierattr_setpshared.c
  102. 3> pthread_cancel.c
  103. 4> decompress.c
  104. 3> pthread_delay_np.c
  105. 3> pthread_detach.c
  106. 2> jmemmgr.c
  107. 3> pthread_equal.c
  108. 3> pthread_exit.c
  109. 2> jquant1.c
  110. 2> jquant2.c
  111. 3> Compiling...
  112. 3> pthread_getconcurrency.c
  113. 3> pthread_getschedparam.c
  114. 3> pthread_getspecific.c
  115. 3> pthread_getw32threadhandle_np.c
  116. 2> jutils.c
  117. 3> pthread_join.c
  118. 3> pthread_key_create.c
  119. 3> pthread_key_delete.c
  120. 3> pthread_kill.c
  121. 3> pthread_num_processors_np.c
  122. 3> pthread_once.c
  123. 3> pthread_self.c
  124. 3> pthread_setcancelstate.c
  125. 3> pthread_setcanceltype.c
  126. 3> pthread_setconcurrency.c
  127. 3> pthread_setschedparam.c
  128. 3> pthread_setspecific.c
  129. 3> pthread_testcancel.c
  130. 3> pthread_win32_attach_detach_np.c
  131. 3> ptw32_calloc.c
  132. 3> ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c
  133. 4> huffman.c
  134. 3> Compiling...
  135. 3> ptw32_getprocessors.c
  136. 3> ptw32_is_attr.c
  137. 3> ptw32_MCS_lock.c
  138. 3> ptw32_mutex_check_need_init.c
  139. 3> ptw32_new.c
  140. 3> ptw32_processInitialize.c
  141. 3> ptw32_processTerminate.c
  142. 3> ptw32_relmillisecs.c
  143. 3> ptw32_reuse.c
  144. 3> ptw32_semwait.c
  145. 3> ptw32_threadDestroy.c
  146. 3> ptw32_threadStart.c
  147. 3> ptw32_throw.c
  148. 3> ptw32_timespec.c
  149. 3> ptw32_tkAssocCreate.c
  150. 3> ptw32_tkAssocDestroy.c
  151. 3> sched_get_priority_max.c
  152. 3> sched_get_priority_min.c
  153. 3> sched_getscheduler.c
  154. 3> sched_setscheduler.c
  155. 3> Compiling...
  156. 3> sched_yield.c
  157. 3> pthread_rwlock_destroy.c
  158. 3> pthread_rwlock_init.c
  159. 2>Lib:
  160. 2> libjpeg.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\libjpeg\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\libjpeg7.lib
  161. 3> pthread_rwlock_rdlock.c
  162. 3> pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.c
  163. 3> pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock.c
  164. 3> pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock.c
  165. 3> pthread_rwlock_trywrlock.c
  166. 3> pthread_rwlock_unlock.c
  167. 4> randtable.c
  168. 3> pthread_rwlock_wrlock.c
  169. 3> pthread_rwlockattr_destroy.c
  170. 3> pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared.c
  171. 2>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  172. 2> Deleting file "Win32\Release\libjpeg7.unsuccessfulbuild".
  173. 2> Touching "Win32\Release\libjpeg7.lastbuildstate".
  174. 2>
  175. 2>Build succeeded.
  176. 2>
  177. 2>Time Elapsed 00:00:06.90
  178. 3> pthread_rwlockattr_init.c
  179. 3> pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared.c
  180. 3> ptw32_rwlock_cancelwrwait.c
  181. 3> ptw32_rwlock_check_need_init.c
  182. 3> pthread_cond_destroy.c
  183. 3> pthread_cond_init.c
  184. 3> pthread_cond_signal.c
  185. 3> pthread_cond_wait.c
  186. 3> Compiling...
  187. 3> pthread_condattr_destroy.c
  188. 6>------ Build started: Project: SDL, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  189. 3> pthread_condattr_getpshared.c
  190. 5> appbase.cpp
  191. 3> pthread_condattr_init.c
  192. 3> pthread_condattr_setpshared.c
  193. 3> pthread_timechange_handler_np.c
  194. 3> ptw32_cond_check_need_init.c
  195. 3> pthread_attr_destroy.c
  196. 6>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:41.
  197. 6>InitializeBuildStatus:
  198. 6> Creating "Win32\Release\SDL.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  199. 3> pthread_attr_getdetachstate.c
  200. 5> arcall.cpp
  201. 5> arcfind.cpp
  202. 5> archive.cpp
  203. 5> clntdata.cpp
  204. 5> cmdline.cpp
  205. 5> config.cpp
  206. 4>Lib:
  207. 4> bzip2.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\bzip2\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\bzip2.lib
  208. 5> convauto.cpp
  209. 5> datetime.cpp
  210. 4>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  211. 4> Deleting file "Win32\Release\bzip2.unsuccessfulbuild".
  212. 4> Touching "Win32\Release\bzip2.lastbuildstate".
  213. 4>
  214. 4>Build succeeded.
  215. 4>
  216. 4>Time Elapsed 00:00:07.16
  217. 7>------ Build started: Project: wxCore28, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  218. 7>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:43.
  219. 5> datstrm.cpp
  220. 5> dircmn.cpp
  221. 7>InitializeBuildStatus:
  222. 7> Creating "Win32\Release\wxCore28\wxCore28.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  223. 5> dynarray.cpp
  224. 7>ClCompile:
  225. 7> dummy.cpp
  226. 5> dynlib.cpp
  227. 5> dynload.cpp
  228. 5> encconv.cpp
  229. 5> event.cpp
  230. 5> ffile.cpp
  231. 5> file.cpp
  232. 5> fileback.cpp
  233. 5> fileconf.cpp
  234. 5> Compiling...
  235. 5> filefn.cpp
  236. 5> filename.cpp
  237. 5> filesys.cpp
  238. 5> filtall.cpp
  239. 5> filtfind.cpp
  240. 5> fmapbase.cpp
  241. 5> fs_arc.cpp
  242. 5> fs_filter.cpp
  243. 5> fs_mem.cpp
  244. 5> hash.cpp
  245. 5> hashmap.cpp
  246. 5> init.cpp
  247. 5> intl.cpp
  248. 5> ipcbase.cpp
  249. 5> list.cpp
  250. 5> log.cpp
  251. 5> longlong.cpp
  252. 5> memory.cpp
  253. 5> mimecmn.cpp
  254. 5> module.cpp
  255. 5> Compiling...
  256. 5> msgout.cpp
  257. 5> mstream.cpp
  258. 5> object.cpp
  259. 3> pthread_attr_getinheritsched.c
  260. 3> pthread_attr_getschedparam.c
  261. 3> pthread_attr_getschedpolicy.c
  262. 3> pthread_attr_getscope.c
  263. 3> pthread_attr_getstackaddr.c
  264. 3> pthread_attr_getstacksize.c
  265. 3> pthread_attr_init.c
  266. 3> pthread_attr_setdetachstate.c
  267. 3> pthread_attr_setinheritsched.c
  268. 3> pthread_attr_setschedparam.c
  269. 3> pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.c
  270. 3> pthread_attr_setscope.c
  271. 6>ClCompile:
  272. 5> platinfo.cpp
  273. 6> SDL_windows.c
  274. 3> Compiling...
  275. 3> pthread_attr_setstackaddr.c
  276. 3> pthread_attr_setstacksize.c
  277. 3> pthread_mutex_destroy.c
  278. 3> pthread_mutex_init.c
  279. 3> pthread_mutex_lock.c
  280. 3> pthread_mutex_timedlock.c
  281. 3> pthread_mutex_trylock.c
  282. 3> pthread_mutex_unlock.c
  283. 3> pthread_mutexattr_destroy.c
  284. 3> pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np.c
  285. 3> pthread_mutexattr_getpshared.c
  286. 3> pthread_mutexattr_gettype.c
  287. 3> pthread_mutexattr_init.c
  288. 6> SDL_clipboardevents.c
  289. 3> pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.c
  290. 3> pthread_mutexattr_setpshared.c
  291. 3> pthread_mutexattr_settype.c
  292. 3> sem_close.c
  293. 3> sem_destroy.c
  294. 6> SDL_gesture.c
  295. 3> sem_getvalue.c
  296. 3> sem_init.c
  297. 3> Compiling...
  298. 3> sem_open.c
  299. 3> sem_post.c
  300. 6> SDL_touch.c
  301. 3> sem_post_multiple.c
  302. 3> sem_timedwait.c
  303. 3> sem_trywait.c
  304. 3> sem_unlink.c
  305. 3> sem_wait.c
  306. 6> e_atan2.c
  307. 6> e_log.c
  308. 6> e_pow.c
  309. 6> e_rem_pio2.c
  310. 6> e_sqrt.c
  311. 6> k_cos.c
  312. 6> k_rem_pio2.c
  313. 6> k_sin.c
  314. 6> s_atan.c
  315. 6> s_copysign.c
  316. 6> s_cos.c
  317. 6> s_fabs.c
  318. 6> s_floor.c
  319. 6> s_scalbn.c
  320. 6> s_sin.c
  321. 6> SDL_render_d3d.c
  322. 6> Generating Code...
  323. 6> Compiling...
  324. 6> SDL_render_gl.c
  325. 6> SDL_shaders_gl.c
  326. 6> SDL_render.c
  327. 6> SDL_yuv_mmx.c
  328. 6> SDL_yuv_sw.c
  329. 6> SDL_blendfillrect.c
  330. 6> SDL_blendline.c
  331. 6> SDL_blendpoint.c
  332. 6> SDL_drawline.c
  333. 6> SDL_drawpoint.c
  334. 6> SDL_render_sw.c
  335. 6> SDL.c
  336. 6> SDL_assert.c
  337. 6> SDL_atomic.c
  338. 6> SDL_spinlock.c
  339. 5> powercmn.cpp
  340. 5> process.cpp
  341. 6> SDL_audio.c
  342. 5> regex.cpp
  343. 5> sstream.cpp
  344. 5> stdpbase.cpp
  345. 6> SDL_audiocvt.c
  346. 5> stopwatch.cpp
  347. 5> strconv.cpp
  348. 6> SDL_audiodev.c
  349. 6> SDL_audiotypecvt.c
  350. 5> stream.cpp
  351. 5> string.cpp
  352. 6> SDL_hints.c
  353. 6> Generating Code...
