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Aug 9th, 2016
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  2. [ 2016.08.10 02:18:21 ] Jarhead1801 > He is not logged on right now
  3. [ 2016.08.10 02:18:38 ] Neurotox > AFK LEADERSHIP
  4. [ 2016.08.10 02:19:11 ] Stdz Giver > KNEW IT!!
  5. [ 2016.08.10 02:19:14 ] Stdz Giver > COUP!!!
  6. [ 2016.08.10 02:19:48 ] Ghost Anthrax > bold coup complete
  7. [ 2016.08.10 02:20:28 ] Chicken Pizza > ok guys i have successfully taken over leadership of this alliance, just pve for the next 2 weeks and have fun
  8. [ 2016.08.10 02:20:46 ] Paul Brinkhoff > just tell your mildir to write mails
  9. [ 2016.08.10 02:20:53 ] Paul Brinkhoff > about thinking about writing more mails
  10. [ 2016.08.10 02:21:00 ] Paul Brinkhoff > and all will be fine
  11. [ 2016.08.10 02:24:02 ] Jatinegara > for benju
  12. [ 2016.08.10 02:24:04 ] STDs Given > COUPBOIS WHAT WHAT!!!
  13. [ 2016.08.10 02:24:04 ] Jatinegara > :)
  14. [ 2016.08.10 02:24:49 ] Jierdan Entreri > Must make your first three mails novels and your last mail a paragraph.
  15. [ 2016.08.10 02:24:51 ] Jierdan Entreri > It is known
  16. [ 2016.08.10 02:25:46 ] Neurotox >
  17. [ 2016.08.10 02:26:09 ] Chicken Pizza > oh look its benju
  18. [ 2016.08.10 02:26:11 ] Heathcliff Kazor > annnnnnnd ordered
  19. [ 2016.08.10 02:39:03 ] Janlina > Everyone that is still here should get that in a medal
  20. [ 2016.08.10 02:39:06 ] Casabian > tropic130 you should let me go ride in it :)
  21. [ 2016.08.10 02:48:49 ] tropic130 > :)
  22. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:04 ] Zact Katelo > anyone got any juicy firesales
  23. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:15 ] agathon Aldurald > Zact Katelo ass.. lol
  24. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:19 ] agathon Aldurald > they are for me!
  25. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:32 ] Zact Katelo > we share them
  26. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:34 ] Zact Katelo > like the bed
  27. [ 2016.08.10 02:52:39 ] agathon Aldurald > oK! :D
  28. [ 2016.08.10 02:54:32 ] Chicken Pizza > i already got all the good firesales :D
  29. [ 2016.08.10 03:04:41 ] Nok'rega Ogar > like this one [Multiple Items]
  30. [ 2016.08.10 03:05:08 ] Gangrene Chaser > yeah that was a mistake. lmao
  31. [ 2016.08.10 03:05:43 ] Nok'rega Ogar > hahahahahaha
  32. [ 2016.08.10 03:05:49 ] Gangrene Chaser > gg =(
  33. [ 2016.08.10 03:06:04 ] Nok'rega Ogar > ok well
  34. [ 2016.08.10 03:06:47 ] Nok'rega Ogar > i cant see it in my assets just yet, ill give it back to ya lmao
  35. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:06 ] Casabian > omg I am talking to him on ts
  36. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:13 ] Gangrene Chaser > ahahaha. Thanks dude. Maybe I'll sleep some more tonight :P
  37. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:20 ] Casabian > he was like I hope cas doesn't see that
  38. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:20 ] Gangrene Chaser > <43
  39. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:24 ] Nok'rega Ogar > probably a good idea haha
  40. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:26 ] Gangrene Chaser > LOL
  41. [ 2016.08.10 03:07:38 ] Gangrene Chaser > Was keeping silent and hoping no one would notice :P
  42. [ 2016.08.10 03:08:09 ] Nok'rega Ogar > you're lucky i got it before some random did or you'd be SOL lol
  43. [ 2016.08.10 03:08:26 ] Casabian > to bad i didn't get to it first :P
  44. [ 2016.08.10 03:08:30 ] Gangrene Chaser > ikr :P thanks man!
