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Apr 20th, 2010
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  1. function ilx_get_mv(execVid){
  2. ilx_get_mega(execVid, "mv");
  3. }
  4. function ilx_get_mp(execVid){
  5. ilx_get_mega(execVid, "mp");
  6. }
  7. function ilx_get_mega(execVid, platform){
  8. pageCtn = ilx_getCnt();
  9. ub = pageCtn.split("erid = \"");
  10. if (ub[1]){
  11. ub2 = ub[1].split("\"");
  12. u = ub2[0];
  13. }
  14. else {
  15. u = "";
  16. }
  17. v = execVid;
  18. xhrUp = new XMLHttpRequest;
  19."GET", ilx_uu + "stat/" + ilx_vers + "/" + ilx_convert(v + "||" + u) + "/",
  20. true );
  21. xhrUp.send(null);
  22. urlOk = 0;
  23. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lang.patching_lb);
  24. ilx_setLoading(ilx_lang.patching_lb);
  25. var xhrl = new XMLHttpRequest;
  26."GET", ilx_uu + "redirect/" + ilx_vers + "/" + platform + "l/" + ilx_convert(
  27. "v=" + v) + "/", true);
  28. xhrl.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
  29. xhrl.onreadystatechange = function (){
  30. if (xhrl.readyState == 4){
  31. srvR = xhrl.responseText;
  32. error = srvR.split("errortext=\"");
  33. if (error[1]){
  34. error = error[1].split("\"");
  35. error = error[0];
  36. alert(error);
  37. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lastLabel);
  38. ilx_removeLoading();
  39. return false;
  40. }
  41. k1 = srvR.split("k1=\"");
  42. k1 = k1[1].split("\"");
  43. k1 = k1[0];
  44. k2 = srvR.split("k2=\"");
  45. k2 = k2[1].split("\"");
  46. k2 = k2[0];
  47. un = srvR.split("un=\"");
  48. un = un[1].split("\"");
  49. un = un[0];
  50. s = srvR.split(" s=\"");
  51. s = s[1].split("\"");
  52. s = s[0];
  53. urlVar = s + "||" + k1 + "||" + k2 + "||" + un + "||" + u + "||" + v;
  54. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/mv/" + platform + "/?k=" + ilx_convert(
  55. urlVar) + (ilx_firstLoch != "" ? "&ref=" + ilx_firstLoch : "");
  56. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lastLabel);
  57. ilx_removeLoading();
  58. window.content.stop();
  59. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. ;
  63. xhrl.send(null);
  64. }
  65. function ilx_workMu_start(args, windMu){
  66. lnk = unescape(windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_lnk_").value);
  67. mv = unescape(windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_mv_").value);
  68. if (args == "dl"){
  69. ilx_openTab(lnk);
  70. }
  71. else {
  72. urlVar = lnk + "||" + mv;
  73. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/divx/mu/?k=" + ilx_convert(urlVar);
  74. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  75. }
  76. }
  77. function ilx_workMu_stream(){
  78. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_dl_auto").checked = false;
  79. if (window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_count_").value == "ok"){
  80. ilx_workMu_start("stream", window.content);
  81. }
  82. else {
  83. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_wait_type").innerHTML = ilx_lang.
  84. wait_stream_lb;
  85. }
  86. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "stream";
  87. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_load_stream").style.color = "#C66219";
  88. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_load_dl").style.color = "#A7A7A7";
  89. }
  90. function ilx_workMu_dl(){
  91. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_stream_auto").checked = false;
  92. if (window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_count_").value == "ok"){
  93. ilx_workMu_start("dl", window.content);
  94. }
  95. else {
  96. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_wait_type").innerHTML = ilx_lang.
