

Jan 12th, 2019
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  2. 1. Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. – Mary Kay Ash
  4. 2. The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. – Mary Kay Ash
  6. 3. We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared. – Mary Kay Ash
  8. 4. Give yourself something to work toward – constantly. – Mary Kay Ash
  10. 5. People fall forward to success. – Mary Kay Ash
  12. 6. A good goal is like a strenuous exercise – it makes you stretch. – Mary Kay Ash
  14. 7. Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try. – Mary Kay Ash
  16. 8. Dare to risk public criticism. – Mary Kay Ash
  18. 9. Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway. – Mary Kay Ash
  20. 10. For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour. – Mary Kay Ash
  22. 11. There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise. – Mary Kay Ash
  24. 12. You can have anything in this world you want, if you want it badly enough and you’re willing to pay the price. – Mary Kay Ash
  26. 13. Those who are blessed with the most talent don’t necessarily outperform everyone else. It’s the people with follow-through who excel. – Mary Kay Ash
  28. 14. Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me. – Mary Kay Ash
  30. 15. When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure. – Mary Kay Ash
  32. 16. A strong beginning is a good thing only when coupled with a strong finish. – Mary Kay Ash
  34. 17. Think about it, no one can win a race in which he had given up. You can’t win a battle for which you have surrendered. – Mary Kay Ash
  36. 18. I was taught to put my best into anything I did and I can honestly say I’ve always done that. Still, there are many times when I failed, when I was disappointed. – Mary Kay Ash
  38. 19. We didn’t set the world on fire from the first day. Disappointments, setbacks and work created the company as it is today. – Mary Kay Ash
  40. 20. You cannot keep determined people from success. If you place stumbling blocks in their way, they will use them for stepping stones and climb to new heights. – Mary Kay Ash
  42. 21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. – Mary Kay Ash
  44. 22. If you act enthusiastic, you will become enthusiastic. A mediocre mind that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. – Mary Kay Ash
  46. 23. Over the years, I have observed that nearly all high achievers know how to make good of those 1440 minutes in each day. – Mary Kay Ash
  48. 24. An average person with average talents and average ambition can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society; if that person has clear focused goals. – Mary Kay Ash
  50. 25. God didn’t have time to create a nobody, just a somebody. I believe that each of us has God given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition. Each person is unique and special. – Mary Kay Ash
  52. 26. The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace ‘if I can’ or ‘I hope’ or ‘maybe’ with ‘I can,’ ‘i will’ and ‘I must”. – Mary Kay Ash
  54. 27. Forcing myself to think positively did wonders for my spirit. I was able to overcome the discontent inside me, and my old enthusiasm slowly returned. – Mary Kay Ash
  56. 28. Never rest on your laurels. Nothing wilts faster than a laurel sat upon. – Mary Kay Ash
  58. 29. You can do anything in this world that you want to do, if you want to do it badly enough and you are willing to pay the price. Often during my childhood, I heard those words from my mother, always urging me on to greater heights! They became so firmly implanted in my mind that they became the theme of my childhood and of my life. – Mary Kay Ash
  60. 30. Before you ever receive the wonderful treasures of a happy life, you must first give. Give of yourself. Be of service to others. Only what you give can be multiplied back into your own life. That is the law of the harvest, the law of the ten-fold return. If you give nothing, even if it is multiplied, you receive nothing. – Mary Kay Ash
  62. 31. Unlike many people who start a new business, money was not my prime motivation – not that I was so well off that it wasn’t a consideration; in fact, I had put my lifetime savings on the line. – Mary Kay Ash
  64. 32. I believe that most successful people are ordinary people with extraordinary determination. – Mary Kay Ash
  66. 33. Hope is wishing for something to come true. Faith is belief that it will come true. Believe that for every problem God gives you, He will also provide you with a solution. – Mary Kay Ash
  68. 34. People change and even products change. But over the course of time it’s the strength of a company’s philosophy that will determine whether or not it endures. – Mary Kay Ash
  70. 35. The definition of successful people is simply ordinary people with extraordinary determination. You cannot keep determined people from success. If you place stumbling blocks in their way, they will use them for stepping-stones and climb to new heights. People who succeed have a goal, a dream and make their plans and follow them. – Mary Kay Ash
  72. 36. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me. – Mary Kay Ash
  74. 37. Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. – Mary Kay Ash
  76. 38. There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be. I have always chosen to be in the first group. – Mary Kay Ash
  78. 39. Some people drift through their entire life. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. It happens so gradually they are unaware of how their lives are slipping away until it’s too late. – Mary Kay Ash
  80. 40. Individuals sometimes feel insignificant and doubt that one person can really make a difference in this world. Well, believe me, one person can. – Mary Kay Ash
  82. 41. Even the smallest achievements pave a way to great success. – Mary Kay Ash
  84. 42. In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia. – Mary Kay Ash
