
Log 8/28/13

Aug 28th, 2013
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  2. 00:00:11: <Marzipan> guys
  3. 00:00:25: <Marzipan> do any of you know any good recording softwaaaareee
  4. 00:00:44: <Protopulse> fraps camtasia
  5. 00:00:52: <Protopulse> camtasia for desktop fraps for gameplay
  6. 00:01:19: <Last> deathmonkey chicken nugget noodle soup waterpark?
  7. 00:08:01: <Last>
  8. 00:08:57: <Protopulse> lol
  9. 00:08:58: <Protopulse> not fake at all!
  10. 00:12:44: <Hemu> that reminds me of one time when shrub went on yahoo answers and asked if Trucks were real or something
  11. 00:13:04: <Protopulse> well
  12. 00:13:05: <Protopulse> are they?
  13. 00:13:30: <Hemu> of course not, are you crazy
  14. 00:13:48: <Protopulse> oh thank god
  15. 00:13:51: <Uniju> im an american and i can confirm trucks are real
  16. 00:13:52: <Protopulse> i can sleep at night, finally
  17. 00:13:54: <Protopulse> WAIT
  18. 00:13:54: <Protopulse> WHAT
  19. 00:14:09: <Uniju> my dad used to have a truck
  20. 00:14:15: <Marzipan> oooohhh
  21. 00:14:17: <Marzipan> tell us more
  22. 00:14:21: <Hemu> must be a New England thing
  23. 00:14:23: <Uniju> it was white
  24. 00:14:53: <Hemu> silly East Coasters and their trucks
  25. 00:15:06: <Hemu> next they'll be convincing us to call water fountains bubblers
  26. 00:15:19: <Uniju> *bubblas
  27. 00:15:26: <Protopulse> i bet those plebians call cold-on-the-cob "popsicles"
  28. 00:15:57: <Uniju> cold on the cob more like corn on the cob...... cuz hemu is from the midwest........ l-l-lol
  29. 00:16:27: <Hemu> I can confirm, in the midwest there are corns on the cob
  30. 00:18:41: <Hemu> and Honeycrisp Apples
  31. 00:18:45: <Hemu> which are delicious
  32. 00:21:18: <Arale> so
  33. 00:21:38: <Protopulse> hey arale what bitcoin wallet do you use
  34. 00:21:42: <Hemu> anyone who denies the deliciousness of Honeycrisp Apples are lying
  35. 00:21:47: <Arale> coinbase
  36. 00:21:53: <Last> yup
  37. 00:22:13: <Hemu> *is lying
  38. 00:23:33: <Arale> i have a lot of ideas for a video game
  39. 00:23:43: <Arale> right down to making fake "changelogs" for it
  40. 00:23:49: <Protopulse> >idea guy
  41. 00:23:53: <Arale> but im not sure when
  42. 00:23:56: <Arale> i'll be able to make the game
  43. 00:26:45: <Hemu> only George Lucas can afford to be an idea guy because $$$$
  44. 00:27:02: <Protopulse> <Protopulse> who needs programming when i can just be an ideas guy, get a degree in game design and <s>live on the street</s> be rich!
  45. 00:27:29: <Arale> additionally i have no idea how i'd go about distributing the game
  46. 00:27:30: <Hemu> because the game industry is just lacking in idea guys
  47. 00:27:46: <Protopulse> yeah dude totally
  48. 00:27:58: <Protopulse> the game industry isnt falling apart either! right?
  49. 00:28:07: <Protopulse> and EVERYBODY hires people with game design degrees!
  50. 00:28:13: <Arale> i'd want to make the game cost some amount of money eventually because eventually it'll be a substantial game. BUT, the game definitely can't be sold at first, until much later in the process.
  51. 00:28:41: <Protopulse> what languages do you know
  52. 00:28:41: <Arale> however, i'll be releasing beta updates for a long, LONG time before it hits a "1.0" state
  53. 00:28:58: <Hemu> what are you Dwarf Fortress
  54. 00:29:43: <Arale> yes because clearly thats the first game to use perpetual betas
  55. 00:30:06: <Hemu> it was a reference to the 1.0 thing Arale
  56. 00:30:35: <Arale> there are a shit ton of games that take 400ever to reach 1.0 is the thing
  57. 00:30:36: <Arale> except
  58. 00:30:43: <Arale> i guess theyre pretty obscure
  59. 00:30:43: <Protopulse> what languages do you know
  60. 00:30:57: <Arale> uhh, inform but that obviouslly won't help me lol
  61. 00:31:06: <Protopulse> also i just found something cool that douchey lol
  62. 00:31:06: <Hemu> Tarn Adams considers the game his life's work, and has stated that he does not expect version 1.0 to be released for at least another twenty years
  63. 00:31:16: <Protopulse> a raspberry pi bitcoin -> wifi hotspot
  64. 00:31:45: <Hemu> /20 years/
  65. 00:31:53: <Shroobario> aaaaaaaaaand i've read all 241 chapters of this manga that are currently out
  66. 00:31:56: <Hemu> the 1.0 thing is an in-joke amongst the DF community
  67. 00:32:04: <Shroobario> the boredom will hit in 3... 2... 1.............
  68. 00:32:09: <Hemu> that I don't remember how I found out about
  69. 00:32:22: <Arale> in my plans i'm having like
  70. 00:32:37: <Arale> multiple development stages that each reach a 1.0, and then i move on to the next stage
  71. 00:32:49: <Arale> so the first one is Testing, and that's like getting the base game set up
  72. 00:33:08: <Arale> the second phase is working on the mode that contains lots of quests and bosses and dungeons and blahblah basically just extending the gameplay in many directions
  73. 00:33:36: <Arale> the third one is the MP-only modes like capture the flag and shit
  74. 00:33:40: <Arale> idk what after that
  75. 00:33:47: <Protopulse> >ideas guy
  76. 00:34:01: <Protopulse> i actually dont have any ideas, nor the effort to learn anything!
  77. 00:34:20: <Arale> im not even working on the game yet its just a lot of writing in a notebook holy f
  78. 00:34:41: <Shroobario> maybe now i should watch the anime and complain about how it doesnt do the manga justice or something
  79. 00:36:34: <Arale> yeah i basically just can't think of any real time to make the game a profit-thingy
  80. 00:37:21: <Arale> i guess i could offer adventure 1.0 as the retail edition but like i'd hate for people to get to adventure 0.[whatever] and then hit a brick wall cause they dont have $$$
  81. 00:38:11: <Protopulse> >making games to get money
  82. 00:38:26: <Arale> wow can you just fuck off already
  83. 00:38:37: <Protopulse> no, you tard
  84. 00:38:45: <Protopulse> who the fuck makes games to get money
  85. 00:38:51: <Arale> the entire point of what im saying is that i think that i want to sell this video game but i cant sell it because i /dont/ want to charge people money :/
  86. 00:38:57: <Protopulse> screw the enjoyment of the customers
  87. 00:39:04: <Protopulse> good goyim buy game have "fun"
  88. 00:39:30: <Arale> holy shit fine i'll give the game away for free after pouring lots of hours of work into it good idea
  89. 00:39:43: <Protopulse> i dont care what the fuck you do with your ideas guy crap
  90. 00:39:56: <Arale> holy shit i'm going to make the game by myself you douche
  91. 00:40:02: <Arale> all i said was i had some ideas in a notebook
  92. 00:40:12: <Protopulse> but the fact that you are like OKAY ILL SELL IT when still writing ideas
  93. 00:40:18: <Protopulse> makes you a massive fuckin jew :P
  94. 00:40:32: <Arale> like
  95. 00:40:32: <Arale> my ideas are kind of in-depth
  96. 00:40:35: <Shroobario> oh cuz jew = greedy, that's not offensive at all
  97. 00:40:37: <Arale> down to the exact changelog notation
  98. 00:40:38: <Shroobario> you fucking faggot
  99. 00:40:46: <Protopulse> nobody cares you cumguzzling whore
  100. 00:41:15: <Arale> my problem is i can't spontaneously just decide to sell the game if i made it and then go "well now im selling it cause its popular" like its just fucking stupid i have to decide this ahead of time
  101. 00:41:33: <Protopulse> "okay im gonna work for video games here is an idea IM GONNA SELL IT"
  102. 00:41:37: <Shroobario> it's yogurtastic
  103. 00:41:45: <Arale> fine, i wont make the fucking game
  104. 00:41:56: <Arale> in fact i wont make any games
  105. 00:41:59: <Hemu> white girls with no ass gotta stop twerking
  106. 00:41:59: <Protopulse> make != write about idea
  107. 00:42:07: <Shroobario> you just stopped the GOTY from being made, proto
  108. 00:42:09: <Protopulse> hemu the ass was DEFORMED
  109. 00:42:11: <Shroobario> good job
  110. 00:42:11: <Arale> no, fuck you, fuck this
  111. 00:42:18: <Hemu> just leave it to the Brazilian white girls who have nice asses
  112. 00:42:28: <Shroobario> are we talking about miley cyrus thing now?
  113. 00:42:28: <Protopulse> it was like a muffin top
  114. 00:42:30: <Protopulse> for an ass
  115. 00:42:57: <Hemu> what miley cyrus thing
  116. 00:43:00: <Ye>
  117. 00:43:06: <Shroobario> yes yogurt
  118. 00:43:07: <Shroobario> WE ALL KNOW
  119. 00:43:09: <Ye> wwwwwwwwhhhhhhHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!
  120. 00:43:18: <Hemu> YE IT'S ON THE FUCKING TOPIC
  121. 00:43:24: <Hemu> "YES WE HEARD OF THE 2DS"
  122. 00:43:32: <Protopulse> JEEZ
  123. 00:43:35: <Ye> ;_;
  124. 00:43:38: <Shroobario> you know
  125. 00:43:39: <Arale> infact i am no longer making anything since yknow stereotypes in the industry therefore decide what anybody's capable of doing ever
  126. 00:43:48: <Shroobario> if it wasn't so widely reported and obviously official
  127. 00:43:53: <Protopulse> i wanna work for video games!
  128. 00:43:56: <Shroobario> I'd so dismiss the 2DS as an elaborate prank
  129. 00:44:01: <Shroobario> it looks like an elaborate prank
  130. 00:44:05: <Shroobario> nothing about it seems real
  131. 00:44:11: <Arale> sorry i have ideas for video games on a nintendo fanon wiki
  132. 00:44:14: <Shroobario> it seems like the exact kind of joke somebody would make about this
  133. 00:44:21: <Hemu> IT DOESN'T FOLD
  134. 00:44:21: <Arale> next time i'll make video games without coming up with any ideas first and see how it goes from there
  135. 00:44:23: <Shroobario> but nope
  136. 00:44:24: <Shroobario> it exists
  137. 00:44:28: <Hemu> WHO MAKES A DS THAT DOESN'T FOLD
  138. 00:44:29: <Arale> (i'll give you a hint as to what it goes, it goes to quest fantasy)
  139. 00:44:30: <Hemu> WHY
  140. 00:44:32: <Protopulse> uh this isnt the wiki you fag lol
  141. 00:44:32: <Hemu> WHY NINTENDO
  142. 00:44:39: <Arale> holy shit stop using the word fag
  143. 00:44:44: <Protopulse> suck it
  144. 00:45:01: <Hemu> ok mid you're being unnecessarily harsh to leet's stupid ideas
  145. 00:45:10: <Ye> arale: i hope youre kidding because bitch were gonna /make/ the fucking stereotypes gonna OWN THIS SHIT
  146. 00:45:16: <Protopulse> hey guys i have absolutely no programming knowledge but im gonna make a video game and earn a bazillion dollars
  147. 00:45:30: <Shroobario> "mid you're being unnecessarily harsh" when is he not?
  148. 00:45:32: <Arale> > absolutely no programming knowledge
  149. 00:45:34: <Arale> > bazillion dollars
  150. 00:45:40: <Arale> scroll up
  151. 00:45:50: <Arale> i'm not planning on making thins game for years
  152. 00:45:50: <Protopulse> rpg maker != programming knowledge
  153. 00:45:55: <Arale> its just some stuff i have in a journal
  154. 00:45:56: <Hemu> sometimes he is just the right amount of harsh is shrub
  155. 00:46:09: <Protopulse> this statement is too harsh
  156. 00:46:13: <Protopulse> this statement isnt harsh enough
  157. 00:46:17: <Protopulse> this statement is juuuuuuuust right!
  158. 00:46:33: <Arale> apparently i'm not allowed to have ideas? because i'm pretty sure it's a good plan to come up with ideas before you just jump in if you want to make something quality
  159. 00:47:27: <Shroobario> you know though, forget the 2DS,
  160. 00:47:29: <Shroobario> making a game called Layton 7 that is not the seventh professor Layton game has got to be one of the biggest troll moves ever
  161. 00:47:46: <Shroobario> thanks level-5 for all that that hope
  162. 00:47:56: <Shroobario> and thanks for taking it away and turning it all into despair
  163. 00:48:03: <Protopulse> shroob its easy money if you put a big franchise
  164. 00:48:07: <Shroobario> i know
  165. 00:48:09: <Protopulse>
  166. 00:48:12: <Protopulse> momoko-chaaaaaaaaaan
  167. 00:48:17: <Shroobario> I understand why they're using the Layton name
  168. 00:48:23: <Hemu> they should make it all Thi4f like and call it like
  169. 00:48:26: <Hemu> Lay7on
  170. 00:48:27: <Shroobario> but considering the last game in the main series was the sixth
  171. 00:48:32: <Shroobario> with a name like Layton 7
  172. 00:48:47: <Shroobario> I was momentarily really joyous
  173. 00:48:54: <Shroobario> that the seventh layton was announced
  174. 00:48:54: <Hemu> also Thi4f is stupid because e =/= 4
  175. 00:48:56: <Shroobario> but nope
  176. 00:49:09: <Shroobario> just a 3D puzzle game with a gameplay element having to do with the number seven
  177. 00:50:19: <Shroobario> at first i was almost wondering if Level-5 turned into Nintendo
  178. 00:50:24: <Shroobario> and decided to lose all creativity
  179. 00:50:28: <Shroobario> and just go with Layton 7
  180. 00:50:34: <Protopulse> valve is fucking resetting play times
  181. 00:50:35: <Shroobario> Mario Kart 7 style
  182. 00:50:45: <Protopulse> how could i possibly have 0.1 hours in skullgirls, valve
  183. 00:50:46: <Shroobario> HAHAHA VALVE IS WHAT?