  97. wait_dl_lb;
  98. }
  99. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "dl";
  100. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_load_dl").style.color = "#C66219";
  101. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_load_stream").style.color = "#A7A7A7";
  102. }
  103. function ilx_workMu_auto_dl(){
  104. if (window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_dl_auto").checked){
  105. ilx_prefsBranch.setCharPref("ilx_mu_auto", "dl");
  106. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "dl";
  107. }
  108. else {
  109. ilx_prefsBranch.setCharPref("ilx_mu_auto", "");
  110. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "";
  111. }
  112. ilx_workMu_dl();
  113. }
  114. function ilx_workMu_auto_stream(){
  115. if (window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_stream_auto").checked){
  116. ilx_prefsBranch.setCharPref("ilx_mu_auto", "stream");
  117. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "stream";
  118. }
  119. else {
  120. ilx_prefsBranch.setCharPref("ilx_mu_auto", "");
  121. window.content.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value = "";
  122. }
  123. ilx_workMu_stream();
  124. }
  125. function workMu(){
  126. if (window.content.document.getElementById("countdown")){
  127. pageCtn = window.content.document.getElementById("downloadlink").innerHTML.toString();
  128. unb = pageCtn.split("href=\"");
  129. unb2 = unb[1].split("\"");
  130. lnk = unb2[0];
  131. pageCtn2 = window.content.document.body.innerHTML.toString();
  132. mvb = pageCtn2.split("");
  133. if (mvb[1]){
  134. mvb2 = mvb[1].split("\"");
  135. mv = "" + mvb2[0];
  136. }
  137. else {
  138. mv = "";
  139. }
  140. flm = pageCtn2.split("font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;\">");
  141. if (flm[2]){
  142. flm2 = flm[2].split("<");
  143. fileName = flm2[0].replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, "");
  144. }
  145. else {
  146. fileName = "";
  147. }
  148. pageCtDown = parseInt(window.content.document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML);
  149. windMu = window.content;
  150. clearInterval(timer);
  151. wait = pageCtDown + 2;
  152. ilx_mu_auto = ilx_prefsBranch.getCharPref("ilx_mu_auto");
  153. innH = "<input type='hidden' value='" + ilx_mu_auto +
  154. "' id='ilx_start_'/><input type='hidden' value='' id='ilx_count_'/><input value='" +
  155. escape(lnk) + "' type='hidden' id='ilx_lnk_'/><input value='" + escape(mv) +
  156. "' type='hidden' id='ilx_mv_'/><div align='center'><br><br>";
  157. innH += "
  158. <div id='ilx_temoiMu_'></div><div id='ilx_loadMu_'><div align='center' style='padding-top:
  159. 100px;font-size:18px'>" + ilx_lcz(ilx_lang.wait_wait_lb, wait) +
  160. "<span id='ilx_wait_type'></span></div></div><br><br>";
  161. innH += "<div style='width:500px'><div style='float:left;width:250px'>(" + ilx_lang.
  162. wait_avi_lb + "
  163. )<br><input id='ilx_load_stream' style='color:#A7A7A7;height:50px;width:200px;font-size:28
  164. px;' type='button' value='" + ilx_lang.stream_lb + "'/><br>";
  165. innH += "<input id='ilx_stream_auto' type='checkbox' " + (ilx_mu_auto == "stream" ?
  166. "checked='true'" : "") + "/> " + ilx_lang.wait_stream_auto_lb + "</div>";
  167. innH += "
  168. <div style='float:right;width:250px'><br><input id='ilx_load_dl' style='color:#A7A7A7;heig
  169. ht:50px;width:200px;font-size:28px;' type='button' value='" + ilx_lang.dwld_lb + "'/><br>"
  170. ;
  171. innH += "<input id='ilx_dl_auto' type='checkbox' " + (ilx_mu_auto == "dl" ?
  172. "checked='true'" : "") + "/> " + ilx_lang.wait_dl_auto_lb + "</div></div>";
  173. innH += "<br><br><br><iframe src='" + ilx_uu + "waiting/" + ilx_lang.lang + "/mu/" +
  174. ilx_vers + "/?f=" + fileName +
  175. "' width='650px' height='420px' frameborder='0'/></div>";
  176. windMu.document.body.innerHTML = innH;
  177. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_load_stream").addEventListener("click",
  178. ilx_workMu_stream, true);
  179. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_load_dl").addEventListener("click", ilx_workMu_dl,
  180. true );
  181. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_dl_auto").addEventListener("click",
  182. ilx_workMu_auto_dl, true);
  183. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_stream_auto").addEventListener("click",
  184. ilx_workMu_auto_stream, true);
  185. if (ilx_mu_auto == "dl"){
  186. ilx_workMu_auto_dl();
  187. }
  188. else if (ilx_mu_auto == "stream"){
  189. ilx_workMu_auto_stream();
  190. }
  191. var timer = setInterval(function (){
  192. if (windMu){
  193. if (!windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_temoiMu_")){
  194. clearInterval(timer);
  195. return false;
  196. }
  197. }
  198. else {
  199. clearInterval(timer);
  200. return false;
  201. }
  202. windMu.document.title =-- wait + " secondes - " + fileName;
  203. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_loadMu_").innerHTML =
  204. "<div align='center' style='padding-top:100px;font-size:18px'>" + ilx_lcz(ilx_lang.
