

May 23rd, 2018
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  1. #AutoUnBan Version 2.0 by Tapioca_MilkTea#
  26. on join:
  27. wait 3 ticks
  28. if {aub.list.%player%} is not set:
  29. set {aub.list.%player%} to false
  30. if {aub.fix.%player%} is true:
  31. send "&2[自動BAN解除] &aBAN解除に成功しました!"
  32. stop
  33. on quit:
  34. if {aub.list.%player%} is true:
  35. if player is banned:
  36. set {aub.fix.%player%} to true
  37. unban player
  38. stop
  40. command /autounban [<text>] [<player>]:
  41. permission:autounban.commands
  42. trigger:
  43. if arg 1 is not set:
  44. send "&8&l&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  45. send "&7/autounban add (名前) : 指定した人を自動BAN解除の対象にする"
  46. send "&7/autounban remove (名前) : 指定した人を自動BAN解除の対象から外す"
  47. send "&8&l&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  48. stop
  49. if arg 1 is "add":
  50. if arg 2 is not set:
  51. send "&cプレイヤーを指定してください。"
  52. stop
  53. if arg 2 is set:
  54. if {aub.list.%arg 2%} is true:
  55. send "&4[自動BAN解除] &c%arg 2%さんは既に自動BAN解除の対象です。"
  56. stop
  57. if {aub.list.%arg 2%} is false:
  58. set {aub.list.%arg 2%} to true
  59. send "&2[自動BAN解除] &a%arg 2%さんが自動BAN解除の対象になりました。"
  60. stop
  61. if arg 1 is "remove":
  62. if arg 2 is not set:
  63. send "&cプレイヤーを指定してください。"
  64. stop
  65. if arg 2 is set:
  66. if {aub.list.%arg 2%} is true:
  67. set {aub.list.%arg 2%} to false
  68. send "&2[自動BAN解除] &a%arg 2%さんが自動BAN解除の対象から外されました。"
  69. stop
  70. if {aub.list.%arg 2%} is false:
  71. send "&4[自動BAN解除] &c%arg 2%さんは既に自動BAN解除の対象から外されています。"
  72. stop
  73. options:
  74. tag: &5[&bTAG&5]
  75. appeal:
  76. # appeal website here ^^
  78. on join:
  79. set {ip.%player%} to IP of player
  80. command /ipcheck <text>:
  81. permission: op
  82. trigger:
  83. send "{@tag} &6last used ip of %arg 1% was &4%{ip.%arg 1%}%"
  84. command /proban <player> <text>:
  85. permission: pro.admin
  86. permission message: you are not admin
  87. trigger:
  88. ban "%{ip.%arg 1%}%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  89. ban "%arg 1%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  90. kick arg 1 because "{@tag} &6Banned for %arg 2% &5by %player% &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  91. broadcast "{@tag} &4%arg 1% &5was banned by &4%player% &5for &4%arg 2%"
  92. command /prosban <player> <text>:
  93. permission: pro.admin
  94. permission message: you are not admin
  95. trigger:
  96. ban "%{ip.%arg 1%}%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% [s] &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  97. ban "%arg 1%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% [s] &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  98. kick arg 1 because "{@tag} &6Banned for %arg 2% &5by %player% [s] &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  99. command /prokick <player> <text>:
  100. permission: pro.admin
  101. permission message: you are not admin
  102. trigger:
  103. kick arg 1 because "{@tag} &6Kicked for %arg 2% &5by %player% &b- report abuse at {@appeal}"
  104. broadcast "{@tag} &4%arg 1% &5was kicked by &4%player% &5for &4%arg 2%"
  105. command /probanoffline <text> <text>:
  106. permission: pro.admin
  107. permission message: you are not admin
  108. trigger:
  109. ban "%{ip.%arg 1%}%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  110. ban "%arg 1%" because "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &5by %player% &b- appeal at {@appeal}"
  111. broadcast "{@tag} &4%arg 1% &5was banned by &4%player% &5for &4%arg 2%"
  112. command /prounban <text>:
  113. permission: pro.admin
  114. permission message: you are not admin
  115. trigger:
  116. execute console command "/pardon-ip %{ip.%arg 1%}%"
  117. execute console command "/pardon %arg 1%"
  118. send "&6Unbanned %arg 1%" to player
  119. #Creator: Kenmah
  120. #For donations, my paypal is:
  122. #PD: -Sorry for my english but it's not very fluent
  123. options:
  124. use-command: /enderchest #Principal command of open the enderchest
  125. open-enderchest: &7[&5EnderChest&7] &aEnderChest opened! #Message of open the enderchest
  126. permission: enderchest.permission #Permission to open the enderchest
  127. permission-msg: &cYou don't have permissions for this. #Message if you don't have the permission
  128. command {@use-command}:
  129. permission: {@permission}
  130. permission message: {@permission-msg}
  131. trigger:
  132. open the player's ender chest to the player
  133. send "{@open-enderchest}"
  134. command /commandspy [<player>]:
  135. aliases: /commands, /cspy ,/cmds
  136. permission: commandspy.use
  137. permission message: &e&l(!) あなたにはCommandSpyを使用する権限がありません!
  138. trigger:
  139. if arg 1 is set:
  140. if {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} is set:
  141. clear {cs::%uuid of arg 1%}
  142. send "&c&l(!) CommandSpyの機能を無効化させました: %arg 1%."
  143. send "&c&l(!) あなたのCommandSpy機能は無効化されました。" to arg 1
  144. else:
  145. set {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  146. send "&a&l(!) あなたのCommandSpy機能は有効化されました。" to arg 1
  147. send "&a&l(!) CommandSpyの機能を有効化させました: %arg 1%."
  148. else:
  149. if {cs::%uuid of player%} is set:
  150. clear {cs::%uuid of player%}
  151. send "&c&l(!) あなたのCommandSpyの機能は無効化されました。"
  152. else:
  153. set {cs::%uuid of player%} to true
  154. send "&a&l(!) あなたのCommandSpyの機能は有効化されました。"
  155. on command:
  156. if sender is a player:
  157. loop all players:
  158. if {cs::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
  159. if "%player%" is not "%loop-player%":
  160. send "&c&l(!) %player% が &n/%complete command%&c&l を実行しました。" to loop-player
  161. on load:
  162. set {csversion} to "1.3"
  163. message "&4&l(!) CommandSpy&7のロードに成功!" to console
  164. on unload:
  165. message "&4&l(!) &7CommandSpy&7のアンロードに成功!バイバーイ!" to console
  166. on quit:
  167. delete {cs::%uuid of player%}
  168. #created by kirbyno1
  169. #license kirbyno1 v1.4
  170. #このSkriptの改造を禁止します
  171. #このSkript二次頒布を禁止し、使用はlicenseに定める範囲内とし、確認は各自の責任で行ってください。
  172. #KirbyEssentialsXはまだまだ試作品です!
  173. #ここから下はいじらないでくれぇ!
  174. options:
  175. essx: &2[&dkirby&aESS&b&lX&2]
  176. prefix: &b&lSign&9&lEdit &8&l>>
  177. command /kirbyhelp [<text>]:
  178. permission:
  179. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  180. aliases: /kh
  181. trigger:
  182. if arg 1 is "1":
  183. message centered "&6-----&c⚒&a[&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&a]&c⚒&6-----" to player
  184. send "&b❖&a移動系"
  185. send "&5- &b/&3tp &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーの元へテレポートします。"
  186. send "&5- &b/&3tpl &2<X> <Y> <Z> &6指定した座標へテレポートします。"
  187. send "&5- &b/&3tphere &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーを自分の元へ引き寄せます。"
  188. send "&5- &b/&3speed &2<速度> &6移動速度を変更します。 Fly時には飛行スピードを、歩行時には歩行スピードを変更します。"
  189. send "&bTips: &6デフォルトの歩行速度は&a0.2&6、飛行速度は&a0.1&6です。"
  190. send "&5- &b/&3spawn &6スポーン地点へ移動します。"
  191. send "&5- &b/&3setspawn &6現在位置をスポーン地点に指定します。"
  192. send "&5- &b/&3fly &6飛行モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化します。"
  193. message centered "&9Help 1/4" to player
  194. message centered "&6-----&c⚒&a[&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&a]&c⚒&6-----" to player
  195. stop
  196. if arg 1 is "2":
  197. message centered "&6-----&c⚒&a[&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&a]&c⚒&6-----" to player
  198. send "&b❖&a便利系"
  199. send "&5- &b/&3calc &6最新型高性能計算機GUIを開きます。" to player
  200. send "&5- &b/&3skull &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーの頭を入手します。 プレイヤーを指定しなければ自分の頭を入手します。"
  201. send "&5- &b/&3timer &2<秒数> &6指定した秒数のタイマーを設定します。"
  202. send "&5- &b/&3heal &2<プレイヤー名> &6プレイヤーの体力を回復します。 プレイヤー名を指定しなければ自分を回復します。"
  203. send "&5- &b/&3rename &2<名前> &6手に持っているアイテムの名前を変更します。"
  204. send "&5- &b/&3relore &2<行> <説明文> &6手に持っているアイテムの説明文を変更します。"
  205. message centered "&9Help 2/4" to player
  206. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  207. stop
  208. if arg 1 is "3":
  209. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  210. send "&b❖&a表示系"
  211. send "&5- &b/&3kh &2<ページ> &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6のヘルプを表示します。"
  212. send "&5- &b/&3list &6現在サーバーにいるプレイヤーリストを表示します。"
  213. send "&5- &b/&3craft &6作業台を開きます。"
  214. send "&5- &b/&3furnace &6竈を開きます。"
  215. send "&5- &b/&3brewing &6酸造台を開きます。"
  216. send "&5- &b/&3anvil &6金床を開きます。"
  217. send "&5- &b/&3ec &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーのエンダーチェストを開きます。 プレイヤー名を指定しなければ自分のエンダーチェストを開きます。"
  218. send "&5- &b/&3broadcast &2<文字> &6全ワールドに放送します。"
  219. send "&5- &b/&3realtime &6現在時刻を表示します。"
  220. send "&5- &b/&3hide &6透明化モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化します。"
  221. send "&5- &6/&akx &3<data/updata/check/disable/reload/addon> &6&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6管理メニューを表示します。"
  222. message centered "&9Help 3/4" to player
  223. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&6kirbyESSX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  224. stop
  225. if arg 1 is "4":
  226. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&6kirbyESSX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  227. send "&b❖ゲームシステム系"
  228. send "&5- &b/&3mine &6ブロック一撃破壊モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化&6します。"
  229. send "&5- &b/&3gamemode &2<ゲームモード> <プレイヤー> &6プレイヤーを指定したゲームモードへ変更します。プレイヤーを指定しない場合は自分に適用されます。"
  230. send "&bTips: &20 survival&6でサバイバル、&b1 creative&6でクリエイティブ、&c2 adventure&6でアドベンチャー、 &a3 spectator&6でスペイテクターとなります。"
  231. send "&5- &b/&3entityclear &2<半径> &6自分を中心とした指定した半径のブロック内にいるエンティティを&c削除&6します。&9(プレイヤーは含まれません)"
  232. send "&5- &b/&3signedit &2<edit/remove/delete> <行> <テキスト> &6看板をターゲットした状態でコマンドを使用すると看板を編集できます。&aサーバーのパケット送信により/signedit editで看板編集を開く事ができます。"
  233. send "&5- &b/&3repair &6修理したいツールを手に持てば修復できます。"
  234. send "&5- &b/&3clearchat &6チャットをクリアーできます。"
  235. send "&bTips: &6時計を持つと時間が確認できます。"
  236. message centered "&9Help 4/4" to player
  237. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&6kirbyESSX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  238. stop
  239. if arg 1 is "all":
  240. send "&b❖&a移動系"
  241. send "&5- &b/&3tp &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーの元へテレポートします。"
  242. send "&5- &b/&3tpl &2<X> <Y> <Z> &6指定した座標へテレポートします。"
  243. send "&5- &b/&3tphere &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーを自分の元へ引き寄せます。"
  244. send "&5- &b/&3speed &2<速度> &6移動速度を変更します。 Fly時には飛行スピードを、歩行時には歩行スピードを変更します。"
  245. send "&bTips: &6デフォルトの歩行速度は&a0.2&6、飛行速度は&a0.1&6です。"
  246. send "&5- &b/&3spawn &6スポーン地点へ移動します。"
  247. send "&5- &b/&3setspawn &6現在位置をスポーン地点に指定します。"
  248. send "&5- &b/&3fly &6飛行モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化します。"
  249. send "&b❖&a便利系"
  250. send "&5- &b/&3calc &6最新型高性能計算機GUIを開きます。" to player
