
A chance to prove.

Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. Key: FeitanX
  3. Character: Azhura
  5. Skill(or transformation): Super Saiyan 2 75%/Super Saiyan 3
  7. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation):
  9. Reasoning: Azhura was noticing she was falling behind not only the forces of ARC but her kin on a whole. Every other saiyan seemed to be evolving and striving to achieve stronger transformations as well as successfully being able to do so but she was slacking not being able to go beyond Super Saiyan 2 since she got the transformation, her mind was recently too occupied with the thoughts of what to do with herself now, she was for the most part very confused on which side she should be on. But recently seeing others constantly get strong made her feel like she could be doing more but wasn't exactly doing it. Made her feel like there was far more she could accomplish with the raw power she had and that was exactly what she was going to do. Put that mutant power to use and break her limits just like any other saiyan would. But this time she wasn't doing it to keep up with the missions Adra gave her, keep up with ARC's fighters or to make anyone else happy but instead to grow stronger for her sake, she wanted more power for her. To prove to herself her worth and make everyone marvel at her glorious power once again!
  11. What is the moment: It was time to stop being soft, the saiyan decided full time that she needed to get stronger or just give up living all together because the only way she was going to survive was to grow. Watching Aster and Akule climb to knew heights really made her feel like she was doing something wrong, It wasn't that she wasn't strong enough but she wasn't putting in enough effort. She was trying hard enough to get stronger, until recently she never saw a need to get stronger at all. She was at a point where she was one of the strongest around, a force to be reckoned with, an actual threat but she became increasingly soft the more time she spent with the ARC's members and away from her Demonic roots. It was almost as if they invaded her mind with their kindness and emotions, the only way she could escape it was to return back to her solitude, seclude herself from them and train harder than she ever had to before. Thus 2 whole weeks passed and Azhura was not to be seen at all by any of her associates, she was out of sight and out of mind engaged in intense training, preparing herself for the worst, preparing herself for the great battles ahead of her not just against ARC anymore but rather against anyone who stood in her way and that ment even Aadramelech himself. Mainly to make sure that she has a fighting chance, to make sure that every single important battle is not just a wasted attempt.
  13. During her absence, the extreme physical exercises in harmful environments helped strengthen her body, building it to become a literal body of steel. Her mind was fortified and focused, her control over super Saiyan and it's second advancement was vastly greater to the point where she could use both without any type of strain and even use those forms to bring out extra power if needed. However what made for the greatest achievement out of her training would be her ascension to the third level, a state beyond the Super Saiyan two, a form that Aster was quite famous for achieving and his overwhelming power while in the form. Her gruesome training pushed her to her very limits, making it so that she had no other choice but to surpass her limits to keep up with the harsh environment or die to it. Dying wasn't an option so her only other option was to get back up off and force her body to evolve beyond!
  16. The golden glow, the lengthy golden hair, the absence of eyebrows along with her signature crimson eyes would be donned as she took up the mantle of a Super Saiyan 3. She felt power overflowing through her body and her might increased drastically, her explosive aura alone created ripples in the air but the power was too great, it ripped away at her body and burned her out rapidly, causing her to fall regardless shortly after getting back to safety. However the cons were too small to cause her to be any less proud of herself for taking a brand new step but also a step that will put her back into the competition.
  18. TLDR: After seeing everyone around her constantly climb above their previous limits and discover unbelievable strengths, she began feeling as if she has fallen off the warrior path, allowing Akule to achieve a never before seen transformation, allowing Aster to do the same not once but twice having become a god definitely opened her eyes and motivate her to push harder to keep up with them, but also to become strong enough to protect herself and stand a chance in the face of her enemies, to hopefully not be so helpless and lose every important fight that comes her way. Most importantly, she fears the new power of her Boss and what he may do to her if he deems her worthless, she wanted to make sure she atleast has a fighting chance!
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