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Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. @echo off
  4. ::INITIALIZATION BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. color 0F
  6. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  7. setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  8. cls
  9. echo Initializing...
  11. ::make sure C:\Tech_Squad exists and is the CD
  12. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad mkdir C:\Tech_Squad
  13. if not exist c:\Tech_Squad\logs mkdir C:\Tech_Squad\logs
  14. cd C:\Tech_Squad
  15. echo Current Directory %cd%
  16. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\logs\smbalt1 del C:\Tech_Squad\logs\smbalt1
  17. set alt_BatchAdmin=0
  20. echo.
  21. echo ---- Windows Information ---
  22. ::32 or 64 bit?
  23. reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set OS=32BIT || set OS=64BIT
  24. echo OS is %OS%
  25. for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
  26. if "%version%" == "10.0" (
  27. echo Windows 10 detected
  28. echo.
  29. goto BatchGetsAdmin
  30. )
  31. if "%version%" == "6.3" (
  32. echo Windows 8.1 detected
  33. echo.
  34. goto BatchGetsAdmin
  35. )
  36. if "%version%" == "6.2" (
  37. echo Windows 8 detected
  38. echo.
  39. goto BatchGetsAdmin
  40. )
  41. if "%version%" == "6.1" (
  42. echo Windows 7 detected
  43. echo.
  44. goto BatchGetsAdmin
  45. )
  46. if "%version%" == "6.0" (
  47. echo Windows Vista detected
  48. echo.
  49. goto BatchGetsAdmin
  50. )
  51. echo Windows XP or unrecognized windows version! Using alternative BatchGotAdmin Method!
  52. echo.
  53. set alt_BatchAdmin=1
  54. ::If on windows XP the normal method for grabbing admin perms won't work
  55. ::Configure network and use alternative method.
  56. goto Network_Config
  61. :BatchGetsAdmin
  62. echo --- Administrative Permissions ---
  63. REM --> Check for permissions
  65. >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\icacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\config"
  66. ) ELSE (
  67. >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\icacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config"
  68. )
  69. REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
  70. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
  71. echo Requesting administrative privileges...
  72. goto UACPrompt
  73. ) else ( goto gotAdmin )
  75. :UACPrompt
  76. echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
  77. set params = %*:"=""
  78. echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c ""%~s0"" %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
  80. "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
  81. del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
  82. exit /B
  84. :gotAdmin
  85. pushd "%CD%"
  86. CD /D "%~dp0"
  87. echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
  88. echo.
  89. goto Network_Config
  95. :Network_Config
  96. echo --- Network Configuration ---
  98. set /a smb_alt=0
  99. set smb_alt_string=null
  100. set techsquad_netstring=
  101. set home_netstring=
  102. set
  103. set ftp_alt_ip=""
  104. set ftp_alt_user=""
  105. set ftp_alt_pass=""
  106. set /a net_fail=0
  108. ::to skip for wan testing uncomment line below
  109. ::goto Nemoportal_Net_Test
  111. ::Where are we?
  112. echo.
  113. :TS_Net_Test
  114. ping -n 1 %techsquad_netstring% | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms" >nul
  115. if %errorlevel% == 0 (
  116. echo Tech Squad Network Detected
  117. echo.
  118. set ftp_string=
  119. set smb_string=\\
  120. goto SMB_A_Test
  121. ) else (
  122. ::echo Work network test fail.
  123. goto Home_Net_Test
  124. )
  126. :Home_Net_Test
  127. ping -n 1 "%home_netstring%" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms" >nul
  128. if %errorlevel% == 0 (
  129. echo Ping %home_netstring% Success. Home Network Detected
  130. echo.
  131. set ftp_string=
  132. set smb_string=\\%home_netstring%\TechSquadSMB
  133. goto SMB_A_Test
  134. ) else (
  135. ::echo Home network test fail.
  136. goto Nemoportal_Net_Test
  137. )
  139. :Nemoportal_Net_Test
  140. ping -n 1 %nemoportal_netstring% | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms" >nul
  141. if %errorlevel% == 0 (
  142. echo %nemoportal_netstring% replied. Using WAN FTP.
  143. echo.
  144. set ftp_string=
  145. set smb_string=null
  146. goto SMB_A_Test
  147. ) else (
  148. echo all network connection tests failed
  149. set /a net_fail=1
  150. echo.
  151. ping >nul
  152. goto exitfunction
  153. )
  154. ::by now we've figured out where we are
  156. ::Can we use samba? should we?
  157. :SMB_A_Test
  158. if "%smb_string%"=="\\%home_netstring%\TechSquadSMB" (
  159. if not exist \\%home_netstring%\TechSquadSMB\volume1\fl2.0.bat (
  160. set /a smb_alt=1
  161. echo . >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\smbalt1
  162. set ftp_alt_ip=
  163. set
  164. set ftp_alt_pass=d945pvs
  165. set smb_alt_string=
  166. ) else (
  167. set /a smb_alt=0
  168. )
  169. )
  170. if "%smb_string%"=="%techsquad_netstring%" (
  171. if not exist \\%techsquad_netstring%\volume1\fl2.0.bat (
  172. set /a smb_alt=1
  173. echo . >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\smbalt1
  174. set ftp_alt_ip=
  175. set ftp_alt_user=anonymous
  176. set ftp_alt_pass=anonymous
  177. set smb_alt_string=
  178. ) else (
  179. set /a smb_alt=0
  180. )
  181. )
  182. if "%smb_string%"=="null" (
  183. set /a smb_alt=2
  184. echo . >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\smbalt1
  185. set smb_alt_string=
  186. set
  187. set
  188. set ftp_alt_pass=d945pvs
  189. )
  190. ::We've checked for samba connection and set strings
  191. ::echo SMB: %smb_string%
  192. ::echo FTP: %ftp_string%
  194. ::Do we still need to get admin permissions? 0=No else=Yes
  195. if "%alt_BatchAdmin%" NEQ 0 (
  196. goto Skip_Norm_Admin
  197. ) else (
  198. goto alt_BatchGotAdmin
  199. )
  202. :alt_BatchGotAdmin
  203. echo --- Administrative Permissions ---
  204. echo Detecting permissions...
  205. net session
  206. if %errorLevel% == 0 (
  207. echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
  208. goto BatchGotsAdmin
  209. ) else (
  210. echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate.
  211. if "%smb_alt%" NEQ "0" (
  212. if not exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  213. echo Downloading and installing wget from
  214. echo.
  215. del C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp 1>nul 2>nul
  216. %ftp_alt_ip%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  217. echo.%ftp_alt_user%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  218. echo.%ftp_alt_pass%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  219. echo.lcd C:\windows\system32>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  220. echo.binary>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  221. echo.get wget.exe>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  222. echo.disconnect>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  223. echo.quit>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  224. ftp -s:C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  225. del C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp >nul
  226. echo wget download attempt finished.
  227. )
  228. if exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  229. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/fl2.0.bat
  230. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  231. )
  232. ) else (
  233. copy %smb_string%\volume1\fl2.0.bat C:\Tech_Squad\fl2.0.bat
  234. )
  235. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\fl2.0.bat (
  236. runas /user:administrator /savecred c:\tech_squad\fl2.0.bat
  237. ) else (
  238. echo something went wrong idk what...
  239. pause
  240. exit
  241. )
  242. pause
  243. exit
  244. )
  245. goto BatchGotsAdmin
  253. :BatchGotsAdmin
  254. :Skip_Norm_Admin
  255. goto load_tips
  256. ::I know that this right here seems messy, but I'm just going to leave myself a space here incase there's anything I ever want to do here.