  251. send "&5- &b/&3skull &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーの頭を入手します。 プレイヤーを指定しなければ自分の頭を入手します。"
  252. send "&5- &b/&3timer &2<秒数> &6指定した秒数のタイマーを設定します。"
  253. send "&5- &b/&3heal &2<プレイヤー名> &6プレイヤーの体力を回復します。 プレイヤー名を指定しなければ自分を回復します。"
  254. send "&5- &b/&3rename &2<名前> &6手に持っているアイテムの名前を変更します。"
  255. send "&5- &b/&3relore &2<行> <説明文> &6手に持っているアイテムの説明文を変更します。"
  256. send "&5- &6/&3shine &6手に持っているアイテムを光らせます。"
  257. send "&b❖&a表示系"
  258. send "&5- &b/&3kh &2<ページ> &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6のヘルプを表示します。"
  259. send "&5- &b/&3list &6現在サーバーにいるプレイヤーリストを表示します。"
  260. send "&5- &b/&3craft &6作業台を開きます。"
  261. send "&5- &b/&3furnace &6竈を開きます。"
  262. send "&5- &b/&3brewing &6酸造台を開きます。"
  263. send "&5- &b/&3anvil &6金床を開きます。"
  264. send "&5- &b/&3ec &2<プレイヤー名> &6指定したプレイヤーのエンダーチェストを開きます。 プレイヤー名を指定しなければ自分のエンダーチェストを開きます。"
  265. send "&5- &b/&3broadcast &2<文字> &6全ワールドに放送します。"
  266. send "&5- &b/&3realtime &6現在時刻を表示します。"
  267. send "&5- &b/&3hide &6透明化モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化します。"
  268. send "&5- &6/&akx &3<data/updata/check/disable/reload/addon> &6&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6管理メニューを表示します。"
  269. send "&b❖ゲームシステム系"
  270. send "&5- &b/&3mine &6ブロック一撃破壊モードを&a有効&6/&c無効化&6します。"
  271. send "&5- &b/&3gamemode &2<ゲームモード> <プレイヤー> &6プレイヤーを指定したゲームモードへ変更します。プレイヤーを指定しない場合は自分に適用されます。"
  272. send "&bTips: &20 survival&6でサバイバル、&b1 creative&6でクリエイティブ、&c2 adventure&6でアドベンチャー、 &a3 spectator&6でスペイテクターとなります。"
  273. send "&5- &b/&3entityclear &2<半径> &6自分を中心とした指定した半径のブロック内にいるエンティティを&c削除&6します。&9(プレイヤーは含まれません)"
  274. send "&5- &b/&3signedit &2<edit/remove/delete> <行> <テキスト> &6看板をターゲットした状態でコマンドを使用すると看板を編集できます。&aサーバーのパケット送信により/signedit editで看板編集を開く事ができます。"
  275. send "&5- &b/&3repair &6修理したいツールを手に持てば修復できます。"
  276. send "&5- &b/&3clearchat &6チャットをクリアーできます。"
  277. send "&bTips: &6時計を持つと時間が確認できます。"
  278. message centered "&9Help All" to player
  279. message centered "&6-----&a&l⚒&a[&6kirbyESSX&a]&a&l⚒&6-----" to player
  280. stop
  281. if arg 1 is not set:
  282. send "{@essx}&b/&3kh &2<1|2|3|4|all> &6を使用してください。"
  283. else:
  284. send "{@essx}&b/&3kh &2<1|2|3|4|all> &6を使用してください。"
  285. sign change:
  286. set {_colors::*} to integers from 0 to 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "o", "n", "m", "r", "k" and "l"
  287. loop 4 times:
  288. set {_l.%loop-num%::*} to line loop-num of event-block split by ""
  289. loop {_colors::*}:
  290. line loop-num of event-block contains "&%loop-value-2%"
  291. player doesn't have permission "signedit.color.&%loop-value-2%" or "signedit.colors"
  292. loop {_l.%loop-num%::*}:
  293. "%loop-value-3%" is "&"
  294. "%{_l.%loop-num%::%loop-index-2 parsed as int + 1%}%" is "%loop-value-2%"
  295. delete {_l.%loop-num%::%loop-index-2%}
  296. delete {_l.%loop-num%::%loop-index-2 parsed as int + 1%}
  297. set {_line.%loop-num%} to join {_l.%loop-num%::*} by ""
  298. loop 4 times:
  299. set line loop-num of event-block to colored {_line.%loop-num%}
  300. rightclick on sign:
  301. player has permission "signedit.edit"
  302. player is sneaking
  303. set {signedit.%player%} to true
  304. set {_p} to new play_server_open_sign_editor packet
  305. set location pinfo 0 of {_p} to clicked block's location
  306. send player packet {_p}
  307. send "{@prefix} &e看板を編集します… &6Location: &7%round clicked block's x-pos%&7, &6%round clicked block's y-pos%&7, &6%round clicked block's z-pos%"
  308. packet event play_client_update_sign:
  309. {signedit.%player%} is set
  310. set {_loc} to location pinfo 0 of event-packet
  311. set {_line::*} to string array pinfo 0 of event-packet
  312. loop 4 times:
  313. set line loop-num of block at {_loc} to colored {_line::%loop-num%}
  314. command /signedit [<text>] [<int>] [<text>]:
  315. aliases: se, sign, signedit
  316. trigger:
  317. if arg-1 is "edit":
  318. if arg-2 is set:
  319. if arg-3 is set:
  320. if target block is sign:
  321. if player has permission "signedit.edit":
  322. set {_colors::*} to integers from 0 to 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "o", "n", "m", "r", "k" and "l"
  323. set {_l::*} to arg-3 split by ""
  324. loop {_colors::*}:
  325. arg-3 contains "&%loop-value%"
  326. player doesn't have permission "signedit.color.&%loop-value%" or "signedit.colors"
  327. loop {_l::*}:
  328. "%loop-value-2%" is "&"
  329. "%{_l::%loop-index-2 parsed as int + 1%}%" is "%loop-value-1%"
  330. delete {_l::%loop-index-2%}
  331. delete {_l::%loop-index-2 parsed as int + 1%}
  332. set {_line} to join {_l::*} by ""
  333. set line arg-2 of target block to colored {_line}
  334. send "{@essx} &e%arg-2%行目を編集しました。 &6Location: &7%round target block's x-pos%&7, &6%round target block's y-pos%&7, &6%round target block's z-pos%"
  335. else:
  336. send "{@essx} &7権限がありません。"
  337. else:
  338. send "{@essx} &7看板をターゲットしてから使用してください。"
  339. else:
  340. send "{@essx} &7使用法&8: &0/&7signedit &8<&7edit&8/&7remove&8/&7delete&8> [&7行&8]"
  341. else:
  342. if target block is sign:
  343. if player has permission "signedit.edit":
  344. set {signedit.%player%} to true
  345. set {_p} to new play_server_open_sign_editor packet
  346. set location pinfo 0 of {_p} to target block's location
  347. send player packet {_p}
  348. send "{@essx} &e看板を編集します… &6Location: &7%round target block's x-pos%&7, &6%round target block's y-pos%&7, &6%round target block's z-pos%"
  349. else:
  350. send "{@essx} &7権限がありません。"
  351. else:
  352. send "{@essx} &7看板をターゲットしてから使用してください。"
  353. else if arg-1 is "delete" or "remove":
  354. if target block is sign:
  355. if player has permission "signedit.edit":
  356. if arg-2 is set:
  357. set line arg-2 of target block to ""
  358. send "{@essx} &e全ての行を削除しました。 &6Location: &7%round target block's x-pos%&7, &6%round target block's y-pos%&7, &6%round target block's z-pos%"
  359. else:
  360. loop 4 times:
  361. set line loop-num of target block to ""
  362. send "{@essx} &e全ての行を削除しました。 &6Location: &7%round target block's x-pos%&7, &6%round target block's y-pos%&7, &6%round target block's z-pos%"
  363. else:
  364. send "{@essx} &7権限がありません。"
  365. else:
  366. send "{@essx} &7看板をターゲットしてから使用してください。"
  367. else:
  368. send "{@essx} &7使用法&8: &0/&7signedit &8<&7edit&8/&7remove&8/&7delete&8> [&7行&8]"
  369. command /tp [<player>]:
  370. permission:
  371. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  372. executable by: players
  373. trigger:
  374. if arg 1 is not set:
  375. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/tp &2<プレイヤー>"
  376. stop
  377. else:
  378. if arg 1 is online:
  379. teleport player to argument 1
  380. send "{@essx}&b%arg 1%にテレポートしました。"
  381. if argument 1 is offline:
  382. send "{@essx}&c%arg 1%はオフラインであるか名前が間違っています。"
  383. command /tpl [<num>] [<num>] [<num>]:
  384. permission: kirby.tpl
  385. executable by: players
  386. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  387. trigger:
  388. if arg 1 is not set:
  389. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/tpl &2<整数のX> <整数のY> <整数のZ>"
  390. stop
  391. else:
  392. run player command "/minecraft:tp %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%" as op
  393. send "{@essx}&bX %arg 1% Y %arg 2% Z %arg 3%にテレポートしました。"
  394. command /tphere [<player>]:
  395. permission: kirby.tphere
  396. executable by: players
  397. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  398. trigger:
  399. if arg 1 is not set:
  400. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/tphere &2<プレイヤー>"
  401. stop
  402. else:
  403. if arg 1 is online:
  404. teleport arg 1 to player
  405. send "{@essx}&b%arg 1%を引き寄せました。"
  406. if arg 1 is offline:
  407. send "{@essx}&c%arg 1%はオフラインであるか名前が間違っています。"
  408. command /speed [<num>]:
  409. permission: kirby.speed
  410. executable by: players
  411. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  412. trigger:
  413. arg 1 is not set:
  414. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/speed &2<数値>"
  415. stop
  416. if player is flying:
  417. set the player's fly speed to arg-1
  418. send "{@essx}&6飛行速度を &a%arg-1% &6に設定しました。"
  419. else:
  420. set the player's walk speed to arg-1
  421. send "{@essx}&6歩行速度を &a%arg-1% &6に設定しました。"
  422. command /list:
  423. trigger:
  424. loop all players:
  425. add loop-player to {_online::*}
  426. set {_online} to "%{_online::*}%"
  427. replace all ", " in {_online} with " &9| "
  428. replace all "and" in {_online} with " &9| "
  429. send "{@essx}&6現在のオンラインユーザー: &a%{_online}%"
  430. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
  431. aliases: gm
  432. permission: kirby.gamemode
  433. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  434. trigger:
  435. arg 1 is not set:
  436. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/gamemode &2<ゲームモード> <プレイヤー>&9(この項目が無い場合は自分に適用します。)"
  437. send "{@essx}&9Tips: &20 survival&6でサバイバル &b1 creative&6でクリエイティブ &c2 adventure&6でアドベンチャー &53 spectator&6でスペクテイターモードとなります。"
  438. arg 1 is "0" or "survival":
  439. player do not have permission "kirby.gamemode.survival":
  440. send "{@essx}&c権限がありません"
  441. stop
  442. arg 2 is set:
  443. arg 2 is offline:
  444. send "{@essx}&cプレイヤーが見つかりません。"
  445. stop
  446. set arg-2's gamemode to survival
  447. send "{@essx}&a%arg-2%&6のゲームモードを&cサバイバル&6モードに変更しました。"
  448. stop
  449. set player's gamemode to survival
  450. send "{@essx}&a%player%&6のゲームモードを&cサバイバル&6モードに変更しました。"
  451. arg 1 is "1" or "creative":
  452. player do not have permission "kirby.gamemode.creative":
  453. send "{@essx}&c権限がありません"
  454. arg 2 is set:
  455. arg 2 is offline:
  456. send "{@essx}&cプレイヤーが見つかりません。"
  457. stop
  458. set arg-2's gamemode to creative
  459. send "{@essx}&a%arg-2%&6のゲームモードを&cクリエイティブ&6モードに変更しました。"
  460. stop
  461. set player's gamemode to creative
  462. send "{@essx}&a%player%&6のゲームモードを&cクリエイティブ&6モードに変更しました。"
  463. arg 1 is "2" or "adventure":
  464. player do not have permission "kirby.gamemode.adventure":
  465. send "{@essx}&c権限がありません"
  466. arg 2 is set:
  467. arg 2 is offline:
  468. send "{@essx}&cプレイヤーが見つかりません。"
  469. stop
  470. set arg-2's gamemode to adventure
  471. send "{@essx}&a%arg-2%&6のゲームモードを&cアドベンチャー&6モードに変更しました。"
  472. stop
  473. set player's gamemode to adventure
  474. send "{@essx}&a%player%&6のゲームモードを&cアドベンチャー&6モードに変更しました。"
  475. arg 1 is "3" or "spectator":
  476. player do not have permission "kirby.gamemode.spectator":
  477. send "{@essx}&c権限がありません"
  478. arg 2 is set:
  479. arg 2 is offline:
  480. send "{@essx}&cプレイヤーが見つかりません。"
  481. stop
  482. set arg-2's gamemode to spectator
  483. send "{@essx}&a%arg-2%&6のゲームモードを&cスペクテイター&6モードに変更しました。"
  484. stop
  485. set player's gamemode to spectator
  486. send "{@essx}&a%player%&6のゲームモードを&cスペクテイター&6モードに変更しました。"
  487. command /ec [<player>]:
  488. executable by: players
  489. permission:
