
Prologue Odin History

Feb 18th, 2023
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  1. Odin had the gift of prophecy and so did his wife, and from this science
  2. he discovered that his name would be remembered in the northern
  3. part of the world and honoured above all kings. For this reason he
  4. became eager to set off from Turkey and took with him a very
  5. great following, young people and old, men and women, and they
  6. took with them many precious things. And whatever countries
  7. they passed through, great glory was spoken of them, so that they
  8. seemed more like gods than men. And they did not halt their
  9. journey until they came north to the country that is now called
  10. Saxony. Odin stayed there a long while and gained possession of
  11. large parts of that land.
  13. There Odin put in charge of the country three of his sons; one’s
  14. name was Veggdegg, he was a powerful king and ruled over East
  15. Saxony; his son was Vitrgils, his sons were Vitta, father of
  16. Hengest, and Sigar, father of Svebdegg, whom we call Svipdag.
  17. Odin’s second son was called Beldegg, whom we call Baldr; he
  18. had the country that is now called Westphalia. His son was Brand,
  19. his son Friodigar, whom we call Frodi, his son was Freovin, his
  20. son Wigg, his son Gewis, whom we call Gavir. Odin’s third son’s
  21. name was Siggi, his son Rerir. This dynasty ruled over what is
  22. now called France, and from it is descended the family called the
  23. Volsungs. From all these people great family lines are descended.
  24. Then Odin set off north and came to a country that they called
  25. Reidgotaland and gained possession of all he wished in that land.
  26. He set over the area a son of his called Skiold; his son was called
  27. Fridleif. From them is descended the family called the Skioldungs;
  28. they are kings of Denmark, and what was then called Reidgotaland is now called Jutland.
  30. After that Odin went north to what is now called Sweden.
  31. There was there a king whose name was Gylfi, and when he
  32. learned of the arrival of the men of Asia (who were called Æsir),
  33. he went to meet them and offered Odin as much power in his
  34. realm as he wished himself. And such was the success that
  35. attended their travels that in whatever country they stopped, there
  36. was then prosperity and good peace there, and everyone believed
  37. that they were responsible for it because thé people who had
  38. power saw that they were unlike other people they had seen in
  39. beauty and wisdom. Odin found the conditions in the country
  40. attractive and selected as a site for his city the place which is now
  41. called Sigtunir. He also organized rulers there on the same pattern
  42. as had been in Troy, set up twelve chiefs in the place to administer
  43. the laws of the land, and he established all the legal system as it had
  44. previously been in Troy, and to which the Turks were accustomed.
  46. After that he proceeded north to where he was faced by the sea,
  47. the one which they thought encircled all lands, and set a son of his
  48. over the realm which is now called Norway. He is called Sæming,
  49. and the kings of Norway trace their ancestry back to him, as do
  50. earls and other rulers, as it says in Haleygiatal. And Odin took
  51. with him a son of his whose name was Yngvi, who became king in
  52. Sweden, and from him are descended the family lines known as
  53. the Ynglings. These Æsir found themselves marriages within the
  54. country there, and some of them for their sons too, and these
  55. families became extensive, so that throughout Saxony and from
  56. there all over the northern regions it spread so that their language,
  57. that of the men of Asia, became the mother tongue over all these
  58. lands. And people think they can deduce from the records of the
  59. names of their ancestors that those names belonged to this
  60. language, and that the Æsir brought the language north to this
  61. part of the world, to Norway and to Sweden, to Denmark and to
  62. Saxony; and in England there are ancient names for regions and
  63. places which one can tell come from a different language from this
  64. one.
  67. - Prose Edda, Prologue
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