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Aug 30th, 2019
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  1. * draft 2, 8.30.19 B====D
  2. * Please save, please spam, please suggest ideas / revisions to:
  3. * When submitting a revision, copy and paste the original text you want to revise or comment on and then pose your alternative. This helps me out.
  4. * This is imo the most serious manual ever made for online white activism. It is non-violent and not "anti" anyone.
  5. * This is a work in progress and will be revised.
  6. * TL;DR: When you're mad and want to shitpost go harass and spam 100 people with something that'll fuck with their head.
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  48. "Spread your intellectual cum everywhere as fast as possible to corrode the system."
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  54. This project is inspired by this vid from Morgoth's Review:
  56. So, it took a long time and a lot of trial and error, but I've basically figured out how we're going to win -- generally -- and how YOU can actually be constructive to the cause while you're sitting at your little computer screen. As the tagline reads, I want you to vent at normies instead of in your echo chamber. Take that anger and be constructive with it. Make it your default habit to google some shit eating journalist and reach out. You directly interacting with our enemy is constructive in a way that has real long-term impact. If you're sore at this thought -- "liberals just don't listen to reason" -- that's actually just because you're really fucking bad at arguing and you don't fully understand how the anti white narrative works, or what these people really feel. Stop being retarded and refine, revise, and constantly adapt your message so that it is compatible with their POV. Consider the following email I wrote to an anti-Trump journalist:
  58. "When you get offended by "racist" stereotypes about say, black people, you're framing these charges of fact (that they're less intelligent, more criminal, etc) as "bad" and trying to prove that it's not true, that they're just like you. You're just buying into the premise that black people could be inferior, or that black people are just white people with brown skin. That's why the standard for "equality" or "equity" or "tolerance," "fairness" etc is white but not, say, Asian. Asians have higher IQs and higher incomes and better criminal records than whites and yet no one says this is the standard. The standard is white; the nation is supposed to fear and hate and want to punish whites but simultaneously they want these blacks and hispanics to, in a practical sense, "become white." This is called the white man's burden, and no it is a myth that race science had much to do with that idea. It was a christian idea that the blacks could be civilized and raised to the standard of the whites. This standard is bullshit. Black people have a disability, that's why even the most hardcore liberals talk to them like they're in a wheelchair, or are burn victims. It's just a cult that emerged from a feeling of empathy. And that's why "racism" will never go away; there was no progress. "Progress" is just an illusion; you look back in history and see technology and medicine and art and civilization coming out of the dusty wilderness. That's not an increase in progress; it's an increase in "convenience." Plus, any change in society that evolved into your current political position. In a million billion years nobody will talk about "racism" or "progress" or this feminism stuff. They'll, if anything, talk a lot like people have always talked -- which is messy, primitive, irrational, sexual, tribalist."
  60. Now I'm exhausted after writing that. But you see how I'm being constructive and attacking the root? Imagine how many people would be stopped in their tracks if this message were copy/pasted to say, 100 people a day?
  62. The above quote is the root of this ideological cancer. All of the insanity surrounding race relations was built upon this error of progress and black underachievement. Richard Dawkins theory of "memes" will help us understand further:
  64. "Dawkins wondered, when observing behaviours among humans, whether any similar process could be at work to explain why some ideas, which on the face of it seem injurious to those who hold them, continue to persist and proliferate. Devoting oneself to one’s art, impoverishing oneself in the pursuit of Truth, or welcoming martyrdom for one’s cause do not, it seems, represent behaviours which are obviously beneficial to the individual of for the spread of that individual’s genes. So, given that this kind of behaviour clearly exists, and is widespread, what is reaping the benefit? Dawkins’ somewhat surprising answer was the ideas themselves. Ideas are clearly in competition with each other so perhaps there’s a selection process going on, analogous to natural selection, through which some ideas prove successful and spread whilst others die out. He concluded that there was such a selection process and, to emphasise the parallel to natural selection, he coined the term “meme” which come from an ancient Greek root, “mimeme”, meaning imitated thing. Dawkins has also, perhaps a touch mischievously, referred to memes as “mind viruses”, which has been met, predictably, with howls of indignation from some circles. The point he is trying to make is that memes, just like viruses, are indifferent to the welfare or otherwise of their hosts and the only thing that counts, from their perspective, is that they persist.