  490. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  491. trigger:
  492. arg-1 is not set:
  493. open the player's ender chest to player
  494. play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" specifically to player with pitch 0.75 and volume 2
  495. send "{@essx}&5エンダーチェストを開きました。" to player
  496. stop
  497. arg-1 is online:
  498. open the arg 1's ender chest to player
  499. play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" specifically to player with pitch 0.75 and volume 2
  500. send "{@essx}&5%arg 1%のエンダーチェストを開きました。" to player
  501. stop
  502. arg-1 is offline:
  503. send "{@essx}&cプレイヤーが見つかりません。"
  504. command /calculator:
  505. aliases: /calc
  506. executable by: players
  507. trigger:
  508. open chest with 6 rows named "&c&l計算機" to player
  509. wait 3 ticks
  510. set {_num} to 0
  511. loop 9 times:
  512. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to gray stained glass named "&0"
  513. add 1 to {_num}
  514. set {_num} to 45
  515. loop 9 times:
  516. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to gray stained glass named "&0"
  517. add 1 to {_num}
  518. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l1"
  519. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l2"
  520. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l3"
  521. set slot 20 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l4"
  522. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l5"
  523. set slot 22 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l6"
  524. set slot 29 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l7"
  525. set slot 30 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l8"
  526. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l9"
  527. set slot 39 of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&l0"
  528. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to blue stained clay named "&a&l+"
  529. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to light blue stained clay named "&a&l-"
  530. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to green stained clay named "&a&l*"
  531. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to light green stained clay named "&a&l/"
  532. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l="
  533. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l="
  534. on inventory click:
  535. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&c&l計算機":
  536. cancel event
  537. if clicked item is a paper:
  538. if {numbers::%player%} is not set:
  539. set {numbers::%player%} to ""
  540. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "1":
  541. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%1"
  542. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  543. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  544. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "2":
  545. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%2"
  546. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  547. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  548. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "3":
  549. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%3"
  550. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  551. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  552. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "4":
  553. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%4"
  554. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  555. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  556. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "5":
  557. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%5"
  558. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  559. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  560. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "6":
  561. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%6"
  562. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  563. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  564. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "7":
  565. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%7"
  566. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  567. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  568. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "8":
  569. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%8"
  570. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  571. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  572. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "9":
  573. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%9"
  574. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  575. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  576. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "0":
  577. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%0"
  578. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  579. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  580. if clicked item is blue stained clay:
  581. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "+":
  582. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%+"
  583. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  584. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  585. if clicked item is light blue stained clay:
  586. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "-":
  587. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%-"
  588. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  589. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  590. if clicked item is green stained clay:
  591. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "*":
  592. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%*"
  593. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  594. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  595. if clicked item is light green stained clay:
  596. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "/":
  597. set {numbers::%player%} to "%{numbers::%player%}%/"
  598. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  599. set slot 34 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&a&l=" with lore "&e%{numbers::%player%}%"
  600. if clicked item is an emerald:
  601. if "%uncoloured name of clicked item%" is "=":
  602. set {_equation} to "%{numbers::%player%}%"
  603. evaluate "set {_calc} to %{_equation}%"
  604. close player's inventory
  605. message "{@essx}%{numbers::%player%}% = %{_calc}%"
  606. delete {numbers::%player%}
  607. delete {_calc}
  608. command /timer <number>:
  609. executable by: players
  610. trigger:
  611. send "{@essx}&a%arg-1%&6秒のタイマーを設定しました。"
  612. set {_time} to "%arg-1% seconds" parsed as timespan
  613. wait {_time}
  614. send player title "&6>>&a時間です!&6<<" with subtitle "&7%arg 1%秒前に設定したタイマーです。" for 5 seconds
  615. loop 3 times:
  616. loop 4 times:
  617. play "SUCCESSFUL_HIT" specifically to player with pitch 1 and volume 2
  618. wait 2 ticks
  619. wait 10 tick
  620. command /heal [<player>]:
  621. permission: kirby.heal
  622. executable by: players
  623. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  624. trigger:
  625. if arg 1 is set:
  626. heal the arg 1
  627. set the arg 1's food level to 20
  628. send "{@essx}&a%arg 1%&6の体力を完全回復しました。"
  629. stop
  630. else:
  631. heal the player
  632. set the player's food level to 20
  633. send "{@essx}&a%player%&6の体力を回復しました。"
  634. stop
  635. command /setspawn:
  636. permission: kirby.setspawn
  637. executable by: players
  638. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  639. trigger:
  640. set {kirby.spawn} to location of player
  641. send "{@essx}&bスポーン地点を &6X%round player's x-pos% Y%round player's y-pos% Z%round player's z-pos% &bに設定しました"
  642. command /spawn:
  643. permission: kirby.spawn
  644. executable by: players
  645. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  646. trigger:
  647. {kirby.spawn} is not set:
  648. send "&f[&dカービィ&f]&cSpawnの情報が無いようだ。運営に報告を頼む。"
  649. stop
  650. if {spawn.%player%} is true:
  651. send "&f[&dカービィ&f]&cもう少し待ってくれ…。あと%{wait.%player%}%秒だ…。"
  652. stop
  653. set {_loc.%player%} to location of player
  654. set {spawn.%player%} to true
  655. set {wait.%player%} to 10
  656. send "&f[&dカービィ&f]&aSpawnに行くぞ!%{wait.%player%}%秒その場で止まってくれ!"
  657. while {wait.%player%} is not 0:
  658. subtract 1 from {wait.%player%}
  659. wait 1 second
  660. if player is offline:
  661. set {spawn.%player%} to false
  662. set {wait.%player%} to 0
  663. stop
  664. {_loc.%player%} is not location of player:
  665. set {spawn.%player%} to false
  666. set {wait.%player%} to 0
  667. send "&f[&dカービィ&f]&cくっ…動いてしまったか…。中止だ…。"
  668. stop
  669. send "&f[&dカービィ&f]&bよし、良く持ち応えた!拠点に行くぞ!"
  670. teleport the player to {kirby.spawn}
  671. set {spawn.%player%} to false
  672. set {wait.%player%} to 0
  673. stop
  674. command /rename [<text>]:
  675. permission: kirby.rename
  676. executable by: players
  677. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  678. trigger:
  679. arg-1 is not set:
  680. send "{@essx}&9使用法: &6/rename &2<名前>"
  681. stop
  682. player is holding air:
  683. send "{@essx}&c名前を変更したいアイテムを手に持ってください。"
  684. stop
  685. set name of player's tool to coloured "%arg 1%"
  686. send "{@essx}&b%arg 1%に改名しました。"
  687. command /relore [<integer>] [<text>]:
  688. permission: kirby.relore
  689. executable by: players
  690. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  691. trigger:
  692. if player is holding air:
  693. send "{@essx}&c説明文を変更したいアイテムを手に持ってください。"
  694. stop
  695. if arg-1 is not set:
  696. send "{@essx}&9使用法 &6/relore &2<行> <説明文>"
  697. stop
  698. if arg-2 is not set:
  699. send "{@essx}&9使用法 &6/relore &2<行> <説明文>"
  700. stop
  701. else:
  702. set line arg-1 of the lore of player's tool to "%colored arg-2%"
  703. send "{@essx}&a%arg-1%&6行目に&a%colored arg 2%&6の説明文を追加しました。"
  704. command /shine:
  705. permission: kirby.shine
  706. executable by: players
  707. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  708. trigger:
  709. if player is holding air:
  710. send "{@essx}&c名前を変更したいアイテムを手に持ってください。"
  711. stop
  712. if player's tool is enchanted:
  713. send "{@essx}&c既にエンチャントされています。"
  714. stop
  715. if player's tool is not enchanted:
  716. set {_i} to player's tool
  717. set player's tool to shiny {_i}
  718. send "{@essx}&6アイテムを光らせました+ (o゚・∀・) +"
  719. stop
  720. command /repair:
  721. aliases: /fix
  722. permission:
  723. executable by: players
  724. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  725. trigger:
  726. player is not holding any sword or any axe or any spade or any pickaxe or any hoe or any helmet or any chestplate or any leggings or any boots or bow:
  727. send "{@essx}&c修復できるツールを手に持ってください。"
  728. stop
  729. repair tool of player
  730. send "{@essx} &b修復完了!"