  354. 5> sysopt.cpp
  355. 5> tarstrm.cpp
  356. 5> textbuf.cpp
  357. 5> textfile.cpp
  358. 5> tokenzr.cpp
  359. 5> txtstrm.cpp
  360. 5> uri.cpp
  361. 5> Compiling...
  362. 5> utilscmn.cpp
  363. 5> variant.cpp
  364. 5> wfstream.cpp
  365. 5> wxchar.cpp
  366. 5> xti.cpp
  367. 5> xtistrm.cpp
  368. 5> zipstrm.cpp
  369. 5> zstream.cpp
  370. 5> basemsw.cpp
  371. 5> crashrpt.cpp
  372. 5> dde.cpp
  373. 5> debughlp.cpp
  374. 5> dir.cpp
  375. 5> dlmsw.cpp
  376. 5> HeapAllocator.cpp
  377. 5> main.cpp
  378. 5> mimetype.cpp
  379. 5> mslu.cpp
  380. 5> power.cpp
  381. 5> regconf.cpp
  382. 7> accesscmn.cpp
  383. 7> anidecod.cpp
  384. 5> Compiling...
  385. 5> registry.cpp
  386. 7> appcmn.cpp
  387. 5> snglinst.cpp
  388. 5> stackwalk.cpp
  389. 7> artprov.cpp
  390. 5> stdpaths.cpp
  391. 7> artstd.cpp
  392. 7> bmpbase.cpp
  393. 7> bookctrl.cpp
  394. 7> choiccmn.cpp
  395. 5> thread.cpp
  396. 7> clipcmn.cpp
  397. 7> clrpickercmn.cpp
  398. 5> utils.cpp
  399. 7> cmdproc.cpp
  400. 7> cmndata.cpp
  401. 7> colourcmn.cpp
  402. 5> utilsexc.cpp
  403. 7> combocmn.cpp
  404. 5> volume.cpp
  405. 7> containr.cpp
  406. 7> cshelp.cpp
  407. 7> ctrlcmn.cpp
  408. 7> ctrlsub.cpp
  409. 7> datacmn.cpp
  410. 7> dcbase.cpp
  411. 5> extended.c
  412. 7> Compiling...
  413. 7> dcbufcmn.cpp
  414. 7> dcgraph.cpp
  415. 7> dlgcmn.cpp
  416. 7> dndcmn.cpp
  417. 7> dobjcmn.cpp
  418. 7> docmdi.cpp
  419. 7> docview.cpp
  420. 6> Compiling...
  421. 6> SDL_log.c
  422. 7> dpycmn.cpp
  423. 6> SDL_nullframebuffer.c
  424. 7> dseldlg.cpp
  425. 7> effects.cpp
  426. 6> SDL_blit.c
  427. 7> event.cpp
  428. 7> evtloopcmn.cpp
  429. 6> SDL_blit_0.c
  430. 7> fddlgcmn.cpp
  431. 7> filepickercmn.cpp
  432. 6> SDL_blit_1.c
  433. 6> SDL_blit_A.c
  434. 7> fldlgcmn.cpp
  435. 6> SDL_blit_auto.c
  436. 7> fontcmn.cpp
  437. 5>Lib:
  438. 5> wx_base.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\wxWidgets\build\msw\..\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\wxBase28.lib
  439. 5>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  440. 5> Deleting file "Win32\Release\wxBase28\wxBase28.unsuccessfulbuild".
  441. 5> Touching "Win32\Release\wxBase28\wxBase28.lastbuildstate".
  442. 5>
  443. 5>Build succeeded.
  444. 5>
  445. 5>Time Elapsed 00:00:22.50
  446. 7> fontenumcmn.cpp
  447. 6> SDL_blit_copy.c
  448. 7> fontmap.cpp
  449. 6> SDL_blit_N.c
  450. 7> fontpickercmn.cpp
  451. 7> framecmn.cpp
  452. 6> SDL_blit_slow.c
  453. 6> SDL_bmp.c
  454. 7> Compiling...
  455. 7> fs_mem.cpp
  456. 7> gaugecmn.cpp
  457. 6> SDL_compat.c
  458. 7> gbsizer.cpp
  459. 7> gdicmn.cpp
  460. 7> geometry.cpp
  461. 8>------ Build started: Project: zlib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  462. 8>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:54.
  463. 7> gifdecod.cpp
  464. 8>InitializeBuildStatus:
  465. 8> Creating "Win32\Release\zlib.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  466. 7> graphcmn.cpp
  467. 7> helpbase.cpp
  468. 7> iconbndl.cpp
  469. 7> imagall.cpp
  470. 8>ClCompile:
  471. 8> adler32.c
  472. 7> imagbmp.cpp
  473. 6> SDL_cpuinfo.c
  474. 8> compress.c
  475. 8> crc32.c
  476. 8> deflate.c
  477. 7> image.cpp
  478. 8> gzclose.c
  479. 8> gzlib.c
  480. 7> imagfill.cpp
  481. 6> SDL_clipboard.c
  482. 8> gzread.c
  483. 7> imaggif.cpp
  484. 7> imagiff.cpp
  485. 6> SDL_shape.c
  486. 8> gzwrite.c
  487. 7> imagjpeg.cpp
  488. 8> infback.c
  489. 8> inffast.c
  490. 7> imagpcx.cpp
  491. 7> imagpng.cpp
  492. 8> inflate.c
  493. 6> SDL_dibaudio.c
  494. 8> inftrees.c
  495. 7> imagpnm.cpp
  496. 8> trees.c
  497. 7> imagtga.cpp
  498. 8> uncompr.c
  499. 8> zutil.c
  500. 7> Compiling...
  501. 7> imagtiff.cpp
  502. 6> SDL_diskaudio.c
  503. 7> imagxpm.cpp
  504. 7> layout.cpp
  505. 7> lboxcmn.cpp
  506. 6> SDL_dummyaudio.c
  507. 7> listctrlcmn.cpp
  508. 6> SDL_dx5audio.c
  509. 7> matrix.cpp
  510. 7> menucmn.cpp
  511. 7> msgout.cpp
  512. 7> nbkbase.cpp
  513. 8>Lib:
  514. 8> zlib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\zlib\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\zlib.lib
  515. 8>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  516. 8> Deleting file "Win32\Release\zlib.unsuccessfulbuild".
  517. 8> Touching "Win32\Release\zlib.lastbuildstate".
  518. 8>
  519. 8>Build succeeded.
  520. 8>
  521. 8>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.28
  522. 7> overlaycmn.cpp
  523. 9>------ Build started: Project: x86emitter, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  524. 7> paper.cpp
  525. 7> pickerbase.cpp
  526. 9>Build started 02/04/2020 18:24:55.
  527. 9>InitializeBuildStatus:
  528. 9> Creating "Win32\Release\x86emitter.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  529. 7> popupcmn.cpp
  530. 6> SDL_dxjoystick.c
  531. 6> Generating Code...
  532. 6> Compiling...
  533. 6> SDL_error.c
  534. 6> SDL_events.c
  535. 6> SDL_fatal.c
  536. 6> SDL_fillrect.c
  537. 7> prntbase.cpp
  538. 7> quantize.cpp
  539. 9>ClCompile:
  540. 9> PrecompiledHeader.cpp
  541. 7> radiocmn.cpp
  542. 7> rendcmn.cpp
  543. 7> rgncmn.cpp
  544. 7> settcmn.cpp
  545. 7> sizer.cpp
  546. 7> Compiling...
  547. 7> srchcmn.cpp
  548. 7> statbar.cpp
  549. 7> stockitem.cpp
  550. 7> tbarbase.cpp
  551. 7> textcmn.cpp
  552. 7> timercmn.cpp
  553. 7> toplvcmn.cpp
  554. 7> treebase.cpp
  555. 7> utilscmn.cpp
  556. 7> valgen.cpp
  557. 7> validate.cpp
  558. 7> valtext.cpp
  559. 7> wincmn.cpp
  560. 7> xpmdecod.cpp
  561. 7> aboutdlg.cpp
  562. 7> accel.cpp
  563. 7> access.cpp
  564. 7> app.cpp
  565. 7> automtn.cpp
  566. 7> bitmap.cpp
  567. 7> Compiling...
  568. 7> bmpbuttn.cpp
  569. 7> brush.cpp
  570. 7> button.cpp
  571. 7> caret.cpp
  572. 7> checkbox.cpp
  573. 7> checklst.cpp
  574. 7> choice.cpp
  575. 7> clipbrd.cpp
  576. 7> colordlg.cpp
  577. 7> colour.cpp
  578. 7> combo.cpp
  579. 7> combobox.cpp
  580. 7> control.cpp
  581. 7> cursor.cpp
  582. 7> data.cpp
  583. 7> dataobj.cpp
  584. 6> SDL_getenv.c
  585. 6> SDL_haptic.c
  586. 6> SDL_iconv.c
  587. 6> SDL_joystick.c
  588. 6> SDL_keyboard.c
  589. 6> SDL_malloc.c
  590. 6> SDL_mixer.c
  591. 6> SDL_mixer_m68k.c
  592. 6> SDL_mixer_MMX.c
  593. 6> SDL_mixer_MMX_VC.c
  594. 6> SDL_mmjoystick.c
  595. 6> SDL_mouse.c
  596. 6> SDL_nullevents.c
  597. 6> SDL_nullvideo.c
  598. 6> SDL_pixels.c
  599. 6> SDL_power.c
  600. 6> Generating Code...
