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Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. Working for Grizzco was such a drag, every shift ended with sore muscles, dehydration, and grime somehow getting under the suit even after making sure everything was covered. The only thing that kept her going were her friends assuring her that it would be so much fun to earn enough money to go out for fun on the weekends. Of course, they worked not nearly as hard as she did, her friends needed revivals at least five times a game. Today they had already said their goodbyes and run off, leaving her alone in the locker room. She preferred to be alone anyways, her friends seemed weirdly okay with undressing in front of others, but she preferred to change in the bathroom stalls. The girl sat on the bench, checking the messages on her phone, when a quiet noise was heard from around the corner. It started as a low static noise, gradually getting clearer.
  2. "-llo? Can you hear this?" The voice was coming from a small bear statue that Mr. Grizz used to communicate with the group. His voice was almost unrecognizable, as usually she had heard it yelling aggressively. The girl walked over to the statue, looking it over puzzlingly.
  3. "Hello...?" She meekly answered back.
  4. "Ah good, you're still there. Great job on the runs today." The voice rang, somewhat distorted from the radio static. The girl was taken aback from the sudden compliment.
  5. "T-Thank you, sir." She bowed her head, realizing how stupid it was, as he couldn't see her doing it.
  6. "Your shift is over, but I have some extra work if you're willing to earn some overtime." The voice trailed off, almost coyly. "I have a really special job for you that I only let my best profreshionals do. I'm willing to pay 30 sea snails if you can do a good job at it." The girl almost lost her footing with how shocked she was. 30 snails was even more than she could ever get in a single splatfest, and far more payment than any job for Grizzco. Her mind began swimming with the possibilities of what this job could be, surely it was something challenging for how much it paid. However, she really wanted to improve her gear to be the best in her league, she had to accept.
  7. "I uh.... I guess I'm up for it, sir." She backed her statement with a false sense of confidence, hoping to cover her nervousness. A sound crackled over the radio, it almost sounded like laughter.
  8. "Fantastic, I knew I could trust you with this. Please meet at my office. The door will be unlocked, please lock it behind you so nobody else comes in." The radio static up out, signaling the end of his transmission. The girl was nervous, but the promise of those sea snails drove her to walk with proud strides down to the office. Normally the door was locked and every worker was forbidden to do as much as knock, but as Mr. Grizz had said the door was open. The girl let herself in and flipped the metal lock behind her.
  9. She looked around to find a mostly empty room, a few chairs sat at the sides of the room and a table laid at the center. A speaker in the corner of the ceiling sounded out with static before clearing to the voice of Mr. Grizz.
  10. "Do you see what's on the table in front of you?" The voice seemed to echo, as if the sound was coming from both the speaker, as well as the next room over. The girl walked slowly to the table to find only a single black strip of fabric laid neatly on top.
  11. "Yeah, what about it?" She spoke into the air, turning herself around unsure of what direction she should be speaking to.
  12. "I want you to blindfold yourself with it." The coldness of the statement sent a shiver down her spine. The girl's mind was sent into a panic, several conflicting thoughts began screaming all at once, and yet she couldn't bring herself to move a muscle. "I said put the blindfold on." The voice has a growing anger behind it now. "You want those sea snails, don't you?" The girl reached a trembling hand to pick up the cloth. It was a cool satin, fluttering down her hand as she picked it up to examine it closer. Her heart was beating out of her chest, but she fastened the cloth around her eyes and behind her head.
  13. "Alright, I did it." She yelled out, losing much of the false confidence that she held before. She head a sharp static noise from the speaker, then silence. Suddenly the sound of a door opening caused the girl to jump, steadying herself on the edge of the table.
  14. "You know how it is, if one worker sees me, word gets out and then there's no point in hiding my identity." A gruff voice mumbled, followed by the sound of a door closing. There was no mistaking it, this was the Mr. Grizz behind the radio. The girl twiddled her thumbs together, awkwardly trying to face the source of the voice. "Let's cut to the chase." The voice became closer, each heavy footstep of the man feeling like a clap of thunder. "You do something for me, I give you the payment, and if you're really good, I'll let you do this again." The girl quickly nodded her head, tightening the blindfold assuringly.
