
PxA Final

Apr 10th, 2014
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  1. >>16878693
  2. Only sad part is after this is over, I doubt I'll have much else to contribute. Have another project I wanna really throw myself into and is one hundred percent non Ponka related.
  4. But, less talky, more conclusion...y. Fuck, that was less clever than I'd hoped.
  6. >Pinkamena had returned several hours later, to find the scene that had unfolded
  7. >you explained to her what had happened, with Twilight's magic surging out of control just before she'd died
  8. >obviously you omitted the part about her fixing your warped mind
  9. >Pinkamena twitches, quivering with obvious outrage
  10. >then, suddenly, she had a grin on her face
  11. >"It's allright Nonny," Pinkamena assured you. "Magic can get kinda crazy sometimes!"
  12. >"You're telling me," you agree. "I thought I was gonna die when she burst up off the table..."
  13. >"It's a good thing you didn't Nonny," she said, hoof on your shoulder. "I wouldn't want you to have missed out on the fun I have planned for tomorrow!"
  14. >tomorrow? That was sooner than you'd expected to have to act.
  15. >"Oh?" You asked, hoping against hope that none of the nervousness you felt was betrayed in your voice.
  16. "Uh-huh!" She continued. "There's only one other group of ponies that would have a reason to suspect us of a thing now..."
  17. >you freeze
  18. >she didn't mean...
  19. "Those three little fillies running around poking their noses into things they shouldn't be..." she explained
  20. >you fight against the bile rising in your stomach
  21. >"After this, we'll move on somewhere new," Pinkamena explained. "Somewhere bigger. Maybe Manehatten. Wouldn't that be nice Nonny? The big city!"
  22. >you barely even hear her
  23. >your mind is racing with panic
  24. >there was no way you could allow her to murder three innocent fillies
  25. >Nooooooonny?"
  26. >"Oh! Uh, yeah, we'll be able to have a lot more fun in a place like that!" you agree.
  27. >the words taste like poison in your mouth
  28. >every minute Pinkamena spent regaling you with tales of how she was planning the trio's murder at their clubhouse the next day made you sicker and and sicker to your stomach
  29. >the two of you eventually retire to bed
  30. >the warmth you had once taken such comfort in did little but remind you of the gravity of the situation you found yourself in
  31. >try as you might however, having not slept the previous night had taken its toll on you, and you eventually surrendered to the siren's song of sleep
  32. >you awoke the next morning with a start
  33. >you look around in a panic
  34. >where was Pinkamena
  35. >you see a paper on the nightstand beside the bed
  36. >you scoop it up and examine its contents
  37. >Heya sleepyhead! I just couldn't wait to get started today, so I went on ahead without you. You know where to find me...!
  38. >fuckingshitbitchniggertits
  39. >you raced out of the house and headed towards the clubhouse, hoping to whatever deity that might exist out there that you wouldn't find a pile of dead fillies waiting on you when you got there
  40. >you race across Ponyville as fast as you can
  41. >you finally arrive at the clubhouse, breathless
  42. >the trio of fillies was backed into a corner, huddled together and crying
  43. >a few nicks and bruises covered their bodies, but from what you could tell, they hadnt suffered any serious injuries yet
  44. >"Mister Anon, ya gotta help us!" Apple Bloom begs. "Pinkie's done gone plum crazy!"
  45. >"She's trying kill us!" Sweetie Belle added, her voice shaky
  46. >"Silly little fillies, Nonny isn't here to help YOU..." Pinkamena grins wildly, looking over at you.
  47. >sheer terror crosses the young one's faces as you wordlessly cross the gap between you and Pinkamena
  48. >"Please Anon! Please help us...!" Scootaloo pleaded
  49. >you didn't need any convincing
  50. >once you were close enough, you launched yourself at Pinkamena
  51. >the two of you tumble across the floor of the clubhouse
  52. >the knife she'd been holding clatters across the floor
  53. >Pinkamena's look of shock only lasts a second before it's replaced with pure fury
  54. >"You...!" She hissed. "You fucking ungrateful son of a BITCH!"