  601. 6> Compiling...
  602. 6> SDL_qsort.c
  603. 6> SDL_quit.c
  604. 6> SDL_rect.c
  605. 6> SDL_RLEaccel.c
  606. 6> SDL_rwops.c
  607. 6> SDL_stdlib.c
  608. 6> SDL_stretch.c
  609. 6> SDL_string.c
  610. 6> SDL_surface.c
  611. 6> SDL_syshaptic.c
  612. 6> SDL_sysloadso.c
  613. 9> 3dnow.cpp
  614. 7> dc.cpp
  615. 9> cpudetect.cpp
  616. 7> dcclient.cpp
  617. 7> dcmemory.cpp
  618. 7> dcprint.cpp
  619. 7> Compiling...
  620. 7> dcscreen.cpp
  621. 7> dialog.cpp
  622. 7> dialup.cpp
  623. 7> dib.cpp
  624. 7> dirdlg.cpp
  625. 7> display.cpp
  626. 9> fpu.cpp
  627. 9> groups.cpp
  628. 9> jmp.cpp
  629. 9> legacy.cpp
  630. 9> legacy_sse.cpp
  631. 9> movs.cpp
  632. 9> simd.cpp
  633. 9> x86emitter.cpp
  634. 9> WinCpuDetect.cpp
  635. 7> dragimag.cpp
  636. 7> dropsrc.cpp
  637. 7> droptgt.cpp
  638. 7> enhmeta.cpp
  639. 7> evtloop.cpp
  640. 7> fdrepdlg.cpp
  641. 7> filedlg.cpp
  642. 7> font.cpp
  643. 7> fontdlg.cpp
  644. 7> fontenum.cpp
  645. 7> fontutil.cpp
  646. 7> frame.cpp
  647. 7> gauge95.cpp
  648. 7> gdiimage.cpp
  649. 7> Compiling...
  650. 7> gdiobj.cpp
  651. 7> graphics.cpp
  652. 7> gsockmsw.cpp
  653. 7> helpchm.cpp
  654. 7> helpwin.cpp
  655. 7> icon.cpp
  656. 7> imaglist.cpp
  657. 7> iniconf.cpp
  658. 7> listbox.cpp
  659. 7> listctrl.cpp
  660. 7> main.cpp
  661. 7> mdi.cpp
  662. 7> menu.cpp
  663. 6> SDL_sysmutex.c
  664. 7> menuitem.cpp
  665. 7> metafile.cpp
  666. 7> minifram.cpp
  667. 7> msgdlg.cpp
  668. 7> mslu.cpp
  669. 7> nativdlg.cpp
  670. 6> SDL_syspower.c
  671. 9>Lib:
  672. 9> x86emitter.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\common\build\x86emitter\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\x86emitter.lib
  673. 9>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  674. 9> Deleting file "Win32\Release\x86emitter.unsuccessfulbuild".
  675. 9> Touching "Win32\Release\x86emitter.lastbuildstate".
  676. 9>
  677. 9>Build succeeded.
  678. 9>
  679. 9>Time Elapsed 00:00:07.28
  680. 7> notebook.cpp
  681. 6> SDL_syssem.c
  682. 7> Compiling...
  683. 7> oleutils.cpp
  684. 6> SDL_systhread.c
  685. 7> ownerdrw.cpp
  686. 10>------ Build started: Project: boost, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  687. 10>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:03.
  688. 10>InitializeBuildStatus:
  689. 10> Touching "Win32\Release\boost.unsuccessfulbuild".
  690. 7> palette.cpp
  691. 7> pen.cpp
  692. 7> popupwin.cpp
  693. 10>ClCompile:
  694. 10> error_code.cpp
  695. 6> SDL_systimer.c
  696. 7> printdlg.cpp
  697. 7> printwin.cpp
  698. 7> radiobox.cpp
  699. 7> radiobut.cpp
  700. 7> region.cpp
  701. 7> renderer.cpp
  702. 6> SDL_thread.c
  703. 7> scrolbar.cpp
  704. 7> settings.cpp
  705. 7> slider95.cpp
  706. 6> SDL_timer.c
  707. 7> spinbutt.cpp
  708. 7> spinctrl.cpp
  709. 6> SDL_video.c
  710. 7> statbmp.cpp
  711. 7> statbox.cpp
  712. 6> SDL_wave.c
  713. 7> statbr95.cpp
  714. 6> Generating Code...
  715. 7> statline.cpp
  716. 7> Compiling...
  717. 7> stattext.cpp
  718. 10>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp(19): warning C4103: 'c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost\config\abi_prefix.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)
  719. 10>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/system/error_code.hpp(32): warning C4103: 'c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost\system\error_code.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)
  720. 10>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp(20): warning C4103: 'c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost\config\abi_suffix.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)
  721. 10>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/system/error_code.hpp(505): warning C4103: 'c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost\system\error_code.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)
  722. 7> tabctrl.cpp
  723. 7> tbar95.cpp
  724. 7> textctrl.cpp
  725. 7> tglbtn.cpp
  726. 7> timer.cpp
  727. 7> tooltip.cpp
  728. 7> toplevel.cpp
  729. 7> treectrl.cpp
  730. 7> utilsgui.cpp
  731. 7> uuid.cpp
  732. 7> uxtheme.cpp
  733. 6> Compiling...
  734. 6> SDL_windowsclipboard.c
  735. 7> volume.cpp
  736. 7> window.cpp
  737. 10> thread.cpp
  738. 10>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'libs\thread\win32\thread.cpp': No such file or directory
  739. 10> tss_pe.cpp
  740. 10>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'libs\thread\win32\tss_pe.cpp': No such file or directory
  741. 10>
  742. 10>Build FAILED.
  743. 10>
  744. 10>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.63
  745. 11>------ Build started: Project: portaudio, Configuration: Release (NO ASIO) Win32 ------
  746. 11>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:06.
  747. 11>InitializeBuildStatus:
  748. 11> Creating "Win32\Release (NO ASIO)\portaudio.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  749. 7> aboutdlgg.cpp
  750. 7> busyinfo.cpp
  751. 7> buttonbar.cpp
  752. 7> choicbkg.cpp
  753. 11>ClCompile:
  754. 11> pa_allocation.c
  755. 6> SDL_windowsevents.c
  756. 7> choicdgg.cpp
  757. 11> pa_converters.c
  758. 11> pa_cpuload.c
  759. 7> clrpickerg.cpp
  760. 11> pa_debugprint.c
  761. 11> pa_dither.c
  762. 11> pa_front.c
  763. 11> pa_process.c
  764. 7> Compiling...
  765. 7> collpaneg.cpp
  766. 11> pa_ringbuffer.c
  767. 7> colrdlgg.cpp
  768. 11> pa_stream.c
  769. 7> combog.cpp
  770. 11> pa_trace.c
  771. 11> pa_win_ds.c
  772. 7> dcpsg.cpp
  773. 6> SDL_windowsframebuffer.c
  774. 7> dirctrlg.cpp
  775. 7> dirdlgg.cpp
  776. 7> dragimgg.cpp
  777. 6> SDL_windowskeyboard.c
  778. 7> fdrepdlg.cpp
  779. 7> filedlgg.cpp
  780. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1309): warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'PaWinDsHostApiRepresentation *' to 'PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *'
  781. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1706): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  782. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1707): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  783. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1708): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  784. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1774): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  785. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1775): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  786. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(1776): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data
  787. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(2732): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data
  788. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(2727): warning C4101: 'mmResult' : unreferenced local variable
  789. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(2728): warning C4101: 'hWaitableTimer' : unreferenced local variable
  790. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(2956): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data
  791. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\dsound\pa_win_ds.c(2970): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'UINT', possible loss of data
  792. 11> pa_win_ds_dynlink.c
  793. 7> filepickerg.cpp
  794. 7> fontdlgg.cpp
  795. 7> fontpickerg.cpp
  796. 7> hyperlink.cpp
  797. 6> SDL_windowsmodes.c
  798. 7> listbkg.cpp
  799. 11> pa_win_wdmks.c
  800. 7> logg.cpp
  801. 7> mdig.cpp
  802. 7> numdlgg.cpp
  803. 7> panelg.cpp
  804. 7> printps.cpp
  805. 7> prntdlgg.cpp
  806. 6> SDL_windowsmouse.c
  807. 7> Compiling...
  808. 7> progdlgg.cpp
  809. 7> renderg.cpp
  810. 7> scrlwing.cpp
  811. 7> selstore.cpp
  812. 7> spinctlg.cpp
  813. 7> splitter.cpp
  814. 7> srchctlg.cpp
  815. 11> pa_win_wmme.c
  816. 7> statusbr.cpp
  817. 6> SDL_windowsopengl.c
  818. 7> tabg.cpp
  819. 7> textdlgg.cpp
  820. 7> tipwin.cpp
  821. 7> toolbkg.cpp
  822. 7> treebkg.cpp
  823. 6> SDL_windowsshape.c
  824. 11> pa_win_wasapi.c
  825. 7> treectlg.cpp
  826. 7> vlbox.cpp
  827. 7> vscroll.cpp
  828. 6> SDL_windowsvideo.c
  829. 11>..\..\src\hostapi\wasapi\pa_win_wasapi.c(3463): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  830. 11> pa_win_coinitialize.c
  831. 6> SDL_windowswindow.c
  832. 11> pa_win_hostapis.c
  833. 11> pa_win_util.c
  834. 7> png.c
  835. 6> SDL_windowevents.c
  836. 7> pngerror.c
  837. 6> Generating Code...
