
Godaddy Encrypted Files Uploaded to Customer Accounts

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. Godaddy is installing password protected Obfuscator PHP Coded files within their customers accounts now?
  3. Filename: catt.php
  4. The unencrypted code is shown below.
  6. ++++
  9. <?php define("VERSION", '2.2');
  10. define("TOOL", 'CATT');
  11. define("HTPASSWDFILE", shell_exec("curl gdsupport:GjfFqt6*7@".TOOL."/htpasswd"));
  12. $GLOBALS['time'] = date("Y-m-d-H:i:s");
  13. session_start();
  14. function load_htpasswd(){ $res = Array();
  15. $array = preg_split( '/(\n|:)/',HTPASSWDFILE);
  16. for($i = 0;
  17. $i < count($array) -1;
  18. $i++) { if($i % 2 == 0){ $user = $array[$i];
  19. } else{ $pass = chop($array[$i]);
  20. } $res[$user] = $pass;
  21. } return $res;
  22. } function test_htpasswd( $pass_array, $user, $pass ){ if ( !isset($pass_array[$user])) return False;
  23. $crypted = $pass_array[$user];
  24. $salt = explode('$', $crypted);
  25. $salt = $salt[2];
  26. $check = trim(shell_exec("openssl passwd -apr1 -salt ".$salt." ".$pass));
  27. if($check == $crypted){ return True;
  28. } else{ return False;
  29. } } $pass_array = load_htpasswd();
  30. if (!isset($_SESSION['username']) && !isset($_SESSION['password']) && !isset($_GET['killself'])) { if(isset($_POST["user"]) && isset($_POST["pass"])){ $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST["user"];
  31. $_SESSION['password'] = $_POST["pass"];
  32. if(!test_htpasswd( $pass_array, $_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password'])){ $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  33. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  34. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  35. $action = "LoginFail";
  36. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  37. shell_exec($cmd);
  38. session_destroy();
  39. shell_exec('rm -f '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
  40. header("Refresh:0");
  41. } else{ header("Refresh:0");
  42. } } else{ echo "
  43. <html>
  44. <head>
  45. <title> ".TOOL." - Login </title>
  46. </head>
  47. <body>
  48. <form action='".basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."' method='post'>
  49. Username: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
  50. Password: <input type='password' name='pass'><br>
  51. <input type='submit' value='Submit'>
  52. </form>
  53. </body>
  54. </html>";
  55. } } else { $masterVersion = (float) shell_exec("curl".TOOL."_version_master.txt");
  56. $currentVersion = (float) VERSION;
  57. if($currentVersion < $masterVersion && !isset($_GET['killself'])){ echo "<html>
  58. <head>
  59. <title>New Version Required!</title>
  60. </head>
  61. <body>
  62. <h1>Your version of ".TOOL." is out of date</h1>
  63. <p>Your current version is <b>".$currentVersion."</b>. Please download version <b>".$masterVersion."</b> at <a href='http://managedtoolkit.cloud.phx3.gdg/".TOOL."/'>http://managedtoolkit.cloud.phx3.gdg/".TOOL."/</a>.</p>
  64. </body>
  65. </html>";
  66. exit;
  67. } if(isset($_GET['logs'])){ echo '<HTML> <header> <title> '.TOOL.' LOG REVIEW! </title> <H1>WordPress Debug Log:</H1><H4>This field is showing you the WordPress debug.log file held within wp-content.<p> <iframe src="./wp-content/debug.log" width="100%" height="30%"></iframe><p> <p> <H1>File Scan:</H1><p> <iframe src="./wp-content/file_scan.log" width="100%" height="30%"></iframe><p> <H1>Database Scan:</H1><p> <iframe src="./wp-content/db_scan.log" width="100%" height="30%"></iframe>';
  68. } elseif(isset($_GET['mail'])){ $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  69. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  70. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  71. $action = "phpmail";
  72. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  73. shell_exec($cmd);
  75. ?>
  76. <html>
  78. <body>
  80. <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['from'])) { $apsub = 'apsubmit@secureserver.net';
  81. $subject = time().' - Managed WordPress Mail Check - delete me -';
  82. $message = 'This message was generated by an automated tool by support. If you can read this please delete this message.';
  83. if (mail($to,$subject,$message)) { echo "Email sent! PHP mail() function is working properly!";
  84. } else { echo "Error - Mail not sent! Please troubleshoot possible causes. Ensure relay limit is not reached and account is not blocked in Splunk.";
  85. } } else { $apsub = 'apsubmit@secureserver.net';
  86. $subject = time().' - Managed WordPress Mail Check - delete me -';
  87. $message = 'This message was generated by an automated tool by support. If you can read this please delete this message';
  88. if (mail($to,$subject,$message)) { echo "Email sent! PHP mail() function is working properly!";
  89. } else { echo "Error - Mail not sent! Please troubleshoot possible causes. Ensure relay limit not reached and account not blocked in Splunk";
  90. } }
  91. ?>
  93. </body>
  94. </html>
  96. <?php } elseif(isset($_GET['phpinfo'])){
  97. ?>
  98. <style type="text/css">
  99. @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Mono);
  100. #phpinfo body,
  101. body,
  102. html,
  103. div {
  104. cursor: default;
  105. background-color: #13488A
  106. }
  108. #phpinfo body,
  109. #phpinfo pre,
  110. h1,
  111. h2,
  112. td,
  113. th {
  114. font-family: 'PT Mono', Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif
  115. }
  117. #phpinfo .e,
  118. #phpinfo .h {
  119. font-weight: 700;
  120. color: #FFF;
  121. min-width:
  122. }
  124. #phpinfo body,
  125. body {
  126. color: #FFF
  127. }
  129. #phpinfo pre {
  130. margin: 2px
  131. }
  133. #phpinfo a:link {
  134. color: #FFF;
  135. text-decoration: none;
  136. background-color: #fff
  137. }
  139. #phpinfo a:hover {
  140. text-decoration: underline
  141. }
  143. #phpinfo table {
  144. border-collapse: collapse;
  145. }
  147. #phpinfo .center {
  148. text-align: center
  149. }
  151. #phpinfo .center table {
  152. margin-left: auto;
  153. margin-right: auto;
  154. text-align: left;
  155. width: 50%;
  156. margin-top: 1%;
  157. }
  159. #phpinfo .center th {
  160. text-align: center!important
  161. }
  163. #phpinfo td,
  164. th {
  165. border: 1px solid #222;
  166. font-size: 90%;
  167. vertical-align: middle
  168. }
  170. #phpinfo h1 {
  171. font-size: 150%
  172. }
  174. #phpinfo h2 {
  175. font-size: 125%
  176. }
  178. #phpinfo .p {
  179. text-align: center
  180. }
  182. #phpinfo .e {
  183. background-color: #333
  184. }
  186. #phpinfo .e:hover {
  187. background-color: #373737
  188. }
  190. #phpinfo .h {
  191. background-color: #236AC3
  192. }
  194. #phpinfo .v {
  195. background-color: #333;
  196. color: #89E14A
  197. }
  199. #phpinfo .v:hover {
  200. background-color: #373737;
  201. color: #89E14A
  202. }
  204. #phpinfo .vr,
  205. #phpinfo hr {
  206. background-color: #333;
  207. color: #FFF
  208. }
  210. #phpinfo .vr {
  211. text-align: right
  212. }
  214. #phpinfo img {
  215. float: right;
  216. border: 0
  217. }
  219. #phpinfo hr {
  220. width: 600px;
  221. border: 0;
  222. height: 1px
  223. }
  224. </style>
  226. <div id="phpinfo">
  228. <?php $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  229. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  230. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  231. $action = "phpinfo";
  232. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  233. shell_exec($cmd);
  234. ob_start () ;
  235. phpinfo () ;
  236. $pinfo = ob_get_contents () ;
  237. ob_end_clean () ;
  238. echo ( str_replace ( "module_Zend Optimizer", "module_Zend_Optimizer", preg_replace ( '%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $pinfo ) ) ) ;
  240. ?>
  241. </div>
  244. <?php } elseif(isset($_GET['integrity'])){ $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  245. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  246. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  247. $action = "integrity";
  248. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  249. shell_exec($cmd);
  250. define('ABSPATH', './');
  251. if ( defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { include( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php' );
  252. $wp_locale = isset( $wp_local_package ) ? $wp_local_package : 'en_US';
  253. $apiurl = 'https://api.wordpress.org/core/checksums/1.0/?version=' . $wp_version . '&locale=' . $wp_locale;
  254. $json = json_decode ( file_get_contents ( $apiurl ) );
  255. $checksums = $json->checksums;
  256. $pass = "";
  257. $fail = "";
  258. foreach( $checksums as $file => $checksum ) { $file_path = ABSPATH . $file;
  259. if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) { if ( md5_file ($file_path) !== $checksum ) { $fail .= "<font color='red'>".$file."</font><br>";
  260. } else{ $pass .= "<font color='green'>".$file."</font><br>";
  261. } } } if ($fail == ""){ $fail = "None";
  262. } echo "
  263. <style type='text/css'>
  264. #wrap {
  265. width:600px;
  267. margin:0 auto;
  269. }
  270. #left_col {
  271. float:left;
  273. width:300px;
  275. }
  276. #right_col {
  277. float:right;
  279. width:300px;
  281. }
  282. </style>
  284. <div id='wrap'>
  285. <div id='left_col'>
  286. <h1>Failed:</h1><br>
  287. ".$fail."
  288. </div>
  289. <div id='right_col'>
  290. <h1>Passed:</h1><br>
  291. ".$pass."
  292. </div>
  293. </div>
  294. ";
  295. } } elseif(isset($_GET['core'])){ $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  296. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  297. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  298. $action = "core";
  299. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  300. shell_exec($cmd);
  302. ?>
  303. <h1>WARNING</h1>
  304. <h4>This will replace the core files.
  305. <font color='red'>Do not use this function with Managed WordPress</font>
  306. </h4><br />
  309. <?php $config['WP_VER'] = shell_exec("cat wp-includes/version.php | grep \"wp_version =\" | cut -d\' -f 2");
  310. $config['WORD_WGET'] = 'wget --no-check-certificate https://wordpress.org/wordpress-'.trim($config['WP_VER']).'.zip';
  311. $config['TIME'] = time();
  312. $config['CUR_URL'] = "//{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&coreOK={$config['TIME']}";
  314. ?>
  315. <a href='https://wordpress.org/wordpress-
  316. <?php echo $config[' WP_VER '];
  318. ?>.zip'>Manually download Wordpress
  319. <?php echo $config['WP_VER'];
  321. ?></a>
  322. <br /><strong>or</strong><br />
  323. <a href='
  324. <?php echo $config['CUR_URL']
  325. ?>'>Click here to complete the core file replacement</a>
  326. <br /><br />
  327. <pre>
  329. <?php $time = date("_His_mdY");
  330. $coreback = ".core_backup".$time."/";
  331. if (isset($_REQUEST['coreOK'])){ shell_exec("mkdir -p ".$coreback);
  332. echo "<br />mkdir -p ".$coreback;
  333. shell_exec("mv {wp*php,index.php,license.txt,readme.html,xmlrpc.php,wp-admin,wp-includes} ".$coreback);
  334. echo "<br />mv {wp*php,index.php,license.txt,readme.html,xmlrpc.php,wp-admin,wp-includes} ".$coreback;
  335. shell_exec("cp ".$coreback."wp-config.php ./");
  336. echo "<br />cp ".$coreback."wp-config.php ./";
  337. shell_exec($config['WORD_WGET']);
  338. echo "<br />".$config['WORD_WGET'];
  339. shell_exec("unzip wordpress*.zip");
  340. echo "<br />unzip wordpress*.zip";
  341. shell_exec("mv wordpress/{wp*php,index.php,license.txt,readme.html,xmlrpc.php,wp-admin,wp-includes} ./");
  342. echo "<br />mv wordpress/{wp*php,index.php,license.txt,readme.html,xmlrpc.php,wp-admin,wp-includes} ./";
  343. shell_exec("rm wordpress*.zip");
  344. echo "<br />rm wordpress*.zip";
  345. shell_exec("rm -rf wordpress");
  346. echo "<br />rm -rf wordpress";
  347. shell_exec("chmod 700 ".$coreback);
  348. echo "<br />chmod 700 ".$coreback." (in-case there's malicious code)";
  349. echo "<br /><br />All Done!";
  350. }
  351. ?></pre>
  353. <?php }else{ $max_execution = ini_get('max_execution_time');
  354. $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
  355. ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
  356. ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
  357. class get_started{ public $display;
  358. private $db_exists;
  359. public $db_output;
  360. public function __construct(){ session_start();
  361. session_regenerate_id(true);
  362. if((!isset($_SESSION['sql_backup']))||(empty($_SESSION['sql_backup']))) $_SESSION['sql_backup'] = 'None';
  363. if((!isset($_SESSION['tarball']))||(empty($_SESSION['tarball']))) $_SESSION['tarball'] = 'None';
  364. $started = $this->initialize();
  365. $this->display = new display();
  366. if($started === true){ $this->check_database();
  367. }else{ $started = $this->display->set_error_box($started);
  368. } $this->display->msg = $started;
  369. } private function initialize(){ if(PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX == 'dll'){ return '<h1>'.TOOL.' does not currently support Windows</h1>';
  370. } if(!is_callable('shell_exec')||(strpos(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'shell_exec') === true)){ return '<h1>Shell_exec is not enabled! Cannot parse config file!</h1><h2>Please manually remove '.TOOL.'.</h1>';
  371. } if(!class_exists('PDO')){ return '<h1>PDO is not installed!</h1><p>We will eventually add in fallbacks to MySQLi and regular MySQL if necessary</p>';
  372. } $directory = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
  373. $lock = $directory.'/'.TOOL.'lock';
  374. if(file_exists($lock)){ $stage = shell_exec('cat '.$lock.' 2>&1');
  375. return '<h1>'.TOOL.' IS WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES!</h1><h2>Current Step: '.$stage.'</h1>';
  376. } $s = new selector();
  377. if(file_exists('wp-config.php')){ $config['DB_NAME'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep DB_NAME |cut -d '\"' -f2| cut -d \' -f 4");
  378. $config['DB_USER'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep DB_USER |cut -d '\"' -f2| cut -d \' -f 4");
  379. $config['DB_PASSWORD'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep DB_PASSWORD |cut -d '\"' -f2| cut -d \' -f 4");
  380. $config['DB_HOST'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep DB_HOST |cut -d '\"' -f2| cut -d \' -f 4");
  381. $config['DB_HOST_DEBUG'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep DB_HOST |cut -d '\"' -f2| cut -d \' -f 4");
  382. $config['DB_PORT'] = '';
  383. $config['PREFIX'] = shell_exec("cat wp-config.php | grep table_prefix |cut -d '\"' -f 2 | cut -d \' -f2");
  384. $config['WP_VER'] = shell_exec("cat wp-includes/version.php | grep \"wp_version =\" | cut -d\' -f 2");
  385. $GLOBALS['WP_VER'] = $config['WP_VER'];
  386. if(strpos($config['DB_HOST'], ':') !== false){ $config['DB_PORT'] = str_replace(':', '', substr($config['DB_HOST'], strpos($config['DB_HOST'], ':')));
  387. $config['DB_HOST'] = substr($config['DB_HOST'], 0, strpos($config['DB_HOST'], ':'));
  388. }else{ $config['DB_PORT'] = 3306;
  389. } $dsn = 'mysql:host='.trim($config['DB_HOST']).';
  390. port='.trim($config['DB_PORT']).';
  391. dbname='.trim($config['DB_NAME']);
  392. try{ $GLOBALS['pdo'] = new PDO($dsn, trim($config['DB_USER']), trim($config['DB_PASSWORD']));
  393. }catch(PDOException $e){ die('There is an error in the wp-config file! Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage());
  395. ');
  396. $query->execute();
  397. $sum = "SUM( DATA_FREE )";
  398. $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'] = $query->fetch();
  399. $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'] = $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'][$sum];
  400. shell_exec("curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar;
  401. chmod +x wp-cli.phar");
  402. $wnode = shell_exec('hostname');
  403. $GLOBALS['Web_Server'] = $wnode;
  404. $config['W_NODE'] = $wnode;
  405. if (strpos($wnode, 'nlwpweb') !== false){ $ismwp = 'true';
