
Aimi Feat 9

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. The candle was the last thing Mami saw as she was lifted out into the chilly evening air, up and beyond the apartment complex.
  3. The wind stung at her face, causing her eyebrows to flutter as she was lifted higher and higher until she cleared the very roofs of the apartments and saw lights dotting the dark horizon beyond.
  5. It wasn't the stars she was seeing, but Mitakihara's skyline, the lights of its many buildings and streets coming together to form a forest of neon and vibrant colors.
  7. The city was beautiful at night despite it being fertile ground for witches and their familiars, but Mami didn't have time to appreciate the sights. She was too busy being dragged by the web further and further up.
  9. She then came to an abrupt halt, a few dozen feet above the rooftops of her apartment complex. The threads of webbing wrapped around her body released and sprang outwards, shooting out in different directions and anchoring themselves to places where the magical girl could not see, their semi-transparent nature making them practically invisible in the darkness of the night sky.
  11. Her limbs were stuck, forced open as the string settled into the form of one massive spider web, the largest she has ever seen. It was wide enough to have snagged a helicopter, and long enough to have covered the entirety of the square open space of the apartment complex, which appeared down below.
  13. Damn, I'm trapped! Mami struggled to break free, but to no avail. Magical girls were strong, but the magical string was stronger. It was as if her arms and legs were bound together by an adhesive powered by magic.
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