  184. 00:50:55: <Protopulse> i played it for fuckin 3 hours and beat the story with every character!
  185. 00:50:55: <Shroobario> like for real?
  186. 00:50:57: <Shroobario> for everything?
  187. 00:51:06: <Protopulse> idk shit got reverted for my recently played though
  188. 00:51:11: <Shroobario> oh ok
  189. 00:51:17: <Protopulse> 0.0 hours on record
  190. 00:51:20: <Protopulse> for guncraft
  191. 00:51:20: <Arale> if youre playing on offline mode it can mess somethings up
  192. 00:51:22: <Protopulse> UH NO
  193. 00:51:35: <Protopulse> its not offline mode dumpass
  194. 00:51:47: <Arale> no if you play a game in offline mode or offline at any point in time at all
  195. 00:51:53: <Arale> it can sometimes mess things up
  196. 00:52:00: <Protopulse> holy fuck listen child
  197. 00:52:04: <Protopulse> absolutely no offline
  198. 00:52:04: <Arale> holy fuck could you be possibly more condescneding to people
  199. 00:52:13: <Arale> i was just giving you some fucking advice
  200. 00:52:18: <Protopulse> lots and lots of people got reverted
  201. 00:52:19: <Last> marzipan HALF
  202. 00:52:23: <Arale> that if you did this which you may as well might have it could have happened
  203. 00:52:28: <Last> *halp
  204. 00:52:35: <Arale> sorry i didnt stalk you and figure out everything you've been doing with your games
  205. 00:53:11: <Shroobario> i've played 8 hours
  206. 00:53:13: <Shroobario> according to steam
  207. 00:53:23: <Protopulse> go to your profile
  208. 00:53:25: <Protopulse> recently played
  209. 00:53:26: <Protopulse> its changed
  210. 00:53:52: <Protopulse> arale maybe if you could shut the fuck up and listen for like 2 seconds
  211. 00:54:26: <Arale> its been 2 seconds you douche hurry up
  212. 00:54:36: <Hemu> I'm content that I'm not the only one who thinks the lack of folding is the worst part of the 2DS
  213. 00:54:45: <Arale> hemu does it matter
  214. 00:54:51: <Hemu> YES IT DOES IT DOESN'T
  215. 00:54:52: <Hemu> FOLD
  216. 00:54:53: <Hemu> AJKSHKJDAHSKDJASD
  217. 00:54:54: <Arale> its not aimed at you its aimed at 5 year olds
  218. 00:54:54: <Marzipan> what about HALF leet
  219. 00:54:56: <Marzipan> half life
  220. 00:55:02: <Marzipan> yes i will get half life 2 soon
  221. 00:55:05: <Marzipan> do not worry child
  222. 00:55:11: <Hemu> what fucking five year olds have hands big enough to hold a 2DS
  223. 00:55:18: <Arale> i dont know
  224. 00:55:21: <Arale> but thats what its aimed at
  225. 00:55:23: <Arale> :/
  226. 00:55:25: <Marzipan> the reincarnation of andrew the giant
  227. 00:55:26: <Hemu> my hands can't even fit around that thing
  228. 00:55:35: <Arale> how do you know
  229. 00:55:36: <Hemu> and I'm sure I have bigger hands than a five year old
  230. 00:55:37: <Arale> have you held one
  231. 00:55:50: <Hemu> they showed the size Arale
  233. 00:56:17: <Hemu> it's too wide to hold like a Phone, but too long to hold like a DS
  234. 00:56:27: <Shroobario> you must have tiny hands though
  235. 00:56:31: <Protopulse> isnt it appearently suprisingly comfortable to hold
  236. 00:56:33: <Hemu> I do have tiny hands
  237. 00:56:47: <Hemu> I am indian after all
  238. 00:57:44: <cornelius> is that a stereotype
  239. 00:57:49: <cornelius> ive never heard that one before
  240. 00:58:00: <Hemu> it's a combination of two stereotypes
  241. 00:58:15: <Protopulse> tech support has to fit in there somewhere
  242. 00:58:21: <Arale>
  243. 00:58:22: <Hemu> Indians have small penises, and people with small hands have small feet and therefore small... socks
  244. 00:58:41: <Arale> life hacks: lie steal and cheat
  245. 00:58:57: <Marzipan> helpful
  246. 00:59:00: <Protopulse> what the fuck would that even do
  247. 00:59:03: <Protopulse> jam it?
  248. 00:59:08: <Arale>
  249. 00:59:10: <Protopulse> OH BOY DIRTY CANDY FROM A PUBLIC MACHINE
  250. 00:59:12: <Arale> no idea but apparently you profit
  251. 00:59:13: <Protopulse> I WIN AGAIN, GOVERNMENT
  252. 00:59:13: <Marzipan> free gumballs yo
  253. 00:59:25: <Protopulse> OKAY LETS FINISH THOSE BETS
  254. 00:59:29: <Protopulse> hold on i gotta go... turn on the oven
  255. 00:59:33: <cornelius> the candy isnt dirty
  256. 00:59:34: <Protopulse> for no reason whatsoever...
  257. 00:59:38: <cornelius> unless its a really shitty place
  258. 00:59:50: <Protopulse> i bet you think ice machines in fast food are clean
  259. 00:59:55: <Arale> <Protopulse> sure it is you filthy shitfuck fagmatron
  260. 01:00:00: <Uniju> do indians really have small penises
  261. 01:00:02: <Arale> <Protopulse> don't you know anything about candy you loser
  262. 01:00:16: <Hemu> Unfortunately, yes Uni
  263. 01:00:21: <Protopulse> <Arale> wow not everybody can have candy chek ur privilege AM I FUNE NOW?!??!?!
  264. 01:00:26: <Uniju> i heard somewhere that penis size was inversley correlated with average temperature but i guess thats bool sheet
  265. 01:00:31: <Arale> k
  266. 01:00:44: <cornelius> well ideally yes they are supposed to be clean proto
  267. 01:00:57: <Protopulse> lol no
  268. 01:01:11: <Hemu>
  269. 01:01:14: <Protopulse> fast food places bathrooms are cleaner than their ice machines
  270. 01:01:16: <Hemu> there is proof Uni
  271. 01:01:23: <Arale> <person> words <proto> LOL
  272. 01:01:41: <cornelius> uh that makes absolutely no sense proto
  273. 01:01:44: <Protopulse> XD its funny because hes saying i said something that he thinks i usually do
  274. 01:01:52: <Hemu> dude mcdonalds bathrooms are actually super clean
  275. 01:01:53: <Protopulse> cornelius its science, bitch
  276. 01:01:57: <cornelius> gotta admit his impression is spot on
  277. 01:01:58: <Protopulse> nobody ever cleans the ice machines
  278. 01:02:01: <Protopulse> EVER
  279. 01:02:07: <cornelius> unless people are urinating on the ice machines its not gonna be that dirty
  280. 01:02:09: <Protopulse> where bacteria goes to die
  281. 01:02:20: <Arale> "i know this for reasons! uhh, you want to know what reasons? holy shit go eat your dick you fucking fag"
  282. 01:02:27: <Protopulse> Another Study Determines Restaurant Ice Machines Contain More Bacteria Than Toilet Water
  283. 01:02:28: <Protopulse> get reckt
  284. 01:02:35: <Hemu> in fact mcdonalds has a super strict bathroom policy because if people associate mcdonalds with bad bathrooms then they lose money
  285. 01:02:45: <cornelius> im sure you know all about ice machines in fast food restaurants proto
  286. 01:02:53: <Protopulse> yeah because i can fucking google
  287. 01:02:57: <Hemu> mid just link the study
  288. 01:02:58: <Arale> he studied it unlike you babies studying VIDEO GAMES you FUCKING FAGS
  289. 01:03:00: <Protopulse> its STUDY
  290. 01:03:01: <Uniju> >highest number of HIV infections of any nation.
  291. 01:03:01: <Hemu> linkig always wins
  292. 01:03:07: <Uniju> i wouldve thought this would be in africa
  293. 01:03:14: <Hemu> Africa isn't a nation
  294. 01:03:20: <Protopulse> arale i will kick you for flaming and i will laugh every second of it
  295. 01:03:22: <Uniju> i didnt say africa
  296. 01:03:23: <Uniju> i said in africa
  297. 01:03:26: <Hemu> oh ok
  298. 01:03:31: <Hemu> I misread what you said
  299. 01:03:34: <Arale> but you already laugh every second
  300. 01:03:44: <cornelius> protopulse i will kick you for op abuse and i will laugh every second of it
  301. 01:03:47: <Arale> on account of how you view everybody else as hilarious
  302. 01:03:53: <Protopulse> you cant op abuse though
  303. 01:03:58: <Protopulse> 3 strikes
  304. 01:04:00: <cornelius> even though it doesnt even take a full second to kick you
  305. 01:04:01: <Protopulse> and then your out, buddy
  306. 01:04:11: <Arale> "i will kick you for op abuse" "DONT OP ABUSE"
  307. 01:04:16: <Hemu> is that a rule
  308. 01:04:18: <Arale> hmm something's wrong here
  309. 01:04:21: <Hemu> I didn't know that was a rule
  310. 01:04:21: <cornelius> proto bro you would be op abusing not me
  311. 01:04:26: <cornelius> also i'm a higher rank than you
  312. 01:04:32: <Protopulse> okay?
  313. 01:04:39: <cornelius> also the one other time i op abused was like a year ago jesus
  314. 01:04:47: <Protopulse> thats still 2
  315. 01:04:49: <Uniju> hemu
  316. 01:04:55: <Uniju> did you get tested after your vacation to india
  317. 01:05:02: <Arale> 7:51 Arale no if you play a game in offline mode or offline at any point in time at all 17:51 Arale it can sometimes mess things up 17:52 Protopulse holy fuck listen child
  318. 01:05:06: <Shroobario> `kick Protopulse stop op abusing
  319. 01:05:11: <Hemu> of course
  320. 01:05:12: <cornelius> proto i hate to break it to you but you dont make the rules
  321. 01:05:12: <Protopulse> what the fuck?
  322. 01:05:15: <Arale> better kick yourself after you kick me proto
  323. 01:05:17: <Arale> 7:51 Arale no if you play a game in offline mode or offline at any point in time at all 17:51 Arale it can sometimes mess things up 17:52 Protopulse holy fuck listen child
  324. 01:05:24: <Protopulse> I DIDNT OP ABUSE YOU FUCKING RETARD
  325. 01:05:32: <Shroobario> `kick Protopulse dont talk back to me
  326. 01:05:35: <Arale> "YOU FUCKING RETARD"
  327. 01:05:37: <Arale> wow flaming
  328. 01:05:37: <cornelius> OH SNAP
  329. 01:05:39: <cornelius> BRUN
  330. 01:05:49: <Protopulse> choke on my fucking dick you cum guzzling faggot
  331. 01:06:02: <Arale> HOLY FUCK STOP SAYING FAGGOT
  332. 01:06:03: <Arale> IM SERIOUS
  333. 01:06:05: <Arale> ITS OFFENSIVE
  334. 01:06:07: <cornelius> `kick Protopulse okay that definitely counts as flaming
  335. 01:06:08: <Arale> its a slur
  336. 01:06:08: <Hemu> my parents took me to some fucking Indian doctor who made me do a blood test so I had to get tested because I'm not taking any risks with that shit Uni
  337. 01:06:09: <Protopulse> cry more faggot
  338. 01:06:09: <Shroobario> `kick choke on my foot, you potty-mouthed bad boy
  339. 01:06:14: <Shroobario> dammit...
  340. 01:06:14: <cornelius> oh right i cant kick
  341. 01:06:15: <cornelius> lol
  342. 01:06:17: <Protopulse> LOL
  343. 01:06:22: <Protopulse> im waiting
  344. 01:06:25: <Spark> `kick Protopulse okay that definitely counts as flaming
  345. 01:06:26: <Spark> ok there
  346. 01:06:30: <Arale> thank you so much
  347. 01:06:36: <Hemu> flaaaaaaaaaaaaames
  348. 01:06:45: <Shroobario> well
  349. 01:06:46: <Shroobario> uhm
  350. 01:06:48: <Arale> before you got here he was basically calling me every insult he could think of because i dared to have ideas for video games
  351. 01:06:51: <Spark> can we ban him yet
  352. 01:06:51: <Ye> ...that
  353. 01:06:54: <Ye> self-destructed
  354. 01:07:00: <Spark> pls
  355. 01:07:00: <Shroobario> i think he might be seriously mad now
  356. 01:07:02: <Ye> with incredible haste
  357. 01:07:14: <Hemu> boy, that escalated quickly
  358. 01:07:14: <Spark> good
  359. 01:07:17: <Shroobario> i'll leave the blame with you spark
  360. 01:07:21: <Arale> apparently, because i have ideas for video games, i must definitely be planning to never make them and go get game design degrees like everyone else!