  406. $GLOBALS['ismwp'] = $ismwp;
  407. $GLOBALS['platform'] = 'Managed WordPress';
  408. } else{ $ismwp = '0';
  409. $GLOBALS['ismwp'] = $ismwp;
  410. if (strpos($wnode, 'plcpnl') !== false){ $GLOBALS['platform'] = 'cPanel';
  411. } else if (strpos($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/home/content/') !== false){ $GLOBALS['platform'] = '2/4GH';
  412. } else if(strpos($wnode, 'secureserver.net') !== false){ $GLOBALS['platform'] = 'VPS/DED';
  413. } else{ $GLOBALS['platform'] = 'Unknown';
  414. $to = 'managedops@godaddy.com';
  415. $subject = '['.TOOL.'] Unauthorized Host';
  416. $message = "User: ".$_SESSION['username']." has uploaded ".TOOL." to an unrecognized system. Please review ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."";
  417. $headers = 'From: '.TOOL.'@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '.TOOL.'@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
  418. mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
  419. $s->killself();
  420. exit("Unrecognized platform detected, self-destructing. This action has been logged.");
  421. } } $checkcli = shell_exec('wp cli version');
  422. if (strpos($checkcli, 'WP-CLI') !== false){ $cancli = 'true';
  423. $GLOBALS['cancli'] = $cancli;
  424. } else{ $cancli = '0';
  425. $GLOBALS['cancli'] = $cancli;
  426. } $cwd = getcwd();
  427. $file = 'mailquota.log';
  428. $swap = str_replace('content', 'mailquota', $cwd);
  429. $almost = str_replace('html', $file, $swap);
  430. $last = substr($almost, 0, strpos($almost, ".log"));
  431. $fin = $last.'.log';
  432. $cmd = "grep 'COUNT' $fin | sed 's/\[COUNT\]//g'";
  433. if (file_exists($fin)){ $relays = shell_exec($cmd);
  434. $config['E_RELAY'] = $relays;
  435. } else{ $relays = "Failed";
  436. $config['E_RELAY'] = $relays;
  437. } if((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']))&&(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']))) $config['SITE_URL'] = 'https://';
  438. else $config['SITE_URL'] = 'http://';
  439. $config['SITE_URL'] .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  440. $config['SITE_URL'] = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '', $config['SITE_URL']);
  441. $config['SITE_URL'] = substr($config['SITE_URL'], 0, -1);
  442. $config['FILEOWNER'] = fileowner("".basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])."");
  443. foreach($config as $k => $v){ $v = trim($v);
  444. if(empty($v) && ($k !== 'DB_PORT') && ($k !== 'WP_VER')&& ($k !== 'E_RELAY') && ($k !== 'FILEOWNER')){ return '<h1>Error: Check wp-config.php file for empty '.$k.'!</h1>';
  445. } define($k, $v);
  446. } $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&*()_+-=";
  447. $length = 20;
  448. $len = strlen($chars);
  449. $pw = '';
  450. for ($i=0;
  451. $i<$length;
  452. $i++){ $pw .= substr($chars, rand(0, $len-1), 1);
  453. } $pw = str_shuffle($pw);
  454. define('WPPS_PW', $pw);
  455. function get_headers_from_curl_response($response){ $headers = array();
  456. $header_text = substr($response, 0, strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"));
  457. foreach (explode("\r\n", $header_text) as $i => $line) if ($i === 0) $headers['http_code'] = $line;
  458. else{ list ($key, $value) = explode(': ', $line);
  459. $headers[$key] = $value;
  460. } return $headers;
  461. } $ch = curl_init("".SITE_URL."/?gddebug=1");
  462. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  463. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  464. $response = curl_exec($ch);
  465. $headers = get_headers_from_curl_response($response);
  466. foreach($headers as $k => $v) { define($k, $v);
  467. } $GLOBALS['http_status'] = $headers['http_code'];
  468. if($GLOBALS['ismwp'] == false){ $GLOBALS['Proxy_Server'] = "N/A - this is not a MWP account";
  469. $GLOBALS['Cache_Server'] = "N/A";
  470. $GLOBALS['is_cached'] = "N/A";
  471. }else{ $GLOBALS['Cache_Server'] = $headers['X-Cache-Server'];
  472. $GLOBALS['Proxy_Server'] = $headers['X-Proxy-Server'];
  473. $GLOBALS['is_cached'] = $headers['X-Cache'];
  474. } $plugs = shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar plugin status');
  475. if(strpos($plugs, 'A worker ') !== false){ $GLOBALS['WORKER'] = "true";
  476. }else{ $GLOBALS['WORKER'] = "0";
  477. } function doMaths($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
  478. $bytes = max($bytes, 0);
  479. $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
  480. $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
  481. $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
  482. return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];
  483. } return true;
  484. }else{ return '<h1>We could not find the wp-config.php file!</h1><p>Please be sure to drop this script into the directory where the wp-config.php file lives.</p>';
  485. } } public function check_database(){ $check_db = new fix_things();
  486. $sql_result = $check_db->table_check();
  487. if($sql_result !== false){ $this->db_exists = true;
  488. $this->db_output = '<h3>Create Backup</h3><p></p>
  489. <p>This option exports a compressed (.sql.gz) dump file to the host. Effectively backs up the database.</p><br>
  490. <div class="row">
  491. <div class="col-sm-12">
  492. <form id="create_backup" name="create_backup" role="form" method="post">
  493. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="create_backup">
  494. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><font color="white">CREATE BACKUP</font></button>
  495. </form>
  496. </div>
  497. </div>';
  498. }else{ $this->db_exists = false;
  499. $this->db_output = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Database is missing critical data!</p><p class="small"><i>Check to make sure that there is a database and that it is a WordPress application!</i></p><p>It Might be missing tables and/or other critical WordPress data!</p>');
  500. } } } class display{ public $msg = '';
  501. public function set_warning_txt($msg){ return $this->msg = '<p class="text-warning">'.$msg.'</p>';
  502. } public function set_warning_box($msg){ return $this->msg = '<div id="alertBox" class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><b>'.$msg.'</b></div>';
  503. } public function set_error_txt($msg){ return $this->msg = '<p class="text-danger">'.$msg.'</p>';
  504. } public function set_error_box($msg){ return $this->msg = '<div id="alertBox" class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><b>'.$msg.'</b></div>';
  505. } public function set_success_txt($msg){ return $this->msg = '<p class="text-success"><b>'.$msg.'</b></p>';
  506. } public function set_success_box($msg){ return $this->msg = '<div id="alertBox" class="alert alert-success" role="alert">'.$msg.'</div>';
  507. } public function set_success_box_left($msg){ return $this->msg = '<div id="alertBox" class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><p align="left">'.$msg.'</p></div>';
  508. } public function del_box(){ return $this->msg = '<script>setTimeout(function(){var element = document.getElementById("alertBox");
  509. element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
  510. }, 2000);
  511. </script>';
  512. } } class selector { public $fix = '';
  513. public $display;
  514. public $archive;
  515. public $mySQL;
  516. private $lock;
  517. public function __construct($selection = ''){ $this->fix = new fix_things();
  518. $this->display = new display();
  519. $this->mySQL = new mysqlStuffs();
  520. $this->archive = new MyArchive($this->fix, $this->mySQL);
  521. $this->lock = new lockFile();
  522. if(!empty($selection)){ if(($selection !== 'fix_things')){ $this->$selection();
  523. }else{ $response = '';
  524. foreach($_POST as $method => $v){ if(($method !== 'selector')&&($v !== 'false')&&(is_callable($this->$method()))){ $response .= $this->$method();
  525. } } $response .= $this->display->set_warning_box('<p>'.TOOL.' has completed the operation.</p>');
  526. echo $response;
  527. echo $this->display->del_box();
  528. } } if(isset($_GET['killself'])){ $this->killself();
  529. } } public function create_backup(){ $this->logAction("create_backup");
  530. if(($file = $this->mySQL->create_sql_backup()) !== false){ $cmd = $this->lock->updateLock('Backing up MySQL database'). $this->mySQL->cmd. $this->lock->removeLock();
  531. shell_exec($cmd);
  532. echo $this->display->set_success_box('<p>MySQL Backup created: '.$file.'</p>');
  533. echo "<script>var btn = document.getElementById('restoreSubmit');
  534. var select = document.getElementById('dbDumps');
  535. var opt = document.createElement('option');
  536. opt.value = '".$file."';
  537. opt.innerHTML = '".$file."';
  538. select.appendChild(opt);
  539. btn.disabled = false;
  540. </script>";
  541. echo $this->display->del_box();
  542. }else{ echo $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred while trying to create the backup!</p>');
  543. echo $this->display->del_box();
  544. } } public function select_sql_backup(){ $response = '';
  545. $file_list = $this->mySQL->select_sql_backup();
  546. if(isset($_SESSION['sql_backup'])){ $response = $this->display->set_success_txt('Last backup file created this session: '. $_SESSION['sql_backup']);
  547. } $response .= '
  548. <form role="form" class="form-horizontal" method="post">
  549. <div class="form-group">
  550. <label for="backup_file" class="col-sm-4 control-label">Select Backup File:</label>
  551. <div class="col-sm-8">
  552. <select id="dbDumps" class="form-control" name="backup_file">';
  553. foreach($file_list as $k=>$v){ $response .= '<option value="'.$v.'"selected>'.$v.'</option>';
  554. } $response .= '
  555. </select>
  556. </div>
  557. </div>
  558. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="restore_backup">
  559. <div class="col-sm-12">';
  560. if(!empty($file_list)){ $response .= '<button id="restoreSubmit" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><font color="white">RESTORE BACKUP</font></button>
  561. </div>
  562. </form>';
  563. } else{ $response .= '<button id="restoreSubmit" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled><font color="white">RESTORE BACKUP</font></button>
  564. </div>
  565. </form>';
  566. } echo $response;
  567. } public function restore_backup(){ $this->logAction("restore_backup");
  568. if($this->mySQL->restore_sql_backup($_POST['backup_file']) !== false){ $cmd = $this->lock->updateLock('Restoring MySQL database'). $this->mySQL->cmd. $this->lock->removeLock();
  569. shell_exec($cmd);
  570. echo $this->display->set_success_box('<p>Restored the MySQL database from '.$_POST['backup_file'].' successfully!</p>');
  571. echo $this->display->del_box();
  572. }else{ echo $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred!</p><p>Unable to restore the database from file '.$_POST['backup_file'].'!</p>');
  573. echo $this->display->del_box();
  574. } } public function create_archive(){ $this->logAction("create_archive");
  575. if($this->mySQL->create_sql_backup('./wp-content') !== false){ $file = $this->archive->create_archive();
  576. $_SESSION['tarball'] = $file;
  577. $cmd = $this->lock->updateLock('Backing up MySQL database'). $this->mySQL->cmd. $this->lock->updateLock('Creating tarball for transport'). $this->archive->cmd. $this->lock->removeLock();
  578. shell_exec($cmd);
  579. $response = $this->display->set_success_box('Archive completed: '.$file);
  580. echo "<script>var btn = document.getElementById('archiveSubmit');
  581. var select = document.getElementById('archiveList');
  582. var opt = document.createElement('option');
  583. opt.value = '".$file."';
  584. opt.innerHTML = '".$file."';
  585. select.appendChild(opt);
  586. btn.disabled = false;
  587. </script>";
  588. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Unable to back up the MySQL database!</p><p>MySQL backup and file archive for this process were aborted!</p>');
  589. } echo $response;
  590. echo $this->display->del_box();
  591. } public function select_archive(){ $disabled = '';
  592. $response = '';
  593. $archive_list = $this->archive->select_archive();
  594. $response = '
  595. <form role="form" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
  596. <div class="form-group">
  597. <label for="archive_file" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Select Archive:</label>
  598. <div class="col-sm-8">
  599. <select id="archiveList" name="archive_file" class="form-control">
  600. <option selected disabled>-- Choose an Archive --</option>';
  601. foreach($archive_list as $k=>$v){ $response .= '<option value="'.$v.'">'.$v.'</option>';
  602. } $response .= '
  603. </select>
  604. </div>
  605. </div>
  606. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="unpack_archive">
  607. <div class="col-sm-12">';
  608. if(!empty($archive_list)){ $response .= '<button id="archiveSubmit" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><font color ="white">UNPACK ARCHIVE</font></button>
  609. </div>
  610. </form>';
  611. } else{ $response .= '<button id="archiveSubmit" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled><font color ="white">UNPACK ARCHIVE</font></button>
  612. </div>
  613. </form>';
  614. } echo $response;
  615. } public function child_theme(){ $parent_sel = $_POST['child_theme_select'];
  616. $parent_theme = basename($parent_sel);
  617. $mkchild = './wp-cli.phar scaffold child-theme '.$parent_theme.'-child --parent_theme='.$parent_theme.' --theme_name='.$parent_theme.'-child --author="This child theme was generated from the parent theme by WPPS. All Theme credit belongs to original creator(s)" --activate';
  618. shell_exec($mkchild);
  619. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Successfully created the child theme");
  620. echo $this->display->del_box();
  621. } public function permalinks(){ if($_POST['permalink_select'] == "blank"){ $structure = "";
  622. }else{ $structure = $_POST['permalink_select'];
  623. } echo $this->display->set_success_box(shell_exec("Rewrite structure set to '".$structure."'"));
  624. echo $this->display->del_box();
  625. } public function install_ionCube(){ $this->logAction("install_ionCube");
  626. if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) { $version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
  627. define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]));
  628. } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50207) { define('PHP_MAJOR_VERSION', $version[0]);
  629. define('PHP_MINOR_VERSION', $version[1]);
  630. define('PHP_RELEASE_VERSION', $version[2]);
  631. } $inipath = php_ini_loaded_file();
  632. $ini_name = basename($inipath);
  633. $cmd = "cp ".$inipath.$ini_name;
  634. shell_exec($cmd);
  635. if($GLOBALS['platform'] == "2/4GH"){ shell_exec("wget http://downloads3.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz -O ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz");
  636. shell_exec("tar -xzvf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz");
  637. }else{ shell_exec("wget http://downloads3.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz -O ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz");
  638. shell_exec("tar -xzvf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz");
  639. } $file_data = "[ZEND]\nzend_extension=\"/usr/local/Zend/lib/Guard-6.0.0/php-".PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION.".x/ZendGuardLoader.so\"\nzend_extension = ".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_".PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION.".so\n";
  640. if(file_exists($ini_name)){ $file_data .= file_get_contents($ini_name);
  641. } file_put_contents($ini_name, $file_data);
  642. shell_exec("rm -f ioncube_loaders_lin_x86*.tar.gz");
  643. shell_exec('pkill -U '.FILEOWNER.';
  644. ');
  645. echo $this->display->set_success_box("ionCube has been enabled!");
  646. echo $this->display->del_box();
  647. } public function unpack_archive(){ $this->logAction("unpack_archive");
  648. $import = (isset($_POST['import']) ? true : false);