  260. ::PATHS BEGIN
  261. :wget_paths
  262. set Teamviewer11_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Teamviewer11.exe
  263. set Adobe_Reader_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/AcroRdrDC1500720033_en_US.exe
  264. set w764_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/W7_64_Updates/
  265. set Classic_Shell_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/ClassicShellSetup_4_3_0.exe
  266. set CU_Folder_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/
  267. set Avast_Folder_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Avast/
  268. set Fresh_Load_Folder_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/
  269. set Chrome_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe
  270. set Avast_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Avast/avast_free_antivirus_setup_online.exe
  271. set Open_Office_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/OpenOffice_4.1.0/
  272. set Office_Starter_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/-Fresh_Load-/Office2010Starter.exe
  273. set FileZillaPortable_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/FileZillaPortable
  274. set TSRA_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/TeamViewerQS_en.exe
  275. set ATF_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/ATF-Cleaner.exe
  276. set ABC_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/Other_Tools/avast-browser-cleanup.exe
  277. set CC_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/CCleaner/
  278. set RU_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/Revo_Uninstaller/
  279. set MBAR_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/Other_Tools/mbar/
  280. set HJT_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/HijackThis.exe
  281. set AVR_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/AV_Removal_Tools/
  282. set ADW_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/adwcleaner_7.0.8.0.exe
  283. set TDS_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/TDSSKiller.exe
  284. set WLE_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Windows_Live_Essentials.exe
  285. set MSO_2003_Pro_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/Office_2003_Pro
  286. set HM_PA_86_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  287. set HM_86_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  288. set HM_PA_64_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  289. set HM_64_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  290. set ITU_64_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/iTunes64Setup.exe
  291. set ITU_32_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/iTunesSetup.exe
  292. set AIO_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/Tweaking_AIO/Windows_Repair/
  293. set P95_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/Prime95/p95v2810.win64/
  294. set RSN_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/R_Studio_5.1_Portable_Network_Build
  295. set Libre_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/LibreOffice_6.0.3_Win_x64.msi
  296. set W7G_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Win7GamesForWin8-10.exe
  297. set W7LE_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/W7LE/
  298. set MSO_2010_PP_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/MSO_2010_Professional_Plus_64bit
  299. set mso2010_EZ_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/Office.2010.Toolkit.and.EZ-Activator.2.2.3/Office.2010.Toolkit.and.EZ-Activator.2.2.3/
  300. set dotNet_40_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/VCRedist_And_dotNet/dotNet_4.0_web_installer.exe
  301. set MSO_2007_Enterprise_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/MSO_2007_Enterprise
  302. set FF_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/Firefox_Installer_052118.exe
  303. set MSO_PP_2013_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/MSO_Professional_Plus_2013
  304. set MSO_PP_2013_86_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/MSO_Professional_Plus_2013_x86
  305. set MSO_RT_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/o15-ctrremove.diagcab
  306. set mso2013_EZ_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/Windows_Office_Toolkit_2.6.2_Final/
  307. set produkey_64_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Other_Tools/produkey-x64
  308. set mso2010_HS_64_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/Office_HomeStudent_2010_x64_English.exe
  309. set FLZL_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Installs/FileZilla_3.9.0.1_win32-setup_XP_LEGACY.exe
  310. set MSO_2007_PP_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/Office_2007_Professional_Plus
  311. set MSO_2007_Basic_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/MSO_Intuit_Installs/Microsoft/MSO_2007_Basic
  312. set VNC_Server_Portable_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Portable_Apps/TightVNCServerPortable
  313. set CF_Path=%ftp_string%/volume1/Tech_Squad_Flash/Tech_Squad/ComboFix.exe
  315. ::local paths
  316. set Adobe_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\AcroRdrDC1500720033_en_US.exe
  317. set Classic_Shell_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\ClassicShellSetup_4_3_0.exe
  318. set Chrome_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe
  319. set Avast_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Avast\avast_free_antivirus_setup_online.exe
  320. set Teamviewer11_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Teamviewer11.exe
  321. set Open_Office_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\OpenOffice_4.1.0\setup.exe
  322. set Office_Starter_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\Office2010Starter.exe
  323. set FileZillaPortable_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\FileZillaPortable\FileZillaPortable.exe
  324. set TSRA_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe
  325. set ATF_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\ATF-Cleaner.exe
  326. set ABC_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\other_tools\avast-browser-cleanup.exe
  327. set CC_32_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe
  328. set CC_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\ccleaner\ccleaner64.exe
  329. set RU_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\revo_uninstaller\revouninstaller\revouninstaller.exe
  330. set MBAR_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\other_tools\mbar\mbar.exe
  331. set HJT_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\hijackthis.exe
  332. set AVR_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\AV_Removal_Tools
  333. set ADW_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\adwcleaner_7.0.8.0.exe
  334. set TDS_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\tdsskiller.exe
  335. set WLE_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Windows_Live_Essentials.exe
  336. set HM_PA_86_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  337. set HM_86_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  338. set HM_PA_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  339. set HM_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  340. set ITU_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\iTunes64Setup.exe
  341. set ITU_32_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\iTunesSetup.exe
  342. set AIO_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Tweaking_AIO\Windows_Repair\Repair_Windows.exe
  343. set P95_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Prime95\p95v2810.win64\prime95.exe
  344. set RSN_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\R_Studio_5.1_Portable_Network_Build\rsd_en_5.exe
  345. set RSN_Lic_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\R_Studio_5.1_Portable_Network_Build\Licenses.txt
  346. set Libre_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\LibreOffice_6.0.3_Win_x64.msi
  347. set W7G_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Win7GamesForWin8-10.exe
  348. set W7LE_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\W7LE
  349. set W7LE_Exe=w7lxe.exe
  350. set mso2010_EZ_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Office.2010.Toolkit.and.EZ-Activator.2.2.3
  351. set mso2010_EZ_Exe=2010.exe
  352. set dotNet_40_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\dotNet_4.0_web_installer.exe
  353. set FF_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Firefox_Installer_052118.exe
  354. set mso2013_EZ_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Windows_Office_Toolkit_2.6.2_Final\Microsoft_Toolkit.exe
  355. set produkey_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\produkey-x64\ProduKey.exe
  356. set FLZL_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\FileZilla_3.9.0.1_win32-setup_XP_LEGACY.exe
  357. set VNC_Server_Portable_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\TightVNCServerPortable\TightVNCServerPortable.exe
  358. set MSO_2007_Enterprise_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\MSO_2007_Enterprise\setup.exe
  359. set MSO_PP_2013_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\MSO_Professional_Plus_2013\setup.exe
  360. set MSO_2010_PP_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\MSO_2010_Professional_Plus_64bit\setup.exe
  361. set MSO_2003_Pro_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Office_2003_Pro\SETUP.exe
  362. set MSO_RT_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\o15-ctrremove.diagcab
  363. set MSO_PP_2013_86_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\MSO_Professional_Plus_2013_x86\setup.exe
  364. set mso2010_HS_64_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Office_HomeStudent_2010_x64_English.exe
  365. set MSO_2007_PP_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\Office_2007_Professional_Plus\SETUP.EXE
  366. set MSO_2007_Basic_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\MSO_2007_Basic\setup.exe
  367. set CF_Local_Path=C:\Tech_Squad\ComboFix.exe
  369. ::PSLIST names related to local paths
  370. ::Although, I've not really been using PSLIST, what I wanted to use it for is more annoying than helpful.
  371. ::So the list below is FAR from complete, but im leaving it just incase I ever find or need a reason to use it.
  372. set Adobe_PSLIST_Name=AcroRdrDC1500720033_en_US
  373. set Clasic_Shell_PSLIST_Name=ClassicShellSetup_4_3_0
  374. set Chrome_PSLIST_Name=ChromeStandaloneSetup64
  375. set Avast_PSLIST_Name=avast_free_antivirus_setup_online
  376. set Teamviewer_PSLIST_Name=Teamviewer
  377. set Open_Office_PSLIST_Name=setup
  378. set Office_Starter_PSLIST_Name=Office2010Starter
  380. ::Log path
  381. set log_path=C:\Tech_Squad\logs
  383. echo Paths loaded.
  384. echo.
  385. ::PATHS END
  389. echo --- WGET and PSLIST ---
  390. if "%smb_alt%" NEQ "0" (
  391. echo Using SMB alternative method to get and install wget and pslist...
  392. echo.
  393. if not exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  394. echo Downloading and installing wget.
  395. echo.
  396. del C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp 1>nul 2>nul
  397. %ftp_alt_ip%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  398. echo.%ftp_alt_user%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  399. echo.%ftp_alt_pass%>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  400. echo.lcd C:\windows\system32>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  401. echo.binary>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  402. volume1>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  403. echo.get wget.exe>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  404. echo.disconnect>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  405. echo.quit>> C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  406. ftp -s:C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp
  407. del C:\Tech_Squad\update.wget.ftp >nul
  408. echo wget download attempt finished.
  409. echo.
  410. )
  411. if not exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  412. echo Something went wrong. c:\windows\system32\wget.exe is missing still
  413. echo get wget and pslist manually and install to c:\windows\system32
  414. echo This typically happens behind NAT devices where you get a
  415. echo 500 Illegal PORT command.
  416. echo 425 Use PORT or PASV first.
  417. echo on your ftp commands. Windows FTP doesn't support pasv, so don't bother.
  418. echo.
  419. echo Come back when you have wget/pslist
  420. pause
  421. exit
  422. )
  423. ::start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/pslist.exe -P c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe
  424. ::Honestly using pslist was a good idea but it's annoying.... maybe one day ill find a use for it...
  425. if not exist c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe (
  426. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/pslist.exe
  427. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  428. cd C:\Tech_Squad
  429. copy pslist.exe c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe
  430. )
  431. if not exist c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe (
  432. echo Something went wrong. c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe is missing still
  433. pause
  434. exit
  435. )
  436. if exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  437. if exist c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe (
  438. echo Success probably! It looks like wget and pslist both exist.
  439. ::ping >nul
  440. goto C3
  441. )
  442. )
  443. echo Failure probably! so whatever... you wanna do with that.... idk what happened.
  444. pause
  445. exit
  446. )
  448. :C13
  449. if exist c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe (
  450. echo pslist.exe found!
  451. goto C2
  452. )
  453. copy %smb_string%\volume1\pslist.exe c:\windows\system32\pslist.exe 1>nul 2>nul
  454. if not exist C:\Windows\system32\pslist.exe (
  455. echo problem with local SMB. Unable to install pslist
  456. ping >nul
  457. echo rolling over to nemoportal... maybe find a better alternative later.
  458. ping >nul
  459. goto Nemoportal_Net_Test
  460. )
  461. echo Installed pslist.exe
  462. goto C13
  464. :C2
  465. if exist c:\windows\system32\wget.exe (
  466. echo wget.exe found!
  467. goto C3
  468. )
  469. copy %smb_string%\volume1\wget.exe c:\windows\system32\wget.exe 1>nul 2>nul
  470. echo installed wget.exe
  471. goto C2
  475. :C3
  476. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad mkdir C:\Tech_Squad
  477. if "%cd%" EQU "C:\Tech_Squad" goto C1
  478. cd C:\Tech_Squad
  479. if "%cd%" NEQ "C:\Tech_Squad" goto copy_set_dir
  480. goto C1
  481. :copy_set_dir
  482. copy %cd%fl2.0.bat C:\Tech_Squad\fl2.0.bat
  483. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\fl2.0.bat (
  484. start C:\Tech_Squad\fl2.0.bat
  485. exit
  486. ) else (
  487. echo Unable to copy script to C:\Tech_Squad or set CD to C:\Tech_Squad
  488. echo Please copy fl2.0.bat to C:\Tech_Squad manually
  489. echo This can happen if running the script from a network drive or other non-local source.
  490. pause
  491. exit
  492. )
  493. ::if "%cd%" EQU "C:\Tech_Squad" goto C1
  494. ::echo something went wrong.
