

Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/#
  2. # #
  3. # Anti Spam Chat&Command #
  4. # #
  5. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/#
  6. #■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  7. #==========#
  8. # 設定 #
  9. #==========#
  10. options:
  11. prefix: &7&l[&4AntiSpam&7&l]&r
  12. 警告文[chat]: &c連続でチャットをすることは出来ません!
  13. 警告文[command]: &c連続でコマンドを実行することは出来ません!
  14. クールダウン[chat]: 2 second
  15. クールダウン[command]: 2 second
  16. #■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  17. #==========#
  18. # コード #
  19. #==========#
  20. on join:
  21. set {%player%cooldwon-chat} to now
  22. set {%player%cooldwon-command} to now
  24. on chat:
  25. difference between {%player%cooldwon-chat} and now is less than {@クールダウン[chat]}:
  26. cancel event
  27. send "{@prefix} {@警告文[chat]}" to player
  28. else:
  29. set {%player%cooldwon-chat} to now
  31. on command:
  32. difference between {%player%cooldwon-command} and now is less than {@クールダウン[command]}:
  33. cancel event
  34. send "{@prefix} {@警告文[command]}" to player
  35. else:
  36. set {%player%cooldwon-command} to now
  38. options:
  39. prefixs: &c[くじ] &r
  41. on rightclick holding paper:
  42. name of held item contains "&e宝くじ"
  43. remove 1 of held item from player
  44. add 20 to {bronze.elected}
  45. message "{@prefixs} 当選予定額のストック: &6%{bronze.elected}% 円"
  47. chance of 1%:
  48. broadcast "{@prefixs} §r %player% §cさんが§b§n[宝くじ]§r§cを当選しました"
  49. broadcast "{@prefixs} §r %player% の当選額: &e&l %{bronze.elected}% 円"
  50. add {bronze.elected} to player's balance
  51. set {bronze.elected} to 10000
  54. # __________________________________________________________
  55. # / / / /\ \
  56. # \_\___________________________________________________\_\/ /
  57. # / / _____ __ __ / /
  58. # / / / ____\ / / /_/ /\ / /
  59. # / / / /__ / /___ ___ __ ______ __/ /_ / /
  60. # / / \___ \ / __/ / __\ / / / __ //_ __/ / /
  61. # / / ____/ / / /\ \ / / / / / /_/ / / / / /
  62. # / / \_____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / ____/ /_/ / /__
  63. # / / ========================== / / ========== / / \ \
  64. # | | /_/ | | | |
  65. # \_\_________________________________________________\_\_/_/
  68. # CommandSpy By Yopon
  69. # Discord :
  70. # YouTube :
  71. # Twitter :
  74. options:
  75. enabledmsg: &a CommandSpy が有効になりました。
  76. disablemsg: &a CommandSpy が無効になりました。
  77. permission: admins.cmdspy
  78. prefix: &6[&dCmdSpy&6]&a
  79. cmdspy: &6&l%player%&f: &e/%full command%
  81. command /cmdspy:
  82. aliases: commandspy
  83. trigger:
  84. if player has permission "{@permission}":
  85. if {cmdspy::%player%} is not set:
  86. set {cmdspy::%player%} to true
  87. send "{@prefix} {@enabledmsg}"
  88. else:
  89. delete {cmdspy::%player%}
  90. send "{@prefix} {@disablemsg}"
  92. on command:
  93. player is online
  94. loop all players:
  95. {cmdspy::%loop-player%} is true
  96. if player is op:
  97. send "{@prefix} {@cmdspy}" to loop-player
  98. else:
  99. send "{@prefix} {@cmdspy}" to loop-player
  101. Options:
  102. Version: 1.1
  105. #
  106. # W E L C O M E T O
  107. #
  108. # P I C K A X E L E V E L L I N G
  109. #
  110. # C R E A T E D B Y : J A C K | I P A R I S
  111. #
  112. # (! Please don't edit the settings below unless you know what you are doing !)