  649. $automagic = (isset($_POST['automagic']) ? true : false);
  650. $archive_file = (isset($_POST['archive_file']) ? $_POST['archive_file'] : false);
  651. $response = '';
  652. if($archive_file !== false){ if($this->archive->unpack_all_archives($_POST['archive_file'], $import) !== false){ $cmd = $this->lock->updateLock('Unpacking file archive'). $this->archive->cmd;
  653. $reponse = '<p>During this processes we have:</p><ul class="list-unstyled">
  654. <li>- Extracted the wp-content folder</li>';
  655. if($import){ $backup = $this->mySQL->locate_own_sql();
  656. if($backup !== false){ $this->mySQL->restore_sql_backup($backup);
  657. $cmd .= $this->lock->updateLock('Restoring MySQL database'). $this->mySQL->cmd;
  658. $response .= '<li>- Imported the MySQL database</li>';
  659. } } if($automagic){ $cmd .= $this->lock->updateLock('Applying fixes to the database');
  660. $response .= '<li>- Updated table prefixes, usermeta, and options</li>';
  661. } $cmd .= $this->lock->removeLock();
  662. shell_exec($cmd);
  663. $response .= '</ul>';
  664. $response = $this->display->set_success_box($response);
  665. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Unable to decompress the archive.</p><p>Please attempt to decompress the archive manually or upload the archive again.</p>');
  666. } }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Please select an archive.</p>');
  667. } echo $response;
  668. echo $this->display->del_box();
  669. } public function createINI(){ $this->logAction("createINI");
  670. $phpini = new iniGenerator($_POST);
  671. if($phpini->generate() !== false){ $this->killProcesses();
  672. $response = $this->display->set_warning_box($_POST['ini_select'].' successfully created! Processes have been restarted!');
  673. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred! The new INI was not created!</p>');
  674. } echo $response;
  675. echo $this->display->del_box();
  676. } public function get_url(){ $result = $this->fix->get_url();
  677. if($result !== false){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  678. <p id="urlOld" class="small">Old: <i>'.$result.'</i></p>
  679. <p id="urlNew" class="small">New: <i>'.SITE_URL.'</i></p>
  680. <input type="hidden" name="set_url" value="false" />';
  681. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_txt('Could not locate the site URL!');
  682. } return $response;
  683. } public function set_url(){ $this->logAction("set_url");
  684. $old_url = $this->fix->get_url();
  685. $this->fix->set_url();
  686. $response = $this->display->set_success_box('<p><b>Site URL Updated!</b></p><p>Old Site URL: '.$old_url.'</p><p>Site URL is '.SITE_URL.'</p>');
  687. echo "<script>var urlOld = document.getElementById('urlOld');
  688. var urlNew = document.getElementById('urlNew');
  689. urlOld.innerHTML = 'Old: ".$this->fix->get_url()."';
  690. urlNew.innerHTML = 'New: ".SITE_URL."';
  691. </script>";
  692. echo $response;
  693. echo $this->display->del_box();
  694. } public function get_prefixes(){ if($this->fix->get_prefix_list() !== false){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  695. <p id="prefixOld" class="small">Old: <i>'.$this->fix->old_prefix.'</i></p>
  696. <p id="prefixNew" class="small">New: <i>'.PREFIX.'</i></p>
  697. <input type="hidden" name="set_prefixes" value="false" />';
  698. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Could not parse prefixes!</p><p>This function will not run until there is only one COMPLETE WordPress database present</p>');
  699. } return $response;
  700. } public function set_prefixes(){ $this->logAction("set_prefixes");
  701. if($this->fix->rename_tables()){ $response = $this->display->set_success_box('<p><b>Table Prefixes Updated!</b></p><p>Prefix "'.$this->fix->old_prefix.'" updated to "'.$this->fix->new_prefix.'" on all tables and database entries</p>');
  702. $this->fix->get_prefix_list();
  703. echo "<script>var prefixOld = document.getElementById('prefixOld');
  704. var prefixNew = document.getElementById('prefixNew');
  705. prefixOld.innerHTML = 'Old: ".$this->fix->old_prefix."';
  706. prefixNew.innerHTML = 'New: ".PREFIX."'</script>";
  707. } else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>Multiple prefixes were detected! No queries were ran!</p><p>Check the database for multiple usermeta tables</p>');
  708. } echo $response;
  709. echo $this->display->del_box();
  710. } public function killself(){ $this->logAction("kill_script");
  711. $killsql = "find * -type f -name '".TOOL."-SQL_*' -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
  712. ";
  713. $killarch = "find * -type f -name '".TOOL."-Archive*' -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
  714. ";
  715. $killdebug = "mv wp-config.php wp-config.php.debug;
  716. find . -type f -name 'wp-config.php.".TOOL."-debug-bak*' -print0 | xargs --null -I{} mv {} wp-config.php;
  717. ";
  718. $killreview = "rm ".TOOL."-review.html";
  719. $logprot = `echo '\n\n# Protect the log files\n<Files ~ "\.log$">\nOrder Allow,Deny\nDeny from all\n</Files>' >> ./wp-content/.htaccess`;
  720. $htFile = @file_get_contents("./wp-content/.htaccess");
  721. $expression = '(.*Protect(.*\n)+.*Files>)';
  722. $protCheck = preg_match('/'.$expression.'/', $htFile);
  723. $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
  724. if(isset($_SESSION['sql_backup'])&&!empty($_SESSION['sql_backup'])){ $sql_backup = dirname($path).$_SESSION['sql_backup'];
  725. } $debug = glob('./wp-config.php.'.TOOL.'-debug-bak*');
  726. $filter = array_filter($debug);
  727. if (!empty($filter)) { shell_exec($killdebug);
  728. } if (file_exists($review)){ shell_exec($killreview);
  729. if ($protCheck == 0){ shell_exec($logprot);
  730. } } shell_exec($killsql);
  731. shell_exec($killarch);
  732. shell_exec('rm -f wp-cli.phar');
  733. shell_exec('rm -f '.$path);
  734. header("Refresh:0");
  735. } private function ResetUpload(){ $this->logAction("Reset_Upload");
  736. $sql = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  737. $cmd = "\"UPDATE \`".PREFIX."options\` SET option_value = 'wp-content/uploads' WHERE option_name = 'upload_path';
  738. \"";
  739. shell_exec($sql.$cmd);
  740. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Upload path has been reset!");
  741. echo $this->display->del_box();
  742. } private function LoginReset(){ $this->logAction("Reset_Lockout");
  743. $sql = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  744. $cmd = "\"UPDATE \`".PREFIX."options\` SET option_value = '' WHERE option_name = 'limit_login_lockouts' LIMIT 1;
  745. \"";
  746. shell_exec($sql.$cmd);
  747. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Login lockout has been reset!");
  748. echo $this->display->del_box();
  749. } private function regenthumbs(){ $this->logAction("Regen_Thumbnails");
  750. $sql = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  751. $cmd = "\"UPDATE \`".PREFIX."options\` SET option_value = '' WHERE option_name = 'upload_url_path' LIMIT 1;
  752. \"";
  753. shell_exec($sql.$cmd);
  754. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar media regenerate --only-missing');
  755. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Media thumbnails have been regenerated!");
  756. echo $this->display->del_box();
  757. } private function EnableWorker(){ $this->logAction("Enable_Worker");
  758. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar plugin install worker --activate');
  759. echo $this->display->set_success_box("ManageWP Worker Plugin has been enabled!");
  760. echo $this->display->del_box();
  761. } private function UpdateCore(){ $this->logAction("Update_Core");
  762. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar core update --force');
  763. echo $this->display->set_success_box("WordPress Core have been updated!");
  764. echo $this->display->del_box();
  765. } private function DisComms(){ $this->logAction("Disable_Comments");
  766. $sql = "\"UPDATE \`".PREFIX."posts\` SET comment_status='closed';
  767. UPDATE \`".PREFIX."options\` SET option_value='closed' WHERE option_name='default_comment_status';
  768. \"";
  769. $cmd = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  770. shell_exec($cmd.$sql);
  771. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Comments have been disabled!");
  772. echo $this->display->del_box();
  773. } public function redraw (){ $response = "<script>var archives = document.getElementById('archiveList');
  774. archives.innerHTML='";
  775. $archive_list = $this->archive->select_archive();
  776. if(count($archive_list) > 0){ echo '<script>var archivebtn = document.getElementById("archiveSubmit");
  777. archivebtn.disabled = false;
  778. </script>';
  779. } foreach($archive_list as $k=>$v){ $response .= '<option value="'.$v.'">'.$v.'</option>';
  780. } $response .= "';
  781. </script>";
  782. echo $response;
  783. $response = "<script>var databases = document.getElementById('dbDumps');
  784. databases.innerHTML='";
  785. $file_list = $this->mySQL->select_sql_backup();
  786. if(count($file_list) > 0){ echo '<script>var dbbtn = document.getElementById("restoreSubmit");
  787. dbbtn.disabled = false;
  788. </script>';
  789. } foreach($file_list as $k=>$v){ $response .= '<option value="'.$v.'">'.$v.'</option>';
  790. } $response .= "';
  791. </script>";
  792. echo $response;
  793. echo $this->fix->old_prefix;
  794. echo "<script>var prefixOld = document.getElementById('prefixOld');
  795. var prefixNew = document.getElementById('prefixNew');
  796. prefixOld.innerHTML = 'Old: ".$this->fix->get_prefix_list()."';
  797. prefixNew.innerHTML = 'New: ".PREFIX."'</script>";
  798. echo "<script>var urlOld = document.getElementById('urlOld');
  799. var urlNew = document.getElementById('urlNew');
  800. urlOld.innerHTML = 'Old: ".$this->fix->get_url()."';
  801. urlNew.innerHTML = 'New: ".SITE_URL."';
  802. </script>";
  804. ');
  805. $query->execute();
  806. $sum = "SUM( DATA_FREE )";
  807. $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'] = $query->fetch();
  808. $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'] = $GLOBALS['DBOverhead'][$sum];
  809. echo "<script>var overhead = document.getElementById('overhead');
  810. overhead.innerHTML = '".strval(doMaths($GLOBALS['DBOverhead']))."'</script>";
  811. echo "<script>var latestSQL = document.getElementById('last_sql_backup');
  812. var latestTAR = document.getElementById('last_tar_backup');
  813. latestSQL.innerHTML = '".$_SESSION['sql_backup']."';
  814. latestTAR.innerHTML = '".$_SESSION['tarball']."';
  815. </script>";
  816. if(E_RELAY !== "Failed"){ $cwd = getcwd();
  817. $file = 'mailquota.log';
  818. $swap = str_replace('content', 'mailquota', $cwd);
  819. $almost = str_replace('html', $file, $swap);
  820. $last = substr($almost, 0, strpos($almost, ".log"));
  821. $fin = $last.'.log';
  822. $cmd = "grep 'COUNT' $fin | sed 's/\[COUNT\]//g'";
  823. if (file_exists($fin)){ $relays = shell_exec($cmd);
  824. $config['E_RELAY'] = $relays;
  825. } echo "<script>var relay = document.getElementById('relays');
  826. relay.innerHTML = '".E_RELAY."'</script>";
  827. } } private function killProcesses(){ $this->logAction("killProcesses");
  828. shell_exec('pkill -U '.FILEOWNER.';
  829. ');
  830. echo $this->display->set_success_box('Processes ran by '.FILEOWNER.' terminated!');
  831. echo $this->display->del_box();
  832. } private function roleReset(){ $this->logAction("roleReset");
  833. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar role reset --all');
  834. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Roles have been reset!");
  835. echo $this->display->del_box();
  836. } private function PluginUpdate(){ $this->logAction("PluginUpdate");
  837. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar plugin update --all');
  838. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Plugins have been updated!");
  839. echo $this->display->del_box();
  840. } private function ThemeUpdate(){ $this->logAction("ThemeUpdate");
  841. shell_exec('./wp-cli.phar theme update --all');
  842. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Themes have been updated!");
  843. echo $this->display->del_box();
  844. } private function PurgeComms(){ $this->logAction("Purge_Comments");
  845. $sql = "\"TRUNCATE \`".PREFIX."commentmeta\`;
  846. TRUNCATE \`".PREFIX."comments\`;
  847. \"";
  848. $cmd = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  849. shell_exec($cmd.$sql);
  850. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Comments have been purged!");
  851. echo $this->display->del_box();
  852. } private function PurgeSpam(){ $this->logAction("Purge_Spam");
  853. $sql = "\"DELETE FROM \`".PREFIX."comments\` WHERE comment_approved = 'spam';
  854. \"";
  855. $cmd = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  856. shell_exec($cmd.$sql);
  857. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Comments marked as spam have been purged!");
  858. echo $this->display->del_box();
  859. } private function PurgeUnapproved(){ $this->logAction("Purge_Unapproved");
  860. $sql = "\"DELETE FROM \`".PREFIX."comments\` WHERE comment_approved = '0';
  861. \"";
  862. $cmd = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  863. shell_exec($cmd.$sql);
  864. echo $this->display->set_success_box("All comments awaiting moderation have been purged!");
  865. echo $this->display->del_box();
  866. } private function OptDB(){ $this->logAction("OptDB");
  867. $OptDB = "mysqlcheck -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --optimize";
  868. shell_exec($OptDB);
  869. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Database tables have been optimized!");
  870. echo $this->display->del_box();
  871. } private function RepairDB(){ $this->logAction("Repair_DB");
  872. $RepairDB = "mysqlcheck -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." -A --auto-repair";
  873. shell_exec($RepairDB);
  874. echo $this->display->set_success_box("Database tables have checked and repaired!");
  875. echo $this->display->del_box();
  876. } public function supportUser(){ $this->logAction("Support_User_Updated");
  877. $sql = "\"SELECT \`user_login\` FROM \`".PREFIX."users\` WHERE \`user_login\` = 'wpps-support' AND \`user_email\` = 'wpps-noreply@secureserver.net';
  878. \"";
  879. $cmd = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e ";
  880. session_start();
  881. if (strpos(shell_exec($cmd.$sql), 'wpps-support') !== false){ $updatepass = "./wp-cli.phar user update wpps-support --user_pass='".WPPS_PW."'";
  882. shell_exec($updatepass);
  883. $_SESSION['wpps-support'] = $pw;
  884. echo "<script>var element = document.getElementById('supportPass');
  885. element.innerHTML = 'Pass: ".WPPS_PW."';
  886. </script>";
  887. echo $this->display->set_success_box('Copy the user/password quickly: wpps-support | ' . WPPS_PW);
  888. echo $this->display->del_box();
  889. } else { $cmd = './wp-cli.phar user create wpps-support wpps-noreply@secureserver.net --role=administrator --user_pass="'.WPPS_PW.'"';
  890. shell_exec($cmd);
  891. $this->logAction("Support_User_Created");
  892. echo "<script>var element = document.getElementById('supportPass');
  893. element.innerHTML = 'Pass: ".WPPS_PW."';
  894. </script>";
  895. echo $this->display->set_success_box('Copy the user/password quickly: wpps-support | ' . WPPS_PW);
  896. echo $this->display->del_box();
  897. session_start();
  898. $_SESSION['wpps-support'] = WPPS_PW;
  899. } } public function AutoLogin(){ define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false );
  900. define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', false );
  901. define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
  902. include_once("wp-load.php");
  903. if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $user = wp_get_current_user();
  904. echo "<script>window.open('".SITE_URL."/wp-admin/', '_blank');
  905. </script>";
  906. } else{ $creds = array();