  361. 01:07:22: <Shroobario> it had nothing to do with me
  362. 01:07:23: <Arale> clearly!
  363. 01:07:36: <Arale> proving once again proto only thinks in stereotypes
  364. 01:07:36: <Spark> that's coo' with me shoob
  365. 01:07:42: <Shroobario> shut up arale stop getting so dragged by everything proto says
  366. 01:07:45: <Shroobario> jesus christ
  367. 01:07:48: <Shroobario> just marry him already
  368. 01:07:50: <Arale> no he hurt my feelings
  369. 01:07:57: <Hemu> get a room
  370. 01:07:58: <Spark> dude shooby proto is a massive douche
  371. 01:08:09: <Spark> that's why we argue with him so much
  372. 01:08:15: <Spark> flaming people for jack shit
  373. 01:08:21: <Shroobario> well, he kind of deserves being mad after some idiot kicks him for no reason, spark
  374. 01:08:24: <Arale> proto's right occasionally but his personality in general is completely atrocious
  375. 01:08:33: <Arale> shroobario he acted the exact same before and after
  376. 01:08:34: <Arale> :/
  377. 01:08:38: <Hemu> not really
  378. 01:08:45: <Hemu> he was way more vitriolic today
  379. 01:08:55: <Shroobario> by idiot i mean me
  380. 01:09:00: <Spark> actually shroob even if you didnt mean to kick him for a reason he was threatening to op abuse
  381. 01:09:02: <Shroobario> dont nobody go misunderstanding what i said
  382. 01:09:12: <Spark> so it was somewhat justified
  383. 01:09:22: <Shroobario> i just felt like giving him the boot
  384. 01:09:24: <Last> ye can you make more intros for FANTENDO BROS LEGACY or somefin
  385. 01:09:27: <Arale> he really needs to stop using the word faggot unironically because its a slur and its really fuckin annoying
  386. 01:09:30: <Spark> yes
  387. 01:09:53: <Shroobario> oh but calling greedy people jews is perfectly fine
  388. 01:09:54: <Shroobario> i see how it is
  389. 01:09:58: <Shroobario> you goddamn trap
  390. 01:09:58: <Spark> 20:05 cornelius OH SNAP 20:05 cornelius BRUN 20:05 Protopulse choke on my fucking dick you cum guzzling faggot
  391. 01:10:05: <Spark> can we ban him yet
  392. 01:10:06: <Arale> i never said that was fine either
  393. 01:10:09: <Spark> even for just a day
  394. 01:10:13: <foram> Hello everyone
  395. 01:10:14: <Arale> please
  396. 01:10:17: <foram> How are you doing this fine day
  397. 01:10:17: <Ye> last: i have temporary lost the ability toucan
  398. 01:10:28: <Spark> we need to stop messing around, it would be so easy to make him stop being like this
  399. 01:10:32: <Shroobario> there's a manga about traps that i read
  400. 01:10:34: <Last> huh
  401. 01:10:39: <Spark> but he just gets away with it always
  402. 01:10:41: <Last> what ability is toucan
  403. 01:10:51: <Uniju> which in particular shroob
  404. 01:10:53: <Last> you mean like
  405. 01:10:59: <Last> attacking toucans
  406. 01:11:09: <Arale> PROTO 2013
  407. 01:11:23: <Spark> PROTO 2012
  408. 01:11:27: <Spark> POST IT ON ALL THE COMMENTS
  409. 01:11:30: <Uniju> pinktendo 2013
  410. 01:11:31: <Last> last 2047
  411. 01:11:39: <Uniju> pinktendo all years
  412. 01:11:47: <Spark> STOP PROTO 2012!!!!
  413. 01:12:02: <Spark> dont attack toucans they're an endangered species you buttcruiser
  414. 01:12:23: <Spark> i need to make an insult generator
  415. 01:12:30: <Spark> which would be
  416. 01:12:39: <ssmttrs> Woohoo!
  417. 01:12:39: <foram> !wakeup
  418. 01:12:48: <foram> ssmttrs, give me an insult
  419. 01:12:48: <ssmttrs> they better give me decide on new computer parts ;-;
  420. 01:12:51: <Spark> body part or something sexual + water vehicle
  421. 01:12:54: <foram> ssmttrs that isn't an insult
  422. 01:12:55: <ssmttrs> i cant believe i forgot about that each reach a 1.0, and then i move on to get money
  423. 01:12:58: <foram> !shutup
  424. 01:12:58: <ssmttrs> I'll shut up... :o
  425. 01:13:08: <Spark> haha thats cool foram
  426. 01:13:28: <Arale> just take two things from any combination of either food, sweet bro and hella jeff, swears, or some verbs + butt
  427. 01:13:29: <Spark> shitraft
  428. 01:13:35: <Arale> for example
  429. 01:13:44: <Shroobario> Uniju: an ongoing one called Bokura no Hentai
  430. 01:13:47: <Shroobario> its ok
  431. 01:14:00: <Arale> marshmallow + conksucker = marshsucker
  432. 01:14:08: <Arale> use marshsucker as an insult everyone
  433. 01:14:43: <Spark> douchecanoe shitraft buttcruiser dick-kayak
  434. 01:15:06: <Hemu> yeah that greedy people jews thing was way out of line
  435. 01:15:12: <Hemu> only frugal people are jews
  436. 01:15:17: <Hemu> white people are the greedy fucks
  437. 01:15:28: <Spark> fuckyacht
  438. 01:15:50: <Ye> assdinghy
  439. 01:15:50: <Arale> dumbjunk
  440. 01:15:57: <Ye> ok that just sounds dirty
  441. 01:15:57: <Spark> also guys nobody ever answered me on whether or not i can tempban proto
  442. 01:15:59: <Shroobario> my favorite manga about traps it probably Josou Shounen Anthology's "Zenryoku 'Otome'"
  443. 01:16:08: <Shroobario> though the anthology has some other good ones too
  444. 01:16:13: <Ye> ok my two cents sprak at the moment is just
  445. 01:16:13: <Arale> spark i support your plans
  446. 01:16:17: <Arale> although that doesnt do much
  447. 01:16:18: Ye shows his piggy bank
  448. 01:16:24: Ye 's piggy bank is empty
  449. 01:16:26: <Spark> that sounds like some sort of sex slang YE
  450. 01:16:30: Last stabs all
  451. 01:16:35: <Last> im too tired for this CRAP
  452. 01:16:36: <Ye> MAYBE IT IS but it isnt
  453. 01:16:41: <ssmttrs> I know 2105 words (7464 contexts, 3.55 per word), 1150 lines.
  454. 01:16:41: <foram> !words
  455. 01:16:43: <Spark> i was referring to the "ass dinghy" thing but "YE's piggy bank is empty" does too
  456. 01:16:44: <Last> what the heck is going on
  457. 01:16:49: <Ye> oh lol
  458. 01:16:49: <Last> can we stop argueing
  459. 01:16:51: <foram> Ah, ssmttrs only knows words from this chat
  460. 01:17:02: <Last> half of the time like were argueing about ARGUES
  461. 01:17:12: <Arale> its not an argument anymore its a decision
  462. 01:17:46: <Last> can someone fill me in
  463. 01:17:57: <Arale> proto was being overly flamey
  464. 01:18:05: <Spark> (as usual)
  465. 01:18:09: <Spark> (but more so than usual)
  466. 01:18:13: <Arale> yeah
  467. 01:18:50: <Arale> also great now whenever i open up that notebook to come up with more ideas for my video game i'll think of proto telling me how worthless it is to come up with ideas for video games all the time ever and how much i suck
  468. 01:18:51: <Arale> thanks proto
  469. 01:18:54: <Arale> thanks
  470. 01:19:09: <Ye> i dunno you guys i just
  471. 01:19:12: <Ye> dont know anymore
  472. 01:19:31: <Shroobario> uhhh
  473. 01:19:42: <Arale> thanks for the input
  474. 01:19:48: <Ye> i shouldnt be thinking this way partly because i feel like if i start being however im being then everyone will for some reason even though i know thats not true
  475. 01:19:53: <Shroobario> who's ssmttrs
  476. 01:19:55: <Ye> but yknow
  477. 01:19:58: <Depp> what?
  478. 01:19:59: <Last> wat
  479. 01:20:13: <Shroobario> what's ssmttrs ?
  480. 01:20:18: <Shroobario> is he a bot that learns to talk from us?
  481. 01:20:21: <Arale> yes
  482. 01:20:22: <Shroobario> !words
  483. 01:20:30: <Shroobario> uhhh
  484. 01:20:34: <Shroobario> ok ignore me mr. bot
  485. 01:20:35: <Ye> yall are mature enough to just do whatever the HECK so if you wanna ban him then HECK
  486. 01:20:40: <Shroobario> whyisnt he talking though?
  487. 01:20:50: <Last> ye please dont quat
  488. 01:21:04: <Spark> oh that reminds me today i had an existential crisis again because i realized that it's hopeless to try to improve yourself or do anything because we're all limited by the boundaries of our own physical bodies
  489. 01:21:07: <Shroobario> do the squats though!
  490. 01:21:09: <foram> !save
  491. 01:21:09: <ssmttrs> done
  492. 01:21:17: <Shroobario> who the hell is foram
  493. 01:21:21: <Shroobario> ..............
  494. 01:21:31: <Last> FARM COW
  495. 01:21:32: <Arale> the bot's owner
  496. 01:21:33: <Spark> and it's impossible to train your mind to think differently because in the end it really just boils down to dna and the limitations of your own brain
  497. 01:21:39: <Last> FARM WHEAT
  498. 01:21:42: <Spark> and that
  499. 01:21:46: <Spark> is my daily thing
  500. 01:21:49: <Spark> that i am depressed about.
  501. 01:21:53: <Shroobario> ffff you can't just call somebody i dont know the owner of a bot i dont know
  502. 01:21:59: <Ye> sprak: kind of? but the human potential is far more vast than most people even know
  503. 01:21:59: <Shroobario> who is foram and his bot?
  504. 01:22:07: <Arale> what i was going to talk about was that i have ideas for a video game
  505. 01:22:09: <Spark> not really
  506. 01:22:10: <Arale> but thats ruined now
  507. 01:22:12: <Last> ime existenal cuz is bounded by BANDWIDTH
  508. 01:22:15: <Spark> our potential is predetermined.
  509. 01:22:16: <Last> because its gonna run out soon
  510. 01:22:21: <Ye> i mean anything fuckin einstein can do we can do too but there would just have to be HUGE EXPANSION nonsuggestively
  511. 01:22:24: <Shroobario> 22:22 Spark our potential is predetermined.
  512. 01:22:25: <Shroobario> uhh no it isnt
  513. 01:22:33: <Last> and no one her will never see anyting agan
  514. 01:22:40: <Uniju> we live in a deterministic universe
  515. 01:22:43: <Shroobario> you sound like some calvinist
  516. 01:22:44: <Uniju> nothing you do matters
  517. 01:22:50: <Uniju> your dice roll is decided at the beginning of the round
  518. 01:22:55: <Spark> yes
  519. 01:22:57: <Uniju> you will land on game guy
  520. 01:23:02: <Shroobario> oh yeah then is it decided that this dice roll with be a 5?
  521. 01:23:03: <Arale> gAME GUY
  522. 01:23:06: <Shroobario> `dice 1d6
  523. 01:23:10: <Shroobario> `roll 1d6
  524. 01:23:10: <GameServ> Shroobario rolled 1d6: 1 <Total: 1>
  525. 01:23:13: <Shroobario> hah!
  526. 01:23:18: <Shroobario> it wasnt a 5!
  527. 01:23:26: <Shroobario> i just proved you WRONG
  528. 01:23:27: <Shroobario> no i didnt
  529. 01:23:28: <Shroobario> dammit
  530. 01:23:30: <Spark> `roll 5d1
  531. 01:23:30: <GameServ> Spark rolled 5d1: 1 1 1 1 1 <Total: 5>
  532. 01:23:31: <Arale> in this timeline
  533. 01:23:34: <Arale> oooooOOOOOOoooooo
  534. 01:23:54: <Arale> `roll 1d5
  535. 01:23:58: <Shroobario> only ops
  536. 01:23:59: <Shroobario> sorry
  537. 01:24:00: <Shroobario> :)
  538. 01:24:15: <Shroobario> actually
  539. 01:24:16: <Uniju> check your dice rolling privelage
  540. 01:24:16: <Spark> anyways yeah, we're all worthless products of genetics with no real power or potential of our own.