  55. >her hoof connects solidly with the side of your face
  56. >most people would've been sent feeling by the blow
  57. >your time with Pinkamena had enabled you to roll with the punch and retaliate with your own strike
  58. >Pinkamena tackles you with an inhuman (inpony?) cry of rage
  59. >she starts pummeling you with blows
  60. >"After all I did for you...even you betray me...dunno why I'm surprised...they always do..."
  61. >you might have a tolerance for pain, but blunt force trauma to the face still took its toll on you after a while
  62. >you were seeing double by the time she climbed off you
  63. >you wondered why she'd stopped short of ending it then and there
  64. >you got your answer as she swam back into focus
  65. >clenching the discarded knife
  66. >"I'm gonna take my time with you...then afterwards, I'm gonna drink those fillies' blood...just so you know how fucking insignificant your life really was."
  67. >she raised the knife, plunging it down into your shoulder
  68. >the pain is sharp, sharper than even your threshold was prepared to take
  69. >you cry out in agony
  70. >she gives the knife a good twist before withdrawing it
  71. >vomit forces itself up into your mouth from the excruciating pain
  72. >it takes all you have not to pass out
  73. >she raises the knife again, this time aiming for your throat
  74. >you catch her hoof with your remaining good arm, knowing this effort was the only thing between you and death
  75. >her strength is overwhelming, the knife slowly descending towards it's destination in your trachea
  76. >goddamn horse strength
  77. >you slowly begin to resolve yourself to the fact that you'd failed to protect the fillies
  78. >just like you'd failed at just about everything else
  79. >there are three tiny little screams and suddenly the pressure on your body is alleviated
  80. >the fillies!
  81. >you scramble to your feet
  82. >Pinkamena manages to shake the three of them off after a few seconds of effort
  83. >"If you little bitches wanna die first then I guess I can make that happen!" Pinkie cackles as she leers at the children
  84. >"No you don't!" you cry, launching feet first into the best flying drop kick you could manage
  85. >Pinkamena is sent skidding across the floor, the knife again seperated from her grasp
  86. >unfortunately you'd landed hard on your wounded shoulder
  87. >you felt something snap inside, likely your collarbone
  88. >you scramble to secure the weapon through the agony
  89. >Pinkamena is apparently undaunted by your possession of the knife, charging straight into you
  90. >you were ready for her this time however
  91. >she land on top of you, but her look of triumph quickly turns to shock as she realizes what has happened
  92. >the knife is buried deep inside her abdomen
  93. >you know what you have to do to end this
  94. >you slide the knife around inside her, causing what was inevitably fatal damage
  95. >you withdraw the knife, tears streaming down your face as Pinkamena collapses onto you, her lifeblood spilling out in an angry torrent
  96. >"I'm so sorry Pinkie Pie," you choke out, holding her tight to you as she starts to fade away
  97. >M-me-too...Nonny..." she answers weakly. "I got...kinda crazy, huh?"
  98. >"Y-yeah..." You reply between sobs. "But it's...over can rest."
  99. >"G-good..." she sighs, a faint smile crossing her lips. "You think...maybe...the rest of my friends will be there when I...wake up...?"
  100. >"I'm sure they will be," you assure the dying mare. "They'll all be so glad to see you."
  101. >she smiles weakly again, her last bits of consciousness fading away
  102. >and with that, Pinkamena Diane Pie was no more
  103. >the pain of all your injuries was finally starting to crash into you as the adrenaline wore off
  104. >none of it even rated next to the emotional agony you were experiencing
  105. >you continue to weep uncontrollably as you hold the body of the pink made, her warmth slowly starting to fade
  106. >the past few months had been filled with abuse, murder, rape, and deceit
  107. >but despite everything you knew one thing had been real
  108. >you had genuinely loved her
  109. >the three young fillies moved to console you, but you pushed them away
  110. "Just...go..." You tell them. "Get as far away from here as you can...and forget about me..."
  111. >"But mister Anon-"
  112. >I said GO!" you yelled, in a tone that made it clear you would brook no disagreement
  113. >reluctantly, the trio solemnly left you to your grief
  114. >suddenly you felt yourself getting very tired
  115. >had you lost too much blood...?