  907. $creds['user_login'] = "wpps-support";
  908. $creds['user_password'] = "'".WPPS_PW."'";
  909. $creds['remember'] = true;
  910. $user = wp_signon( $creds, false );
  911. if(is_wp_error( $user )){ echo $this->display->set_error_box($user->get_error_message());
  912. echo $this->display->del_box();
  913. } else{ wp_set_auth_cookie( $user->ID, true );
  914. echo "<script>window.open('".SITE_URL."/wp-admin/', '_blank');
  915. </script>";
  916. } } } public function killTransient(){ $this->logAction("killTransient");
  917. if($this->fix->get_prefix_list() !== false){ $this->mySQL->killTransient($this->fix->old_prefix);
  918. $cmd = $this->lock->updateLock('Clearing cache from database and varnish...'). $this->mySQL->cmd. $this->lock->removeLock();
  919. shell_exec($cmd);
  920. $response = $this->display->set_success_box('Cache and transients have been flushed!');
  921. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('An error has occurred while attempting to clear the transient data!');
  922. } echo $response;
  923. echo $this->display->del_box();
  924. } private function cleanup($directory = '.'){ $this->logAction("cleanup");
  925. $remove = '';
  926. if ($dh = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh)) ){ if((strpos($file, ''.TOOL.'-Archive') !== false)||(strpos($file, ''.TOOL.'-SQL') !== false)){ $remove .= 'rm -f '.$file.';
  927. ';
  928. } } closedir($dh);
  929. } return $remove;
  930. } public function database_scan(){ $this->logAction("database_scan");
  931. $time = date("_His_mdY");
  932. $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.PREFIX.'posts WHERE post_content LIKE "%iframe%" UNION SELECT * FROM '.PREFIX.'posts WHERE post_content LIKE "%noscript%" UNION SELECT * FROM '.PREFIX.'posts WHERE post_content LIKE "%display:%";
  933. ';
  934. $file = './wp-content/db_scan.log';
  935. $cmd = "mysql -B -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." --disable-column-names -e '".$sql."' > ".$file.";
  936. echo '\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t ****** SCAN COMPLETED @ ".$time." ******' >> ".$file.";
  937. ";
  938. shell_exec($cmd);
  939. if (file_exists($file)) { echo $this->display->set_success_box('<p>Database Scan Complete - please review '.$file.'</p>');
  940. echo $this->display->del_box();
  941. }else{ echo $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred while trying to create the output file!</p>');
  942. echo $this->display->del_box();
  943. } } public function sel_db_scan(){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tasks glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  944. <p class="medium">Run Database Scan</p>
  945. <input type="hidden" name="database_scan" value="false" />';
  946. return $response;
  947. } public function file_scan(){ $this->logAction("file_scan");
  948. $time = date("_His_mdY");
  949. $file = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
  950. $scan = 'echo -e "The following files have been marked for manual review by an automated scan performed by Support. However, as we are not able\nto support custom scripting or the inner workings of third-party applications, we are unable to provide specific solutions.\nTherefore, we respectfully suggest the use of your favorite Internet search engine in order to further research this issue.\n\n*** Please note this scan checks common compromise signatures but that does NOT always mean the file has been compromised *** \n\t \n\t ## FILES FOUND WITH BASE64 CODE ##\n" > ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  951. grep -ri --include=*.php --exclude='.$file.' -lPHn "base64" . >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  952. echo -e "\n\t \n\t ## FILES FOUND WITH 46ESAB(base64 backwards) CODE ##\n" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  953. grep -ri --include=*.php --exclude='.$file.' -lPHn "46esab" . >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  954. echo -e "\n\t \n\t ## FILES FOUND WITH EVAL CODE ##\n" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  955. grep -ri --include=*.php --exclude=".$file." -lPHn "(eval\(.*\);
  956. )" . >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  957. echo -e "\n\t \n\t ## FILES FOUND WITH GZINFLATE CODE ##\n" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  958. grep -ri --include=*.php --exclude='.$file.' -lPHn "gzinflate" . >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  959. echo -e "\n\t \n\t ## PHP FILES FOUND WITHIN WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS ##\n" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  960. find ./wp-content/uploads -name "*.php" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  961. echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t ****** SCAN COMPLETED @ '.$time.' ******" >> ./wp-content/file_scan.log;
  962. ';
  963. shell_exec($scan);
  964. $fscan = './wp-content/file_scan.log';
  965. if (file_exists($fscan)) { $response = $this->display->set_success_box('<p>File Scan Complete - please review '.$fscan.'</p>');
  966. }else{ $response = $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred while trying to create the output file!</p>');
  967. } echo $response;
  968. echo $this->display->del_box();
  969. } public function sel_f_scan(){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  970. <p class="medium">Run File Scan</p>
  971. <input type="hidden" name="file_scan" value="false" />';
  972. return $response;
  973. } public function wp_debug(){ $this->logAction("wp_debug");
  974. function Salty($length = 32) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
  975. $string = '';
  976. for ($i = 0;
  977. $i < $length;
  978. $i++) { $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)];
  979. } return $string;
  980. } $authk = Salty();
  981. $sauthk = Salty();
  982. $logink = Salty();
  983. $noncek = Salty();
  984. $asalt = Salty();
  985. $sasalt = Salty();
  986. $logsalt = Salty();
  987. $nonsalt = Salty();
  988. $debug = "./wp-config.php.".TOOL."-debug-bak".$GLOBALS['time'];
  989. if ($GLOBALS['ismwp'] == 'true'){ $dbconf = "
  990. <?php\n/**\n * The base configurations of the WordPress.\n *\n * This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix,\n * Secret Keys, and ABSPATH. You can find more information by visiting\n * {@link http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php Editing wp-config.php}\n * Codex page. You can get the MySQL settings from your web host.\n *\n * This file is used by the wp-config.php creation script during the\n * installation. You don't have to use the web site, you can just copy this file\n * to 'wp-config.php' and fill in the values.\n *\n * @package WordPress\n */\n\n// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //\n/** The name of the database for WordPress */\ndefine('DB_NAME', '".DB_NAME."');
  991. \n\n/** MySQL database username */\ndefine('DB_USER', '".DB_USER."');
  992. \n\n/** MySQL database password */\ndefine('DB_PASSWORD', '".DB_PASSWORD."');
  993. \n\n/** MySQL hostname */\ndefine('DB_HOST', '".DB_HOST_DEBUG."');
  994. \n\n/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */\ndefine('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
  995. \n\n/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */\ndefine('DB_COLLATE', '');
  996. \n\n/**#@+\n * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.\n *\n * Change these to different unique phrases!\n * You can generate these using the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service}\n * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.\n *\n * @since 2.6.0\n */\ndefine('AUTH_KEY', '".$authk."');
  997. \ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '".$sauthk."');
  998. \ndefine('LOGGED_IN_KEY', '".$logink."');
  999. \ndefine('NONCE_KEY', '".$noncek."');
  1000. \ndefine('AUTH_SALT', '".$asalt."');
  1001. \ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '".$sasalt."');
  1002. \ndefine('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '".$logsalt."');
  1003. \ndefine('NONCE_SALT', '".$nonsalt."');
  1004. \n\n/**#@-*/\n\n/**\n * WordPress Database Table prefix.\n *\n * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique\n * prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!\n */\n\$table_prefix = '".PREFIX."';
  1005. \n\n/**\n * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.\n *\n * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.\n * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG\n * in their development environments.\n */\n// Enable WP_DEBUG mode\ndefine('WP_DEBUG', true);
  1006. \ndefine('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
  1007. // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file\ndefine('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
  1008. @ini_set('display_errors',0);
  1009. \ndefine('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
  1010. \n\n//define( 'WP_CACHE', true );
  1011. \ninclude_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/gd-config.php' );
  1012. \ndefine( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct');
  1013. \ndefine('FS_CHMOD_DIR', (0705 & ~ umask()));
  1014. \ndefine('FS_CHMOD_FILE', (0604 & ~ umask()));
  1015. \n\n\n/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */\n\n/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\nif ( !defined('ABSPATH') )\n define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
  1016. \n\n/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\nrequire_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
  1017. ";
  1018. } else{ $dbconf = "
  1019. <?php\n/**\n * The base configurations of the WordPress.\n *\n * This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix,\n * Secret Keys, and ABSPATH. You can find more information by visiting\n * {@link http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php Editing wp-config.php}\n * Codex page. You can get the MySQL settings from your web host.\n *\n * This file is used by the wp-config.php creation script during the\n * installation. You don't have to use the web site, you can just copy this file\n * to 'wp-config.php' and fill in the values.\n *\n * @package WordPress\n */\n\n// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //\n/** The name of the database for WordPress */\ndefine('DB_NAME', '".DB_NAME."');
  1020. \n\n/** MySQL database username */\ndefine('DB_USER', '".DB_USER."');
  1021. \n\n/** MySQL database password */\ndefine('DB_PASSWORD', '".DB_PASSWORD."');
  1022. \n\n/** MySQL hostname */\ndefine('DB_HOST', '".DB_HOST_DEBUG."');
  1023. \n\n/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */\ndefine('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
  1024. \n\n/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */\ndefine('DB_COLLATE', '');
  1025. \n\n/**#@+\n * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.\n *\n * Change these to different unique phrases!\n * You can generate these using the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service}\n * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.\n *\n * @since 2.6.0\n */\ndefine('AUTH_KEY', '".$authk."');
  1026. \ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '".$sauthk."');
  1027. \ndefine('LOGGED_IN_KEY', '".$logink."');
  1028. \ndefine('NONCE_KEY', '".$noncek."');
  1029. \ndefine('AUTH_SALT', '".$asalt."');
  1030. \ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '".$sasalt."');
  1031. \ndefine('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '".$logsalt."');
  1032. \ndefine('NONCE_SALT', '".$nonsalt."');
  1033. \n\n/**#@-*/\n\n/**\n * WordPress Database Table prefix.\n *\n * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique\n * prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!\n */\n\$table_prefix = '".PREFIX."';
  1034. \n\n/**\n * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.\n *\n * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.\n * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG\n * in their development environments.\n */\n// Enable WP_DEBUG mode\ndefine('WP_DEBUG', true);
  1035. \ndefine('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
  1036. // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file\ndefine('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
  1037. @ini_set('display_errors',0);
  1038. \ndefine('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
  1039. \n\n//define( 'WP_CACHE', true );
  1040. \ndefine( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct');
  1041. \ndefine('FS_CHMOD_DIR', (0705 & ~ umask()));
  1042. \ndefine('FS_CHMOD_FILE', (0604 & ~ umask()));
  1043. \n\n\n/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */\n\n/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\nif ( !defined('ABSPATH') )\n define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
  1044. \n\n/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\nrequire_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
  1045. ";
  1046. } $move = "mv ./wp-config.php ".$debug;
  1047. shell_exec($move);
  1048. $file = 'wp-config.php';
  1049. $handle = fopen($file, 'w');
  1050. fwrite($handle, $dbconf);
  1051. fclose($handle);
  1052. if (file_exists($debug)) { echo $this->display->set_success_box('<p>WordPress Debugging Enabled - Please review ./wp-content/debug.log</p>');
  1053. echo $this->display->del_box();
  1054. }else{ echo $this->display->set_error_box('<p>An error has occurred while trying to backup the configuration file!</p>');
  1055. echo $this->display->del_box();
  1056. } } public function sel_wp_debug(){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1057. <p class="medium">Enable Debugging Mode</p><p>(WordPress/PHP)</p>
  1058. <input type="hidden" name="wp_debug" value="false" />';
  1059. return $response;
  1060. } public function disable_plugins(){ $sqLogin = "mysql -B -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." -s -N -e '";
  1061. $curPlugins = 'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name LIKE "active_plugins"\'';
  1062. $curPlug = shell_exec($sqLogin.$curPlugins);
  1063. $disPlug = 'a:0:{}';
  1064. if(trim($curPlug) == $disPlug){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1065. <p class="medium">Restore Plugins</p>
  1066. <input type="hidden" name="dis_plugins" value="false" />';
  1067. return $response;
  1068. }else{ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1069. <p class="medium">Disable Plugins</p>
  1070. <input type="hidden" name="dis_plugins" value="false" />';
  1071. return $response;
  1072. } } public function dis_plugins(){ $this->logAction("dis_plugins");
  1073. $time = date("_His_mdY");
  1074. $file = "./support_logs/active_plugins.txt";
  1075. $sqLogin = "mysql -B -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." -s -N -e '";
  1076. $plugins = 'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name LIKE "active_plugins";
  1077. ';
  1078. $trunc = 'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_value = "a:0:{}" WHERE option_name LIKE "active_plugins"';
  1079. $curPlugins = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name LIKE "active_plugins"\'';
  1080. $curPlug = shell_exec($curPlugins);
  1081. if(trim($curPlug) != "a:0:{}"){ $unPlug = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-active_plugins-toggled" WHERE option_name = "active_plugins"\'';
  1082. shell_exec($unPlug);
  1083. $MyPlug = $sqLogin.'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'options(option_id, option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID( ), "active_plugins", "a:0:{}", "yes");
  1084. \'';
  1085. shell_exec($MyPlug);
  1086. }else{ $checkMyPlug = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_name FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-active_plugins-toggled"\'';
  1087. $checkFP = shell_exec($checkMyPlug);
  1088. if(!empty($checkFP) && $checkFP != NULL){ $mvMyPlug = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-active_plugins-remove" WHERE option_name = "active_plugins"\'';