  541. 01:24:17: <Shroobario> let me check
  542. 01:24:18: <Arale> well sorry im too much of a BAD PERSON to be OPERATOR on a NINTENDO FANON WIKI CHATROOM, geez i'll just LEAVE 400EVER WHY DONT WE
  543. 01:24:21: <Shroobario> `voice Arale
  544. 01:24:25: <Shroobario> try doing it now
  545. 01:24:27: <GameServ> Arale rolled 1d5: 5 <Total: 5>
  546. 01:24:27: <Arale> `roll 1d5
  547. 01:24:31: <Arale> :U
  548. 01:24:37: <Shroobario> ok so voice also gives you gameserv privilege
  549. 01:24:39: <Spark> our limits are determined at birth and we will never be able to become greater than we are destined to be
  550. 01:24:47: <Shroobario> `devoice Arale
  551. 01:24:51: <Arale> thx
  552. 01:25:01: <Spark> so essentially some people are just inherently bad and have no reason to live
  553. 01:25:04: <Shroobario> spark that is depressing and untrue
  554. 01:25:09: <Ye> sprak: but fuck destiny man
  555. 01:25:12: <Shroobario> you reach the heights you work towards
  556. 01:25:13: <Ye> destiny is bullshit
  557. 01:25:17: <Spark> no because
  558. 01:25:21: <Spark> what if youre retarded huh
  559. 01:25:25: <Spark> what if you want to be smart
  560. 01:25:26: <Uniju> so are you gonna kill yourself spark
  561. 01:25:29: <Spark> but you never fucking will be
  562. 01:25:40: <Last> AKA effort values
  563. 01:25:41: <Spark> and i'd like to say yes but i probably dont have the willpower to do it uni
  564. 01:25:46: <Last> wait no
  565. 01:25:50: <Last> i mean something else
  566. 01:25:56: <Spark> IVs
  567. 01:26:00: <Shroobario> maybe you are born with predetermined potential, but you're never born with limits
  568. 01:26:01: <foram> No killing yourself
  569. 01:26:04: <foram> That's bad
  570. 01:26:11: <Spark> no shroob
  571. 01:26:15: <Spark> our potential is our limits
  572. 01:26:23: <Last> yeah
  573. 01:26:23: <Ye> you can choose to believe in that but thats just setting such a limit and its not even a definite limit anyway so youre kind of relying on something you dont know
  574. 01:26:25: <Spark> maybe we can just never be better
  575. 01:26:26: <Shroobario> there'sno predetermined potential either
  576. 01:26:30: <Ye> destiny and fate and shit thats just like
  577. 01:26:35: <Arale> spark what about magic and science what ABOUT magic and science
  578. 01:26:42: <Last> spark we can all use super training now
  579. 01:26:47: <Uniju> science > magic
  580. 01:26:49: <Spark> but YE our fucking brains, there are physical limitations
  581. 01:26:52: <Ye> like in project fate yeah its called project fate but ultimately YE wins because he goes off the path
  582. 01:26:55: <Last> we just have to be movedto Life Version Y
  583. 01:27:07: <Spark> there our physical limitations to our minds
  584. 01:27:14: <Spark> we can never train ourselves to think differently
  585. 01:27:17: <Spark> we can never be different
  586. 01:27:19: <Last> YES
  587. 01:27:20: <Spark> we are doomed from birth.
  588. 01:27:20: <Last> WE CAN
  589. 01:27:21: <Shroobario> okay maybe some people are born on level 10 with a free pass to level 20, while some people are born on level 1 with no free passes, or some people are born needing double the EXP to level up
  590. 01:27:23: <Last> WITH SUPER TRAINING
  591. 01:27:24: <Shroobario> but there's no limits
  592. 01:27:28: <Shroobario> and no pretedermined potential
  593. 01:27:33: <Ye> well yeah but like hopefully you wouldnt aspire to do /completely/ impossible things
  594. 01:27:34: <Spark> yes there are
  595. 01:27:38: <Arale> "we can never train ourselves to think differently"
  596. 01:27:42: <Spark> again what about people lwith mental disabilities
  597. 01:27:56: <Arale> wow this statement is so accurate it- wait no it isnt this statement is bullshit yo
  598. 01:28:04: <Last> well im not retarded or whatevs
  599. 01:28:06: <Arale> training yourself to think differently is kind of a thing lots of people do
  600. 01:28:13: <Last> so like i guess im not limited?
  601. 01:28:15: <Ye> well sprak they have different minds
  602. 01:28:18: <Arale> sorry if i just sounded like a proto just then
  603. 01:28:18: <Ye> than most people
  604. 01:28:27: <Ye> and are in the minority in that respect
  605. 01:28:32: <Shroobario> you sound like proto most of the time arale
  606. 01:28:35: <Spark> thats okay arale you arent being a dick so
  607. 01:28:38: <Ye> but that is a good point
  608. 01:28:43: <Spark> yes
  609. 01:28:49: <Spark> they are doomed
  610. 01:28:56: <Shroobario> they aren't doomed
  611. 01:29:04: <Ye> but for those of us who arent mentally handicapped and can think with our full
  612. 01:29:06: <Shroobario> they were just born on a low level and need more exp to level up
  613. 01:29:06: <Ye> yknow
  614. 01:29:08: <Ye> brains
  615. 01:29:15: <Spark> no shroob
  616. 01:29:17: <foram> !wakeup
  617. 01:29:18: <ssmttrs> Woohoo!
  618. 01:29:20: <Spark> its physically impossible
  619. 01:29:21: <Last>
  620. 01:29:24: <Spark> for them to ever be smart
  621. 01:29:28: <Shroobario> WHO IS FORAM
  622. 01:29:31: <Spark> i heard that they can tell if someone has down syndrome before birth
  625. 01:29:37: <blaphmat> AND THE SCROLLS WHISPERED
  626. 01:29:43: <blaphmat> OF BLAPHMAT
  627. 01:29:44: <Spark> hopefully it will die out eventually because abortions
  628. 01:29:45: <Last> sprak confirmed for One pissed off mother!!!
  629. 01:29:46: <blaphmat> SAVIOR OF MAN
  630. 01:29:52: <Uniju> youre right spark, your mother should have aborted you
  631. 01:29:53: <Ye> thats true shrb but with most mental disabilities the only real hope for that is if they develop some kind of medication
  632. 01:29:53: <Spark> because really i dont think they should be put through the torture of living
  633. 01:29:58: <Shroobario> Spark: ....................................huh?
  634. 01:30:00: <blaphmat> yo tucker
  635. 01:30:06: <Spark> of living but not being able to really be anything
  637. 01:30:18: <Shroobario> you can't know a baby will have mental illness, can you?
  638. 01:30:23: <Shroobario> before it is born?
  640. 01:30:28: <Spark> apparently you can nowadays
  641. 01:30:34: <PABLO> i will be mostly inactive until monday evening
  642. 01:30:35: <Shroobario> i still wouldnt go through abortion
  643. 01:30:37: <PABLO> because dragoncon
  644. 01:30:38: Ye 's neck extends to the sun
  645. 01:30:43: <Ye> dragoncon?
  646. 01:30:44: <Uniju> yeah you wouldnt shroob
  647. 01:30:45: <PABLO> yes
  648. 01:30:47: <Ye> will there be dragons
  649. 01:30:48: <Uniju> because youre a dude
  650. 01:30:51: <PABLO> perhaps
  651. 01:30:52: <Ye> will there be /final/ dragons
  652. 01:30:53: <Spark> but shroobario that's the only decent thing to do really
  653. 01:30:54: <Last> i DONUT like abortion
  654. 01:30:58: <PABLO> it's basically a small-scale comic-con
  655. 01:31:01: <Shroobario> i wouldn't have my wife go through abortion if you prefer it that way
  656. 01:31:06: <PABLO> my mom made cosplays and stuff
  657. 01:31:09: <PABLO> i will be cosplaying as dipper
  658. 01:31:13: <Last> seriously
  659. 01:31:16: <Spark> to make someone live that can never live up to their aspirations
  660. 01:31:20: <Uniju> shroobario forces his wife to have kids that she cant support and that will have downs
  661. 01:31:21: <Last> what if it turns out that you were gonna be aborted
  662. 01:31:24: <Ye> oh yeah your GF cosplays
  663. 01:31:25: <Last> but werent
  664. 01:31:27: <Uniju> oh right youre brazillian
  665. 01:31:27: <Ye> thats gonna be awesome
  666. 01:31:29: <Uniju> you must be catholic
  667. 01:31:30: <PABLO> with cardboard box transformed to look like the boooook
  668. 01:31:38: <Spark> he's hindu
  669. 01:31:44: <Arale> is that "ONE PISSED OFF MOTHER!!!!!!!!!" letter a legitimate thing that was written
  671. 01:31:52: <Last> yes arale it was
  672. 01:31:55: <Arale> or is it a parody
  673. 01:31:57: <Arale> woow
  674. 01:31:59: <Last> its real
  675. 01:31:59: <PABLO> for some reason dragoncon has no GF panels
  676. 01:32:04: <Arale> thats
  677. 01:32:07: <Arale> wow
  678. 01:32:07: <Spark> well i dont have a mental disability
  679. 01:32:10: <PABLO> but there WILL be an AT panel with the voices for finn jake and marceline
  680. 01:32:17: <Ye> aw shit nice
  681. 01:32:22: <PABLO> tons of cool stuf
  682. 01:32:26: <PABLO> some power ranger peeps
  683. 01:32:35: <Spark> but whether they realize it or not it's cruel to let people that have them live
  684. 01:32:36: <PABLO> avengers ball AND harry potter yule ball
  685. 01:32:37: <Last> my homework is to watcha funny youtube video
  686. 01:32:46: <PABLO> i am going to be draco but not movie/book draco
  687. 01:32:47: <Shroobario> how come nobody tells /spark/ to update unten clicker
  688. 01:32:51: <PABLO> a very potter musical draco
  689. 01:32:52: <YE|HW> jakes VA john dimaggio is so versatile
  690. 01:32:52: <Shroobario> he's the person who canmake it cool, you guys
  691. 01:32:56: <YE|HW> and wonderful
  692. 01:32:56: <Shroobario> i dont even know javascript
  693. 01:32:57: <PABLO> yeah, he really is
  694. 01:33:16: <PABLO> tucjer
  695. 01:33:17: <Spark> i was working on a javascript game the other day
  696. 01:33:17: <PABLO> *tucker
  697. 01:33:23: <PABLO> you need to watch a very potter musical
  698. 01:33:31: <Spark> but then i realized that i can probably never become good at javascript
  699. 01:33:34: <Shroobario> nobody hasnt watched a very potter musical in 2013
  700. 01:33:39: <Spark> because limitations blablablah
  701. 01:33:41: <YE|HW> he did the scotsman on samurai jack and shnitzel on chowder and bender for shits sake and everybody
  702. 01:33:41: <PABLO> i think tucker hasnt
  703. 01:33:44: <PABLO> *hasn't
  704. 01:33:47: <YE|HW> i havent seen it
  705. 01:33:49: <YE|HW> for some reason
  706. 01:33:51: <Shroobario> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're limiting yourself spark
  707. 01:33:52: <PABLO> chowder was pretty cool
  708. 01:33:54: <Shroobario> it's not the universe
  709. 01:33:55: <Shroobario> it's you
  710. 01:34:02: <Uniju> mfw this whole thing was spark's excuse not to practice
  711. 01:34:04: <Last> chowder was the sexies
  712. 01:34:09: <Spark> nah uniju
  713. 01:34:19: <Spark> i decided not to practice this whole thing
  714. 01:34:26: <Arale> homestuck updated
  715. 01:34:30: <Spark> now im justs going to take a shitton of sleeping pills
  716. 01:34:34: <Shroobario> are you giving up on drawing too, spark?
  717. 01:34:37: <Spark> yes
  718. 01:34:40: <Arale> homosuck act 2
  719. 01:34:42: <Shroobario> ._.
  720. 01:34:47: <Spark> not just drawing but SEEING
  721. 01:34:49: <Uniju> make sure they are sleeping pills and not stomach pills
  722. 01:34:52: <Uniju> dont wanna end up like noah
  723. 01:35:06: <YE|HW> sprak: theres this thing from a twitter for a thing i linked once that said something like "the world is big. the president is big. you are big. an ant is big. there are different sizes of infinity."
  724. 01:35:07: <PABLO> also btw
  725. 01:35:26: <PABLO> nearly 70 million cookies per second
  726. 01:35:31: <Spark> see what brought this to my attention in the first place is that i realized that if i look at a drawing upside down it looks better. seems harmless right?
  727. 01:35:36: <Spark> but then i think about it for a little while
  728. 01:35:41: <Shroobario> well then stab your eyes and i'll call you oedipus
  729. 01:35:47: <PABLO> the baking has ascended beyond your mortal plane
  730. 01:35:59: <Spark> and i realize that it's a function of my brain. it's my brain controlling the way i think.
  731. 01:36:09: <Uniju> spark's preteen existential crisis
  732. 01:36:16: <Spark> when it's impossible for me to consciously control my own thoughts and perception of it.
  733. 01:36:22: <Shroobario> oh shit the BRAIN is controlling how I THINK
  734. 01:36:25: <Shroobario> damn NSA
  735. 01:36:58: <Shroobario> bleh mentioning the nsa is no fun if proto nor hemu aren't here
  736. 01:37:09: <Spark> and uniju, 1. i'm 15, 2. i've been having one continuous existential crisis since i was seven. when i first went to church, my first question was "what if i go to hell"
  737. 01:37:26: <Spark> needless to say i have a tendency to dwell on things such as this
  739. 01:37:30: <Uniju> what was the pastor's answer
  741. 01:37:46: <YE|HW> sprak: just remember that asking questions is good
  742. 01:37:50: <Spark> i dont know i didnt ask him, i asked my mom
  743. 01:37:57: <Arale> wow now i gtg
  744. 01:38:02: <Spark> bye arale :(
  745. 01:38:13: <Uniju> what was your mom's answer
  746. 01:38:19: <Spark> and she was like "oh that's silly youre just a lil' kid"
  748. 01:38:55: <Spark> and then she was like "ffs go to sleep"
  749. 01:38:58: <Uniju> well atleast you werent wrong
  750. 01:39:08: <Spark> lol
  751. 01:39:35: <Shroobario> well that's better than becoming a homosexual to the same end result, amirite?