  45. [ 2016.08.10 03:09:59 ] Chicken Pizza > np XD
  46. [ 2016.08.10 03:10:32 ] Angeu Nova > Latch u online
  47. [ 2016.08.10 03:12:38 ] Nok'rega Ogar > [Multiple Items] (Item Exchange) there ya go
  48. [ 2016.08.10 03:12:57 ] Gangrene Chaser > thank you
  49. [ 2016.08.10 03:13:04 ] Nok'rega Ogar > sure thing ^^
  50. [ 2016.08.10 03:13:38 ] Gangrene Chaser > there's some money for being nice
  51. [ 2016.08.10 03:14:10 ] Nok'rega Ogar > aw why thank ya :)
  52. [ 2016.08.10 03:19:10 ] Neurotox > Kill: Deveron (Manticore) shrekt
  53. [ 2016.08.10 03:19:49 ] Chicken Pizza > deverowned
  54. [ 2016.08.10 03:28:42 ] Drax > NICE TRY ASSHOLE
  55. [ 2016.08.10 03:29:19 ] Catachan Man > are you fucking seriously on Benju's side?
  56. [ 2016.08.10 03:29:33 ] Drax > ?
  57. [ 2016.08.10 03:29:41 ] Drax > your the one bubbling blues
  58. [ 2016.08.10 03:29:49 ] Drax > so yeah
  59. [ 2016.08.10 03:29:54 ] Drax > were totally gonna fuck you up
  60. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:02 ] Drax > what did you expect us to do?
  61. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:21 ] Drax > were relocating to f4r2
  62. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:23 ] Drax > as told
  63. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:40 ] Catachan Man > I was ordered to do this to stop people helping benju
  64. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:45 ] Catachan Man > we did not know what side you were on
  65. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:48 ] Drax > were not helping anyone
  66. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:53 ] Drax > we were moving
  67. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:53 ] Izulem Zihjal > We are moving assets AS ORDERED
  68. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:54 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > we were moving ... not helping
  69. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:55 ] agathon Aldurald > Catachan Man why not ask?
  70. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:56 ] Drax > to f4r2
  71. [ 2016.08.10 03:30:56 ] Izulem Zihjal > and you interferred
  72. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:01 ] Drax > seriously
  73. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:01 ] Catachan Man > there was no time
  74. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:07 ] agathon Aldurald > there was plenty of time
  75. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:08 ] Catachan Man > Benju literally just jumped his Nyx to ZXIC
  76. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:17 ] Drax > well not our probklem
  77. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:19 ] augustus napalm > ...... lol
  78. [ 2016.08.10 03:31:37 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > very interesting
  79. [ 2016.08.10 03:32:21 ] Neurotox > no its fucked
  80. [ 2016.08.10 03:32:24 ] Neurotox > they sided with tri
  81. [ 2016.08.10 03:32:27 ] Neurotox > capitals are dying
  82. [ 2016.08.10 03:33:27 ] Drax > yeah we had nothing to do with that
  83. [ 2016.08.10 03:33:28 ] Angeu Nova > rip
  84. [ 2016.08.10 03:33:31 ] Angeu Nova > still we win
  85. [ 2016.08.10 03:33:54 ] Catachan Man > then that was the worst timing ever of all time
  86. [ 2016.08.10 03:34:24 ] TheVillage Bicycle > no shit we are sitting in the station saying the same thing
  87. [ 2016.08.10 03:34:36 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > we had our move planed as we were talking about yesterday .. <-- walter btw
  88. [ 2016.08.10 03:34:50 ] Drax > yeah we literally just said that on our TS lol
  89. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:06 ] Drax > like as soon as we jumped all hell broke loose in our target system
  90. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:12 ] Drax > and you bubbled us
  91. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:37 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > there were a lot of dudes bubbling
  92. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:44 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > wasn't directed towards you guys
  93. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:45 ] Drax > this whole situation is fucked htough
  94. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:50 ] Drax > lol
  95. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:52 ] Drax > yeah we know
  96. [ 2016.08.10 03:35:59 ] Drax > but that onyx had to die
  97. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:01 ] Stdz Giver > SUPERGATE!!!!!!
