
Rp with Gear and Ellie

Sep 30th, 2019
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  1. Gear He hadn't meant to scare the old man that badly. He just wanted to get away from the facility as fast as he could, with little Ellie in tow. For the most part, since their escape, Gear had ran until he felt they were far enough away. The being should have been afraid of this wide open world, but thankfully he wasn't. He didn't like life in the concrete building and through his teachings was more fascinated with this one. He felt like he knew everything about it now, save for the experience. Yet this was his first time stepping on the various textures of ground. If only he was able to enjoy it instead of fleeing. Perhaps later? That later would come in the form of a poor old man. Wrong place and time...Gear had told Ellie to stay hidden while he crept over to the old rv (hover) . He was examining it with his hand, as if reading its very being before the door suddenly opened. He and the owner came face to face...Until he stood straight up and towered over him. His clawed hands came up as if about to tell the man he meant no harm. Instead the smaller gentleman grabbed at his chest and collapsed on the steps. Gear couldn't figure out how to help him and only made things worse when he reached out to try and help the guy up. He was like a limp noodle in his arms and the being knew the man was dead. Rather than leaving him there on the ground, he found a spot for a shallow grave. Before burying him, Gear had taken his wallet, keys and anything else that was loose. He then quickly returned to Ellie and signed that he found something safe. That had been a couple days ago and their aimless trek continued. Gear had figured out how to drive the rv and luckily didn't cause any accidents. It wasn't as hard as it looked. His tail was giving him some issues while he sat in the driver's seat. He had pulled the chair as far back as he could and still barley had enough room to steer. His tail was bent and the base pressed against the back of the seat while the rest of it spilled over the side and onto the floor between the seats. They haven't stopped for a while and he was staring out the window, searching for any signs of a town or something. They'd soon pass what he was looking for and once they arrived, Gear started the hunt for a place to park.
  3. Ellie Keva Ellie hadn't a very long life as of yet, but she grew up knowing only Gear, of course she would learn as much as she could from him, he taught her all ths basics from walking to eating and even her potty training which was easier than either of them thought it would be. She aodred him, but growing up inside that place was different for her, as that was the only home she knew of. When he told her they were leaving she couldn't quit understand why and protested a bit over it. But she wouldn't ever want to be without her papa at all so she relented, taking what she wanted and what he allowed her to have. She would wait patiently in fhe spot that he had hidden her once the left, she was getting quite tired and hungry, but she promised to stay put. Soon her papa came and got her and she was happy to see him and smiled brightly as he got the two of them inside the rv. She asked an endless slew of questionds of what this thing was called as she never seen an RV before, and she began exploring every inch she could get into. Even finding a cubbard full of delicious goodies, she was happy with. So most of the ride she sat in the middle of the floor and ate all the sweet cookies and treats. But soon regretted it as it gave her belly a huge tummy ache and she was whimpering, before Gear told her to lay down and sleep for a while. She trusted him whole heartedly and wasn't afraid of where they were going so long as she stayed close with him. She would shift and turn a bit as she laid among all the empty boxes scattered about her, and that was one thing the child could eat and sleep all day if she would of been allowed too.Soon enough though she woke up rubbing her eyes and yawning sweetly as shd slowly sat up, then crawled her way towards Gear and the front passenger seat "papa, I gotta go potty" she whined as she whimpered as she was doing her little leg dance in the seat she sat in. "Really badlyyyyy" she whine out more, her drama queen bit oozing out like any other time of course, but it was pretty bad since she slept nearly the day away after gorging out on to many sweet snacks; this also meant she was quite hyped up as well.
  5. Gear Gear was a light weight when it came to food. Out of all those boxes, he maybe had one...two max of cookies. The rest was all Ellie's. The whole parenting thing too was new and in all honesty he was winging it. None of their observers though saw a reason to separate them and were curious as to where this would go. At first he was hesitant in taking any sort of care of Ellie. When he showed he was able to though it was encouraged and praised. Soon it just came...Naturally. Even going so far as being protective of her when they came to take her somewhere. White coats were both good and bad and he knew which ones he didn't like. It may have been that moment, when Ellie was forced away from him, that Gear knew they needed to leave. Though he was a quick learner, he was still figuring out how his abilities worked. All he knew was they worked in their favor. Somehow he was able to get his cell open as well as Ellie's and was able to trick the cameras and security. It was as if an invisible force field was about them and they simply walked out the door. A thing such as luck could only run so far, so he didn't waste any time meandering around. And now they were here, wandering through this unknown town. It was strange with Ellie being asleep most of the day. It was understandable due to nothing healthy being planted in her small body. Gear was guilty of that too, both being naive and partaking in the sweets. His attention was turned away from the road briefly when Ellie crawled her way to the passenger seat. He nodded to her before watching the street again. There had to be a parking spot somewhere. That's when he heard it, the ever dreading 'I have to potty' in a strange town. The being had no idea where to even begin! A sound akin to uhhh escaped him and he was now more frantic in finding a spot. His hand came up and he signaled for her to keep holding it. He'd pull into what looked like a parking lot and turned the rv off. He'd indicate for her to get out since his side didn't have a door. Once out of the vehicle he'd look around quickly then head for a building that had lights on. A diner.