  66. For a meme to survive and spread in a competitive environment it must have attributes which give it advantages over other memes. Whilst advantageous to the meme they do not have to be to the benefit of the host. A new method to make blades sharper is valuable knowledge and will either spread throughout a population, if allowed to do so, or will be guarded jealously by those who already possess that knowledge. Either way its efficacy is an attribute which will guarantee its retention. On the other hand, an idea such as “life after death” has the attribute that, since people are scared of death, a belief in a hereafter is likely to be a popular notion and, indeed, is. Such a belief may or may not benefit the host. If it removes the fear of death to the extent that, say, martyrdom is positively welcomed, the host clearly does not benefit; at least in this life!
  68. A meme may improve its prospects for survival if it becomes part of what Dawkins termed a “memeplex”. This is a situation where a number of compatible memes join together in a manner that is mutually supportive, and may be seen as a roughly analogous situation to that where genes work in concert with other genes in the genome. Political and religious beliefs and also the combined knowledge of experts such as blacksmiths or builders can be seem as memeplexes and they clearly help to secure the longevity of the memes of which they are composed.
  70. Memes and memeplexes may evolve as alchemy evolved into chemistry or religions change over time. They are subject to outside influences and so they adapt. Memes may also die and be replaced by other memes as did the ether which scientists had always thought existed until the end of the 19th century. Whatever its fate however, its fate is dependent on a whole complex of variables which may or may not include its truth or its positive value to its host."
  72. So basically, this is creepy, but "anti racism" or "the anti white narrative" can be thought of as an idea independent of humans that is simply using them as their hosts. It's a literal mind virus; that's why it wants to spread into the minds of everyone on the planet, and anything that helps reinforce it or perpetuate its existence -- its "being thought" -- is a part of the "memeplex" by which it survives. Like, larping as a Nazi helps reinforce their narrative by creating the villain that they use to rally support. If you want to break the narrative, you actually have to go in there and fuck it up, you can't do it by doing what is predictable of an "alt righter," BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THE SYSTEM EXISTS AND REPRODUCES. To break it you must do a sidestep, you must throw them off guard and shake them. Learn persuasion, get aggressive, get confrontational. Reinvent what race is, pose it another way to them. Investigate them, hold their true childish feelings to the mirror and show them what they really mean.
  74. What you basically want to do is email shit tons of people. Create emailing lists with DESIGNED messages that don't get immediately put into spam. Use multiple email accounts if possible, or multiple social media platforms.
  76. Here are some general tips:
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  82. * Converting and "checking" people is not impossible, it can be extremely easy; you're just bad at it. We are trying to introduce a "counter" mind virus, and so what this means is designing a method that reproduces. Their virus causes structural damage to the host via mass immigration. We want to introduce something that doesn't, like the flora and fauna that lives in your intestine. And so you must DESIGN a microbe that devours the virus and replaces it with something new. Get refining, get designing. Get to the heart of the problem, to the heart of reality, and understand the structure of events accurately. The more accurate and obvious and clear our arguments, the greater chance of success for proper spread, and structural corrosion.
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  88. * The Principle of the Sidestep, or "being in sidestep," states that you should always be "out of line", "at a weird angle," "breaking the stereotype." Never should you be predictable to the Host of the mind virus. Stop using their symbols; if you're really a Nazi at heart then keep it there, because they prefer that image to one that makes them actually fearfully question The Narrative.
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  94. Seeing Clearly
  96. 1. You need to go back to kindergarten. Put stuff in babytalk, it's really really simple what's actually going on. Throw out that Hitler / Jewish NWO bullshit; the Jews actually have very simple and easy to explain rationales for their behavior, including faggots like George Soros who spend gorillions on kikery trying to throw one over on whitey. Humans get what I'll call a "childish base idea" or CBI, and then simply mask this in all kinds of sophisticated abstract pretensions. Jordan Peterson is literally just a child with very childish and simple motivations for what he does. He just uses all of these bizarro pseudo intellectual libertarian existentialist theorizing to fulfill the CBI. "i'm the smart popular man and i'm debunking the mean liberal academic people who always think that they're smart and they're always right but they're actually being mean and they're always telling people what to do and it's not fair <:O" etc etc. Adults are just dangerous children. For Jews it's variations of "the holocaust is happening again an another 6 million jewish peepol will be put into ovens :,( rrrrr i'd like to kill all those evil nazi racist white ppl who are so dumb and racist and mean >:(" We don't need a big long narrative about the pale of settlement, or Israel, or the Frankfurt School, to understand the structure of this conflict. Race differences and the CBI explain them just fine, when you make sense of the conflict through anecdotes and stories as opposed to data and "the big picture" you distort reality and become less effective.