  752. 01:39:41: <PABLO> but yeah i will be gone for the weekend and most of monday
  753. 01:39:44: <PABLO> and also thursday
  754. 01:40:08: <PABLO> i may come here on breaks between stuff we are doing if i have the chance but yeah it'll be limited
  755. 01:40:17: <Spark> i still maintain that god does not have anything against homosexuals
  756. 01:40:18: <foram> I'd rather be homosexual than be immoral
  757. 01:40:26: <Spark> also per foram :p
  758. 01:40:29: <Shroobario> i was being jokeful you people
  759. 01:40:30: <Shroobario> jesus
  760. 01:40:43: <Shroobario> (hates fags)
  761. 01:40:44: <Shroobario> okay
  762. 01:40:48: <Shroobario> who's foram
  763. 01:40:49: <Shroobario> seriously
  764. 01:40:55: <Spark> i dont really care what the church says, it just makes absolutely no fucking sense that god would care if youre gay
  765. 01:40:59: <Uniju> spark do you believe in god
  766. 01:40:59: <ssmttrs> this wouldnt have happened if you and figure out everything you've been doing with your games
  767. 01:41:00: <foram> I am myself
  768. 01:41:05: <foram> And no one else
  769. 01:41:09: <Spark> yes uniju
  770. 01:41:13: <foram> Except for the name I usually go by
  771. 01:41:25: <Shroobario> you better tell me who the hell you are or i'll ban your bot even though i really like it and wanted one of those in here for a while now
  772. 01:41:29: <Spark> if i were confident there were no god i'd be long dead lol
  773. 01:41:44: <foram> I'm Mraof
  774. 01:41:44: <Uniju> what
  775. 01:41:49: <Spark> and he's just foram, he doesnt go by any other name afaik
  776. 01:42:07: <Shroobario> never heard of him
  777. 01:42:11: <foram> That makes sense
  778. 01:42:21: <Uniju> lemme get this straight
  779. 01:42:55: <Uniju> your first reaction to learning there is nothing after death(i presume this belief is connected to believing in god)
  780. 01:43:03: <Uniju> would be to kill yourself????????
  781. 01:43:08: <Spark> yes
  782. 01:43:13: <Spark> why wait
  783. 01:43:27: <Spark> i mean if in the end i'll just stop existing forever
  784. 01:43:35: <Spark> then i might as well get it over with
  785. 01:43:37: <foram> Why be in a hurry
  786. 01:43:41: <Spark> since none of the good memories will last
  787. 01:43:47: <Uniju> LOL
  788. 01:44:04: <Spark> dunno how this is funny to you uniju
  789. 01:45:12: <Uniju> its funny that you live your life solely because you think when its over you get to live in the sky forever and reminesce
  790. 01:45:43: <PABLO> spark, i don't disrespect your beliefs at all despite being an atheist
  791. 01:45:51: <Uniju> unlike me
  792. 01:46:23: <PABLO> but i know that i won't get to do anything after death- i don't believe in heaven, i believe that death is caused by the brain shutting down, which is akin to a hard reboot on a computer, except it never starts back up
  793. 01:46:27: <Spark> thats... not quite what i meant, uniju.
  794. 01:46:27: <PABLO> but that doesn't mean i want to end my life
  795. 01:46:50: <PABLO> i mean, sure i only have like, 80 - 100 years tops
  796. 01:46:53: <Spark> well you might as well
  797. 01:47:01: <PABLO> but that's decades of enjoying what i have
  798. 01:47:08: <PABLO> like, imagine life as a candy bar
  799. 01:47:16: <PABLO> you know you will at some point finish the candy bar
  800. 01:47:24: <PABLO> but that doesn't mean you should just eat it all at once
  801. 01:47:30: <PABLO> you should savor it, have a good time while it lasts
  802. 01:47:37: <Spark> yeah but the thing is
  803. 01:47:39: <PABLO> i know it's a dumb metaphor but that's how i feel about the matter
  804. 01:47:43: <Spark> you'll still be around after the candy bar
  805. 01:47:47: <Spark> and you'll be able to say
  806. 01:47:57: <Spark> "damn that was a good candy bar, i am happy i ate that candy bar"
  807. 01:48:02: <PABLO> good point, but like
  808. 01:48:20: <PABLO> i just feel like you should end your life just because you will, at some point, not be able to look back on it
  809. 01:48:21: <Spark> if you're going to be 100% unaffected by having eaten the candy bar afterwards, it's not worth the trouble
  810. 01:48:24: <ssmttrs> you buttcruiser
  811. 01:48:24: <Shroobario> not if you have a heart attack because the candy bar was too god
  812. 01:48:26: <Shroobario> good
  813. 01:48:26: <Shroobario> ogood
  814. 01:48:28: <Uniju> my favourite candy bar is nestlé crunch but it would be a lot better if it was dark chocolate
  815. 01:48:28: <Shroobario> ***
  816. 01:48:41: <PABLO> typo
  817. 01:48:45: <PABLO> shouldn't
  818. 01:48:48: <PABLO> anyways like
  819. 01:48:55: <PABLO> even if there is nothing after death
  820. 01:48:59: <PABLO> at least you had a satisfying life
  821. 01:49:03: <Shroobario> which there is
  822. 01:49:17: <PABLO> you may not be able to look /back/ on life
  823. 01:49:17: <ssmttrs> additionally it seems to just do whatever the heck so if you said
  824. 01:49:21: <PABLO> but like
  825. 01:49:25: <PABLO> at least you had a good run
  826. 01:49:38: <Shroobario> i'd just worry not to get reincarnated as something dumb like an animal
  827. 01:49:51: <PABLO> and if you end your life at a young age then you miss out on years of your life you could have spent having more good times
  828. 01:50:04: <Uniju> shroobario what are you trying to be reincarnated as
  829. 01:50:08: <PABLO> even if you can't look back on your life when you die, at least you had a good run
  830. 01:50:23: <Spark> if there's nothing after death then i might as well just do whatever the hell i want; not because i want to hurt people, but because i wouldnt be hurting people even
  831. 01:50:32: <Spark> because the people would never even exist
  832. 01:51:02: <Uniju> >i dont value my own life so i shouldnt value anybody else's either
  833. 01:51:07: <Uniju> you should just kill yourself asap spark
  834. 01:51:13: <Uniju> youre legitimately deranged
  835. 01:51:18: <foram> Never tell people to kill themselves
  836. 01:51:20: <Spark> because if there's nothing after life then in the long run everything is entirely unaffected by our existence
  837. 01:51:27: <PABLO> no it's not, spark
  838. 01:51:27: <Shroobario> Uniju: well hopefully i don't get reincarnated at all but if i do i obviously want to be a human
  839. 01:51:31: <Spark> and in that case do we really exist at all?
  840. 01:51:43: <PABLO> like, if you have kids
  841. 01:51:48: <Uniju> naw fuck being human
  842. 01:51:50: <PABLO> your kids would miss you when you die
  843. 01:51:53: <Uniju> you gotta move around and shit
  844. 01:51:54: <Spark> if our memories cease to exist when we die what then?
  845. 01:51:54: <PABLO> your whole /family/ would
  846. 01:52:00: <Uniju> i wanna be a sunflower
  847. 01:52:04: <Spark> my family would die eventually
  848. 01:52:09: <PABLO> spark, our brains may shut down but people will remember us
  849. 01:52:15: <Spark> idc
  850. 01:52:26: <Spark> why does it matter if people remember me if im not there to witness it
  851. 01:52:34: <Shroobario> it's ok spark
  852. 01:52:36: <Shroobario> cryogenics
  853. 01:52:36: <PABLO> just because death is an inevitable force for all people doesn't mean you have no impact on existence
  854. 01:52:43: <Spark> yes it does
  855. 01:52:50: <PABLO> spark, you don't have to witness people remembering you
  856. 01:52:56: <PABLO> no it doesn't, honestly like
  857. 01:53:03: <Spark> the universe will eventually end
  858. 01:53:06: <Spark> and then what
  859. 01:53:07: <Spark> nothing.
  860. 01:53:09: <PABLO> yeah, so what
  861. 01:53:12: <PABLO> live while you have a life
  862. 01:53:19: <PABLO> that's how i feel about this
  863. 01:53:20: <YE|HW> well i mean when we die we
  864. 01:53:26: <Spark> but if there's nothing after life, we dont even have a life.
  865. 01:53:28: <Spark> because
  866. 01:53:42: <Spark> if a tree falls in the forest and theres no one there to hear it, it doesnt make a sound.
  867. 01:53:43: <PABLO> we'll die, it's sad, yes, but we /do/ have lives because we make friends and we impact the world, even in tiny ways
  868. 01:53:50: <PABLO> it does too
  869. 01:53:55: <PABLO> anyways back to my point
  870. 01:53:56: <YE|HW> i mean really were just a bunch of chemical reactions occurring simultaneously reacting to what they think they perceive and then
  871. 01:53:58: <Last> dangit
  872. 01:54:05: <PABLO> making friends, heck, even saying 'hello' is a tiny little impact on existence
  873. 01:54:05: <Spark> exactly YE
  874. 01:54:06: <YE|HW> ...there really is no point is there
  875. 01:54:06: <Last> where did all the cookie dough icecream go off to
  876. 01:54:12: <foram> It does make a sound, not observing a falling tree doesn't cause it to break the laws of physics
  877. 01:54:22: <PABLO> the person you impacted may die too
  878. 01:54:27: <Spark> no it's just vibrations
  879. 01:54:31: <PABLO> but you impacted them while you were living and they were living
  880. 01:54:37: <foram> vibrations are sound
  881. 01:54:39: <Spark> it's not a sound unless someone hears it
  882. 01:54:47: <Last> like im seriously in the MOOD for some cookie dough ic
  883. 01:54:53: <foram> No one perceives it as sound
  884. 01:55:00: <foram> But it can still be considered sound
  885. 01:55:04: <Shroobario> speaking of cookies
  886. 01:55:05: <Last> but all we got is vanilla
  887. 01:55:09: <Shroobario> how many achievements do you guys have
  888. 01:55:11: <Shroobario> on cookie clicker
  889. 01:55:11: <Spark> anyways pablo those impacts and memories will all go away
  890. 01:55:13: <Spark> forever
  891. 01:55:16: <Spark> and you wont even know
  892. 01:55:20: <Spark> is it worth it then?
  893. 01:55:20: <Uniju> spark what the tree metaphor even have to do with the whole life thing
  894. 01:55:20: <Spark> no.
  895. 01:55:22: <Last> 57
  896. 01:55:24: <Shroobario> i have 65/72
  897. 01:55:28: <PABLO> yes, but at least you impacted them while they could remember
  898. 01:55:31: <Spark> because
  899. 01:55:49: <PABLO> just because you will die and the friend you impacted existence by making will die
  900. 01:55:50: <Spark> nothing really exists unless it impacts something else
  901. 01:55:56: <PABLO> that doesn't make life worthless
  902. 01:55:57: <Spark> and in the end changes things
  903. 01:56:04: <YE|HW> is there really an impact what if were yoshiegg nook im going to stop talking now
  904. 01:56:10: <Uniju> but thats wrong you fucking retard
  905. 01:56:19: <PABLO> spark you do make friends, even if they die you impacted them in life
  906. 01:56:43: <Spark> i mean sure it's happening but it's not even really /there/ because nothing is going to be different in the long run
  907. 01:56:43: <PABLO> the universe will end at some point but at least we lived and we breathed and we evolved and we all made friends and stuff
  908. 01:56:47: <Last> maybe some peanut butter chocolate icecream would be cool too
  909. 01:56:54: <Last> seriously like
  910. 01:57:00: <Last> dat stuff is
  911. 01:57:00: <PABLO> even if everything explodes in a fiery ball of death, that doesn't mean it was worthless
  912. 01:57:01: <YE|HW> 18:56 <Pablo>: the universe will end at some point but at least we lived and we breathed and we evolved and we all made friends and stuff
  913. 01:57:01: <Spark> why does it matter if we lived if we forget it all
  914. 01:57:05: <YE|HW> that comforted me
  915. 01:57:06: <YE|HW> so much
  916. 01:57:12: <PABLO> i'm glad, tucker
  917. 01:57:16: <Spark> that shouldnt
  918. 01:57:19: <Last> anyways guys im a christian so heaven!
  919. 01:57:20: <Spark> we wont remember having lived
  920. 01:57:24: <Spark> or having evolved
  921. 01:57:25: <Spark> or anything
  922. 01:57:28: <Spark> we'll just be gone
  923. 01:57:30: <Spark> we'll stop existing
  924. 01:57:31: <PABLO> but we /did/ spark
  925. 01:57:33: <Spark> and when we stop existing
  926. 01:57:39: <YE|HW> because in comparison to the rest its rather simple and
  927. 01:57:44: <Last> which is one of manye reasons Christianity > aethism
  928. 01:57:58: <PABLO> we don't really stop existing, we just can't remember things for ourselves
  929. 01:58:00: <Spark> we'll have never existed in the first place for all it's worth
  930. 01:58:03: <Last> plus also i heard that christians get more cookie dough icecream
  931. 01:58:06: <Last> if so
  932. 01:58:08: <Shroobario> oh lets not even begin this right now last
  933. 01:58:11: <Last> like
  934. 01:58:18: <PABLO> but others can remember us, and even if they die, people will remember them, and people will remember them when they die
  935. 01:58:23: <Last> COOKIE DOUGH ICECREAM
  936. 01:58:27: <Spark> but then everyone will die.
  937. 01:58:30: <Last> seriously its best icecream
  938. 01:58:31: <Spark> and then it will all be over.
  939. 01:58:33: <PABLO> even if we all die, we still /lived/, spark, and that's worth a lot
  940. 01:58:35: <Spark> boop.