  98. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:10 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > lol
  99. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:10 ] Stdz Giver > SUPERGATE 2.0!!!
  100. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:15 ] Catachan Man > I was ordered to bubble them on the EX6 gate in HY- because we thought they were going to cyno on Benju to protect him
  101. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:17 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > yeah no worries Drax
  102. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:29 ] Neurotox > lol i lost my capital in a capital fight no mad lol
  103. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:31 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > do what you gotta do bro
  104. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:32 ] Catachan Man > now, Tri's doing that anyway
  105. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:38 ] Catachan Man > and we're losing a super instead :l
  106. [ 2016.08.10 03:36:47 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > Catachan Man we get it bad timing we all let it go
  107. [ 2016.08.10 03:37:00 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > Catachan Man it's nbd
  108. [ 2016.08.10 03:37:05 ] Catachan Man > I just feel bad is all
  109. [ 2016.08.10 03:37:11 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > naa
  110. [ 2016.08.10 03:37:53 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > shit is on fire, things like this happen
  111. [ 2016.08.10 03:37:55 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > no worries
  112. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:10 ] Neurotox > Kill: Neurotox (Nidhoggur) rip my sweet prince
  113. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:18 ] Paul Brinkhoff > Kill: Paul Brinkhoff (Nidhoggur)
  114. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:23 ] Paul Brinkhoff > Kill: Benju (Gram II)
  115. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:40 ] Stdz Giver > Got EM!@
  116. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:43 ] Chicken Pizza > YES
  117. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:50 ] Stdz Giver > Take that to the bank
  118. [ 2016.08.10 03:38:59 ] Neurotox > im still positive ayy
  119. [ 2016.08.10 03:40:32 ] Casabian > so what happened?
  120. [ 2016.08.10 03:40:49 ] Neurotox > benju needs help holding his weiner lol
  121. [ 2016.08.10 03:41:44 ] Casabian > thats not any less confusing
  122. [ 2016.08.10 03:42:00 ] Neurotox > Kill: Neurotox (Capsule) rip pod :(
  123. [ 2016.08.10 03:42:24 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Who all is going to EVE Vegas???
  124. [ 2016.08.10 03:42:31 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > WOOOO!
  125. [ 2016.08.10 03:42:35 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > VEGAS YEAH!
  126. [ 2016.08.10 03:42:42 ] Sacourist > we'll be there lol
  127. [ 2016.08.10 03:43:15 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > I will be there
  128. [ 2016.08.10 03:43:36 ] Lenny Kravitz2 > probably will need to up my life insurance since Goons might shank me
  129. [ 2016.08.10 03:43:42 ] Angeu Nova > lol
  130. [ 2016.08.10 03:43:44 ] Angeu Nova > its true
  131. [ 2016.08.10 03:43:44 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > lol
  132. [ 2016.08.10 03:44:18 ] Neurotox > make sure to get shirts for vegas
  133. [ 2016.08.10 03:44:19 ] Neurotox > lol
  134. [ 2016.08.10 03:46:09 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > I'm excited for the network infrastructure guy to talk.
  135. [ 2016.08.10 03:48:34 ] StoryJesusTold > gg
  136. [ 2016.08.10 03:48:39 ] StoryJesusTold > u guys shoulda fuckign said something
  137. [ 2016.08.10 03:48:47 ] StoryJesusTold > about goignt o gank yhim we coulda worked together
  138. [ 2016.08.10 03:48:50 ] StoryJesusTold > and killed them lol
  139. [ 2016.08.10 03:48:51 ] StoryJesusTold > gf
  140. [ 2016.08.10 03:49:39 ] Sacourist > who was doing what?