  731. command /fly:
  732. permission:
  733. executable by: players
  734. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  735. trigger:
  736. if {fly.%player%} is not set:
  737. message "{@essx}&6飛行モードを&a有効化&6しました。"
  738. set player's flight mode to true
  739. set {fly.%player%} to true
  740. else:
  741. message "{@essx}&6飛行モードを&c無効化&6しました。"
  742. set player's flight mode to false
  743. delete {fly.%player%}
  744. command /skull [<text>]:
  745. permission: kirby.skull
  746. executable by: players
  747. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  748. trigger:
  749. if arg 1 is set:
  750. make player execute command "/give %player% minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:%arg 1%}"
  751. send "{@essx}&b%arg 1%の頭を入手しました。"
  752. stop
  753. else:
  754. make player execute command "/give %player% minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:%player%}"
  755. send "{@essx}&bあなたの頭を入手しました。"
  756. stop
  757. command /anvil:
  758. permission: kirby.anvil
  759. executable by: players
  760. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  761. trigger:
  762. open anvil to the player
  763. play "ANVIL_LAND" specifically to player with pitch 0.85 and volume 2
  764. send "{@essx}&6金床を開きました。"
  765. command /brewing:
  766. permission: kirby.brewing
  767. executable by: players
  768. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  769. trigger:
  770. open brewer inventory to player with name "&e&l醸造台"
  771. play "SPLASH" specifically to player with pitch 0 and volume 2
  772. send "{@essx}&b醸造台を開きました。"
  773. command /furnace:
  774. permission: kirby.furnace
  775. executable by: players
  776. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  777. trigger:
  778. open furnace to the player
  779. play "FIRE_IGNITE" specifically to player with pitch 0.7 and volume 2
  780. send "{@essx}&bかまどを開きました。"
  781. command /craft:
  782. permission: kirby.craft
  783. executable by: players
  784. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  785. trigger:
  786. open crafting inventory to player
  787. play "PISTON_EXTEND" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 2
  788. send "{@essx}&b作業台を開きました"
  789. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  790. executable by: players and console
  791. aliases: bc
  792. permission: kirby.broadcast
  793. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  794. trigger:
  795. arg-1 is not set:
  796. send "{@essx}&9使用法 &6/broadcast &2<文字>"
  797. stop
  798. if command sender is console:
  799. broadcast coloured "&a[&c放送&6-&aConsole&a]&r%arg 1%"
  800. stop
  801. if command sender is player:
  802. broadcast coloured "&a[&c放送&6-&b%player%&a]&r%arg 1%"
  803. command /mine:
  804. permission: kirby.mine
  805. executable by: players
  806. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  807. trigger:
  808. if {mine.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  809. set {mine.%uuid of player%} to true
  810. send "{@essx}&bブロック一撃破壊モードをONにしました。" to player
  811. stop
  812. else:
  813. delete {mine.%uuid of player%}
  814. send "{@essx}&bブロック一撃破壊モードをOFFにしました。" to player
  815. on block damage:
  816. if {mine.%uuid of player%} is true:
  817. set event-block to air
  818. play "ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 0 and volume 2
  819. command /hide:
  820. permission: kirby.hide
  821. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  822. executable by: players
  823. trigger:
  824. if {hide.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  825. send "{@essx}&b透明化しました。"
  826. hide player from all players
  827. set {hide.%uuid of player%} to true
  828. else:
  829. send "{@essx}&b透明化モードを解除しました。"
  830. reveal player to all players
  831. delete {hide.%uuid of player%}
  832. command /kirbyessx [<text>]:
  833. permission: kirbyessx.admin
  834. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  835. aliases: kx
  836. trigger:
  837. if arg 1 is not set:
  838. message centered "&6❖{@essx}&6❖" to player
  839. send "&6* &b/kirbyessxの使用方法 *" to player
  840. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx reload &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6を再読み込みします。かなりラグくなります。" to player
  841. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx check &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6の最新版があるかどうか確認します。" to player
  842. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx updata &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6をアップデートします。かなりラグくなります。" to player
  843. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx data &aバージョン情報と今回のアップデートで修正や追加されたものが確認できます。" to player
  844. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx addon &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6に必要なアドオンを表示します。" to player
  845. if arg 1 is "reload":
  846. send "{@essx}&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6をリロードします…"
  847. wait 10 tick
  848. run player command "/skript reload kirbyessentialsx" as op
  849. if arg 1 is "disable":
  850. send "{@essx}&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6を無効化します。有効にするときは/sk enable kirbyessentialsxを実行して下さい。"
  851. run player command "/skript disable kirbyessentialsx" as op
  852. if arg 1 is "check":
  853. if text from "" is not "1.4":
  854. send "{@essx}&a新しいバージョンがあります!アップデートしましょう!"
  855. else:
  856. send "{@essx}&b新しいバージョンはありません。"
  857. if arg 1 is "updata":
  858. if text from "" is not "1.4":
  859. send "{@essx}&akirbyEssentialsXをアップデートします。"
  860. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  861. wait 1 second
  862. execute console command "skript reload kirbyessentialsx"
  863. send "{@essx}&akirbyEssentialsXの更新が完了しました!"
  864. else:
  865. send "{@essx}&b新しいバージョンを確認します…"
  866. wait 1 second
  867. send "{@essx}&b新しいバージョンはありません。"
  868. if arg 1 is "addon":
  869. message centered "&6&dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6に必要なアドオンです。" to player
  870. send "&b&lExtrasSK created by Darren10Lim"
  871. send "&b&lMundoSK created by Tlatoani"
  872. send "&b&lSharpSK created by Sharpjaws"
  873. send "&b&lskDragon created by Sashie"
  874. send "&b&lSkellett created by LimeGlass"
  875. send "&b&lSkMorkaz created by piter909"
  876. send "&b&lskQuery created by destroyer4017"
  877. send "&b&lskRayFall created by eyesniper2"
  878. send "&b&lUmbaska & WildSkript created by nfell2009"
  879. send "&b&lExertSK created by xXAndrew28Xx"
  880. if arg 1 is "data":
  881. message centered "&6❖{@essx}&6❖" to player
  882. send "&9- &b更新情報 &6Version 1.4 &9-" to player
  883. send "&b! 修正: &6/ecコマンド等の音が他人にも聞こえる不具合を修正しました。"
  884. if arg 1 is not "data" or "updata" or "check" or "disable" or "reload" or "addon":
  885. message centered "&6❖{@essx}&6❖" to player
  886. send "&6* &b/kirbyessxの使用方法 *" to player
  887. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx reload &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6を再読み込みします。かなりラグくなります。" to player
  888. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx check &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6の最新版があるかどうか確認します。" to player
  889. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx updata &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6をアップデートします。かなりラグくなります。" to player
  890. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx data &aバージョン情報と今回のアップデートで修正や追加されたものが確認できます。" to player
  891. send "&5- &6/kirbyessx addon &dKirby&aEssentials&b&lX&6に必要なアドオンを表示します。" to player
  892. on load:
  893. loop all players:
  894. if loop-player has permission "kirby.updata":
  895. send "{@essx}&b新しいバージョンを確認します…" to loop-player
  896. if text from "" is not "1.4":
  897. send "{@essx}&a新しいバージョンがあります!アップデートしましょう!" to loop-player
  898. else:
  899. send "{@essx}&b新しいバージョンはありません。" to loop-player
  900. command /realtime:
  901. aliases: rt
  902. trigger:
  903. send "{@essx}&6%year%年%month%月%day%日%hour%時%minutes%分%second%秒です。"
  904. command /clearchat:
  905. permission: clearchat.use
  906. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  907. trigger:
  908. loop 1000 times:
  909. broadcast "&r"
  910. broadcast "&7&l%player%がチャットをクリアーしました。ブーンε=ε((( っ・ω・)っ"
  911. stop
  912. every 1 second:
  913. loop all players:
  914. loop-player is holding a clock
  915. send action bar from "&d&l現在時刻: &6%year%年%month%月%day%日%hour%時%minutes%分%second%秒" to loop-player
  916. command /entityclear [<number>]:
  917. aliases: /mobclear
  918. executable by: players
  919. permission: kirby.mobclear
  920. permission message: {@essx}&c権限がありません
  921. trigger:
  922. arg-1 is not set:
  923. send "&9使用法 &6/entityclear &2<範囲>"
  924. stop
  925. kill all entities in radius arg of player where [entity input is not a player]
  926. send "{@essx}&b%arg 1%ブロック内のエンティティを削除しました。" to player
  927. command /emote [<text>]:
  928. trigger:
  929. if arg 1 is "cool":
  930. emote cool on player
  931. if arg 1 is "cheeky":
  932. emote cheeky on player
  933. if arg 1 is "frown":
  934. emote frown on player
  935. if arg 1 is "grin":
  936. emote grin on player
  937. if arg 1 is "rage":
  938. emote rage on player
  939. if arg 1 is "sleepy":
  940. emote sleepy on player
  941. if arg 1 is "smile":
  942. emote smile on player
  943. if arg 1 is "wink":
  944. emote wink on player
  945. if arg 1 is "stop":
  946. stop emote player
  947. if arg 1 is "help":
  948. send "&a&l&m=====&b[&a&lkirbyEMOTE&b]&a&m&l=====" to player
  949. send "&2/emote '&bcool&2' &6(゚∇^d)Cool!!" to player
  950. send "&2'&bcheeky&2' &6アッカン(σ-`д・´)ベェェェ" to player
  951. send "&2'&bfrown&2' &6(´;д;`)ウッ" to player
  952. send "&2'&bgrin&2' &6( ^∀^ )ニコニコ" to player
  953. send "&2'&brage&2' &6(「゚益゚)「 がおー" to player
  954. send "&2'&bsleepy&2' &6( ˘ω˘)スヤァ…" to player
  955. send "&2'&bsmile&2' &6(。>∀<。)ニコッ" to player
  956. send "&2'&bwink&2' &6(^_-)-☆" to player
  957. send "&2'&cstop&2' &6エモートを停止します。" to player
  958. send "&a&l&m=====&b[&a&lkirbyEMOTE&b]&a&m&l=====" to player
  959. if arg 1 is not "cool" or "cheeky" or "frown" or "grin" or "rage" or "sleepy" or "slime" or "wink" or "stop" or "help":
  960. send "{@essx}&9不明なエモートです。 /emote helpを参照にしてください。" to player
  961. if arg 1 is not set:
  962. send "{@essx}&9不明なエモートです。 /emote helpを参照にしてください。" to player
  963. command /mute <player>:
  964. permission : skript.mute
  965. trigger:
  966. set {mute::%arg%} to true
  967. broadcast "&c&l%arg%はMuteされました"
  968. stop
  969. command /unmute <player>:
  970. permission : skript.mute
  971. trigger:
  972. clear {mute::%arg%}
  973. broadcast "&a&l%arg%はUnmuteされました"
  974. stop
  975. on chat:
  976. if {mute::%player%} is true:
  977. cancel event
  978. message "&cあなたはMuteされています!"
  979. stop
  980. options:
  981. version: 2.2.5
  982. databasePrefix: jdogdatabase_
  983. useEssentialsmute: true
  984. #Super Chat Logger logs each chat multple times. Global Chat, Timed Global Chat, Personal Chat, Personal Timed Chat, Uuid logged chat, and more! (Could be resource intense. Use wisley)
  985. superChatLoggerEnabled: true
  986. every 1 second:
  987. if {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix} is not set:
  988. set {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix} to "&c[CChat]"
  989. message "&c[CChat Version {@version}] Prefix option not found... creating one for you." to console
  990. if {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission} is not set:
  991. set {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission} to "&cNo Permission."
  992. message "&c[CChat Version {@version}] NoPermission option not found... creating one for you." to console
  993. if {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.adminchatprefix} is not set:
  994. set {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.adminchatprefix} to "&c&l[&d&lAdminChat&c&l]"
  995. message "&c[CChat Version {@version}] AdminChatPrefix option not found... creating one for you." to console
  996. if {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.staffchatprefix} is not set:
  997. set {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.staffchatprefix} to "&c&l[&b&lStaffChat&c&l]"
  998. message "&c[CChat Version {@version}] StaffChatPrefix option not found... creating one for you." to console
  999. every 2 seconds:
  1000. loop all players:
  1001. if {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%loop-player%.recentchats} is more than 0:
  1002. remove 1 from {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%loop-player%.recentchats}
  1003. if {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%loop-player%.recentchats} is less than 0:
  1004. set {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%loop-player%.recentchats} to 0
  1005. on join:
  1006. delete {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%player%.recentchats}
  1007. on chat:
  1008. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%player%.recentchats}
  1009. if {{@databasePrefix}CChat.player.%player%.recentchats} is more than 4:
  1010. if player does not have the permission "ccat.spam.bypass":
  1011. add 1 to {{@databasePrefix}CChat.Spam.%player's uuid%}
  1012. wait 1 tick
  1013. kick player due to "&cNo Spamming! &dYou have been kicked for spamming &b&l&n%{{@databasePrefix}CChat.Spam.%player's uuid%}%&d times."