  495. ::pause
  496. ::exit
  500. :C1
  501. if not exist "C:\Tech Squad" goto skip_old_dir
  502. echo Cleaning up old Tech Squad Directory
  503. del /q "C:\Tech Squad\*"
  504. FOR /D %%p IN ("C:\Tech Squad\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  505. rmdir "C:\Tech Squad"
  506. ::Add new TSRA Icon
  507. del "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" 1>nul 2>nul
  508. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe (
  509. echo.
  510. echo Downloading Tech Squad Remote Assistance Application...
  511. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %TSRA_Path%
  512. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  513. echo Done!
  514. echo.
  515. )
  516. ::echo.
  517. ::mklink "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance" %TSRA_Local_Path%
  518. ::echo.
  519. ::copy "C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.exe" 1>nul 2>nul
  520. ::I still feel like the icon creation doesn't really work. I used to use the above before, now I use what is below... idk..
  523. echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> %SCRIPT%
  524. echo sLinkFile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" >> %SCRIPT%
  525. echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> %SCRIPT%
  526. echo oLink.TargetPath = "C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe" >> %SCRIPT%
  527. echo oLink.Save >> %SCRIPT%
  529. cscript /nologo %SCRIPT%
  530. del %SCRIPT%
  531. echo. %date% - %time%: Created TSRA Icon on the desktop >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  532. :skip_old_dir
  536. echo.
  537. echo --- Initialization Complete ---
  538. ping >nul
  539. ping >nul
  540. ping >nul
  541. goto Main_Menu
  542. ::INITIALIZATION END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  544. :Main_Menu
  545. cls
  546. ::set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  547. ::if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  548. ::set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  549. ::call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  550. ::echo Tip: %display_tip%
  551. ::echo.
  552. ::echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  553. ::echo.
  554. ipconfig | findstr /r /c:"IPv4"
  555. echo Default password to VNCPortable is 1234
  556. echo.
  557. echo --- Menus ---
  558. echo CU = Cleanup Items Menu
  559. echo FL = Fresh Load Items Menu
  560. echo MSO = Microsoft Office Menu
  561. echo BWR = Bloatware Removal Script Menu
  562. echo PATK = PA Toolkits Menu
  563. echo DNVC = dotNet and Visual C Redist Installers Menu
  564. echo.
  565. echo --- Misc Items not in menu ---
  566. echo.
  567. echo DUAC = Disable UAC
  568. echo VNCS = TightVNCServerPortable
  569. echo FLZ(L) = FileZilla/Filezilla Legacy Install for Windows XP
  570. echo TV(U) = Teamviewer Installation/Teamviewer Uninstallation
  571. echo TSRA = Tech Squad Remote Assistance
  572. echo AVA = Avast Installtion
  573. echo EDRS = Edge Disable Restore Session registry edit
  574. echo OD = One Drive Uninstalltion
  575. echo DI = Desktop Icon Menu
  576. echo DEF = Disable Windows Defender
  577. echo AIO = Tweaking AIO Windows Repair
  578. echo CF = ComboFix
  579. echo P95 = Prime 95
  580. echo PK64 = ProduKey x64
  581. echo RSN(U) = R-Studio Network 5.1 Install/Uninstall
  582. echo GWX = Windows 10 Installation Files Download
  583. echo DEL = Delete a directory completely
  584. echo FL2L = Save fl2.0.bat log file to customer logs directory
  585. echo.
  586. echo X = Exit
  587. echo.
  588. echo.
  589. set /p main_menu=Make a selection:
  590. set upper=
  591. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%main_menu%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  592. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  593. set main_menu=%upper%
  594. if "%main_menu%"=="CU" goto CU_Items_Y
  595. if "%main_menu%"=="FL" goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  596. if "%main_menu%"=="FLZ" goto FileZillaPortable
  597. if "%main_menu%"=="FLZL" goto FileZilla_Legacy
  598. if "%main_menu%"=="TSRA" goto TSRA_Desktop
  599. if "%main_menu%"=="TV" goto Start_Teamviewer_Install
  600. if "%main_menu%"=="AVA" goto Avast_Install
  601. if "%main_menu%"=="EDRS" goto Edge_Disable_Restore_Reg_Run
  602. if "%main_menu%"=="OD" goto One_Drive_Uninstall
  603. if "%main_menu%"=="DI" goto Desktop_Icons
  604. if "%main_menu%"=="TVU" goto Teamviewer_Uninstall
  605. if "%main_menu%"=="MSO" goto MSO_Menu
  606. if "%main_menu%"=="AIO" goto Tweaking_AIO_Windows_Repair
  607. if "%main_menu%"=="CF" goto ComboFix
  608. if "%main_menu%"=="P95" goto Prime_95
  609. if "%main_menu%"=="GWX" goto Windows_10_Download
  610. if "%main_menu%"=="RSN" goto R_Studio_Network
  611. if "%main_menu%"=="RSNU" goto R_Studio_Network_Uninstall
  612. if "%main_menu%"=="BWR" goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  613. if "%main_menu%"=="DEL" goto Delete_Function
  614. if "%main_menu%"=="PATK" goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  615. if "%main_menu%"=="DNVC" goto DNVC_Menu
  616. if "%main_menu%"=="PK64" goto Produkey_64
  617. if "%main_menu%"=="DEF" goto Windows_Defender_Disable
  618. if "%main_menu%"=="FL2L" goto FL2_Log
  619. if "%main_menu%"=="VNCS" goto VNC_Server
  620. if "%main_menu%"=="DUAC" goto DUAC
  621. if "%main_menu%"=="X" goto exitfunction
  622. echo input not recognized, try again -- %main_menu%
  623. pause
  624. goto Main_Menu
  626. ::Begin Misc Items
  627. :DUAC
  628. START /WAIT C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  629. echo Rebooting...
  630. ping > nul
  631. shutdown /r /f /t 0
  632. goto main_menu
  634. :ComboFix
  635. if not exist %CF_Local_Path% (
  636. echo.
  637. echo Downloading ComboFix...
  638. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %CF_Path%
  639. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  640. echo done!
  641. echo.
  642. )
  643. start %CF_Local_Path%
  644. echo. %date% - %time%: Started ComboFix >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  645. goto main_menu
  647. :VNC_Server
  648. if not exist %VNC_Server_Portable_Local_Path% (
  649. echo.
  650. echo Downloading VNC Portable Server...
  651. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %VNC_Server_Portable_Path%
  652. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  653. echo done!
  654. echo.
  655. )
  656. start %VNC_Server_Portable_Local_Path%
  657. echo. %date% - %time%: Started VNC Portable Server >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  658. goto main_menu
  660. :FL2_Log
  661. echo.
  662. if exist %log_path%\customer_name.log (
  663. set /p customer_name=<%log_path%\customer_name.log
  664. ) else (
  665. set /p customer_name=Customer Name:
  666. )
  667. if exist %log_path%\date_L.log (
  668. set /p date_L=<%log_path%\date_L.log
  669. ) else (
  670. set /p date_L=Date:
  671. )
  672. copy C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log \\\volume1\Customer_Logs\%customer_name%_%date_L%.log 1>nul 2>nul
  673. echo Done!
  674. echo Saved as \\\volume1\Customer_Logs\%customer_name%_%date_L%.log
  675. ping >nul
  676. goto Main_Menu
  678. :FileZilla_Legacy
  679. if not exist %FLZL_Local_Path% (
  680. echo.
  681. echo Downloading FileZilla Legacy for windows XP...
  682. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %FLZL_Path%
  683. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  684. echo done!
  685. echo.
  686. )
  687. start %FLZL_Local_Path%
  688. echo. %date% - %time%: Installed FileZilla Legacy for Windows XP and ran it >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  689. goto Main_Menu
  691. :Windows_Defender_Disable
  692. taskkill /F /IM MpCmdRun.exe 2>nul
  693. echo Adding Registry Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" /v DisableAntiSpyware /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
  694. Reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" /v DisableAntiSpyware /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul
  695. schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cache Maintenance" /Disable >nul 2>&1
  696. echo Disabled - Windows Defender Cache Maintenance
  697. schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cleanup" /Disable >nul 2>&1
  698. echo Disabled - Windows Defender Cleanup
  699. schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan" /Disable >nul 2>&1l
  700. echo Disabled - Windows Defender Scheduled Scan
  701. schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Verification" /Disable >nul 2>&1
  702. echo Disabled - Windows Defender Verification
  703. echo.
  704. echo You should reboot now for changes to take affect.
  705. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\Startup\Defender_Disable.bat (
  706. echo Startup script seems to be already installed, skipping defender startup question/install
  707. ping >nul
  708. goto skip_def_start
  709. ) else (
  710. goto C_Defender_Q
  711. )
  712. :C_Defender_Q
  713. echo Note: Installing this script will require that UAC is turned OFF!
  714. set /p def_start=Would you like to install the startup script to disable windows defender? [Y] [N]:
  715. set upper=
  716. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%def_start%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  717. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  718. set def_start=%upper%
  719. if "%def_start%"=="Y" goto inst_def_start
  720. if "%def_start%"=="N" goto skip_def_start
  721. echo Input not recognized, press any key to try again
  722. pause >nul
  723. goto C_Defender_Q
  724. :inst_def_start
  725. echo Adding registry key to disable UAC on reboot... Press any key to continue
  726. pause >nul
  727. echo. %date% - %time%: Added registry key to disable UAC on reboot >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  728. start /MIN C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  729. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad\Startup mkdir C:\Tech_Squad\Startup
  730. copy \\\volume1\Startup_Scripts\Defender_Disable.bat C:\Tech_Squad\Startup\Defender_Disable.bat
  731. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Tech_Squad.bat" echo.@echo off>>"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Tech_Squad.bat"
  732. echo.START /MIN C:\Tech_Squad\Startup\Defender_Disable.bat>>"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Tech_Squad.bat"
  733. :skip_def_start
  734. echo. %date% - %time%: Attempted to disabled Windows Defender >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  735. goto Main_Menu
  737. :Produkey_64
  738. if not exist %produkey_64_Local_Path% (
  739. echo.