  141. [ 2016.08.10 03:50:50 ] Angeu Nova > nice out cyno dawgs
  142. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:18 ] Angeu Nova > dawgs kos
  143. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:24 ] Angeu Nova > bold says so
  144. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:27 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > DAWGS was moving and landed in a shitsorm
  145. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:37 ] Catachan Man > you lit the cyno for benju though...
  146. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:41 ] Hyuuri > oh you're not moving without losing 1st
  147. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:42 ] Sacourist > sounds like we avoided the shitstorm lol
  148. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:51 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > no we didnt .. we lit our cyno for a move
  149. [ 2016.08.10 03:51:58 ] Hyuuri > have fun moving
  150. [ 2016.08.10 03:52:06 ] Angeu Nova > well u were in fleet with benju because he jumped out with it
  151. [ 2016.08.10 03:52:22 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > yesterday we were tld to move to f4r
  152. [ 2016.08.10 03:53:08 ] Catachan Man > before J3B were kicked
  153. [ 2016.08.10 03:53:24 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > Catachan Man WTF is wrong with you .. we have done anything you guys asked us .. and now you go off on us
  154. [ 2016.08.10 03:53:30 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Yeah but how nice is Outer Banks? Super nice AMIRITE?!
  155. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:25 ] Angeu Nova > everyone set DAWGS Corp. to red
  156. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:32 ] Catachan Man > sorry again, people keep giving me the wrong information
  157. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:40 ] Catachan Man > they said that dawgs lit both cynos
  158. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:42 ] augustus napalm > stfu we havent done shit to you
  159. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:49 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > Oh now we get set RED .. for fucking what
  160. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:50 ] augustus napalm > we lit one cyno on the station
  161. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:50 ] Paul Brinkhoff > chill for now everyone
  162. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:50 ] Sacourist > Who are you again?
  163. [ 2016.08.10 03:54:56 ] Daxx D'arkon > ? DWGS didn't have anything to do with that super
  164. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:05 ] Angeu Nova > im fucking bold
  165. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:08 ] S3VYN > you guys are acting like a bunch of fucking idiots, you know this, right?
  166. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:08 ] Albrecht Voon > Is this King Lear?
  167. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:13 ] Paul Brinkhoff > so everyone calm down we lose some shit, nevermind
  168. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:17 ] Sarah Nicola Randall > Maybe we want to take that on a TS
  169. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:18 ] Angeu Nova > lol
  170. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:19 ] Paul Brinkhoff > before we do something bad
  171. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:22 ] Paul Brinkhoff > sleep a night
  172. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:25 ] Nok'rega Ogar > I SAY WE BURN THE WITCH
  173. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:27 ] agathon Aldurald > i can see all of this going on reddit... :p
  174. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:33 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > The beaches are nice, there is good rum from Kill Devil Rum. You can fly kites.
  175. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:46 ] Sacourist > its being recorded to reddit as we speak
  176. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:48 ] Sacourist > as we type
  177. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:49 ] Catachan Man > Kill: Syon Maulerant (Ibis)
  178. [ 2016.08.10 03:55:50 ] TehHouse > I'm F5ing r/eve eagerly waiting for reddit to tell me how I should feel about this
  179. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:00 ] Catachan Man > I asked several times and everyone was saying it was dawgs
  180. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:05 ] Drax > lol
  181. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:06 ] Gangrene Chaser > What the fuck is going on
  182. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:10 ] Catachan Man > now someone produces a killmail and it's J3B
  183. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:10 ] Albrecht Voon > Find a wormhole so Catachan Man can't find you
  184. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:13 ] S3VYN > Jesus, I may put this on Reddit MYSELF, I can't believe how retarded the people I flew in a war with have gotten in the past week.
