
Threeway cuddles

Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. Covet: "I figured I'd get a better response bringing a bunch of options besides just one. And c'mon what's better than chicken strips and fries, but chicken strips and fries from the best places. Now, I did forget the strawberry suckers, but I think I'd be making a compromise with strawberry cheescake ice cream from coldstone." He said as he sat down on the end of the bed and dug in watching her, "So what were you doing with the music blasting?"
  2. Tsaaq: Penelope walked into the house with a sigh. Glad to see that fucking Bea wasn't around. She slammed the door behind her and went up the stairs to her amazing room. She put her things down then walked towards Quinn's bedroom to see if she was hope. "Oh sorority sis." She sang, flinging the door open.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "I will accept this compromise. But next time? Next time don't forget." She said with a laugh, taking a bite of her chicken strip. She set it down in her plate and lifted her hand to cover her mouth as she chewed before answering. "Dancing. I had a bit of a hectic schedule today with my classes so on days like that I like to wind down by dancing." She jumped when Penelope flung her bedroom door open, furrowing her brows. "Penelope... knocking, please."-
  4. Covet: "I wouldn't dream of it." Thorn said, then listened to Quinn, "Oh yeah? Well maybe you'll have to give me a preview to burn off all this junkfood, before ice cream." He said with a laugh, then looked at Penny putting his hand with fries in it up in the air, "Penny, look at your timing. We've got plenty of food if you want to join in."
  5. Tsaaq: "Knocking what?" She retorted. She lifted her hands to the two of them. "I think I'm set. I ate a meal bar before getting in my uber on the way home." She said. "Soooo other than that what are we doing?" Penelope tilted her head as she began to smile at them.
  6. Covet: "Just hanging out. Quinn wanted food, so I was a gentleman and brought some over." Thorn told her, "Would you like a beer then?" He asked holding up his can, "I've got more. Cranberry roll IPA. Local brew. Pretty tastey for a beer."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe." She said gently, setting her plate down in front of her on the extra bed and tucking her hair back behind her ear. "Knocking. As in please knock before you come into my room. It's just courteous..." She lowered her eyes down to look at her food, giving a shrug of her shoulders. "Thorn brought me dinner and dessert, so we were just eating." She spoke in a small voice, feeling visibly uncomfortable by Penelope's assertive presence.-
  8. Tsaaq: She rose her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. I'll drink your supposedly delicious brew." Penelope said as she went to sit on Quinn's ottoman. "Why? We're sisters now. We share everything." Penelope declared before raising her shoulders into a shrug. "I've always fancied having a sister. Mother and Daddy said one is a blessing, twice is a curse." She her smile faltered a moment and she lowered her head.
  9. Covet: Thorn handed her a beer, then listened to the two girls talk, "Geeze, I'd hate to know what Thrice is then. My poor mom." He said with a snicker then looked between the girls, "So my little birds, How were your days?" He asked trying to change the subject.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I have a sister. And we didn't share everything. And things are kind of nice that way. Having my own space is important to me and there will come a time when you would most certainly be interrupting something and I'd like to hopefully avoid that before it becomes an issue. Which is why I'd asked you to knock last time..." She settled into silence, taking a small sip of her beer.-
  11. Tsaaq: She opened the beer then pressed her lips against each other until they formed a straight line while Quinn spoke. "Oh..." Penelope trailed off. "But you were just sleeping last week. And then Thorn came over and we all had a great time." She replied. "It was a good day I suppose. Now it feels kind of crummy."
  12. Covet: "Why crummy now?" Thorn asked raising an eyebrow. "We're all here, so no need to be feeling crummy." He said between the girls. "You both look much better with smiles, just to put that out there."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but..." She trailed off, exhaling deeply. "Nevermind, it's fine." She took another small sip of her beer, looking down at the food on her plate before forcing a smile onto her face for Thorn's benefit. "You're sweet."-
  14. Tsaaq: Penny sipped her beer and shrugged. It wasn't bad. Her face brightened as she looked to Quinn. "Really?" She asked as she went to look over to Thorn. "I'd hate to feel crummy around you two. You're like my best friends." Penelope's fingers twirled around the spout of her beer bottle timidly.
  15. Smokeless: [im not rping tonight cause i gotta be back in work soon i jsut came in here to add something to bea's room]
  16. Covet: "That's good, I wouldn't want either of you feeling crummy. So... If I were to suggest another "Friendly" cuddle, I think Quinn's bed is a lot more comfortable then my little bed." He suggested to both of them.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I guess..." She mumbled reluctantly, giving into the female because she was frankly easily manipulated. "Another friendly cuddle? Is that what you're really going to call it?" She asked with a bit of a laugh, finishing off her beer. "Sure, but I need to put this food away first."-
  18. Smokeless: [ill see you guys tomorrow night i only ork2-10 so ill be on late :) night]
  19. Tsaaq: She went over to Thorn and gave his cheek a pinch before nuzzling her nose against his stubbly chin. "Of course. I'd love to have a peaceful slumber with my two favorite people." She waved her hand at the two of them. " I just have to change into my bed clothes. Don't worry... They're PG." She announced.
  20. Covet: "Nonsense. I've got it." He said getting back up as he started to put all the food back into the bags "Alright, I'm okay with a pg night for all of us. I wouldn't want us to look slutty or anything." He said with a smirk shaking his head.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She instantly rolled her eyes at the mention of them looking slutty because that shit was so annoying. "Oh, alright. I'll change too." Standing to her feet, she walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer, pulling out a tank top before making her way across the room to the bathroom to change.-
  22. Tsaaq: "I'll be right back then." Penelope sang to the two of them. "You practically live here Thorny. I wouldn't very much like being called slutty because of your consecutive visits." She put her hands on her hips. "Be right back!" She called out, running to her room putting on a silk nightie and a robe then returning.
  23. Covet: "It was a joke!" He said calling out, he stopped Quinn at the door, giving her a smile, "I'll leave the ice cream in the freezer for you later." He told her then leaned in to give her a quick peck, "I figured I owed you at least that. I'll be right back." He said with a smirk as he let her go then made his way down the stairs to put the food in the fridge.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled, giving him a nod before her brain caught up with her. "Wait, does this mean I get that ridealong?" She asked a little smuggly before doing the bathroom changing thing. She came out of the bathroom and walked over to her bed, pulling back the blankets and getting the pillows ready for all three of them to be comfortable, slipping into bed and rolling onto her side.-
  25. Tsaaq: Penelope went to lay in bed from across Quinn and she gave her a pensive stare. "You're not cross with me, are you?" She asked Quinn carefully as she rose her eyebrows.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Of course not." She spoke quickly tp Penelope, fidgeting with her hair so it was back and out of her way for sleeps. Waiting on Thorn to come back for their threesome cuddles, she closed her eyes, probably falling asleep instantly because tired, but when he actually got into bed did the cuddling thing because apparently I do that in my sleep and it's a thing.-
  27. Tsaaq: ((Oh Steph.))
  28. Covet: [XD]
  29. Tsaaq: A geniune smile came onto her lips and she let out an easy sigh. She went to lay up against Thorn's chest when he came back and let his hand touch the butt. Just for tonight. It's a glorious butt.
  30. Covet: LMAO
  31. Covet: *[]
  32. Alexithymiaa: (I do. If Ryan gets into bed after me, he says I come cuddle him and dont stop snoring.)
  33. Covet: Thorn stripped down to his boxers, because he didn't have any other clothes to wear, but was gonna enjoy the fuck out of his threeway cuddles.
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