  740. echo Downloading Produkey x64...
  741. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %produkey_64_Path%
  742. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  743. echo done!
  744. echo.
  745. )
  746. start %produkey_64_Local_Path%
  747. echo. %date% - %time%: Ran Produkey x64 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  748. goto Main_Menu
  750. :Delete_Function
  751. set /p delpath=Path to delete:
  752. mkdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\
  753. del /q "%delpath%\*"
  754. FOR /D %%p IN ("%delpath%\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  755. rmdir %delpath%
  756. move %delpath% C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  757. del /q "C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*"
  758. FOR /D %%p IN ("C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  759. rmdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  760. echo done!
  761. echo. %date% - %time%: Deleted %delpath% >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  762. pause
  763. goto Main_Menu
  765. :R_Studio_Network_Uninstall
  766. if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\R-Studio" (
  767. "C:\Program Files (x86)\R-Studio\Uninstall.exe"
  768. )
  769. if exist "C:\Program Files\R-Studio" (
  770. "C:\Program Files\R-Studio\Uninstall.exe"
  771. )
  772. goto Main_Menu
  774. :R_Studio_Network
  775. if not exist %RSN_Local_Path% (
  776. echo.
  777. echo Downloading R-Studio 5.1 Network Build...
  778. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %RSN_Path%
  779. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  780. echo done!
  781. echo.
  782. )
  783. start %RSN_Local_Path%
  784. start %RSN_Lic_Local_Path%
  785. echo. %date% - %time%: Started R-Studio 5.1 Network build installtion >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  786. goto Main_Menu
  788. :Prime_95
  789. if not exist %P95_Local_Path% (
  790. echo.
  791. echo Downloading Prime 95...
  792. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %P95_Path%
  793. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  794. echo done!
  795. echo.
  796. )
  797. start %P95_Local_Path%
  798. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Prime 95 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  799. goto Main_Menu
  801. :Tweaking_AIO_Windows_Repair
  802. if not exist %AIO_Local_Path% (
  803. echo.
  804. echo Downloading Tweaking AIO Windows Repair...
  805. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %AIO_Path%
  806. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  807. echo done!
  808. echo.
  809. )
  810. start %AIO_Local_Path%
  811. echo. %date% - %time%: Started AIO Windows Repair tool >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  812. goto main_menu
  814. :Teamviewer_Uninstall
  815. if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" (
  816. taskkill /F /IM Teamviewer.exe 2>nul
  817. "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" 1>nul 2>nul
  818. )
  819. if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version9\uninstall.exe" (
  820. taskkill /F /IM Teamviewer.exe 2>nul
  821. "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version9\uninstall.exe"
  822. )
  823. echo. %date% - %time%: Removed Teamviewer >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  824. goto Main_Menu
  826. :Windows_10_Download
  827. del C:\Tech_Squad\w10dl.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  828. if "%smb_alt_string%"=="null" (
  829. copy %smb_string%\volume1\w10dl.bat C:\Tech_Squad\w10dl.bat
  830. ) else (
  831. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/w10dl.bat
  832. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  833. )
  834. start C:\Tech_Squad\w10dl.bat
  835. echo. %date% - %time%: Started download/installation of windows 10 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  836. goto Main_Menu
  838. :Desktop_Icons
  839. desk.cpl ,,5
  840. goto Main_Menu
  842. :One_Drive_Uninstall
  843. echo.
  844. echo Attempting to run OneDrive uninstallation
  845. taskkill /F /IM OneDrive.exe 2>nul
  846. ping >nul
  847. if %OS%==32BIT goto 32bitOneDrive
  848. if %OS%==64BIT goto 64bitOneDrive
  849. echo %date% -- %time%: error in OS detection skipping One Drive uninstall
  850. :32bitOneDrive
  851. %SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
  852. goto One_Drive_Uninstall_End
  853. :64bitOneDrive
  854. %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
  855. goto One_Drive_Uninstall_End
  856. :One_Drive_Uninstall_End
  857. echo. %date% - %time%: Removed OneDrive >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  858. goto Main_Menu
  860. :Edge_Disable_Restore_Reg_Run
  861. reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Recovery" /v AutoRecover /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f >nul
  862. echo done!
  863. echo. %date% - %time%: Added registry key to disable Microsoft Edge forced session restore feature >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  864. goto Main_Menu
  866. :Avast_Install
  867. if not exist %Avast_Local_Path% (
  868. echo.
  869. echo Downloading Avast...
  870. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Avast_Path%
  871. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  872. echo done!
  873. echo.
  874. )
  875. start %Avast_Local_Path%
  876. ::No need to wait for avast installation
  877. ::echo Waiting for avast installation to finish...
  878. ::PSLIST %Avast_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  879. ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  880. :: GOTO C16
  881. ::) ELSE (
  882. :: ping >nul
  883. :: GOTO C17
  884. ::)
  885. ::So I'm commenting it out.
  886. echo. %date% - %time%: Started installation for Avast >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  887. goto Main_Menu
  889. :TSRA_Desktop
  890. if exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" del "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" 1>nul 2>nul
  891. goto TSRA_Desktop_2
  892. ::if not exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" goto TSRA_Desktop_2
  893. ::echo TSRA Icon already exists on user desktop, skipping.
  894. ::pause
  895. ::goto Main_Menu
  896. :TSRA_Desktop_2
  897. if exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Matt.lnk" (
  898. del "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Matt.lnk" 1>nul 2>nul
  899. )
  900. if exist "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad - Matt.lnk" (
  901. del "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad - Matt.lnk" 1>nul 2>nul
  902. )
  903. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe (
  904. echo.
  905. echo Downloading Tech Squad Remote Assistance Application...
  906. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %TSRA_Path%
  907. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  908. echo Done!
  909. echo.
  910. )
  911. ::echo.
  912. ::mklink "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance" %TSRA_Local_Path%
  913. ::echo.
  914. ::copy "C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.exe" 1>nul 2>nul
  917. echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> %SCRIPT%
  918. echo sLinkFile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Tech Squad Remote Assistance.lnk" >> %SCRIPT%
  919. echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> %SCRIPT%
  920. echo oLink.TargetPath = "C:\Tech_Squad\TeamViewerQS_en.exe" >> %SCRIPT%
  921. echo oLink.Save >> %SCRIPT%
  923. cscript /nologo %SCRIPT%
  924. del %SCRIPT%
  925. echo. %date% - %time%: Added Tech Squad Remote Assistance icon to the desktop >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  926. goto Main_Menu
  928. :Start_Teamviewer_Install
  929. if not exist %Teamviewer11_Local_Path% (
  930. echo.
  931. echo Downloading Teamviewer11.exe
  932. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Teamviewer11_Path%
  933. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  934. echo Done!
  935. echo.
  936. )
  937. start %Teamviewer11_Local_Path%
  938. echo. %date% - %time%: Started teamviewer 11 installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  939. goto Main_Menu
  941. :FileZillaPortable
  942. if not exist %FileZillaPortable_Local_Path% (
  943. echo.
  944. echo Downloading FileZillaPortable Folder...
  945. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %FileZillaPortable_Path%
  946. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  947. echo Done!
  948. echo.
  949. )
  950. start %FileZillaPortable_Local_Path%
  951. echo FileZillaPortable Started
  952. echo. %date% - %time%: Started FileZilla Portable >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  953. goto Main_Menu
  955. ::End Misc Items
  957. ::Begin dotNet and VCRedist installers
  958. :DNVC_Menu
  959. cls
  960. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  961. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  962. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  963. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  964. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  965. echo.
  966. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  967. echo.
  968. echo DN40 = dotNet 4.0 Web Installer
  969. echo N = None, back to main menu.
  970. echo.
  971. echo.
  972. set /p dnvc_sel=Make a selection:
  973. set upper=
  974. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%dnvc_sel%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  975. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  976. set dnvc_sel=%upper%
  977. if "%dnvc_sel%"=="DN40" goto DN40
  978. if "%dnvc_sel%"=="N" goto Main_Menu
  979. echo Input not recognized, try again
  980. goto DNVC_Menu
  982. :DN40
  983. if not exist %dotNet_40_Local_Path% (
  984. echo.
  985. echo Downloading dotNet Framework 4.0 web installer...
  986. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 2 -m %dotNet_40_Path%
  987. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  988. echo done!
  989. echo.
  990. )
  991. start %dotNet_40_Local_Path%
  992. echo. %date% - %time%: Started installation for .Net 4.0 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  993. goto DNVC_Menu
  994. ::End dotNet and VCRedist installers
  996. ::Begin PA Toolkits
  997. :PA_Toolkit_Menu
  998. cls
  999. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1000. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1001. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1002. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1003. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1004. echo.
  1005. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1006. echo.
  1007. echo CW7(U) = Windows 7 Loader Extreme Edition / Remove W7LE Files
  1008. echo 2010(U) = Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ Activator / Remove 2010 Toolkit Files
  1009. echo 2013(U) = Office 2013 Toolkit / Remove 2013 Toolkit Files
  1010. echo.
  1011. echo N = None, back to main menu.
  1012. echo.
  1013. echo.
