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Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. 00:02 - [Music]
  2. 00:04 - here's some news president Trump wants
  3. 00:07 - more credit for his great job with
  4. 00:09 - Puerto Rico but also warns them that he
  5. 00:11 - can't help forever
  6. 00:12 - because they've got financial problems
  7. 00:13 - so he's gonna give them a five billion
  8. 00:15 - dollar loan because the definition of
  9. 00:17 - relief is crippling debt but he also
  10. 00:20 - doesn't want us to talk about it because
  11. 00:22 - he thinks everyone's unfair and the
  12. 00:24 - media should be nicer and it's partisan
  13. 00:25 - even though after saying that he
  14. 00:27 - immediately went on his friend Sean
  15. 00:28 - Hannity show where was announced they
  16. 00:29 - would not include bipartisan questions
  17. 00:31 - so I guess we just which won't talk
  18. 00:35 - about today all right let's be fair
  19. 00:37 - bring me balanced and instead talk about
  20. 00:39 - the left and liberal Hollywood and the
  21. 00:41 - entertainment industry and a rich man
  22. 00:43 - using his power and influence to take
  23. 00:45 - advantage of harass assault and abuse
  24. 00:47 - women I get it all right no you're
  25. 00:51 - trying to do but like I get it all right
  26. 00:54 - but but let's move on all right we're
  27. 00:56 - definitely not going to talk about him
  28. 00:58 - again in the context of this topic I
  29. 01:01 - promise so here's some news media mogul
  30. 01:06 - Harvey Weinstein has been accused of a
  31. 01:07 - lot of just disgusting abuses of power
  32. 01:10 - and taking advantage of young women and
  33. 01:12 - jerking off into plants and just just
  34. 01:14 - lots of stuff don't want to describe it
  35. 01:16 - all pretty pretty gross end up setting
  36. 01:19 - so instead here's a quick round of petty
  37. 01:21 - joke junction
  38. 01:23 - Harvey Weinstein you look like a
  39. 01:25 - discontinued McDonaldland character
  40. 01:27 - Harvey Weinstein you look like a
  41. 01:29 - teamster questioning Jimmy Hoffa's
  42. 01:31 - disappearance Harvey Weinstein you look
  43. 01:33 - like a suspect in a true crime Netflix
  44. 01:35 - documentary starring Steve Bannon if I
  45. 01:37 - tried to write a movie about a sweaty
  46. 01:39 - fat movie producer who lured young women
  47. 01:41 - into his hotel and sexually assaulted
  48. 01:43 - them producers would say it's too
  49. 01:44 - on-the-nose
  50. 01:45 - but if I wrote that same movie and was a
  51. 01:47 - woman Harvey Weinstein would rape me
  52. 01:49 - Harvey Weinstein looks like a police
  53. 01:51 - sketch of the richest duck in the world
  54. 01:54 - Harvey Weinstein perpetually looks like
  55. 01:56 - his own face just found out about what
  56. 01:58 - he's done and he's just one of many
  57. 02:02 - and even though tucker carlson tweeted
  58. 02:04 - hollywood is corrupt the powerful prey
  59. 02:06 - upon the weak and nobody is held
  60. 02:07 - accountable
  61. 02:08 - hashtag tucker at foxnews this isn't
  62. 02:12 - just a hollywood problem as evidenced by
  63. 02:15 - at foxnews it's not a left or a right
  64. 02:18 - problem it's everywhere it's a men
  65. 02:20 - problem and a power problem and whatever
  66. 02:23 - sexual assault comes up there are a lot
  67. 02:25 - of questions why didn't these women come
  68. 02:26 - forward earlier are some of them lying
  69. 02:28 - why did they let this happen in the
  70. 02:30 - first place why don't women speak out
  71. 02:31 - more which brings us to our new brief
  72. 02:34 - and hopefully one-time segment shut the
  73. 02:36 - fuck up develop empathy read a book and
  74. 02:39 - listen to a woman there are so many
  75. 02:42 - reasons it's hard to come forward
  76. 02:44 - especially in an industry that can
  77. 02:46 - punish and shame you for speaking out
  78. 02:47 - there's guilt self-worth it's traumatic
  79. 02:49 - to relive it you questioned whether it
  80. 02:51 - was your fault
  81. 02:52 - you questioned your own value you don't
  82. 02:54 - know what to do it's scary to accuse
  83. 02:56 - powerful men of things you don't think
  84. 02:57 - people will believe you and you don't