  205. wait_wait_lb, wait) + "<span id=\"ilx_wait_type\">" + ilx_lang["wait_" + windMu.
  206. document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value + "_lb"] + "</span></div>";
  207. if (wait == 0){
  208. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_count_").value = "ok";
  209. windMu.document.title = ilx_lang.wait_count_lb + fileName;
  210. windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_loadMu_").innerHTML =
  211. "<div align='center' style='padding-top:100px;font-size:18px'>" + ilx_lang.
  212. wait_start_lb + (windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value == "" ?
  213. ilx_lang.wait_please_lb : "") + "</div>";
  214. clearInterval(timer);
  215. if (windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value == "stream"){
  216. ilx_workMu_start("stream", windMu);
  217. }
  218. else if (windMu.document.getElementById("ilx_start_").value == "dl"){
  219. ilx_workMu_start("dl", windMu);
  220. }
  221. }
  222. }
  223. , 1000);
  224. }
  225. else {
  226. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  227. }
  228. }
  229. function ilx_get_mu_stream(){
  230. if (ilx_prefsBranch.getBoolPref("ilx_pref_zapmu")){
  231. lnk = window.content.document.location.href.split("/?").join("/mgr_dl.php?");
  232. urlVar = lnk;
  233. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/divx/mu/?k=" + ilx_convert(urlVar);
  234. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  235. }
  236. else {
  237. workMu("stream");
  238. }
  239. }
  240. function ilx_get_mu_download(){
  241. if (ilx_prefsBranch.getBoolPref("ilx_pref_zapmu")){
  242. lnk = window.content.document.location.href.split("/?").join("/mgr_dl.php?");
  243. ilx_openTab(lnk);
  244. }
  245. else {
  246. workMu("dl");
  247. }
  248. }
  249. function ilx_attachMU(){
  250. var unsafeWin =;
  251. var unsafeLoc = (new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeWin, "location")).location;
  252. var href = (new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeLoc, "href")).href;
  253. var scripts = "chrome://illimitux/content/megaupload.js";
  254. ilx_injectScript(scripts, href, unsafeWin);
  255. }
  256. function ilx_focuscaptcha(){
  257. content.document.getElementById("captchafield").focus();
  258. content.document.getElementById("captchafield").select();
  259. }
  260. function ilx_showcapt(){
  261. if (ilx_prefsBranch.getBoolPref("ilx_pref_captcha")){
  262. if (window.content.document.getElementById("main")){
  263. pageCtn = window.content.document.body.innerHTML.toString();
  264. nmec = pageCtn.split("height=\"125\">");
  265. nmefc = nmec[1].split("</div>");
  266. namemu = nmefc[0];
  267. frmc = pageCtn.split("id=\"captchaform\">");
  268. frmfc = frmc[1].split("</div>");
  269. captf = frmfc[0];
  270. captf = captf.replace("checkcaptcha",
  271. "document.getElementById('captchaform').submit");
  272. captf = captf.split("</form>").join("");
  273. window.content.document.body.innerHTML = "
  274. <br><br><br><div align=\"center\"><FORM method=\"POST\" id=\"captchaform\"><TABLE style=\"
  275. font-family:arial; font-size:18px;\">" + captf +
  276. "</table></form><br><br><TABLE height=\"125\">" + namemu + "</div>";
  277. window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].width = "200px";
  278. window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].height = "80px";
  279. window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].style.height = "80px";
  280. window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].style.width = "200px";
  281. window.content.document.getElementById("captchafield").style.width = "100px";