  1014. set /p pa_sel=Make a selection:
  1015. set upper=
  1016. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%pa_sel%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1017. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1018. set pa_sel=%upper%
  1019. if "%pa_sel%"=="CW7" goto W7LE
  1020. if "%pa_sel%"=="CW7U" goto W7LEU
  1021. if "%pa_sel%"=="2010" goto 2010_EZ
  1022. if "%pa_sel%"=="2010U" goto 2010_EZ_U
  1023. if "%pa_sel%"=="2013" goto 2013_EZ
  1024. if "%pa_sel%"=="2013U" goto 2013_EZ_U
  1025. if "%pa_sel%"=="N" goto Main_Menu
  1026. echo Input not recognized, try again
  1027. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1029. :2013_EZ_U
  1030. taskkill /f /im "WinDivert Loader.exe"
  1031. if exist %mso2013_EZ_Local_Path:~0,-21% RMDIR /S /Q %mso2013_EZ_Local_Path:~0,-21%
  1032. pause
  1033. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1035. :2013_EZ
  1036. if not exist %mso2013_EZ_Local_Path% (
  1037. echo.
  1038. echo Downloading Microsoft Office 2013 Toolkit...
  1039. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %mso2013_EZ_Path%
  1040. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1041. echo done!
  1042. echo.
  1043. )
  1044. start %mso2013_EZ_Local_Path%
  1045. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1047. :2010_EZ
  1048. if not exist %mso2010_EZ_Local_Path% (
  1049. echo.
  1050. echo Downloading Microsoft Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ Activator 2.2.3...
  1051. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 4 -m %mso2010_EZ_Path%
  1052. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1053. echo done!
  1054. echo.
  1055. )
  1056. start %mso2010_EZ_Local_Path%\%mso2010_EZ_Exe%
  1057. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1059. :2010_EZ_U
  1060. mkdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\
  1061. del /q "%mso2010_EZ_Local_Path%\*"
  1062. FOR /D %%p IN ("%mso2010_EZ_Local_Path%\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  1063. rmdir %mso2010_EZ_Local_Path%
  1064. move %mso2010_EZ_Local_Path% C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  1065. del /q "C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*"
  1066. FOR /D %%p IN ("C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  1067. rmdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  1068. echo done!
  1069. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1071. :W7LE
  1072. if not exist %W7LE_Local_Path% (
  1073. echo Downloading Windows 7 Loader Extreme Edition...
  1074. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %W7LE_Path%
  1075. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1076. echo done!
  1077. echo.
  1078. )
  1079. start %W7LE_Local_Path%\%W7LE_Exe%
  1080. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1082. :W7LEU
  1083. mkdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\
  1084. del /q "%W7LE_Local_Path%\*"
  1085. FOR /D %%p IN ("%W7LE_Local_Path%\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  1086. rmdir %W7LE_Local_Path%
  1087. move %W7LE_Local_Path% C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  1088. del /q "C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*"
  1089. FOR /D %%p IN ("C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me\*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
  1090. rmdir C:\Tech_Squad\Temp\Delete_Me
  1091. echo done!
  1092. goto PA_Toolkit_Menu
  1094. ::End PA Toolkits
  1096. ::Begin MSO Menu Items
  1098. :MSO_Menu
  1099. cls
  1100. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1101. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1102. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1103. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1104. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1105. echo.
  1106. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1107. echo.
  1108. echo 2K3P = Office 2003 Professional
  1109. echo 2K7B = Office 2007 Basic
  1110. echo 2K7E = Office 2007 Enterprise
  1111. echo 2K7PP = Office 2007 Professional Plus
  1112. echo 2010PP = Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 bit
  1113. echo 2010HS = Office 2010 Home and Student 64 bit
  1114. echo 2013PP = Office 2013 Professional Plus 64 bit
  1115. echo 13PP86 = Office 2013 Professional Plus 32 bit
  1116. echo.
  1117. echo Clear = Wipe all office installation folders
  1118. echo MSORT = Microsoft Office Removal Tool
  1119. echo.
  1120. echo N = None, back to main menu.
  1121. echo.
  1122. echo.
  1123. set /p mso_sel=Make a selection:
  1124. set upper=
  1125. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%mso_sel%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1126. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1127. set mso_sel=%upper%
  1128. if "%mso_sel%"=="2K3P" goto MSO_2003_Pro
  1129. if "%mso_sel%"=="N" goto Main_Menu
  1130. if "%mso_sel%"=="2010PP" goto 2010PP64
  1131. if "%mso_sel%"=="2K7E" goto 2K7E
  1132. if "%mso_sel%"=="2013PP" goto 2013PP64
  1133. if "%mso_sel%"=="CLEAR" goto clear_mso
  1134. if "%mso_sel%"=="MSORT" goto MSORT
  1135. if "%mso_sel%"=="13PP86" goto 2013PP86
  1136. if "%mso_sel%"=="2010HS" goto 2010HS64
  1137. if "%mso_sel%"=="2K7PP" goto 2K7PP
  1138. if "%mso_sel%"=="2K7B" goto MSO_2007_Basic
  1139. echo Input not recognized, try again
  1140. goto MSO_Menu
  1142. :2K7PP
  1143. if not exist %MSO_2007_PP_Local_Path% (
  1144. echo.
  1145. echo Downloading Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus...
  1146. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_2007_PP_Path%
  1147. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1148. echo done!
  1149. echo.
  1150. )
  1151. start %MSO_2007_PP_Local_Path%
  1152. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1153. goto MSO_Menu
  1155. :2010HS64
  1156. if not exist %mso2010_HS_64_Local_Path% (
  1157. echo.
  1158. echo Downloading Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student 64 bit...
  1159. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %mso2010_HS_64_Path%
  1160. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1161. echo done!
  1162. echo.
  1163. )
  1164. start %mso2010_HS_64_Local_Path%
  1165. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student 64 bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1166. goto MSO_Menu
  1168. :MSORT
  1169. if not exist %MSO_RT_Local_Path% (
  1170. echo.
  1171. echo Downloading Microsoft Office Removal Tool...
  1172. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 2 -m %MSO_RT_Path%
  1173. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1174. echo done!
  1175. echo.
  1176. )
  1177. start %MSO_RT_Local_Path%
  1178. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office Removal Tool >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1179. goto MSO_Menu
  1181. :clear_mso
  1182. if exist %mso2010_HS_64_Local_Path% RMDIR /S /Q %mso2010_HS_64_Local_Path:~0,-9%
  1183. if exist %MSO_2007_Enterprise_Local_Path% RMDIR /S /Q %MSO_2007_Enterprise_Local_Path:~0,-9%
  1184. if exist %MSO_PP_2013_Local_Path% RMDIR /S /Q %MSO_PP_2013_Local_Path:~0,-9%
  1185. if exist %MSO_2010_PP_Local_Path% RMDIR /S /Q %MSO_2010_PP_Local_Path:~0,-9%
  1186. if exist %MSO_2003_Pro_Local_Path% RMDIR /S /Q %MSO_2003_Pro_Local_Path:~0,-9%
  1187. ::add 2007 basic, i dun wanna
  1188. echo. %date% - %time%: Removed all Microsoft Office installation Files >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1189. goto MSO_Menu
  1191. :2K7E
  1192. if not exist %MSO_2007_Enterprise_Local_Path% (
  1193. echo.
  1194. echo Downloading Office 2007 Enterprise...
  1195. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_2007_Enterprise_Path%
  1196. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1197. echo done!
  1198. echo.
  1199. )
  1200. start %MSO_2007_Enterprise_Local_Path%
  1201. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2007 installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1202. goto MSO_Menu
  1204. :2013PP64
  1205. if not exist %MSO_PP_2013_Local_Path% (
  1206. echo.
  1207. echo Downloading Office 2013 Professional Plus 64 bit...
  1208. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_PP_2013_Path%
  1209. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1210. echo done!
  1211. echo.
  1212. )
  1213. start %MSO_PP_2013_Local_Path%
  1214. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus 64 bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1215. goto MSO_Menu
  1217. :2013PP86
  1218. if not exist %MSO_PP_2013_86_Local_Path% (
  1219. echo.
  1220. echo Downloading Office 2013 Professional Plus 32 bit...
  1221. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_PP_2013_86_Path%
  1222. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1223. echo done!
  1224. echo.
  1225. )
  1226. start %MSO_PP_2013_86_Local_Path%
  1227. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus 32 bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1228. goto MSO_Menu
  1230. :2010PP64
  1231. if not exist %MSO_2010_PP_Local_Path% (
  1232. echo.
  1233. echo Downloading Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 bit...
  1234. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_2010_PP_Path%
  1235. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1236. echo done!
  1237. echo.
  1238. )
  1239. start %MSO_2010_PP_Local_Path%
  1240. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1241. goto MSO_Menu
  1243. :MSO_2003_Pro
  1244. if not exist %MSO_2003_Pro_Local_Path% (
  1245. echo.
  1246. echo Downloading Office 2003 Professional...
  1247. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_2003_Pro_Path%
  1248. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1249. echo done!
  1250. echo.
  1251. )
  1252. start %MSO_2003_Pro_Local_Path%
  1253. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2003 Professional installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1254. goto MSO_Menu
  1256. :MSO_2007_Basic
  1257. if not exist %MSO_2007_Basic_Local_Path% (
  1258. echo.
  1259. echo Downloading Office 2007 Basic...
  1260. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MSO_2007_Basic_Path%
  1261. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1262. echo done!
  1263. echo.
  1264. )
  1265. start %MSO_2007_Basic_Local_Path%
  1266. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Microsoft Office 2007 Basic installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1267. goto MSO_Menu
  1269. ::End MSO Menu Items
  1271. ::Begin Bloatware_Removal_Menu Items
  1272. :Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1273. cls
  1274. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1275. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1276. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1277. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1278. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1279. echo.
  1280. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1281. echo.
  1282. echo HP = HP Bloatware Removal Script
  1283. echo DELL = Dell Bloatware Removal Script
  1284. echo ASUS = Asus Bloatware Removal Script
  1285. echo GBR = General Bloatware Removal Script
  1286. echo TBA = Toshiba Bloatware Removal Script
  1287. echo ALL = Run all -not a good idea to run them all at once. run them individually for now-
  1288. echo N = None, back to main menu
  1289. echo.
  1290. echo.