  1089. shell_exec($mvMyPlug);
  1090. $rePlug = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "active_plugins" WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-active_plugins-toggled"\'';
  1091. shell_exec($rePlug);
  1092. $unMyPlug = $sqLogin.'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-active_plugins-remove"\'';
  1093. shell_exec($unMyPlug);
  1094. } } } public function default_theme(){ $sqLogin = "mysql -B -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." -s -N -e '";
  1095. $defaultTheme = 'twentysixteen';
  1096. $checkTemplate = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name LIKE "template"\'';
  1097. $checkStyle = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name LIKE "stylesheet"\'';
  1098. $curTemp = shell_exec($checkTemplate);
  1099. $curStyle = shell_exec($checkStyle);
  1100. $checkMyTemp = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_name FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-toggled"\'';
  1101. $checkFT = shell_exec($checkMyTemp);
  1102. if($checkFT != NULL ){ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1103. <p class="medium">Restore Theme</p>
  1104. <input type="hidden" name="dis_theme" value="false" />';
  1105. return $response;
  1106. }else{ $response = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home glyphicon-size-massive" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1107. <p class="medium">Set Default Theme</p>
  1108. <input type="hidden" name="dis_theme" value="false" />';
  1109. return $response;
  1110. } } public function dis_theme(){ $this->logAction("dis_theme");
  1111. $sqLogin = "mysql -B -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' ".DB_NAME." -P".DB_PORT." -s -N -e '";
  1112. $defaultTheme = 'twentysixteen';
  1113. $template = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "template" \'';
  1114. $style = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_value FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "stylesheet" \'';
  1115. $curTemp = shell_exec($template);
  1116. $curStyle = shell_exec($style);
  1117. if(trim($curTemp) != $defaultTheme && trim($curStyle) != $defaultTheme){ $MyTemp = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-toggled" WHERE option_name LIKE "template" \'';
  1118. $MyStyle = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-stylesheet-toggled" WHERE option_name LIKE "stylesheet" \'';
  1119. $MyDefTemp = $sqLogin.'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'options(option_id, option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID( ), "template", "twentysixteen", "yes");
  1120. \'';
  1121. $MyDefStyle = $sqLogin.'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'options(option_id, option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID( ), "stylesheet", "twentysixteen", "yes");
  1122. \'';
  1123. shell_exec($MyTemp);
  1124. shell_exec($MyStyle);
  1125. shell_exec($MyDefTemp);
  1126. shell_exec($MyDefStyle);
  1127. $dtheme = "twentysixteen-".TOOL.".zip";
  1128. $move ="mv ./wp-content/themes/twentysixteen ./wp-content/themes/twentysixteen.bak;
  1129. ";
  1130. $wget = "wget https://downloads.wordpress.org/theme/twentysixteen.1.3.zip;
  1131. unzip twentysixteen.1.3.zip -d ./wp-content/themes/";
  1132. $theme = "./wp-content/themes/twentysixteen";
  1133. if (file_exists($dtheme)) { $bye = "rm twentysixteen.1.3.zip";
  1134. shell_exec($bye);
  1135. } if (file_exists($theme)) { shell_exec($move);
  1136. shell_exec($wget);
  1137. }else{ shell_exec($wget);
  1138. } }else{ $checkMyTemp = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_id FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-toggled"\'';
  1139. $checkMyStyle = $sqLogin.'SELECT option_id FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-stylesheet-toggled"\'';
  1140. $checkFT = shell_exec($checkMyTemp);
  1141. $checkFS = shell_exec($checkMyStyle);
  1142. if(checkFS != NULL && $checkFT != NULL){ $mvTemp = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-remove" WHERE option_name LIKE "template" \'';
  1143. $mvStyle = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "'.TOOL.'-stylesheet-remove" WHERE option_name LIKE "stylesheet" \'';
  1144. shell_exec($mvTemp);
  1145. shell_exec($mvStyle);
  1146. $reTemp = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "template" WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-toggled"\'';
  1147. $reStyle = $sqLogin.'UPDATE '.PREFIX.'options SET option_name = "stylesheet" WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-stylesheet-toggled"\'';
  1148. shell_exec($reTemp);
  1149. shell_exec($reStyle);
  1150. $unMyTemp = $sqLogin.'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-template-remove" \'';
  1151. $unMyStyle = $sqLogin.'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX.'options WHERE option_name = "'.TOOL.'-stylesheet-remove" \'';
  1152. shell_exec($unMyTemp);
  1153. shell_exec($unMyStyle);
  1154. } } } public function logAction($action){ $cuser= $_SESSION['username'];
  1155. $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  1156. $log = "../.wpc.log";
  1157. $cmd = "echo -en '[".$time."] U: ".$cuser." - Cmd: ".$action."\n' >> ".$log."\n";
  1158. shell_exec($cmd);
  1159. return;
  1160. } } class lockFile { private $lockfile = '';
  1161. public function __construct(){ $directory = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
  1162. $this->lockfile = $directory.'/'.TOOL.'lock';
  1163. } public function updateLock($process = ''){ if(!empty($process)){ return 'echo "'.$process.'" > '.$this->lockfile.';
  1164. ';
  1165. } } public function removeLock(){ return 'rm -f '.$this->lockfile.';
  1166. ';
  1167. } } class iniGenerator{ private $phpconfig = array();
  1168. public $filename = '';
  1169. public function __construct($data){ $directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
  1170. $this->filename = $directory.'/'.$data['ini_select'];
  1171. foreach($data as $k => $v){ if(strpos($k, 'php_') !== false){ $key = substr($k, 4);
  1172. $this->phpconfig[$key] = $v;
  1173. } } } public function generate(){ if($this->backupINI()){ $content = '';
  1174. foreach($this->phpconfig as $k => $v){ $content .= 'echo "'.$k.' = '.$v.'" >> '.$this->filename.';
  1175. ';
  1176. } shell_exec('touch '.$this->filename.' && '.$content);
  1177. if(file_exists($this->filename)){ return true;
  1178. }else{ return false;
  1179. } }else{ return false;
  1180. } } private function backupINI(){ if(file_exists($this->filename)){ if(rename($this->filename, $this->filename.'-backup')){ return true;
  1181. }else{ return false;
  1182. } }else{ return true;
  1183. } } } class MyArchive{ private $fix;
  1184. private $mySQL;
  1185. public $cmd;
  1186. public $lock;
  1187. public function __construct($fix = '', $mySQL = ''){ $this->fix = (empty($fix) ? false: $fix);
  1188. $this->mySQL = (empty($mySQL) ? false : $mySQL);
  1189. if((!$this->fix)||(!$this->mySQL)) die('An error has occurred in the '.TOOL.' archives!');
  1190. } public function select_archive(){ $directory = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
  1191. $archive_list = array();
  1192. $allowed = array( '.tar', '.zip', '.gz', '.tar', '.bz2' );
  1193. if(is_dir($directory)){ if ($dh = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh)) ){ foreach($allowed as $check){ if(!in_array($file, $archive_list)){ if((strpos($file, $check) !== false)&&(strpos($file, '.sql') === false)){ $archive_list[] = $file;
  1194. } } } } closedir($dh);
  1195. } } return $archive_list;
  1196. } public function create_archive(){ $fdom = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  1197. $dom = str_replace(".","_", $fdom);
  1198. $time = date("_His_mdY");
  1199. $filename = ''.TOOL.'-Archive_'.$dom.''.$time.'.tar.gz';
  1200. $this->cmd = 'tar -zcf '.$filename.' ./wp-content/;
  1201. ';
  1202. return $filename;
  1203. } public function unpack_all_archives($archive_backup = '', $import){ $match = explode('.', $archive_backup);
  1204. $numFound = count($match);
  1205. $ext = array();
  1206. $cmd = false;
  1207. switch(true){ default: case ($numFound <= 1): break;
  1208. case ($numFound == 2): $ext[0] = '.'.$match[1];
  1209. break;
  1210. case ($numFound <= 3): $ext[0] = '.'.$match[$numFound - 1];
  1211. $ext[1] = '.'.$match[$numFound - 2].$ext[0];
  1212. $ext = array_reverse($ext);
  1213. break;
  1214. } if(!empty($ext)){ foreach($ext as $extension){ if(!$cmd){ switch($extension){ case '.tar.gz': case '.tgz': $cmd = 'tar -xzf ';
  1215. break;
  1216. case '.gz': $cmd = 'gunzip -d < ';
  1217. break;
  1218. case '.zip': $cmd = 'unzip ';
  1219. break;
  1220. case '.tar': $cmd = 'tar -xf ';
  1221. break;
  1222. case '.bz2': $cmd = 'bunzip2 ';
  1223. break;
  1224. } } } } if($cmd){ $this->cmd .= $cmd.$archive_backup.';
  1225. ';
  1226. return true;
  1227. }else{ return false;
  1228. } } } class wpaas_connection { public $pdo;
  1229. public $query;
  1230. private $bind = array();
  1231. protected $table;
  1232. public function __construct(){} public function __destruct(){ if($this->pdo !== null) $this->disconnect();
  1233. } public function connect(){ $dsn = 'mysql:host='.DB_HOST.';
  1234. port='.DB_PORT.';
  1235. dbname='.DB_NAME;
  1236. try{ $this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
  1237. }catch(PDOException $e){ die('There is an error in the wp-config file! Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage());
  1238. } } public function run($sql = ''){ $this->connect();
  1239. $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
  1240. $result = $query->execute();
  1241. $result = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  1242. return $result;
  1243. } public function runAll($sql = ''){ $this->connect();
  1244. $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
  1245. $result = $query->execute();
  1246. $result = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  1247. return $result;
  1248. } public function disconnect(){ $this->pdo = null;
  1249. } } class mysqlStuffs{ public $mysqlBackup = '';
  1250. public $cmd = '';
  1251. public function create_sql_backup($dir = ''){ $time = date("_His_mdY");
  1252. $filename = ''.TOOL.'-SQL_'.DB_NAME.$time.'.sql';
  1253. $this->cmd = "mysqldump -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' -P ".DB_PORT." ".DB_NAME." > ";
  1254. if(!empty($dir)){ $dir = $this->formatDir($dir);
  1255. if($dir !== false){ $filename = $dir.'/'.$filename;
  1256. }else{ return false;
  1257. } }else{ $_SESSION['sql_backup'] = $filename;
  1258. } $this->cmd .= $filename.';
  1259. ';
  1260. return $filename;
  1261. } public function select_sql_backup($directory = ''){ if(empty($directory)) $directory = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
  1262. $contdir = $directory.'/wp-content/';
  1263. $file_list = array();
  1264. $contsql = array();
  1265. if(is_dir($directory)){ if ($dh = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh)) ){ if(strpos($file, '.sql')) $file_list[] = $file;
  1266. } closedir($dh);
  1267. } } return $file_list;
  1268. } public function restore_sql_backup($sql_backup){ $precmd = '';
  1269. $sql_check = strpos($sql_backup, '.sql');
  1270. if(!$sql_check){ $ext = '.tar.gz';
  1271. }else{ $ext = substr($sql_backup, $sql_check);
  1272. } $base_name = str_replace($ext, '', $sql_backup).'_'.TOOL.'.sql';
  1273. $auth = "mysql -h ".DB_HOST." -u ".DB_USER." -p'".DB_PASSWORD."' -P ".DB_PORT." ".DB_NAME;
  1274. $drop = "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;
  1275. SET @tables = NULL;
  1276. SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name) INTO @tables FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '".DB_NAME."';
  1277. SET @tables = CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ', @tables);
  1278. PREPARE stmt FROM @tables;
  1279. EXECUTE stmt;
  1282. ";
  1283. $cmd = $auth."< ./";
  1284. if($ext !== '.sql'){ switch($ext){ case '.sql.tgz': $precmd = '';
  1285. break;
  1286. case '.sql.gz': $precmd = "gunzip -dc < ".$sql_backup;
  1287. break;
  1288. case '.sql.zip': $precmd = 'unzip -p '.$sql_backup;
  1289. break;
  1290. case '.tar.gz': $precmd = 'tar -xzOf '.$sql_backup;
  1291. break;
  1292. } $precmd .= " | sed 's/CREATE DATABASE/-- CREATE DATABASE/g' | sed 's/USE/-- USE/g' >> ./".$base_name.' ;
  1293. ';
  1294. }else{ $precmd = "sed 's/CREATE DATABASE/-- CREATE DATABASE/g' ./".$sql_backup." | sed 's/USE/-- USE/g' >> ./".$base_name.' ;
  1295. ';
  1296. } $postcmd = ';
  1297. rm -f ./'.$base_name.';
  1298. ';
  1299. $this->cmd = $auth.' -e "'.$drop.'" ;
  1300. '.$precmd.$cmd.$base_name.$postcmd;
  1301. } public function killTransient(){ if ($GLOBALS['ismwp'] == 'true'){ $cmd = 'wp godaddy cache flush;
  1302. ./wp-cli.phar transient delete-expired;
  1303. ';
  1304. $xban = "curl -XBAN ".SITE_URL."";
  1305. shell_exec($xban);
  1306. shell_exec($cmd);
  1307. } else{ $cmd = './wp-cli.phar cache flush;
  1308. ./wp-cli.phar transient delete-expired;
  1309. ';
  1310. shell_exec($cmd);
  1311. } } public function locate_own_sql(){ $needle = ''.TOOL.'-SQL_';
  1312. $directory = 'wp-content';
  1313. $sql_backup = '';
  1314. if(is_dir($directory)){ if($dh = opendir($directory)){ while(false !==($file = readdir($dh))){ if((strpos($file, $needle) !== false)&&(empty($sql_backup))){ return 'wp-content/'.$file;
  1315. } } } } return false;
  1316. } private function formatDir($directory){ if(substr($directory, -1) === '/') $directory = substr($dir, 0, -1);
  1317. if(substr($directory, 0, 1) === '/') $directory = substr($directory, 1);
  1318. if(is_dir($directory)){ return $directory;
  1319. }else{ return false;
  1320. } } } class fix_things { public $new_prefix = '';
  1321. public $old_prefix = '';
  1322. public $good_tables = array();
  1323. public $prefix_array = array();
  1324. private $pdo = null;
  1325. public $display;
  1326. public function __construct(){ $this->pdo = new wpaas_connection();
  1327. $this->display = new display();
  1328. } public function get_prefix_list(){ $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%_usermeta'";
  1329. $result = $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1330. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1331. if((count($result) > 1)||(empty($result))) $this->old_prefix = false;
  1332. else $this->old_prefix = str_replace('usermeta', '', reset($result));
  1333. return $this->old_prefix;
  1334. } private function get_table_list(){ if(empty($this->old_prefix)){ $this->get_prefix_list();
  1335. } $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '".DB_NAME."' AND table_name LIKE '".$this->old_prefix."%'";
  1336. if($this->old_prefix !== false){ $sql .= $this->screen_wp('table_name');
  1337. $table_array = $this->pdo->runAll($sql);
  1338. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1339. foreach($table_array as $database => $nested){ foreach($nested as $k => $table){ if(!in_array($table, $this->good_tables)){ $this->good_tables[] .= $table;
  1340. } } } } } public function rename_tables(){ if($this->old_prefix !== false){ $this->get_table_list();
  1341. $this->new_prefix = PREFIX;
  1342. $sql = 'RENAME TABLE ';
  1343. foreach($this->good_tables as $tbl){ $tbl_name = preg_replace('/'.$this->old_prefix.'/', '', $tbl, 1);
  1344. $b_value = $this->new_prefix.$tbl_name;
  1345. $sql .= $tbl.' TO '.$b_value.', ';
  1346. } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);
  1347. $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1348. $this->fix_usermeta();
  1349. $this->fix_options();
  1350. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1351. return true;
  1352. }else{ return false;
  1353. } } private function fix_usermeta(){ $table = $this->new_prefix."usermeta";
  1354. $sql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET meta_key = REPLACE (meta_key, '".$this->old_prefix."', '".PREFIX."') WHERE meta_key LIKE '".$this->old_prefix."%'";
  1355. $sql .= $this->screen_wp('meta_key');