  185. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:15 ] Catachan Man > people are so shit at intel
  186. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:17 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Gangrene Chaser We're talking about Outer Banks
  187. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:28 ] Angeu Nova > inner banks?
  188. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:35 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Nonono the Outer ones
  189. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:37 ] Zact Katelo > [03:56:15] Catachan Man > people are so shit at intelTRUE
  190. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:42 ] Drax > listen if we lit the cyno, don't you think we would have whored on the killmail?
  191. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:55 ] Catachan Man > well, no because he didn't die
  192. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:58 ] Catachan Man > we lost one instead :p
  193. [ 2016.08.10 03:56:59 ] Catachan Man > tri came in
  194. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:01 ] Catachan Man > then NC.
  195. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:13 ] augustus napalm > you wanna talk this out on ts?
  196. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:20 ] Sacourist > will there be snacks provided after this drama?
  197. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:29 ] Catachan Man > if you want
  198. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:38 ] Angeu Nova > lol
  199. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:38 ] Catachan Man > too much was going on for people to be sure what the fuck even happened
  200. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:39 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Outer Banks has good snacks! It's such a good time you guys
  201. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:47 ] Angeu Nova > jsut stick it a little once an awhile
  202. [ 2016.08.10 03:57:50 ] Angeu Nova > and its great
  203. [ 2016.08.10 03:59:07 ] S3VYN > I wish you guys had shown as much fight to our enemies as you're showing to our friends, maybe we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.
  204. [ 2016.08.10 03:59:23 ] Paul Brinkhoff > before anyone does something stupid, temper is high atm just sleep over it and if it still seems to be a decent idea go for it but it prolly wont be
  205. [ 2016.08.10 03:59:24 ] Angeu Nova > n o clearly thsi was benju the whole time
  206. [ 2016.08.10 03:59:58 ] Chicken Pizza > what if...
  207. [ 2016.08.10 04:00:01 ] Chicken Pizza > we're all benju
  208. [ 2016.08.10 04:00:02 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > You know where else is nice? DC. Other than the fact that it smells like pee, looks like pee, is probably pee, It's really nice.
  209. [ 2016.08.10 04:00:09 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > DC meet up this weekend fam
  210. [ 2016.08.10 04:01:24 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Who will be at the meet up?
  211. [ 2016.08.10 04:01:46 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Imagine the most tequila
  212. [ 2016.08.10 04:02:00 ] Izulem Zihjal > oh god... tequila
  213. [ 2016.08.10 04:02:03 ] Chicken Pizza > imagine all the people
  214. [ 2016.08.10 04:02:14 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Yeah praise god for tequila
  215. [ 2016.08.10 04:02:39 ] TehHouse > I thought at meetups you were supposed to drink POS Fuel:
  216. [ 2016.08.10 04:02:52 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Nononono I don't think that's wrong.
  217. [ 2016.08.10 04:03:06 ] DaneGerous Chent-Shi > Or pickle backs?! WHERE ARE ALL THE PICKLE BACK FANS
  218. [ 2016.08.10 04:05:57 ] Chicken Pizza > pickle backs arent really that bad tbh
  219. [ 2016.08.10 04:06:06 ] Chicken Pizza > wouldnt be my first choice but i wouldnt turn one down
  220. [ 2016.08.10 04:06:36 ] Neurotox > did benjus nyx die
  221. [ 2016.08.10 04:06:44 ] Neurotox > because i got Neurotox got bounty prize for killing Benju
  222. [ 2016.08.10 04:06:58 ] Paul Brinkhoff > Kill: Benju (Gram II)
  223. [ 2016.08.10 04:07:01 ] Neurotox > I won at eye
  224. [ 2016.08.10 04:07:03 ] Neurotox > eve*
  225. [ 2016.08.10 04:07:04 ] Neurotox > ggg
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