  1291. set /p bwr_sel=Make a selection:
  1292. set upper=
  1293. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%bwr_sel%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1294. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1295. set bwr_sel=%upper%
  1296. if "%bwr_sel%"=="HP" goto HP_Bloatware_Removal
  1297. if "%bwr_sel%"=="GBR" goto General_Bloatware_Removal
  1298. if "%bwr_sel%"=="DELL" goto DELL_Bloatware_Removal
  1299. if "%bwr_sel%"=="ASUS" goto ASUS_Bloatware_Removal
  1300. if "%bwr_sel%"=="TBA" goto Toshiba_Bloatware_Removal
  1301. if "%bwr_sel%"=="ALL" goto ALL_Bloatware_Removal
  1302. if "%bwr_sel%"=="N" (
  1303. cls
  1304. goto Main_Menu
  1305. )
  1306. echo input not recognized, try again
  1307. ping >nul
  1308. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1310. :Toshiba_Bloatware_Removal
  1311. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" goto Toshiba_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1312. start %smb_string%\volume1\Toshiba_BWR.bat
  1313. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1314. :Toshiba_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1315. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\Toshiba_BWR.bat del C:\Tech_Squad\Toshiba_BWR.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  1316. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/Toshiba_BWR.bat
  1317. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1318. start C:\Tech_Squad\Toshiba_BWR.bat
  1319. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1321. :ASUS_Bloatware_Removal
  1322. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" goto ASUS_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1323. start %smb_string%\volume1\Asus_BWR.bat
  1324. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1325. :ASUS_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1326. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\Asus_BWR.bat del C:\Tech_Squad\Asus_BWR.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  1327. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/Asus_BWR.bat
  1328. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1329. start C:\Tech_Squad\Asus_BWR.bat
  1330. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1332. :HP_Bloatware_Removal
  1333. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" goto HP_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1334. start %smb_string%\volume1\HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1335. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1336. :HP_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1337. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat del C:\Tech_Squad\HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  1338. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1339. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1340. start C:\Tech_Squad\HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1341. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1343. :General_Bloatware_Removal
  1344. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" goto General_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1345. start %smb_string%\volume1\General_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1346. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1347. :General_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1348. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\General_Bloatware_Removal.bat del C:\Tech_Squad\General_Bloatware_Removal.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  1349. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/General_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1350. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1351. start C:\Tech_Squad\General_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1352. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1354. :DELL_Bloatware_Removal
  1355. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" goto DELL_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1356. start %smb_string%\volume1\Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1357. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1358. :DELL_Bloatware_Removal_S
  1359. if exist C:\Tech_Squad\Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat del C:\Tech_Squad\Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat 1>nul 2>nul
  1360. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %smb_alt_string%/volume1/Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1361. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1362. start C:\Tech_Squad\Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1363. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1365. :ALL_Bloatware_Removal
  1366. ::REPLACE FOR FULL FTP -- Just this whole thing is wrong lol
  1367. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" (
  1368. echo Using samba alternative FTP rollback, this function is not available
  1369. echo run them individually
  1370. ping >nul
  1371. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1372. )
  1373. start /WAIT /MIN %smb_string%\volume1\Asus_BWR.bat
  1374. start /WAIT /MIN %smb_string%\volume1\Dell_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1375. start /WAIT /MIN %smb_string%\volume1\General_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1376. start /WAIT /MIN %smb_string%\volume1\HP_Bloatware_Removal.bat
  1377. start /WAIT /MIN %smb_string%\volume1\Toshiba_BWR.bat
  1378. goto Bloatware_Removal_Menu
  1379. ::End Bloatware_Removal_Menu Items
  1382. ::Begin Cleanup Items
  1384. :CU_Items_Y
  1385. ::can do something before but im just gunna leave this section here, used to open log but its annoying to have the log open every time you go back to this menu
  1386. :CU_Items_Menu
  1387. cls
  1388. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1389. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1390. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1391. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1392. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1393. echo.
  1394. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1395. echo.
  1396. echo HM = Hitman
  1397. echo ABC = Avast Browser Cleanup
  1398. echo ADW = AdwCleaner
  1399. echo CC = CCleaner
  1400. echo RU = Revo Uninstaller
  1401. echo MBR = MalwareBytes Anti-Rootkit
  1402. echo HJT = HiJackThis
  1403. echo TDS = TDSSKiller
  1404. echo ATF = ATF Cleaner
  1405. echo AVR = Anti-Virus Removal Menu
  1406. echo TASK = Task Scheduler
  1407. echo LOG = Open Log Creation Script
  1408. echo RES = ReSync with network drive.
  1409. echo N = None, back to main menu
  1410. echo.
  1411. echo.
  1412. set /p cutasks=Make a selection:
  1413. set upper=
  1414. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%cutasks%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1415. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1416. set cutasks=%upper%
  1417. if "%cutasks%"=="HM" goto CU_Hitman
  1418. if "%cutasks%"=="ABC" goto CU_ABC
  1419. if "%cutasks%"=="CC" goto CU_CCleaner
  1420. if "%cutasks%"=="RU" goto CU_Revo
  1421. if "%cutasks%"=="MBR" goto CU_MalwareBytesAntiRootKit
  1422. if "%cutasks%"=="HJT" goto CU_HiJackThis
  1423. if "%cutasks%"=="AVR" goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1424. if "%cutasks%"=="ADW" goto CU_AdwCleaner
  1425. if "%cutasks%"=="TDS" goto CU_TDS
  1426. if "%cutasks%"=="TASK" goto CU_Tasks
  1427. if "%cutasks%"=="ATF" goto CU_ATFCleaner
  1428. if "%cutasks%"=="RES" goto CU_Resync
  1429. if "%cutasks%"=="LOG" goto CU_Log
  1430. if "%cutasks%"=="N" (
  1431. cls
  1432. goto Main_Menu
  1433. )
  1434. echo input not recognized, try again
  1435. ping >nul
  1436. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1438. :CU_Log
  1439. if "%smb_alt_string%" NEQ "null" (
  1440. ::echo Using samba alternative FTP rollback, this function is not available
  1441. ::echo Use a pen and paper or something
  1442. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %ftp_string%/volume1/fl_log.bat
  1443. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1444. start C:\Tech_Squad\fl_log.bat
  1445. ping >nul
  1446. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1447. )
  1448. start %smb_string%\volume1\fl_log.bat
  1449. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1451. :CU_Resync
  1452. echo.
  1453. echo Resyncing Cleanup Items...
  1454. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %CU_Folder_Path%
  1455. pause
  1456. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1457. echo Done!
  1458. echo.
  1459. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1461. :CU_ATFCleaner
  1462. if not exist %ATF_Local_Path% (
  1463. echo.
  1464. echo Downloading ATF Cleaner...
  1465. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %ATF_Path%
  1466. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1467. echo done!
  1468. echo.
  1469. )
  1470. start %ATF_Local_Path%
  1471. echo. %date% - %time%: Started ATF Cleaner (ATF) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1472. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1474. :CU_Tasks
  1475. start taskschd.msc
  1476. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows Task Scheduler (TASKS) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1477. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1479. :CU_Hitman
  1480. echo.
  1481. if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" goto 64bit_HM
  1482. set /p PAQ32HM=PA? [Y] [N]:
  1483. if "%PAQ32HM%"=="Y" goto HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  1484. if "%PAQ32HM%"=="N" goto HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  1485. if "%PAQ32HM%"=="y" goto HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  1486. if "%PAQ32HM%"=="n" goto HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  1487. echo input not recognized, try again.
  1488. goto CU_Hitman
  1489. :64bit_HM
  1490. set /p PAQ64HM=PA? [Y] [N]:
  1491. if "%PAQ64HM%"=="Y" goto HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  1492. if "%PAQ64HM%"=="N" goto HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  1493. if "%PAQ64HM%"=="y" goto HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  1494. if "%PAQ64HM%"=="n" goto HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  1495. echo input not recognized, try again.
  1496. goto CU_Hitman
  1497. :HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  1498. if not exist %HM_PA_86_Local_Path% (
  1499. echo.
  1500. echo Downloading HitmanPropa_x86.exe
  1501. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %HM_PA_86_Path%
  1502. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1503. echo done!
  1504. echo.
  1505. )
  1506. start %HM_PA_86_Local_Path%
  1507. echo. %date% - %time%: Started HitmanPro PA x86 (HM) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1508. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1509. :HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  1510. if not exist %HM_86_Local_Path% (
  1511. echo.
  1512. echo Downloading HitmanPro35_x86.exe
  1513. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %HM_86_Path%
  1514. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1515. echo done!
  1516. echo.
  1517. )
  1518. start %HM_86_Local_Path%
  1519. echo. %date% - %time%: Started HitmanPro x86 (HM) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1520. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1521. ::---
  1522. :HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  1523. if not exist %HM_PA_64_Local_Path% (
  1524. echo.
  1525. echo Downloading HitmanPropa_x64.exe
  1526. start /min /wait start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %HM_PA_64_Path%
  1527. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1528. echo done!
  1529. echo.
  1530. )
  1531. start %HM_PA_64_Local_Path%
  1532. echo. %date% - %time%: Started HitmanPro PA x64 (HM) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1533. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1534. :HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  1535. if not exist %HM_64_Local_Path% (
  1536. echo.
  1537. echo Downloading HitmanPro35_x64.exe
  1538. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %HM_64_Path%
  1539. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1540. echo done!
  1541. echo.
  1542. )
  1543. start %HM_64_Local_Path%
  1544. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Hitman Pro x64 (HM) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1545. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1549. :CU_ABC
  1550. if not exist %ABC_Local_Path% (
  1551. echo.
  1552. echo Downloading Avast Browser Cleanup...
  1553. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %ABC_Path%
  1554. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1555. echo done!
  1556. echo.
