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Fantastic Four Malayalam Full Movie Free Download

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Sep 17th, 2018
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  44. The nerd teenager Reed Richards has been researching teleport since he was a kid, helped by his best friend Ben Grimm.. During a high-school scientific fair, he is invited by Dr. Franklin Storm to join his research team in his institute in New York. Reed teams up with Dr. Storm's son and daughter Johnny Storm and Susan "Sue" Storm and the outcast Victor Von Doom and they succeed to send a monkey to another dimension. Soon they learn that the institute has an agreement with NASA to send astronauts to the other universe. However they decide to go by themselves to be the first humans to reach the place. However there is an accident and they are all affected by the power in the planet. Further, they achieve super-powers, but Victor is left behind. What will happen to the researchers?
  45. Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
  46. It&#39;s been a year and a half since the movie was released and I only watched it recently. The reason I did not watch it when it was initially released in cinemas was due to the backlash of reviews having nothing but criticism to say about the film. While I still had some interest, as I like most superhero flicks, I didn&#39;t want to because I learned to expect to be disappointed by many comic book movies that were released prior: Hulk (2003), Superman Returns (2006), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) for example. Judging from the amount of reviews, it may have had the largest amount of negative reviews in history. By that, I mean the ratio.<br/><br/>But having finally seen the film, I must say it is really not as bad as many people made it out to be and I did enjoy it for what it was, but ultimately, I think it still deserves its reception. When I first saw the teaser, unlike most people, I thought it looked like a fresh and original take on the comic, but a serious version, and I was excited and very optimistic. There were no suits, but I thought it might be a more original take like the X- Men series. Then the new trailers came out, while it still looked separate from the original films, it didn&#39;t look like it had that much action, but I still wanted to give it a shot. It looked like it had story.<br/><br/>The casting and acting I thought were good except maybe Von Doom...while this version of the characters are way younger than its predecessors, I was fine with it, but as for the actor playing the Doom--not that I didn&#39;t enjoy his performance in the beginning, and I thought it was good, but it was more like a teen-aged version. His jealously and motivations makes sense somewhat but isn&#39;t fulfilled in the story. As Dr. Doom however, it wasn&#39;t believable but I will get to that later.<br/><br/>Chemistry between most of the characters is good but there wasn&#39;t enough. The story managed to be strongly separate from the originals which was somewhat of an advantage. Most reboots I watch tend to have some boring bits that are very reminiscent of the originals like The Amazing Spider-Man and some parts of Man of Steel.<br/><br/>The dialogue wasn&#39;t corny. There weren&#39;t too many moments that made me roll my eyes which was good. I was enjoying the movie for what it was despite the film not spending too much time outside the lab. The team spends most of their time at the lab testing their powers, and I would have been able to tolerate that if only the final act didn&#39;t feel so rushed and if they had more scenes outside the lab.<br/><br/>All the way through, the film has potential even though I might agree that it is a little boring, but not terrible. But where the film ultimately hits the shark is in the sudden climax.<br/><br/>Doom, whom we last saw an hour and a half ago in the movie returns as Dr. Doom, and the film ultimately fails for so many reasons. Suddenly, it feels as though that the film wants to wrap itself up so abruptly and it felt to me like they gave up. The film reaches the point when it lets the audience know that this is the climax. Unfortunately this is the first time we see the Fantastic Four use all their powers together at once to fight the villain who doesn&#39;t show up until the end of the movie. And as for the look of the character, that&#39;s another story...<br/><br/>The Thing looked pretty decent enough. Despite the characters not wearing the costumes, the characters as a whole were more important, but with Doom, he has to wear a costume...and my lord, does it look terrible. The face...the green...volcanic lines. He doesn&#39;t look scary at all. This is by far the sh**est looking villain design in all of movie history. Even saying that does not justify how bad it is, but let me raise the steaks. <br/><br/>Some of the first released images you see of character in an upcoming superhero movie look bad and you get a pretty bad impression. Sometimes trailers change your mind once you see the characters in motion. But this character looks just as bad as he does in a still photo as he does in motion. It&#39;s so dreadful looking, that this is half the reason why this movie gets such a low rating. <br/><br/>Everything is so rushed and makes no sense at all. The team already decides their destiny and Dr. Doom being vengeful and angry makes no sense. Why does he suddenly hate them and want ultimate power and see the world burn? WTF? It was until this point when the film lost all its effort to tell a story. So...Doom is destroying the universe, or Earth;s not very explanatory at all unlike it was in the first two;s like The Avengers and other alien invasion movies mixed together in one movie.<br/><br/>There&#39;s a nice moment when we see the team all together at the end, but none after that. This is it, that&#39;s the ending, when there could have been so much more. I think had the film just extended itself to another half hour, giving us 2 more sequences with F4 in action before the climax, and taking time out of the lab. And if they completely changed Dr. Doom&#39;s look, then the film might have worked.<br/><br/>It&#39;s not as terrible as people made it out to be. It had potential, but ultimately the climax and Dr. Doom destroyed everything. I doubt a sequel will be made. It&#39;s a shame we won&#39;t be seeing another F4 movie for some time.<br/><br/>3/10.
  47. By far not even close to watchable. I had a few margaritas and in a moment of weakness, and movie love, decided to see this movie. Even buzzed wasn&#39;t enough to make this mess worth the ticket price. Miles Teller might as well have been a cardboard cutout with a voice on speakerphone, Kate Mara has the personality of a celery stalk, and everyone seems to blame the director, not the studio which interferes to the point we get Ben Affleck&#39;s Daredevil and now 3 terrible FF movies. Fox should do us a favour and either make a deal with Marvel to include the characters in the real MCU or just give them back o Marvel altogether instead of spreading poo over Marvel&#39;s first family. Save time and watch a better film like Blair Witch Project 2 or Killer Condom.
  48. Director Josh Trank, whose debut feature β€œChronicle” put a smart new spin on superhero tropes, has assembled a quartet of engaging, charismatic performers and stranded them in a miasma of exposition and set-up that sinks the movie.
  49. No. a5c7b9f00b
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