  838. 7> pngget.c
  839. 7> pngmem.c
  840. 7> pngpread.c
  841. 11> pa_win_waveformat.c
  842. 7> pngread.c
  843. 7> pngrio.c
  844. 7> pngrtran.c
  845. 7> pngrutil.c
  846. 7> pngset.c
  847. 7> pngtest.c
  848. 11> pa_win_wdmks_utils.c
  849. 7> pngtrans.c
  850. 7> pngwio.c
  851. 7> pngwrite.c
  852. 7> pngwtran.c
  853. 7> pngwutil.c
  854. 11> Compiling...
  855. 11> pa_x86_plain_converters.c
  856. 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(54): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDA'
  857. 3>
  858. 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(76): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE'
  859. 3>
  860. 7>Win32\Release\wxCore28\fdrepdlg.obj : warning LNK4042: object specified more than once; extras ignored
  861. 11>Lib:
  862. 11> portaudio.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\portaudio\build\msvc\\..\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release (NO ASIO)\portaudio.lib
  863. 11>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  864. 11> Deleting file "Win32\Release (NO ASIO)\portaudio.unsuccessfulbuild".
  865. 11> Touching "Win32\Release (NO ASIO)\portaudio.lastbuildstate".
  866. 11>
  867. 11>Build succeeded.
  868. 11>
  869. 11>Time Elapsed 00:00:07.31
  870. 12>------ Build started: Project: bin2cpp, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  871. 12>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:13.
  872. 3>Link:
  873. 3> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\w32pthreads.v4.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\w32pthreads.v4.exp
  874. 3> Generating code
  875. 12>InitializeBuildStatus:
  876. 12> Creating "Release\bin2cpp.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  877. 3> Finished generating code
  878. 12>ClCompile:
  879. 12> bin2cpp.cpp
  880. 12>Link:
  881. 12> Generating code
  882. 12> Finished generating code
  883. 12> bin2c.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\tools\bin2cpp\..\bin\bin2cpp.exe
  884. 6>Link:
  885. 6> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\SDL.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\SDL.exp
  886. 12>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  887. 12> Deleting file "Release\bin2cpp.unsuccessfulbuild".
  888. 12> Touching "Release\bin2cpp.lastbuildstate".
  889. 12>
  890. 12>Build succeeded.
  891. 12>
  892. 12>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.85
  893. 6> SDL_VS2010.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\SDL.dll
  894. 7> wx_core.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\wxWidgets\build\msw\..\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\wxCore28.lib
  895. 7>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  896. 7> Deleting file "Win32\Release\wxCore28\wxCore28.unsuccessfulbuild".
  897. 7> Touching "Win32\Release\wxCore28\wxCore28.lastbuildstate".
  898. 7>
  899. 7>Build succeeded.
  900. 7>
  901. 7>Time Elapsed 00:00:31.99
  902. 13>------ Build started: Project: wxAdv28, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  903. 13>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:15.
  904. 13>InitializeBuildStatus:
  905. 13> Creating "Win32\Release\wxAdv28\wxAdv28.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  906. 14>------ Build started: Project: utilities, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  907. 14>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:15.
  908. 6>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  909. 6> Deleting file "Win32\Release\SDL.unsuccessfulbuild".
  910. 6> Touching "Win32\Release\SDL.lastbuildstate".
  911. 6>
  912. 6>Build succeeded.
  913. 6>
  914. 6>Time Elapsed 00:00:33.78
  915. 13>ClCompile:
  916. 13> dummy.cpp
  917. 3> pthreads.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\w32pthreads.v4.dll
  918. 14>InitializeBuildStatus:
  919. 14> Creating "Win32\Release\utilities.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  920. 14>ClCompile:
  921. 14> PrecompiledHeader.cpp
  922. 3>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  923. 3> Deleting file "Win32\Release\w32pthreads.v4\w32pthreads.v4.unsuccessfulbuild".
  924. 3> Touching "Win32\Release\w32pthreads.v4\w32pthreads.v4.lastbuildstate".
  925. 3>
  926. 3>Build succeeded.
  927. 3>
  928. 3>Time Elapsed 00:00:40.81
  929. 15>------ Build started: Project: SoundTouch, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  930. 15>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:16.
  931. 15>InitializeBuildStatus:
  932. 15> Creating "Win32\Release\SoundTouch.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  933. 16>------ Build started: Project: w32pthreads_lib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  934. 15>ClCompile:
  935. 15> 3dnow_win.cpp
  936. 16>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:16.
  937. 15> AAFilter.cpp
  938. 16>InitializeBuildStatus:
  939. 16> Creating "Win32\Release\w32pthreads_lib\w32pthreads_lib.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  940. 15> cpu_detect_x86_win.cpp
  941. 15> FIFOSampleBuffer.cpp
  942. 16>ClCompile:
  943. 16> ptw32pch.c
  944. 15> FIRFilter.cpp
  945. 15> mmx_optimized.cpp
  946. 15> RateTransposer.cpp
  947. 15> SoundTouch.cpp
  948. 15> sse_optimized.cpp
  949. 15> TDStretch.cpp
  950. 15> WavFile.cpp
  951. 16> pthread_cancel.c
  952. 16> pthread_mutex_lock.c
  953. 16> pthread_mutex_trylock.c
  954. 14> AlignedMalloc.cpp
  955. 16> pthread_mutex_unlock.c
  956. 16> pthread_testcancel.c
  957. 16> sem_trywait.c
  958. 16> sem_wait.c
  959. 14> CheckedStaticBox.cpp
  960. 16>Lib:
  961. 16> pthreads_lib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\w32pthreads\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\w32pthreads_lib.lib
  962. 16>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  963. 16> Deleting file "Win32\Release\w32pthreads_lib\w32pthreads_lib.unsuccessfulbuild".
  964. 16> Touching "Win32\Release\w32pthreads_lib\w32pthreads_lib.lastbuildstate".
  965. 16>
  966. 16>Build succeeded.
  967. 16>
  968. 16>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.82
  969. 15>Lib:
  970. 15> SoundTouch.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\SoundTouch\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\SoundTouch.lib
  971. 15>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  972. 15> Deleting file "Win32\Release\SoundTouch.unsuccessfulbuild".
  973. 15> Touching "Win32\Release\SoundTouch.lastbuildstate".
  974. 15>
  975. 15>Build succeeded.
  976. 15>
  977. 15>Time Elapsed 00:00:03.38
  978. 17>------ Build started: Project: cdvdGigaherz, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  979. 17>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:19.
  980. 17>InitializeBuildStatus:
  981. 17> Creating "Win32\Release\cdvdGigaherz.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  982. 18>------ Build started: Project: GSnull, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  983. 18>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:19.
  984. 17>PreBuildEvent:
  985. 17> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  986. 17> operable program or batch file.
  987. 17> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  988. 17> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  989. 17> 1 file(s) copied.
  990. 17> 1 file(s) copied.
  991. 17>ClCompile:
  992. 17> CDVD.cpp
  993. 18>InitializeBuildStatus:
  994. 18> Creating "Win32\Release\GSnull.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  995. 18>PreBuildEvent:
  996. 18> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  997. 18> operable program or batch file.
  998. 18> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  999. 18> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1000. 18> 1 file(s) copied.
  1001. 18> 1 file(s) copied.
  1002. 18>ClCompile:
  1003. 18> Config.cpp
  1004. 17> config.cpp
  1005. 14> Console.cpp
  1006. 18> GifTransfer.cpp
  1007. 17> FileStream.cpp
  1008. 14> Exceptions.cpp
  1009. 18> GS.cpp
  1010. 14> FastFormatString.cpp
  1011. 14> HashTools.cpp
  1012. 17> IOCtlSrc.cpp
  1013. 17> ReaderModules.cpp
  1014. 14> IniInterface.cpp
  1015. 18> GSLog.cpp
  1016. 14> pxStreams.cpp
  1017. 14> pxTranslate.cpp
  1018. 14> pxWindowTextWriter.cpp
  1019. 17> ReadThread.cpp
  1020. 18> Registers.cpp
  1021. 17> TocStuff.cpp
  1022. 14> ThreadingDialogs.cpp
  1023. 17>..\TocStuff.cpp(30): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1024. 17> PlainIso.cpp
  1025. 18> GSnull.cpp
  1026. 14> VirtualMemory.cpp
  1027. 14> MemcpyFast.cpp
  1028. 14> PathUtils.cpp
  1029. 18> GSwin.cpp
  1030. 14> pxCheckBox.cpp
  1031. 17>Link:
  1032. 17> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\cdvdGigaherz.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\cdvdGigaherz.exp
  1033. 17> Generating code
  1034. 17> Finished generating code
  1035. 17> cdvdGigaherz.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\cdvdGigaherz.dll
  1036. 17>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1037. 17> Deleting file "Win32\Release\cdvdGigaherz.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1038. 17> Touching "Win32\Release\cdvdGigaherz.lastbuildstate".
  1039. 17>
  1040. 17>Build succeeded.
  1041. 17>
  1042. 17>Time Elapsed 00:00:10.09
  1043. 18> Win32.cpp
  1044. 19>------ Build started: Project: PadSSSPSX, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1045. 19>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:29.
  1046. 19>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1047. 19> Touching "Win32\Release\PadSSSPSX.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1048. 19>PreBuildEvent:
  1049. 19> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1050. 19> operable program or batch file.
  1051. 19> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1052. 19> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1053. 19> 1 file(s) copied.
  1054. 19> 1 file(s) copied.
  1055. 14> pxRadioPanel.cpp
  1056. 19>ClCompile:
  1057. 19> PadSSSPSX.cpp
  1058. 14> pxStaticText.cpp
  1059. 13> animatecmn.cpp
  1060. 13> datavcmn.cpp
  1061. 13> taskbarcmn.cpp
  1062. 13> aboutdlg.cpp
  1063. 13> datectrl.cpp
  1064. 19>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'dxguid.lib'
  1065. 13> joystick.cpp
  1066. 19>
  1067. 19>Build FAILED.