  1356. $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1357. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1358. } private function fix_options(){ $table = $this->new_prefix."options";
  1359. $sql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET option_name = REPLACE (option_name, '".$this->old_prefix."', '".PREFIX."') WHERE option_name LIKE '".$this->old_prefix."%'";
  1360. $sql .= $this->screen_wp('option_name');
  1361. $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1362. } private function screen_wp($key){ $sql = '';
  1363. if(($this->old_prefix !== 'wp_')&&(PREFIX !== 'wp_')&&($this->old_prefix !== PREFIX)){ $sql .= " AND ".$key." NOT LIKE '".PREFIX."%'";
  1364. } return $sql;
  1365. } public function get_url(){ if(empty($this->old_prefix)) $this->get_prefix_list();
  1366. if($this->old_prefix === false){ return false;
  1367. }else{ $prefix = (empty($this->new_prefix) ? $this->old_prefix : $this->new_prefix);
  1368. $sql = "SELECT option_value FROM ".$prefix."options WHERE option_name = 'siteurl'";
  1369. $result = $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1370. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1371. if(!empty($result)) $result = reset($result);
  1372. else $result = false;
  1373. return $result;
  1374. } } public function set_url(){ if(!empty($this->new_prefix)) $prefix = $this->new_prefix;
  1375. else $prefix = $this->old_prefix;
  1376. $sql = "UPDATE ".$prefix."options SET option_value = '".SITE_URL."' WHERE option_name = 'siteurl';
  1378. UPDATE ".$prefix."options SET option_value = '".SITE_URL."' WHERE option_name = 'home';
  1379. ";
  1380. $this->pdo->run($sql);
  1381. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1382. } public function table_check(){ $required_tables = array( 'commentmeta', 'comments', 'links', 'options', 'postmeta', 'posts', 'terms', 'term_relationships', 'term_taxonomy', 'usermeta', 'users' );
  1383. $sql = 'SHOW TABLES;
  1384. ';
  1385. $result = $this->pdo->runAll($sql);
  1386. $this->pdo->disconnect();
  1387. foreach($result as $key => $database){ foreach($database as $k=> $dbtable){ foreach($required_tables as $rk => $table){ if(strpos($dbtable, $table) !== false) unset($required_tables[$rk]);
  1388. } } } if(empty($required_tables)){ if($this->get_url() !== false) return true;
  1389. } return false;
  1390. } } $get_started = new get_started();
  1391. if(!isset($_POST['selector'])){
  1392. ?>
  1394. <!DOCTYPE html>
  1395. <html lang="en">
  1396. <head>
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  1399. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  1400. <title>
  1401. <?php echo TOOL;
  1403. ?> - a tool for WordPress</title>
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  1786. </head>
  1787. <body>
  1789. <?php $s = new selector();
  1790. $s->logAction("init");
  1792. ?>
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  1797. <div class="col-md-3 text-center col-no-pad">
  1798. <form role="form" method="post">
  1799. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="killTransient" />
  1800. <div id="cache1"><button type="submit" id="cache" class="btn btn-inf"><font color="white">Clear Cache (SQL/Varnish)</button></div></font>
  1801. </form>
  1802. </div>
  1803. <div class="col-md-3 text-center col-no-pad">
  1804. <form role="form" method="post">
  1805. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="redraw" />
  1806. <div id="redraw1"><button type="submit" id="redraw" class="btn btn-inf"><font color="white">Refresh Values</button></div></font>
  1807. </form>
  1808. </div>
  1809. <div class="col-md-3 text-center col-no-pad">
  1810. <form role="form" method="post">
  1811. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="killProcesses" />
  1812. <div id="kill1"><button type="submit" id="kill" class="btn btn-inf"><font color="white">Kill PHP Processes</button></div></font>
  1813. </form>
  1814. </div>
  1815. <div class="col-md-3 text-center col-no-pad navbar-danger">
  1816. <form role="form" method="post">
  1817. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="killself" />
  1818. <div id="killself1"><button type="submit" id="killself" class="btn btn-danger"><font color="white">Remove
  1819. <?php echo TOOL;
  1821. ?></button></div></font>
  1822. </form>
  1823. </div>
  1824. </div>
  1825. </div>
  1826. </div>
  1827. </header>
  1828. <div id="main-content">
  1830. <?php if($get_started->display->msg === true){
  1831. ?>
  1832. <div class="container-fluid">
  1833. <div class="row">
  1834. <div class="col-xs-12">
  1835. <div class="row ux-pagetitle">
  1836. <div class="col-md-offset-1 col-md-5">
  1837. <h3><b>DATABASE NAME:</b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1838. <?php echo DB_NAME;
  1840. ?></font></h3>
  1841. <h4><b>WordPress v:</b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1842. <?php echo WP_VER;
  1844. ?></font><b> PHP v:</b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1845. <?php echo phpversion();
  1847. ?></h4></font>
  1848. <h4><b>Abs. Path: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1849. <?php echo getcwd();
  1851. ?></h4></font>
  1852. <h4><b>Web Node: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1853. <?php echo $GLOBALS['Web_Server'];
  1855. ?></font></h4>
  1856. <h4><b>Proxy Server: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1857. <?php echo $GLOBALS['Proxy_Server'];
  1859. ?></font></h4>
  1860. <h4><b>Cache Server: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1861. <?php echo $GLOBALS['Cache_Server'];
  1863. ?></font><b> Status: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1864. <?php echo $GLOBALS['is_cached'];
  1866. ?></font>
  1868. <?php if($GLOBALS['WORKER'] == false){ echo '<form role="form" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="selector" value="EnableWorker" /><button type="submit" id="EnableWorker" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" style="background-color:#ef1313;
  1869. ">Enable Worker</button></form>';
  1870. }
  1871. ?>
  1872. </h4>
  1873. </div>
  1874. <div class="col-md-5 pull-right">
  1875. <h3>WordPress
  1876. <?php echo TOOL;
  1878. ?> <font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1879. <?php echo VERSION;
  1881. ?></font></h3>
  1882. <h4><b>
  1883. <?php echo TOOL;
  1885. ?> Archive:</b><font id="latest_tar_backup" color ="#1d6ccd">
  1886. <?php echo $_SESSION['tarball'];
  1888. ?></font></h4>
  1889. <h4><b>
  1890. <?php echo TOOL;
  1892. ?> DB Backup:</b><font id="latest_sql_backup" color ="#1d6ccd">
  1893. <?php echo $_SESSION['sql_backup'];
  1895. ?></font></h4>
  1896. <h4><b>Site Preview: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd"><a onclick="$('#preview1').toggle();
  1897. $('#MainMenu').toggle();
  1898. document.getElementById('preFrame').contentWindow.location.reload();
  1899. var iframe = document.getElementById('preFrame');
  1900. iframe.setAttribute('src', '/?nocache='+d.getTime());
  1901. document.getElementById('preFrame').src = document.getElementById('preFrame').src;
  1902. ">
  1903. <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  1905. ?></font></a> Status: </b><font color ="#1d6ccd">
  1906. <?php echo $GLOBALS['http_status'];
  1908. ?></h4></font></a>
  1909. <h4><b>DB Overhead: </b>
  1910. <font id="overhead" color="#1d6ccd">
  1912. <?php echo doMaths($GLOBALS['DBOverhead']);
  1914. ?> </font> <b>Email Relays: </b><font id="relays" color ="#1d6ccd">
  1915. <?php echo E_RELAY;
  1917. ?></h4></font>
  1919. <!-- Single button -->
  1920. <div class="btn-group">
  1921. <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
  1922. MySQL <span class="caret"></span>
  1923. </button>
  1924. <ul class="dropdown-menu">
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  1926. <form role="form" method="post">
  1927. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="PurgeSpam" />
  1928. <div id="PurgeSpam1">
  1929. <button type="submit" id="PurgeSpam" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1930. ">
  1931. Delete Spam Comments
  1932. </button>
  1933. </div>
  1934. </form>
  1935. </li>
  1936. <li>
  1937. <form role="form" method="post">
  1938. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="PurgeUnapproved" />
  1939. <div id="PurgeUnapproved1">
  1940. <button type="submit" id="PurgeUnapproved" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1941. ">
  1942. Delete Unapproved Comments
  1943. </button>
  1944. </div>
  1945. </form>
  1946. </li>
  1947. <li>
  1948. <form role="form" method="post">
  1949. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="RepairDB" />
  1950. <div id="RepairDB1">
  1951. <button type="submit" id="RepairDB" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1952. ">
  1953. Repair Tables
  1954. </button>
  1955. </div>
  1956. </form>
  1957. </li>
  1958. <li>
  1959. <form role="form" method="post">
  1960. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="PurgeComms" />
  1961. <div id="PurgeComms1">
  1962. <button type="submit" id="PurgeComms" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1963. ">
  1964. Delete ALL Comments
  1965. </button>
  1966. </div>
  1967. </form>
  1968. </li>
  1970. <li>
  1971. <form role="form" method="post">
  1972. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="DisComms" />
  1973. <div id="DisComms1">
  1974. <button type="submit" id="DisComms" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1975. ">
  1976. Disable Comments
  1977. </button>
  1978. </div>
  1979. </form>
  1980. </li>
  1981. <li>
  1982. <form role="form" method="post">
  1983. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="OptDB" />
  1984. <div id="OptDB1">
  1985. <button type="submit" id="OptDB" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  1986. ">
  1987. Optimize MySQL
  1988. </button>
  1989. </div>
  1990. </form>
  1991. </li>
  1994. </div>
  1995. <div class="btn-group">
  1996. <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
  1997. PHP <span class="caret"></span>
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  2000. <li>
  2001. <form role="form" method="post">
  2002. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="install_ionCube" />
  2003. <div id="install_ionCube1">
  2004. <button type="submit" id="install_ionCube" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2005. ">
  2006. Enable ionCube
  2007. </button>
  2008. </div>
  2009. </form>
  2010. </li>
  2012. <li>
  2013. <a href="./
  2014. <?php echo basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])
  2015. ?>?phpinfo=
  2016. <?php echo time();
  2018. ?>" target="_blank"
  2019. style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2020. ">
  2021. <center><b>PHP Info</b></center>
  2022. </a>
  2023. </li>
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  2025. <a href="./
  2026. <?php echo basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])
  2027. ?>?mail=
  2028. <?php echo time();
  2030. ?>" target="_blank"
  2031. style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2032. ">
  2033. <center><b>PHP Mail Test</b></center>
  2034. </a>
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  2050. ">
  2051. Regenerate Thumbnails
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  2054. </form>
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  2060. <button type="submit" id="ResetUpload" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2061. ">
  2062. Reset Upload Path
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  2065. </form>
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  2070. <div id="LoginReset1">
  2071. <button type="submit" id="LoginReset" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2072. ">
  2073. Reset Login Lockout
  2074. </button>
  2075. </div>
  2076. </form>
  2077. </li>
  2078. <li>
  2079. <form role="form" method="post">
  2080. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="roleReset" />
  2081. <div id="roleReset1">
  2082. <button type="submit" id="roleReset" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2083. ">
  2084. Reset All User Roles
  2085. </button>
  2086. </div>
  2087. </form>
  2088. </li>
  2089. <li>
  2090. <form role="form" method="post">
  2091. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="PluginUpdate" />
  2092. <div id="PluginUpdate1">
  2093. <button type="submit" id="PluginUpdate" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2094. ">
  2095. Update Plugins
  2096. </button>
  2097. </div>
  2098. </form>
  2099. </li>
  2100. <li>
  2101. <form role="form" method="post">
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  2104. <button type="submit" id="ThemeUpdate" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2105. ">
  2106. Update Themes
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  2108. </div>
  2109. </form>
  2110. </li>
  2111. <li>
  2112. <form role="form" method="post">
  2113. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="UpdateCore" />
  2114. <div id="UpdateCore1">
  2115. <button type="submit" id="UpdateCore" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2116. ">
  2117. Update WP-Core
  2118. </button>
  2119. </div>
  2120. </form>
  2121. </li>
  2122. <li>
  2123. <a href='./
  2124. <?php echo basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])
  2125. ?>?integrity' target='_blank' class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2126. ">Check WP-Core</a>
  2127. </li>
  2129. <?php if($GLOBALS['ismwp'] == false){ echo '<li><a href="./'.basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]).'?core='.time().'" target="_blank" class="btn btn-block" style="background-color:#F0F0F0;
  2130. ">Repair WP-Core</a></li>';
  2131. }
  2132. ?>
  2133. </ul>
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  2145. ">Create/Update User</button>
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  2159. <li class="dropdown-header">User: wpps-support</li>
  2160. <li id='supportPass' class="dropdown-header">Pass: </li>
  2161. </ul>
  2162. </div>
  2164. </div> -->
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  2182. <div id="primary-menu" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
  2183. <!-- Wrapper for carousel panes -->
  2184. <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
  2185. <!-- Main Menu -->
  2186. <div class="item active">
  2187. <div class="col-xs-12">
  2189. <!-- Menu items -->
  2190. <div class="row">
  2192. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="1">
  2193. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2194. <div class="well">
  2195. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">DATABASE THE THINGS!</h4>
  2196. <div class="row">
  2197. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2198. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-transfer glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2199. </div>
  2200. </div>
  2201. <div class="row">
  2202. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2203. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2204. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2205. Import/Export Database Content
  2206. </p>
  2207. </div>
  2208. </div>
  2209. </div>
  2210. </div>
  2211. </div>
  2212. </a>
  2214. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="2">
  2215. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2216. <div class="well">
  2217. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">ARCHIVE THE THINGS!</h4>
  2218. <div class="row">
  2219. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2220. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-compressed glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2221. </div>
  2222. </div>
  2223. <div class="row">
  2224. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2225. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2226. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2227. Pack / unpack a plethora of archive types!