  1014. broadcast "&e%player% &dkicked for spamming &b&l%{{@databasePrefix}CChat.Spam.%player's uuid%}% &dtimes."
  1015. stop
  1018. command /clearmychat:
  1019. permission: cchat.clearmychat
  1020. permission message: %{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%
  1021. aliases: cmc
  1022. trigger:
  1023. loop 150 times:
  1024. message ""
  1025. message "&aYou cleared your chat."
  1027. command /sc [<text>]:
  1028. aliases: staffchat, schat
  1029. trigger:
  1030. if player does not have the permission "cchat.staffchat":
  1031. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1032. stop
  1033. if arg 1 is not set:
  1034. message "&c/sc <message>"
  1035. stop
  1036. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.staffchatprefix}% &a%player%&e: &f %argument%" to console
  1037. log "[CChat] [StaffChat] %player% -> %arg 1%" to "CChat/StaffChat"
  1038. loop all players:
  1039. loop-player has the permission "cchat.staffchat":
  1040. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.staffchatprefix}% &a%player%&e: &f %argument%" to loop-player
  1041. command /ac [<text>]:
  1042. aliases: adminchat, achat
  1043. trigger:
  1044. if player does not have the permission "cchat.adminchat":
  1045. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1046. stop
  1047. if arg 1 is not set:
  1048. message "&c/ac <message>"
  1049. stop
  1050. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.adminchatprefix}% &e%player%&e: &f %argument%" to console
  1051. log "[CChat] [AdminChat] %player% -> %arg 1%" to "CChat/AdminChat"
  1052. loop all players:
  1053. loop-player has the permission "cchat.adminchat":
  1054. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.adminchatprefix}% &e%player%&e: &f %argument%" to loop-player
  1055. command /cunmute [<offline player>]:
  1056. trigger:
  1057. if player does not have the permission "cchat.unmute":
  1058. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1059. stop
  1060. if arg 1 is not set:
  1061. if player has permission "cchat.unmute":
  1062. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &b/unmute <player>"
  1063. if arg 1 is set:
  1064. if player has permission "cchat.unmute":
  1065. set {mute.%arg 1%} to false
  1066. broadcast "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &b%arg 1% was unmuted by %player%"
  1067. command /cmute [<offline player>] [<number>]:
  1068. trigger:
  1069. if player does not have the permission "cchat.mute":
  1070. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1071. stop
  1072. if arg 1 is not set:
  1073. if player has permission "cchat.mute":
  1074. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &b/mute <player> <seconds>"
  1075. if arg 1 is set:
  1076. if player has permission "cchat.mute":
  1077. set {mute.%arg 1%} to number-argument
  1078. broadcast "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &b%arg 1% was muted by %player%"
  1079. every 1 second:
  1080. loop all players:
  1081. if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0:
  1082. remove 1 from {mute.%loop-player%}
  1083. command /ccheckmute <text>:
  1084. trigger:
  1085. if player does not have the permission "cchat.checkmute":
  1086. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1087. stop
  1088. if arg 1 is not set:
  1089. if player has permission "cchat.mute.check":
  1090. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &a/checkmute <player>"
  1091. if arg 1 is set:
  1092. if player has permission "cchat.mute.check":
  1093. if {mute.%arg 1%} is true:
  1094. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &a%arg 1% is muted."
  1095. if player has permission "cchat.mute.check":
  1096. if {mute.%arg 1%} is false:
  1097. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &a%arg 1% is not muted."
  1098. command /cchat [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  1099. trigger:
  1100. if player does not have the permission "":
  1101. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.nopermission}%"
  1102. stop
  1103. if arg 1 is not set:
  1104. if player has permission "":
  1105. make player execute command "/cchat help"
  1106. if arg 1 is set:
  1107. if arg 1 is "help":
  1108. if player has permission "":
  1109. message "&e&lCChat &f{@version}"
  1110. message "&6/cchat &fhelp &7-- List &eall Chat Control commands"
  1111. message "&6/cchat &fclearchat &7-- &eClear the chat"
  1112. message "&6/cchat &fdisable &7-- &eDisable chat"
  1113. message "&6/cchat &fenable &7-- &eEnable chat"
  1114. message "&6/cchat &freload &7-- &eReload plugin"
  1115. message "&6/cmute &f[player] &7-- &eMute a player"
  1116. message "&6/cunmute &f[player] &7-- &eUnmute a player"
  1117. message "&6/ccheckmute &f[player] &7-- &eCheck if a player is muted"
  1118. message "&6/symbols &7-- &eShow a list of chat symbols"
  1119. message "&6/ac &7-- &eAdmin chat!"
  1120. message "&6/sc &7-- &eStaff Chat!"
  1121. message "&6/cchat &fset &7-- &eSet custom options in game."
  1122. message "&6/cchat &foptions &7-- &eCheck custom options in game."
  1123. message "&6/cchat perms&7 &f[2] &7-- &eShow a list of all permissions for this plugin"
  1124. if arg 1 is "options" or "option":
  1125. if player has the permission "cchat.options":
  1126. add "Prefix" to {_options::*}
  1127. add "StaffChatPrefix" to {_options::*}
  1128. add "AdminChatPrefix" to {_options::*}
  1129. add "NoPermission" to {_options::*}
  1130. message "&aOption &7| &fValue"
  1131. loop {_options::*}:
  1132. message "&a%loop-value% &7| &f%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.%loop-value%}%"
  1133. if arg 1 is "set":
  1134. if player has the permission "cchat.set":
  1135. if arg 2 is not set:
  1136. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &f/cchat set <option> <value>"
  1137. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &cOptions&7: &aPrefix, NoPermission, AdminChatPrefix, StaffChatPrefix"
  1138. stop
  1139. if arg 2 is set:
  1140. if arg 2 is not "Prefix" or "nopermission" or "adminchatprefix" or "staffchatprefix":
  1141. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &cUnknown Option."
  1142. stop
  1143. set {{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.%arg 2%} to "%colored arg 3%"
  1144. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &fOption &a'%arg 2%' &fset to &a'%colored arg 3%&a'&f."
  1145. else if arg 1 is "enable":
  1146. if player has the permission "cchat.enable":
  1147. broadcast " "
  1148. broadcast "&b&lThe chat has been enabled by %player%!"
  1149. broadcast ""
  1150. set {chat.disabled} to false
  1151. else if arg 1 is "disable":
  1152. if player has the permission "cchat.disable":
  1153. broadcast " "
  1154. broadcast "&b&lThe chat has been disabled by %player%!"
  1155. broadcast ""
  1156. set {chat.disabled} to true
  1157. else if arg 1 is "reload":
  1158. if player has the permission "cchat.reload":
  1159. make player execute command "/skript reload"
  1160. else if arg 1 is "perms":
  1161. if player has permission "cchat.perms":
  1162. message "&e&lCChat Perms &bPage 1"
  1163. message "&bThing &7: &aPerm"
  1164. message "&b/cchat help&7: &"
  1165. message "&b/cchat disable&7: &acchat.disable"
  1166. message "&b/cchat enable&7: &acchat.enable"
  1167. message "&b/cchat clearchat&7: &acchat.clearchat"
  1168. message "&b/cchat perms&7: &acchat.perms"
  1169. message "&bBypass disable/mute chat&7: &acchat.bypass"
  1170. message "&b/cmute &7: &acchat.mute"
  1171. message "&b/cunmute &7: &acchat.unmute"
  1172. message "&b/ccheckmute &7: &acchat.checkmute"
  1173. message "&b/symbols &7: &acchat.lookatsymbols"
  1174. message "&bSymbols in chat &7: &acchat.symbols"
  1175. message "&b/ac &7: &acchat.adminchat"
  1176. message "&b/sc &7: &acchat.staffchat"
  1177. message "&e&l/cchat perms2"
  1178. else if arg 1 is "perms2":
  1179. if player has the permission "cchat.perms":
  1180. message "&e&lCChat Perms &bPage 2"
  1181. message "&bThing &7: &aPerm"
  1182. message "&b/cchat reload &7: &acchat.reload"
  1183. message "&b/cchat set &7: &acchat.set"
  1184. message "&b/cchat options &7: &acchat.options"
  1185. else if arg 1 is "clearchat":
  1186. if player has permission "cchat.clearchat":
  1187. loop 150 times:
  1188. broadcast ""
  1189. broadcast "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &bThe chat has been cleared by %player%!"
  1192. on chat:
  1193. log "[CChat] %player% -> %message%" to "CChat/playerlogs/%player%"
  1194. log "[CChat] %player% -> %message%" to "CChat/GlobalChat"
  1196. on chat:
  1197. if {chat.disabled} is true:
  1198. player doesn't have permission "cchat.bypass"
  1199. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &4You can not talk while the chat is disabled."
  1200. cancel event
  1201. on chat:
  1202. if {mute.%player%} is more than 0:
  1203. message "%{{@databasePrefix}serverinfo.cchat.options.prefix}% &4You can not talk while you are muted. &b%{mute.%player%}/60% &cminutes left."
  1204. cancel event
  1206. on chat:
  1207. if player has permission "cchat.symbols":
  1208. replace all "{heart1}" in message with "❤"
  1209. replace all "{heart2}" in message with "❥"
  1210. replace all "{heart3}" in message with "♥"
  1211. replace all "{male}" in message with "♂"
  1212. replace all "{female}" in message with "♀"
  1213. replace all "{peace}" in message with "☮"
  1214. replace all "{checkmark}" in message with "✔"
  1215. replace all "{x}" in message with "✘"
  1216. replace all "{plane}" in message with "✈"
  1217. replace all "{music}" in message with "♪"
  1218. replace all "{music2}" in message with "♫"
  1219. replace all "{cross}" in message with "✞"
  1220. replace all "{snowman}" in message with "☃"
  1221. replace all "{toxic}" in message with "☢"
  1222. replace all "{crossbones}" in message with "☠"
  1223. replace all "{copyright}" in message with "©"
  1224. replace all "{tm}" in message with "™"
  1225. replace all "{star1}" in message with "★"
  1226. replace all "{star2}" in message with "✫"
  1227. replace all "{star3}" in message with "✪"
  1228. replace all "{star4}" in message with "✯"
  1229. replace all "{pi}" in message with "π"
  1230. replace all "{bio}" in message with "☣"
  1231. replace all "{crown}" in message with "♛"
  1232. replace all "{yingyang}" in message with "☯"
  1233. replace all "{cloud}" in message with "☁"
  1234. # Skript AntiViewPlugins pour Douzi_ #
  1236. #====================[ Configuration ]====================#
  1237. options:
  1238. antiplmsg: &cTu n'as pas accès a cette commande ! # Message envoyer si le joueur fait /pl /plugin /plugins /bukkit:pl ect...
  1240. #====================[ Le Skript ]====================#
  1241. command /pl:
  1242. trigger:
  1243. message "権限がありません"
  1245. command /plugin:
  1246. trigger:
  1247. message "権限がありません"
  1249. command /plugins:
  1250. trigger:
  1251. message "権限がありません"
  1253. command /bukkit:pl:
  1254. trigger:
  1255. message "権限がありません"
  1257. command /bukkit:plugin:
  1258. trigger:
  1259. message "権限がありません"
  1261. command /bukkit:plugins:
  1262. trigger:
  1263. message "権限がありません"
  1265. command /?:
  1266. trigger:
  1267. message "権限がありません"
  1269. command /help:?:
  1270. trigger:
  1271. message "権限がありません"
  1273. command /bukkit:?:
  1274. trigger:
  1275. message "権限がありません"
  1276. command /tbc [<text>]:
  1277. permission : admin.tbc
  1278. permission message : &8You don't have the necessary powers!