  1068. 19>
  1069. 19>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.77
  1070. 13> sound.cpp
  1071. 13> taskbar.cpp
  1072. 13> aboutdlgg.cpp
  1073. 20>------ Build started: Project: DEV9null, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1074. 13> animateg.cpp
  1075. 20>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:32.
  1076. 20>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1077. 20> Creating "Win32\Release\DEV9null.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1078. 20>PreBuildEvent:
  1079. 20> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1080. 20> operable program or batch file.
  1081. 20> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1082. 20> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1083. 13> bmpcboxg.cpp
  1084. 20> 1 file(s) copied.
  1085. 20> 1 file(s) copied.
  1086. 13> calctrl.cpp
  1087. 20>ClCompile:
  1088. 20> DEV9.cpp
  1089. 13> datavgen.cpp
  1090. 13> datectlg.cpp
  1091. 13> grid.cpp
  1092. 13> gridctrl.cpp
  1093. 13> gridsel.cpp
  1094. 13> helpext.cpp
  1095. 13> hyperlink.cpp
  1096. 14> StringHelpers.cpp
  1097. 13> laywin.cpp
  1098. 14> vssprintf.cpp
  1099. 14> wxAppWithHelpers.cpp
  1100. 13> Compiling...
  1101. 13> odcombo.cpp
  1102. 13> propdlg.cpp
  1103. 13> sashwin.cpp
  1104. 13> splash.cpp
  1105. 13> tipdlg.cpp
  1106. 13> wizard.cpp
  1107. 20> Config.cpp
  1108. 18>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(54): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDA'
  1109. 18>
  1110. 18>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(76): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE'
  1111. 18>
  1112. 18>Link:
  1113. 18> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSnull.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSnull.exp
  1114. 18> Generating code
  1115. 18> Finished generating code
  1116. 14> Compiling...
  1117. 14> wxGuiTools.cpp
  1118. 20>Link:
  1119. 20> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\DEV9null.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\DEV9null.exp
  1120. 20> Generating code
  1121. 20> Finished generating code
  1122. 20> DEV9null.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\DEV9null.dll
  1123. 20>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1124. 20> Deleting file "Win32\Release\DEV9null.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1125. 20> Touching "Win32\Release\DEV9null.lastbuildstate".
  1126. 20>
  1127. 20>Build succeeded.
  1128. 20>
  1129. 20>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.08
  1130. 13>Lib:
  1131. 13> wx_adv.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\wxWidgets\build\msw\..\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\wxAdv28.lib
  1132. 13>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1133. 13> Deleting file "Win32\Release\wxAdv28\wxAdv28.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1134. 13> Touching "Win32\Release\wxAdv28\wxAdv28.lastbuildstate".
  1135. 13>
  1136. 13>Build succeeded.
  1137. 13>
  1138. 13>Time Elapsed 00:00:21.24
  1139. 21>------ Build started: Project: FWnull, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1140. 18> GSnull.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSnull.dll
  1141. 21>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:36.
  1142. 22>------ Build started: Project: USBnull, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1143. 22>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:36.
  1144. 22>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1145. 22> Creating "Win32\Release\USBnull.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1146. 21>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1147. 21> Creating "Win32\Release\FWnull.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1148. 21>PreBuildEvent:
  1149. 21> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1150. 21> operable program or batch file.
  1151. 21> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1152. 21> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1153. 21> 1 file(s) copied.
  1154. 21> 1 file(s) copied.
  1155. 22>PreBuildEvent:
  1156. 22> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1157. 22> operable program or batch file.
  1158. 22> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1159. 22> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1160. 22> 1 file(s) copied.
  1161. 22> 1 file(s) copied.
  1162. 18>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1163. 18> Deleting file "Win32\Release\GSnull.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1164. 18> Touching "Win32\Release\GSnull.lastbuildstate".
  1165. 18>
  1166. 18>Build succeeded.
  1167. 18>
  1168. 18>Time Elapsed 00:00:17.58
  1169. 21>ClCompile:
  1170. 21> Config.cpp
  1171. 22>ClCompile:
  1172. 22> Config.cpp
  1173. 23>------ Build started: Project: CDVDnull, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1174. 23>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:37.
  1175. 23>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1176. 23> Creating "Win32\Release\CDVDnull.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1177. 23>PreBuildEvent:
  1178. 23> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1179. 23> operable program or batch file.
  1180. 23> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1181. 23> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1182. 23> 1 file(s) copied.
  1183. 23> 1 file(s) copied.
  1184. 23>ClCompile:
  1185. 23> CDVD.cpp
  1186. 21> FW.cpp
  1187. 22> USB.cpp
  1188. 14> wxHelpers.cpp
  1189. 23>Link:
  1190. 23> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDnull.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDnull.exp
  1191. 23> Generating code
  1192. 23> Finished generating code
  1193. 23> CDVDnull.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDnull.dll
  1194. 21>Link:
  1195. 21> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\FWnull.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\FWnull.exp
  1196. 21> Generating code
  1197. 23>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1198. 23> Deleting file "Win32\Release\CDVDnull.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1199. 23> Touching "Win32\Release\CDVDnull.lastbuildstate".
  1200. 23>
  1201. 23>Build succeeded.
  1202. 23>
  1203. 23>Time Elapsed 00:00:03.21
  1204. 21> Finished generating code
  1205. 22>Link:
  1206. 22> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBnull.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBnull.exp
  1207. 22> Generating code
  1208. 24>------ Build started: Project: CDVDolio, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1209. 24>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:41.
  1210. 24>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1211. 24> Touching "Win32\Release\CDVDolio.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1212. 22> Finished generating code
  1213. 24>PreBuildEvent:
  1214. 24> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1215. 24> operable program or batch file.
  1216. 24> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1217. 24> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1218. 24> 1 file(s) copied.
  1219. 21> FWnull.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\FWnull.dll
  1220. 24> 1 file(s) copied.
  1221. 24>ClCompile:
  1222. 24> stdafx.cpp
  1223. 22> USBnull.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBnull.dll
  1224. 21>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1225. 21> Deleting file "Win32\Release\FWnull.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1226. 21> Touching "Win32\Release\FWnull.lastbuildstate".
  1227. 21>
  1228. 21>Build succeeded.
  1229. 21>
  1230. 21>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.97
  1231. 14> WinHostSys.cpp
  1232. 25>------ Build started: Project: xpad, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1233. 25>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:42.
  1234. 25>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1235. 25> Touching "Win32\Release\xpad.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1236. 22>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1237. 22> Deleting file "Win32\Release\USBnull.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1238. 22> Touching "Win32\Release\USBnull.lastbuildstate".
  1239. 22>
  1240. 22>Build succeeded.
  1241. 22>
  1242. 22>Time Elapsed 00:00:05.25
  1243. 25>PreBuildEvent:
  1244. 25> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1245. 25> operable program or batch file.
  1246. 25> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1247. 25> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1248. 25> 1 file(s) copied.
  1249. 25> 1 file(s) copied.
  1250. 25>ClCompile:
  1251. 25> stdafx.cpp
  1252. 26>------ Build started: Project: ZeroSPU2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1253. 26>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:42.
  1254. 26>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1255. 26> Creating "Win32\Release\ZeroSPU2.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1256. 26>PreBuildEvent:
  1257. 26> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1258. 26> operable program or batch file.
  1259. 26> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1260. 26> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1261. 26> 1 file(s) copied.
  1262. 26> 1 file(s) copied.
  1263. 14> WinMisc.cpp
  1264. 26>ClCompile:
  1265. 26> dsound51.cpp
  1266. 14> WinThreads.cpp
  1267. 14> Mutex.cpp
  1268. 26> SoundTargets.cpp
  1269. 24> cdvd.cpp
  1270. 24> CDVDDialog.cpp
  1271. 24> SettingsDlg.cpp
  1272. 24>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'd3dx10.lib'
  1273. 24>
  1274. 24>Build FAILED.
  1275. 24>
  1276. 24>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.75
  1277. 14> RwMutex.cpp
  1278. 27>------ Build started: Project: Padnull, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1279. 14> Semaphore.cpp
  1280. 26> voices.cpp
  1281. 27>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:46.
  1282. 25> xpad.cpp
  1283. 27>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1284. 27> Creating "Win32\Release\Padnull.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1285. 27>PreBuildEvent:
  1286. 27> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1287. 27> operable program or batch file.
  1288. 27> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1289. 27> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1290. 27> 1 file(s) copied.
  1291. 27> 1 file(s) copied.
  1292. 25>xpad.cpp(646): error C3861: 'XInputEnable': identifier not found
  1293. 25>xpad.cpp(674): error C3861: 'XInputEnable': identifier not found
  1294. 25>
  1295. 25>Build FAILED.
  1296. 25>
  1297. 25>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.99
  1298. 27>ClCompile:
  1299. 27> Config.cpp
  1300. 28>------ Build started: Project: LilyPad, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1301. 28>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:47.
  1302. 28>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1303. 28> Touching "Win32\Release\LilyPad.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1304. 28>PreBuildEvent:
  1305. 28> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1306. 28> operable program or batch file.
  1307. 28> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1308. 28> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1309. 28> 1 file(s) copied.
  1310. 28> 1 file(s) copied.