  116. >it didn't matter
  117. >you'd done enough damage to this world
  118. >as your consciousness faded, you hoped that maybe in saving the three fillies you could've worked off a fraction of the debt you'd incurred here before you landed in the hell you so rightly deserved
  119. >you awoke in a very unfamiliar setting
  120. >it appeared to be a dungeon of some sort
  121. >the all to familiar feeling of shackles hold your arms in place greeted you as you came more and more awake
  122. >the fact that you weren't roasting in hell right now genuinely confused you
  123. >You were aware of the presence of several ponies in the room with you
  124. >"He is waking, Sister," an unfamiliar voice called to your side
  125. >"Yes, I see," another voice answered
  126. >it was absolutely dripping with regality
  127. >"Leave us," the first voice called, and two uniformed ponies trotted in unison out of the room you were in
  128. >You finally figured out where you were
  129. >and the owner of the voices were-
  130. >"Hello Anonymous," the second voice greeted you, it's owner coming into your field of vision. Sure enough, it was Princess Celestia herself
  131. >"Greetings," the second voice added also stepping forward to confirm your suspicions
  132. >"Your highnesses," you greet weakly. "I'd curtesy, but I don't think I'm capable at the moment."
  133. >they weren't amused
  134. >"Sorry..." You apologize. How the hell had you ended up here?"
  135. "I suppose you're wondering what you're doing here," Celestia answered your unspoken question
  136. >you nod in response
  137. >"Tis our goal to ascertain precisely what ghastly chain of events could have led to the atrocities that occurred in Ponyville these past few months. We've reason to believe you are in part responsible."
  138. >you grimace at how close to the truth she'd landed
  139. >you proceed to confess everything to the royal sisters
  140. >your imprisonment, the murders, the ensuing chaos...everything
  141. >they stand wordlessly through your confession
  142. >finally Celestia breaks the silence
  143. >"That is...much to consider," she confesses, letting out a long sigh.
  144. >"What is there to consider?!" Luna exclaims beside her. "We should string this blackheart up by his entrails! He is responsible for the deaths of-"
  145. >"We will not move without considering all of the circumstances," Celestia told her sister evenly. "There were many factors that led to events unfolding they way they had; and if Anonymous is to be believed, he was cured of the darkness that had afflicted him."
  146. >that last comment brought Luna up short
  147. >if anyone here knew what it meant to be redeemed from darkness, it was her
  148. >"I agree with Luna," you interject, the two of them looking at you in surprise
  149. >"They were all national heroes," you begin to explain. "You cannot let it be known what really happened. If the ponies knew one of the heroes had turned on and murdered her friends, their confidence in the ideals you all hold dear would shatter."
  150. >Let me be the monster you need to punish for these crimes," you continue. "It'll be easy for them to believe, some bipedal freak from another world showed up and started killing ponies, and at long last he has been captured, and justice will be served."
  151. >"But that isn't fair, Anonymous," Celestia argued. "You would be reviled for hundreds if not thousands of years. Your name would become a pariah, a scare tale mares would tell colts and fillies to get them to eat their steamed daffodils over dinner."
  152. "It's necessary to prevent a much greater evil," you counter. "And if any pony here should know about necessary evils to preserve the nation, it's you, Princess."
  153. >Celestia opens her mouth continue arguing, but then abruptly shuts it again.
  154. >"It pains me to admit it, Anonymous, but you are correct," she finally concedes.
  155. >"Dont worry Princess, it's what I want," you assure her. "Perhaps in shouldering this burden, I can do something to recompense for the evils I have been responsible for in my time here."
  156. >your trial proceeds with much predicted public outcry
  157. >it had taken all the royal guards efforts to prevent ponies from storming the halls of justice to lunch you themselves
  158. >you had been sentenced to death by public hanging
  159. >it wasn't nearly as scary as you'd thought it would be, standing on the gallows, awaiting somepony to throw that switch
  160. >you'd stared death in the face a dozen times previously
  161. >you refuse the opportunity to offer any last words before the end comes
  162. >as the platform drops out from under you and the rope tightens, you catch a glance at Celestia weeping from her perch, her sister standing by her side, comforting her
  163. >they were the only two ponies who would ever know the truth of what had happened here today
  164. >as you had hoped it would be
  165. >now, finally, death was coming for you
  166. >you weren't sad though
  167. >you hoped, somehow, that maybe that pink horse would be waiting on you on the other side
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