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Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. SteamID:STEAM_0:0:62047209
  3. Roleplay Name: Max Ferfother
  5. Country: England
  8. Age: 16, July, 2001 (14, 15 next month)
  11. Do you have a mic?: Yes
  13. If yes, will you be willing to use this mic? Yes, i will be willing to use my mic depending on times as i may wake my neighbors.
  16. Hours on server: 67+
  19. Warnings: FailRP - Didn't advert raid over.
  22. Staff Experience: Owner of TheDementedCo. (No longer has any services, use to run MC (TTT) and GMod(TTT) ), Moderator on (MC Server), Helper (Trinity Networks MC), Head-Administrator of MC-Loadscreen (MC Build server)
  25. Why do you want to be staff: To start this off, I want to be staff to help the server become more popular and enhance experiences. So far this is the third Garry's Mod DarkRP server I have been on, the community is great and friendly. From 22:30 to about 04:30 the server tends to become swarmed in RDM groups usually no staff are on the ban or warn the behavior I would like to make a change in order for players not to depend on themselves to sort out the crisis. I have also been out of the staff business as they say for a while now and really want to put something back into the community. To summarize I would like to be staff because I have a desire to help the server and the players; Not to mention that I feel like i have to return something back to the community that has helped me ever so much. If I am to become a staff member I am more than ready to be trained for new ideas, rules and updates to the server that could benefit anyone and everyone. Just today I saw a fairly new admin he/she seemed unsure on how to cope with group RDMing later he realized what he/she had to do yet didn't give an appropriate reason for the ban and a very peculiar ban time.
  27. Why should we choose you: Why should you choose me? That's a good question, you should choose me because i have enough experience with being a staff member and helping those in need. Yet I also have almost immaculate experience with ULX and PLogs, not to mention rushing to a scene where someone needs an admin's help meaning I am always on duty ready for any crisis, emergency or dispute. Additionally I'm well connected to the community, running my own organisation on the server with plenty of users and some admins. I will do my duty to the server and the users that play. I am also able to complete my own sits yet be included in other admins sits if any help is needed. Players that tend to be aggressive and violent in behavior can disturb other admins and make them become violent and aggressive by me keeping calm yet strict to get my point across and not to provoke any other behavior. By achieving a staff member rank I wont be bias by letting other staff members break the rules but to be stern and show that they were in the wrong instead of letting it go passed as if they were above the rules. By being a staff member I wont just look for the obvious rule breakers but also for the smaller rule breakers that Meta-Game, Not advertise correctly or spam chat or microphone. I know most rules to mind yet may also need to look at the MoTD to look for changes or to correct myself. Being a staff member is not a one time thing it takes pride and makes you feel like you, so you feel like part of the community almost conjoined and connected as if you are one with the community.
  29. What is RDA, RDM, FearRP and FDA (provide examples):
  31. RDA: - Random arrest, Example - Arresting someone for no valid reason, "Parking your car across to parking spaces although your car is too big is an arrest-able offense."
  33. RDM: - Random Death Match, Example - Murdering another player for no valid reason, "Your car looked at me funny." *Death Occurs*
  35. FearRP: - Your character should be scared of what happens, Example - Killing someone while they mug you at gunpoint without your character having a gun out, "Mug 6k or die" *Mugger is killed by the so called victim to whom gets a gun out"
  37. FDA: - Fading Door Abuse, Example - Opening a window to what only you can control with a button, "Raid!" *Opens prop window using a button shoots all raiders dead* Unfair advantage.
  39. References: [SambucaNL, Collin McCarpentory C]
  40. Information that may aid your application: I would accept my fate that is determined by the forums and other players/staff members.
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