  1311. 28>ClCompile:
  1312. 28> Global.cpp
  1313. 26> Win32.cpp
  1314. 14> ThreadTools.cpp
  1315. 27> Pad.cpp
  1316. 26> zerodma.cpp
  1317. 27> PadWin.cpp
  1318. 28> Config.cpp
  1319. 26> zerospu2.cpp
  1320. 28> Diagnostics.cpp
  1321. 28> LilyPad.cpp
  1322. 28> DirectInput.cpp
  1323. 27> Win32.cpp
  1324. 28> DualShock3.cpp
  1325. 28> HidDevice.cpp
  1326. 28> KeyboardHook.cpp
  1327. 28> KeyboardQueue.cpp
  1328. 28> RawInput.cpp
  1329. 28> WindowsKeyboard.cpp
  1330. 28> WindowsMessaging.cpp
  1331. 28> WindowsMouse.cpp
  1332. 28> XInput.cpp
  1333. 28> DeviceEnumerator.cpp
  1334. 28> InputManager.cpp
  1335. 28> VKey.cpp
  1336. 28> WndProcEater.cpp
  1337. 26> zeroworker.cpp
  1338. 28>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'dxguid.lib'
  1339. 28>
  1340. 28>Build FAILED.
  1341. 28>
  1342. 28>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.77
  1343. 29>------ Build started: Project: USBqemu, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1344. 29>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:52.
  1345. 29>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1346. 29> Creating "Win32\Release\USBqemu.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1347. 27>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(54): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDA'
  1348. 27>
  1349. 27>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(76): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE'
  1350. 27>
  1351. 29>PreBuildEvent:
  1352. 29> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1353. 29> operable program or batch file.
  1354. 29> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1355. 29> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1356. 29> 1 file(s) copied.
  1357. 29> 1 file(s) copied.
  1358. 29>ClCompile:
  1359. 29> CfgHelpers.cpp
  1360. 27>Link:
  1361. 27> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\Padnull.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\Padnull.exp
  1362. 27> Generating code
  1363. 27> Finished generating code
  1364. 29> Config.cpp
  1365. 26>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(54): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDA'
  1366. 26>
  1367. 26>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(76): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE'
  1368. 26>
  1369. 29> USB.cpp
  1370. 26>Link:
  1371. 26> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\ZeroSPU2.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\ZeroSPU2.exp
  1372. 26> Generating code
  1373. 29>..\USB.cpp(270): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 's64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1374. 29>..\USB.cpp(271): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 's64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1375. 29> Win32.cpp
  1376. 26> Finished generating code
  1377. 26> ZeroSPU2.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\ZeroSPU2.dll
  1378. 14>Lib:
  1379. 14> utilities.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\common\build\Utilities\..\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\utilities.lib
  1380. 27> PadNull.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\Padnull.dll
  1381. 27>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1382. 27> Deleting file "Win32\Release\Padnull.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1383. 27> Touching "Win32\Release\Padnull.lastbuildstate".
  1384. 27>
  1385. 27>Build succeeded.
  1386. 27>
  1387. 27>Time Elapsed 00:00:10.09
  1388. 26>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1389. 14>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1390. 14> Deleting file "Win32\Release\utilities.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1391. 14> Touching "Win32\Release\utilities.lastbuildstate".
  1392. 14>
  1393. 14>Build succeeded.
  1394. 14>
  1395. 14>Time Elapsed 00:00:40.95
  1396. 26> Deleting file "Win32\Release\ZeroSPU2.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1397. 26> Touching "Win32\Release\ZeroSPU2.lastbuildstate".
  1398. 30>------ Build started: Project: ZZOgl, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1399. 26>
  1400. 26>Build succeeded.
  1401. 26>
  1402. 26>Time Elapsed 00:00:14.05
  1403. 31>------ Build started: Project: glew_static, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1404. 31>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:56.
  1405. 30>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:56.
  1406. 31>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1407. 31> Creating "Win32\Release\glew_static.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1408. 29>Win32.cpp(15): warning C4996: '_vswprintf': swprintf has been changed to conform with the ISO C standard, adding an extra character count parameter. To use traditional Microsoft swprintf, set _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS.
  1409. 29> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\stdio.h(544) : see declaration of '_vswprintf'
  1410. 29> usb-base.cpp
  1411. 30>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1412. 30> Touching "Win32\Release\ZZOgl.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1413. 31>ClCompile:
  1414. 31> glew.c
  1415. 32>------ Build started: Project: GSdx, Configuration: Release SSSE3 Win32 ------
  1416. 30>PreBuildEvent:
  1417. 30> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1418. 30> operable program or batch file.
  1419. 30> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1420. 30> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1421. 30> 1 file(s) copied.
  1422. 30> 1 file(s) copied.
  1423. 32>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:57.
  1424. 30>CustomBuild:
  1425. 30> Performing Custom Build Tools
  1426. 30> Assembling: C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\x86-32.asm
  1427. 32>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1428. 32> Creating "Win32\Release SSSE3\GSdx.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1429. 32>PreBuildEvent:
  1430. 32> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1431. 32> operable program or batch file.
  1432. 32> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1433. 32> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1434. 32> 1 file(s) copied.
  1435. 32> 1 file(s) copied.
  1436. 29> usb-kbd.cpp
  1437. 30>ClCompile:
  1438. 30> ZZClut.cpp
  1439. 32>ClCompile:
  1440. 32> stdafx.cpp
  1441. 31>Lib:
  1442. 31> glew_static.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\glew\\..\..\deps\Win32\Release\glew_static.lib
  1443. 31>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1444. 31> Deleting file "Win32\Release\glew_static.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1445. 31> Touching "Win32\Release\glew_static.lastbuildstate".
  1446. 31>
  1447. 31>Build succeeded.
  1448. 31>
  1449. 31>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.87
  1450. 33>------ Build started: Project: SPU2-X, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1451. 33>Build started 02/04/2020 18:25:58.
  1452. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-kbd.cpp(619): warning C4101: 'i' : unreferenced local variable
  1453. 29> usb-ohci.cpp
  1454. 33>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1455. 33> Touching "Win32\Release\SPU2-X.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1456. 33>PreBuildEvent:
  1457. 33> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1458. 33> operable program or batch file.
  1459. 33> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1460. 33> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1461. 33> 1 file(s) copied.
  1462. 33> 1 file(s) copied.
  1463. 33>ClCompile:
  1464. 33> PrecompiledHeader.cpp
  1465. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(359): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1466. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(379): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1467. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(580): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1468. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1120): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int64_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data
  1469. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1120): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int64_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data
  1470. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1219): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1471. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1343): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1472. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1491): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int64_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data
  1473. 29>..\qemu-usb\usb-ohci.cpp(1493): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int64_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data
  1474. 29> vl.cpp
  1475. 29>..\qemu-usb\vl.cpp(28): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'uint64_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data
  1476. 30> ZZoglDrawing.cpp
  1477. 29>Link:
  1478. 29> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBqemu.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBqemu.exp
  1479. 29> Generating code
  1480. 29> Finished generating code
  1481. 29> USBqemu.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\USBqemu.dll
  1482. 33> DplIIdecoder.cpp
  1483. 33> RegLog.cpp
  1484. 33> spu2replay.cpp
  1485. 29>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1486. 29> Deleting file "Win32\Release\USBqemu.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1487. 29> Touching "Win32\Release\USBqemu.lastbuildstate".
  1488. 29>
  1489. 29>Build succeeded.
  1490. 29>
  1491. 29>Time Elapsed 00:00:10.14
  1492. 34>------ Build started: Project: CDVDiso, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1493. 34>Build started 02/04/2020 18:26:03.
  1494. 34>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1495. 34> Creating "Win32\Release\CDVDiso.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  1496. 32> GPU.cpp
  1497. 32> GPUDrawScanline.cpp
  1498. 32> GPUDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.cpp
  1499. 32> GPULocalMemory.cpp
  1500. 34>PreBuildEvent:
  1501. 34> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1502. 34> operable program or batch file.
  1503. 33> wavedump_wav.cpp
  1504. 34> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1505. 34> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1506. 34> 1 file(s) copied.
  1507. 34> 1 file(s) copied.
  1508. 33> Timestretcher.cpp
  1509. 33> SndOut_DSound.cpp
  1510. 34>ClCompile:
  1511. 34> CDVDisop.cpp
  1512. 30> ZZoglFlushHack.cpp
  1513. 34> Config.cpp
  1514. 32> GPURenderer.cpp
  1515. 33> SndOut_waveOut.cpp
  1516. 32> GPURendererSW.cpp
  1517. 34> libiso.cpp
  1518. 33> SndOut_XAudio2.cpp
  1519. 34>..\libiso.cpp(276): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'u64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1520. 34>..\libiso.cpp(310): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'u64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1521. 34>..\libiso.cpp(361): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'u64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1522. 34>..\libiso.cpp(399): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'u64' to 'int', possible loss of data
  1523. 34> Win32.cpp
  1524. 30> Conf.cpp
  1525. 32> GPUSettingsDlg.cpp
  1526. 33>SndOut_XAudio2.cpp(24): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xaudio2.h': No such file or directory
  1527. 33> SndOut_Portaudio.cpp
  1528. 32> GPUSetupPrimCodeGenerator.cpp
  1529. 32> GPUState.cpp
  1530. 34>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(54): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDA'
  1531. 34>
  1532. 34>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string.h(76): warning RC4011: identifier truncated to '_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE'
  1533. 34>
  1534. 33> RegTable.cpp
  1535. 33> spu2freeze.cpp
  1536. 33> spu2sys.cpp
  1537. 34>Link:
  1538. 34> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDiso.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDiso.exp
  1539. 34> Generating code
  1540. 32> GS.cpp
  1541. 32> GSAlignedClass.cpp
  1542. 32> GSBlock.cpp
  1543. 33> ADSR.cpp
  1544. 33> ReadInput.cpp
  1545. 33> Reverb.cpp
  1546. 33> dsp.cpp
  1547. 32> GSCapture.cpp
  1548. 30> GifTransfer.cpp
  1549. 32> GSCaptureDlg.cpp
  1550. 33> AboutBox.cpp
  1551. 32> GSClut.cpp
  1552. 33> CfgHelpers.cpp
  1553. 32> GSCodeBuffer.cpp
  1554. 32> GSCrc.cpp
  1555. 32>GSCapture.cpp(182): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'float' to 'REFERENCE_TIME', possible loss of data
  1556. 30> GLWin32.cpp
  1557. 32> GSDevice.cpp
  1558. 32> GSDevice11.cpp
  1559. 32> GSDevice9.cpp
  1560. 34> Finished generating code
  1561. 33> Config.cpp
  1562. 34> CDVDiso.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\CDVDiso.dll
  1563. 32> GSDeviceDX.cpp
  1564. 33> ConfigDebug.cpp
  1565. 30> GSmain.cpp
  1566. 34>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1567. 34> Deleting file "Win32\Release\CDVDiso.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1568. 34> Touching "Win32\Release\CDVDiso.lastbuildstate".