  86. 43. Never give up, because you never know if the next try is going to be the one that works. – Mary Kay Ash
  88. 44. Don’t let the negatives of life control you. Rise above them. Use them as your stepping stones to go higher than you ever dreamed possible. – Mary Kay Ash
  90. 45. You are the only boss you have. And I want you to be the most demanding boss that you can be. If you really want to make a success of this business, then you must put yourself on a schedule. – Mary Kay Ash
  92. 46. Remember, if you do the things you ought to do when you ought to do them, then someday you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them… Whatever you do or dream you can do—begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. – Mary Kay Ash
  94. 47. The first step is the hardest – making a commitment to yourself, for yourself. – Mary Kay Ash
  96. 48. People will support that which they help to create. – Mary Kay Ash
  98. 49. There is a way; Up, Around, Over or Through. – Mary Kay Ash
  100. 50. Do not desire to fit in. Desire to lead. – Mary Kay Ash
  102. 51. What the world thinks of me is none of my business. – Mary Kay Ash
  104. 52. Make every day count. Make every hour count. Make every minute count. And don’t stop until you have exercised your full potential, realizing your impossible dream and fulfilling your total destiny to become the person that you, and only you , are capable of being. – Mary Kay Ash
  106. 53. Believe in yourself and know that you can do anything in this world that you want to do if you want to do it badly enough and you are willing to travel the road. Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass. – Mary Kay Ash
  108. 54. The seeds you plant in the hearts and minds of others will be what you receive in return – 100-fold. Only sow that which you wish to receive in return. Sow good, receive good! Plant seeds daily in your Mary Kay business and your Mary Kay business will return to you. – Mary Kay Ash
  110. 55. I believe every person has the ability to achieve something important, and with that in mind I regard everyone as special. A manager should feel this way about people, but it’s an attitude that can’t be faked. You’ve got to be honestly convinced that every human being is important. – Mary Kay Ash
  112. 56. It is important for you to have a goal. You simply can’t get there if you don’t know where you are going. Begin to build in your mind a dream. The write it down and make your goal realistic. Aim high enough that you will have to stretch your ability and your potential to reach it. – Mary Kay Ash
  114. 57. I believe that you should praise people whenever you can; it causes them to respond as a thirsty plant responds to water. – Mary Kay Ash
  116. 58. Be a dreamer. Have a sense of greatness. It has been said that if you can dream it, you can do it. And I believe that. Before your dream can become a reality, you have to see it in your own mind; see its fulfillment, whatever it may be. – Mary Kay Ash
  118. 59. I’ve never yet met a person who didn’t want to be appreciated… – Mary Kay Ash
  120. 60. You can eat an elephant one bit at a time. – Mary Kay Ash
  122. 61. My definition of happiness is having something to do what you love to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. – Mary Kay Ash
  124. 62. If you have an idea and I have an idea – then we EACH have JUST ONE idea…but if you share your idea with me and I do the same…we EACH have TWO ideas! – Mary Kay Ash
  126. 63. One of the secrets of success is to refuse to let temporary setbacks defeat us. – Mary Kay Ash
  128. 64. Faith is a twenty-four hour a day commitment. – Mary Kay Ash
  130. 65. You can go as far as your mind lets you. – Mary Kay Ash
  132. 66. There’s a big difference between a decisive manager and a tyrant. – Mary Kay Ash
  134. 67. Left unattended, problems only intensify. – Mary Kay Ash
  136. 68. You never really fail until you stop wanting. – Mary Kay Ash
  138. 69. In fact, depending on how much you earn, you can afford to pay somebody to do almost anything you don’t like to do. – Mary Kay Ash
  140. 70. What’s interesting about subscribing to a life of giving is that you become addicted. – Mary Kay Ash
  142. 71. Your attitude determines your altitude. It really is true that If you think you can, you can; and if you think you can’t – you’re right. – Mary Kay Ash
  144. 72. Everyone has obstacles to overcome, but those with great faith can conquer whatever stands in the way. – Mary Kay Ash
  146. 73. Think in terms of what’s good for the other person and success will seek you out. – Mary Kay Ash
  148. 74. A risk-taking environment starts at the top of a corporation. If the CEO doesn’t have this spirit, chances are you won’t find it anywhere else in the organization. – Mary Kay Ash
  150. 75. Leaders teach. They motivate. They care. Leaders make sure that the way to success is always broad enough and straight enough for others to follow. – Mary Kay Ash
  152. 76. One intense hour is worth a dreamy day. – Mary Kay Ash
  154. 77. Fear is faith that it won’t work. – Mary Kay Ash
  156. 78. Real leaders aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. – Mary Kay Ash
  158. 79. Each of us wants to feel good about himself or herself, but to me it is just as important to make others feel the same way. – Mary Kay Ash
  160. 80. Be the kind of person who can always be counted on to do what you say you’ll do. – Mary Kay Ash
  162. 81. Help other people get what they want – and you’ll get what you want. – Mary Kay Ash
  164. 82. The most important justification for being in business is service to others. Every new business must be built upon the premise, since wanting to make money or desiring to ‘dabble’ in a favorite pastime are not enough to sustain such a venture. The business must fulfill a need. – Mary Kay Ash
  166. 83. In business everything is subject to change – people, products, buildings, machinery, everything – except principles. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, in matters of principle, stand like a rock; in other matters, swim with the current. So, while I strongly advocate flexibility, when it comes to principles we must stand firm. – Mary Kay Ash