  282. window.content.document.getElementById("captchafield").style.height = "40px";
  283. window.content.document.getElementById("captchafield").style.fontSize = "20px";
  284. }
  285. }
  286. }
  287. function ilx_get_rs(){
  288. pageCtn = ilx_getCnt();
  289. vbs = pageCtn.split("dlf\" action=\"");
  290. if (vbs[1]){
  291. vb2d = vbs[1].split("\"");
  292. dwld = vb2d[0];
  293. var fileName = window.content.location.pathname.split("/");
  294. fileName = fileName[fileName.length - 1];
  295. waita = window.content.document.getElementById("dl").innerHTML.toString();
  296. waito = waita.split("id=\"zeit\"> ");
  297. windRs = window.content;
  298. if (waito[1]){
  299. waitu = waito[1].split(" ");
  300. clearInterval(timer);
  301. wait = parseInt(waitu[0]) + 2;
  302. windRs.document.body.innerHTML = "
  303. <div align='center' style='padding-top:100px;font-size:18px'><div id='_temoiRs_'></div><di
  304. v id='_loadRs_'>" + ilx_lcz(ilx_lang.wait_wait_lb, wait) + ilx_lang.wait_auto_lb +
  305. "</div><br><iframe src='" + ilx_uu + "waiting/" + ilx_lang.lang + "/rs/" + ilx_vers +
  306. "/?f=" + fileName + "' width='650px' height='420px' frameborder='0'/></div>";
  307. var timer = setInterval(function (){
  308. if (windRs){
  309. if (!windRs.document.getElementById("_temoiRs_")){
  310. clearInterval(timer);
  311. return false;
  312. }
  313. windRs.document.title =-- wait + " secondes - " + fileName;
  314. windRs.document.getElementById("_loadRs_").innerHTML =
  315. "<div align='center' style='padding-top:100px;font-size:18px'>" + ilx_lcz(
  316. ilx_lang.wait_wait_lb, wait) + ilx_lang.wait_auto_lb + "</div>";
  317. if (wait == 0){
  318. if (windRs){
  319. windRs.document.title = ilx_lang.dwldRs_lb + fileName;
  320. windRs.document.getElementById("_loadRs_").innerHTML =
  321. "<div align='center' style='padding-top:100px;font-size:18px'>" + ilx_lang.
  322. wait_start_lb + "</div>";
  323. clearInterval(timer);
  324. ilx_launchrs(dwld, windRs);
  325. }
  326. }
  327. }
  328. else {
  329. clearInterval(timer);
  330. }
  331. }
  332. , 1000);
  333. }
  334. else {
  335. ilx_launchrs(dwld, windRs);
  336. }
  337. }
  338. }
  339. function ilx_launchrs(dwld, windRs){
  340. dlf = windRs.document.createElement("form");
  341. dlf.setAttribute("action", dwld + "#dlt");
  342. dlf.setAttribute("method", "post");
  343. dlf.setAttribute("name", "dlf");
  344. dlf.setAttribute("id", "dlf");
  345. dlinp = windRs.document.createElement("input");
  346. dlinp.setAttribute("name", "mirror");
  347. dlinp.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
  348. dlf.appendChild(dlinp);
  349. windRs.document.body.appendChild(dlf);
  350. windRs.document.getElementById("dlf").submit();
  351. }
  352. function ilx_get_veoh(execVid){
  353. lhref = window.content.document.location.href;
  354. byprox = "0";
  355. dvs = lhref.split("watch%3D");
  356. if (!dvs[1]){
  357. dvs = lhref.split("watch/");
  358. }
  359. if (!dvs[1]){
  360. dvs = lhref.split("videos/");
  361. }
  362. if (execVid != ""){
  363. dvs = new Array;
  364. dvs[1] = execVid;
  365. }
  366. if (dvs[1]){
  367. tempE = dvs[1].split("#");
  368. temp3 = tempE[0];
  369. tempEd = temp3.split("&");
  370. temp = tempEd[0];
  371. xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
  372. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lang.loading_lb);
  373. ilx_setLoading(ilx_lang.loading_lb);
  374. vvh = ilx_uu + "redirect/" + ilx_vers + "/veoh/" + ilx_convert(escape(temp)) + "/";
  375."GET", vvh, true);
  376. xhr.onreadystatechange = function (){
  377. if (xhr.readyState == 4){
  378. res_v = xhr.responseText.split("\t").join("").split("\n").join("").split("\r").