  2228. </p>
  2229. </div>
  2230. </div>
  2231. </div>
  2232. </div>
  2233. </div>
  2234. </a>
  2236. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="3">
  2237. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2238. <div class="well">
  2239. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">UPDATE THE THINGS!</h4>
  2240. <div class="row">
  2241. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2242. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2243. </div>
  2244. </div>
  2245. <div class="row">
  2246. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2247. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2248. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2249. Synchronize Table Prefixes and Update Site / Home URL
  2250. </p>
  2251. </div>
  2252. </div>
  2253. </div>
  2254. </div>
  2255. </div>
  2256. </a>
  2258. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="4">
  2259. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2260. <div class="well">
  2261. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">INI THE THINGS!</h4>
  2262. <div class="row">
  2263. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2264. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2265. </div>
  2266. </div>
  2267. <div class="row">
  2268. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2269. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2270. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2271. Create a PHP initialization file
  2272. </p>
  2273. </div>
  2274. </div>
  2275. </div>
  2276. </div>
  2277. </div>
  2278. </a>
  2280. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="5">
  2281. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2282. <div class="well">
  2283. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">TROUBLESHOOT THINGS!</h4>
  2284. <div class="row">
  2285. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2286. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-screenshot glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2287. </div>
  2288. </div>
  2289. <div class="row">
  2290. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2291. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2292. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2293. Enable WordPress Debugging and Toggle Plugins/Themes
  2294. </p>
  2295. </div>
  2296. </div>
  2297. </div>
  2298. </div>
  2299. </div>
  2300. </a>
  2301. <a class="jumbotron-links" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="6">
  2302. <div class="col-sm-4">
  2303. <div class="well">
  2304. <h4 class="alert alert-heading">SERVICE THE THINGS!</h4>
  2305. <div class="row">
  2306. <div class="col-lg-12 text-center jumbotron">
  2307. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt glyphicon-size-massive"></span>
  2308. </div>
  2309. </div>
  2310. <div class="row">
  2311. <div class="col-lg-12">
  2312. <div class="alert alert-heading small">
  2313. <p class="list-group-item-text hidden-xs">
  2314. Perform one-click expert services
  2315. </p>
  2316. </div>
  2317. </div>
  2318. </div>
  2319. </div>
  2320. </div>
  2321. </a>
  2323. </div>
  2324. </div>
  2325. </div>
  2327. <!-- Backup / Import MySQL Databases -->
  2328. <div class="item">
  2329. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2330. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2331. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> BACKUP/RESTORE THE THINGS!
  2332. </h2>
  2334. <div class="row">
  2335. <div class="col-md-4">
  2336. <div class="well">
  2338. <?php echo $get_started->db_output;
  2340. ?>
  2341. </div>
  2342. </div>
  2344. <div class="col-md-8">
  2345. <div class="well">
  2346. <div class="row">
  2347. <div id='dbRestore' class="col-sm-12">
  2348. <h3>Restore Backup</h3>
  2350. <?php echo $s->select_sql_backup();
  2352. ?>
  2353. </div>
  2354. </div>
  2355. </div>
  2356. </div>
  2358. </div>
  2359. </div>
  2360. </div>
  2362. <!-- Tarball Archive -->
  2363. <div class="item">
  2364. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2365. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2366. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> PACK THE THINGS!
  2367. </h2>
  2368. <div class="row">
  2369. <div class="col-md-5">
  2370. <div class="well">
  2371. <h3>Create Tarball Archive</h3><br>
  2372. <p>This goes through the following steps:</p>
  2373. <ol>
  2374. <li>Creates a .sql.gz dump within wp-content/</li>
  2375. <p>
  2376. <li>Archives the MySQL backup AND wp-content/ as a .tar.gz file within wp-content/ for easy transferring</li><br>
  2377. </ol>
  2378. <div class="row">
  2379. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2380. <form id="create_archive" name="create_archive" role="form" method="post">
  2381. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="create_archive">
  2382. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><font color ="white">CREATE ARCHIVE</font></button>
  2383. </form>
  2384. </div>
  2385. </div>
  2386. </div>
  2387. </div>
  2388. <div class="col-md-7">
  2389. <div class="well">
  2390. <h3>Unpack Archive</h3>
  2391. <div class="row">
  2392. <div class="col-sm-12 text-info">
  2393. <p>This will unarchive the following extensions:</p>
  2394. <div class="row">
  2395. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2396. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  2397. <li>.zip</li>
  2398. <li>.tar</li>
  2399. <li>.gz</li>
  2400. </ul>
  2401. </div>
  2402. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2403. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  2404. <li>.tar.gz</li>
  2405. <li>.bz2</li>
  2406. </ul>
  2407. </div>
  2408. </div>
  2409. </div>
  2411. </div>
  2413. <div class="row">
  2414. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2416. <?php echo $s->select_archive();
  2418. ?>
  2419. </div>
  2420. </div>
  2421. </div>
  2422. </div>
  2423. </div>
  2424. </div>
  2425. </div>
  2427. <!-- Update Prefixes / Site URL -->
  2428. <div class="item">
  2429. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2430. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2431. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> UPDATE THE THINGS!
  2432. </h2>
  2433. <form name="fix_things" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post">
  2434. <div class="row">
  2435. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2436. <div class="well">
  2437. <h3>Update Table Prefixes</h3>
  2438. <p>
  2439. This option will update the table prefixes and all of the database entries for capabilities, user_roles, etc. that are necessary
  2440. for WordPress to operate normally.
  2441. </p>
  2442. <div class="row">
  2443. <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8 box-select">
  2445. <?php echo $s->get_prefixes();
  2447. ?>
  2448. </div>
  2449. </div>
  2450. </div>
  2451. </div>
  2452. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2453. <div class="well">
  2454. <h3>Update Site URL</h3>
  2455. <p>This option will update the siteurl and home database values to reflect the domain being currently used
  2456. in the address bar. <b>Ensure the 'New:' value is correct before updating!</b></p>
  2457. <div class="row">
  2458. <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8 box-select">
  2460. <?php echo $s->get_url();
  2462. ?>
  2463. </div>
  2464. </div>
  2465. </div>
  2466. </div>
  2468. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="fix_things">
  2469. </div>
  2470. <div class="row">
  2471. <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  2472. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
  2473. <font color ="white">UPDATE
  2474. <span class="small"></span></font>
  2475. </button>
  2476. </div>
  2477. </div>
  2478. </form>
  2479. </div>
  2480. </div>
  2482. <!-- Simple INI Generator -->
  2483. <div class="item">
  2484. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2485. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2486. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> INI THE THINGS!
  2487. </h2>
  2488. </div>
  2489. <form name="create-ini" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post">
  2490. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2491. <div class="well">
  2492. <div class="row">
  2493. <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs">
  2494. <p>
  2495. This function will create a PHP initialization file using the PHP directives from the form below. When 'CREATE INI' is clicked
  2496. it will create the file, kill PHP processes and self-destruct. You may need to reupload the file if this
  2497. is not the only function you are using
  2498. <?php echo TOOL;
  2500. ?> for.
  2501. </p>
  2502. <table class="table table-hover">
  2503. <thead>
  2504. <tr>
  2505. <th>Environment</th>
  2506. <th>INI file</th>
  2507. </tr>
  2508. </thead>
  2509. <tbody>
  2510. <tr>
  2511. <td>Shared cPanel
  2512. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="cPanel also supports php.ini">
  2513. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span>
  2514. </a>
  2515. </td>
  2516. <td>.user.ini</td>
  2517. </tr>
  2518. <tr>
  2519. <td>Shared Plesk</td>
  2520. <td>.user.ini</td>
  2521. </tr>
  2522. <tr>
  2523. <td>
  2524. Managed WordPress
  2525. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="WPaaS also supports php.ini, but .user.ini is recommended">
  2526. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span>
  2527. </a>
  2528. </td>
  2529. <td>.user.ini</td>
  2530. </tr>
  2531. <tr>
  2532. <td>Other Legacy Shared</td>
  2533. <td>php5.ini</td>
  2534. </tr>
  2535. </tbody>
  2536. </table>
  2537. <p class="text-info small">
  2538. .user.ini files do not let customers modify ALL of the same settings as a php.ini file. The .user.ini file is only valid
  2539. for PHP 5.3+ installations.
  2540. </p>
  2541. <!--#DMZ<p class="text-info small">
  2542. See <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php' target='_blank'>http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php</a> for more information.