  7. Ellie Keva Ellie knew that Gear wasn't huge into food, many times when it came to eating those other would always make sure they had plenty of healthy things to eat. Often times she would eat four or five good plates of it. Though she didn't care to much for meat, but really enjoyed more of the fruits and veggies they gave her. When they first placed her with him in the cell she was just small and often crying and given him a bottole of warm milk once they realized that he wasn't planning on eating her. So for Ellie he was the only father she ever had, and would hate being away from him quite a bit would often make her upset and end up crying. Or often times she would return to him crying and upset, but couldn't ever remember why she was so upset; of course there was no telling what it was they had been doing to her. When she finally hatched from her egg state she was just a baby void of any memories of how she even got to that point. So she had to learn everything new, and that was a postives as Gear taught her how to sign so it was something she enjoyed, but soon also found her own voice. Some of the people there did help her speak and even learn how to read a bit, but she mostly relied on her father for help. She would wiggle and shift more in her seat as another whine escaped her lips and they curled deeply into a pout at Gear, she wasn't happy with ever having to wait to go to the restroom. It was one of her flaws, impatiances, she also had a temper, and just being up she would yawn and rub her eyss more. "I guess I can try, but it hurts" she overly dramatic whinned more as she shifted a bit more as she watched him finding a place to park. She would bounce up and down in her seat a bit as he finally motioned her to get on out of her door which she managed to do quickly as she stood there and hopped from one foot to the other, "Papaaaaa" she whined more as she was about to burst and soon if there wasn't somewhere she would go. She hadn't even had a desire to look around, or explore her surroundings, and just tugged on his coat hemming as tears pricked against her eyes.
  9. Gear ((gets to writing.))
  10. That was an experience in itself and a risky one too. Gear didn't feel he was the unpredictable sort, but each new item got a different reaction from him, give or take. For example, he knew what a ball was and it was to play with. So anything with a rounded shape got the same treatment unless he was corrected. The baby thing had...well a round head and if curled up she looked like a ball...Right? Ellie was just a noisy ball and his interest turned more to the bottle when that was given to him. It would take a couple tries before he figured out it was for her. Honestly it was when he wanted the noise to stop and that seemed to do it. Baby and bottle was a kind of puzzle and he put it together. It ended up becoming fun too, until the day he thought he broke her. The whole spitting up thing was ew no matter who one is. Watching her grow up though was well worth everything. Though he didn't speak, she learned her words and signing as well. Reading was something he could do, but not teach anyone else. When she picked up on that one, he was pleased as well. All fond memories brought them to this point, where he took her with him without hesitation. She may have been safer in the facility, but he couldn't bare the thought of leaving her behind. If caught, Gear knew he'd be the one punished, he would accept it as well, so long as they left Ellie alone. To her trying, he'd give her a thumbs up, knowing she could do it. Anything the girl put her mind too tended to pan out in the end. Once outside the rv, his tail swayed some behind him. The being would stay close to the girl and felt her tugging at his jacket. He'd point off towards the diner which wasn't too far away. A light shiver and his tail would retract some into the jacket. It wouldn't be tooo noticeable unless someone looked. His attire in general was something he couldn't fix. Not that it'd be too bad. Right now though his main concern was getting Eliie to the restroom asap. Taking her hand, they'd walk on over and into the diner. Thankfully the sign for the bathrooms was in plain sight. Once Ellie was guided over there, he'd stop by the small hallway so she could go the rest of the way alone.