  1569. 34>
  1570. 34>Build succeeded.
  1571. 34>
  1572. 34>Time Elapsed 00:00:13.36
  1573. 35>------ Build started: Project: ZeroGS, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1574. 32> GSDeviceNull.cpp
  1575. 35>Build started 02/04/2020 18:26:16.
  1576. 35>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1577. 35> Touching "Win32\Release\ZeroGS.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1578. 33> Compiling...
  1579. 33> ConfigSoundtouch.cpp
  1580. 35>PreBuildEvent:
  1581. 35> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1582. 35> operable program or batch file.
  1583. 35> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1584. 35> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1585. 35> 1 file(s) copied.
  1586. 35> 1 file(s) copied.
  1587. 32> GSDeviceSDL.cpp
  1588. 33> RealtimeDebugger.cpp
  1589. 32> GSDeviceSW.cpp
  1590. 32> GSDialog.cpp
  1591. 35>CustomBuild:
  1592. 35> Performing Custom Build Tools
  1593. 35> Assembling: C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zerogs\dx\x86-32.asm
  1594. 35>ClCompile:
  1595. 35> Conf.cpp
  1596. 35>Conf.cpp(2): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1597. 35> GSmain.cpp
  1598. 30> HostMemory.cpp
  1599. 32> GSDirtyRect.cpp
  1600. 35>..\GSmain.cpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1601. 32> GSDrawScanline.cpp
  1602. 35> Mem.cpp
  1603. 35>..\Mem.cpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1604. 35> memcpy_amd.cpp
  1605. 32> GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.cpp
  1606. 33> UIHelpers.cpp
  1607. 33> PS2E-spu2.cpp
  1608. 35> Regs.cpp
  1609. 35>..\Regs.cpp(20): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1610. 35> targets.cpp
  1611. 35>..\targets.cpp(20): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1612. 35> Win32.cpp
  1613. 35>Win32.cpp(2): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1614. 35> x86.cpp
  1615. 35>..\x86.cpp(22): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1616. 35> zerogs.cpp
  1617. 35>..\zerogs.cpp(20): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
  1618. 32> GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x86.cpp
  1619. 35>
  1620. 35>Build FAILED.
  1621. 35>
  1622. 35>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.49
  1623. 30>..\HostMemory.cpp(21): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1624. 30> Mem.cpp
  1625. 36>------ Build started: Project: pcsx2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  1626. 36>Build started 02/04/2020 18:26:21.
  1627. 32> GSDump.cpp
  1628. 33>
  1629. 33>Build FAILED.
  1630. 33>
  1631. 33>Time Elapsed 00:00:23.51
  1632. 32> GSdx.cpp
  1633. 32> GSFunctionMap.cpp
  1634. 36>InitializeBuildStatus:
  1635. 36> Touching "Win32\Release\pcsx2.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1636. 36>PreBuildEvent:
  1637. 36> 'SubWCRev.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  1638. 36> operable program or batch file.
  1639. 36> Automatic revision update unavailable, using generic template instead.
  1640. 36> You can safely ignore this message - see svnrev.h for details.
  1641. 36> 1 file(s) copied.
  1642. 36> 1 file(s) copied.
  1643. 32> GSLocalMemory.cpp
  1644. 36>CustomBuild:
  1645. 36> Performing Custom Build Tools
  1646. 32> GSPerfMon.cpp
  1647. 32> GSRasterizer.cpp
  1648. 32> GSRenderer.cpp
  1649. 32>GSLocalMemory.cpp(1498): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'uint32' to 'uint8', possible loss of data
  1650. 32>GSLocalMemory.cpp(2156): warning C4245: '=' : conversion from '' to 'uint32', signed/unsigned mismatch
  1651. 32> GSRendererCS.cpp
  1652. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Appearance.h
  1653. 32>GSRasterizer.cpp(918): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'uint8', possible loss of data
  1654. 36> Bin2CPP Output > AppIcon16.h
  1655. 32> GSRendererDX.cpp
  1656. 36> Bin2CPP Output > AppIcon32.h
  1657. 32> GSRendererDX11.cpp
  1658. 36> Bin2CPP Output > AppIcon64.h
  1659. 30> Mem_Swizzle.cpp
  1660. 36> Bin2CPP Output > BackgroundLogo.h
  1661. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ButtonIcon_Camera.h
  1662. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Cpu.h
  1663. 32> GSRendererDX9.cpp
  1664. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Gamefixes.h
  1665. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_MemoryCard.h
  1666. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Paths.h
  1667. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Plugins.h
  1668. 30> Mem_Tables.cpp
  1669. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Speedhacks.h
  1670. 36> Bin2CPP Output > ConfigIcon_Video.h
  1671. 36> Bin2CPP Output > Dualshock.h
  1672. 32> GSRendererHW.cpp
  1673. 32> GSRendererNull.cpp
  1674. 36>ClCompile:
  1675. 36> PrecompiledHeader.cpp
  1676. 32>GSRendererDX9.cpp(183): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  1677. 30> rasterfont.cpp
  1678. 32> GSRendererSW.cpp
  1679. 30> Regs.cpp
  1680. 32> GSSetting.cpp
  1681. 32> GSSettingsDlg.cpp
  1682. 32> GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.cpp
  1683. 30> Profile.cpp
  1684. 32>GSSettingsDlg.cpp(303): warning C4189: 'sw' : local variable is initialized but not referenced
  1685. 32> GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x86.cpp
  1686. 32> GSState.cpp
  1687. 32> GSTables.cpp
  1688. 32> GSTexture.cpp
  1689. 32> GSTexture11.cpp
  1690. 32> GSTexture9.cpp
  1691. 32> GSTextureCache.cpp
  1692. 30> targets.cpp
  1693. 32> GSTextureCache11.cpp
  1694. 32> GSTextureCache9.cpp
  1695. 32> GSTextureCacheSW.cpp
  1696. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1697. 30> Win32.cpp
  1698. 36> GameDatabase.cpp
  1699. 36> Gif_Logger.cpp
  1700. 36> Gif_Unit.cpp
  1701. 36> AppGameDatabase.cpp
  1702. 36> AppUserMode.cpp
  1703. 32> GSTextureFX11.cpp
  1704. 36> GameDatabaseDialog.cpp
  1705. 36> McdConfigDialog.cpp
  1706. 32> GSTextureFX9.cpp
  1707. 32> GSTextureNull.cpp
  1708. 32> GSTextureSW.cpp
  1709. 30>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1710. 30> x86.cpp
  1711. 32> GSThread.cpp
  1712. 32> GSUtil.cpp
  1713. 32> GSVector.cpp
  1714. 32> GSVertexList.cpp
  1715. 32> GSVertexSW.cpp
  1716. 36> GameDatabasePanel.cpp
  1717. 32> GSVertexTrace.cpp
  1718. 32> GSWnd.cpp
  1719. 36> MemoryCardListView.cpp
  1720. 36> IPUdma.cpp
  1721. 36> EmulatorState.cpp
  1722. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1723. 36> InputDelayPanel.cpp
  1724. 36> NetplayDialog.cpp
  1725. 36> NetplayDialogBase.cpp
  1726. 36> NetplaySettingsPanel.cpp
  1727. 36> INetplayDialog.cpp
  1728. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp(14): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/thread/win32/condition_variable.hpp': No such file or directory
  1729. 36> IOPHook.cpp
  1730. 36> Message.cpp
  1731. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1732. 36> NetplayPlugin.cpp
  1733. 30> zerogs.cpp
  1734. 36> NetplaySettings.cpp
  1735. 36> Replay.cpp
  1736. 36> ReplayPlugin.cpp
  1737. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1738. 36> ReplaySettings.cpp
  1739. 36> Utilities.cpp
  1740. 36> Patch.cpp
  1741. 32> amextra.cpp
  1742. 32> amfilter.cpp
  1743. 32> amvideo.cpp
  1744. 32> combase.cpp
  1745. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1746. 36> Patch_Memory.cpp
  1747. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1748. 36> LegacyDmac.cpp
  1749. 36> ShiftJisToUnicode.cpp
  1750. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1751. 30> zpipe.cpp
  1752. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp(14): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/thread/win32/condition_variable.hpp': No such file or directory
  1753. 36> FileUtils.cpp
  1754. 36> Dump.cpp
  1755. 36> iMisc.cpp
  1756. 36> Pcsx2Config.cpp
  1757. 36> PluginManager.cpp
  1758. 36> SamplProf.cpp
  1759. 36> SaveState.cpp
  1760. 32> ctlutil.cpp
  1761. 30> ZZHacks.cpp
  1762. 32> ddmm.cpp
  1763. 32> mtype.cpp
  1764. 36> SourceLog.cpp
  1765. 32> outputq.cpp
  1766. 32> pstream.cpp
  1767. 36> Stats.cpp
  1768. 36> SysCoreThread.cpp
  1769. 36> System.cpp
  1770. 36>C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\3rdparty\boost-1.48\include\boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/preprocessor/debug/error.hpp': No such file or directory
  1771. 36> SysThreadBase.cpp
  1772. 36> Elfheader.cpp
  1773. 36> IsoFileFormats.cpp
  1774. 32> pullpin.cpp
  1775. 32> refclock.cpp
  1776. 36> BaseblockEx.cpp
  1777. 36> BiosTools.cpp
  1778. 36> Counters.cpp
  1779. 36> FiFo.cpp
  1780. 32> renbase.cpp
  1781. 30> Compiling...