  168. 84. I do believe in encouraging a person to compete with herself… at Mary Kay Cosmetics, we’ve made that philosophy a company policy. – Mary Kay Ash
  170. 85. Make people who work for you feel important. If you honor and serve them, they’ll honor and serve you. – Mary Kay Ash
  172. 86. Nothing happens until somebody sells something! – Mary Kay Ash
  174. 87. To me, P and L doesn’t only mean profit and loss – it also means people and love. – Mary Kay Ash
  176. 88. Let people know that you appreciate their performance and they will respond by doing even better. – Mary Kay Ash
  178. 89. Recognition is the most powerful of all motivating techniques. – Mary Kay Ash
  180. 90. When you listen, the benefit is twofold: You receive the necessary information, and you make the other person feel important. – Mary Kay Ash
  182. 91. True leaders establish success patterns that make everyone think success. – Mary Kay Ash
  184. 92. People often resist change when they don’t participate in the decision-making process. Some of the best leaders ‘plant the seed’ that permits others to propose the idea and take credit for it! – Mary Kay Ash
  186. 93. Never, absolutely never, compromise your principles. – Mary Kay Ash
  188. 94. We are meant to use and increase whatever God has given us. And when we do, we shall be given more. – Mary Kay Ash
  190. 95. You can’t stand still. You either go forward or backward. – Mary Kay Ash
  192. 96. Every person should have a lifetime self-improvement program. – Mary Kay Ash
  194. 97. Nobody wins ‘em all. If you come down on them too hard for losing, they’ll stop sticking their necks out. – Mary Kay Ash
  196. 98. The more enjoyment people derive from their work, the better they will produce. – Mary Kay Ash
  198. 99. You must develop the ability to know the difference between a real problem and an imaginary one. – Mary Kay Ash
  200. 100. I believe that work if often the best antidote for grief. – Mary Kay Ash
  202. 101. “If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.” Mary Kay Ash
  204. 102. “No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important.” Mary Kay Ash
  206. 103. “I believe that you should praise people whenever you can; It causes them to respond as a thirsty plant responds to water.” Mary Kay Ash
  208. 104. “For every failure there’s an alternative course of action. you just have to find it.” Mary Kay Ash
  210. 105. “Throw out the words, if I can, I hope, and maybe, and replace them with I can, I will, I must.” Mary Kay Ash
  212. 106. “Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, make me feel important. Never forget this message when working with people.” Mary Kay Ash
  214. 107. “Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” Mary Kay Ash
  216. 108. “Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” Mary Kay Ash
  218. 109. “We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal.” Mary Kay Ash
  220. 110. “Even the smallest achievements pave a way to great success.” Mary Kay Ash
  222. 111. “God didn’t have time to make a nobody, only a somebody. I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition.” Mary Kay Ash
  224. 112. “Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise.” Mary Kay Ash
  226. 113. “Success, in many cases, is failure turned inside out.” Mary Kay Ash
  228. 114. “The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything.” Mary Kay Ash
  230. 115. “Don’t let the negatives of life control you. Rise above them. Use them as your stepping stones to go higher than you ever dreamed possible.” Mary Kay Ash
  232. 116. “A good goal is like a strenuous exercise – it makes you stretch.” Mary Kay Ash
  234. 117. “You cannot keep determined people from success.” Mary Kay Ash
  236. 118. “We treat our people like royalty. If you honour and serve the people who work for you, they will honour and serve you.” Mary Kay Ash
  238. 119. “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” Mary Kay Ash
  240. 120. “Fake it till you make it.” Mary Kay Ash
  242. 121. “People fall forward to success.” Mary Kay Ash
  244. 122. “A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.” Mary Kay Ash
  246. 123. “Never give up, because you never know if the next try is going to be the one that works.” Mary Kay Ash
  248. 124. “The definition of successful people is simply ordinary people with extraordinary determination.” Mary Kay Ash
  250. 125. “Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile.” Mary Kay Ash
  252. 126. “Give yourself something to work toward constantly.” Mary Kay Ash
  254. 127. “Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless.” Mary Kay Ash
  256. 128. “You can do anything in this world that you want to do, if you want to do it badly enough.” Mary Kay Ash
  258. 129. “God first, then family, then career.” Mary Kay Ash
  260. 130. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” Mary Kay Ash
  262. 131. “Some people drift through their entire life. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. It happens so gradually they are unaware of how their lives are slipping away until it’s too late.” Mary Kay Ash
  264. 132. “The first step is the hardest – making a commitment to yourself, for yourself.” Mary Kay Ash
  266. 133. “Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.” Mary Kay Ash
  268. 134. “Within yourself lies everything you’ve ever dreamed of being.” Mary Kay Ash
  270. 135. “Be a dreamer. Have a sense of greatness. It has been said that if you can dream it, you can do it. And I believe that. Before your dream can become a reality, you have to see it in your own mind; see its fulfilment, whatever it may be.” Mary Kay Ash
  272. 136. People are happiest when they have goals, small and large, because they can look forward to attaining them. – Mary Kay Ash
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