  98. 2. Learn to think from first principles and learn to stop making basic logical fallacies. You were never taught this in school and that is part of the reason why the narrative was never challenged. TV showed anecdotes and stories and literally everyone just believed them because they weren't taught that that's fucking retarded. Reading gruesome news stories about migrant rapes or some kike saying something dumb about white people is not constructive and not a complete picture of what's actually going on. For example, have you ever considered the actual truthiness of white genocide? Because, if anything, it's a white LIBERAL genocide if you had been exposed to the demographic data. White conservatives still outbreed basically everyone.
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  104. * Don't spread "nigger" "kike" "KKK" shit. This stuff is corrosive but only barely. The key is be "hard to argue against" while challenging the narrative. "Sharpen your words" to their most accessible. In fact, practice empathy.
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  110. * Any confrontational interaction with normies and drones disrupts the system. Make it a habit to divert your anger and passion away from shitposting and towards randos. You cause friction and structural damage that not only makes you feel better but actually makes the world a better place for whites. ANY direct interaction causes damage. The more direct interaction, the better.
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  116. * Don't just aim for conversions, aim for corrosion, deactivation, and loose threads.
  118. - Corrosion is any change in a person's thought that goes against the grain of the system. I define this really as any reaction to directly interacting with us, good or bad. Sending nigger KKK holocaust shit is not very effective in comparison to more refined and persuasive methods -- in fact it can be counterproductive -- but it still corrodes because they are forced to think about it and react to it without the help of an authority. Agitating the enemy can also get them to behave inappropriately and to "show themselves" to others. However, this is not the most efficient way to do this. But in general, any reaction is a good reaction so long as it is direct. Reactions that comes indirectly (for example, from the media) are designed and shaped to be constructive to their end. They are non-challenging, and "edible for consumption."
  120. - Deactivation is the change from angry and afraid and hateful over "racists and Nazis and Anti Semites" to passive or neutral. Material that humanizes, debunks important fears, or in general gets them to stop their hysterics and chill out is a major win. This prevents them from spreading and reinforcing the disease and advancing their agenda. It is putting impotence into a white blood cell.
  122. - Loose threads are basically implanted curiosities that slowly undermine the structure of their beliefs. Typically these are very simple, non-controversial, hard-to-argue-against facts that plant a seed of curiosity, doubt, or uncertainty into a person's brain. For example, pointing out that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and going into extreme depth to make sure that this fact is verified and beyond a doubt (for example, putting tons of citations and going into extreme detail about it) -- yeah this is an unimportant little fact, but it severely GRINDS AGAINST anyone who signals the apartheid narrative. Since this is a very common belief, with statues, speeches, holidays, and lectures dedicated to his "courage and heroism," all of those would-be signalers become transformed into objects of doubt. The more they push, the more they signal, the more -- like a crowbar thrown into the clock tower's gears -- the machine starts to break. Suddenly this loose strand is getting caught on all kinds of stuff they've never even questioned before. Loose threads are mind viruses that bide their time, bumping or breaking things as they are shuffled around. The more "core" the thread is, the more damage it will ensue. Get as close to the root as possible.
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  128. The tiers of structural damage:
  130. Institutional: Journalists, academics, racial activists, scientists, public speakers, celebrities, politicians, government lawmakers, and anyone important <------------ MAJOR TOP-DOWN DAMAGE
  131. - These people have a tremendous potential for spread.
  133. Social: Normies active on social media. (Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, etc) <------------ BOTTOM-UP DAMAGE
  134. - These people have a smaller potential for spread.
  136. Randos: Literally just random people <------------ (tiny) Bottom-Up Damage
  137. - These people have very little potential for spread. Prioritize the above two over this category.
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  143. This is the end of the manual for now. Harass or spam 50 people every time you're mad. While you're at it, spread this manual to 5 other fellows. Make it a habit, don't go full gay ops (nobody has the time or energy to be a discord warlord) B====D
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