  1279. trigger:
  1280. if arg 1 is set:
  1281. loop all players:
  1282. send loop-player title "%colored arg 1%" for 3 seconds
  1283. else:
  1284. send "&8Correct use: &3/tbc <text>"
  1288. command /restart:
  1289. permission: restart
  1290. trigger:
  1291. execute console command "tbc &aLast &6&l10 &aseconds to restart"
  1292. wait 1 seconds
  1293. set {restart} to true
  1294. if {restart} is set:
  1295. execute console command "tbc &a&l9"
  1296. wait 1 seconds
  1297. if {restart} is set:
  1298. execute console command "tbc &a&l8"
  1299. wait 1 seconds
  1300. if {restart} is set:
  1301. execute console command "tbc &a&l7"
  1302. wait 1 seconds
  1303. if {restart} is set:
  1304. execute console command "tbc &a&l6"
  1305. wait 1 seconds
  1306. if {restart} is set:
  1307. execute console command "tbc &c&l5"
  1308. wait 1 seconds
  1309. if {restart} is set:
  1310. execute console command "tbc &c&l4"
  1311. wait 1 seconds
  1312. if {restart} is set:
  1313. execute console command "tbc &4&l3"
  1314. wait 1 seconds
  1315. if {restart} is set:
  1316. execute console command "tbc &4&l2"
  1317. wait 1 seconds
  1318. if {restart} is set:
  1319. execute console command "tbc &4&l1"
  1320. wait 1 seconds
  1321. if {restart} is set:
  1322. execute console command "tbc &9&lRestart..."
  1323. wait 1 seconds
  1324. if {restart} is set:
  1325. execute server command "stop"
  1327. command /cancelreset:
  1328. trigger:
  1329. delete {restart}
  1330. execute console command "tbc &a&lRestart Cancelled..."
  1331. options:
  1332. tag: &5[&bTAG&5]
  1334. command /check <text>:
  1335. usage: /check <player>
  1336. permission: pro.admin
  1337. permission message: you are not admin
  1338. trigger:
  1339. send "&5===== REPORTS =====" to player
  1340. send "&4%arg 1% &6have been reported &4%{report1.%arg 1%}% &6times"
  1341. send "&4%arg 1% &6have reported other users &4%{report2.%arg 1%}% &6times"
  1342. command /report <player> <text>:
  1343. usage: /report <player> <reason>
  1344. trigger:
  1345. if {report.cooldown.%player%} is false:
  1346. add 1 to {report1.%arg 1%}
  1347. add 1 to {report2.%player%}
  1348. send "&6Report sent to all staff online" to player
  1349. loop all players:
  1350. if loop-player have permission "pro.admin":
  1351. send "&5===== &5REPORT =====" to loop-player
  1352. send "&6Report by: %player%" to loop-player
  1353. send "&6Player reported: %arg 1%" to loop-player
  1354. send "&6Reason: %arg 2%" to loop-player
  1355. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to true
  1356. wait 30 seconds
  1357. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to false
  1358. if {report.cooldown.%player%} is true:
  1359. send "&6Please wait before reporting again"
  1360. on join:
  1361. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to false
  1362. options:
  1365. ver: 1.1
  1366. console: &e&lCTO&7>
  1368. # Configuration (Changable)
  1369. p: &e&l&oToolsOptions&7»
  1370. CheckUpdate: true
  1371. UpdateCheckPerm: cto.updatecheck
  1372. blacklistwords: "word1" or "word2" or "word3" or "word4" or "word5" or "word6" # Syntqax: "word1" or "word2" or "word3" ... | v1.1
  1373. blacklistitems: tripwire_hook or emerald_block or diamond_block or iron_ore or piston # Syntax: item1 or item2 or item3 ... | v1.1
  1375. # Messages (Changable)
  1376. NoPerm: &c&oYou don't have enough permissions dude!
  1377. LoreUsage: [nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7set&8/&7add <Line number> <Lore>[nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7remove&8/&7clear &7<line number>&8/&7all[nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7help[nl]&7 # Variables: [cmd] for the command, [nl] new line, [p] prefix
  1378. LoreSuccess: &a&oNew Lore &7&o(line: &c&o[line]&7&o)&a&o:&r [lore] # << [line] for used line >> << [lore] for the new lore text>>
  1379. LoreCleared: &a&oCleared line &c&o[line] # << [line] for the line>>
  1380. LoreAllCleared: &a&oCleared lore of your item
  1381. RenameUsage: [nl][p] &c/[cmd]&7 <name>[nl][p] &c/[cmd]&7 reset[nl][p] &c/[cmd]&7 help[nl]&7
  1382. RenameSuccess: &a&oRenamed:&r [name] # << [name] for the new name>>
  1383. RenameResetSuccess: &a&oReseted tool's name
  1384. RenameBlacklistItems: &cYou can't rename this item. # v1.1
  1385. RenameBlacklistWords: &cYou can't use this name. # v1.1
  1386. ShinyError: &c&oYour item has enchanments and it's shiny!
  1387. ShinySuccess: &a&oEnjoy your new Shiny item!
  1388. EnchantUsage: [nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7add [enchantment name] [level][nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7set [enchantment name] [level][nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7removeall[nl][p] &c/[cmd] &7help[nl]&7
  1389. EnchantSucess: &aYour tool has been successfully enchanted with &7[enchantment] [level] # << [enchantment] [level] >>
  1390. EmojiDisabled: &aEmojis&7 are now &c&lDISABLED # v1.1
  1391. EmojiEnabled: &aEmojis&7 are now &a&lENABLED # v1.1
  1393. # Lore Configuration (Changable)
  1394. LoreCmd: lore
  1395. LorePerm: cto.cmd.lore
  1396. LoreAliases: lr
  1398. # Emoji Configuration (Changable) # v1.1
  1399. EmojiCmd: emoji
  1400. EmojiPerm: cto.cmd.emoji
  1401. EmojiAliases: em
  1403. # Rename Configuration (Changable)
  1404. RenameCmd: rename
  1405. RenamePerm: cto.cmd.rename
  1406. RenameAliases: ren
  1408. # Shiny Configuration (Changable)
  1409. ShinyCmd: Shiny
  1410. ShinyPerm: cto.cmd.shiny
  1411. ShinyAliases: shi
  1414. # Enchant Configurations (Changable) # v1.1
  1415. EnchantCmd: enchant
  1416. EnchantPerm: cto.cmd.enchant
  1417. EnchantAliases: ench
  1422. # -----
  1423. #
  1425. #
  1426. # -----
  1430. on load:
  1431. send "&b<&3----&b>> &c&l&oTools Options&b <<&3----&b>" to console
  1432. send " " to console
  1433. send "{@console} &aRunning on version &c{@ver}" to console
  1434. send "{@console} &bThank you for downloading/using my skripts :)" to console
  1435. send "{@console} &eSkript made by &aAyham Alali &cYT&7:&a@ayham5131" to console
  1436. send " " to console
  1437. send "&b<&3----&b>> &c&l&oTools Options&b <<&3----&b>" to console
  1438. set {_NewVer} to text from ""
  1439. set {_UpdateInfo} to text from url ""
  1440. if "{@CheckUpdate}" is "true":
  1441. send "{@console} &eChecking for update..." to console
  1442. if "{@CheckUpdate}" is "true":
  1443. if "%{_NewVer}%" is not "{@ver}":
  1444. replace all "[nl]" with new line in {_UpdateInfo}
  1445. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_UpdateInfo}
  1446. send "&3<&b&l!&3>&3----&b*&3----&3<&b&l!&3>" to console
  1447. send "{@console} &aThere is a new update for &9&oTools Options&7, &aYou are using version &c{@ver}&7, &aNew version&7 > &c%{_NewVer}%" to console
  1448. send "{@console} &aUpdate info: %colored {_UpdateInfo}%" to console
  1449. send "&3<&b&l!&3>&3----&b*&3----&3<&b&l!&3>" to console
  1450. else if "%{_NewVer}%" is "{@ver}":
  1451. send "{@console}&a is up to date&7, &aNo new updates." to console
  1453. loop all players:
  1454. if loop-player has permission "{@UpdateCheckPerm}":
  1455. if "%{_NewVer}%" is not "{@ver}":
  1456. replace all "[nl]" with new line in {_UpdateInfo}
  1457. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_UpdateInfo}
  1458. send "&3<&b&l!&3>&3----&b*&3----&3<&b&l!&3>" to loop-player
  1459. send "{@p} &aThere is a new update for &9&oTools Options&7, &aYou are using version &c{@ver}&7, &aNew version&7 > &c%{_NewVer}%" to loop-player
  1460. send "{@p} &aUpdate info: &c%colored {_UpdateInfo}%" to loop-player
  1461. send "&3<&b&l!&3>&3----&b*&3----&3<&b&l!&3>" to loop-player
  1462. else if "%{_NewVer}%" is "{@ver}":
  1463. send "{@p}&a is up to date&7, &aNo new updates." to loop-player
  1464. wait a tick
  1465. send "{@console} &ahas been loaded successfully." to console
  1467. on unload:
  1468. send "{@console} &chas been unloaded successfully." to console
  1472. # ➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈➉☹☺❤☼♛✈☠☁✰❆«✔✖☻»⚠
  1473. # [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][:(][:)][<3][sun][crown][plane][skull][cloud][star][snow][<][v][x][:-)][>][caution]
  1474. # Thank you _Vlad1101_ for the emojis, you made save some time.
  1476. command /{@EmojiCmd} [<text>]:
  1477. permission: {@EmojiPerm}
  1478. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  1479. description: &a&oShow Emojis shortcuts.