  941. 01:58:39: <Spark> no its not lol
  942. 01:58:45: <PABLO> it really is
  943. 01:58:46: <Spark> because our memories are worthless when we're dead
  944. 01:58:47: <PABLO> a life is like
  945. 01:58:50: <Last> :P
  946. 01:58:56: <PABLO> no they aren't, spark
  947. 01:58:58: <foram> Enjoy living, be a good person, who cares if everyone will die eventually, that's the part that doesn't really matter
  948. 01:59:05: <Arale> guys guess who just recorded
  949. 01:59:07: <Spark> it mattesrs a lote
  950. 01:59:08: <Last> ARALE SAVE ME FROM EXISTINLES
  951. 01:59:09: <Spark> *lot
  952. 01:59:10: <PABLO> honestly i'm really fed up with your "OH WE ALL DIE IN THE END SO WHY DOES ANYTHING /MATTERRRRRRRRRRR/"
  953. 01:59:17: <PABLO> because it does matter
  954. 01:59:22: <PABLO> a life matters, a ton
  955. 01:59:22: <Arale> episode 2 of xXDragonKillerExtreme666Xx's minecraft lp
  956. 01:59:24: <PABLO> even if we die
  957. 01:59:25: <PABLO> we lived
  959. 01:59:29: <PABLO> and that's the important part
  960. 01:59:30: <Spark> well it's true pablo
  961. 01:59:36: <Spark> in the end we will stop existing, correct?
  962. 01:59:43: <Shroobario> to me it makes no sense how somebody wouldn't want to have happy memories in the present because they will die in the undetermined future
  963. 01:59:46: <PABLO> no, we just can't remember things for ourselves
  964. 01:59:47: <Arale> personally
  965. 01:59:54: <PABLO> our brains shut down but that does not wipe out the memories other people have of us
  966. 01:59:56: <Spark> but shroobario
  967. 01:59:58: <Uniju> actually nothing really matters because mattering is purely a construct of the human mind but that's beside the point
  968. 02:00:00: <Arale> this episode isnt as good as episode 1
  969. 02:00:03: <Arale> but
  970. 02:00:05: <Arale> its still good
  971. 02:00:06: <YE|HW> what sprak means i believe is that even even if we do have a life if theres nothing after death and everything just ceases then theres just going to be nothing
  973. 02:00:12: <Spark> in the end EVERYONE will die
  974. 02:00:15: <YE|HW> which is a concept we cant understand
  975. 02:00:16: <Spark> and the universe will end
  976. 02:00:19: <PABLO> yes, but we lived, spark
  977. 02:00:19: <Spark> and there will be NOTHING
  978. 02:00:24: <foram> So?
  979. 02:00:24: <Spark> and then we will stop existing
  980. 02:00:25: <YE|HW> vast everynothing
  981. 02:00:26: <PABLO> we lived, and that matters a lot
  982. 02:00:27: <YE|HW> everywhere
  983. 02:00:30: <YE|HW> and nowhere
  984. 02:00:33: <Spark> and if we stop existing, then we never existed in the first place.
  985. 02:00:38: <PABLO> even if we die we can have a good life
  986. 02:00:39: <foram> That's flawed logic
  987. 02:00:50: <Uniju> that's not logic at all
  988. 02:00:51: <Spark> think about dreams
  989. 02:00:54: <Uniju> that's just some shit he made up
  990. 02:01:10: <PABLO> stop worrying about like a bajillion years when the universe blows up, stop worrying about decades into the future when you'll die, just live in the present and enjoy life while you have it
  991. 02:01:12: <PABLO> that's my logic
  992. 02:01:16: <Spark> does it matter what happens in a dream that you forget
  993. 02:01:26: <PABLO> no, but dreams are dreams
  994. 02:01:27: <Arale> yes
  995. 02:01:35: <Spark> and everything is a dream
  996. 02:01:36: <PABLO> a life is way more important that a dream
  997. 02:01:40: <Spark> it ends eventually
  998. 02:01:41: <PABLO> spark don't even start
  999. 02:01:43: <Spark> its not important at all
  1000. 02:01:54: <PABLO> it ends eventually but life is important
  1001. 02:01:56: <Arale> spark if nothing's important then please leave this website since we aren't important
  1002. 02:01:58: <Spark> because it doesnt affect anything any more than a dream
  1003. 02:02:06: <PABLO> yeah, but like
  1004. 02:02:09: <PABLO> at least we can have good lives
  1005. 02:02:12: <Spark> i would do that but then i would be bored
  1006. 02:02:12: <Arale> what you are doing now affects me so
  1007. 02:02:17: <Spark> and i'd think about this shit even more often
  1008. 02:02:24: <PABLO> we may all die, we may have never existed in the first place when the universe dies
  1009. 02:02:25: <YE|HW> dreams are a fabrication of our subconscious though and we can explain those to a certain degree
  1010. 02:02:28: <PABLO> but like
  1011. 02:02:29: <YE|HW> we know what the root is
  1012. 02:02:32: <PABLO> life is a precious gift
  1013. 02:02:34: <YE|HW> and its on a different level than us
  1014. 02:02:40: <YE|HW> with life, we cant explain anything
  1015. 02:02:40: <PABLO> and we should live life to the fullest
  1016. 02:02:42: <PABLO> y'know
  1017. 02:02:46: <PABLO> per tucker
  1018. 02:02:49: <YE|HW> what are we a fabrication of
  1019. 02:02:57: <YE|HW> are we a fabrication of anything
  1020. 02:03:20: <Spark> look i dont really need to argue about philosophy and stuff anyways
  1021. 02:03:34: <YE|HW> what if im the only conscious person in the universe and all of you are just my delusional splinters
  1022. 02:03:40: <Spark> it doesnt matter how you guys view it; personally im not giong to bother living if it's not gonna last
  1023. 02:03:46: <YE|HW> or what if its sprak or pablo or shrb or arale or last or anyone
  1024. 02:03:49: <PABLO> spark don't commit suicide
  1025. 02:03:55: <Spark> and a YE that part is a thing that i already proved wrong to elise a while back
  1026. 02:04:06: <Spark> i came up with this big explanation thing
  1027. 02:04:16: <YE|HW> i know sprak, i think you explained that to me too
  1028. 02:04:17: <PABLO> spark
  1029. 02:04:17: <ssmttrs> spark
  1030. 02:04:24: <YE|HW> and it was a good explanation
  1031. 02:04:27: <PABLO> spark like i said
  1032. 02:04:34: <PABLO> if you die you can't look back on life, that's true
  1033. 02:04:38: <PABLO> but others will remember you
  1034. 02:04:40: <PABLO> we'll remember you
  1035. 02:04:44: <PABLO> we'll be sad when you die
  1036. 02:04:46: <Last> guys
  1037. 02:04:48: <PABLO> same with your family, your friends
  1038. 02:04:50: <Spark> i dont care =s
  1039. 02:04:52: <Spark> i mean
  1040. 02:04:54: <PABLO> same with a ton of people you know
  1041. 02:04:54: <Spark> that sounds cold
  1042. 02:04:56: <Last> is there any more cookie dough left on earth
  1043. 02:05:00: <Spark> but like
  1044. 02:05:00: <Spark> and i dont WANT you guys to be sad
  1045. 02:05:04: <YE|HW> im just using that as an example to try and get to my point that if nothing matters anyway then would that even matter if there was only one conscious person or anything like that
  1046. 02:05:08: <Spark> why would i even care if you're sad if i'm not even alive
  1047. 02:05:08: <PABLO> spark, like
  1048. 02:05:15: <PABLO> think of it this way for a sec
  1049. 02:05:18: <Spark> because i can't care about anything is im dead
  1050. 02:05:37: <PABLO> you can have a short life, commit suicide, people will be sad, you can't remember us because your brain isn't working
  1051. 02:05:39: <PABLO> alternatively
  1052. 02:05:52: <YE|HW> and so if it doesnt matter anyway then wouldnt there be nothing really else to do then let the possible illusion of life sweep you up like it does with everyone else
  1053. 02:05:54: <PABLO> you can live a full life, make a mark on the world, no matter how tiny, die, people will be sad, you can't remember us
  1054. 02:06:04: <YE|HW> and just go with the possibly-fake current
  1055. 02:06:12: <PABLO> basically like
  1056. 02:06:20: <Spark> meh
  1057. 02:06:22: <Spark> not worth it
  1058. 02:06:23: <PABLO> you can live a short life and die sad
  1059. 02:06:25: <Spark> i'd rather die now
  1060. 02:06:28: <foram> Spark, you are very much assuming that what you believe to be true is definitely true
  1061. 02:06:35: <PABLO> or live a long life and die knowing you made some kind of mark
  1062. 02:06:41: <PABLO> die content
  1063. 02:06:43: <PABLO> y'know?
  1064. 02:06:48: <Spark> well yes, i believe it to be true because... well, i believe it to be true
  1065. 02:06:54: <Arale> then go die now already
  1066. 02:06:55: <Arale> wait
  1067. 02:06:56: <Spark> so yes i do believe to be true what i believe to be true
  1068. 02:06:58: <Arale> you arent going to do that, are you
  1069. 02:06:59: <foram> And why do you believe it to be true?
  1070. 02:07:00: <Arale> ding ding ding
  1071. 02:07:13: <Spark> yes arale i am, thats the point
  1072. 02:07:17: <YE|HW> or die with the illusion of contentedness rather
  1073. 02:07:22: <Arale> are you seriously going to fuckin
  1074. 02:07:29: <PABLO> spark please just don't
  1075. 02:07:34: <PABLO> it'd really be sad for us all
  1076. 02:07:37: <Arale> well stop dragging it out then, just know that i will literally cry
  1077. 02:07:41: <PABLO> things wouldn't be the same at all without you
  1078. 02:07:42: <Arale> a lot of us probably will
  1079. 02:07:44: <Arale> have fun with that
  1080. 02:07:46: <PABLO> imagine how cobweb would feel
  1081. 02:07:55: <PABLO> imagine how your /brother/ would feel if you died
  1082. 02:07:57: <PABLO> he'd be torn apart
  1083. 02:08:00: <Spark> so? it doesnt matter what your emotions are. i dont want to hurt you guys but you'll just stop existing in the end
  1084. 02:08:08: <Arale> but we haven't stopped existing yet
  1085. 02:08:10: <Spark> and there's nothing i can do to help you
  1086. 02:08:10: <PABLO> that'd be pretty friggin traumatized
  1087. 02:08:12: <PABLO> pet leet
  1088. 02:08:16: <PABLO> we haven't stopped living yet
  1089. 02:08:30: <Spark> what you think about me doesnt matter in the long run though
  1090. 02:08:32: <PABLO> just because it will happen doesn't give you an excuse to most likely traumatize your brother and make plenty of people sad
  1091. 02:08:36: Last|Computer pets arale
  1092. 02:08:37: <PABLO> it does to me, spark
  1093. 02:08:42: <YE|HW> anyway im going to do my homework now please dont do anything dumb because no matter whether life even exists or not that would still be dumb on a celestial cosmic fucking level
  1094. 02:08:45: <PABLO> because even if i know i'll die
  1095. 02:08:46: <YE|HW> and you fucking know it
  1096. 02:08:50: <PABLO> i'll live a good life
  1097. 02:08:58: <Spark> actually it's starting to sound like a pretty damn good idea
  1098. 02:09:01: <PABLO> i mean, i only have so long so i might as well live a good life
  1099. 02:09:04: <Arale> "what you think about me doesnt matter in the long run though" ok now you're just being rude
  1100. 02:09:13: <Spark> im not trying to be
  1101. 02:09:18: <Spark> im not saying it in like a mean way
  1102. 02:09:24: <YE|HW> sprak by our logic would anything be a good idea
  1103. 02:09:24: <PABLO> spark just don't kill yourself, like
  1104. 02:09:25: <Arale> i know youre not trying to be like that
  1105. 02:09:31: <Arale> but it is still rude
  1106. 02:09:32: <Spark> i like you guys a lot and stuff but in the end nothing really matters
  1107. 02:09:41: <PABLO> things do matter sprak
  1108. 02:09:45: <PABLO> maybe we all die
  1109. 02:09:51: <PABLO> but we should live full, happy lives
  1110. 02:09:57: <Spark> dude that's the problem; i dont CARE what happens after i die
  1111. 02:10:08: <PABLO> we should die feeling content, not contemplating what is real and what exists and how the universe will end one day
  1112. 02:10:09: <Spark> it's the same thing either way, except this way is shorter and easier
  1113. 02:10:21: <Arale> then stop caring about us now, stop befriending people and then going "welp im dead and i dont care what you think"
  1114. 02:10:29: <Spark> man ii'd like to
  1115. 02:10:37: <Spark> its not that easy though
  1116. 02:10:44: <PABLO> spark imagine all the people your death would impact
  1117. 02:10:50: <YE|HW> if every idea or illusion of an idea or whatever is on the exact same level of not-mattering-itude then wouldnt dying be on the same level as just staying and rolling with it with people who would help you
  1118. 02:10:51: <Arale> he doesnt care pablo thats the thing
  1119. 02:10:59: <Spark> but they'll die too, and then they wont remember me dying
  1120. 02:11:00: <PABLO> pretty much everyone here, especially cobweb, your dad, the community in your neighborhood
  1121. 02:11:06: <Arale> spark you dont know what happens after death though
  1122. 02:11:08: <PABLO> but they remember you /right/ /now/
  1123. 02:11:16: <YE|HW> and honestly even though feelings wouldnt matter by that logic which seems like a more comforting idea
  1124. 02:11:19: <Arale> what if we do remember you dying
  1125. 02:11:29: <Arale> /what if we can never stop existing after we die and will be forever traumatised by this/
  1126. 02:11:30: <Arale> /what if/
  1127. 02:11:33: <PABLO> your head is way too much in the future and you need to start thinking about how life is great and we should live it while we have it instead of ending it so soon
  1128. 02:11:54: <Spark> i cant do that pablo
  1129. 02:12:01: <Spark> i've been this way since i was a little kid
  1130. 02:12:10: <Spark> this is just how i am
  1131. 02:12:14: <foram> Change yourself
  1132. 02:12:31: <Arale> you were suicidal since you were a little kid? good to know, next time don't befriend people
  1133. 02:12:39: <foram> Or at the very least attempt to change yourself
  1134. 02:12:41: <Spark> next time
  1135. 02:12:46: <Spark> there is no next time
  1136. 02:12:55: <YE|HW> and and by that logic as well wouldnt it be useless anyway and what if youre already dead or something i mean if life doesnt matter what if life and death are the same thing by that logic its all the same I NEED TO STOP TALKING DO YOU SEE WHAT THIS IS DOING TO ME MAN
  1137. 02:12:56: <Arale> spark please explain to me how you know what happens after death
  1138. 02:13:01: <PABLO> spark i understand thinking "death is inevitable gee that sucks"
  1139. 02:13:05: <PABLO> but y'know what i think
  1140. 02:13:12: <PABLO> i think
  1141. 02:13:23: <Spark> our minds are linked to our brains, once our brains stop working our minds stop thinking
  1142. 02:13:30: <Arale> maybe
  1143. 02:13:34: <Arale> but maybe
  1144. 02:13:45: <Arale> there's some kind of weird spirit science shit that nobody has come close to knowing about
  1145. 02:13:46: <PABLO> "gee, that sucks, but y'know, even if i will have to die at some point, i want to live my life great while i have it instead of dwelling on the end that will come naturally at some older age"
  1146. 02:14:00: <PABLO> but really spark it'd impact us all if you commited suicide
  1147. 02:14:13: <Spark> im sorry then
  1148. 02:14:20: <PABLO> think about your family, friends, cowbeb, elise, all of us
  1149. 02:14:26: <Arale> youre also basing this on something you dont even know enough about to make a decision
  1150. 02:14:32: <Arale> wasnt aware you were omnipotent spark
  1151. 02:14:40: <Spark> elise? i guess in the end it matters even less for her
  1152. 02:14:47: <Spark> she'll kill herself soon enough anyways...