  1557. )
  1558. start %ABC_Local_Path%
  1559. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Avast Browser Cleanup (ABC) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1560. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1562. :CU_CCleaner
  1563. if not exist %CC_32_Local_Path% (
  1564. echo.
  1565. echo Downloading CCleaner...
  1566. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %CC_Path%
  1567. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1568. echo done!
  1569. echo.
  1570. )
  1571. if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" goto 64bit_CC
  1572. start %CC_32_Local_Path%
  1573. echo. %date% - %time%: Started CCleaner x86 (CC) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1574. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1575. :64bit_CC
  1576. start %CC_64_Local_Path%
  1577. echo. %date% - %time%: Started CCleaner x64 (CC) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1578. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1580. :CU_Revo
  1581. if not exist %RU_Local_Path% (
  1582. echo.
  1583. echo Downloading Revo Uninstaller...
  1584. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %RU_Path%
  1585. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1586. echo done!
  1587. echo.
  1588. )
  1589. start %RU_Local_Path%
  1590. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Revo Uninstaller (CP) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1591. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1593. :CU_MalwareBytesAntiRootKit
  1594. if not exist %MBAR_Local_Path% (
  1595. echo.
  1596. echo Downloading MalwareBytes Anti Rootkit...
  1597. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %MBAR_Path%
  1598. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1599. echo done!
  1600. echo.
  1601. )
  1602. start %MBAR_Local_Path%
  1603. echo. %date% - %time%: Started MalwareBytes Anti-Rootkit (MBAR) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1604. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1606. :CU_HiJackThis
  1607. if not exist %HJT_Local_Path% (
  1608. echo.
  1609. echo Downloading HiJackThis...
  1610. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %HJT_Path%
  1611. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1612. echo done!
  1613. echo.
  1614. )
  1615. start %HJT_Local_Path%
  1616. echo. %date% - %time%: Started HiJackThis (HJT) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1617. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1619. :CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1620. if not exist %AVR_Local_Path% (
  1621. echo.
  1622. echo Resyncing Anti Virus Removal Tools...
  1623. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %AVR_Path%
  1624. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1625. echo done!
  1626. echo.
  1627. )
  1628. cls
  1629. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1630. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1631. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1632. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1633. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1634. echo.
  1635. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1636. echo.
  1637. echo AVG = AVG Removal
  1638. echo MC = Mcafee Removal
  1639. echo NRT = Norton Removal Tool
  1640. echo CW = Cleanwipe Norton Removal Tool
  1641. echo N = None, return to Cleanup Menu
  1642. echo.
  1643. set /p AVR_Sel=Make a selection:
  1644. set upper=
  1645. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%AVR_Sel%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1646. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1647. set AVR_Sel=%upper%
  1648. if "%AVR_Sel%"=="AVG" goto CU_AVR_AVG
  1649. if "%AVR_Sel%"=="MC" goto CU_AVR_Mcafee
  1650. if "%AVR_Sel%"=="NRT" goto CU_AVR_Norton
  1651. if "%AVR_Sel%"=="CW" goto CU_AVR_Norton_Cleanwipe
  1652. if "%AVR_Sel%"=="N" goto CU_Items_Menu
  1653. echo input not recognized, try again
  1654. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1656. :CU_AVR_AVG
  1657. if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" goto 64bit_AVG_Removal
  1658. start %AVR_Local_Path%\AVG\avg_remover_stf_x86_2014_4116.exe
  1659. echo. %date% - %time%: Started AVG removal tool x86 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1660. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1661. :64bit_AVG_Removal
  1662. start %AVR_Local_Path%\AVG\avg_remover_stf_x64_2014_4116.exe
  1663. echo. %date% - %time%: Started AVG removal tool x64 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1664. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1665. :CU_AVR_Mcafee
  1666. start %AVR_Local_Path%\Mcafee_Product_Removal_MCPR.exe
  1667. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Mcafee Removal Tool >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1668. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1669. :CU_AVR_Norton
  1670. ::start %AVR_Local_Path%\Norton_Removal_Tool.exe
  1671. if not exist %AVR_Local_Path%\NRnR.exe (
  1672. echo.
  1673. echo Resyncing Anti Virus Removal Tools...
  1674. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %AVR_Path%
  1675. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1676. echo done!
  1677. echo.
  1678. )
  1679. start %AVR_Local_Path%\NRnR.exe
  1680. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Avast Software Removal Tool >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1681. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1682. :CU_AVR_Norton_Cleanwipe
  1683. start %AVR_Local_Path%\CleanWipe\CleanWipe.exe
  1684. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Cleanwipe Norton Removal Tool >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1685. goto CU_AntiVirusRemoval
  1688. :CU_AdwCleaner
  1689. if not exist %ADW_Local_Path% (
  1690. echo.
  1691. echo Downloading AdwCleaner...
  1692. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %ADW_Path%
  1693. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1694. echo done!
  1695. echo.
  1696. )
  1697. start %ADW_Local_Path%
  1698. echo. %date% - %time%: Started ADWCleaner (ADW) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1699. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1701. :CU_TDS
  1702. if not exist %TDS_Local_Path% (
  1703. echo.
  1704. echo Downloading TDS Anti Rootkit...
  1705. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %TDS_Path%
  1706. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1707. echo done!
  1708. echo.
  1709. )
  1710. start %TDS_Local_Path%
  1711. echo. %date% - %time%: Started TDS anti-rootkit (TDS) >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1712. goto CU_Items_Menu
  1714. ::End Cleanup Items
  1716. ::Begin Fresh Load
  1718. :Fresh_Load_Menu
  1719. cls
  1720. set /a tip=%RANDOM%%%%numtips%+1
  1721. if %tip% GTR %numtips% set tip=1
  1722. set d_tip=tip_%tip%
  1723. call set "display_tip=%%%d_tip%%%"
  1724. echo Tip: %display_tip%
  1725. echo.
  1726. echo -------------------------------------------------------------
  1727. echo.
  1728. echo 764 = 64 bit Windows 7 Updates
  1729. echo 732 = 32 bit Windows 7 Updates
  1730. echo A = Adobe Reader
  1731. echo CL = Classic Shell
  1732. echo CH = Chrome
  1733. echo FF = FireFox
  1734. echo OO = Open Office
  1735. echo OS = Office Starter
  1736. echo ITU = Itunes
  1737. echo WLE = Windows Live Essentials (WLM)
  1738. echo LIB = Libre Office Install
  1739. echo DEF = Default App Associations for windows 10 (not really working the idea is there)
  1740. echo W7G = Windows 7 games for 8 or 10 install
  1741. echo RES = Resync all fresh load items to local computer
  1742. echo N = None, back to main menu
  1743. echo.
  1744. echo.
  1745. set /p wild=Make a selection:
  1746. set upper=
  1747. for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%wild%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
  1748. set "upper=%upper:~3%"
  1749. set wild=%upper%
  1750. if "%wild%"=="A" goto C_Adobe
  1751. if "%wild%"=="764" goto C_764
  1752. if "%wild%"=="732" goto C_732
  1753. if "%wild%"=="CL" goto C_Classic
  1754. if "%wild%"=="CH" goto C_Chrome
  1755. if "%wild%"=="OO" goto C_OpenOffice
  1756. if "%wild%"=="OS" goto C_OfficeStarter
  1757. if "%wild%"=="WLE" goto C_Windows_Live_Essentials
  1758. if "%wild%"=="ITU" goto C_Itunes
  1759. if "%wild%"=="LIB" goto Libre_Office_Install
  1760. if "%wild%"=="DEF" goto Default_Apps
  1761. if "%wild%"=="W7G" goto Windows_7_Games
  1762. if "%wild%"=="FF" goto FF_Install
  1763. if "%wild%"=="N" (
  1764. cls
  1765. goto Main_Menu
  1766. )
  1767. if "%wild%"=="RES" goto Fresh_Load_Resync
  1768. echo Input not recognized, try again.
  1769. ping >nul
  1770. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1772. :FF_Install
  1773. if not exist %FF_Local_Path% (
  1774. echo.
  1775. echo Downloading FireFox...
  1776. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 4 -m %FF_Path%
  1777. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1778. echo done!
  1779. echo.
  1780. )
  1781. start %FF_Local_Path%
  1782. echo. %date% - %time%: Started FireFox Installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1783. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1785. :Windows_7_Games
  1786. if not exist %W7G_Local_Path% (
  1787. echo.
  1788. echo Downloading Windows 7 Games...
  1789. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %W7G_Path%
  1790. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1791. echo done!
  1792. echo.
  1793. )
  1794. start %W7G_Local_Path%
  1795. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 games for 8/10 installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1796. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1798. :Default_Apps
  1799. wget -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m -P ./
  1800. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1801. REGEDIT.EXE /S "%~dp0\w10photoviewer.reg"
  1802. wget -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m -P ./
  1803. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1804. dism /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:"C:\Tech_squad\MyDefaultAppAssociations.xml"
  1805. echo done!
  1806. pause
  1807. goto Main_Menu
  1809. :Libre_Office_Install
  1810. if not exist %Libre_Local_Path% (
  1811. echo.
  1812. echo Downloading Libre Office...
  1813. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 2 -m %Libre_Path%
  1814. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1815. echo done!
  1816. echo.
  1817. )
  1818. start %Libre_Local_Path%
  1819. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Libre Office installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1820. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1822. :C_Itunes
  1823. if %OS%==32BIT goto C_Itunes32
  1824. if %OS%==64BIT goto C_Itunes64
  1825. :C_Itunes32
  1826. if not exist %ITU_32_Local_Path% (
  1827. echo.
  1828. echo Downloading Itunes...
  1829. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 4 -m %ITU_32_Path%
  1830. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1831. echo done!
  1832. echo.
  1833. )
  1834. start %ITU_32_Local_Path%
  1835. echo. %date% - %time%: Started iTunes 32bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1836. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1837. :C_Itunes64
  1838. if not exist %ITU_64_Local_Path% (
  1839. echo.