  1480. aliases: {@EmojiAliases}
  1481. trigger:
  1482. if arg-1 is "toggle":
  1483. if {cto::emoji::%player%} is not set:
  1484. set {cto::emoji::%player%} to true
  1485. send "{@p} {@EmojiEnabled}"
  1486. stop
  1487. if {cto::emoji::%player%} is false:
  1488. set {cto::emoji::%player%} to true
  1489. send "{@p} {@EmojiEnabled}"
  1490. stop
  1491. if {cto::emoji::%player%} is true:
  1492. set {cto::emoji::%player%} to false
  1493. send "{@p} {@EmojiDisabled}"
  1494. stop
  1495. if arg-1 is "help":
  1496. send "&c1&7. &aTip&7» &a[text] &7» &8[&aemoji&8]"
  1497. send "&c2&7. &a[1] &7» &8[&a➀&8]"
  1498. send "&c3&7. &a[2] &7» &8[&a➁&8]"
  1499. send "&c4&7. &a[3] &7» &8[&a➂&8]"
  1500. send "&c5&7. &a[4] &7» &8[&a➃&8]"
  1501. send "&c6&7. &a[5] &7» &8[&a➄&8]"
  1502. send "&c7&7. &a[6] &7» &8[&a➅&8]"
  1503. send "&c8&7. &a[7] &7» &8[&a➆&8]"
  1504. send "&c9&7. &a[8] &7» &8[&a➇&8]"
  1505. send "&c10&7. &a[9] &7» &8[&a➈&8]"
  1506. send "&c11&7. &a[10] &7» &8[&a➉&8]"
  1507. send "&c12&7. &a[<3] &7» &8[&a❤&8]"
  1508. send "&c13&7. &a[sun] &7» &8[&a☼&8]"
  1509. send "&c14&7. &a[crown] &7» &8[&a♛&8]"
  1510. send "&c15&7. &a[plane] &7» &8[&a✈&8]"
  1511. send "&c16&7. &a[skull] &7» &8[&a☠&8]"
  1512. send "&c17&7. &a[cloud] &7» &8[&a☁&8]"
  1513. send "&c18&7. &a[star] &7» &8[&a✰&8]"
  1514. send "&c19&7. &a[snow] &7» &8[&a❆&8]"
  1515. send "&c20&7. &a[<] &7» &8[&a«&8]"
  1516. send "&c21&7. &a[v] &7» &8[&a✔&8]"
  1517. send "&c22&7. &a[x] &7» &8[&a✖&8]"
  1518. send "&c23&7. &a[>] &7» &8[&a»&8]"
  1519. send "&c24&7. &a[caution] &7» &8[&a⚠&8]"
  1520. send "&c25&7. &a[:-)] &7» &8[&a☻&8]"
  1521. send "&c26&7. &a[:(] &7» &8[&a☹&8]"
  1522. send "&c27&7. &a[:)] &7» &8[&a☺&8]"
  1523. stop
  1525. on chat:
  1526. if {cto::emoji::%player%} = true:
  1527. replace all "[1]" with "➀" in message
  1528. replace all "[2]" with "➁" in message
  1529. replace all "[3]" with "➂" in message
  1530. replace all "[4]" with "➃" in message
  1531. replace all "[5]" with "➄" in message
  1532. replace all "[6]" with "➅" in message
  1533. replace all "[7]" with "➆" in message
  1534. replace all "[8]" with "➇" in message
  1535. replace all "[9]" with "➈" in message
  1536. replace all "[10]" with "➉" in message
  1537. replace all "[:(]" with "☹" in message
  1538. replace all "[:)]" with "☺" in message
  1539. replace all "[<3]" with "❤" in message
  1540. replace all "[sun]" with "☼" in message
  1541. replace all "[crown]" with "♛" in message
  1542. replace all "[plane]" with "✈" in message
  1543. replace all "[skull]" with "☠" in message
  1544. replace all "[cloud]" with "☁" in message
  1545. replace all "[star]" with "✰" in message
  1546. replace all "[snow]" with "❆" in message
  1547. replace all "[<]" with "«" in message
  1548. replace all "[v]" with "✔" in message
  1549. replace all "[x]" with "✖" in message
  1550. replace all "[:-)]" with "☻" in message
  1551. replace all "[>]" with "»" in message
  1552. replace all "[caution]" with "⚠" in message
  1554. command /{@LoreCmd} [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
  1555. permission: {@LorePerm}
  1556. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  1557. description: &a&oChange item lore
  1558. aliases: {@LoreAliases}
  1559. trigger:
  1560. if arg-1 is not set:
  1561. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1562. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1563. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1564. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1565. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1566. stop
  1567. if arg-1 is "help":
  1568. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1569. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1570. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1571. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1572. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1573. stop
  1574. else:
  1575. if arg-1 is "set" or "add":
  1576. if arg-2 is set:
  1577. if arg-3 is set:
  1578. if player's tool is set:
  1579. if "%arg-3%" contains "[1]" or "[2]" or "[3]" or "[4]" or "[5]" or "[6]" or "[7]" or "[8]" or "[9]" or "[10]" or "[:(]" or "[:)]" or "[<3]" or "[sun]" or "[crown]" or "[plane]" or "[skull]" or "[cloud]" or "[star]" or "[snow]" or "[<]" or "[v]" or "[x]" or "[:-)]" or "[>]" or "[caution]":
  1580. if {cto::emoji::%player%} = true:
  1581. set {_l} to "%arg-3%"
  1582. replace all "[1]" with "➀" in {_l}
  1583. replace all "[2]" with "➁" in {_l}
  1584. replace all "[3]" with "➂" in {_l}
  1585. replace all "[4]" with "➃" in {_l}
  1586. replace all "[5]" with "➄" in {_l}
  1587. replace all "[6]" with "➅" in {_l}
  1588. replace all "[7]" with "➆" in {_l}
  1589. replace all "[8]" with "➇" in {_l}
  1590. replace all "[9]" with "➈" in {_l}
  1591. replace all "[10]" with "➉" in {_l}
  1592. replace all "[:(]" with "☹" in {_l}
  1593. replace all "[:)]" with "☺" in {_l}
  1594. replace all "[<3]" with "❤" in {_l}
  1595. replace all "[sun]" with "☼" in {_l}
  1596. replace all "[crown]" with "♛" in {_l}
  1597. replace all "[plane]" with "✈" in {_l}
  1598. replace all "[skull]" with "☠" in {_l}
  1599. replace all "[cloud]" with "☁" in {_l}
  1600. replace all "[star]" with "✰" in {_l}
  1601. replace all "[snow]" with "❆" in {_l}
  1602. replace all "[<]" with "«" in {_l}
  1603. replace all "[v]" with "✔" in {_l}
  1604. replace all "[x]" with "✖" in {_l}
  1605. replace all "[:-)]" with "☻" in {_l}
  1606. replace all "[>]" with "»" in {_l}
  1607. replace all "[caution]" with "⚠" in {_l}
  1608. set line number arg of lore of player's tool to colored "%{_l}%"
  1609. set {_LoreSuccess} to "{@LoreSuccess}"
  1610. replace all "[line]" with "%arg-2%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1611. replace all "[lore]" with "%{_l}%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1612. send colored "%{_LoreSuccess}%"
  1613. stop
  1614. else:
  1615. set line number arg of lore of player's tool to colored "%arg-3%"
  1616. set {_LoreSuccess} to "{@LoreSuccess}"
  1617. replace all "[line]" with "%arg-2%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1618. replace all "[lore]" with "%arg-3%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1619. send colored "%{_LoreSuccess}%"
  1620. stop
  1621. else:
  1622. set line number arg of lore of player's tool to colored "%arg-3%"
  1623. set {_LoreSuccess} to "{@LoreSuccess}"
  1624. replace all "[line]" with "%arg-2%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1625. replace all "[lore]" with "%arg-3%" in {_LoreSuccess}
  1626. send colored "%{_LoreSuccess}%"
  1627. stop
  1629. else:
  1630. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1631. stop
  1632. else:
  1633. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1634. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1635. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1636. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1637. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1638. stop
  1639. else:
  1640. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1641. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1642. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1643. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1644. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1645. stop
  1646. if arg-1 is "remove" or "clear":
  1647. if arg-2 is set:
  1648. if player's tool is set:
  1649. clear line number arg of lore of player's tool
  1650. set {_LoreCleared} to "{@LoreCleared}"
  1651. replace all "[line]" with "%arg-2%" in {_LoreCleared}
  1652. send "%{_LoreCleared}%"
  1653. stop
  1654. else:
  1655. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1656. stop
  1657. else:
  1658. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1659. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1660. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1661. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1662. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1663. stop
  1664. if arg-3 is "all":
  1665. if player's tool is set:
  1666. set lore of player's tool to ""
  1667. make player execute "/{@LoreCmd} removesilent 1"
  1668. send "{@p} {@LoreAllCleared}"
  1669. stop
  1670. else:
  1671. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1672. stop
  1673. else:
  1674. set {_LoreUsage} to "{@LoreUsage}"
  1675. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@LoreCmd}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1676. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_LoreUsage}
  1677. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_LoreUsage}
  1678. send "%{_LoreUsage}%"
  1679. stop
  1680. # The Secret command "LOL", used for clear the lore, just a bsic way to do ir quickly :)
  1681. if arg-1 is "removesilent":
  1682. if player's tool is set:
  1683. if arg-2 is set:
  1684. clear line number arg of lore of player's tool
  1685. stop
  1686. else:
  1687. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1688. stop
  1691. command /{@RenameCmd} [<text>]:
  1692. permission: {@RenamePerm}
  1693. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  1694. description: &a&oChange current tool Name
  1695. aliases: {@RenameAliases}
  1696. trigger:
  1697. if arg-1 is not set:
  1698. set {_RenameUsage} to "{@RenameUsage}"
  1699. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@RenameCmd}" in {_RenameUsage}
  1700. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_RenameUsage}
  1701. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_RenameUsage}
  1702. send "%{_RenameUsage}%"
  1703. stop
  1704. if arg-1 is "help":
  1705. set {_RenameUsage} to "{@RenameUsage}"
  1706. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@RenameCmd}" in {_RenameUsage}
  1707. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_RenameUsage}
  1708. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_RenameUsage}
  1709. send "%{_RenameUsage}%"
  1710. stop
  1711. if arg-1 is "reset":
  1712. if player's tool is set:
  1713. if player's tool is not {@blacklistitems}:
  1714. set name of player's tool to ""
  1715. send "{@p} {@RenameResetSuccess}"
  1716. stop
  1717. else:
  1718. send "{@RenameBlacklistItems}"
  1719. stop
  1720. else:
  1721. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1722. stop
  1724. if arg-1 is set:
  1725. if player's tool is set:
  1726. if player's tool is not {@blacklistitems}:
  1727. if "%arg-1%" doesn't contain {@blacklistwords}:
  1728. if "%arg-1%" contains "[1]" or "[2]" or "[3]" or "[4]" or "[5]" or "[6]" or "[7]" or "[8]" or "[9]" or "[10]" or "[:(]" or "[:)]" or "[<3]" or "[sun]" or "[crown]" or "[plane]" or "[skull]" or "[cloud]" or "[star]" or "[snow]" or "[<]" or "[v]" or "[x]" or "[:-)]" or "[>]" or "[caution]":
  1729. if {cto::emoji::%player%} = true:
  1730. set {_n} to "%arg-1%"
  1731. replace all "[1]" with "➀" in {_n}
  1732. replace all "[2]" with "➁" in {_n}
  1733. replace all "[3]" with "➂" in {_n}
  1734. replace all "[4]" with "➃" in {_n}
  1735. replace all "[5]" with "➄" in {_n}
  1736. replace all "[6]" with "➅" in {_n}
  1737. replace all "[7]" with "➆" in {_n}
  1738. replace all "[8]" with "➇" in {_n}
  1739. replace all "[9]" with "➈" in {_n}
  1740. replace all "[10]" with "➉" in {_n}
  1741. replace all "[:(]" with "☹" in {_n}
  1742. replace all "[:)]" with "☺" in {_n}
  1743. replace all "[<3]" with "❤" in {_n}
  1744. replace all "[sun]" with "☼" in {_n}
  1745. replace all "[crown]" with "♛" in {_n}
  1746. replace all "[plane]" with "✈" in {_n}
  1747. replace all "[skull]" with "☠" in {_n}
  1748. replace all "[cloud]" with "☁" in {_n}
  1749. replace all "[star]" with "✰" in {_n}
  1750. replace all "[snow]" with "❆" in {_n}
  1751. replace all "[<]" with "«" in {_n}
  1752. replace all "[v]" with "✔" in {_n}
  1753. replace all "[x]" with "✖" in {_n}
  1754. replace all "[:-)]" with "☻" in {_n}
  1755. replace all "[>]" with "»" in {_n}
  1756. replace all "[caution]" with "⚠" in {_n}
  1757. set name of player's tool to colored "%{_n}%"
  1758. set {_RenameSuccess} to "{@RenameSuccess}"
  1759. replace all "[name]" with "%{_n}%" in {_RenameSuccess}
  1760. send colored "{@p} %{_RenameSuccess}%"
  1761. stop
  1762. else:
  1763. set name of player's tool to colored "%arg-1%"
  1764. set {_RenameSuccess} to "{@RenameSuccess}"
  1765. replace all "[name]" with "%arg-1%" in {_RenameSuccess}
  1766. send colored "{@p} %{_RenameSuccess}%"
  1767. stop
  1768. else:
  1769. set name of player's tool to colored "%arg-1%"
  1770. set {_RenameSuccess} to "{@RenameSuccess}"
  1771. replace all "[name]" with "%arg-1%" in {_RenameSuccess}
  1772. send colored "{@p} %{_RenameSuccess}%"
  1773. stop
  1774. else:
  1775. send "{@RenameBlacklistWords}"
  1776. stop
  1777. else:
  1778. send "{@RenameBlacklistItems}"
  1779. stop
  1780. else:
  1781. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1782. stop
  1786. command /{@ShinyCmd}:
  1787. permission: {@ShinyPerm}
  1788. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  1789. description: &a&oShiny your item without enchantments
  1790. aliases: {@ShinyAliases}
  1791. trigger:
  1792. if player's tool is set:
  1793. if player's tool is enchanted:
  1794. send "{@p} {@ShinyError}"
  1795. stop
  1796. if player's tool is not enchanted:
  1797. set {_item} to player's tool
  1798. set player's tool to shiny {_item}
  1799. send "{@p} {@ShinySuccess}"
  1800. stop
  1801. else:
  1802. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1803. stop
  1807. command /{@EnchantCmd} [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  1808. permission: {@EnchantPerm}
  1809. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  1810. description: &a&oEnchant your items with any enchantment type and level.