  115. Variables:
  116. {PickaxeLevel.%player%} = 1
  117. # This is the starting level for the pickaxe
  118. {PickaxeCounter.%player%} = 0
  119. # This is the starting blocks mined counter
  120. {UpgradePoints.%player%} = 0
  121. # This is the starting amount of points
  122. Options:
  123. ToolName: &fStarter Pickaxe &3| &fLevel &3: &b%{PickaxeLevel.%player%}% &fExp &3: &b%{PickaxeCounter.%player%}%&3/
  124. # This is the name for the pickaxe. You can change this however the Level and the Counter should be in the name
  125. UPoint: 1
  126. # This is how many points a player get's once a player has levelled a pickaxe up
  127. BlocksBroken: 100
  128. # This is the amount of blocks that need to be broken to a pickaxe has levelled up
  129. Header: &8&m--&7&m--&b&m--&3&m--&b( &f&lPICKAXE UPGRADES &b)&3&m--&b&m--&7&m--&8&m--
  130. Footer: &8&m--&7&m--&b&m--&3&m--&b( &f&lPICKAXE UPGRADES &b)&3&m--&b&m--&7&m--&8&m--
  131. Upgrade: &3(&bCurrent Level&3) &3» &f%{PickaxeLevel.%player%}% &3(&bUpgrade Points&3) &3» &f%{UpgradePoints.%player%}%
  132. # Header, Footer and upgrade message
  133. EffUP: 1
  134. ForUP: 1
  135. UnbUP: 1
  136. # These are how much the enchantment upgrades costs per points - Can change the amount
  137. UpgradeSuccess: &3(&bYou have enchanted your tool&3)
  138. MissingPoints: &3(&bYou need upgrade points to purchase this enchantment &3)
  139. # These are the messages if an upgrade is success or if a player doesn't have enough points
  145. on mine:
  146. if player is holding a pickaxe:
  147. add 1 to {PickaxeCounter.%player%}
  148. set name of tool of player to "{@ToolName}&b{@BlocksBroken}"
  149. if {PickaxeCounter.%player%} is greater than or equal to 100:
  150. add 1 to {PickaxeLevel.%player%}
  151. add {@UPoint} to {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  152. set {PickaxeCounter.%player%} to 0
  153. launch ball firework colored white and ball firework colored blue at targeted block timed 1
  155. command /upgrades:
  156. trigger:
  157. send ""
  158. send " {@Header}"
  159. send " &7&oClick on enchantments to upgrade your tool"
  160. send ""
  161. send " {@Upgrade}"
  162. send ""
  163. send ""
  164. json("%player%"," &7&oEfficiency||cmd:/eff||ttp:&3» &b&l{@EffUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&lEfficiency&fon your tool|| &7&oFortune||cmd:/for||ttp:&3» &b&l{@ForUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&oFortune &fon your tool|| &7&oUnbreaking||cmd:/unb||ttp:&3» &b&l{@UnbUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&oUnbreaking &fon your tool")
  165. send ""
  166. send " {@Footer}"
  168. command /eff:
  169. trigger:
  170. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@EffUP}:
  171. send ""
  172. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  173. send ""
  174. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  175. evaluate "enchant player's tool with efficiency %level of efficiency of player's tool + 1%"
  176. else:
  177. send ""
  178. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  179. send ""
  181. command /for:
  182. trigger:
  183. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@ForUP}:
  184. send ""
  185. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  186. send ""
  187. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  188. evaluate "enchant player's tool with fortune %level of fortune of player's tool + 1%"
  189. else:
  190. send ""
  191. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  192. send ""
  194. command /unb:
  195. trigger:
  196. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@UnbUP}:
  197. send ""
  198. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  199. send ""
  200. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  201. evaluate "enchant player's tool with unbreaking %level of unbreaking of player's tool + 1%"
  202. else:
  203. send ""
  204. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  205. send ""
  207. Options:
  208. Version: 1.0
  211. #
  212. # W E L C O M E T O
  213. #
  214. # T O K E N S
  215. #
  216. # C R E A T E D B Y : J A C K | I P A R I S
  217. #
  218. # (! Please don't edit the settings below unless you know what you are doing !)