  2544. <a href='https://www.godaddy.com/help/what-filename-does-my-php-initialization-file-need-to-use-8913' target='_blank'>https://www.godaddy.com/help/what-filename-does-my-php-initialization-file-need-to-use-8913</a>
  2545. </p>-->
  2546. </div>
  2548. <div class="col-md-8">
  2549. <div class="row">
  2550. <div class="col-md-12">
  2551. <div class="form-group">
  2552. <label for="ini_select" class="col-md-6 control-label">INI File</label>
  2553. <div class="col-md-3">
  2554. <select class="form-control" name="ini_select">
  2555. <option value=".user.ini">.user.ini</option>
  2556. <option value="php.ini">php.ini</option>
  2557. <option value="php5.ini">php5.ini</option>
  2558. </select>
  2559. </div>
  2560. </div>
  2561. <div class="form-group">
  2562. <label for="php_memory_limit" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2563. Memory Limit
  2564. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The amount of memory allocated in megabytes to a single PHP processes.">
  2565. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2566. </a>
  2567. </label>
  2570. <?php $ini_value = $memory_limit;
  2572. ?>
  2573. <div class="col-md-3">
  2574. <select class="form-control" name="php_memory_limit" selected>
  2575. <option value="
  2576. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2578. ?>">
  2579. *
  2580. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2582. ?> *
  2583. </option>
  2584. <option value="64M">64M</option>
  2586. <option value="128M">128M</option>
  2587. <option value="256M">256M</option>
  2588. <option value="512M">512M</option>
  2589. <option value="1024M">1024M</option>
  2590. </select>
  2591. </div>
  2592. </div>
  2594. <div class="form-group">
  2595. <label for="php_max_execution_time" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2596. Max Execution Time
  2597. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The time allowed in seconds for the entire script to execute before timing out.">
  2598. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2599. </a>
  2600. </label>
  2603. <?php $ini_value = $max_execution;
  2605. ?>
  2606. <div class="col-md-3">
  2607. <select class="form-control" name="php_max_execution_time">
  2608. <option value="
  2609. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2611. ?>" selected>
  2612. *
  2613. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2615. ?> *
  2616. </option>
  2617. <option value="30">30</option>
  2618. <option value="60">60</option>
  2619. <option value="90">90</option>
  2620. <option value="120">120</option>
  2621. <option value="300">300</option>
  2622. </select>
  2623. </div>
  2624. </div>
  2626. <div class="form-group">
  2627. <label for="php_max_input_time" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2628. Max Input Time
  2629. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The time allowed in seconds for PHP to parse input variables (like GET and POST) before timing out.">
  2630. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2631. </a>
  2632. </label>
  2635. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('max_input_time');
  2637. ?>
  2638. <div class="col-md-3">
  2639. <select class="form-control" name="php_max_input_time">
  2640. <option value="
  2641. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2643. ?>" selected>
  2644. *
  2645. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2647. ?> *
  2648. </option>
  2649. <option value="60">60</option>
  2650. <option value="90">90</option>
  2651. <option value="120">120</option>
  2652. <option value="120">150</option>
  2653. <option value="300">300</option>
  2654. </select>
  2655. </div>
  2656. </div>
  2658. <div class="form-group">
  2659. <label for="php_post_max_size" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2660. POST Max Size
  2661. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The largest size in megabytes a POST request can be (often related to uploads since uploads typically utilize a POST request)">
  2662. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2663. </a>
  2664. </label>
  2667. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('post_max_size');
  2669. ?>
  2670. <div class="col-md-3">
  2671. <select class="form-control" name="php_post_max_size">
  2672. <option value="
  2673. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2675. ?>" selected>
  2676. *
  2677. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2679. ?> *
  2680. </option>
  2681. <option value="65M">65M</option>
  2682. <option value="75M">75M</option>
  2683. <option value="85M">85M</option>
  2684. <option value="100M">100M</option>
  2685. </select>
  2686. </div>
  2687. </div>
  2689. <div class="form-group">
  2690. <label for="php_max_input_vars" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2691. Max Input Variables
  2692. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The total number of input variables (GET or POST) you can assign in a PHP script.">
  2693. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2694. </a>
  2695. </label>
  2698. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('max_input_vars');
  2700. ?>
  2701. <div class="col-md-3">
  2702. <select class="form-control" name="php_max_input_vars">
  2703. <option value="
  2704. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2706. ?>" selected>
  2707. *
  2708. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2710. ?> *
  2711. </option>
  2712. <option value="1000">1000</option>
  2713. <option value="2500">2500</option>
  2714. <option value="4000">4000</option>
  2715. <option value="5000">5000</option>
  2716. <option value="10000">10000</option>
  2717. </select>
  2718. </div>
  2719. </div>
  2721. <div class="form-group">
  2722. <label for="php_file_uploads" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2723. File Uploads
  2724. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Disable (OFF) or Enable (ON) file uploads in PHP.">
  2725. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2726. </a>
  2727. </label>
  2730. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('file_uploads');
  2732. ?>
  2733. <div class="col-md-3">
  2734. <select class="form-control" name="php_file_uploads">
  2735. <option value="
  2736. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2738. ?>" selected>
  2739. *
  2740. <?php echo ($ini_value ? '1 - ON' : '0 - OFF');
  2742. ?> *
  2743. </option>
  2744. <option value="1">1 - ON</option>
  2745. <option value="0">0 - OFF</option>
  2746. </select>
  2747. </div>
  2748. </div>
  2750. <div class="form-group">
  2751. <label for="php_max_file_uploads" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2752. Max File Uploads
  2753. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Maximum number of concurrent uploads that can be performed in PHP.">
  2754. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2755. </a>
  2756. </label>
  2759. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('max_file_uploads');
  2761. ?>
  2762. <div class="col-md-3">
  2763. <select class="form-control" name="php_max_file_uploads">
  2764. <option value="
  2765. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2767. ?>" selected>
  2768. *
  2769. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2771. ?> *
  2772. </option>
  2773. <option value="20">20</option>
  2774. <option value="25">25</option>
  2775. <option value="30">30</option>
  2776. <option value="35">35</option>
  2777. </select>
  2778. </div>
  2779. </div>
  2781. <div class="form-group">
  2782. <label for="php_upload_max_filesize" class="col-md-6 control-label">
  2783. Max Upload Filesize
  2784. <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Maximum size in megabytes PHP will allow per uploaded file.">
  2785. <span class="small glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
  2786. </a>
  2787. </label>
  2790. <?php $ini_value = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
  2792. ?>
  2793. <div class="col-md-3">
  2794. <select class="form-control" name="php_upload_max_filesize">
  2795. <option value="
  2796. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2798. ?>" selected>
  2799. *
  2800. <?php echo $ini_value;
  2802. ?> *
  2803. </option>
  2804. <option value="64M">64M</option>
  2805. <option value="100M">100M</option>
  2806. <option value="150M">150M</option>
  2807. <option value="200M">200M</option>
  2808. </select>
  2809. </div>
  2810. </div>
  2811. </div>
  2812. </div>
  2814. <div class="row">
  2815. <div class="col-md-12 text-center">
  2816. <p class="text-small text-muted">
  2817. <strong>* value *</strong> denotes the current active setting for that variable
  2818. </p>
  2819. </div>
  2820. </div>
  2822. </div>
  2823. <!-- End Select options column -->
  2824. </div>
  2825. </div>
  2826. </div>
  2828. <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  2829. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
  2830. <font color ="white">CREATE INI
  2831. <span class="small"></span></font>
  2832. </button><br>
  2833. </div>
  2834. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="createINI">
  2835. </form>
  2836. </div>
  2838. <!-- Troubleshoot Things! -->
  2839. <div class="item">
  2840. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2841. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2842. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> Troubleshoot Things!
  2843. </h2>
  2844. <form name="wp_debug" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post">
  2845. <div class="row">
  2846. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2847. <div class="well">
  2848. <h3>Debug Things!</h3>
  2849. <p>
  2850. This tool will assist in enabling debugging for troubleshooting purposes. This will enable WordPress/PHP debugging. You can
  2851. review at:<b> /wp-content/debug.log</b> * please note that this is the default location
  2852. </p>
  2853. <div class="row">
  2854. <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8 box-select">
  2856. <?php echo $s->sel_wp_debug();
  2858. ?>
  2859. </div>
  2860. </div>
  2861. </div>
  2862. </div>
  2863. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2864. <div class="well">
  2865. <h3>Toggle Things!</h3>
  2866. <p>
  2867. If you are troubleshooting what is going wrong in a plugin or theme, you have found the right place. Many people may think
  2868. they need to review their server logs, but you should always start by debugging your application!
  2869. <p>
  2870. <center>
  2871. <h4>Toggle Plugins and/or Theme on and off</h4>
  2872. </center>
  2873. </p>
  2874. <div class="row">
  2875. <div class="col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-4 box-select">
  2877. <?php echo $s->disable_plugins();
  2879. ?>
  2880. </div>
  2881. <div class="row">
  2882. <div class="col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-4 box-select">
  2884. <?php echo $s->default_theme();
  2886. ?>
  2887. </div>
  2888. </div>
  2889. </div>
  2890. </div>
  2891. </div>
  2894. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="fix_things">
  2895. </div>
  2896. <div class="row">
  2897. <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  2898. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
  2899. <font color ="white">Update</font>
  2900. </button>
  2901. </div>
  2902. </div>
  2903. </form>
  2905. </div>
  2906. </div>
  2907. <!-- #service -->
  2908. <div class="item">
  2909. <div class="col-sm-12">
  2910. <h2 class="alert alert-heading">
  2911. <a class="btn btn-warning" data-target="#primary-menu" data-slide-to="0"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a> Service Things!
  2912. </h2>
  2914. <div class="row">
  2915. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2916. <div class="well">
  2917. <h3>Create Child Theme!</h3>
  2918. <p>
  2919. Choose a theme from the drop down to create a child theme of it.
  2920. </p>
  2921. <div class="row">
  2922. <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8">
  2923. <form name="child_theme" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post">
  2924. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="child_theme" />
  2925. <select class="form-control" name="child_theme_select">
  2927. <?php $themes = array_filter(glob('./wp-content/themes/*'), 'is_dir');
  2928. foreach ($themes as $theme) { echo "<option value='".$theme."'>".basename($theme)."</option>";
  2929. }
  2930. ?>
  2931. </select>
  2932. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
  2933. <font color ="white">Create Child Theme</font>
  2934. </button>
  2935. </form>
  2936. </div>
  2937. </div>
  2938. </div>
  2939. </div>
  2940. </div>
  2942. <div class="row">
  2943. <div class="col-sm-6">
  2944. <div class="well">
  2945. <h3>Permalinks!</h3>
  2946. <form name="permalinks" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post">
  2947. <input type="hidden" name="selector" value="permalinks" /> Permalink Structure: <select class="form-control"
  2948. name="permalink_select">
  2949. <option value="blank">Plain</option>
  2950. <option value="/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/">Day and Name</option>
  2951. <option value="/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/">Month and Name</option>
  2952. <option value="/archives/%post_id%">Numeric</option>
  2953. <option value="/%postname%/">Post Name</option>
  2954. </select>
  2955. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
  2956. <font color ="white">Set Permalinks</font>
  2957. </button>
  2958. </form>
  2959. </div>
  2960. </div>
  2961. </div>
  2962. </div>
  2963. </div>
  2964. </div>
  2966. </div>
  2967. </div>
  2968. <!-- End Panes -->
  2969. </div>
  2970. </div>
  2971. <!-- End column offset wrapper -->
  2972. </div>
  2973. </div>
  2975. <?php }else{ echo '<div class="row text-center">'.$get_started->display->msg.'</div>';
  2976. }
  2977. ?>
  2979. <!-- JS CDNs for Bootstrap and jQuery -->
  2980. <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
  2981. <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
  2983. <!-- This function is to show/hide elements on the page -->
  2984. <script>
  2985. var d = new Date();
  2987. $(document).keydown(function (e) {
  2988. if (e.keyCode == 80) {
  2989. var srcAttr = $('#preFrame').attr('src');
  2991. if (!srcAttr) {
  2992. var iframe = document.getElementById('preFrame');
  2994. iframe.setAttribute('src', '/?nocache=' + d.getTime());
  2996. document.getElementById('preFrame').src = document.getElementById('preFrame').src;
  2998. }
  2999. $("#preview1").toggle();
  3001. $("#MainMenu").toggle();
  3003. }
  3004. });
  3006. $(document).keyup(function (r) {
  3007. if (r.keyCode == 80) {
  3008. var srcAttr = $('#preFrame').attr('src');
  3010. if (!srcAttr) {
  3011. $('preFrame').attr('src', $('preFrame').attr('src'));
  3013. }
  3014. }
  3015. });
  3017. $("#cache").click(function () {
  3018. // assumes element with id='cache'
  3019. $("#cache1").toggle();
  3021. $("#cache1").toggle();
  3023. });
  3025. $("#kill").click(function () {
  3026. // assumes element with id='kill'
  3027. $("#kill1").toggle();
  3029. $("#kill1").toggle();
  3031. });
  3033. $("#remove").click(function () {
  3034. // assumes element with id='remove'
  3035. $("#remove1").toggle();
  3037. $("#remove1").toggle();
  3039. });
  3041. $("#supportUser").click(function () {
  3042. // assumes element with id='remove'
  3043. $("#supportUser1").toggle();
  3045. $("#supportUser1").toggle();
  3047. });
  3048. </script>
  3049. <script>
  3050. $(function(){
  3051. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() // Enable tooltips
  3052. $('#primary-menu').carousel({interval:0});
  3053. // Set the cycle time to zero for the menu
  3054. // Sets true / false to hidden values for box-select (on/off) toggles
  3055. $('.box-select').on('click', function(){
  3056. var input = $(this).find('input:hidden');
  3057. console.log(input.val());
  3058. $(this).toggleClass('active');
  3059. if($(this).hasClass('active'))
  3060. input.val('true');
  3061. else
  3062. input.val('false');
  3063. });
  3064. <!-- Universal AJAX submission for forms -->
  3065. $("form").submit(function(e){
  3066. e.preventDefault();
  3067. var form = $(this),
  3068. sButton = form.find(':submit');
  3070. if(!sButton.hasClass('btn-info')){
  3071. var fContainer = sButton.closest('div[class^="col-"]')
  3072. }else{
  3073. var fContainer = sButton.closest('div[class="row"]');
  3075. }
  3076. serializedData = form.serialize();
  3077. if(fContainer.find('.response').length == 0){
  3078. fContainer.prepend('<div class="row response"><div style="margin-bottom:-25px;
  3079. " class="col-sm-12"></div></div>');
  3080. }
  3081. // Disable all buttons
  3082. $(':button').each(function(){
  3083. //$(this).addClass('disabled');
  3084. });
  3085. var output = fContainer.find('.response').find('.col-sm-12');
  3086. output.html('<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert" style="margin-bottom:-15px;
  3087. " >Please wait patiently while the request is processed.</div>');
  3088. $.ajax({
  3089. type: $(form).attr('method'),
  3090. url: $(form).attr('action'),
  3091. data: serializedData,
  3092. success: function(response){
  3093. output.html(response);
  3094. // Re-enable all buttons
  3095. $(':button').each(function(){
  3096. //$(this).removeClass('disabled');
  3097. });
  3098. },
  3099. error: function(x, t, m) {
  3100. if(t==="timeout") {
  3101. output.html('<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><b>Request Timed Out!</b></div>');
  3102. } else if(x.status === 500){
  3103. output.html('<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><p><b>Internal Server Error:</b> It\'s likely the script timed out.</p><p>If you are executing a BASH command (like restoring a database), give it time to complete. If you refresh the page and the command is still running you will be met with an alert.</div>')
  3104. } else if(x.status > 200){
  3105. output.html('<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><p>Something went wrong that we did not account for. The HTTP Status code is: ' + x.status + '.</p><p>Please troubleshoot accordingly.</p></div>');
  3106. }
  3107. }
  3108. });
  3109. //e.preventDefault();
  3110. });
  3112. });
  3114. </script>
  3115. <script>
  3116. window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
  3117. img = new Image();
  3118. img.src = '
  3119. <?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]
  3120. ?>?killself';
  3121. });
  3123. window.addEventListener('unload', function (event) {
  3124. img = new Image();
  3125. img.src = '
  3126. <?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]
  3127. ?>?killself';
  3128. });
  3129. </script>
  3130. </body>
  3131. </html>
  3133. <?php }else{ $select = new selector($_POST['selector']);
  3134. } } }
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