  1811. aliases: {@EnchantAliases}
  1812. trigger:
  1813. if arg-1 is not set:
  1814. set {_EnchantUsage} to "{@EnchantUsage}"
  1815. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@EnchantCmd}" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1816. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1817. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1818. send "%{_EnchantUsage}%"
  1819. stop
  1820. if arg-1 is "help":
  1821. set {_EnchantUsage} to "{@EnchantUsage}"
  1822. replace all "[cmd]" with "{@EnchantCmd}" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1823. replace all "[nl]" with "%newline%" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1824. replace all "[p]" with "{@p}" in {_EnchantUsage}
  1825. send "%{_EnchantUsage}%"
  1826. stop
  1827. if arg-1 is "add":
  1828. if arg-2 is set:
  1829. if arg-3 is set:
  1830. if player's tool is set:
  1831. set {_el} to "%arg-2% %arg-3%" parsed as enchantment type
  1832. enchant the player's tool with {_el}
  1833. set {_m} to "{@EnchantSucess}"
  1834. replace all "[enchantment]" with "%arg-2%" in {_m}
  1835. replace all "[level]" with "%arg-3%" in {_m}
  1836. send "{@p} %{_m}%"
  1837. stop
  1838. else:
  1839. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1840. stop
  1841. if arg-1 is "set":
  1842. if arg-2 is set:
  1843. if arg-3 is set:
  1844. if player's tool is set:
  1845. set {_i} to player's tool
  1846. disenchant {_i}
  1847. set {_el} to "%arg-2% %arg-3%" parsed as enchantment type
  1848. enchant the player's tool with {_el}
  1849. set {_m} to "{@EnchantSucess}"
  1850. replace all "[enchantment]" with "%arg-2%" in {_m}
  1851. replace all "[level]" with "%arg-3%" in {_m}
  1852. send "{@p} %{_m}%"
  1853. stop
  1854. else:
  1855. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1856. stop
  1857. if arg-1 is "removeall":
  1858. if player's tool is set:
  1859. disenchant player's tool
  1860. set {_m} to "{@EnchantSucess}"
  1861. replace all "[enchantment]" with "%arg-2%" in {_m}
  1862. send "{@p} %{_m}%"
  1863. stop
  1864. else:
  1865. send "{@p} &7You need to hold an item."
  1866. stop
  1870. # ----
  1871. #
  1872. # <> End of Code
  1873. # By Ayham Alali <>
  1874. #
  1875. # ----
  1876. command /gmc [<player>]:
  1877. aliases: creative
  1878. permission: gamemode.creative
  1879. permission message: &4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!
  1880. trigger:
  1881. if argument 1 is not set:
  1882. set player's gamemode to creative
  1883. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1884. else:
  1885. argument 1 is online
  1886. if sender has permission "gamemode.creative.others":
  1887. set argument 1's gamemode to creative
  1888. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1889. else:
  1890. message "&4Error: Not enough permission" to sender
  1892. command /gms [<player>]:
  1893. aliases: survival
  1894. permission: gamemode.survival
  1895. permission message: &4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!
  1896. trigger:
  1897. if argument 1 is not set:
  1898. set player's gamemode to survival
  1899. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1900. else:
  1901. argument 1 is online
  1902. if sender has permission "gamemode.survival.others":
  1903. set argument 1's gamemode to survival
  1904. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1905. else:
  1906. message "&4Error: Not enough permission" to sender
  1908. command /gma [<player>]:
  1909. aliases: adventure
  1910. permission: gamemode.adventure
  1911. permission message: &4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!
  1912. trigger:
  1913. if argument 1 is not set:
  1914. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1915. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1916. else:
  1917. argument 1 is online
  1918. if sender has permission "gamemode.adventure.others":
  1919. set argument 1's gamemode to adventure
  1920. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1921. else:
  1922. message "&4Error: Not enough permission" to sender
  1924. command /gmsp [<player>]:
  1925. aliases: spectator
  1926. permission: gamemode.spectator
  1927. permission message: &4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!
  1928. trigger:
  1929. if argument 1 is not set:
  1930. set player's gamemode to spectator
  1931. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1932. else:
  1933. argument 1 is online
  1934. if sender has permission "gamemode.spectator.others":
  1935. set argument 1's gamemode to spectator
  1936. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1937. else:
  1938. message "&4Error: Not enough permission" to sender
  1940. command /gm [<text>] [<player>]:
  1941. aliases: gamemode
  1942. trigger:
  1943. if argument 2 is not set:
  1944. if argument 1 is "0":
  1945. if player has permission "gamemode.survival":
  1946. set player's gamemode to survival
  1947. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1948. else:
  1949. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1950. if argument 1 is "survival":
  1951. if player has permission "gamemode.survival":
  1952. set player's gamemode to survival
  1953. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1954. else:
  1955. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1956. if argument 1 is "1":
  1957. if player has permission "gamemode.creative":
  1958. set player's gamemode to creative
  1959. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1960. else:
  1961. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1962. if argument 1 is "creative":
  1963. if player has permission "gamemode.creative":
  1964. set player's gamemode to creative
  1965. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1966. else:
  1967. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1968. if argument 1 is "2":
  1969. if player has permission "gamemode.adventure":
  1970. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1971. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1972. else:
  1973. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1974. if argument 1 is "adventure":
  1975. if player has permission "gamemode.adventure":
  1976. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1977. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1978. else:
  1979. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1980. if argument 1 is "3":
  1981. if player has permission "gamemode.spectator":
  1982. set player's gamemode to spectator
  1983. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1984. else:
  1985. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1986. if argument 1 is "spectator":
  1987. if player has permission "gamemode.spectator":
  1988. set player's gamemode to spectator
  1989. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  1990. else:
  1991. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  1992. if argument 1 is not "0" or "1" or "2" or "3" or "survival" or "creative" or "adventure" or "spectator":
  1993. message "&4Error: &cInvalid argument!"
  1994. if argument 1 is not set:
  1995. message "&4Error: &cMissing argument!"
  1996. else:
  1997. argument 2 is online
  1998. if argument 1 is "0":
  1999. if sender has permission "gamemode.survival.others":
  2000. set argument 2's gamemode to survival
  2001. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2002. else:
  2003. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2004. if argument 1 is "survival":
  2005. if sender has permission "gamemode.survival.others":
  2006. set argument 2's gamemode to survival
  2007. message "&6Set game mode &csurvival &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2008. else:
  2009. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2010. if argument 1 is "1":
  2011. if sender has permission "gamemode.creative.others":
  2012. set argument 2's gamemode to creative
  2013. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2014. else:
  2015. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2016. if argument 1 is "creative":
  2017. if sender has permission "gamemode.creative.others":
  2018. set argument 2's gamemode to creative
  2019. message "&6Set game mode &ccreative &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2020. else:
  2021. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2022. if argument 1 is "2":
  2023. if sender has permission "gamemode.adventure.others":
  2024. set argument 2's gamemode to adventure
  2025. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2026. else:
  2027. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2028. if argument 1 is "adventure":
  2029. if sender has permission "gamemode.adventure.others":
  2030. set argument 2's gamemode to adventure
  2031. message "&6Set game mode &cadventure &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2032. else:
  2033. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2034. if argument 1 is "3":
  2035. if sender has permission "gamemode.spectator.others":
  2036. set argument 2's gamemode to spectator
  2037. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2038. else:
  2039. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2040. if argument 1 is "spectator":
  2041. if sender has permission "gamemode.spectator.others":
  2042. set argument 2's gamemode to spectator
  2043. message "&6Set game mode &cspectator &6for %player's display name%&6." to sender
  2044. else:
  2045. message "&4Error: &cYou do not have access to this command!"
  2046. if argument 1 is not "0" or "1" or "2" or "3" or "survival" or "creative" or "adventure" or "spectator":
  2047. message "&4Error: &cInvalid argument!"
  2048. if argument 1 is not set:
  2049. message "&4Error: &cMissing argument!"
  2050. command /kick:
  2051. trigger:
  2052. cancel event
  2053. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&aKick&fを使用しました"
  2054. command /ban:
  2055. trigger:
  2056. cancel event
  2057. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&aBAN&fを使用しました"
  2058. command /ban-ip:
  2059. trigger:
  2060. cancel event
  2061. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&aIPBAN&fを使用しました"
  2062. command /deop:
  2063. trigger:
  2064. cancel event
  2065. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&adeop&fを使用しました"
  2066. command /pardon:
  2067. trigger:
  2068. cancel event
  2069. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&aKick&fを使用しました"
  2070. command /kill:
  2071. trigger:
  2072. cancel event
  2073. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&aKill&fを使用しました"
  2074. command /stop:
  2075. trigger:
  2076. cancel event
  2077. broadcast "[&2Info&f]&a%player%&fさんが&astop&fを使用しました"
  2078. on burn:
  2079. cancel event
  2080. on join:
  2081. message "Welcome on our awesome server!"
  2082. broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"
  2083. command /brush:
  2084. trigger:
  2085. cancel event
  2086. command //calc:
  2087. trigger:
  2088. cancel event
  2089. options:
  2090. Prefix: &9&lE&9xplosive&9&lB&9ow>
  2091. NoPerm: &cPay attention! You don't have permissions to do this!
  2092. PermExplode: arrows.explode
  2093. PermLaunchShot: arrows.launch
  2094. GetBow: explosivebot.get
  2095. Author: LoryPandaMC
  2096. Version: WORK IN PROGRESS
  2097. NameBow: &c&lExplosive Bow
  2098. MsgOnShoot: &aEnjoy the KA-BOOM!
  2102. on shoot:
  2103. shooter is a player
  2104. projectile is an arrow
  2105. set {arrows::%projectile%} to true
  2108. on projectile hit:
  2109. {arrows::%projectile%} is true
  2110. delete {arrows::%projectile%}
  2111. delete projectile
  2114. on projectile hit:
  2115. projectile is an arrow
  2116. if shooter has permission "{@PermExplode}":
  2117. if {explode.%shooter%} is true:
  2118. create explosion of force 3 at projectile
  2119. set {explode.%shooter%} to false
  2120. stop
  2121. on join:
  2122. set {explode.%player%} to false
  2123. on shoot:
  2124. name of shooter's tool is "{@NameBow}"
  2125. shooter has permission "{@PermLaunchShot}"
  2126. set {explode.%shooter%} to true
  2128. command /explosivebow:
  2129. trigger:
  2130. if player has permission "{@GetBow}":
  2131. give bow named "{@NameBow}" to player
  2132. message "{@Prefix} {@MsgOnShoot}"
  2133. else:
  2134. message "{@Prefix} {@NoPerm}"
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