  221. variables:
  222. {tokens.%player%} = 0
  224. Options:
  225. P: &8&m---*---&8(&f&l!&8) &b&lTOKENS &8(&f&l!&8)&8&m---*---
  226. UP: &8&m---*---&8(&f&l!&8)&8&m---------&8(&f&l!&8)&8&m---*---
  227. Perm: tokens.permission
  231. command /tokens [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
  232. trigger:
  233. if arg 1 is not set:
  234. send "{@P}"
  235. send "&7&oYour token balance is;"
  236. send ""
  237. send "&bTokens &3» &f%{tokens.%player%}%"
  238. if arg 1 is "help":
  239. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  240. send "{@P}"
  241. send "&7&oHere you can view the commands"
  242. send ""
  243. send "&b/tokens give (player) (number)"
  244. send "&b/tokens view (player)"
  245. send "&b/tokens remove (player) (number"
  246. send "&b/tokens reset (player)"
  247. send "{@UP}"
  248. if arg 1 is "give":
  249. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  250. send "{@P}"
  251. send "&7&oPlease give a &aIGN &7and a &aNumber"
  252. send ""
  253. send "{@UP}"
  254. if arg 2 is set:
  255. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  256. send "{@P}"
  257. send "&7&oPlease give a &anumber"
  258. send ""
  259. send "{@UP}"
  260. if arg 3 is set:
  261. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  262. add number arg to {tokens.%arg-2%}
  263. send "{@P}"
  264. send "&7&oSuccess you have given a player tokens"
  265. send ""
  266. send "&a%arg-2% &7has been given &a%number arg%"
  267. send "{@UP}"
  268. send "{@P}" to arg-2
  269. send "&7&oYou have been given tokens" to arg-2
  270. send "" to arg-2
  271. send "&a%player% &7has given you &a%number arg% &7tokens" to arg-2
  272. send "{@UP}" to arg-2
  273. if player does not have permission "{@Perm}":
  274. send "&8(&c&l!&8) &cYou don't have permission to run this command."
  275. if arg 1 is "view":
  276. send "{@P}"
  277. send "&7&oPlease give a &aname"
  278. send ""
  279. send "{@UP}"
  280. if arg 2 is set:
  281. send "{@P}"
  282. send "&7&oHere you can see &a%arg-2% &7tokens"
  283. send ""
  284. send "&bTokens &3» &f%{tokens.%arg-2%}%"
  285. if arg 1 is "remove":
  286. if player has permission "{@Perm}"
  287. send "{@P}"
  288. send "&7&oPlease give a &aIGN &7and a &aNumber"
  289. send ""
  290. send "{@UP}"
  291. if arg 2 is set:
  292. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  293. send "{@P}"
  294. send "&7&oPlease give a &anumber"
  295. send ""
  296. send "{@UP}"
  297. if arg 3 is set:
  298. if player has permission "{@Perm}":
  299. remove number arg from {tokens.%arg-2%}
  300. send "{@P}"
  301. send "&7&oSuccess you have removed tokens from a player"
  302. send ""
  303. send "&a%arg-2% &7has lost &a%number arg%"
  304. send "{@UP}"
  305. send "{@P}" to arg-2
  306. send "&7&oTokens have been taken from your acocunt" to arg-2
  307. send "" to arg-2
  308. send "&a%player% &7has taken &a%number arg% &7tokens. &7Your balance is now &a%{tokens.%arg-2%}%" to arg-2
  309. send "{@UP}" to arg-2
  310. if player does not have permission "{@Perm}":
  311. send "&8(&c&l!&8) &cYou don't have permission to run this command."
  312. if arg 1 is "reset":
  313. if player has permission "{@Perm}"
  314. send "{@P}"
  315. send "&7&oPlease give a &aIGN"
  316. send ""
  317. send "{@UP}"
  318. if arg is set:
  319. if player has permission "{@Perm}"
  320. set {tokens.%arg-2%} to 0
  321. send "{@P}"
  322. send "&7&oSucces you have reset a players token balance"
  323. send ""
  324. send "&a%arg-2% &7has had their tokens reset"
  325. send "{@UP}"
  326. send "{@P}" to arg-2
  327. send "&7&oYour token balance has been reset" to arg-2
  328. send "" to arg-2
  329. send "&a%player% &7has reset your balance" to arg-2
  330. send "{@UP}" to arg-2
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