  12. Ellie Keva Mostly they had no idea what to do with Ellie, a girl hatching from am egg was strange in of itself, but some of the female observers really adored her. But often times she would get tests and things done to her that the women often didn't agree with. But because they weren't incharge there was really no say in the matter and then she would forget about it all over again. That was until they wanted to see if Gear would eat or break the child, but they were pleasantly surprised by how quickly Gear figured out how to use the bottle on the new born baby. Of course they praised him for doing a good job, mostly the women; always assuring him that Ellie was his to take care of, but also sugguested that he should give her a name. There it was one day, written on a piece of paper Ellie Keva, but in these aspects of learning she was bright like Gear and swiftly picked up on things, but took a few more tires.Eventually she got it, but she also was delvoping some health issues due to the work they had preformed on her so the spitting up was part of an issue, of course also something some babies tended to do often on their own. So with that they had hoped he'd never figure out it was them doing it to her. Though the most adorable part was of course when she was trying to walk, that was also tough for her, but the day she wanted his attention badly enough she took to her wobbly little legs and slowly made her way towards Gear with one simple word "papa" that just seemed to make him scoop her right up and sign her plenty of praises for finally walking. But of course this was something that the bosses didn't want to keep happpening having decided that at six they would remove the child from Bear's care, but before that day came around they were gone. With no inkling of where they ran off to they would start to prepare a search in the surrounding area, to them the two of them couldn't get that far, right? But they had indeed gotten quite far enough away. But Ellie wanted to whine more, but found that she was already pushing enough, but she had to go desperately, with such a small bladder it was border line cruel to wait. But of course like her father knew she would indeed hold it. Once they were finally outside and Gear pointed to the diner, her small head and vibrant red hues difted towards it and smiled happily with delight. Softly clinging to his hand as he walked the two of them inside, having heard the bit of clunking of his tail hiding upwards more she would give a small giggle. But was so happy once they entered and he let her go the rest of the way on her own and she hurried along wasting no time.Getting into the bathroom and quickly on the porcelain toilet and finally relieving herself and cleaning off before flushing and trodding off to wash her hands in the sink. Then finding some paper towels to dry them off she would throw them back and hurry out the door again and smiled brightly up at Gear "All better papa! Thank you!" She spoke out happily, but then the smell of yummy food caught her attention "papa! The food smells yummy! Can we eat please???" She begged as she took his hand giving adorable puppy dog eyes up at him, knowing he'd never resist those from her.
  14. Gear All in the timing it seems. Gear was oblivious to their intentions once Ellie turned six. Here he was, learning on the fly what it was to be a parent and they were going to take that away. He didn't ask for this existence, didn't ask for this situation and yet...As he watched her grow and now watched her disappear down the small hall, he wouldn't change anything. In a way it felt like he was given a purpose. It wasn't until that little girl was dropped in his lap did he question his reason for being here. It wasn't to be some guinea pig, it was to make sure she stayed safe. Gear still felt bad about what happened to the old man, but he provided a vehicle to help them escape. No one would be able to find them, at least not for a while. He'd glance off towards some of the patrons and workers, none having batted at eye at them. Perhaps they were all friendly out here? Or they had luckily hit a town so immune to the supernatural it was an every day thing. Either way, they wouldn't be causing this place trouble and would stay low key. When he heard Ellie racing back to him, his attention was back on her. Gear would smile behind the mask and bow his head. His hands would come up and mimic washing them. Just to make sure the little girl remembered to. Once he got his answer, he would nod again then step back further into the diner itself. Food was important for her and the sweets in their displays even enticed him. There had to be more choices than this though and he really didn't want Ellie getting sick again. He'd indicate the stools at the bar table, knowing he could sit there easier than in a chair. Atop that, Ellie could spin around in them if they moved. Gear took his seat and the waitress sat down two menus. One of which had a drawing on the back and a package of crayons next to it. She'd smile before offering. "Can I get you two something to drink?" Gear didn't know what they had and would just nod. Guess it was dealer's choice on the waitress's end. She'd wait for Ellie to order as well before going to retrieve their requests. It gave them some time to look over their options. Without turning away from the menu, Gear raised his hand and patted Ellie on the head.