  1782. 30> ZZKeyboard.cpp
  1783. 32> schedule.cpp
  1784. 36> Hw.cpp
  1785. 36> HwRead.cpp
  1786. 36> HwWrite.cpp
  1787. 36> Cache.cpp
  1788. 32> seekpt.cpp
  1789. 36> Memory.cpp
  1790. 36> recVTLB.cpp
  1791. 32> source.cpp
  1792. 36> vtlb.cpp
  1793. 36> MTVU.cpp
  1794. 32> strmctl.cpp
  1795. 32> sysclock.cpp
  1796. 36> VUmicro.cpp
  1797. 36> VUmicroMem.cpp
  1798. 36> iVU1micro.cpp
  1799. 36> microVU.cpp
  1800. 36> sVU_Lower.cpp
  1801. 36> sVU_Micro.cpp
  1802. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1803. 30> ZZLog.cpp
  1804. 36> sVU_Upper.cpp
  1805. 32> transfrm.cpp
  1806. 32> transip.cpp
  1807. 36> sVU_zerorec.cpp
  1808. 36> VU0.cpp
  1809. 36> VU0micro.cpp
  1810. 32> vtrans.cpp
  1811. 32> wxdebug.cpp
  1812. 36> VU0microInterp.cpp
  1813. 36> VU1micro.cpp
  1814. 36> VU1microInterp.cpp
  1815. 36> VUflags.cpp
  1816. 32> wxlist.cpp
  1817. 36> VUops.cpp
  1818. 36> Sif.cpp
  1819. 36> Sif0.cpp
  1820. 36> Sif1.cpp
  1821. 32> wxutil.cpp
  1822. 36> Vif.cpp
  1823. 36> Vif0_Dma.cpp
  1824. 36> Vif1_Dma.cpp
  1825. 30> ZZoglCreate.cpp
  1826. 36> Vif1_MFIFO.cpp
  1827. 36> Vif_Codes.cpp
  1828. 36> Vif_Transfer.cpp
  1829. 36> Vif_Unpack.cpp
  1830. 36> newVif_Unpack.cpp
  1831. 36> newVif_Dynarec.cpp
  1832. 36> newVif_UnpackSSE.cpp
  1833. 36> SPR.cpp
  1834. 36> Gif.cpp
  1835. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1836. 30> ZZoglCRTC.cpp
  1837. 36> R5900OpcodeTables.cpp
  1838. 36> iCOP0.cpp
  1839. 36> iFPU.cpp
  1840. 36> iFPUd.cpp
  1841. 36> iMMI.cpp
  1842. 36> iR5900Misc.cpp
  1843. 36> ir5900tables.cpp
  1844. 36> iR5900-32.cpp
  1845. 36> iR5900Arit.cpp
  1846. 36> iR5900AritImm.cpp
  1847. 36> iR5900Branch.cpp
  1848. 36> iR5900Jump.cpp
  1849. 36> iR5900LoadStore.cpp
  1850. 36> iR5900Move.cpp
  1851. 32>Link:
  1852. 32> Creating library C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSdx32-SSSE3.lib and object C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSdx32-SSSE3.exp
  1853. 32> Generating code
  1854. 36> iR5900MultDiv.cpp
  1855. 36> iR5900Shift.cpp
  1856. 36> iR5900Templates.cpp
  1857. 36> COP0.cpp
  1858. 36> COP2.cpp
  1859. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1860. 30> ZZoglFlush.cpp
  1861. 36> FPU.cpp
  1862. 36> Interpreter.cpp
  1863. 36> MMI.cpp
  1864. 36> R5900.cpp
  1865. 36> R5900OpcodeImpl.cpp
  1866. 36> IopBios.cpp
  1867. 36> IopCounters.cpp
  1868. 36> IopDma.cpp
  1869. 36> IopIrq.cpp
  1870. 36> IopMem.cpp
  1871. 36> IopSif.cpp
  1872. 36> IopSio2.cpp
  1873. 36> R3000A.cpp
  1874. 32>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\wxutil.cpp(420): warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression
  1875. 36> R3000AInterpreter.cpp
  1876. 36> R3000AOpcodeTables.cpp
  1877. 36> Sio.cpp
  1878. 36> iR3000A.cpp
  1879. 36> iR3000Atables.cpp
  1880. 36> IopHw.cpp
  1881. 36> IopHwRead.cpp
  1882. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1883. 30> ZZoglSave.cpp
  1884. 36> IopHwWrite.cpp
  1885. 36> CdRom.cpp
  1886. 36> CDVD.cpp
  1887. 36> CDVDaccess.cpp
  1888. 36> CDVDisoReader.cpp
  1889. 36> yuv2rgb.cpp
  1890. 36> Idct.cpp
  1891. 36> Mpeg.cpp
  1892. 36> GS.cpp
  1893. 36> GSState.cpp
  1894. 36> MTGS.cpp
  1895. 36> DisR3000A.cpp
  1896. 36> DisR5900.cpp
  1897. 36> DisR5900asm.cpp
  1898. 36> DisVU0Micro.cpp
  1899. 36> DisVU1Micro.cpp
  1900. 36> iCore-32.cpp
  1901. 36> iCore.cpp
  1902. 36> WinSysExec.cpp
  1903. 36> IsoFile.cpp
  1904. 36> IsoFS.cpp
  1905. 36> IsoFSCDVD.cpp
  1906. 36> AppAssert.cpp
  1907. 36> AppConfig.cpp
  1908. 36> AppCorePlugins.cpp
  1909. 30> ZZoglShaders.cpp
  1910. 36> AppCoreThread.cpp
  1911. 36> AppEventSources.cpp
  1912. 36> AppInit.cpp
  1913. 30>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\zzogl-pg\opengl\ZZoglShaders.h(42): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Cg/cg.h': No such file or directory
  1914. 30> ZZoglShoots.cpp
  1915. 36> AppMain.cpp
  1916. 36> AppRes.cpp
  1917. 32>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\schedule.cpp(120): warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression
  1918. 32>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\outputq.cpp(366): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'ppacket' used
  1919. 32>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\outputq.cpp(312): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'lNumberToSend' used
  1920. 36> ConsoleLogger.cpp
  1921. 36> CpuUsageProvider.cpp
  1922. 36> CpuUsageProviderMSW.cpp
  1923. 30> ZZoglVB.cpp
  1924. 36> ExecutorThread.cpp
  1925. 36> FrameForGS.cpp
  1926. 36> GlobalCommands.cpp
  1927. 36> i18n.cpp
  1928. 36> IsoDropTarget.cpp
  1929. 32>c:\users\bev-pc\desktop\pcsx2-netplay\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\transip.cpp(772): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'Actual' used
  1930. 36> MainFrame.cpp
  1931. 36> MainMenuClicks.cpp
  1932. 36> MemoryCardFile.cpp
  1933. 36> MessageBoxes.cpp
  1934. 36> MSWstuff.cpp
  1935. 30>
  1936. 30>Build FAILED.
  1937. 30>
  1938. 30>Time Elapsed 00:01:40.24
  1939. 36> pxLogTextCtrl.cpp
  1940. 36> RecentIsoList.cpp
  1941. 36> UpdateUI.cpp
  1942. 36> AboutBoxDialog.cpp
  1943. 36> AssertionDialog.cpp
  1944. 36> BaseConfigurationDialog.cpp
  1945. 36> BiosSelectorDialog.cpp
  1946. 36> ConfirmationDialogs.cpp
  1947. 36> CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp
  1948. 36> FirstTimeWizard.cpp
  1949. 36> ImportSettingsDialog.cpp
  1950. 36> LogOptionsDialog.cpp
  1951. 36> PickUserModeDialog.cpp
  1952. 36> StuckThreadDialog.cpp
  1953. 36> SysConfigDialog.cpp
  1954. 36> AudioPanel.cpp
  1955. 36> BaseApplicableConfigPanel.cpp
  1956. 36> BiosSelectorPanel.cpp
  1957. 36> CpuPanel.cpp
  1958. 36> DirPickerPanel.cpp
  1959. 36> GameFixesPanel.cpp
  1960. 36> GSWindowPanel.cpp
  1961. 36> LogOptionsPanels.cpp
  1962. 36> MemoryCardListPanel.cpp
  1963. 36> MiscPanelStuff.cpp
  1964. 36> PathsPanel.cpp
  1965. 36> PluginSelectorPanel.cpp
  1966. 36> SpeedhacksPanel.cpp
  1967. 36> VideoPanel.cpp
  1968. 36> DwmSetup.cpp
  1969. 36> WinCompressNTFS.cpp
  1970. 32> Finished generating code
  1971. 36> WinConsolePipe.cpp
  1972. 36> Saveslots.cpp
  1973. 36> SysState.cpp
  1974. 36> thread_gzip.cpp
  1975. 32> GSdx.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bev-PC\Desktop\pcsx2-netplay\bin\plugins\GSdx32-SSSE3.dll
  1976. 36> thread_lzma.cpp
  1977. 32>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  1978. 32> Deleting file "Win32\Release SSSE3\GSdx.unsuccessfulbuild".
  1979. 32> Touching "Win32\Release SSSE3\GSdx.lastbuildstate".
  1980. 32>
  1981. 32>Build succeeded.
  1982. 32>
  1983. 32>Time Elapsed 00:01:53.55
  1984. 36>
  1985. 36>Build FAILED.
  1986. 36>
  1987. 36>Time Elapsed 00:01:30.88
  1988. ========== Build: 27 succeeded, 9 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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