  85. 02:59 - want to be attacked for speaking out you
  86. 03:01 - know if you do ghouls might publish
  87. 03:03 - something like this those aren't even
  88. 03:05 - all the reasons and it's so frustrating
  89. 03:08 - that at this point we even need to
  90. 03:10 - discuss that part or point to the fact
  91. 03:12 - that yes even Terry Crews can be
  92. 03:13 - sexually harassed and not know what to
  93. 03:15 - do or say about it a lot of guys might
  94. 03:17 - think but well why did she even let it
  95. 03:19 - happen
  96. 03:20 - fight or flight you know fight or flight
  97. 03:22 - well fight or flight are actually only
  98. 03:24 - two fifths of the reactions people have
  99. 03:26 - when they're afraid and going through
  100. 03:28 - trauma the others are friend which we
  101. 03:30 - learned first as babies freeze and flop
  102. 03:33 - they're all natural reactions to the
  103. 03:36 - situation
  104. 03:37 - and if you don't understand why someone
  105. 03:38 - might not do the one you would do go do
  106. 03:42 - the name of this segment also scientists
  107. 03:45 - have found that men tend to react with
  108. 03:47 - fight-or-flight and women with friend or
  109. 03:49 - freeze so the next time you're like
  110. 03:51 - finally she's into this after pressuring
  111. 03:53 - her into it can cool it man cool it so
  112. 04:01 - we can talk about all the brave women
  113. 04:03 - who have come forward and shamed those
  114. 04:04 - who haven't but they've done their part
  115. 04:06 - and shouldn't have had to
  116. 04:08 - and the industry's done its part to
  117. 04:10 - silence them despite Weinstein's
  118. 04:11 - behavior being an open secret for
  119. 04:13 - decades congratulations you five ladies
  120. 04:16 - no longer have to pretend to be
  121. 04:18 - attracted to Harvey Weinstein
  122. 04:25 - through HR departments through but he's
  123. 04:28 - a nice guy them through NBC trying to
  124. 04:31 - kill the story through court settlements
  125. 04:33 - it happened at Fox it happened with the
  126. 04:35 - president ooh the president all right
  127. 04:37 - that's right the president's ex-wife and
  128. 04:39 - vana claimed that after a botched hair
  129. 04:40 - surgery Trump came home furious ripped
  130. 04:43 - some of her hair out of her scalp and
  131. 04:45 - violently forced himself on her now many
  132. 04:47 - of you men might be saying but
  133. 04:51 - newsperson she took it back later but
  134. 04:54 - actually what she took back was the word
  135. 04:56 - rape she said she wouldn't describe it
  136. 04:58 - as rape in the criminal sense she's
  137. 05:01 - never taken back the account of what
  138. 05:03 - happened
  139. 05:04 - that's our president but hey join the
  140. 05:08 - club I guess of men who have not paid
  141. 05:10 - for their actions but Weinstein at least
  142. 05:12 - has been removed from his company and is
  143. 05:14 - traveling out of the country for rehab
  144. 05:15 - for his sex addiction which is a fun way
  145. 05:17 - to say fleeing the country for rape but
  146. 05:22 - how did he really get away with this for
  147. 05:24 - so long did nobody know hard to believe
  148. 05:27 - considering the phrase open secret is
  149. 05:29 - used so much in relation to it hard to
  150. 05:31 - believe that nobody knew but that's what
  151. 05:34 - you'd have to think seeing as how every
  152. 05:35 - single statement from a list actors is
  153. 05:37 - about how appalled they are to hear
  154. 05:39 - these stories which they didn't know
  155. 05:41 - about Ben Affleck for example said as
  156. 05:44 - much although then Rose McGowan one of
  157. 05:45 - Harvey's victims who was silenced by a
  158. 05:47 - settlement and has since been silenced
  159. 05:49 - by Twitter for speaking out pointed out
  160. 05:51 - to Ben that at her press conference
  161. 05:52 - about Weinstein's harassment Ben told
  162. 05:54 - her
  163. 05:55 - goddamnit I told him to stop doing that
  164. 05:57 - so apparently he knew told him to stop
  165. 06:00 - found out he hadn't kept knowing time
  166. 06:03 - passed and then lied about never knowing
  167. 06:06 - and there's no way he wasn't the only