  1840. echo Downloading Itunes...
  1841. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 4 -m %ITU_64_Path%
  1842. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1843. echo done!
  1844. echo.
  1845. )
  1846. start %ITU_64_Local_Path%
  1847. echo. %date% - %time%: Started iTunes 64 bit installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1848. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1850. :C_Windows_Live_Essentials
  1851. if not exist %WLE_Local_Path% (
  1852. echo.
  1853. echo Downloading Windows Live Essentials...
  1854. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 4 -m %WLE_Path%
  1855. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1856. echo done!
  1857. echo.
  1858. )
  1859. start %WLE_Local_Path%
  1860. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows Live Essentials installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1861. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1863. :Fresh_Load_Resync
  1864. echo.
  1865. echo Downloading Avast Folder...
  1866. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Avast_Folder_Path%
  1867. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1868. echo Done!
  1869. echo.
  1870. echo.
  1871. echo Downloading Fresh Load Folder...
  1872. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Fresh_Load_Folder_Path%
  1873. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1874. echo Done!
  1875. echo.
  1876. goto Fresh_Load_Menu
  1878. :C_Adobe
  1879. if not exist %Adobe_Local_Path% (
  1880. echo.
  1881. echo Downloading Adobe Reader...
  1882. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Adobe_Reader_Path%
  1883. echo done!
  1884. echo.
  1885. )
  1886. start %Adobe_Local_Path%
  1887. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Adobe Reader DC installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1888. echo Done!
  1889. ::echo waiting for Adobe Reader installation to finish
  1890. :::C20
  1891. ping >nul
  1892. ::PSLIST %Adobe_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  1893. ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1894. :: GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  1895. ::) ELSE (
  1896. :: ::Still running
  1897. :: ping >nul
  1898. :: GOTO C20
  1899. ::)
  1900. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  1902. :C_764
  1903. ::The file names for these updates should not ever change so im not creating path variables for them
  1904. if not exist C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\1st-Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu (
  1905. echo.
  1906. echo Downloading ALL windows 7 64 bit updates
  1907. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %w764_Path%
  1908. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  1909. echo done!
  1910. echo.
  1911. )
  1912. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\1st-Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu
  1913. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 1 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1914. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 1/9
  1915. :C28
  1916. ping >nul
  1917. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1918. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1919. GOTO C25
  1920. ) ELSE (
  1921. ::Still running
  1922. ping >nul
  1923. GOTO C28
  1924. )
  1925. :C25
  1926. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\2nd-windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64.msu
  1927. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 2 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1928. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 2/9
  1929. :C26
  1930. ping >nul
  1931. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1932. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1933. GOTO C29
  1934. ) ELSE (
  1935. ::Still running
  1936. ping >nul
  1937. GOTO C26
  1938. )
  1939. :C29
  1940. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\3rd-Windows6.1-KB3138612-x64.msu
  1941. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 3 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1942. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 3/9
  1943. :C30
  1944. ping >nul
  1945. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1946. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1947. GOTO C31
  1948. ) ELSE (
  1949. ::Still running
  1950. ping >nul
  1951. GOTO C30
  1952. )
  1953. :C31
  1954. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\4th-windows6.1-kb3145739-x64.msu
  1955. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 4 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1956. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 4/9
  1957. :C33
  1958. ping >nul
  1959. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1960. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1961. GOTO C32
  1962. ) ELSE (
  1963. ::Still running
  1964. ping >nul
  1965. GOTO C33
  1966. )
  1967. :C32
  1968. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\5th-Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu
  1969. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 5 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1970. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 5/9
  1971. :C34
  1972. ping >nul
  1973. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1974. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1975. GOTO C35
  1976. ) ELSE (
  1977. ::Still running
  1978. ping >nul
  1979. GOTO C34
  1980. )
  1981. :C35
  1982. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\6th-windows6.1-kb3179573-x64.msu
  1983. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 6 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1984. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 6/9
  1985. :C37
  1986. ping >nul
  1987. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  1988. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  1989. GOTO C36
  1990. ) ELSE (
  1991. ::Still running
  1992. ping >nul
  1993. GOTO C37
  1994. )
  1995. :C36
  1996. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\7th-windows6.1-kb3185278-x64.msu
  1997. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 7 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  1998. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 7/9
  1999. :C39
  2000. ping >nul
  2001. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  2002. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2003. GOTO C38
  2004. ) ELSE (
  2005. ::Still running
  2006. ping >nul
  2007. GOTO C39
  2008. )
  2009. :C38
  2010. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\8th-windows6.1-kb3185330-x64.msu
  2011. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 8 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2012. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 8/9
  2013. :C40
  2014. ping >nul
  2015. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  2016. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2017. GOTO C41
  2018. ) ELSE (
  2019. ::Still running
  2020. ping >nul
  2021. GOTO C40
  2022. )
  2023. :C41
  2024. start C:\Tech_Squad\-Fresh_Load-\W7_64_Updates\9th-windows6.1-kb3197868-x64.msu
  2025. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Windows 7 64bit Update 9 of 9 >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2026. echo Running Windows 7 64 bit Update 9/9
  2027. :C42
  2028. ping >nul
  2029. PSLIST wusa >nul 2>&1
  2030. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2031. GOTO C43
  2032. ) ELSE (
  2033. ::Still running
  2034. ping >nul
  2035. GOTO C42
  2036. )
  2037. :C43
  2038. echo done!
  2039. ping >nul
  2040. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2042. :C_732
  2043. echo not functioning yet
  2044. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2046. :C_Classic
  2047. if not exist %Classic_Shell_Local_Path% (
  2048. echo.
  2049. echo Downloading Classic Shell Setup...
  2050. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Classic_Shell_Path%
  2051. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  2052. echo done!
  2053. echo.
  2054. )
  2055. start %Classic_Shell_Local_Path%
  2056. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Classic Shell Installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2057. ::echo waiting for Classic Shell installation to finish
  2058. :C21
  2059. ping >nul
  2060. ::PSLIST %Classic_Shell_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  2061. ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2062. :: GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2063. ::) ELSE (
  2064. :: ::Still running
  2065. :: ping >nul
  2066. :: GOTO C21
  2067. ::)
  2068. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2070. :C_Chrome
  2071. if not exist %Chrome_Local_Path% (
  2072. echo.
  2073. echo Downloading Chrome Standalone Setup...
  2074. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Chrome_Path%
  2075. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  2076. echo done!
  2077. echo.
  2078. )
  2079. start %Chrome_Local_Path%
  2080. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Google Chrome Installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2081. ::echo waiting for Google Chrome installation to finish
  2082. ::C24
  2083. ::ping >nul
  2084. ::PSLIST %Chrome_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  2085. ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2086. :: GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2087. ::) ELSE (
  2088. ::Still running
  2089. :: ping >nul
  2090. :: GOTO C24
  2091. ::)
  2092. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2094. :C_OpenOffice
  2095. if not exist %Open_Office_Local_Path% (
  2096. echo.
  2097. echo Downloading Open Office...
  2098. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Open_Office_Path%
  2099. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  2100. echo done!
  2101. echo.
  2102. )
  2103. start %Open_Office_Local_Path%
  2104. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Open Office Installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2105. ::Commented out PSLIST function.. it's annoying.. maybe one day ill find a real use for it.
  2106. ::echo waiting for Open Office installation to finish
  2107. :C22
  2108. ::ping >nul
  2109. ::PSLIST %Open_Office_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  2110. ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2111. :: GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2112. ::) ELSE (
  2113. ::Still running
  2114. :: ping >nul
  2115. :: GOTO C22
  2116. ::)
  2117. echo done
  2118. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2120. :C_OfficeStarter
  2121. if not exist %Office_Starter_Local_Path% (
  2122. echo.
  2123. echo Downloading Office Starter 2010
  2124. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 3 -m %Office_Starter_Path%
  2125. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  2126. echo done!
  2127. echo.
  2128. )
  2129. start %Office_Starter_Local_Path%
  2130. echo. %date% - %time%: Started Office Starter Installation >> C:\Tech_Squad\logs\fl2.0.log
  2131. echo waiting for Office 2010 Starter installation to finish
  2132. :C23
  2133. ping >nul
  2134. PSLIST %Office_Starter_PSLIST_Name% >nul 2>&1
  2135. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (
  2136. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2137. ) ELSE (
  2138. ::Still running
  2139. ping >nul
  2140. GOTO C23
  2141. )
  2142. GOTO Fresh_Load_Menu
  2144. ::END FRESH LOAD
  2146. :exitfunction
  2147. echo End.
  2148. if "%net_fail%" NEQ "1" (
  2149. start /min /wait wget --passive-ftp -np -nH --cut-dirs 1 -m %ftp_string%/volume1/cleanup.bat
  2150. Title Chase's EZPZ Script
  2151. start C:\Tech_Squad\cleanup.bat
  2152. )
  2153. exit
  2154. ::nothing here for now, but made a space for it incase I ever want to do something on close
  2157. :load_tips
  2158. set tip=0
  2159. set numtips=6
  2160. ::increase the numtips for the number of tips... duh?
  2162. set tip_3=Use this to make a Scan shortcut on the desktop C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c wiaacmgr
  2163. set tip_1=If an office install just says 'Encountered an error', delete the 'Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Office' folder
  2164. set tip_2=If the Microsoft Toolkit fails to install TAP adapter, go to settings and change the local host bypass to Windivert
  2165. set tip_4=Vsftpd user config files are located in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf/ and these limit a users permissions
  2166. set tip_5=If windows failed to connect to the SENS service. Use winsock netsh reset in cmd as admin.
  2167. set tip_6=Nothing is perfect.
  2168. echo.
  2169. echo --- Misc. ---
  2170. echo Tips loaded.
  2171. goto wget_paths
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