  1153. 02:14:52: <PABLO> dude stop
  1154. 02:14:58: <PABLO> you're acting all crazy
  1155. 02:15:13: <PABLO> elise is a great person and you shouldn't be like this about it
  1156. 02:15:17: <PABLO> i'm honestly mad at you now
  1157. 02:15:20: <Arale> ok let me say for utmost certainty that i preferred protopulse to you, spark
  1158. 02:15:33: <YE|HW> ....
  1159. 02:15:33: <PABLO> don't give up on life, pretty much everyone you know will be impacted to some degree
  1160. 02:15:52: <Arale> cause like
  1161. 02:16:10: <Spark> aw thanks, that really makes me less suicidal?
  1162. 02:16:11: <PABLO> pretty much everyone here will be sad, cowb will probably be traumatized to some degree, as will the rest of your family, your friends will miss you, elise won't have anyone holding her back from taking her own life which means two people will have died
  1163. 02:16:13: <Arale> youre just really being rude
  1164. 02:16:20: <Arale> pablo he doesnt care
  1165. 02:16:24: <PABLO> well he should
  1166. 02:16:28: <Arale> i know
  1167. 02:16:33: <Arale> but he doesnt
  1168. 02:16:40: <Spark> i want to
  1169. 02:16:47: <PABLO> he may be all philosophical about this crap but if he's honestly stopped caring about elise then he's acting absolutely nuts
  1170. 02:16:59: <Spark> its not that i dont care about elise
  1171. 02:17:04: <PABLO> the spark i know would flip out if elise was trying to kill herself again and would comfort her and stuff
  1172. 02:17:04: <Spark> i care about you all
  1173. 02:17:13: <PABLO> but this one is like "ohhhh she'll kill herself soon enough"
  1174. 02:17:17: <Spark> i just know that no matterw hat i do, i cant chagne anythign
  1175. 02:17:20: <PABLO> you're not acting like yourself spark
  1176. 02:17:29: <Arale> "i cant change anything" wow you are officially off the sense
  1177. 02:17:33: <PABLO> you can change other people, make them smile, make them laugh, be a friend
  1178. 02:17:36: <Arale> turns out you can change things
  1179. 02:17:37: <PABLO> you can help people out
  1180. 02:17:39: <PABLO> they may die too
  1181. 02:17:40: <Spark> everoynes ogonna die
  1182. 02:17:46: <Arale> for example by killing yourself you can traumatise me forever
  1183. 02:17:48: <Arale> thats a change
  1184. 02:17:55: <Spark> but then you diee too
  1185. 02:18:01: <PABLO> spark stop it you're honestly making me kinda scared
  1186. 02:18:01: <Spark> so its okay??
  1187. 02:18:06: <Spark> i dont know
  1188. 02:18:06: <Arale> and how do you know what happens after death
  1189. 02:18:23: <PABLO> spark it's fine if other people die because if you helped them while they were living then you /did/ change something
  1190. 02:18:30: <Arale> what if there is a heaven
  1191. 02:18:39: <Spark> then i'm not going there anyways
  1192. 02:18:44: <PABLO> yeah, leet's right, i may not believe in a heaven but who says i'm right
  1193. 02:19:00: <Spark> but pablo they wont even remember if i helped them or aynthing good i did
  1194. 02:19:09: <Spark> nobody will remember them either
  1195. 02:19:10: <Arale> spark can you just tell us about how you're literally hitler that makes you so evil or whatever
  1196. 02:19:20: <PABLO> spark
  1197. 02:19:33: <PABLO> it doesn't matter that everyone will die because everyone will also /live/ and most likely live happy lives
  1198. 02:19:37: <PABLO> we may all die
  1199. 02:19:43: <PABLO> but at least we can have life
  1200. 02:19:46: <Spark> but those lives will be forgotten
  1201. 02:19:48: <PABLO> at least we can go out into the world and have friends
  1202. 02:19:49: <Spark> by YOU even
  1203. 02:19:57: <Spark> what's the point
  1204. 02:20:01: <PABLO> it doesn't matter that they'll be forgotten, because they still happened
  1205. 02:20:16: <PABLO> like, i may forget i ate a chip one time, but that doesn't mean it is suddenly erased from history
  1206. 02:20:17: <Spark> i disagree
  1207. 02:20:17: <Arale> thanks for the psychological advice spark i will proceed to kill myself now too we cool? B(
  1208. 02:20:18: <PABLO> it happened
  1209. 02:20:28: <PABLO> it happened, even if no one remembers it
  1210. 02:20:45: <Spark> fasdgasdf
  1211. 02:20:52: <PABLO> all lives happen and have happened, even if everyone forgets it ever happened and the universe dies out
  1212. 02:20:54: <Last|Computer> im piss sleepy and eat crabs out of people
  1213. 02:21:03: <PABLO> because when the universe and the person and the chip were around it happened
  1214. 02:21:16: <Spark> i really dont want that arale but i guess that would be for your own best interest ?
  1215. 02:21:21: <Last|Computer> so g'night
  1216. 02:21:22: <Last> and hello!
  1217. 02:21:22: <PABLO> spark don't
  1218. 02:21:23: <PABLO> even
  1219. 02:21:24: <PABLO> just
  1220. 02:21:39: <Arale> ofcourse i have reasons as to why i cant do that
  1221. 02:21:40: <PABLO> you're telling someone to commit suicide in their 'best interests'
  1222. 02:22:01: <PABLO> you're the guy who in the last month tried to /stop/ someone from commiting suicide
  1223. 02:22:20: <PABLO> even if i die the fact that you died and i was sad about it would still remain
  1224. 02:22:24: <Last> i say life is meaningless only if we dont have cookie dough
  1225. 02:22:27: <PABLO> history is not erased by everyone forgetting about it
  1226. 02:22:28: <Arale> the reasons of course stem from this thing called "thinking of others before preforming drastic action"
  1227. 02:22:50: <Spark> i've stopped people pfrom committing suicide so mnany times by now and it astn done any good
  1228. 02:23:01: <Arale> it has done good
  1229. 02:23:03: <Arale> you know what its done?
  1230. 02:23:06: <Arale> its caused people to live
  1231. 02:23:09: <Last> spark confirmed for rxyo
  1232. 02:23:11: <YE|HW> i could chime in right now but what would thatmatter huh
  1233. 02:23:16: <Spark> for a little while longer. they'll still die.
  1234. 02:23:31: <PABLO> yeah but you stopped them from dying sooner
  1235. 02:23:32: <Arale> yes spark everyones gonna die bluhbluhbluh this is a fact but yknow
  1236. 02:23:36: <Arale> if you cant look past that
  1237. 02:23:37: <PABLO> and dying later is better than dying sooner
  1238. 02:23:41: <Last> `kack sprako
  1239. 02:23:41: <Arale> then i think you have some problems
  1240. 02:23:42: <Spark> face it, if there's nothing after life there's no reason to live.
  1241. 02:23:45: <PABLO> you have honestly helped people
  1243. 02:23:50: <foram> if
  1244. 02:23:53: <Arale> YOU DONT /KNOW/ THAT
  1245. 02:23:59: <foram> if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
  1246. 02:23:59: <PABLO> there is reason to live
  1248. 02:24:02: <PABLO> friends you make
  1249. 02:24:11: <PABLO> even if you die and they die and no one remembers it
  1251. 02:24:20: <YE|HW> foram: d-d-d-drop the if
  1252. 02:24:23: <PABLO> you lived your life, you lived a good life, you had friends, it happened
  1253. 02:24:30: <YE|HW> wompwompwompWOOOOOMP
  1254. 02:24:33: <Last> sprak just think
  1255. 02:24:39: <Last> the longer u livr
  1256. 02:24:50: <Last> the more cookie dough ic u can eat
  1257. 02:25:09: <YE|HW> YKNOW WHAT
  1258. 02:25:10: <PABLO> even if no one remembers an event, it happened and pretty much nothing can make it have not happened in the past
  1259. 02:25:10: <YE|HW> HONESTLY
  1260. 02:25:12: <YE|HW> AT THIS POINT
  1261. 02:25:17: <YE|HW> IM GOING WITH LAST ON THIS ONE
  1262. 02:25:27: <PABLO> last does have a point
  1263. 02:25:31: <PABLO> even if you die
  1264. 02:25:31: <Arale> i'd like to add my support towards this as well
  1265. 02:25:36: <PABLO> you could have eaten a ton of cookie dough, man
  1266. 02:25:55: <Arale> think of the cookie dough just think of it
  1267. 02:25:59: <Last> i just formed a union of nonexistenal cooki www.dough lovers
  1268. 02:26:11: <Arale> kindle keyboard 10/10
  1269. 02:26:11: <PABLO> and the consumption of the dough still happened even if no one remembers it or is around to remember it
  1270. 02:26:32: <PABLO> honestly i just feel like you're underestimating the good times you can have in life even if you do die
  1271. 02:26:51: <PABLO> so you die, yes, it's sad, but at least you had a good time in the several decades /before/ dying
  1272. 02:27:00: <PABLO> that's how i see this
  1273. 02:28:16: <Arale> silence
  1274. 02:28:26: <Arale> spark are you even here at this point
  1275. 02:28:31: <YE|HW> spraks point though is what does that matter if you dont have the capacity for memories though
  1276. 02:28:41: <PABLO> i see his point, tucker
  1277. 02:28:42: <Arale> thing is spark doesnt know that death is an end
  1278. 02:28:45: <YE|HW> and i cant say i disagree with anything hes saying at all
  1279. 02:28:48: <PABLO> but my counterpoint is that like
  1280. 02:28:51: <YE|HW> literally
  1281. 02:28:55: <Arale> he's basing his logic on things that he doesnt know
  1282. 02:28:57: <Arale> :/
  1283. 02:28:59: <PABLO> even if you cannot remember the good times
  1284. 02:29:02: <PABLO> they happened
  1285. 02:29:05: <Last> im christian so
  1286. 02:29:06: <PABLO> and in your life you remembered them
  1287. 02:29:09: <YE|HW> but this is just one of those things
  1288. 02:29:11: <Arale> spark hholy f say something
  1289. 02:29:17: <PABLO> i understand but i don't want spark to kill himself
  1290. 02:29:23: <Arale> uh about that
  1291. 02:29:36: <PABLO> spark say something
  1292. 02:29:37: <PABLO> spark
  1293. 02:29:41: <PABLO> spark /talk/
  1294. 02:29:43: <PABLO> spark
  1295. 02:29:44: <PABLO> spark
  1296. 02:29:48: <PABLO> everyone ping him together
  1297. 02:29:51: <PABLO> spark spark spark
  1298. 02:29:53: <PABLO> spark spark spark
  1299. 02:30:01: <Arale> spark holy fuck
  1300. 02:30:03: <Arale> no
  1301. 02:30:05: <PABLO> spark i swear to god if you're hanging yourself or slitting your wrists or something i
  1302. 02:30:09: <PABLO> spark don't do this
  1303. 02:30:20: <Arale> spark we all fucking love you holy shit say something
  1304. 02:30:20: <PABLO> spark suicide is never the answer
  1305. 02:30:29: <PABLO> please just let us know you're ok spark
  1306. 02:30:40: <PABLO> spark
  1307. 02:30:59: <PABLO> spark i swear to god just say something and let us know you're not commiting suicide
  1308. 02:31:10: <Last> sprak :(
  1309. 02:31:13: <Arale> fucking
  1310. 02:31:28: <Last> COBBY
  1311. 02:31:42: <PABLO> spark talk
  1312. 02:31:46: <Arale> dangit cobweb is not on very much i wish he was here fuck
  1313. 02:31:47: <PABLO> say something
  1314. 02:31:51: <PABLO> say something
  1315. 02:31:59: <Arale> spark
  1316. 02:32:04: <Last> COBWEB HELP US ;(
  1317. 02:32:19: <PABLO> SPARK TALK TO US
  1318. 02:32:32: <Arale> spark im already feeling traumatised like i know its hard for me to talk seriously but im serious here, /i am feeling traumatised/
  1319. 02:32:39: <Arale> fucking
  1320. 02:32:42: <Arale> no
  1321. 02:32:54: <Last> my Eyes are tearing
  1322. 02:32:56: <Shroobario>
  1323. 02:33:00: <Shroobario> man i think this will be awesome
  1324. 02:33:02: <Arale> shroobario go away
  1325. 02:33:05: <Shroobario> they've got some big names working for
  1326. 02:33:06: <Arale> fuck
  1327. 02:33:06: <Shroobario> ok
  1328. 02:33:06: <Shroobario> bye
  1329. 02:33:11: <Arale> well you dont have to go away
  1330. 02:33:14: <PABLO>
  1331. 02:33:15: <Arale> but uhh
  1332. 02:33:19: <Arale> spark may have just killed himself is the thing
  1333. 02:33:24: <PABLO> per leet
  1334. 02:33:27: <PABLO> bad timing, shrub
  1335. 02:33:31: <PABLO> bad timing
  1336. 02:33:35: <Arale> fucking
  1337. 02:33:36: <Shroobario> okay, what?