  168. 06:08 - one so special offer to the first a list
  169. 06:11 - actor who says I knew because we all
  170. 06:13 - knew and we did nothing gets a single
  171. 06:16 - Oreo its Minnie it's only Minnie
  172. 06:22 - congratulations and good luck to you all
  173. 06:24 - and the first a list actor to say I do
  174. 06:27 - it too and so does my brother gets to
  175. 06:29 - stop being Batman because Ben Affleck is
  176. 06:32 - the subject of many accusations of using
  177. 06:34 - his position of power
  178. 06:35 - grow up young women as is his brother
  179. 06:36 - Casey because when you're started they
  180. 06:39 - let you do it you can do anything
  181. 06:40 - whatever you want
  182. 06:41 - grab a brother though to be fair the
  183. 06:44 - Batman apologized for one of his
  184. 06:46 - accusations though to be really fair and
  185. 06:48 - to quote Rose McGowan Ben Affleck fuck
  186. 06:50 - off which brings us to fun penny joke
  187. 06:53 - Junction again Ben Affleck you look like
  188. 06:56 - a Halloween mask of Luke Perry been
  189. 06:59 - since I had daughters I learned to see
  190. 07:01 - women as people Affleck looks like a
  191. 07:03 - substitute teacher who eats lunch in the
  192. 07:04 - cafeteria with all the students Ben
  193. 07:06 - Affleck whose last big thing was how sad
  194. 07:09 - he looked about Batman sucking is what
  195. 07:11 - happens when a neck becomes a whole
  196. 07:12 - person not only is Ben Affleck bad at
  197. 07:15 - blackjack but he also is the kind of guy
  198. 07:17 - who cares that he's bad at blackjack Ben
  199. 07:19 - Affleck you look like a Ken doll to Lego
  200. 07:24 - and if Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and
  201. 07:27 - all these actors knew about it but did
  202. 07:29 - nothing and won't even admit that come
  203. 07:31 - they're rich they'll be fine there are
  204. 07:34 - so many more talented people available
  205. 07:36 - to be movie stars who don't do this and
  206. 07:39 - maybe power and money will change those
  207. 07:40 - people as money and power so often and
  208. 07:43 - easily do but holy hell get your house
  209. 07:45 - in order dudes you win an Act II award
  210. 07:49 - and then you give a long and passionate
  211. 07:50 - speech about how Trump sucks but like we
  212. 07:53 - know Trump sucks and Hollywood liberals
  213. 07:56 - going off on him on the night where they
  214. 07:58 - celebrate each other is not necessary
  215. 08:00 - you know what you could do
  216. 08:02 - it would be powerful and important win
  217. 08:04 - an award and then in front of all of
  218. 08:06 - your colleagues protest the disgusting
  219. 08:08 - open secrets in your industry use your
  220. 08:10 - platform in a way that would actually be
  221. 08:12 - effective stop doing PSAs and interviews
  222. 08:15 - where you talk about needing gun control
  223. 08:17 - and instead stop making movies where you
  224. 08:19 - look like a badass with a gun you
  225. 08:22 - influence the culture with your art so
  226. 08:24 - like do that talk about the disgusting
  227. 08:28 - powerful people taking advantage of
  228. 08:29 - young women win an award and then talk
  229. 08:32 - about the child abuse that Corey
  230. 08:33 - Feldman's talked about for years that
  231. 08:35 - Judy Garland talked about for decades
  232. 08:36 - the child abuse about which there's a
  233. 08:38 - whole documentary literally called an
  234. 08:40 - open secret because everybody knows and
  235. 08:42 - we know you know so say it and fix it
  236. 08:45 - because Weinstein's not the last one to
  237. 08:48 - be exposed which is to say he's not the
  238. 08:50 - last one to be known about for decades
  239. 08:51 - until the official acceptable amount of
  240. 08:53 - dozens of women are finally believed be
  241. 08:56 - honest liars as sad as it is to say one
  242. 09:00 - of the most honest men who've spoken
  243. 09:02 - about Weinstein is again sorry the
  244. 09:05 - president who said I've known Harvey for
  245. 09:08 - a long time I'm not at all surprised to
  246. 09:11 - see it mmm I wonder why a rich powerful
  247. 09:14 - man with a history of sexual or
  248. 09:15 - harassment charges wouldn't be surprised