  16. Ellie Keva Ellie seemed so happy and excited, she couldn't help it as it was also the first time they had been this far away from that place, even though she considered it home. It was a nice change of pace, and just the adventure she always wanted to go on with her papa, of course he said they would one day, but she didn't know it would be so soon. She would hum happily as she went quickly away, but made sure not to run as to many times before she would often fall or trip over her own two feet, another quirk of hers; flat surfaces. But she was delighted to be free from the dreaded urge to go so badly, and of course she made sure to clean her hands very well, as she knew it was good to do so. But soon she was bounding right back to her father and clinging tightly as she could to his hand, after he motioned about washing her hands "Yes papa, they are super clean!" She giggled out with a soft happy smile as her white and green locks seemed to sway a bit more than usual at her movements.It was also getting long again, he had to at least cut it twice a month with how fast that it would grow, so pushing it aside with one hand from her eyes being in her bangs, following Gear back more into the diner she would glance from him to the stools and smiled happily at them and nodded her head a bit before she signed back that she was happy with that, forgetting a moment she had a voice to use. Soon using tip toes to try and climb up on the stool, she was fairly short for children her age, she could almost pass for a toddler, though she wasn't anymore. A whine escaped her as she nearly reached it, but the thing spun and she lost any traction getting up on the thing. "Papa, I need help, it's to big to climb up on" she whimpered out as she stood thete and the stool came up to her chest and neck area, but once she would be helped up, she would smile happily at seeing the menu.And then the lovely crayons next to it, she would then hum as she thought a moment "may I have some apple juice please?" She asked the waitress with a sweet tilt of her head as she smiled brightly as she wasn't sure what her father wanted to drink. She would of course be more focused on coloring in the picture than actually looking for food, one might wonder if she had a bit of ADHD, but she was still just a child who's easily got distracted by coloring. But she would giggle a bit and smile at feeling the head pats that Gear gave her and she would hum happily as her small legs swing back and forth making her gren and white dress sway back and forth. Having not even bothered to look at all or any of the decent choices they had for children, and instead picked up the kid's menu and held up the nearly perfect colored in picture of the teddy bear."Looky papa! Pretty picture I colored for you!" She told him excitedly as she peeked from behind it with a bright smile on her face, her red hues seemed to glow slightly with her happiness.
  18. Gear Escaping had never been the plan, even though he wanted to be out in the open. It wasn’t like he was going to run away…But, maybe they were afraid he’d get lost? Want to go farther and farther from home? Surely getting stolen wasn’t a thing. Gear could be trusted to stay put, so long as they asked. His closest taste to this wide open world had been documentaries and an enclosure for the look and don’t touch kind of thing. Just beyond the thick glass laid the enticement of a lifetime. At one point he even though this was some kind of punishment. His outings into the structure giving him the taste and nothing more. Oh sure he tried to ask if they could go OUTSIDE, but that never happened. It was dangerous was a common excuse or ‘maybe later’. Well, now they had their own choice in the matter! Sitting on the stool was easy for him, but Gear tended to forget the height differences with Ellie. He thought with her hyperactiveness that she’d be bouncing right on up. It wasn’t the case as the cushion spun while she tried. An amused smile crossed his hidden face and he tried not to chuckle at her expense. It was by the back of her outfit that he pulled her up, like she was some small kitten and placed her on the stool. He did eye her hair as she sat there, knowing he’ll have to try and hack it again. The first time he tried it, oh the poor child…She looked like she got in a fight with a lawnmower and lost. Thankfully her hair grew fast and fixed the mess right up. Gear wouldn’t touch it again until one of the female observers taught him how to do it properly. The angle was always off no matter what he did, but he was getting better. His own meal was soon picked out, but he was unsure if he could eat it all. Unlike his daughter, Gear was a light weight when it came to food. It did look delicious though. Something called ‘nachos’. Fully loaded with all kinds of colorful goodies on it, meat and cheese. Guess he’ll have try and see how far he gets with this. Remembering the page, he’d close the menu and observe the diner a moment. People had came and went, and it was the new ones he focused more on. It was his protective nature that got him doing this more than habit. There were indeed some stranger beings than the people he’s seen so far. Seems they’ll be learning a lot more about the patrons of this town if they end up staying. He’d look back to the waitress as she was getting their drinks and then to Ellie when she got his attention. A thumbs up came for the bear and he’d gently take the picture if she allowed it. Now there was a playful ‘critiquing’ of it before he nodded and thumbed up again. Afterwards, he’d turn the paper around and point at the words behind them. She needed to eat something and decide before too long. The waitress would return with their drinks. Ellie’s being the apple juice and Gear’s being something dark. It was a soda, which got the masked being really interested. The small bubbles coming to the surface, the brownish color that was barely see through. It reminded him of muddy water, which confused him a bit. It must be good though right? The woman wasn’t there to make him sick…Right? The suspicion made him glance to Ellie then back to the waitress. “It’s a soda dear.” She told him with a smile. If he didn’t like it, she could always bring him water. For now though she was ready to take their orders. Gear laid the kid’s menu down in front of Ellie so she could have time to figure out her or point it out after he showed the lady what he wanted. At the last minute he’d make a circle with his hands, indicating he wanted a small order. Now it was Ellie’s turn and the waitress would be on her way. Gear would look around again before turning to his daughter. A light knock on the table to get her attention, he signed, asking what she thought of this place.
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