

Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. Character Name: Botan (Boat-an)
  2. Species: Registered, Classified. Alien experiment #269, Botanical Organic Analysis
  3. Born on Arma
  4. Age (Actual/Apparent): Classified | 19yrs
  5. Occupation: Botanical Analysis Researcher and Field Scout Expert, owned property of Arma
  6. Sector (Residence AND Occupational): Varies as needed (works on Arma), lives in Lab #103 at New Haven, Sector 51 near Arma Docking Station
  7. Education: Known Botanical Life, Advanced Calculations, Human Social Ethnics and Customs 101 (Basics.. failing)
  9. Pets (include description): Buzzby the Rumble Bee - A soccer ball-sized bumble bee. This is a special creature, a pollinator on a gigantic proportion, as well as single-creature means to create honey. However, both the larval and pupae stages have a massive length to hatch and cycle. This pupae stage lasted for a year before it finally hatched into a very fluffy black and yellow bee, with wings that let it fly amazingly fast and defy physics for such a roly-poly form. The Rumble Bee can fly in silence, or with a loud hum, often singing with its wings and dancing. Its defense is a thick bristly needle-like layer of fuzz that can spring up and be shaken off at others as a great irritant, like many fine splinters. The Rumble Bee also has a stinger, which similar to a wasp's, can be used over and over again and is about the size of a knitting needle. A specialty of the Rumble Bee is collecting things, as well as turning certain products of herbs and flowers into a nectar and honey-like substance. This is the only substance it will eat, so it stocks up on it. The substance can also be made into a powder that creates a euphoric calming effect when burned or ingested, useful for relaxing.
  11. Description (Height, Weight, etc - pics welcome): Botan is a strange human-like being, resembling mostly a human with green flesh and dark green hair. On closer observation, one can see the highlighted shades of pink about his neon green gaze and speckled freckled nose bridge and cheeks dusted in what looks like sparkling pollen, but serve for receptors to light. He looks male and sounds male, but his form lacks the male lower region. Truth is, he has a male mind and associates with being male, yet has a female lower region that best resembles a strange flower.
  12. Botan's form is lithe and thin, terribly light weight even for his well proportioned 4ft size resembling a male adult without dwarven stature, merely a reduced size. He does not have bones persay, being akin to hollow boned with inner plant workings much like a stem, resulting in green blood and pigment. His bodily functions are similar but different, as he breathes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. He must also walk on soil barefoot to ingest its nutrients or adapt to a planetary surface to mimic existing plantlife, allowing him to exist adapted to their manner of existing. Though this process must be repeated to return to his home, which is akin to a large garden and any adaptations or changes altering his form (new flowers, skin pigmentation or other) will slowly fade as he re-adapts. What is toxic or harmful to plants, tends to harm him. Chemicals like bleach and salt water (without proper adaptation) are deadly and will result in a pale yellowing, whitening or darkening brown of flesh and drooping appearance until death. Extreme heat or cold is also an issue. When not adapting to plantlife, but being away from pure soil or light for too long, Botan must have chlorophyll injections similar to insulin. He carries a full two week's supply at all times, which can be rationed to allow for lesser functioning life for up to a month. Botan carries such in a brown leather satchel or backpack, and often wears a simple light-fabric uniform, when not wearing his home clothing, which is a simple long lengthed dark green or brown loincloth. His technological items include tools for research and specimens as well as a wristwatch that doubles as tracking, communications, and a verbal log memobook.
  14. Background/History: Classified. Public knowledge knows Botan to be a not-so-expendable yet useful scout (often the first living being, though lacking defenses and being fragile) to venture to planets or unknown areas and deduce toxins, air breathability and composition and basically be a branch (so to speak) between finding out about a planet's environment outside of technological means, and with a clear, concise communication about such. His origin is rumored to be home-grown experiment from Arma, or acquired alien lifeform. He has never had a child form, and though resembling a smaller version of an adult, Botan carries a strange logical perspective with an innocent, child-like curiosity. He has limited knowledge of his own origins, including time and location, upbringing and more. This does leave his origin rumors as pure speculation.
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