  249. 09:17 - about his friend Harvey's behavior
  250. 09:18 - probably wasn't surprised about Bill
  251. 09:20 - O'Reilly either or Roger Ailes probably
  252. 09:22 - won't be surprised about Sean Hannity
  253. 09:24 - though to be fair let's allow Sean to
  254. 09:26 - defend himself by showing how he talks
  255. 09:28 - to women in public
  256. 09:31 - rather head oh man take you backstage to
  257. 09:35 - me and I'm sure that public display is
  258. 09:42 - in no way indicative of his behavior in
  259. 09:44 - private which brings us to yes
  260. 09:46 - petty joke Junction again Sean Hannity
  261. 09:49 - you look like a muppet guidance
  262. 09:51 - counselor's used to teach children about
  263. 09:52 - divorce Sean Hannity you look like a
  264. 09:54 - Little League coach who starts his son
  265. 09:56 - as pitcher every game shot Hannity looks
  266. 09:58 - like one of those guys who's never even
  267. 10:00 - seen and it's somehow bizarrely proud of
  268. 10:02 - that fact
  269. 10:03 - fun fact Sean Hannity goes to Supercuts
  270. 10:06 - and asks for the Franken berries ghost
  271. 10:08 - Sean Hannity still has to physically
  272. 10:10 - plug his nose whenever he jumps into a
  273. 10:12 - pool Sean Hannity has never had a
  274. 10:14 - consensual conversation Sean Hannity has
  275. 10:16 - a pair of rollerblades that he has never
  276. 10:18 - opened Sean Hannity you look like a
  277. 10:20 - cardboard cutout of Ben Affleck got
  278. 10:22 - Doreen grade
  279. 10:26 - anyway back to the good president and
  280. 10:28 - his apparent knowledge of at least
  281. 10:30 - Harvey Weinstein's behavior mr.
  282. 10:32 - president in the interest of draining
  283. 10:33 - the swamp it would be great if you could
  284. 10:35 - call out other people about this kind of
  285. 10:36 - thing because men need to call each
  286. 10:38 - other out for this and support and
  287. 10:39 - believe women you've been accused of
  288. 10:41 - this louis c.k has been accused a lot of
  289. 10:44 - jerking off in front of young female
  290. 10:45 - comics and locking the door so they
  291. 10:47 - can't leave it's yes an open secret
  292. 10:50 - Michael Bay makes underage girls
  293. 10:52 - audition in bikinis Bryan Singer's been
  294. 10:54 - accused by underage boys there are lots
  295. 10:56 - of them Jeff Epstein is a rich powerful
  296. 10:58 - man who was also a pedophile and who
  297. 11:01 - notoriously flew rich men on the lolita
  298. 11:03 - Express one passenger on the flight logs
  299. 11:05 - is Bill Clinton rapist Donald Trump is
  300. 11:08 - friends with Epstein to saying of the
  301. 11:10 - pedophile quote I've known Jeff for 15
  302. 11:12 - years terrific guy he's a lot of fun to
  303. 11:15 - be with and his even said that he likes
  304. 11:17 - beautiful women as much as I do and many
  305. 11:19 - of them are on the younger side no doubt
  306. 11:21 - about it
  307. 11:22 - Jeffery enjoys his social life hmm
  308. 11:25 - sounds like you know more than you're
  309. 11:27 - letting on mr. president so lead the way
  310. 11:30 - mr. president as we've been told by the
  311. 11:33 - dumbest mother nobody respects women
  312. 11:36 - more than you do leave a clip of that
  313. 11:38 - nobody respects women more than I do
  314. 11:40 - oh it was you the whole time you're the
  315. 11:42 - dumbest mother on the planet but if it's
  316. 11:45 - true and nobody respects women more than
  317. 11:47 - you do and be the rose mcgowan you want
  318. 11:49 - to see in the world actually not the one
  319. 11:51 - you want to see because that version is
  320. 11:53 - probably on the younger side
  321. 11:58 - [Music]
  322. 12:14 - every word of those words in that video
  323. 12:16 - if you want to subscribe to our channel
  324. 12:17 - if it's C in the middle if you wanted to
  325. 12:19 - get notifications when you have new
  326. 12:20 - videos click the bell icon here are all
  327. 12:22 - the things that happen every hour in the
  328. 12:24 - news and you can only pick so many
  329. 12:25 - things cuz it's too much so don't forget
  330. 12:26 - about Puerto Rico don't forget about
  331. 12:28 - health care and don't
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