
odin/kaden b+c supports WIP

Jun 1st, 2017
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  1. [C-Support]
  2. Odin: Gods, where could it have gone? I-i could have sworn I left it around here somewhere....
  3. Kaden: Heya, mage guy! Odin, right?
  4. Odin: Huh? Oh. Greetings. ...Fox...fellow.
  5. Kaden: Kaden.
  6. Odin: Kaden, right. My apologies.
  7. Odin: ...
  8. Kaden: Hey, something up? You seem kinda frazzled.
  9. Odin: You wouldn't happen to have seen a tome around here, would you've?
  10. Kaden: A tome? Like a book?
  11. Odin: Right! It had a cover the color of the dusk sky, gilded with intricate runes.
  12. Kaden: W-wait, a kinda dark blue book? Gold and silver symbols on the spine?
  13. Odin: Yes! Yes, that's the sacred text I seek! Did you see it? Do you know where it is?
  14. Kaden: I... Ah, geez.
  15. Odin: ...I do NOT like the sound of that one bit.
  16. Kaden: Shoot. I... Okay, see, I DID see it lying around. But it was pretty battered and gross-looking, and when I opened it up, I couldn't read a single letter. I mean, I'm a pretty sharp guy, but I didn't recognize anything. I thought it was gibberish, so I....
  17. Odin: Kaden. What. Did. You. DO.
  18. Kaden: I, uh. Might have thrown it out?
  19. Odin: You WHAT?!
  20. Kaden: Shoot, Odin, I'm really sorry! I-i had no idea it was important!
  21. Odin: It...
  22. Odin: *sigh*
  23. Odin: Well. I guess that solves the mystery of where it's wandered off to.
  24. Kaden: What was it, exactly?
  25. Odin: It was...a grimoire of sorts. Of my own creation.
  26. Kaden: Wha--wait, I threw out something you wrote?
  27. Odin: It's fine.
  28. Kaden: But if you wrote it, that means it's the only copy, right?
  29. Odin: I said it's fine. It's...a loss, but one I will recover from. Eventually.
  30. Kaden: Odin--
  31. Odin: I guess I'll be going, then. To...quell the growing darkness that's tearing at my heart. Good day, Kaden.
  32. (Odin leaves)
  33. Kaden: Geez, Kaden, you really goofed it up good this time.
  35. [B Support]
  36. Kaden: Odin! Hey! Hey, hey, Odin!
  37. Odin: Hm? Oh. Kaden. How fare you, my silken-furred comrad-in-arms?
  38. Odin: Hey, what all have you got there?
  39. Kaden: Okay, so. I felt just terrible about throwing out your book--still do, really. So I decided that I'm gonna make it up to you by helping you rewrite the whole thing!
  40. Odin: Wait a second, that's not really necessa--
  41. Kaden: It's no problem! I'm totally happy to help. Look, see? I got aaaaaall kinds of stuff! A couple of bottles of ink, some cool pens--look, this one's even made out a feather! It's kinda weird, but that's something you Nohrians use, right?
  42. Odin: E-er, they--WE do, yes.
  43. Kaden: And hey, I even found a book that's got a cover sorta like the one you had! I mean, it's a dark green instead of a dark blue, but those pretty markings are close, right?
  44. Odin: Kaden, really, it's not-- ...That tome IS a gorgeous shade of emerald.
  45. Kaden: See? I thought you'd like it! So. Let's get down to business. What kinda book were you writing?
  46. Odin: It was...a book of tales. Legends.
  47. Kaden: Legends? Oh, what, like a story book?
  48. Odin: I...SUPPOSE you could call it that, yes.
  49. Kaden: Huh. That actually sounds pretty cool! I never really took you as that kinda guy, but I guess you DO have a way with words. So, Mr. Author, what kinda story were you writing?
  50. Odin: Hm. How do I put this.
  51. Odin: It's...a tale about a group of young warriors from a war-ravaged land. All of them orphans, many from a tender young age, forced to grow up far too quick whilst shouldering the weight of the world's expectations and dreams. The last dying embers of their homeland's hopes.
  52. Odin: But as fate would have it, these heroes are given a second chance to save their homeland and prevent the terrible future that befell their land. They travel to the past, to a history before darkness engulfed the world. And so, they must fight alongside the parents that left them all too soon in their world to prevent the impending calamity.
  53. Kaden: Hoo, boy. That's...that's kinda grim, Odin.
  54. Odin: That's fair. But I prefer to think of it as bittersweet.
  55. Kaden: Does it at least have a happy ending?
  56. Odin: Truthfully, I...I don't really know.
  57. Kaden: Huh? How do you not know? It's your story, right?
  58. Odin: I haven't penned it yet. These types of legends take time to really come together. The thoughts have to steep in one's mind to reach their full potential.
  59. Odin: Besides, a half-hearted conclusion wouldn't suit this tale. It would feel like an injustice to the...the characters.
  60. Kaden: Huh. Feels like you've spent a really long time putting this whole thing together.
  61. Odin: I suppose it has been. Years, really.
  62. Kaden: Y-years? I...
  63. Kaden: I'm really, really sorry, Odin. I didn't mean to throw out all your hard work. I-i had no idea it was your super-special story. I thought it was just a book of scribbles or something.
  64. Odin: Scribbles?
  65. Kaden: Yeah, I couldn't read a lick of anything in there--it wasn't Hoshidan OR Nohrian. And the ink was all smudged in places, and there were rips and tears and dogears on some of the pages, too.
  66. Odin: It was a...well-loved tome.
  67. Kaden: Wait, you're a mage, right? Was it written in some kind of ancient language or something? Something super secret or hard to read like that?
  68. Odin: E-er. I could say that.
  69. Odin: It was a type of script I learned as a child. My mother taught it to me. It felt...appropriate to use it for such a tale.
  70. Kaden: I guess that's why I didn't recognize the writing! That'd make sense.
  71. Kaden: I bet your mom would be really happy to know that you're writing a whole epic with that cool language she taught you, though! Even if it might be hard for other people to read....
  72. Odin: ...Hm. Tell me, Kaden, how skilled are you at penmanship?
  73. Kaden: Huh?
  74. Odin: I admit, my grasp on the Hoshidan language is...a bit lackluster, especially in terms of writing. And I'd like to prevent something like this happening again.
  75. Odin: So if you're interested in helping me rewrite my tale, perhaps we could work together. I could write it in Nohrian, and you could translate it into Hoshidan? That way, instead of there just being one lone copy--
  76. Kaden: There'd be two! Odin, that's a great idea!
  77. Odin: From misfortune arises new wisdom and rekindled spirit, Kaden, like a flower that refuses to be crushed during the harsh winter.
  78. Kaden: I...don't really get what that means, but I like it anyway! So, let's go back to the market real quick and pick up a second tome! I'm thinking making a nice red? Red's a pretty heroic color, right?
  79. Odin: Red will do nicely, I think. Now, off we go!
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