  1338. 02:33:37: <Arale> no this is
  1339. 02:33:37: <YE|HW> ...we can use that for power
  1340. 02:33:39: <Arale> no
  1341. 02:33:39: <YE|HW> WE CAN USE THAT
  1342. 02:33:40: <YE|HW> FOR POWER
  1343. 02:33:41: <YE|HW> THATS IT
  1345. 02:33:46: <YE|HW> IF
  1346. 02:33:48: <YE|HW> AND
  1347. 02:33:48: <YE|HW> IF YOUVE HIT LOW
  1349. 02:34:02: <YE|HW> THEN FINE
  1350. 02:34:03: <YE|HW> BUT
  1351. 02:34:04: <Last> huh
  1352. 02:34:05: <YE|HW> YOU CAN USE THAT
  1353. 02:34:07: <YE|HW> TO FUCK SHIT UP
  1354. 02:34:09: <YE|HW> BECAUSE
  1355. 02:34:12: <YE|HW> YOU DONT CARE
  1356. 02:34:14: <YE|HW> EVEN
  1358. 02:34:31: <YE|HW> THAT'S IT
  1359. 02:34:40: <YE|HW> THATS WHAT WE NEED TO TELL HIM
  1360. 02:34:48: <YE|HW> BECAUSE
  1361. 02:34:49: <Shroobario> what is ye saying? what is going on?
  1362. 02:34:51: <YE|HW> ITS TRUE!
  1363. 02:34:54: <PABLO> shrub
  1364. 02:35:01: <Last> i dont know anymo tee e
  1365. 02:35:06: <PABLO> spark went through a bunch of crap about how nothing matters because death, as you know
  1366. 02:35:19: <PABLO> and he left and before that he went all quiet so he may have just gone through with suicide
  1367. 02:35:23: <Arale> not to be a downer but uhh it could be too late and i doubt we could realizationize him
  1368. 02:35:24: <Last> idontknow ;(
  1369. 02:36:13: <Arale> well um
  1370. 02:36:13: <ssmttrs> what's your problem um
  1371. 02:36:16: <Arale> what now
  1372. 02:36:23: <foram> !shutup
  1373. 02:36:23: <ssmttrs> I'll shut up... :o
  1374. 02:36:37: <Last> we wont know unlees cobby comes
  1375. 02:36:54: <Arale> i wish cobweb would be on more ugh
  1376. 02:37:12: <Last> someone checkbskype
  1377. 02:37:25: <beyn> heyo
  1378. 02:37:26: <PABLO> ok i hope cobby is here soon
  1379. 02:37:31: <Shroobario> who's beyn
  1380. 02:37:33: <Arale> beyn who are you
  1381. 02:37:33: <YE|HW> i mean do you know what i mean though you guys
  1382. 02:37:33: <PABLO> beyn bad time someone may have just died
  1383. 02:37:41: <YE|HW> thats what he needs to know
  1384. 02:37:41: <Arale> beyn identification quick
  1385. 02:37:45: <beyn> disturbedcrow
  1386. 02:37:48: <Arale> oh
  1387. 02:37:51: <YE|HW> hes offline on skype but i sent him that because he needs to know it
  1388. 02:37:54: <PABLO> beyn spark may have just killed himself
  1389. 02:37:54: <Arale> yeah um shit just went down
  1390. 02:38:00: <YE|HW> because like if you dont care then you can do ANYTHING
  1391. 02:38:03: <beyn> what
  1392. 02:38:03: <YE|HW> EVER
  1393. 02:38:18: <YE|HW> that gives you such an unbelievable amount of power its the perfect paradox
  1394. 02:38:21: <PABLO> he went through philosophical crap about how nothing matters because death and it was a load of bull
  1395. 02:38:27: <PABLO> and then he went quiet and left
  1396. 02:38:32: <PABLO> and he may have just tried to kill himself
  1397. 02:38:35: <Last> im crying :(
  1398. 02:38:35: <beyn> oh god
  1399. 02:38:36: <Arale> fuck i might have to go do chores but i need to stay here
  1400. 02:38:43: <beyn> this is bad
  1401. 02:38:46: <beyn> really bad
  1403. 02:38:54: <Arale> i /need/ to stay here how do i explain this to my parents i dont want to have to explain "internet friends" right now it'd take too long
  1404. 02:39:06: <Arale> no dad i cant go to dinner this is more important
  1405. 02:39:19: <Arale> what do we even do now
  1406. 02:39:20: <beyn> eat dinner by the computer
  1407. 02:39:25: <Arale> yeah no
  1408. 02:39:32: <Arale> i cant do that
  1409. 02:39:41: <beyn> we can't do anything
  1410. 02:39:53: <Shroobario> go to dinner arale
  1411. 02:39:58: <Shroobario> being here wont change anything
  1412. 02:40:05: <Arale> i
  1413. 02:40:10: <Arale> no i need to be here
  1414. 02:40:16: <beyn> cob isn't here since he's either dealing with it or has met an unfortunate fate as well.
  1415. 02:40:24: <PABLO> dumb disconnection
  1416. 02:40:26: <YE|HW> arale
  1417. 02:40:26: <Arale> cob is like never here though
  1418. 02:40:36: <YE|HW> look i
  1419. 02:40:38: <Arale> i mean yknow he is but not too often
  1420. 02:40:44: <YE|HW> we got this under control
  1421. 02:40:49: <Arale> ok i guess
  1422. 02:40:51: <YE|HW> even though i just was screaming and stuff we got this.
  1423. 02:40:57: <Arale> well ah
  1424. 02:41:10: <Arale> if we dont hear from him within
  1425. 02:41:18: <Arale> a bit im just going to
  1426. 02:41:23: <Arale> i dont know yet
  1427. 02:41:24: <Arale> but ah
  1428. 02:41:39: <beyn> I've been on gametechmods posting some crap on the off-topic spongebob thread and I come to Fantendo to this
  1429. 02:41:42: <Arale> anyway turns out dinner isnt quite ready yet but soon so im still here for a minute
  1430. 02:41:46: <YE|HW> its gonna be ok;
  1431. 02:42:20: <beyn> guys
  1432. 02:42:24: <beyn> if it has happened
  1433. 02:42:43: <beyn> the media will rape the story
  1434. 02:42:46: <Arale> im putting on sekai wa sore wo ai to yobundaze to uplift my mood by like a percentage but eh
  1435. 02:42:47: <beyn> or may ignore it
  1436. 02:43:03: <foram> Well I need to go shower and go to sleep now, I have been and will continue to be praying, although I'm not sure how many of you care about that
  1437. 02:43:05: <Shroobario> that's what you're thinking of?
  1438. 02:43:07: <Shroobario> really?
  1439. 02:43:08: <Shroobario> the media?
  1440. 02:43:41: <Arale> wow now i DO have to go to dinner which interrupts the song thats like not a thing i do is interrupt this song
  1441. 02:44:07: <beyn> what I'm saying is that if it has happened something or somebody will have documentation
  1442. 02:44:13: <beyn> whether the media or not
  1443. 02:45:28: <Shroobario> uhhh if it happened, we'll know because cobweb
  1444. 02:45:28: <beyn> eventually something will give and we'll find out what happens
  1445. 02:45:40: <Shroobario> we dont need outside sources
  1446. 02:45:52: <beyn> you've got a point there
  1447. 02:46:29: <Depp> What happened to Cobweb
  1448. 02:46:37: <beyn> but right now it's just wild mass guessing since we don't know where cob is
  1449. 02:46:49: <beyn> or if he's even alive for that matter
  1450. 02:48:25: <beyn> if cob has committed suicide then that may be the reason for the philosophical speech on death, unfortunately.
  1451. 02:48:48: <Shroobario> what the fuck
  1452. 02:48:52: <Depp> wait
  1453. 02:49:00: <Depp> when did Spark make a speech about death?
  1454. 02:49:01: <PABLO> i'm trying to get my mind off of the subject because if my parents find out goodbye fantendo and maybe internet
  1455. 02:49:08: <PABLO> you were away, depp
  1456. 02:49:08: <Shroobario> now you're just talking crazy
  1457. 02:49:17: <Shroobario> there's no reason for cob to have committed suicide
  1458. 02:49:51: <beyn> you have a point
  1459. 02:51:15: <beyn> we just have to wait, then
  1460. 02:51:44: <PABLO> just gotta wait
  1461. 02:52:10: <ChanServ> [Hemu] we are KhëñphükkëЯ | Hide yo' Grandmama cuz I'll fuck her too!
  1462. 02:52:46: <Hemu> apparently you all talked about abortion an hour ago and I missed it
  1463. 02:52:48: <Hemu> sadface
  1464. 02:53:06: <beyn> Hemingway
  1465. 02:53:15: <beyn> *hemu, the chat is in deep shit right now
  1466. 02:53:23: <Hemu> what why
  1467. 02:53:34: <beyn> sprak may have committed suicide
  1468. 02:53:39: <PABLO> yeah
  1469. 02:53:42: <Hemu> Jesus christ what
  1470. 02:53:46: <PABLO> because he got all like
  1471. 02:54:01: <PABLO> he believed that if we can't remember anything after death, then nothing matters, and he should commit suicide
  1472. 02:54:07: <Depp> you guys
  1473. 02:54:09: <Depp> ...
  1474. 02:54:10: <PABLO> and then he left chat after a few minutes of not saying anything at all
  1475. 02:54:14: <Depp> you don't think Elise is dead do you?
  1476. 02:54:19: <PABLO> no
  1477. 02:54:22: <Hemu> here wait I'll check facebook if cobby has said anything about it
  1478. 02:54:24: <PABLO> elise wasn't here
  1479. 02:54:25: <Depp> are you sure?
  1480. 02:54:29: <beyn> doub't Elise is dead
  1481. 02:54:46: <beyn> well, she did some contemplation on death while I was Waddel
  1482. 02:54:51: <Depp> because Elise could have killed herself and only Spark knew and then it lead him to this
  1483. 02:54:54: <Depp> but it's like
  1484. 02:55:03: <Depp> speculation
  1485. 02:55:05: <PABLO> it had nothing to do with elise
  1486. 02:55:07: <beyn> wmg
  1487. 02:55:14: <Depp> ok
  1488. 02:55:23: <PABLO> it was just him going nuts believing nothing mattered because we cannot have memories after death
  1489. 02:56:05: <Hemu> how is that nuts Pablo
  1490. 02:56:16: <PABLO> because he refused to see life is actually worth living
  1491. 02:56:23: <beyn> it was so sudden
  1492. 02:56:46: <Hemu> the nuts part is refusing to see life is worth living, not believing we won't remember after death
  1493. 02:57:04: <Hemu> anyways I'll message cobby
  1494. 02:57:10: <beyn> alright
  1495. 02:57:59: <Hemu> he's not on but I messaged him
  1496. 02:58:39: <beyn> we'll need to wait now
  1497. 02:59:01: <Last|Computer> oh
  1498. 02:59:05: <Last|Computer> oops
  1499. 03:00:38: <YE|HW> this is the worst night of my life
  1500. 03:00:56: <Last|Computer> what
  1501. 03:00:58: <Last|Computer> what else
  1502. 03:01:05: <Depp> "He really isn't gonna commit suicide, I'll tell you that right now. SonicWiki said the same thing but never actually committed suicide. Just give it an hour or two and everything will be back to normal. 1 minute ago by Ferrox"
  1503. 03:01:06: <beyn> last
  1504. 03:01:25: <Last|Computer> like this is really bad
  1505. 03:01:29: <beyn> I remember skittles doing the suicide thing on chat
  1506. 03:01:34: <Last|Computer> but i dont think that this would make it the worst night ever
  1507. 03:01:45: <beyn> but he never did a philosophical speech on death
  1508. 03:01:50: <Last|Computer> because like ive had some pretty tramutizing crap
  1509. 03:03:27: <PABLO> luckily i've stopped sweating like crazy about it
  1510. 03:04:26: <beyn> off topic, though there is a show on tv comparing Michael Jackson to a fucking Egyptian artefact.
  1511. 03:04:58: <Shroobario> did he say he was gonna kill himself before leaving?
  1512. 03:05:37: <Hemu> I think we shouldn't panic unless cobby confirms that sprak killed himself
  1513. 03:05:41: <Hemu> then we can panic
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