  15. "Yeah, uh, I can do that..." she shifted her weight to the other leg, trying to release the tension in her body. "What do you want me to do?" The footsteps of the men drew closer and closer until she could feel a warmth in front of her.
  16. "Get on your knees." His breath brushed against the top of her head. The girl let out a squeal of surprise, falling clumsily on the floor.
  17. "What...what...?" She stammered, sliding backwards on the floor. A deep groan of annoyance was heard.
  18. "I'm not going to hurt you, just get on your knees and we can finish this faster, then you can get your payment." Loud foot steps edged closer to the girl, followed by a feeling of being picked up by the shirt collar, forcing her to sit on her knees. The girl steadied herself to a comfortable sitting position. Suddenly she felt completely helpless in the situation, maybe it was better to just follow through with what he wanted than to make a big fuss against it. The girl sat quietly and small sound of movement were heard.
  19. "Open your mouth." He ordered. The girl was shaking with nerves, by hesitantly complied. Suddenly something hot and large was thrusted into her mouth, causing her to gag and spit down her chin. "Suck. Don't even think about using teeth, or you get nothing." His voice was now intimidating enough to convince her fully that this was a bad idea. She had never had a boyfriend or given a blowjob, but she'd seen videos of it done. The girl closed her lips around the cock, taking as much as she could without gagging. She couldn't judge exactly how big it was, but it was definitely too big to take all of it in her mouth. She slowly bobbed her head back and forth, trailing her tongue along the underside. He seemed to definitely be enjoying it, placing a hand behind her head and letting out a low hum. She quickened her pace, hoping to get him off faster so she could leave. Suddenly her head was shoved into his groin, taking the full length of his cock down her throat. She struggled against him, but his grip was too strong. She coughed out thick strings of saliva, dropping down her chin and onto her lap. She started to feel a desperate need to breathe when he let go. She coughed and gasped for air, clenching her fist against her chest.
  20. "I didn't tell you to stop." He growled, grabbing her head and forcing his cock in her mouth again. The girl struggled briefly before giving up and letting her mouth be used as a cocksleeve. He thrusted down her throat rhythmically, making her wince with every thrust. Surprisingly, his throat fucking stopped, pulling himself out of her mouth with a long string of spit.
  21. "Hey uh..." his voice sounded strained and unsure. "I'll give you 20 more seasnails if I can fuck you." The girl choked, drooling even more over herself.
  22. "But I'm...I never uh, never before!" She shook violently with nerves.
  23. "I'll make it 50. Please." His voice became desperate. The girl pondered briefly. That would be a total of 80 sea snails, way more than she could ever need in a month. It could buy a lot of things she really needed. After all, she had already come this far, why not go a little further? The girl slowly nodded her head.
  24. "What do I do?" She fidgeted awkwardly on the ground. Large limbs lifted her up, leaning her against the table she had seen prior.
  25. "I'll handle all of it." His warm breath on the back of her neck sent shivers down her spine. She could feel her shorts slowly being slid off, followed by her underwear. "You're already wet?" He mumbled to himself. She hadn't even noticed how turned on she had gotten, feeling somewhat embarrassed by it. She felt him position himself at her crux. Suddenly the girl was starting to doubt herself.
  26. "Wait! Give me a second!-" he thrusted into her as she let out a loud pained moan. His dick felt even bigger inside her, hitting her deep inside. He began slowly, but soon lost all self control thrusting into her as he gripped her hips.
  27. "Yeah that's it... What a good little worker you are." She felt a long warm tongue slide along her neck to her cheek. "You inklings are so fucking easy. Just a little grease to get the wheels turning and here you are, squeezing down on my cock like a slut." The girl started moaning louder, losing all feelings of pain or humility. Even though it would normally hurt her feelings, he words were really turning her on. "For a virgin, you really are a whore. I'll get so used to this tightness, I won't want anything else." His thrusts became more sporadic, his breathing becoming stressed as well. The girl felt him pull out of her and cum on her ass. The girl breathed heavily, her legs barely holding her up. She heard him catch his breath and fix his pants back on before walking away. The same creaky door opened as the footsteps followed through.
  28. "Pick up your payment at the window. There's more where that came from if you want more." He chuckled to himself before closing the door, leaving her blindfolded, covered in cum, and alone.
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