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- use std::collections::HashSet;
- use grid::*;
- fn main() {
- let mut input = include_str!("../input.txt").lines().peekable();
- let width = input.peek().unwrap().len();
- let mut grid = Grid::from_vec(input.flat_map(|l| l.chars()).collect(), width);
- let time = std::time::Instant::now();
- let mut sum = 0;
- let mut cells = HashSet::new();
- let mut edges: Vec<EdgeDir> = Vec::new();
- for i in 0..width * grid.rows() {
- let x = (i % width) as i16;
- let y = (i / width) as i16;
- let cell = grid[(y as usize, x as usize)];
- if cell == '#' {
- continue;
- }
- cells.clear();
- edges.clear();
- explore(x, y, cell, &mut grid, &mut cells, &mut edges);
- let mut sides: Vec<Vec<EdgeDir>> = Vec::new();
- for edge in edges.iter() {
- // Check for adjacent sides
- let (left, right) = match edge {
- EdgeDir::Horizontal(ed) => (
- find_edge_in_side(&sides, ed.0, ed.1, ed.2, ed.3, 0, -1),
- find_edge_in_side(&sides, ed.0, ed.1, ed.2, ed.3, 0, 1)
- ),
- EdgeDir::Vertical(ed) => (
- find_edge_in_side(&sides, ed.0, ed.1, ed.2, ed.3, -1, 0),
- find_edge_in_side(&sides, ed.0, ed.1, ed.2, ed.3, 1, 0)
- )
- };
- if let (Some(left), Some(right)) = (left, right) {
- // Two adjacent sides discovered, link them up
- let mut combined = sides[left].clone();
- combined.extend(sides[right].clone());
- combined.push(*edge);
- sides[left] = combined;
- sides.remove(right);
- } else if let Some(left) = left {
- // Join with left side
- sides[left].push(*edge);
- } else if let Some(right) = right {
- // Join with right side
- sides[right].push(*edge);
- } else {
- // New side discovered
- sides.push(vec![*edge]);
- }
- }
- sum += cells.len() as u32 * sides.len() as u32;
- }
- println!("Time: {:?}", time.elapsed());
- println!("🪵 answer: {:#?}", sum);
- }
- type Edge = (i16, i16, i16, i16);
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
- enum EdgeDir {
- Horizontal(Edge),
- Vertical(Edge)
- }
- impl EdgeDir {
- fn unwrap(self) -> Edge {
- match self {
- EdgeDir::Horizontal(edge) | EdgeDir::Vertical(edge) => edge
- }
- }
- }
- fn explore(
- x: i16,
- y: i16,
- cell: char,
- grid: &mut Grid<char>,
- cells: &mut HashSet<(i16, i16)>,
- edges: &mut Vec<EdgeDir>
- ) -> bool {
- if cells.contains(&(y, x)) {
- return false; // Not an edge
- }
- if let Some(other) = grid.get(y, x) {
- if *other == cell {
- // Same plant does not add perimeter, but does add area (cells)
- cells.insert((y, x));
- grid[(y as usize, x as usize)] = '#';
- if explore(x, y - 1, cell, grid, cells, edges) {
- edges.push(EdgeDir::Vertical((x, y, x, y - 1)));
- }
- if explore(x + 1, y, cell, grid, cells, edges) {
- edges.push(EdgeDir::Horizontal((x, y, x + 1, y)));
- }
- if explore(x, y + 1, cell, grid, cells, edges) {
- edges.push(EdgeDir::Vertical((x, y, x, y + 1)));
- }
- if explore(x - 1, y, cell, grid, cells, edges) {
- edges.push(EdgeDir::Horizontal((x, y, x - 1, y)));
- }
- return false; // Not an edge
- }
- }
- // Is an edge
- true
- }
- fn find_edge_in_side(
- sides: &Vec<Vec<EdgeDir>>,
- x: i16,
- y: i16,
- tx: i16,
- ty: i16,
- xd: i16,
- yd: i16,
- ) -> Option<usize> {
- for (index, edges) in sides.iter().enumerate() {
- if edges.iter().any(|edge| {
- let (x1, y1, x2, y2) = edge.unwrap();
- x1 == x + xd && y1 == y + yd &&
- x2 == tx + xd && y2 == ty + yd
- }) {
- return Some(index);
- }
- }
- None
- }
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