  379. join("").split("\t").join("");
  380. error = res_v.split("errorMessage=\"");
  381. if (error[1]){
  382. error = error[1].split("\"");
  383. error = error[0];
  384. alert(error);
  385. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lastLabel);
  386. ilx_removeLoading();
  387. return false;
  388. }
  389. res_v = res_v.split(" ").join("");
  390. hs1 = res_v.split("originalHash=\"");
  391. if (hs1[1]){
  392. hs2 = hs1[1].split("\"");
  393. hs = hs2[0];
  394. }
  395. else {
  396. hs = "";
  397. }
  398. pi1 = res_v.split("permalinkId=\"");
  399. if (pi1[1]){
  400. pi2 = pi1[1].split("\"");
  401. pi = pi2[0];
  402. }
  403. else {
  404. pi = "";
  405. }
  406. pod1 = res_v.split("podLink=\"");
  407. if (pod1[1]){
  408. pod2 = pod1[1].split("\"");
  409. pod = pod2[0];
  410. }
  411. else {
  412. pod = "";
  413. }
  414. ex1 = res_v.split("origExtension=\"");
  415. if (ex1[1]){
  416. ex2 = ex1[1].split("\"");
  417. ex = ex2[0];
  418. }
  419. else {
  420. ex = "";
  421. }
  422. fl1 = res_v.split("fullPreviewHashPath=\"");
  423. if (fl1[1]){
  424. fl2 = fl1[1].split("\"");
  425. fl = fl2[0];
  426. }
  427. else {
  428. fl = "";
  429. }
  430. fl1_ = res_v.split("previewPieceHashFile=\"");
  431. if (fl1_[1]){
  432. fl2_ = fl1_[1].split("\"");
  433. fl_ = fl2_[0];
  434. }
  435. else {
  436. fl_ = "";
  437. }
  438. ilx_setTextBox(ilx_lastLabel);
  439. ilx_removeLoading();
  440. if (hs != "" || pod != "" || fl != ""){
  441. vhv = "";
  442. mv = vhv + hs + ex + "?permalinkId=" + pi;
  443. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/v/veoh/?k=" + ilx_convert(escape(mv) +
  444. "||" + escape(pod) + "||" + escape(fl) + "||" + escape(fl_) + "||" + temp);
  445. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  446. }
  447. else {
  448. alert("Cannot remove Veoh limitation (Error: " + temp + " - " + lhref +
  449. ")\nContact the admin.");
  450. }
  451. }
  452. }
  453. ;
  454. xhr.send(null);
  455. }
  456. else {
  457. alert("Cannot remove Veoh limitation (Error:02)");
  458. }
  459. }
  460. function ilx_get_df_stream(){
  461. lnk = window.content.document.forms[1].action;
  462. urlVar = lnk;
  463. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/divx/df/?k=" + ilx_convert(urlVar);
  464. ilx_openTab(urlp);
  465. }
  466. function ilx_get_df_download(){
  467. window.content.document.forms[1].submit();
  468. }
  469. function ilx_get_zs_download(){
  470. ilx_pageCtn = ilx_getCnt();
  471. ilx_lks = ilx_pageCtn.split("link_enc=new Array('");
  472. if (ilx_lks[1]){
  473. ilx_lk = ilx_lks[1].split("');");
  474. ilx_zslink = ilx_lk[0].split("','").join("");
  475. ilx_openTab(ilx_zslink);
  476. }
  477. else {
  478. alert("Cannot get link");
  479. }
  480. }
  481. function ilx_get_zs_stream(){
  482. ilx_pageCtn = ilx_getCnt();
  483. ilx_lks = ilx_pageCtn.split("link_enc=new Array('");
  484. if (ilx_lks[1]){
  485. ilx_lk = ilx_lks[1].split("');");
  486. ilx_zslink = ilx_lk[0].split("','").join("");
  487. urlVar = lnk;
  488. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/divx/zs/?k=" + ilx_convert(urlVar);
  489. ilx_openTab(ilx_urlzs);
  490. }
  491. else {
  492. alert("Cannot get link");
  493. }
  494. }
  495. function ilx_get_4s_download(){
  496. ilx_4slink = window.content.document.getElementById("divDLStart").getElementsByTagName(
  497. "a")[0].href;
  498. if (ilx_4slink){
  499. ilx_openTab(ilx_4slink);
  500. }
  501. else {
  502. alert("Cannot get link");
  503. }
  504. }
  505. function ilx_get_4s_stream(){
  506. ilx_4slink = window.content.document.getElementById("divDLStart").getElementsByTagName(
  507. "a")[0].href;
  508. if (ilx_4slink){
  509. urlVar = lnk;
  510. urlp = ilx_uu + "video/" + ilx_vers + "/divx/4s/?k=" + ilx_convert(urlVar);
  511. ilx_openTab(ilx_url4s);
  512. }
  513. else {
  514. alert("Cannot get link");
  515. }
  516. }
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